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[Drama 2011] Miss Ripley 미스 리플리

Guest JPhylls

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Guest sairaisabella

i know its selfish to still hope for YH-MR ship in this condition.especially when MR make YH as a toy.but YH gotta know whats MR doing.and MH please stop helping MR.MR gotta need to fall down completely and realize her true feeling.either to MH or YH.sorry to HJ-YH shipper. i just dont likeHJ.sometimes i just hope she did something terrible that make me hate her more and chance for her and YH slimmer to be together.haha.so I still want MR to fall deep once and YH find her back.after all,this thing happen because she's so unfortunate.her childhood life was so unlucky.

after all im looking forward to see YH transformation! I just hope MH and others didnt help MR.i want MR to realize her own feeling.which she loves..oh i hope YH

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Yes, I have to agree with yitiantulong...Miri should love MH a little cos I think MH is at this point have shown how much he love Miri no matter what. We have yet to know how much Yuhyun/Yutaka love for Miri can stand all of Miri past cos he still does not know the real Miri. I still feel that whatever Yuhyun/Yutaka feel toward Miri is not true love...   

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Guest sairaisabella

oh i couldnt stop replaying empty space for you.. ♪  

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saranghe saranghe saranghe

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saranghe hanappunin ne sarang

I hope they release album for Miss Ripley OST soon

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Guest tomolie

Good news

According to the production team, Yoochun will change his hairstyle in Ripley to fit his new cold n charismatic chrcter n increase Ripley's dramatic quality.

Seem like Miri is going to loose everything soon.

Omg can't wait!

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Yippee! Yoochun is changing his hairstyle. :) I didn't like it much initially though it was growing on me. Anyway, it's high time Yoohyun also learnt a bit about life and how it is not all balloons and champagne. Maybe 'Ripley' is doing it unintentionally, but so far Yoohyun's love for Miri has been pretty superficial. But like apqaria said, such people are there in real life who maybe sweet and nice, but fall for a pretty face without much thought. But I hope Yoohyun's turn to the 'cold n charismatic' is done believably.

Good that the ratings are going up! Hope it continues like this. If Miri's lies start getting outed in front of at least one of the male leads. then yeah, probably more people will tune in. But I am more eager to see Miri start falling for at least one of them. JH is so understanding a man, I don't want to see Heeju get hurt over a one-sided affair. But as of now, there doesn't seem to be any feelings between them. And usually, if a girl calls a man "oppa" in a k-drama, they rarely end up together. :(

I don't know where this drama is going, but is it too much to hope for a happy ending for Miri after her redemption? I continue to have sympathy for Myunghoon, but Yoohyun needs to come out of his rose-tinted world a bit. Still a Yuri shipper though finally I am okay with any pair. Just that I don't want Miri to end up alone and unhappy. If caught in her situation, most people would have cared less for the world and more for themselves. So, yes, she needs to get punished for toying with people's hearts and trust, but some of these people, I still believe, needed a bit of shaking up. They haven't even started experiencing half of what Miri had to go through.I know if she had been honest, many of these good people might have helped her, but as she learnt with Myunghoon in the beginning, people do not sometimes do things for you unless they consider you indispensable. Anyway, I wouldn't want her to be killed off. A prison term would be okay, but not total ruin. It is the society which creates people like Miri, so it should also give such people a chance to redeem themselves.

From the lyrics of 'Empty space for You' it seemed to me that after knowing of her treachery, Yoohyun will act cold towards Miri though he cares for her inside. I am okay with Yoohyun turning a bit Rhett Butlerish for some time, but finally I want a reconciliation. And what about Myunghoon? How will he react? Will he go back to his wife? And Heeju? This drama is so unpredictable!!!

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Guest babyfaceyoochun

"Miss Ripley" : Park Yoo Chun Reveals His Identity to Lee Da Hae


On yesterday’s episode of MBC’s “Miss Ripley,” Yoo Hyun (Park Yoo Chun) unveiled his identity to Mi Ri(Lee Da Hae) by confessing that he’s Mondo Group’s heir.

