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[Drama 2011] City Hunter 시티헌터

Guest adikkeluangman

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Guest aminta25

I loved the ending, seriously whiles i was watching this ep i thought YS died and i was so happy when i realized he wasn't dead. I know alot of people hate open endings but we should not easily make a conclusion since we don't undetstand Korean. P.S LMH dressed in black from head to toe is just hot.

I totally agree with you we need full subs to really understand what went down....but I srly didn't feel this episode was rush...many things happened but since we don't understand it felt rush and slow..except those last 10 minutes tears.giftears.gif but I take this ending cause it left me complete....YS still alive, NN keeps going with her life, Ajussi still Ajussi and Mom still alive and living with her son, JP at the end got what he deserved and we see that he really deep down love YS...so I take the open ending.....I will missed City Hunter... tears.gif

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Guest eriri

I already checked out of the rom part a while back and cared more about YS and JP so I'm happy that he sacrificed himself and showed his love at the end. LOL. I'm glad my faith in him didn't go down the drain.

Sorry guys who watched for romance. Even last week, instead of creating more romance, they were showing flashbacks so I think they just decided to bury the romance a bit. If you remember, early on, some netizens were complaining that they didn't know if they were watching Personal Taste or not. So I think they reduced the romance to cater to that because some criticisms were that the drama was trying to fit into every genre instead of sticking to just one.

Sorry to cut your post, but I totally agree with you 100%! I loved the JP/YS relationship from the start and always believed that deep down JP cared for YS, so when the romantic aspects were reduced midway, this was something new to focus on. I just LOVE JP for his sacrifice today. I think I cried more than during YJ's death yesterday, which I thought wouldn't be possible. It was just...a perfect way for JP to redeem himself and to show he cared for YS, no matter how many (bad) things happened between them. Despite all bad that he did, I think I love his character the most.

And yes, I think many people were expecting more romance because there was so much of it in the first half. I also felt disappointed here and there because of the lack of romance (especially last week, after NN got rescued I kinda imagined a bit more interaction), but I came to accept it, since the growth in YS/NN relationship still was shown by their actions and words for each other. During this weeks episodes and finale I didn't really miss any romance, as I felt it would have been inappropriate anyway. I feel content the way it is. <3

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Guest TaroTard

I was worried for a second I really thought YS died I got so fired up on facebook! XDDDDD I also nearly freaked out my friend by telling her YS was dead... then he wasn't LOLZ. I have not seen the last two eps yet myself so I can't fully comment. But I am happy with the way it ended, for me I really, really love the romance in this show but the show for me wasn't about the romance it was about this revenge that YS was going through. NN said she would wait for him and he promised to return to her alive that's enough for me, its weird cos I am usually a stickler for romance and am not satisfied unless I see something complete, but YJs death upsets me much MUCH more than a missing kiss in the last ep. We can tell from what's happened between them that they got together in the end so we can picture them being together off screen. And hey if they ever do, do a 2nd series they can continue the development. Though the ending does sound pretty final.

Still really gutted about YJ lol, I am heartbroken that he died, I was really praying for a miracle even though I knew it wouldn't happen, so sad T_T and his dad woke up just after his son died... so sad. Anyway good show, now just got Myung Wol the Spy to keep me going.

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i'll watch this episode again when the subs are out because i can only understand limited Korean and was basing on their actions to understand.. but seriously the last 10 mins. are like the BOMB.. The following texts contains spoilers beware: 

I was crying like hell when YS pointed the gun to himself and when he saved his real dad... i actually thought he'll die since the next scenes shows NN in a black outfit but it was later explained that her father died.. and YS's mom was wearing black too and we see them packing... i guess the mom was wearing black because of the memorial service for the 1983 soldiers(?). and then we see NN pulling her luggage and i think and also hope that she'll accompany YS, ahjussi, mom to the states.... 

i love that JP even though he's evil truly loved YS as his own son... them holding hands was breathtaking.. i agree that there were a lot loose threads here like what about YS real dad? did Dahae know that she and YS were siblings? so I was hoping for a freaking SEASON 2!!!!

