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pickup: shelium&maiko // 1 happy & 2 sad posters. :)

Let me blow your mind.



Hiii lovelies ♥ My name is Aly and i'm on summer vaca so

i have a lot of free time that's why i created a tr

So uhmn, yeah, i'm pretty nice too, let's be friends! ☺


Give me
pictures, this is the major rule. (&pics with solid background,
if possible

properly & cleary. Use my username unless you know me.

Big Bang & Wonder Girls requests will always be loved. ♥

Don't rush me, i'm pretty slow even though i have time.

Be friendly? ☺

> No samples. Request at your own risk darlings.







Short summary:

Anything else in specific:



SPOT 1 ✓ 4jsis4

SPOT 2 ✓ Shelium

SPOT 3 ✓ xReiko-Love


SPOT 1 ☐ DewOfTheSea

SPOT 2 ☐

SPOT 3 ☐

happy requesting!

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aw hi aly! i remember you from the wonderbang thread : ) hahas, i hope you still remember me as well, if not, i'm linda hehe just to refresh your memory! i love the gd gift HAHA, it's so cute. i should search him on tumblr more, and your second example is beautiful. i adore the bright colors, ahhas, i don't have anything happy to request for but i'll stick around for some pretty results : )

p.s {coughcoughheedragonisdefinitelyforever}

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Hello aly! I've seen you around but haven't been able to properly meet you! I'm Camille and i love Big Bang and Wonderbang toooo~ HD is amazing. They're so cute together! But my bias is TooBin lol. Anyways, can I be back with my request later? In other words, I CLAIM A SPOT :)

title; The Unlucky Man

subtitle; Because everyday became Mondays

mood; bubbly, happy, light-hearted, all that good stuff :)

pictures; Kwon Ji Yong

author; 4jsis4

extra; REALLY brief summary: This story is a GD & NG fic. It's about how GD's perfect life goes down the drain unexpectedly, and how he meets this girl who seems amazing in all aspects, yet she has her own skeletons in her closet.

Told you it was brief xD. Take your time!!!

p.s/ you say you're noob and your works are so cute and amazing!!! I envy you LOL. T_T

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@Yoyo: Hi linda! Thank you for visitng the tr thread~ :3 Anyway i think you got the wrong person. Hehe, i haven't really posted in the soompi's wb thread because when i discovered that thread, it was already closed. TT^TT But yes, i do know you! I do know you because i've seen the whole wonderbang thread here and i've seen a lot of your posts and i've read your heedragon fanfictions ~ oh srsly, you're one of my favorite hdefs. *_________* anyway, yes! heedragon is forever~ <3

@4jsis4: Hi camille! Nice to meet you! I've done your request today, i had like 7 versions of this one but i couldn't color the pictures properly and i don't know, ps is being a jerk today i guess T^T i hope you like this tho. TT^TT


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Guest MR. LEE'S

first of all, that gif is so cute. it makes me realize the fact that gd has cute lips! haha. oh and that poster is so cute i especially love the font and texture usage. so cute. for real, gd looks the best on that hairstyle. no kidding. if he keeps it i think he'll get a new lover. kekekeke

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Guest shelium

FUDGEEEEEEEEE I NEED A SPOT!! So much sexiness up thaarrr!!


title; garret for two

mood; reflective, or happy if you want ;)

pictures; naomi *0* 1 2 3 4 5 6 || daisei *0a* *0b* *0c* *0d* 1 2 3 4  *if you dont want to, you don't need to include both guy and girl

author; shelium

summary; three short stories put together in one thread; at the core of all three stories, there is one portrayed girl who develops different relationships with the people in her surroundings.  in other words, it's simply a story of uncommitted relationships and delightful discoveries about herself.

extra; YOUR POSTERS OHHH GAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW I LOVE YOU FOR TAKING REQUESTS LOL && summary: naomi runs  away from home with her brother--only for him to abandon her in the  middle of the nowhere with a man she doesn't know! in three short  stories, her narrative reveals her uncommitted relationships with those  she meets in her new settings, and the inspirations of love that  motivates her to change.