After Yoo Hyun and Mi Ri started officially dating, he cautiously revealed, “My dad is the CEO of Mondo Group” in order to introduce her to his parents. Mi Ri, who was aware of the fact, made a surprised face, pretending that she was shocked, as she demanded “How could you deceive me?” Yoo Hyun apologized, “I’m sorry. Can you please forget everything else and just think about me? Please understand that I did this so that I could meet you.”


However, as Mi Ri continued to pretend that she was fuming, Yoo Hyun confessed “I love you. I’m upset that I have to confess my love to you in this kind of situation, but I really mean it. I love you.”


Things have been going on the way Mi Ri had planned as Yoo Hyun revealed his identity to her. She followed alongside Yoo Hyun to meet his father In Soo (Jang Yong) and confessed that they have promised to marry each other. However, his step mom Lee Hwa (Choi Myung Gil) gazed at her suspiciously, foreshadowing that she might possibly influence Mi Ri and Yoo Hyun’s relationship.


MBC’s “Miss Ripley” received viewer ratings of 13.2% yesterday, a slight increase of 1.3% from Monday, according to statistics by AGB Nielsen Media Research. Meanwhile, SBS’s “Lie to Me” and KBS’s “Baby-Faced Beauty” which are aired during the same time slot received 8.7% and 14.6%, respectively.

via soompi 

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Guest rainie_tran

Hello everyone,

I'm newbie in this thread. I'm wondering who is the main male actor in Miss Ripley? YH or MH? I'm confused. Also, will MR be supposed to end up with whom?


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Guest imogene_af

See, I think unknowingly Miri is feeling something for YooHyun, because unlike Myung Hoon she was the driver in that seduction and he basically lapped up according to plan. YooHyun is a bit unpredictable for her, take the scene when he says his farewell to her, she exhaled and slouched her back as if relieved that the act is over when she saw his back turned on her but then he ran to embrace her. A usual conniving Miri would know how to deal with this seduction but she was frozen as if someone's warmth to her is so foreign. She did not even know if she should hug back. With Myung Hoon she feels an overwhelming gratitude to be protected and be worshipped at her feet... but with YooHyun she is experiencing romance for the first time. The touches are lingering, his confessions naive and vulnerable...his stares getting her out of character.

With MyungHoon it is all seduction and passion...with YooHyun, she is often in a bit of a puzzle with him. She is being brewed in a romance and that throws her off a bit.

I actually think she might be in trouble with him. I also think YooHyun's stepmom is the same calibre as Miri this is why a wolf can smell another wolf in sheep's clothing.

Miri had every intent to pretty much do damage. She does not care for her two victims until HeeJoo brought up "love"...and Miri froze in her tracks to contemplate the word. It was such an alien concept for her, she does not know what to do with it.

Ugh. Miri. I know there is no way you will survive this, but my heart will break into pieces once it happens.

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Guest thanhdda10

I dont know why people saying that YH's love for Miri was superficial and MH's love for Miri was real, just because Miri-YH's love lines has been developed so fast so you all think that it was superficial. It's just the way the story goes.

Each man has different personality, they both love Miri truely and dearly and they show two different kind of express their love to the person you love. And none are supercial in my opinion.

YH took Miri home introduced to his parents, wasnt this showing that he was very seriously about his relationship with Miri and thinking about their future together in a innocent kind of way. He even said that he knew it was a bit fast but his dad was sick, he wanted to introduce his future partner to his dad as soon as possible. He did not and not even have an incline of intention jump into bed with Miri straight away before marriage like MH did this mean it was superficial? I think not. He even just hugged her innocently and was really happy at the thought of bringing Miri to see his parents. Wasnt this sincere enough? He did not toying with her, He was very serious about Miri.

