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[Drama 2011] City Hunter 시티헌터

Guest adikkeluangman

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I'll probably come off as a Richard but daaaaaaaaaaang, some of you people are DENSE. Yoon-sung/City Hunter DIED with Jin-pyo. The scene with Nana and him didn't actually happen, same with the midnight driving, they're allegorical.

Great ending btw. Yoon-sung and Jin-pyo needed to die for the story to come full-circle.

i don't think it was necessary to call people dense for having a different interpretation from yours

both theories do make sense... YS could be or not a figment of Nana's mind but the whole ending is super ambiguous

why is YS wearing black and Nana wearing white? (which totally reminded me of the OST cover)

but then he smiles... burden unloaded life starting now with Nana?

the ending of him driving away without anyone by his side could be interpreted that he is finally making his own journey...

alive or dead without being burdened...

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Guest fossilgirl

however we want to interpret the ending doesn't really diminish the fact that this drama was well written and very well acted out.. as soon as subs are out, surely, we will understand this episode more.. i personally think Yoonsung didnt die.. (at least that was what i am desperately hoping for.. because what kind of a life did he live if all through it all, he experienced nothing but pain? where is justice in that??!!) I think the writers purposely left the ending hanging like that.. as cecilia said, when a trace of mystery is left, audiences tend to remember the drama more.. and the writers succeeded in doing just that...

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Guest samgirl

so when minho said we cant guess the ending, he really meant it. we really cant guess how it all ended, depending on what we want to believe in. I choose that YS is alive!

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Guest luv_harmony

So now interpretations also indicate that YS died? crazy.gif asdfglkjh

This is getting weirder + freaky at they same time. Why was YS soul driving the car? And if they wanted us to 'assume' things the way we want then why didn't they stop after YS or NN got shot in previous episodes? I would've assumed that somehow JP succeeded in his revenge plan, KH got to know about YS being her son etc. etc....wacko.gif

PS - I would keep YJ alive phew.gif

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Guest asadal

i don't think it was necessary to call people dense for having a different interpretation from yours

both theories do make sense... YS could be or not a figment of Nana's mind but the whole ending is super ambiguous

why is YS wearing black and Nana wearing white? (which totally reminded me of the OST cover)

but then he smiles... burden unloaded life starting now with Nana?

the ending of him driving away without anyone by his side could be interpreted that he is finally making his own journey...

alive or dead without being burdened...

I would give the Yoon-sung-is-somehow-miraculously-alive slant a chance if Nana acted natural when she first spotted him. But she didn't, that initial expression on her face says everything.

VVV pandasloveme. I can understand how you can see it that way, to me she looked antsy and kind of disappointed at the end when she couldn't find him. I don't know, that tells me they weren't on some scheduled date.

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Guest victoriamai

First, the viewer actually get to witness Yoon-sung's death. I mean surely the whole gloomy vibe after the time lapse must've clued you in if the whole Yoon-sung's-last-breath-part in the death scene wasn't convincing enough.

Second, Nana saw the dude die with her own eyes. She even does the "oh my gawd it's him" desperate run to the Yoon-sung figure. So right there it's implied that it's in her head. And c'mon, that whole scene felt surreal and dream-like.

Third, the driving scene was just a memory. It's not connected with the actual 'timeline'.

Hmmm... I think she didn't say 'oh my god it's him' and run to him because he lived... and she was probably there to see him live. And she knew that he was alive.. considering the fact that she was at the scene where they were shot. Also, I don't think that they would just throw in a random driving scene as a memory. That's a bit weird.. edit: actually.. i could see them using that as a memory or what not.. i just still think it's weird.. LOL

But really.. your take about him dying is just the same as the take of someone who said that YS lived, him and NN got together, and will eventually make beautiful babies.. LOL


WARNING: this is kinda long.. read at your own risk ;)

I don't know if anyone here watched a show in America on MTV called "The Hills"... if you did, then you'll know what I'm talking about but if not.. let me try to explain. The show was a 'reality show' that people always said wasn't real.. they said it was scripted and whatnot. But the producers never answered whether what happened was true or not. But in the ending finale of the season.. this girl leaves for another country as she says goodbye to the guy she's into.. he's into her and they're both sad that she's leaving. As she's in the car leaving to the airport and she's crying, the camera zooms out and you see that everything that happened was on a set of a Hollywood studio and the director yells "CUT!" and then you see the car come back, she gets out, hugs the guy and says "good job". Meaning, she wasn't leaving, and everything that happened in that last scene was scripted.

