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[Drama 2011] Miss Ripley 미스 리플리

Guest JPhylls

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Guest wls2948

I find myself getting more and more curious about Yutaka's dark side. He has one, he admitted it himself and he told his friend some time ago. We see glimpses of his dark steely side whenever he talks to this stepmom. and it will be most intersting when his dark side reveals itself fully in the episodes to come....this drama is very unpredictable as to how the individiaul characters will unfold. A seemingly good and nice person like Yutaka might turn dark and vengeful? while Miri who starts out scheming and lying her ways up to survive might ironically turn out good in the end and redeem herself.

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wls2948, I like your point of view regarding Yutaka/Yuhyun character...I do want to see the bad side of him (but not so bad that he forget the good in life) I want to see him realize how bad Miri has played him but not vengeful enough to totally destroy her. I do feel that his attraction toward Miri might turn to love but not the kind that can forget that she lied through their relationship. I would want the writer to explore the dark side of YUtaka/Yuhyun. To challenge Yoochun to dig deep inside him to play the bad guy (but not become too bad of course...)

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Guest babyfaceyoochun

[NEWS] Yoochun and Lee Dahae, Forehead Kiss With Engagement

Park Yoochun and Lee Dahae, Forehead Kiss in Commemoration of Engagement


Park Yoochun and Lee Dahae of the MBC Monday-Tuesday Drama Miss Ripley showed off an ardent kiss scene and gathered attention. On its 10th episode that aired on the 28th, the MBC Monday-Tuesday drama Miss Ripley had Yoohyun receive approval/acknowledgment of his relationship with Miri from his father, CEO Song.

Yoohyun, who had fallen for Miri at first sight previously and so had proposed to her with sincerity, could not hid his happiness at the unexpected present from CEO Song. That is because CEO Song, who wanted to have Miri who was friendly and pleasant as the daughter-in-law, had procured a date for the engagement of Yoohyun and Miri.

Yoohyun, who had received the date of the engagement from CEO Song, accompanied Miri to the front of her house. He relayed his heart that loathed leaving, saying: “I wished that the date of the engagement was the date of the marriage.”

After this, Yoohyun who could not suppress his desire to stay, showed off a deep affection by giving a soft kiss to the forehead of Miri.

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"Babyfaced Beauty" unsteady first place with 0.9% gap with "Miss. Ripley"


"Babyfaced Beauty" is being followed fast by "Miss. Ripley".

According to the AGB Nielsen Media Research on the 28th of June, KBS 2TV "Babyfaced Beauty" 18th episode rated 15.1%. This is 1.1% more than the 14.0% on the previous episode, still keeping its first ranking position.

However, "Babyfaced Beauty" is not so stable. MBC drama "Miss. Ripley" aired at the same time is catching up fast. "Miss. Ripley" showed 14.2% on the same day. This is only a 0.9% difference to "Babyfaced Beauty".

The analysis is that "Babyfaced Beauty" is quite disappointing with its slow progress with the end coming near. It confirmed 2 extension episodes and hinting a sad ending with the mixed feelings ofJang Nara and Choi Daniel's love.

Meanwhile, SBS drama "Lie to Me" rated 9.2%.

Source : news.nate.com/view/20... ( Korean )

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"Miss. Ripley" Micky Yuchun announces "That is my woman"


Micky Yuchun announced his relationship with Lee Da-hae.

On the 10th episode of MBC drama "Miss. Ripley" Song Yoo-hyeon (Micky Yuchun) revealed the existence of Jang Mi-ri (Lee Da-hae) to the world.

Song decides to reveal their relationship as Lee Hwa (Choi Myeong-gil) doesn't really like Jang Mi-ri. He holds a press conference in secret.

He told the press, "There is someone I am thinking of marriage with. I'm not sure if I'm allowed to reveal this as I didn't get permission yet".

The reporters asked if he was openly proposing at this surprise announcement. Song then called Jang's name and said, "That woman over there is the woman I am going to marry".

Flashes started bursting everywhere as everyone including the staff were surprised. Breaking through, Song went over to Jang and held her hand. Hirayama (Kim Jeong-tae) who was watching this on television smile suspiciously.