Remember he didnt not until know anything about Miri's past, circumtances, lies and deception. All he knew was the superficial Miri, and that she was a beautiful girl (girl of his dream) works at the hotel he just merged. He was really trusting her absolutely. I think He would be the one hurt the most or the most devastated later on when he found out about Miri's lies and cheating. This could be the reason why he will turn cold heated in the later episodes. He is not as easily swayed as MH I think. There is something in him that I think he is a man of steel when you lose his trust. But when he loves someone he would trust that person completely. It was just his warm and easily contented personality we all thought he was superficial. Because he fell in love at first sight. His love for her was really pure and straight forward. This does not mean that it is superficial at all. This kind of love will bring Miri down, since it was sincere, honest and unconditional. Why people always cherish their first love? Because it was sweet, innocent and pure. This kind of love is hardly more superficial than the love in your later life.

Whereas HM was a grown up man, already divorced once. He knew more about life. women and love, his ways of express love is different to YH. He understood what kind of person Miri was, as a point of view of a boss and an employee. He was more advantage to YH since Miri gave herself to him. They were attached to one another sexually and emotionally. Just because he paid the pimp to help Miri and you all thought that his love for her was deeper. If YH knew about Miri I was sure he would help and protect her in his own way too. MH might be the person that overlook Miri's shortcomings and lies later in the drama I think.

If you can weight, count or quantify love then it is not love. Beside love is something that different people can understand, feel the same thing but express differently.

These two different ways of expressing love is no way one is more superficial than the other. Miri's feelings (if she has any) for those two men is superficial at the moment.

I am really glad that Yoochun decided to do this project instead of a rom-com superficial (did I use this word again?) puppy love drama. This will show two sides of his personality (or two sides of his acting). MR do not fall into the clique of korean dramas. It is different, stands on its own genre and class. In the first 8 ep he is a warm hearted, easy going, friendly and romantic guy, later on he will be cold, the man of steel and might take his revenge on the woman who deceived him. PYC is the man with taste, not just in cloth, music but dramas as well. He really wants pepole to look at him as a serious actor not idol turned actor. He will be further up there with Won Bin and Jang Dong Gun in no time.

Alot of YC's fans are watching it as a fan, subjectively not as someone enjoy watching a drama. They hate to see their idol get cheated, and lied to by Miri. Therefore they hated the writer and Korean fans even demanded a change in the writer. But if you watch it objectively this drama is very good, in the first 8 ep the writer has created successfully a warm, fluffy CEO, and an adult, who knew more about love and Miri with a web of lies, which is the basis of the drama. the next 8 ep will show us how two men who had loved Miri deal with Miri when her lies is exposed. And if MH chooses to overlook at Miri's lies and helps her to cover more lies, while Yutaka is being cold and wanting to take revenge on Miri. Does that mean Yu's love is more superficial? And since MH chooses to sided with Miri therefore his love is deeper? I hardly think not. There is no right or wrong when come to love.

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Guest relly

Hi Everyone,

Miss Ripley Episode 8 English Soft-Sub Subtitle is out.


Miss Ripley 1-8 English Subtitle can be found Community Translated Subtitle (CTS) Project:-

URL: http://www.darksmurfsub.com/forum/index.php?/topic/1614-miss-ripley-2011/

Please visit the link for more information about the Community Translated Subtitle (CTS) Project. CTS Project is about FANS helping FANS for FAST SUBTITLE RELEASE! Enjoy!

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Guest imogene_af


beautiful post, by the way.

YooHyun is portrayed as having an innocent and pure love, YooHyun is the one who really finds good in people, he may be smart in business but his main foundation in handling it is having good rapport with his people. Finding family in the ruthless world of business. I think this is how he was brought up by his biological mother, filled with warmth. I also think he is somewhat sheltered because he grew up in a world where everyone treats him as the second coming. One of the reasons he liked Miri was because back when she was not all sugary sweet and fake to him, she would say what she feels and she was an antisocial mess. He somehow feels for that. This is when he says she is "honest", he meant the real Miri, the monster he met and rejected him a few times. The Hyde who continues to push him away... the girl filled with loneliness in her eyes. That was his main draw.