So the show ended without you really not know what was real about the show and what was not.. you had to draw your own conclusions.

City Hunter's ending is the same way. They wanted you to think what you wanted to and to draw a conclusion that made you happy. They also left it so that if there was a season 2, it could happen without having an ending of a first season that would make having a season 2 difficult. Sure there are a lot of questions left unanswered but I feel like that's the point.. MAKE UP YOUR OWN 'ENDING'; do what makes you happy (:

Yes, the ending wasn't exactly AMAZING but overall I think the epicness of City Hunter before the last 20 mins of the last episode makes up for it doesn't it?

One more thing...

I do wish though, that they didn't focus on NN's and YS's relationship as much as they did. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE THEM! but like some have pointed out, they focused soooooo much on their relationship for about the first 12 episodes and then after that it was like.. they were never even a couple. Nana&Yoonsung, as a couple, disappeared. It would have been better if they had taken all they had given us in the first 12 episodes and spread it out more evenly throughout all 20 eps... I just wish they kept Nana and Yoon Sung consistent.

But like I said, other than the little flaws of the drama, this drama was great! Even better than IRIS in my opinion...   Most kdramas or dramas or TV SHOWS in general will have flaws. But for 19 episodes, City Hunter kept us on its feet and kept us wanting and wishing more.. and even with the rushed ending, it's still doing that: making us want more ;) So I say, good job City Hunter. Thanks for being so awesome!!

I do hope to see Park Min Young and Lee Min Ho in another drama together,  like rom-com :3 their chemistry is just TOOOOO great to let it just kinda... disappear.. so hopefully, the producers or director or any staff member, when they work on a rom-com or any other drama that focuses on romance, I pray to the drama gods they remember the chemistry of our MinMin couple and hire them for the drama ;D

If you got through all this, congrats and I love you ;) Until next time Hunters! :D

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Guest jajami

I am not agree with you, bu tyou make me laugh so, love your post ;)

Anyway, clearly this drama was't a RomCOm, I personnaly only watch this kind of drama, but I am quite happy with City HUnter ending.

SO, go on! A drama chase another one ! I wil go on Myung Wol Spy & Scent of a women. See you on these posts !!!

So goodbye, don't smile and cryyyyyy  :ph34r:  :phew:

lol... just take it a fanfic...it seems like i've watched East of Eden and Iris but City Hunter is better both NN and YS didn't die here...even the ending was all rushed up and as the other say where is the ring..but still the editing is quiet good ,we the viewers was crackin up when we saw NN was wearing black clothes we thought YS died but i'm still disappointed when they see each other again and they just only smile...is that all ?? at least the writer put some romance into that scene..i'm sorry but you cannot blame me if i want to kill the writer even YS wants to kill him too ...lol...when the last part  YS driving his car i'm thinking his in mission again , to me its open ending story...maybe another drama for them but i'm not voting for city hunter 2 coz in the manga NN died before their wedding....but if there will be i hope the writer won't kill NN...

But i count City hunter is one of the best drama ....

I'm also watching Myung Wol the spy and Scent of a Woman....see u there!!

i have  question ....what happen to the Triangle in thailand  since the JP died already ...and only YS will know all about those stuff since he is the legal son of JP????this drama ended with a lot of loope holes...:o:o

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I'm actually a firm believer that YS is still alive. Otherwise, what's the point for JP to claim that he is the City Hunter just before his death? Isn't it to take the burden away and give YS a new lease on life? If YS is assumed to die, then wouldn't it be better if YS died as the hero (at least in the heart of the public)? I dunno... if YS died just like that, it defeats the whole purpose of that scene... JP sacrificing himself and putting all the blame on himself....

Actually there are other scenes in the ending that make me believe YS is still alive.

The scene with Agent Eun-ah, Nana, Da Hye, and that IT guy.. when Eun-ah mentioned how lonely it is now that Nana quit and YS's not at the Blue House too, there's no sudden change in mood/tone in her voice... usually if the guy is dead, I doubt the tone would be so "normal" sounding...as if nothing wrong happened..no delay/hesitation.. and you don't get any "weird reactions" from the others in that scene, especially not from Nana, Da Hye just looks kind of depressed but not like "YS is dead" depressed, more like lonely depressed

