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[Drama 2011] City Hunter 시티헌터

Guest adikkeluangman

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Tomorow, if we see a Han river scene with min/min, I will be too exited from expecting something ! But maybe it's for another ep...

pandasloveme > in the manga Ryo & Kaori have to get married but she's killed before in a car accident, hopefully this is from the alternative end of them together from the manga "Angel Hearth". From the manga City Hunter, they just continue to be partner and to mess around... ^^

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Guest dracog

from the preview i saw YS, or someone, open something which looked like a safety box. i wonder whats inside. and YJ seems to knock YS down, and JP looke dworried gaaaaaah

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http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iiq88Q_F0VY --- thanks pyscho2005 for the link! :wub:

EP 15 ending scene:

NN called YS

YS answered but he isn't talking

*KNN aked YS for them to meet up and talk at the cafe

YS just heard her but can't talk

KNN asked if YS heard what she said.

NN saw that the call isn't drop yet so she suppose YS is hearing her

YS dropped the phone

YS is BARELY breathing,.

he's so DIZZY..

YS is now walking upstairs

YJ: You came late. I am waiting for you.

YS said he is there since he have an appointment

YJ said he looks not good. does he felt sick?

YS said he isn't feeling good because he went clubbing the last night

*YJ mentioned about CH about his motive of revenge. and that he's thankful for the last time

YS said if he was able to meet CH he will pass his message of thank you..

when YS turned his back and went upstairs, YJ called him PooChai.

YS stopped hearing his Thai name.

END of ep 15


*YJ continues to investigate about CH and YS

*YJ mentioned about Lee JP and Lee YS.. and also about CH.

*NN was thrown with egss (I think she's covering DH)

*YS: I don't have the confidence (maybe to continue denying the fact or stopping himself not to like NN) KNN, I like you!


minijungle, thanks about your LATEST NEWS!!! waahh!!! your friend is SO LUCKY!! watching the KISS LIVE!!! waahh!!!

If I'm there, my HEART will really EXPLODE!!! bwhaaha :D I am a MINMIN shipper too!!! :wub:

mskololia1, I've got your point.. I just said that since I think, if I'll be seeing YJ butting MORE and MORE to YJ and CH affairs, I might be irritated with him... and to think, they are HEADING in ONE goal to seek JUSTICE, I think YJ and CH just work together..

I am also wishing that YJ will stop butting into YS's past life, because, the MORE hew learns about YS past, the more

JP might DRAG him down in order to stop him knowing EVERYTHING from YS and JP's past... :vicx:

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Guest nononono93

I hate hate to admit but the preview kinda gave me a bad feeling..

Like it's not going to be that good despite Yoon Sung's confession *which I am excited about*.

The frame crack scene seriously disturbs me alot. ):

Just when I thought City Hunter is losing it's umph, it just proved to me that this drama has never stopped being so amazing. <3

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Guest eriri

Thank you, otchosais, for your live recap. It makes some things more understandable for someone like me, who doesn't know much about the korean language. Your work is really appreciated. *bows*

Compared to last week's episodes, the one today was kinda 'slow'. I still liked it, though I missed the sensation and thrill I am always feeling during action scenes. Thankfully near the end of the episode there also was some 'action' to spice things up!

I cracked up during the scene at the coffee house. Poor ajusshi wanted to impress his crush and was disgraced. And LOL at KJ who then was able to show off with his own credit card. He really enjoyed that moment a lot. Made me giggle. The 'couple fight' between YS and ajusshi was priceless! NN seemed to think the same I did, while watching them bicker in her flat. I don't know which is cuter honestly: watching YS and NN fight or watching YS and ajusshi fight. Seriously those two (YS and ajusshi) are SO MUCH like a married couple, I wonder when NN will start to get jealous... xD Of course that's just a joke, but still....cute ajusshi is cute. <3

YJ seems to know everything about YS now, even addressed him with his Thai name. I'm really looking forward on how things will develop between those two.

I would've almost missed the preview. I was ready to close my browser, expecting no preview like always, but hesitated for just a second. THANK GOD! The preview excites me to no end! When I heard YS's words to NN, frankly, I couldn't believe it!. Had to rewatch this again and again, asking myself if what I understand is correct (thanks for posting the yt link to the preview, btw!). Yay, confession time! <3

But as much as I love this, I am also terribly afraid. For once, because today was a calmer episode than usual, so I'm expecting things to get thrilling in the next one, as it can't stay that calm for long in City Hunter. Then there is also the broken picture frame... I wonder if this is some kind of bad omen? Normally when glass splits like that, it doesn't mean good news, so I'm a bit worried. :s

But for now I will play the part of the happy fangirl that I am and squeal like mad. Oh, the Cute, it's killing me. <3 Tomorrow, please come faster already!