Miri is used to men, she is used to their ways, usually surrendering to her seduction and most likely using her sexual prowess for them to fully succomb to her. Like a lethal spider enveloping an intricate web for her prey... but with YooHyun as she makes her web, there are moments when she is stumped with him. She does not use sexual prowess with him, he has not even tried to kiss her. He just embraces her so tightly, just wanting to stay with her like that. Really, when you watch YooHyun just fully throwing all his heart to her like a little boy with his first love... you think it's stupid, careless, and you wonder if such a grown man really exists.

IMHO, I think this will be part of YooHyun's growth. I doubt his character will be linear lovesick puppy. What is the story in that? Like thanhdda10 eloquently proposed, I think he will be most hurt with her betrayal because that purity... that innocence... his openness shattered. And I do believe he will seek some sort of vengeance with her. YooHyun has a darkness brewing within him and it has been implied many, many times. So I do believe his cold exterior will be a welcome change for his character and will probably throw off Miri even more.

Myung Hoon? I sense he will be with her all the way, he is going down with her. Instead of him bringing her to light, he will go down with her to the abyss. His love for her will be toxic. He will continue to cover up her tracks. He is too far gone with her games.

It is YooHyun who has a chance to one-up Miri.

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Hi thanhdda, I think we all agree YH is sincere- he really is, he's about to propose to her!

Nor, I hope, do people think MH is "right" and YH is "wrong" (quite the contrary I think we will see that if MH continues the way he does he is going to "do wrong" because he seems willing to do anything, right or wrong, for Miri).

Whether it's "superficial" depends on how you judge it, I reserve my thoughts there, but he did fall in love with her on sight, so if you mean superficial like "on the surface" it could be that?

Mostly I think the gripe here is that the YH/MR love line has not been as developed- it's hard for the audience to feel for the romance given YH knows nothing about MR, and seems to love the "false MR" (i.e., Toyko grad who worked her own way through college, who's sweet to her roommate, who can't drink but will try if forced, who liked him even though she didn't know he was wealthy and was honestly hurt by his deception of her).

I was half appalled and half amused that his first response to HJ asking him why he loves Miri was "Because she's honest." Ouch- definitely a guy in for a shock!

So yes, sincere he is- possibly "in love" too (you're right, the words are overused and hard to say what they really mean since they mean different things to different people), but to me the jury is out whether he's in love with Miri or Miri's-idealized-version-of-Miri.

MH's "love" for MR too is for a constructed-Miri, but there we see he's already so deep he doesn't care if Miri lied to him and was a bar-girl, he doesn't even want to know, he'll give millions of won to just drive the pimp away. One can call his love unconditional, i.e., he doesn't even care if the Miri he knows is not the real Miri, but I'm a little sad for him because that's pretty foolish to do for a complex person like MR. Actually my guess at this point is that he'll take the fall for MR. MR might actually get to get away because MH is willing to give anything for her regardless of what she does!

BTW, on Miri I rather admire her nerves and guts.... she's definitely got a pair saying the things she does with a straight face! ;)


Interesting Imogene, just saw your post on YH loving the bean pie MR so the real MR. That might be right, but he hardly conversed with the real MR at all- so it's hard to say he 'knows' that MR either. Still think the jury is out on whether he loves "real Miri", but I'm a little more comforted that at least the puppy knows that MR has the capacity to kick him too. ;)

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Guest imogene_af


I do not think we are supposed to be invested in the portrayal of YooHyun and Miri's loveline (yet), the investment here is how this guy is being fooled by this wicked woman. So, when he will learn the inevitable truth and as he will embrace a part of his darkness, we will also be invested in his journey later on--- as he faces Miri again. Because they will be in for one big pile of A-N-G-S-T. Also, there is some investment too when Miri is clueless on how to deal with him. The little moments of lost Miri, which I think will do her in later.