Nana's wearing the mourning clothes for her dad, so that leaves YS's mom. Some people think it's because YS died, but it's also reasonable to think mom is wearing it for MY and JP.. now that they are openly being recognized by their country and not just "people who don't exist" anymore.. and if YS really died, don't you think Ajusshi would be wearing mourning clothes too? Yes they're not blood related but their relationship is strong enough (Ajusshi is like YS's mom, sister.. lol quoting YS here) Plus Ajusshi is too um.. happy?? for YS to be dead

And of course, the scene with Nana, I doubt Nana's reaction would be like that if she saw someone she believed to be dead. There's really no " big shock" like when realizing someone dead appearing in front of you, more like a little surprise. Just, surprised and probably excited at the possibility that YS is there. In my view, Nana always knew YS was alive but he needed time. Time to heal, both physical and emotional wounds. So after YS was shot, he's probably in the hospital getting treated or probably went off somewhere to organize his emotions and thoughts (You can tell some time has passed since Eun-ah and the IT guy are getting married) So Nana gives him time and waits for him to be ready to come find her. And so he does, and they both smile happily. No words needed here, you can just tell from their eyes :P It's like they're saying "You've returned to me like you promised" and "I've returned to you like I promised" :) What happens afterwards, we can just let our imaginations run wild haha, but no matter what, we can be sure that those two are together (and that thought alone is enough for me :))

As for YS speeding through the city in his car alone, I actually think it's there just to show that the City Hunter is always there, protecting the city from the shadows and that there is always justice left in the world. It's kind of like that last scene in Hong Gil Dong with the hero overlooking the city, the scene is a metaphor.

Besides if they end the show at YS and Nana's reunion scene, the drama will feel like a typical romance drama again. By ending it with a shot of our beloved City Hunter speeding through the night, it brings the show around full circle and reminds us again why this show is called City Hunter

Sorry if my post is too long or incoherent ^^; English is not my first language so I tried to express my thoughts as clearly as possible

Actually when I watched the ending for the first time, for some reason, not once did I think YS could've been dead. I dunno why, but maybe it's the atmosphere, it's just not.... gloomy enough? hard to describe

EDIT: Forgot to add, the production team staff left messages on Twitter posing as Yunsung and Nana. Basically Yunsung said he'll take good care of Nana. Nana said Yunsung is no longer in sorrow, and that she'll stick to Yunsung forever. And of course, thanking everyone for their support. Don't know of the credibility of these two Twitter accounts, but from the looks of it, it's most likely official.

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This is what makes me sure that he survived.

1 He was shot above his heart and there where no closeup showing him take his last breath. The had panned out the filming only showing him loose concience making everyone gasp for air believing he died.

2 Nanas coworker comes giving giving DH and Nana invitations to their weddding she askes Nana about her fathers death and if she tied everythihng up about it. then she says its No fun in the Blue House since you are leaving/quittting and YS is not around either. She doesn't say gone or dead. She is saying not around as in quit.

3 The flowerbasket KH recieved from the president with a card saying I'm sorry, Thank you and I hope for happiness for you.

The I'm sorry is for what happened to her son and that he wasen't around and that Ys was stolen thus he didn't do his job as a father and protected them.

The Thank you is for that she gave him a son. After all they did love each other at one time and I think there is feeling left but time and life goes on.

The I hope for your happines is. She has her son back and can now go on and having her son with her and he wishes that there be no more sorrow as the revenge is over and done with.

If you at one point loved someone and that love didnt end up in hate or anger and you have a son together, what nutcase would you have to be to send a flowerbasket with such a card written like that if the son you have togehter had died. No one would unless they where completly gonners insane.

4 Mother Ahjussi who loved YS more then anyone like a big brother, sister, mom and a best friend he would be devestated beyond words and not happy laughing going to US with KH. He would be crying his eyes out as he is a gentle and softhearted person.

I belive YS needed some time absolutly alone and away from everything just to sort out all his feelings about what happened during those 28 years. I firmly believe that Nana quit her job because she too where going to the US with ahjussi KH and YS and YS driving the car in Seoul at night is when they have come back and he is in the city to hunt.