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Guest peppermint_fairy

I found this episode quite slow to be honest. They dragged a lot the middle part where YS was dealing with the President, while the ending was rushed and crammed in the last minutes. And the ending was the part with the most exciting development, they should have stretched the JP-YS confrontation for more than 10 minutes, not to mention that JP basically didn't appear until the end after he killed CJM. Just extending the drama of 1 episode (or cutting stuff about CJM in earlier episodes) would have been enough to give us a more satisfying end...I'm not complaining for the lack of romance, but yeah, why not give us a hug, or show them holding hands while walking away. It's kinda sad that they completely forgot Nana's father, just to randomly tell us he's dead. I'm also a bit disappointed that there was no confrontation between YS and Nana's boss...why give us such random unnecessary hints that the boss was suspicious and then not use that in the drama? I feel the PD emphasized some things (the ring as well) that in the end didn't play any role at all. I guess they were in such a rush to finish filming that they simply forgot about them -_- Ok, maybe once I see the episode with subs I'll change my mind. In fact I loved the ending, the concept was great, I just wish the PD had focused more on elaborating that part! It's pretty obvious that Nana and YS are together and YS will be City Hunter once again. I think YJ inspired him with his strong sense of justice!

Having a second season would be so AMAZING with this premise, I still hope in a near future they'll consider this possibility!

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Guest aminta25

i think ppl better calm down and watch it with subs before jumping to conclusions

my connection constantly buffered so that i didnt catch everything

but to me, this was a good ending..there may have been a bit of 아쉬움, like sth lacking because it would have been great to have a kiss or sth between Nana and YS at the end

but otherwise it was a happy ending

YS didnt die, Nana didnt die, the president who is at heart a good guy didnt die, YS' mother didnt die, ahjussi didnt die either

JP got his end for killing all those ppl coldbloodedly (i expected him to get punished one way or another) but at the same time, the audience saw the humane side to him where he claimed to be city hunter at the end and him and YS had their father-son bond before he died

the president although didnt get as extreme form of punishment as the other 4, was punished

YS told the world of everything he had done and he was elected to step down from the presidential position which he accepted with no objection. We see that the policy he wanted to pass through so bad (the reason why he made deals with other politicians) actually go through and how happy he was because of that. It was as if it was his last wish before he would be punished for his crimes. At the end he pushed Nana away and was willing for JP to take his life, just as he had 28 yrs ago

What really touched me was when the president handed over the evidence that YS was looking for in his room, himself. As YS leaves, he apologises to him as his father. I was so touched.

Both father and son are right in their own way~

Even though we didnt get the love scene we all wanted, everything else had some sort of a closure and a happy ending all round (except for young joo ><) i'm so glad we didnt get an ending like IRIS

Cecilia I 200% agree with you it was an great ending and I can't wait to watch it sub....

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Guest singapore0950

all hunters!!!

how u all feeling now?

ooops! am quite sad...........:( sob sob sob

It is consider open ending? However, no romance scenes. hahahah!

Sorry, did not have screen-cap fotos to share. Especially, last scene while YS & Nana bumped together. As busy watching. They have a great + bright smiles while bumped each other. LOL!

other fotos I would like to share with you all:)

the scene when YS, JP, Nana & president in the discussion. I dunno what they talking about. Can anyone share?

2-9.jpg sooooo hurts!!! sooooo hurts!!! while watched this scene.:( sob sob with worries feeling.. hahaha!



Last scene ~ last foto..both of them hold tightly:) JP & YS, what they talking about?



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I totally agree with you we need full subs to really understand what went down....but I srly didn't feel this episode was rush...many things happened but since we don't understand it felt rush and slow..except those last 10 minutes tears.giftears.gif but I take this ending cause it left me complete....YS still alive, NN keeps going with her life, Ajussi still Ajussi and Mom still alive and living with her son, JP at the end got what he deserved and we see that he really deep down love YS...so I take the open ending.....I will missed City Hunter... tears.gif

Umm..am pretty sure NN and YS are back together and she didn't give him up.

And CH twitter did once tweet that maybe we will see CH again..so am guessing the driving in the night thing was hopefully a clue to season 2?