From what I get with the honesty that he talks about is not the sugary Miri (based on his interactions and words, he liked Monster!Miri before), he has called her "honest" before he even really knew her (or THOUGHT he knew her). It is the Miri who was outspoken and told him to butt out of her business several times. The blunt, feisty Miri who he once described of a woman of a few words, but says what she really feels with heavy words. He tells his father, he wishes he could be as outspoken as she was. I think to a point, every one was nice to his face but Miri. I mean, we have to be honest. YooHyun's ways with monster!Miri is a bit too... naive. Knowing her name without giving it to him, inviting they go home together without much of a conversation... telling a girl straight up that you are getting an inheritance is not very smooth, is it not? He meant it in the most honest way possible, and no sign of malice but she read it the wrong way. This is why (sadly) he really felt he got through the blunt young woman, this is why he had a sense of boyish accomplishment. If only he knew all the intricate lies and the very reason why she is drawn to him is not because of his pure heart but his chaebol goodness. But, what we refuse to see is this will be all part of YooHyun's GROWTH. This is when I tell you, I welcome the angst.

Let me say though, these four actors are really doing such an amazing job portraying their characters. They are each so complex and they just really come alive.

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Guest chanchunnie

Hi ! Im new in this thread..well I was a lurker and i cant stop myself posting coz i really like this kind of thread.. Almost all of the posts (85-90%) are all well written ..i mean you guys really discussed well about the drama, the story, the character and i really like it. No over the board squealing, Myunghoon and Yoohyun are hot lads i know ( and the girls are beautiful too)but i really like to read what you guys think about their personalities and such. Without this thread i dont think i can keep up with Miss Ripley, coz the drama is too much for me to handle but since you guys are there to help me understand and somehow prevent me from slapping Miri hard(LOL kidding) so yeah..Im still here..

And ohh Im a Yoohyun-Heejo shipper..coz my heart goes to poor Heejoo.. :(

Yayyy to Yoochun's new hair!

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Guest niedasrar

i'd stop watching this drama at ep3 i guess because its hurt to see my fav actress live her life full of lies~~

but still im going to watch it tonight~

episode 4 of miss ripley + biochemistry structure of vitamin = good night sleep :D

Hi ! Im new in this thread..well I was a lurker and i cant stop myself posting coz i really like this kind of thread.. Almost all of the posts (85-90%) are all well written ..i mean you guys really discussed well about the drama, the story, the character and i really like it. No over the board squealing, Myunghoon and Yoohyun are hot lads i know ( and the girls are beautiful too)but i really like to read what you guys think about their personalities and such. Without this thread i dont think i can keep up with Miss Ripley, coz the drama is too much for me to handle but since you guys are there to help me understand and somehow prevent me from slapping Miri hard(LOL kidding) so yeah..Im still here..

And ohh Im a Yoohyun-Heejo shipper..coz my heart goes to poor Heejoo.. :(

Yayyy to Yoochun's new hair!

yaa poor heejoo..

but sorry to say this..

 sometimes its kind of annoyed me that she's being too naive and kind~~

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Hi ! Im new in this thread..well I was a lurker and i cant stop myself posting coz i really like this kind of thread.. Almost all of the posts (85-90%) are all well written ..i mean you guys really discussed well about the drama, the story, the character and i really like it. No over the board squealing, Myunghoon and Yoohyun are hot lads i know ( and the girls are beautiful too)but i really like to read what you guys think about their personalities and such. Without this thread i dont think i can keep up with Miss Ripley, coz the drama is too much for me to handle but since you guys are there to help me understand and somehow prevent me from slapping Miri hard(LOL kidding) so yeah..Im still here..

And ohh Im a Yoohyun-Heejo shipper..coz my heart goes to poor Heejoo.. :(

Yayyy to Yoochun's new hair!


I spot another chunsa *high five*

and i agree with you on heeju

instead of slapping miri i'm waiting for heeju to slap miri.

Heeju is much stronger than she appears i dont think she will consciously victimize herself.