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Guest luv_harmony

Hmmm... I think she didn't say 'oh my god it's him' and run to him because he lived... and she was probably there to see him live. And she knew that he was alive.. considering the fact that she was at the scene where they were shot. Also, I don't think that they would just throw in a random driving scene as a memory. That's a bit weird.. edit: actually.. i could see them using that as a memory or what not.. i just still think it's weird.. LOL

But really.. your take about him dying is just the same as the take of someone who said that YS lived, him and NN got together, and will eventually make beautiful babies.. LOL


WARNING: this is kinda long.. read at your own risk ;)

I don't know if anyone here watched a show in America on MTV called "The Hills"... if you did, then you'll know what I'm talking about but if not.. let me try to explain. The show was a 'reality show' that people always said wasn't real.. they said it was scripted and whatnot. But the producers never answered whether what happened was true or not. But in the ending finale of the season.. this girl leaves for another country as she says goodbye to the guy she's into.. he's into her and they're both sad that she's leaving. As she's in the car leaving to the airport and she's crying, the camera zooms out and you see that everything that happened was on a set of a Hollywood studio and the director yells "CUT!" and then you see the car come back, she gets out, hugs the guy and says "good job". Meaning, she wasn't leaving, and everything that happened in that last scene was scripted.

So the show ended without you really not know what was real about the show and what was not.. you had to draw your own conclusions.

City Hunter's ending is the same way. They wanted you to think what you wanted to and to draw a conclusion that made you happy. They also left it so that if there was a season 2, it could happen without having an ending of a first season that would make having a season 2 difficult. Sure there are a lot of questions left unanswered but I feel like that's the point.. MAKE UP YOUR OWN 'ENDING'; do what makes you happy (:

Yes, the ending wasn't exactly AMAZING but overall I think the epicness of City Hunter before the last 20 mins of the last episode makes up for it doesn't it?

One more thing...

I do wish though, that they didn't focus on NN's and YS's relationship as much as they did. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE THEM! but like some have pointed out, they focused soooooo much on their relationship for about the first 12 episodes and then after that it was like.. they were never even a couple. Nana&Yoonsung, as a couple, disappeared. It would have been better if they had taken all they had given us in the first 12 episodes and spread it out more evenly throughout all 20 eps... I just wish they kept Nana and Yoon Sung consistent.

But like I said, other than the little flaws of the drama, this drama was great! Even better than IRIS in my opinion...   Most kdramas or dramas or TV SHOWS in general will have flaws. But for 19 episodes, City Hunter kept us on its feet and kept us wanting and wishing more.. and even with the rushed ending, it's still doing that: making us want more ;) So I say, good job City Hunter. Thanks for being so awesome!!

I do hope to see Park Min Young and Lee Min Ho in another drama together,  like rom-com :3 their chemistry is just TOOOOO great to let it just kinda... disappear.. so hopefully, the producers or director or any staff member, when they work on a rom-com or any other drama that focuses on romance, I pray to the drama gods they remember the chemistry of our MinMin couple and hire them for the drama ;D

If you got through all this, congrats and I love you ;) Until next time Hunters! :D

This is exactly where my disappointment gets bigger. Had they not elaborated the YS-NN track so much, I think I would be fine with whatever the ending might be. After giving so much of the couple in initial episodes when our craving for them getting a happy ending reached it's heights, they left us hanging just to 'assume' stuffs. Now I get the feeling that this is how they wanted it for us.. like not giving any romantic YS-NN moments in past 5-7 episodes and then a hanging closure, LITERAL TORTURE is the word reckon.

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I'm actually a firm believer that YS is still alive. Otherwise, what's the point for JP to claim that he is the City Hunter just before his death? Isn't it to take the burden away and give YS a new lease on life? If YS is assumed to die, then wouldn't it be better if YS died as the hero (at least in the heart of the public)? I dunno... if YS died just like that, it defeats the whole purpose of that scene... JP sacrificing himself and putting all the blame on himself....

Actually there are other scenes in the ending that make me believe YS is still alive.

The scene with Agent Eun-ah, Nana, Da Hye, and that IT guy.. when Eun-ah mentioned how lonely it is now that Nana quit and YS's not at the Blue House too, there's no sudden change in mood/tone in her voice... usually if the guy is dead, I doubt the tone would be so "normal" sounding...as if nothing wrong happened.. and you don't get any "weird reactions" from the others in that scene, especially not from Nana, Da Hye just looks kind of depressed but not like "YS is dead" depressed, more like lonely depressed

Nana's wearing the mourning clothes for her dad, so that leaves YS's mom. Some people think it's because YS died, but it's also reasonable to think mom is wearing it for MY and JP.. now that they are openly being recognized by their country and not just "people who don't exist" anymore.. and if YS really died, don't you think Ajusshi would be wearing mourning clothes too? Yes they're not blood related but their relationship is strong enough (Ajusshi is like YS's mom, sister.. lol quoting YS here) Plus Ajusshi is too um.. happy?? for YS to be dead