Meanwhile, "Miss. Ripley" has been increasing in popularity as it took the first place once again. Lee Da-hae who is laying out false love for her desire, is showing weakness at the true love she has been getting from Kim Seung-woo and Micky Yuchun and the viewers are curious to as what she will do.

Source : news.nate.com/view/20... ( Korean )

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Guest thunderbolt

Best and worst of 2011's first half:


Come see how Miss Ripley is faring! ;)

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I had a Ms Ripley dramafest last Sunday night when I watched it from Episode 1 to 8 and went to sleep at 5:00 in the morning.  First of all, I’d like to congratulate LDH for a magnificent job of portraying Miri.  

Certainly, I don’t condone Miri’s actions, however, I would have probably done the same if I were in her shoes.  Survival of the fittest was ingrained in our DNA from the moment our ancestors walked the earth. And since childhood, when her mother abandoned her, when she was plucked from the orphanage, Miri’s life had been one of survival; from the cruelty of her adoptive parents to the unsavory world of prostitution.  She’s been used and abused so it’s not surprising that she turned out to be a user herself.  She never knew how it is to be loved and it was a touching scene when she asked Heeju what love is.  

Even Heeju was not spared from her wrath when she cold-bloodedly used her credentials as a Tokyo University graduate as well as her drawings.  She justified her actions as Heeju’s way of atoning the fact that she took her place when Heeju got sick and the nuns made her go with the couple to Japan where she was practically used as a slave instead of being treated like a daughter.

Her relationship with Myunhoon was purely driven by her ambition and she had no compunction about seducing him, a small price to pay in exchange for getting her way.  

But then, along came Yoohyun, handsome, debonair and most of all, a chaebol, heir to a vast fortune.  She realized that she seduced the wrong man and set about ensnaring him.  In no time, she had YH mesmerized.  

As she manipulated both men, she started having guilty feelings and it maybe due to the fact that MH and YH showed her the utmost respect and love.  For the first time in her life, she experienced how it is to be cared for unconditionally.  She became frightened when YH introduced her to his parents and realized her vulnerability should the truth of her past be exposed, especially when she’s falling for YH.

I’m really intrigued by YH’s character.  On the surface, he’s the perfect gentleman, humble, a good friend, a loving and repectful son.  And yet, when you look closer, he’s like Miri in that his life’s dictated by his past.  He can’t get over the death of his mother and his relationship with his stepmom is tenuous at best.  Beneath all the politeness, he obviously resented her.  He undermined her in business as proven by the way he made her think he was agreeing with her and then, when she had indicated in the media that their company was backing out of the merger, he changed his strategy.  When Lee Hwa denied the rumours regarding his love life, he attended his own press interview and introduced Miri as his fiancee.  

He used Heeju to get close to Miri and when he got Miri’s attention, he worked fast.  He introduced her to his parents and then proposed marriage.  His manipulation was so subtle that you even feel sorry for him, regarding him as the victim of his own naivete and stupidity.  

It seemed to me that YH’s moves were calculated.  I have a feeling that he’s not blind to Miri’s past.  He’s very intelligent and with the amount of money at his disposal, he would have had Miri investigated as evidenced by the photos in the orphanage he was holding in Episode 10.  There’s also a possibility he knew her even before she returned to Korea.  He studied in Japan and he may have seen her working as a prostitute.  I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s using her to get back at his stepmom because he mentioned to Chul-jin that Miri did not pass Lee Hwa’s exacting standards.  He may even be aware of MH’s obession of Miri and their relationship.  When he introduced Miri to MH as “the woman I love” it may be his way of telling MH to back off. I can't wait to see the darker side of YH,

There’s a possibility Lee Hwa’s Miri’s mother and I curious to find out how everything will unravel.  

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Guest relly

Hi Everyone,

Miss Ripley Episode 10 English Soft-Sub Subtitle is out.


Miss Ripley 1-10 English Subtitle can be found Community Translated Subtitle (CTS) Project:-

URL: http://www.darksmurfsub.com/forum/index.php?/topic/1614-miss-ripley-2011/

Please visit the link for more information about the Community Translated Subtitle (CTS) Project. CTS Project is about FANS helping FANS for FAST SUBTITLE RELEASE! Enjoy!