I think MH will be the one who loves miri till the end.

Yoochun might be an energizer puppy but he has a steel backbone and i have a feeling there are things he doesnt compromise on or forgive/ betrayal being one of them

My guess is he will bring miri down even if he loves miri.

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Guest chanchunnie

yaa poor heejoo..

but sorry to say this..

 sometimes its kind of annoyed me that she's being too naive and kind~~

Oh dont be ..we have different opinions :)

Well time will come that she will fight back. ( maybe?)

I was thinking ..If Yoohyun will be a cold guy and so maybe MH will be the puppy one?

Ohh ill better stop, Im not good at this. :)

Now back to being a lurker. :)

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Guest ngthuhien149

I dont know why people saying that YH's love for Miri was superficial and MH's love for Miri was real, just because Miri-YH's love lines has been developed so fast so you all think that it was superficial. It's just the way the story goes.

Each man has different personality, they both love Miri truely and dearly and they show two different kind of express their love to the person you love. And none are supercial in my opinion.


Alot of YC's fans are watching it as a fan, subjectively not as someone enjoy watching a drama. They hate to see their idol get cheated, and lied to by Miri. Therefore they hated the writer and Korean fans even demanded a change in the writer. But if you watch it objectively this drama is very good, in the first 8 ep the writer has created successfully a warm, fluffy CEO, and an adult, who knew more about love and Miri with a web of lies, which is the basis of the drama. the next 8 ep will show us how two men who had loved Miri deal with Miri when her lies is exposed. And if MH chooses to overlook at Miri's lies and helps her to cover more lies, while Yutaka is being cold and wanting to take revenge on Miri. Does that mean Yu's love is more superficial? And since MH chooses to sided with Miri therefore his love is deeper? I hardly think not. There is no right or wrong when come to love.

I agree with most of what u said.

However, I don't think ppl mean Yuhyun's love is superficial, at least not like that way u thought it would be. What they mean is the Miri that YH loves is not the real Miri. So what he loves know is the Miri that his imagination makes up. It doesn't mean that his love is not real or unmature. It is just that he doesn't know enough about the real Miri yet. So the sincere and passionate love he is having now is for another Miri, not her. B4 Yuhyun discovers Miri soon in next episodes, I don't think he will understand her more either. Did Miri really open up to him about the real her? Nah nah, she only showed him what she wanted him to see, not who she is. So is his love is strong enough to cover up for her when he knows the truth, like what MH did? No ~ Is he going to immediately think of sacrificing himself and going down with her when he knows the truth? I don't think so, he may do that but it takes time because it is not THE Miri that he loves. It is different from MH. MR did show MH who she really is from the very beginning even tho it is just a little bit, remember when she argued with him about the promotion? and many other moments. Hence, MH knows both good and bad sides of her n now he almost knows everything. With YH, I don't think so. She may be touched by him but she is still being fake to him. If so the relationship they are having now is not real and not strong enough. I am sure he will not forgive her easily, more than thatI don't think he can even let her alone with all her lies. Te be more direct, I am not sure he still loves her after knowing the truth (judging from where ep 8 reached), I wonder myself if he ever loves the real Miri.

And dearie, don't ever generalize us Yoochun's fans. I believe Yoochun's hardcore fans never hate a drama because he is hurt n played in it. That is not Yoochun who is being hurt and played so why do we have to overact? In fact, playing in a melodrama, what is the point of not being hurt? I believe ppl have different opinions about things. Whether they hate or love the drama, u cannot assume that they have the same reasons. As a Yoochun's fan, I am waiting for Yuhyun's heart to be shattered into pieces so he can show more his acting, esp in those angst scenes. Therefore, he can be recognized more in this field in which he is really new and his hard work can be paid off. IMO I see the flaws in the drama that is why I don't really like it and it is not because of anything else but the drama n the script itself. I just dun like how they rush the story so it is really illogical to me.

Anw I can't wait >< Cold hearted Yuhyun here I come xD :wub:

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