And of course, the scene with Nana, I doubt Nana's reaction would be like that if she saw someone she believed to be dead. There's really no " big shock" like when realizing someone dead appearing in front of you, more like a little surprise. Just, surprised and probably excited at the possibility that YS is there. In my view, Nana always knew YS was alive but he needed time. Time to heal, both physical and emotional wounds. So after YS was shot, he's probably in the hospital getting treated or probably went off somewhere to organize his emotions and thoughts (You can tell some time has passed since Eun-ah and the IT guy are getting married) So Nana gives him time and waits for him to be ready to come find her. And so he does, and they both smile happily. No words needed here, you can just tell from their eyes :P

As for YS speeding through the city in his car alone, I actually think it's there just to show that the City Hunter is always there, protecting the city from the shadows and that there is always justice left in the world. It's kind of like that last scene in Hong Gil Dong with the hero overlooking the city, the scene is a metaphor.

Besides if they end the show at YS and Nana's reunion scene, the drama will feel like a typical romance drama again. By ending it with a shot of our beloved City Hunter speeding through the night, it brings the show around full circle and reminds us again why this show is called City Hunter

Sorry if my post is too long or incoherent ^^; English is not my first language so I tried to express my thoughts as clearly as possible

Actually when I watched the ending for the first time, for some reason, not once did I think YS could've been dead. I dunno why, but maybe it's the atmosphere, it's just not.... gloomy enough? hard to describe

omg.. now that i read your theory.. i think i like yours ..ahahaha... i like to believe that YS is alive.

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O.K, here are my thoughts about the drama.

I'm disappointed simply because I hate open endings. But for an open ending, it was quite a good one.

But as the plot goes, IMO, too many events remained unexplained and there were too many loope holes. It wasn't a good drama in that aspect.

And I must wonder about two things: why focus in the romance between YS and NN in the first place when we didn't get absolutely nothing in the second half of the series? And the ring was totally unnecessary!

The second thing is: why kill YJ? Except from the fact it was a really bad surprise to us viewers, it did nothing to the plot. It seemed to me that they just had to kill a main character and he was the victim. No purpose in his death whatsoever.

The first 10 episodes were quite good, it had it all: comedy, romance, action, secrets. But the last 10 episodes lost a lot of it. Too bad it was done that way.

Overall, it could have been much better than this. It should have been better.

Now, I must watch a drama with a good ending to forget and get over this one.

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Guest vipblackjacklove

I'm actually a firm believer that YS is still alive.  Otherwise, what's the point for JP to claim that he is the City Hunter just before his death?  Isn't it to take the burden away and give YS a new lease on life?  If YS is assumed to die, then wouldn't it be better if YS died as the hero (at least in the heart of the public)? I dunno... if YS died just like that, it defeats the whole purpose of that scene... JP sacrificing himself and putting all the blame on himself....

Actually there are other scenes in the ending that make me believe YS is still alive.

The scene with Agent Eun-ah, Nana, Da Hye, and that IT guy.. when Eun-ah mentioned how lonely it is now that Nana quit and YS's not at the Blue House too, there's no sudden change in mood/tone in her voice... usually if the guy is dead, I doubt the tone would be so "normal" sounding...as if nothing wrong happened.. and you don't get any "weird reactions" from the others in that scene, especially not from Nana, Da Hye just looks kind of depressed but not like "YS is dead" depressed, more like lonely depressed

Nana's wearing the mourning clothes for her dad, so that leaves YS's mom.  Some people think it's because YS died, but it's also reasonable to think mom is wearing it for MY and JP.. now that they are openly being recognized by their country and not just "people who don't exist" anymore.. and if YS really died, don't you think Ajusshi would be wearing mourning clothes too? Yes they're not blood related but their relationship is strong enough (Ajusshi is like YS's mom, sister.. lol quoting YS here) Plus Ajusshi is too um.. happy?? for YS to be dead

And of course, the scene with Nana, I doubt Nana's reaction would be like that if she saw someone she believed to be dead.  There's really no " big shock" like when realizing someone dead appearing in front of you, more like a little surprise.  Just, surprised and probably excited at the possibility that YS is there.  In my view, Nana always knew YS was alive but he needed time.  Time to heal, both physical and emotional wounds.  So after YS was shot, he's probably in the hospital getting treated or probably went off somewhere to organize his emotions and thoughts (You can tell some time has passed since Eun-ah and the IT guy are getting married) So Nana gives him time and waits for him to be ready to come find her. And so he does, and they both smile happily.  No words needed here, you can just tell from their eyes :P

As for YS speeding through the city in his car alone, I actually think it's there just to show that the City Hunter is always there, protecting the city from the shadows and that there is always justice left in the world.  It's kind of like that last scene in Hong Gil Dong with the hero overlooking the city, the scene is a metaphor.  