I'm so sorry if the pictures aren't big enough.. All the pictures I found of her were so dark and gloomy, but I wanted to match your poster style (cause I totally love it).. And I didn't want to change models since I like the sort of aura Lee Ji Ah emits?  She's kind of unique haha

request fulfilled<3

Btw, my name's Sarah! AGAIN.. Thank you so much for taking requests. *___* You are amazing<33

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Guest jjang-na

I freakinggg LOVE that  poster.. Its soo cute!!!! I wanna request But my fics a DBSK fic.. so yea. haha. Do you accept dbsk fic requests?

But  anyways~ hhahaa You are a fabulous Designer~~~ <3

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Guest xReiko-Love

Okay, I just had to request~ ^^

title; Please Say You Love Me

subtitle; It's a matter of not falling in love or being homeless.

mood; Happy, com-rom, modern fairytale-ish? lol

pictures; Yong Junhyung /NG

author; xReiko-Love (or you can put Maiko)

summary; Kay, so after being the rebellious child, Minyoung (NG) ran away from home due to family issues and rented a place but unfortunately she doesn't have a job so she is homeless..for now. She and Junhyung don't get along well but with her annoyingly cute charms, she was able to talk Junhyung into letting her stay at his place. Although, Junhyung's sister, Gina, doesn't quite agree to it unless they complete one task : not to fall in love. For Minyoung it might be easy, but for Junhyung, it's hard because he falls too quickly. If they fail to complete the task, Minyoung has to leave and end up being homeless.

extra; saving a spot. MWUAHAHA. >;D keke, hi!~ I'm Maiko. I absolutely love the poster with Key! So light and colorful~ ^^ Feel free to use your own pics. If there's anything wrong, let me know. Thank you in advance~ <33 ^^

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Hahas, hello my darling! Aw, no worries your thread deserved a comment hahas, I really liked your posters! Did I really? I always thought I saw your name in there at least once or twice, or maybe I assumed that because I see you around Soompi with heedragon all over your signature or something hehe. Aw, are you serious? Yeah the thread closed down nine pages away from five hundred pages I was pretty sad about it but its okay ahahas, we had four hundred pages of nothing but family bonding! LOL OMG ARE YOU SERIOUS? Or are you just kidding? I was really sad in that thread cause I felt like the other g-dragon couple was taking over and I was trying to keep my spirit alive HAHA. My heedragon fanfictions? Which ones? LOL, I was actually planning to have one soon! But I'm not sure when ahahs!

ANYWAYS, LOL SORRY FOR RAMBLING. I really really like your poster, the bright vibrant colors makes me smile already and the little picture part of G-dragon picture part on the bottom just adds onto it! Omg, I love the way you did the font! I've been trying to learn how to make my fonts like that but I don't know what it's not working :( :( :( HEHE, I hope to see more pretty posters soon!

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how i feel right now.

It's SOOOOO cuteee <3 I love it! The coloring is really good! Dheeeeng, if this is your PS acting up, then I applaud you for your crazay skills >=] Btw I am totally loving the GD at the bottom of the poster with the %@[insertthatweirdlookingsymbol]$!

Thanks!! I can't wait to see moar results from you!

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@Rey: Hi! Thank you for visiting this tr! Hahahas (:

@MRS. LEE'S: I see a pro dropped by my thread :ph34r: thank you!!

@Shelium: Hi Sarah!! So this is the poster i made for you. T^T i hope you like it, i doubt you will tho coz it had some flaws but hopefully you will! <3 Thank you for requestiiiiiiiing!


@Jjang-na: Of course i do! LOL i love them too~ (: and thank you for visiting!!

@xReiko-Love: Hi! Finished your request~ <3 i tried looking for other junhyung pics but i can't seem to find a picture that'll suit the poster i just used what you gave. Hope you like this tho. (:


@Yoyo: Yeah that thread was loved, i can see. ): It was sad because it was closed, and all the wonderbang fans stayed there. And it had a lot of memories! I mean you know, that's where i got all the beautiful manips and the major infos about the wb. Sigh, how i wish i could've joined you guys there but then it was too late. >_< Yes!! You're one of my faves! LOL i've known you since 2009 i guess? Yeah, when i joined. Because i see you a lot from the wb thread because i read that thread from the first page to the last, and i adore your beautiful graphics too! :) I see you're still a heedragon fan~ that's cool! I've read the beware of her? I'm not sure of the title because i've read that around 2009 too lol and the other one? and the one shots that you posted in the wb thread! xD i've read them all! i sound like your fan too LOL anyway thank you!!