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ohhh, can't wait to watch it in full! thank you everyone for the updates!

i think something 'bad' about the president has come out, maybe that's why DH's getting eggs thrown at her which are blocked by NN.. i wonder what that is, though.

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"Yoon Sung: I don’t think I can let you go...Kim Nana I like you"


im losing my sanity here!!!!!

yo, hunters, i come bearing good news: :D

according to daum.blog, a netizen returning from work late last night passed by Han river and they were filming CH there. He said our MinMin couple were so good looking together, and, apparently..... they're filing a KISS SCENE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yay yay yay this is going to quench our thirst for their intimacy no? (where are leslie, dramaok, clock.... those who are shipping MINMIN?????????????)  :w00t:  :wub:

say what????????????? sakjdhakjsdhkajsdhjksahkjas oh good Lord thank you for that. I dont think I can sleep now thinking of my freakin OTP!!!!!! haha

@otcho: haha yeah,there's something off that it feels that it was rush and the coherence of the story was uncertain. Too many random stuff thrown but whatever im buying it as long as they give me freakin fan service.lmao.

I demand for a MAKE OUT SCENE FROM THIS DRAMA! seriously.XD


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Guest shaytooneshiraz

I've tried a bunch of listed links but none of them have been working for me. Can anyone help me out? I really want to watch episode 15!!!

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Episode 16 PREVIEW TRANSLATION from: hotshotlover30@ soompi

Pil Jae: The secret documents [regarding the 1983 incident] at the National Intelligence Service disappeared without a trace.

Young Joo: From the National Intelligence Service?

Young Joo: Do you want to take a look together?

Young Joo: Lee Jin Pyo...the sole survivor from the wipe-out plan...and Lee Yoon Sung...your the city hunter...I’ll reveal everything right here, right now

Yoon Sung: How much longer are you going to cause trouble?

Yoon Sung: I don’t think I can let you go...

Yoon Sung: Kim Nana...I like you

"City Hunter's" episode 16 will air tomorrow, July 14th, on SBS at 9:55PM KST.



im losing my sanity here!!!!!


I demand for a MAKE OUT SCENE FROM THIS DRAMA! seriously.XD


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Yoon Sung: I don’t think I can let you go...

Yoon Sung: Kim Nana...I like you

Thanks otchosais.  This Show is messing with me.

YS had better be talking out loud and alone and not to NN.  Please, not this "I don't think I can...." crap; he should know by now whether or not he wants a life with this woman.  C'mon, stop flipping or tripping. 

YS sweetie, steady wins the race....;) You started something, now finish what you started.  Please.

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Guest aminta25

Hello everyone! thanks for all your recaps, links and pics so appreciated.

I think the %&%^ is about to hit the fan in the upcoming episodes based on that preview.

YJ is like dog with a bone, he can't drop the CH case, he is totally obsses by it since he really

doesn't know CH true motives, yet at the same time he feels that CH has destroy

his life. YJ is bordeline scary now, yet I love how his character has changed through out the

drama, I really do wonder if is going to be possible for YS and YJ to really work together cause

at this moment I don't see it yet. :unsure:

Like I mention before to me the love story tackes a back seat, at this moment there is so much at stake

that NN and YS relationship advacement doesn't bother me, but I gotta say I love their moments together

and YS needs NN that very clear, but they can't together till his mission is over and I think that where

we are heading, YS would confess his feeling to NN and maybe explain to her fully why he is on a

mission and why being with him is so dangerous at the moment.

We still got the president and I can't wait to find out all the dirt on him and YS reaction when he finds out that

he needs to take on "THE PRESIDENT" hence he is taking on the whole nation......yikessssssssss !!! :crazy:

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Guest myphim

This episode does feel calmer than usual but since I can't understand what they are saying maybe I'm missing out on something important. I'll wait till sub come out tonight. Anyway, maybe today episode is just the calm before the storm. That broken picture frame really worry me, usually broken glass or broken picture frame is a bad omen.

Look like JP is a step ahead of YS. So does JP have the real 1983 book now? Is that what YJ going to find tomorrow when he open that safe?

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Guest miniejungle

@.@ hehehe leslie the news makes my jaw dropped and i was literally screaming!!! it's high time they did more than just kiss!!!! but since we've been a draught a kiss is acceptable for now... but i still demand a bed scene!!! ppali!!!

otchosais, thanks for posting the translation. i heard the part he said he likes her too, w00t.gif but would want to know in what circumstance he said it... hope nothing major happened to both of them... and still he needs to give her the ring (which she knew abt since Mom asked abt it but the idiot YS kept it for himself, grrr, selfish boy!!!) fury.gif

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