Besides if they end the show at YS and Nana's reunion scene, the drama will feel like a typical romance drama again.  By ending it with a shot of our beloved City Hunter speeding through the night, it brings the show around full circle and reminds us again why this show is called City Hunter

Sorry if my post is too long or incoherent ^^; English is not my first language so I tried to express my thoughts as clearly as possible

Actually when I watched the ending for the first time, for some reason, not once did I think YS could've been dead. I dunno why, but maybe it's the atmosphere, it's just not.... gloomy enough? hard to describe

EDIT: Forgot to add, the production team staff left messages on Twitter posing as Yoosung and Nana.  Basically Yoosung said he'll take good care of Nana.  Nana said Yoosung is no longer in sorrow, and that she'll stick to Yoosung forever. And of course, thanking everyone for their support.  Don't know of the credibility of these two Twitter accounts, but from the looks of it, it's probably official.

LOVE LOVE YOUR POST! thank you! you just made me feel better! you made me accept and love the ending. i feel very satisfied now :) i guess i was expecting too much...I'm one of those people who wanted a happy ending  (yes the ending was happy but not enough for me..ill accept it anyway)  I was really anticipating for YS to give the ring to NN..but i'm over it now! i hope so. I think they could have done a better job with YS/NN(thats what i really wanted) but like you said, if they ended it with them kissing or something, it would feel like a typical romance drama (this drama is not really focusing romance) but ugh dmn it!!!! more than half of CH..it was filled with their great chemistry.that's why i felt disappointed with the ending.  i will miss this show so much :(  and  i will also miss stalking this thread! SEASON TWO PLEASE! I WANT MORE OF THAT CH KICKING SOME BUTTS!!!

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Just finished watching the Final episode… what I can said… THIS DRAMA ARE THE BEST DRAMA I EVER WATCH… I really..really like it…I can conclude this drama as an OPEN ENDING and hopefully SEASON 2 will come later.

City Hunter/ YS is not died… that was suppose to be… his character is still alive… don’t forget this is the remake from the Comic so we still need the use the comic as the reference.

I was read when episode 1 was airing, many audience especially who was read the manga comment..this drama and manga are not the same storyline and I also read LEE MIN HO said.. THIS DRAMA ARE THE BEGINNING OF CITY HUNTER story… now after watched 20 episode I finally understand.. .. YES.. this is the beginning..

My analyses of 3 important character between comic and Korea remake drama ..

1. City hunter / Lee Yun Song / Ryo Saeba

The beginning/child story of him are not very clear in the comic BUT in drama the writer tell the detail to us. We know how YS became the City Hunter. That was the important.

2. Kim Nana / Kaori Makimura

In the comic actually she is the sister of City Hunter Partner… His brother died in their mission and entrust YS to take care of her…at last she became City Hunter Partner.


In drama what I can conclude KNN will become City Hunter Partner….but in 20 eps she still not be.. because YS/City Hunter still not approve her…

3. Kim Yong Jung / Hideyuki Makimura

I still confuse in the story of 18 episode…I can not conclude who is the comic character for Prosecutor KYJ… but after ep19 I think I can conclude ACTUALLY the real partner of City Hunter was KIM YONG JUNG not Ajusshi. In the beginning I think the partner of City Hunter was ajusshi, yes he is ..but ajusshi just the helper or maybe the second partner. The REAL partner is the Prosecutor KYJ. And in the drama KYJ take care of Nana after their parent accident….maybe at first because of his father guilty but after 10 year he maybe already think Nana as his sister .His feeling to Nana was not as a lover BUT AS A SISTER (cuz we can see he really love his ex-wife SH). And when he died.. yes.. he not said anything to take care of Nana..but he ask YS/City Hunter to do what he can’t do. Catch the bad guy is the first job we can conclude..but take care of Nana also his duty during his live. I can see many people here are really disappointing about YJ death..and me also...but maybe that was suppose to be in the comic.

So what I can see now CITY HUNTER drama 2011 was the BEGINNING of the story of the City Hunter. So, if the Season 2 will come later ….that is reasonable . They still have many story to tell us. Just like in the comic. And I hope the producer will think to make Season 2.