@4jsis4: Hi!!!!! I'm glad you liked it!! <3

@Corrupted.soul: OMG HOW CAN I FORGET YOU JEN, HOW HOW HOW D: you're one of my first friends in soompi, how can i forget you LOL anyway thank you for visiting!! i cant wait till you comeback from you hiatus too! <3

So there! I'm not really sure if i should still continue to accept requests because i see a lot of pros now opening their own thread. ;__________; im scared no one will request to my nymore LOL anyway, for the meantime i will accept 2 sad posters and 1 happy poster. I'm too lazy to add up an example for the sad poster, request at your own risk.If anyone requests then iii think i'll continue (=

- Aly

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Guest shelium

oh gosh... i feel so wealthy these days > . <!!<33333333333333333

I AM SO GLAD I REQUESTED FROM YOU ;__; wow.. just... wow... i really like your style, like the way you positioned the pictures and chose the colors. gggaAAAHHHHH!!! I FEEL TOO BAD JUST TAKING THIS FROM YOU. I FEEL LIKE I MUST DO SOMETHING IN RETURN...... SHALL I KIDNAP A BIG BANG MEMBER??? :DDD haaahhahah

againn, thanks so much for taking requests. it's really awesome how you donate your talents like thisss kekekek (: i always admired people like you... *jealousglare* LOL!<3


btw, pshh what do you mean "request at your own risk" -___- what riskkk LOLS!


p.s. you changed your title! fate <3

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You know I made a poster for that exact same fic... AND GOSH IS YOURS SO MUCH BETTER. I'm so jealous! Spare me some of your ps skills! Give me the happiness! Hahas. really liked the way you colored it, and the use of checkers and the words! AISH, Aly how the hell do you make the text like that! (beyondjealousatthemoment)

Although it was a very loved thread I was super super duper sad because g-ye was taking over and in my heart I only had HEEDRAGON KWONAHN SOHEE AND JIYONG LOLOLOL. Aw, yeah it's okay though, as long as the spirit lives on! LOLOL, yes! 2009!! Hahas, but omo it's makes me so shy to know! I've always had a heart for all the heedragon shippers. My graphics? Oh wow, what an embarrassment! They were nothing but ugly! Of course I am, LOL, I believe in them, ... I really do! Beware of Her? Aigoooo, did you really? I've given up on it, I had nothing left in the story line and it felt as though the fiction was going no where! But I do have one in mind at the moment ;D LOL, my fan, you're too cute!

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You shouldn't worry about whether people will request or not.

Your artwork is absolutely beautiful! =D And soOo cute too!

SoOo, I would like to make a request from you.

And I'm Rose. Tis nice to meet you, Aly. ^^

Title: Temptations of a Virgin

Subtitle: Lord, lead me not into temptation...

Author: DewOfTheSea

Mood: light, cheery (romantic comedy)

Pictures: girl - x

boy #1 - x

boy #2 - x

boy #3 - x

Short summary: A girl (unwillingly) makes a deal with her landlady that she can remain a virgin while living with three guys for a period of six months.

Anything else in specific: If possible, please have the girl in the center. Also, for boy #2, I would prefer if you could pretty please use the fourth picture. Other than that, you can do whatever you'd like. =)

Thanks in advance! Oh, I'd like to apologize in advance too if the pictures aren't as good as they should be. T____T

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Guest xReiko-Love

KYAH!~ I LOVE IT. IT'S VERY VIBRANT! HOW CUTE!~ hehe, it's okay, it's pretty hard because Junhyung rarely smiles in photos . lol. I have inspiration for the next chapter now. keke. thank you very much!!!~ <33

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Guest iammrskwon

alyyyyy! do you still remember me? why are your posters sooooo sexy? hahaha! i love your happy posters. they are uber cute!! (: & i especially love your gifs and the first poster since oh well it's my hubby up there! YES HE IS MIIIIIIIIINE! >:P KEKE! i'll try to stalk (:

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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest passiontea.

eheheehh, hello der. :3

i saw your posters and just HAD to request from you.

they. are. amazing.  HAHAHAH.

eheheh, i would have requested but i already have a fanfic up so i'll ask for one later! ~

if you have space, of course (;

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