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Guest imogene_af

sheherizade nice to see you here... I have never really interpreted it that way, though I do believe YooHyun is steely and sometimes cunning---and well, his motives are somehow questionable when it comes to pissing off his stepmom but I do believe it is truly in his illogical warmth that he fell for Miri. Love is not something you grab on to... it just grabs on to you. It compels you, it is an involuntary emotion that seeps through. He probably does not even know why he fell for Miri if you ask him. But I like girlfriday ... am getting a little weary with him accessing her old orphanage pictures. He might have to do some unraveling of his own.

I am rewatching a few episodes with subtitles and is anyone else suspicious why Mr. Song is always sick after he eats? I could bet Lee Hwa does something in his food.

She also looks awfully calm every time he is sent to the hospital. And hm... Miri and Lee Hwa share the same expertise when it comes to certain dishes? HM?

It makes a lot of sense if Miri came out from her womb. The greatest jolt of karma to be against her own daughter. if the writer goes this route.

And also is it just me... am I just extremely perverse... but does Lee Hwa have a thing for Yoo Hyun?! In a nonson way?! HAHAHAHA some readers in DB have the same view.

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Hi imogene, long time no see.  There are so many ways of interpreting this drama that I am also in agreement that YH fell for Miri.  As I was watching, I was reminded by an old Alfred Hitchcock movie entitled "Marnie" which starred Sean Connery and Tippi Hedren.  The heroine was like Miri.  She had a traumatic childhood.  Her mother was a prostitute who brought men to her home and would wake Marnie up in the middle of the night and make her move to another room so she can entertain her customer.  One night, one of her johns wanted to abuse Marnie and her mother killed him.  Because she was too young at that time, the incident was erased from her memory but it manifested in her behaviour.  She became a compulsive thief and a man hater.  She'd disguise herself, rob an office and then move on until she met Sean Connery's character.  He caught her red handed and yet fell head over heels in love and he married her.  He was the one who helped her unravel the truth behind her behaviour.  It may be that YH loved Miri irrespective of her past and help heal her wounds.  

Could be remote but I'm also entertaining the possibility that YH may turn his back on Miri and marry Heeju in the end.  It will prove to Miri that, after all the things she's done, after all her sacrifices, Heeju won.  It's good vs. evil and good triumphed in the end.  I'd hate for this scenario to happen because I want redemption and happiness for Miri.

It's interesting when you mentioned that Lee Hwa may have a thing for YH.  Who knows, maybe she seduced him when he was young.  And your theory about Mr. Song being sick and that Lee Hwa's responsible is not far-fetched.  If by chance, she's Miri's mother, a mother who had no qualms  about leaving her own flesh and blood, then it's not impossible to think that she's capable of doing harm to her husband.  

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Guest Upii_88

yh's name: 宋有鉉, miri's name: 張美里..engagement date is 7/19..on the day of ep16?! - via @6002yuchin (Laura)


And also it was said that Yoochun is filming at the wedding shop....so maybe we'll see Miri trying on a wedding dress?

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Guest laurassjj87

Hi!!! This is my first time posting here~

I really love "Miss Ripley". I haven't watched ep. 10 yet because I'm waiting for viki's subs. But I'd like to comment something I spotted on ep. 9.

These last episodes I thought that Miri had fallen in love with YH but when Miri said to MH that she had never loved him and then she cried, I changed my mind.

I don't know anymore if Miri cried because she is really in love with MH but she is with YH because of his money or if she's in love with YH but she cried because she felt bad after hurting MH. OR... maybe she doesn't love neither of them, but she feels guilty because of her behavior.

What do you think about this? ^_^

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Guest imogene_af

My personal view is she felt very, very sorry as she said to herself when she got back home. She did not want to hurt such a good and genuine man who helped her. She kept saying sorry when she was by herself. She even said I am sorry, I cannot stop here. It would have been just logical to just love him, right?

It was basically a sorry...I cannot stop my self from my nature. Like a turtle who helped the scorpion cross the stormy river... the scorpion promised the turtle that she will not hurt him, because if she hurts him they both will drown. But soon in the middle of the swim...the scorpion stung the turtle despite caring for each other. The turtle asked why, and all the scorpion could say is...I am sorry, it is my nature. It may go beyond logic but it is only my character.

This is how I saw Miri and Myung Hoon.