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i'll watch this episode again when the subs are out because i can only understand limited Korean and was basing on their actions to understand.. but seriously the last 10 mins. are like the BOMB.. The following texts contains spoilers beware: 

I was crying like hell when YS pointed the gun to himself and when he saved his real dad... i actually thought he'll die since the next scenes shows NN in a black outfit but it was later explained that her father died.. and YS's mom was wearing black too and we see them packing... i guess the mom was wearing black because of the memorial service for the 1983 soldiers(?). and then we see NN pulling her luggage and i think and also hope that she'll accompany YS, ahjussi, mom to the states.... 

o yeah i nearly forgot to mention that

waaaaa when he point the gun to his head i was like pulling my hair and going noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

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Guest Sonnenschein

I couldnt watch the streaming thats why I desperately waitet here with more than 600 other users anxious for spoilers and information

thank you

for a great time


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First of all, thank you "Justin tv" for giving me the opportunity to experience my 1st live Korean drama. It was an unforgettable moment, shared with dear Tarits, filled with worries, scream, tears and at last bright smiles.

The ending could not have been any better. It was perfect although the transition from Jin Pyo-YS's bonding to the coffee scene was rushed. Like clockwatcher described it previously and many other ones, this drama was never meant to be a Rom-Com.

Hurray for the most cliffhanging drama of the year - at least!!

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Guest vipblackjacklove

i think they need to do specials to fill us in with the missing dots....oh well this is just my POV...

YES i agree with you! they need to! no THEY HAVE TO! it cant end like that!!! but i really really don't mind a SEASON 2!! :D

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i knew it ,YS driving his car at night for sure his next target is the writer.....kill the writer.....!!!!!! it was a good ending but  it's all rushed up..:wacko::wacko::wacko:

I understand your sentiment.  I disagree with it, but this is seriously funny!:w00t::lol:B)

Based on the live recappers, NN went with KH to help her get adjusted and will return to SK.

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but, ok, this is such a batman-ish ending? so, he drives off into the night? what? so he can save the city while NN is just...i don't know, with KH in the US? argh. hope there'll be a season 2, but i highly doubt it.

and i agree with a number of fans here: why tease us with cute YS and NN scenes in the first 12 or 13 episodes only to DISAPPOINT us with this half-baked open ending?!?! i am pissed. argh. they could've wrapped this up better, seriously!

on another note, PMY and LMH should be in another show or movie together. but, this time a rom-com. i swear, they have such electric chemistry! they sizzle on and offscreen and i'd love to see more of them together :)

i totally agree w/ u. the ending was too rushed, maybe the PD & writer got mixed up on what to do w/ the ending :wacko: they made the ending hanging, seems like there's a sequel. seriously, i'm not looking forward to that idea. but i really want to see PMY & LMH in a romcom like u said. it'll surely be a hit.. :lol:

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Guest luv_harmony

Lot's of loose ends. What happened to Sae Hee, Dae Ha? Did Dae ha or anyone else ever get to know about YS being President's son? I would've appreciated a convo between KH & President. They just threw in lots of stuffs in last 5 mins & BAM!! NN with luggage in airport, YS driving in dark night. THE END!

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Guest crazypilovee

the ending shows YS driving in his car as if on a mission again, but it doesn't seem like he can be CH again because:

1) Jang Pil Jae openly accused him of being CH in front of the ppl at the funeral and he knows of YS's relationship w/ JP. So if CH-like events come up again wouldn't they suspected it's YS? i mean the bodyguards saw how close YS & JP were at that scene so ppl could suspect it's him...

2) JP said he was the CH and killed the group of 5 ppl... so that makes CH a murderer to the eyes of the public. if this info goes public than CH will be seen as a bad guy so why would YS try to be CH again?

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Guest luv_harmony

the ending shows YS driving in his car as if on a mission again, but it doesn't seem like he can be CH again because:

1) Jang Pil Jae openly accused him of being CH in front of the ppl at the funeral and he knows of YS's relationship w/ JP. So if CH-like events come up again wouldn't they suspected it's YS? i mean the bodyguards saw how close YS & JP were at that scene so ppl could suspect it's him...

2) JP said he was the CH and killed the group of 5 ppl... so that makes CH a murderer to the eyes of the public. if this info goes public than CH will be seen as a bad guy so why would YS try to be CH again?

Only 3 out of 5 died, right? And em moving to U.S so will YS play CH in U.S??? blink.gif

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