And lastly congratulation to the writer, the director, the actors and all of City hunter team… they really work hard to made this drama the BEST. And also for all the Hunters here… thanks for the recap, picture, BTS, theme song and many more… all of you are the best… I will miss you all and hopefully we will meet again in this tread next year..

I’m praying for CITY HUNTER 2012 – Their Journey ^^ :wub:

* this is just my opinion about the character & the storyline base on what I watch and read ( the manga – I just read the wikipedia about the character cuz I can’t stand the comic, the comic drawing really not suit my taste ^^). If I’m wrong..SORRY

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Guest eun88

I'm actually a firm believer that YS is still alive.  Otherwise, what's the point for JP to claim that he is the City Hunter just before his death?  Isn't it to take the burden away and give YS a new lease on life?  If YS is assumed to die, then wouldn't it be better if YS died as the hero (at least in the heart of the public)? I dunno... if YS died just like that, it defeats the whole purpose of that scene... JP sacrificing himself and putting all the blame on himself....

Actually there are other scenes in the ending that make me believe YS is still alive.

The scene with Agent Eun-ah, Nana, Da Hye, and that IT guy.. when Eun-ah mentioned how lonely it is now that Nana quit and YS's not at the Blue House too, there's no sudden change in mood/tone in her voice... usually if the guy is dead, I doubt the tone would be so "normal" sounding...as if nothing wrong happened.. and you don't get any "weird reactions" from the others in that scene, especially not from Nana, Da Hye just looks kind of depressed but not like "YS is dead" depressed, more like lonely depressed

Nana's wearing the mourning clothes for her dad, so that leaves YS's mom.  Some people think it's because YS died, but it's also reasonable to think mom is wearing it for MY and JP.. now that they are openly being recognized by their country and not just "people who don't exist" anymore.. and if YS really died, don't you think Ajusshi would be wearing mourning clothes too? Yes they're not blood related but their relationship is strong enough (Ajusshi is like YS's mom, sister.. lol quoting YS here) Plus Ajusshi is too um.. happy?? for YS to be dead

And of course, the scene with Nana, I doubt Nana's reaction would be like that if she saw someone she believed to be dead.  There's really no " big shock" like when realizing someone dead appearing in front of you, more like a little surprise.  Just, surprised and probably excited at the possibility that YS is there.  In my view, Nana always knew YS was alive but he needed time.  Time to heal, both physical and emotional wounds.  So after YS was shot, he's probably in the hospital getting treated or probably went off somewhere to organize his emotions and thoughts (You can tell some time has passed since Eun-ah and the IT guy are getting married) So Nana gives him time and waits for him to be ready to come find her. And so he does, and they both smile happily.  No words needed here, you can just tell from their eyes :P

As for YS speeding through the city in his car alone, I actually think it's there just to show that the City Hunter is always there, protecting the city from the shadows and that there is always justice left in the world.  It's kind of like that last scene in Hong Gil Dong with the hero overlooking the city, the scene is a metaphor.  

Besides if they end the show at YS and Nana's reunion scene, the drama will feel like a typical romance drama again.  By ending it with a shot of our beloved City Hunter speeding through the night, it brings the show around full circle and reminds us again why this show is called City Hunter

Sorry if my post is too long or incoherent ^^; English is not my first language so I tried to express my thoughts as clearly as possible

Actually when I watched the ending for the first time, for some reason, not once did I think YS could've been dead. I dunno why, but maybe it's the atmosphere, it's just not.... gloomy enough? hard to describe

 thanks raine_evenstar for the analysis!  You really expressed my thoughts :) I also never thought that  YS  could've died after I watched  ep 20 the first time too. But after  reading some posts in this forum about his possible death,  I was  a bit shaky in my thoughts about him being alive or not . However,  after you wrote this analysis, I feel the same as i did before  and i truly don't think YS died at all :)  To me it just makes  makes more sense w/ YS being alive than not, esp. the car scene @ the end  :)

BTW I cant read Korean but I recently found this twitter account on the  http://tv.sbs.co.kr/cityhunter/ for YS: can anyone interpret the last few tweets? I tried using Google translate but idk how accurate it translates ( btw sorry for the weird formatting :/)