I think if it were different circumstances, she could have loved him but it is in her nature to do that to him. This is the way she embraces her vile self.

When HeeJoo asked her why she keeps doing it...and when she will stop...she said never. Until she dies because that is how she was built. But her feelings for YooHyun, she said she herself cannot believe in her sincere feelings for him. She swears that what she feels for him is true and it is terrifying.

It is quite a debate if Jang Miri is capable of loving, I think she is overwhelmed with a sense of gratitude with Myung Hoon and the way she sees YooHyun is if she were a normal girl, this is the man she would have a conventional romance with. This is why she always wished she was a better person when YH would defend her. Her demons are pretty much catching up to her. And I doubt he will stay once everything unravels.

I just see a bleak, bleak future for Miri. Maybe the only real warmth she will experience in the end is a hug from her mother...who I believe is the foundation of her scorpion-like nature.

sheherizade3 I see that good vs evil thing happening to, with good triumphing with Hee Joo maybe getting YooHyun in the end. But I kinda wish Hee Joo would get over her crush and just go to the dark side and battle it out with Miri. It's funny in the recent episodes, the same DARK Carmen OST is being played when Hee Joo contemplates by herself. PLS! PLS! Do something with this, writers!

Honestly, I never really despised Miri as conniving as she is... the only time I really hate her is when she pushes away Hee Joo or uses her. That's the only time I just want to slap her myself.

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Guest thanhdda10

GFor those havent watch ep 10 do read this, it containes spoilers.

During the conversation between HJ and the copy of the sketch, Miri told HJ that although she started with a lie but her feelings for YH now was real. I am going to contradict this,

When HJ mentioned that the the constructions have been stopped due to the vslidity of this design, and It might cause alot of problem for YH and Mondo in the future and She was going to tell YH about it. Miri was horrified, not because it would cause problem for YH and Mondo but because the prospect of YH knowing the truth then She herself might lose everthing. She still put herself first even though this was her own fault, If she truely loved YH like she said, she should have asked HJ how to rectify the problem, so that it would not effect YH or implicate Mondo. If I loved YH, I would do whatever it takes to retify the problem, even if I had to expose myself. Love require sacrifice for the person you love, you think for thatperson before thinking for yourself, love involving actions not just empty words. Miri was not doing that, she was scared to be exposed, she would back to be empty handed. While HJ was worrying about YH and Mondo Miri was worrying how YH would know about it. So please tell me if Miri would know how to love a person as she claimed she was? I think at this stage she was just touched by the love, the romantic and the glamorious life style YH has to offer and thought it was love.

Miri was a street smart but not wise or intelligent enough to realise what she had done and the extend of the damage she had caused. She used lies as an easy way out in a tight situation, without thinking of the consequences and she wasnt even brave enough to admit that she was wrong all the long with HJ. Always turned the situation around to defend herself when she got caught by HJ. Blaming the world for her misfortune and harsh life. When her lies were exposed she used the twisted logic to defend herself like how she told HJ that she was actually doing HJ a favour by copying the sketch and used it as her portfolio, becsuse HJ wasnt going to use it anyway. She was really a shameless person, I dont know how she was able to stay at HJ's place while she did all that to HJ without even a slightest feeling of sorry or ashamed.

They said it is better to have a smart enemy than a stupid friend.

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Guest orionbynes2010

GFor those havent watch ep 10 do read this, it containes spoilers.

During the conversation between HJ and the copy of the sketch, Miri told HJ that although she started with a lie but her feelings for YH now was real. I am going to contradict this,

When HJ mentioned that the the constructions have been stopped due to the vslidity of this design, and It might cause alot of problem for YH and Mondo in the future and She was going to tell YH about it. Miri was horrified, not because it would cause problem for YH and Mondo but because the prospect of YH knowing the truth then She herself might lose everthing. She still put herself first even though this was her own fault, If she truely loved YH like she said, she should have asked HJ how to rectify the problem, so that it would not effect YH or implicate Mondo. If I loved YH, I would do whatever it takes to retify the problem, even if I had to expose myself. Love require sacrifice for the person you love, you think for thatperson before thinking for yourself, love involving actions not just empty words. Miri was not doing that, she was scared to be exposed, she would back to be empty handed. While HJ was worrying about YH and Mondo Miri was worrying how YH would know about it. So please tell me if Miri would know how to love a person as she claimed she was? I think at this stage she was just touched by the love, the romantic and the glamorious life style YH has to offer and thought it was love.

