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[Drama 2011] Can You Hear My Heart? 내 마음이 들리니

Guest yeohweping

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Guest alexus

I didn't watch the episode yet, but what are the chances of JH sacrificing himself to pay off his father's sins, by pretending to be on his side and actually helping DJ in an indirect manner???? <_<

Arghhh...that stupid Shin Ae....how could she touch WR with her dirty hands???*slaps ShineAe HARD*

EDITED: OMG I typed JW warrior (ie from Secret Garden instead of JH warrior) Don't kill moi!!

I am totally on your side with the above comment!!!! I think what you are predicting WILL happen!!! IF not, than JH to me is the DARKEST Warrior of all!!! Even DARKER then Darth Vader!! (insert star wars darth vader music here)kekeke. If the story unfolds like you predict, this would make the TWO TIMERS so happy!!!! I was a little disappointed that we only got to touch a little bit of JH going dark but I see that it was only the beginning. That he will show a side of him that is even worse than JC by the sounds of the preview for the next episode. Well can't wait to see NGM act this role out. I think he can make us real scared if he wanted to. I am looking forward to see if he can pull it off. Even tricking JC that he has turned worse than his father and then in the end pulling the rug out from under his feet like Zenti said. IT will be EPIC FAILURE and the DEMISE of JC and SA :w00t: !!!! Can't wait to see them go down in FLAMES!!! By their own son no less. She abandoned him when he was a helpless baby, He wanted him erased as a fetus, now it is their turn to be DELETED!!!!! Payback is sooooo SWEET!!!! *evil laughter*

Hi, Almondfudge and Zenti. missed you guys!!!! Can't stick around but always thinking about our JH Warrior and our Nemesis the Anti-JH Warrior (that I am secretly cheering for!!!) hehehehe. Almond So happy about your news!!!!Congrats girl!!!!!

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I don't fine anything wrong with DJ's mother, she really love JH as a son she was not faking that. She raise him with love and support, the funny thing is that she don't even realize that she wasn't pretending to love him but pretend not too. This woman had a kind heart in the beginning and I don't think that change, I think she got smarter and realize the world is not rosy and due to the situation that carefree happy person she was before has to be hidden.

She truly liked MA as child she treated him good and show him respect she did not embrace people base on they social status. Don't be to judgemental because she don't deserve to be lump in the same category as Shin Ae and CHoi those too are selfish,greedy things that has no respect life.

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Guest almondfudge21

Haha...welcome to the team Kcomments...

But why do I think JH is on a grand plan of sacrificing himself???

And I believe he threatened DJ that he is going to take everything including WR away from him....How do you think he will take WR away???Other than blackmailing her about DJ or YG, I cannot see how he can distance WR and DJ....

But I really hope he tries to understand DJ's mom and forgive her....My heart goes out for that poor lady too....Agreed her act of using JH as an instrument to take revenge against Choi is cruel, but she lost her mind with her father's murder and son's forced disability....She still gave good life to JH and treated him well (only to destroy it all in the end like a fool...arghh..)...I hope JH tries to remember the good things he got out of these 16 years....

However, if he still chooses a real dark path and join hands with his father for real, then I can see that he is going to destroy only himself in the end....


HIIIII Alexus....missed you too chingu....and thanks for the wishes...EEEEE :D

Yep...I may not love JH but I came to admire all the JH warriors for the way they kept on his side and for their sake I want JH to walk the right path and be redeemed.... :D

@ Yellow mellow: Why do you think JH has no reason to be on DJ's side???I think just for the education he got and the way she brought him up, and also for the sake of DJ,he is obliged to try and understand her predicament....Didn't he get the same understanding from WR???For once can't he be the giver???

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Guest zenti

I didn't watch the episode yet, but what are the chances of JH sacrificing himself to pay off his father's sins, by pretending to be on his side and actually helping DJ in an indirect manner???? <_<

Arghhh...that stupid Shin Ae....how could she touch WR with her dirty hands???*slaps ShineAe HARD*


I sincerely hope JH walks on the path of redemption from hereon...

It would be easier (but quite dangerous) for JH to take hold of WK company and later on turning it to DJ if he goes to Choi as his son. JH is now the weakness of Choi.

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Guest zenti

I team up with Almond tonight to protect our DJ. -_-  Zenti is feeling fine consoling JH-shi, hellooooo?  Yeah, why can't WR spend the night?

And I team up with Almondfudge21 in ambushing Shin Ae for hurting WR!

Omo! Why is SC and DJ on a fist fight with each other in the preview? 

But SC made me laugh for telling WR to call him if DJ would faint since DJ's face is so pale as if he is close to fainting! The running joke on Kim Jae Won's pristine white skin is still on!

Oh! JH and I are playing Angry Birds games while in the cell to do some practices on strategic planning (will be needing it to target and fool Choi). phew.gif

Me too, blinked my eyes of how JH and DJ just left YG after all that crying  <_<

Well, it's kind of anticimactic but with the present predicament of JH accused of embezzlement and stock manipulation, it does not seem appropriate at that time to have a reunion of sort between YG and MR.

But I truly admire YG for being so strong. I thought he would have been devastated. He is such an understanding and patient father to MR. Kudos to YG!