"    _____2011-06-30____2.06.13_normal.png                             City_YunSung   이윤성 City Hunter                                                                                         [시티헌터] #cityhunter 나나, 마지막까지 잘 지킬께요. 여러분 고맙습니다. From.시티헌터                 14 hours ago                     »             _____2011-06-30____2.06.13_normal.png                             City_YunSung   이윤성 City Hunter                                                                                         감사했어요. 행복했습니다. RT @SBS_Cityhunter: [시티헌터] #cityhunter 그동안 시티헌터를 사랑해주신 많은 트친 여러분께 감사드립니다. 좋은 추억 감사드립니다. 정말 고마웠어요. 감사합니다.                 14 hours ago                             Favorite                                          Retweet                           Reply                                 _____2011-06-30____2.06.13_normal.png                             City_YunSung   이윤성 City Hunter                                                                                         [시티헌터] #cityhunter 나 여기 있어. 나나야 @City_NaNa "

source -https://twitter.com/#!/City_YunSung

anyone care to translate it more accurately?thanks!:)

EDIT: thanks raine_evenstar for the edit and twitter update :) if we happen to look @ the same twitter account, then i do think it is official because I got it from the SBS website :) yEp yay.  

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Guest victoriamai

And of course, the scene with Nana, I doubt Nana's reaction would be like that if she saw someone she believed to be dead.  There's really no " big shock" like when realizing someone dead appearing in front of you, more like a little surprise.  Just, surprised and probably excited at the possibility that YS is there.  In my view, Nana always knew YS was alive but he needed time.  Time to heal, both physical and emotional wounds.  So after YS was shot, he's probably in the hospital getting treated or probably went off somewhere to organize his emotions and thoughts (You can tell some time has passed since Eun-ah and the IT guy are getting married) So Nana gives him time and waits for him to be ready to come find her. And so he does, and they both smile happily.  No words needed here, you can just tell from their eyes :P

EDIT: Forgot to add, the production team staff left messages on Twitter posing as Yoosung and Nana.  Basically Yoosung said he'll take good care of Nana.  Nana said Yoosung is no longer in sorrow, and that she'll stick to Yoosung forever. And of course, thanking everyone for their support.  Don't know of the credibility of these two Twitter accounts, but from the looks of it, it's probably official.

I agree with you!

(here I am using another movie example and trying to make it relate to CH... lolol) In the Twilight Saga: New Moon.. after Edward leaves Bella (those are the main characters for those who don't know) she later saw him in her thoughts and dreams and she would like FREAK OUT and start hyperventilating. She even did stupid stuff to make him come back in her mind but each time, though she knew it was coming, see him in her thoughts and mind, shocked her.

When Nana saw Yoon Sung.. she was just happy to see him there. She knew he was alive so it wasn't exactly of a shock to her to see him.. she expected that he would be back (:

YAYYY! omg if it's official~ THEN WE KNOW THEY'RE ALIVE AND TOGETHER <3 omggg so sweet...

hah even a little twitter action makes me happy ;D

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Guest luv_harmony

Yehh  the twitter account is official one so now it's for sure that YS-NN are alive and happily together or will it be interpreted that YS soul will take good care of NN & NN will stick to YS soul crazy.gif..ok I guess I'm losing it..jk lol

God bless the noble twitter updater.

EDIT : I agree with someone who pointed out that the first 10 episodes or even 12, were amazing in REAL sense. Yeh things were so much balanced then..in last 8 episodes it seemed like the writers have run out of ideas. Or is it the pressure to give the show a remarkable ending that messed things up for em & thus eventually for us too??

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Hi guys a question abt the OST of city hunter. special OST


01. 사랑 – 임재범

02. 그대만 봐요 – 박규리

03. I Love U, I Want U, I Need U (Sweet Acoustic) – 구하라

04. I Love You, I Want You, I Need You – 애플 망고(Apple Mango)

05. 너에게 만은 남자이고 싶다 – 헌터(Hunter)

06. 그대와 난 – 레인보우(Rainbow)

07. 멈출 수 없는… – 손한별

08. 사랑이 끝났다 – 애플 망고(Apple Mango)

09. Memories Of Love (Acoustic Guitar ver.) – 박주원

10. Memories Of Love (Acoustic Piano ver.) – 김지수 [작곡/편곡]

11. 사랑 (inst.)

12. 그대만 봐요 (inst.)

13. 그대와 난 (inst.)

14. I Love You, I Want You, I Need You (inst.)

which song is missing from this album but release under City Hunter OST Part1-7/8/9?

i remember i heard some songs from the drama but was not included in this special OST... Can u please help me?

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