Miri was a street smart but not wise or intelligent enough to realise what she had done and the extend of the damage she had caused.  She used lies as an easy way out in a tight situation, without thinking of the consequences and she wasnt even brave enough to admit that she was wrong all the long with HJ. Always turned the situation around to defend herself when she got caught by HJ. Blaming the world for her misfortune and harsh life. When her lies were exposed she used the twisted logic to defend herself like how she told HJ that she was actually doing HJ a favour by copying the sketch and used it as her portfolio, becsuse HJ wasnt going to use it anyway.  She was really a shameless person, I dont know how she was able to stay at HJ's place while she did all that to HJ without even a slightest feeling of sorry or ashamed.

They said it is better to have a smart enemy than a stupid friend.

Actually Miri tried to tell YH about her past life in episode 9 or 10. She was interrupted several times. After the several interruptions she was unable to find a good moment to confess. But then when YH wanted to share her to the public, he told her if she was willing to brave it out. He told her that she will likely face investigations due to deep interest from the public. Miri was hesitant but then said yes. At that moment she knows that she will eventually be caught but she no longer care as much. She even said that she expects to lose him when she is introduced in public but YH interprets it differently.  This is the first time Miri had fallen in love for someone and she seems to believe that she will lose him know matter what, so she wants to hold on this love for as long as possible. I believe she is letting this facade last longer because she will have more time with him if she drags her lies rather than confess to him immediately. I still hope that Miri will somehow have a happy ending with YH, but again this is a melodrama. Miri still is a beginner at love, when something is new to you and you like it alot...you don't want to give it up so soon. I think eventually Miri will sacrifice herself in someway. the intro of episode 1 kind of implies it since both men seemed to still have good opinions of her in the aftermath. 

Miri is not only street smart but have shown an uncanny ability to be book smart as well if she was given the opportunity to attend higher education. Who knows when she dropped out of school, maybe even when she was a kid. I say this because she handled well in her presentation and her college lecture. She is also adept in computer skills, interpersonal skills. Imagine if she had the opportunity to go to college, imagine what greatness she could had achieve. 

Her lies are not easy ways to get out of situations, in fact in most of her life, lies were her only way to adapt to unexpected situations. I believe she knows the consequences for her lies, but she was willing to take the risk to better her life. Forging papers and lying about her academic career was the only tool at her disposal to prevent returning from her old life. Granted, some of her lies are a little extreme. But once you start to lie, you will continue to make other lies to cover that lie and so forth. I wish she was kinder to JH, she would had found her strongest ally in her. JH would probably even be more than happy to let Miri used her papers if Miri was kind to her since JH seems to be a very sympathetic to Miri. Miri was a very kind person to JH when she was young, so that is probably why JH is returning the favor. 

Miri actually is in the right when she blames the world for her misfortune and her miserable life. Everyone's purpose in this world is to help others. Imagine if everyone in the world take the role to heart, there will never be people like Miri in this world. 

Miri is not a shameless person. Every episode, you can see a tinge of guilt or remorse by observing her facial or physical gestures. Recently she has been brooding alot . Miri reaction of dismay when HJ lost her job at the hotel was sincere. There were several times that she apologize to HJ but silently to herself. There was a scene showing how guilty Miri feels when HJ left her a belated birthday food plate. 

Actually I find it a great thing that Miri is staying with HJ. Whenever HJ questions Miri's latest action, Miri starts to have revelations on topics such as love and happiness. Those topics are so foreign to her that she does not even recognize them until HJ brings it up. HJ is a great friend, she is very understanding. She is like a rehab for Miri. They could become great friends in the future just like when they were little kids. Miri protected HJ when they were little but now HJ is doing the protecting. I find it rather touching. 

I hope every character in the show find a happy ending in some form. I really hope Miri will redeem herself near the end of the series and help the people who cares for her including the two men and HJ. I believe she will have a positive impact on them at the end. 