But why do I think JH is on a grand plan of sacrificing himself???

Yep...I may not love JH but I came to admire all the JH warriors for the way they kept on his side and for their sake I want JH to walk the right path and be redeemed.... :D

Awwww! Chingu, are you getting soft on JH? phew.gif Kamsahabnida for recognizing the steadfast JH warriors!

Hi, Almondfudge and Zenti. missed you guys!!!! Can't stick around but always thinking about our JW Warrior and our Nemesis the Anti-JW Warrior (that I  am secretly cheering for!!!) hehehehe. Almond So happy about your news!!!!Congrats girl!!!!!

Chingu! I missed you as well! I am anticipating the resurrection of the the sealed envelope you have pointed out! Will that sealed envelope change the game? 

I hope to see you around (whether in LTM, TGL, and/or CYHMH). happy.gif

Oh, no! You have your point, what if  WR says it when DJ couldn't see her lips (or says it in her head), DJ wouldn't know. fury.gif Hope the writer won't tease us like that.  And will JH be arrested? The way DJ cries covering his both ears, gotta be something about his hearing or his not be able to help because of his hearing. It's about time DJ faces the fact without JH or his mom guarding him. -_-

Your worry has been heard. No need to fret. WR's "Saranghae" was said to DJ through verbal and sign language. wub.gif I love it that DJ and WR are getting better and better in communicating with one another.

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looks like MR is going to the bad side..I feel so sad for his character. He will bring JC down for sure. The evil person! JH will not betray Dong Joo, i know bcoz I feel there is still bromance going on between both of them :) I love DJ and JH's relationship the most :) touchwood :)

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Omo, this week's episode seem to be a turning point to everything that happen. Everyone found out about Junha, and the preview to ep 22, just show that Junha going over to the dark side and like now hes set on trying to steal everything from Dongju and that means Woori. Oh god I can see more heartaches later on.

Sorry to bring up a question that might have been discuss many times, but...

How many Episodes is this drama really? Some said it was 50 ep and other say its 30.

30 is okay, but 50 is painful to my heart in the long run lol.

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Guest willie

I haven't watched epi 21 yet but after reading all the comments. I'm hoping the writer will not make JH character as a total loser. I don't think the bond between JH and DJ is that thin that can be broken easily. From all the episodes that I've watched so far, it's unlikely to be broken. It's true sometimes JH's selfishness brought disharmony in their brotherly relationships but one of them always knows how to back down and give support. Remember when DJ strongly opposed in the idea of buying a factory? He finally agreed to JH's plan in buying the factory. JH can go to the dark side and being evil in the purpose of convincing JC that JH is now his ally. Otherwise, it'll be pretty hard for DJ to conquer JC on his own without having someone work quietly at his advantage. I hope my prediction is right. Otherwise no idea how are they going to topple JC from WK. JC is really evil and he has no remorse of whatsoever. Even though I said earlier on that hoping no one will die in this series. I don't mind seeing him saying goodbye to the show. His character is very diabolic. No one in their right mind will kill an old and sick person with a satisfaction on face. If we don't call it being sick or disgusting, then what!

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What an amazing episode! I was at the edge of the seat throughout the whole episode. Once again, writer Moon proves she knows how to balance an episode with anger, love, angst, and sadness.

I was screaming Junha's name when he found out and was going crazy. Amazing acting from NGM. Maru, Maru, Maru...please don't hate Dongjoo.

I was screaming Dongjoo's name because I know whatever it is, he is going to end up making things right. His knows what is right and wrong and understands Junha.

Although I cry for Maru, I want more punishment for Choi Jin Chul and Shin Ae because I can't stand them.

And as for Tae Yeon Sook, she is going to get her dues later because I have the feeling that Dongjoo is going to end up hurt trying to help Junha, and the worst punishment for her is to have Dongjoo get hurt. I think she does have affection for Maru because she did raise him for 16 years and when someone loves you that much, it's hard not to love them back. But she choosing to ignore that, suppress that, to get her revenge and protect her blood-son. She is manipulative and awful. But I appreciate how the writer to show the complicated emotions that Tae Yeon Sook must feel.

And Woori, I'm so glad she told Shin Ae off. But of course, because people who are that selfish will remain selfish until they die, nothing helped. But Woori, I love you!

And how cute was the "I Love You." So unexpected but so delightful!!!! Our OTP is incredible.

I'm also glad to know that it seems that Mi-sook look-a-like is only a look-a-like, and not some unbelievable secret twist. It think love is going to bloom between her and Young-gyu.

Young-gyu continues to amaze me with his purity.

Oh gosh, oh gosh, this drama is enveloping me entirely!!!

I have utter faith in Woori, Dongjoo, and Junha, regardless of how it may seem like people are betraying each other or losing faith. I think Junha is truly angry at Dongjoo and Tae Yeon Sook but I know he still loves Dongjoo deep inside. I also think that no matter what Junha does, Dongjoo will still believe that Junha loves him and that he loves Junha, And I know Woori will be there for both of them.

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Guest thunderbolt

A CYHMH review based on the first twenty episodes:



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