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Guest babyfaceyoochun

[NEWS] Yoochun Picked as #1 Acting-Dol In a Survey Of Idol Singers

[The Year's First Half Idol Awards] Best Acting-Dol Yoochun

Sports Seoul has held a survey among about 100 idol group members to pick the best acting-dols of the first half of 2011.

JYJ’s Park Yoochun who is appearing in the MBC Drama Miss Ripley became the best “acting-dol” that idol singers picked. He received praises by challenging himself properly last year at acting with the KBS 2TV drama Sungkyunkwan Scandal. He drew the attention of the viewers at his first challenge in a proper piece with his calm voice, handsome face, and the tears-acting that did not seem to be that of a rookie. Fellow idol singers evaluated that he is showing off a much grown acting ability through Miss Ripley. He received praises of: “I like the stable and relaxed breathing” and “He pulls off the character well.”

Best Acting-Dol

1)      Park Yoochun 36.3 %

2)      Choi Siwon 34.5%

3)      Hahm Eunjung 27.2%

(Parts unrelated to Yoochun omitted)


Sports Seoul

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[TRANS] 110629 JYJ Yuchun’s “Miss Ripley” – Notice Of Japan Debut Special Preview Event

ripley_16.jpgTo commemorate the new drama “Miss Ripley” that will be aired on Mnet on 13 August, there will be a special drama preview (episode 1 & 2) for all guests.

Preview Screening Information

Date : 11 July 2011 (Monday)

Location : Korean Cultural Center, Hanmadang Hall (Tokyo, Yotsuya)


Screening Details :

・Miss Ripley– Episode 1 &2

・Actors’ Special Interview Video (Tentative)

※ The interview video is tentative. Please note that there is a possibility that only the actual drama will be screened.

Times : 140mins x 3 Screenings (Tentative)

① 11:00 ~ 13:10

② 15:00 ~ 17:10

③ 18:50 ~ 21:00

Special Gift: Those who participate in (watch) the screening will get a Mnet “Miss Ripley” Original Poster as a present!!

(Ticket Distribution & Other details omitted)

 Source : [


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TRANS] 110629 Drama “Miss Ripley” Song Yoo Hyun, Natural “Chaebol” Face

(T/N: “Chaebol”  is defined as a family-owned conglomerate, but is used in this context to refer to a person who comes from a rich & powerful family. )

MBC’s Monday-Tuesday drama “Miss Ripley” has been enjoying high viewership ratings and popularity. In this drama, Jang Miri’s “lies” reflect how a society that focuses on paper qualifications forces her into forging her resume.

Also, playing the male lead in this drama is “Mr. P”, who is an actor-cum-singer in an idol group, and is one of the front runners as a Hallyu star. Due to his participation, there has been more attention on this drama.


In the drama, Song Yoo Hyun is the heir to Mondo Group, which owns resorts all over the world. Song Yoo Hyun has an attractive appearance, tall stature, a rich family background, abilities that surpasses the masses as well as a kind character. For Song Yoo Hyun to be able to express this warm charisma of a conglomerate heir so perfectly, what is his secret? Although his performance as a conglomerate heir is good, but could it be his appearance that makes this performance so outstanding?

When analyzed from a cosmetic surgery angle, he has a natural “chaebol” appearance. Last year, he was also chosen as “the male artist whose face is prettier and gentler than a woman,” making him a hot topic. Without any “sharp edges” on his face, exuding a fashionable city image, his clear white skin and well defined features make him a perfect canvas to portray a “chaebol.”

Due to the role, he is often seen in crisp, smooth suits,  and his “straight shoulders”, tall stature and slim figure accentuates the fit of the tailored suits. Also, his polite mannerisms and kind voice, warm and calm expressions etc, are all important elements that enable him to play the role of the conglomerate heir perfectly.

Park Wonjin, from Wonjin Plastic Surgery said, “Slender and gentle facial lines, a fuller upper lip, as well as slightly high cheekbones are elements that bring about a boyish look from a  “gentle and small” face.  Especially since Song Yoo Hyun’s face is extremely close to the golden ratio of 1:1:1, a small face coupled with well defined features, brings about a modern and fashionable feeling.

Viewers who are immersed in the drama will judge the drama on how well the actors fit the roles that they play. The natural “chaebol” role of Song Yoo Hyun has attracted significant attention and definitely had an impact on “Miss Ripley.” Analyzing the characters’ appearances, images and roles is probably part of the entertainment when watching a drama as well!

Source : [

baiduTVXQ + newswire]

Translated & Shared by : dongbangdata.net

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Guest ngthuhien149






cr: iMBC

this will be in ep 11, 12. They filmed this in Bear Three Coffee

The coffee shop owner must be in love with Yoochun. "Stunning look, outstanding body, superior power and wealth and also caring aura"

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Guest babyfaceyoochun

 110630 ‘Miss Ripley’ Song Yuhyun, born with conglomerate-type looks‏


‘Miss Ripley’ Song Yuhyun was acted by Park Yoochun who debuted as renowned idol group and currently is a super hallyu star singer-cum-actor, has received huge attention after the broadcasting of the drama.

Song Yuhyun is the heir to worldwide resort conglomerate Mondo Group. With stunning looks, svelte body built, the powerful financial family background and the excellent ability, plus the approachable character, Song Yuhyun is a perfect man that comprises all of these. To be able to act as conglomerate’s successor, the acting skills is a need, but isn’t his looks that highlighted this image?

From the view of cosmetic surgery, he has the inborn looks of a conglomerate’s successor. Last year, he was chosen to be the male artiste who has a prettier face than females, and his gentle face was the hot topic then. The shape of his face was gently lined and refined, the cosmopolitan feel, the fair skin and the sharp facial features were the important elements to perfectly portray a conglomerate’s successor.

Due to the drama character’s requirement, the main outfits were clean and proper suits, and with the straight shoulders and the appropriate height, the slightly lean built were able to bring out the streamlines of a suit. Other than that, the polite actions and gentle voice, the gentle yet calm expressions etc, were the key factors to a perfect conglomerate’s successor.

Won Jin Plastic Surgery surgical department’s director Park Won Jin explained, “The gentle oval shaped face, plus the upper lips and the thicker lower lips, and the slightly protruding cheeks, gave a gentler and younger, child-like effect to others. Especially, the face of Song Yuhyun was near the golden ratio of 1:1:1, the sharp facial features on the small face gave a refined impression.”

The conformance of the actor to the drama character will definitely influence the reviews of the engaging drama viewers. The compact concerns towards out the conglomerate’s successor Song Yuhyun has influenced the drama ‘Miss Ripley’, and isn’t detailed analysis of the lead’s look and style the additional joy of watching drama?

credit: DAUM+Mickyhang.net<br style="font-size: 11px; margin-top: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 0px; padding-top: 0px; padding-right: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px; padding-left: 0px; line-height: 1.4em; ">trans by: rachui@sharingyoochun

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Guest thanhdda10

I beg to differ in what said up there that she tried to tell in ep 9 or 10. If you look at her eaction when HJ said she was going to tell YH then you know what I mean, she would tell YH over her dead body. She even told HJ that she would live a life of lies for the rest of her life. Do you really think she would tell Yh about her forgery and the sketch? I think not. She was very unsecured, she whould not let YH think less of her. If u think she tried to tell YH in Ep 9 and 10 then link me, I have to go back and watch it to see. she only went around it like by asking whether YH cared about her past or not, but its not her past that I am discussing here, to me a prostitute nor not I believe they deserve to have a happy life after ward, but to lie, steal, and using sexual favour to climb the social ladder is not acceptable. Its her lies about the Tokyo grad, her bad intention to get close to Yh at the beginning and her two timing him and MH that concern me. No man can forgive this and yet she made it sounded so light as if just her past. Her past has nothing to do with anything, just the way she manupulated people, breaking the law, two timed two men, to get to what she was now that mattered

About the shameless thing, if she there was a tit of feeling guilty, she would not have answered the way she did to HJ in ep 10, make sure you watch it with sub first before say it. If she was ashamed of herself she wounld not have treat HJ as if HJ was indebted to her, I am really sorry but what she said to Hj just made me hate her more rather than sympathize her. There are lots of people born in this world are very unfortunate but using your misfortune and blame then world to justify for your own misdeed actions is just not right. To lie, to forge and to steal to get what you want is the easiest, laziest way a person can come up with. If every criminal can use circuntamces and misfortune like Miri to justify their crime then we wouldnt have over crownded prisons.

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