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Guest karatekid08

Photo Updates: Jjong article photos today 05.09.15











cr: http://m.entertain.naver.com/relation?oid=311&aid=0000469406

@papillooon hi friend...kekeke i usually get some infos about jjong articles on many places i lurk...insta, twitter, dc....hehehe the only thing i can contribute is to post those pics, videos, and gifs...lol and since uri @hjjdai5y is back... we can understand some article context...hehehe thanks for the translation... (^_^) you are jjang! <3

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Guest hjjdai5y

[TRANS] Jjong interview for NewDaily TV (part 2)


R: here's a question for you. I heard that you had a 360degree kissing scene with JSY. and I heard that you guys had a long filming for that scene. can you tell us any one interesting episode during the filming?

J: I don't really know about the 360degree, I haven't watch it myself. there's no any particular episode. but that day was very cold. it's a bit hard because of the weather. and I had a blood makeup on my face.

R: from being beaten?

J: yes. there's a fighting scene beforehand. 

R: it's not ketchup right?

J: no. it's just some kind of makeup.

R: you can't eat it right?

J: it can be eaten. because it all attach on my face, Seyeon could find it pretty gross. and the weather is so cold. and I'm in situation where I need to rescue Seyeon with bare foots. I took off my shoes and went to her. I received this question a lot. We did that kissing scene for long time. hmmm but I didn't feel like we did it so long. 

R: ohh is it because you're too immersed on that scene?

J: no no. it's not like that. I think they filmed it from many different angles. so after editing, it seems to be long. (thinking) aaaahh no no. it was long. (smile). I did (the scene) long.

R: JSY said that HJH is really good at grabbing the angle. perhaps it's because of your experience.

J: am I that good? i don't really know. no I think Seyeon is the one who is good.

R: so both of you are good.

J: yes (smile)

R: this is a sudden question. you appeared on WGM with Yura. personally, between those two actress. which one is close to your ideal type?

J: i don't really know.

R: both is not?

J: no no. both have something that close to my ideal type. but I can't explain what is the point(from them that is close to his ideal type). as for Yura, she has her own bright and clumsy attraction. she has that energy that makes people feel happy when someone be with her.

R: i feel that too. when I watch her on tv.

J: yes. her laugh is hearty and good. looking at her laughing. she jokes like a little kid. my personality is a bit quiet. when I'm with her, she makes people feel happy. she has that happy energy. as for Seyeon, because she is unexpectedly bright so there's surprising side of her. so she's very comfortable. but there are times when she's very focus(on her work). when she's working, I thought that "there's this side of her". I don't really know. this is too difficult.

R: difficult to choose? since both have their own strong point.

J: yes. how can I choose which one.

R: your style must be someone who express well and bright.

J: yes. because I'm a quiet. someone brighter than me.

R: so how many time you have dated before?

J: not so many.

R: then is there any one that makes you think, there's a possibility to marry her if it's that girl.

J: not a serious thought but I think I have think of that once for a moment.

R : then this is about family. What if you have a girl that you really love like the situation in this movie. and your family against your marrige. will you insist to marry her?

J: is the situation same with the movie?

R: could be. no matter what it's a matter related to family. I'm curious what will your decision in that situation. your love or be a son that listen to your parents.

J: well, if she is someone that I really love. maybe I will persuade my parents? if my parents against(the relationship), and I might can't be with her. I think I will try convinced them.

R: you're such a kind son. you won't make decision by yourself but will talk to them first.

J: aigoo definitely because they're my parents. (smile)

R: it's becoming real that you're a model turned actor. as model turned actor, what are the pros and cons?

J: pros and cons.. I don't really know. there's no particular pros and cons. as I'm starting to act after being a model. both job are not same but both receive many attention from people. I think more people could recognize me better. and another pros is in terms of outer appearance. tall and good figure. I think that advantages is needed. the cons, I think the opportunity to appear in some program is less. 

R: this question is a bit boring. but Kim Youngkwang, Lee Soohyuk, Sungjoon and Kim Woobin. all of them are so popular now. if you have to pick one, who is your rival?

J: all of them are my rival. but honestly, everyone has their own attraction and did well now. rather than rival, I took it positively. not as competition with each other. we are like "let's go together", help while encourage each other.

R: so you guys could be strength to each other as all of you active on same thing.

J: yes. no matter what, they are friends that I close and like. if one of us did well, filmed a great drama or movie

R: did you guys send message to each other?

J: yes. we support each other. ask him to take care of his health well. sometimes message each other. and it encourage me, "I need to film a good work quickly". 

R: among those that I've mentioned earlier. are you close to all of them?

J: yes. all of them and we meet frequently. but for now, because we had filming at different place. so it's difficult for us to gather all at once. but we often met separately.

R: how is the age?

J: Youngkwang hyung is the oldest, followed by Soohyuk hyung, then me and Woobin. we have same age. lastly Sungjoon. 

R: I will conclude this interview. if there's people who hesitate, should we watch this movie or not. can you say something to highly recommend this movie.

J: firstly, our movie. there's nothing complicated to think. you just have to enter and sit, watch comfortably. you will laugh and simply understand the plot. come and watch. and these days if there are many things that stressed you out, come and watch it. it will lessen your stress. I hope you can laugh happily. and I think there's no age limit for this movie. it's suitable for all. and there are not so many movie right now. it's not that I ask you not to watch other movie. watch other movie and if there's an opportunity, come and watch ours also.

R: thank you

J: thank you (smile)

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Guest papillooon

@hjjdai5y thank you so much! And welcome back.. ^^

after understanding the content, it seems the interview happened even before the premiere..

jjong did say he is nervous about the release of the film and waiting for it..also the question about the kiss scene..jjong said that he has not seen it yet.. (because i think he watch his own movie during the VIP premiere night)

hmm..there must be articles previously. before they finally release full video version of the interview, but they just upload it via youtube recently.

all in all, it's a nice interview of him..rather than read what he said, it is better to see and hear what he says..lol.. His handsome face...i just can't get enough.. ^^

i know Enemies in Law is still in cinema and they still doing promotion..but..i really can't wait for movie Alice already! I really hope Alice become a Summer Hit! The story plot really intrigued me. After all the actress that is being paired up with Jjong, Jung So Min is good. I like her acts and i think she has talent. Moreover she almost always have good chemistry with her partners (which is very important, especially if both are leading actors)

As for Enemies in Law, i have not seen it yet so i can not comment. Neither for JSY acting skill because i am not following her works, i did watch her in Dr. Stranger but just for few early episodes..so it's hard to say anything....But again, from what i see in twitter and other sns, seems Jjong get complimented a lot.

Hong Jjong Jjang!!

"you are so popular these days. Maybe there's no one who doesn't know HJH"  (cr. @hjjdai5y ) --> mr. Journalist, thank you for mentioning this ^^ .. i just like it..hehhee..


*sorry..i do not mean to post this long..it´s because i am happy our kind-hearted translator is back..so, people who is lurking..please give proper credits if you are taking anything from her hard work :)  .. and for that..thank you very much in advance..

i hope you all have a nice weekend!

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Guest luciamisae

good morning.... thank you everyone for keeping this forum alive , especially @hjjdai5y, thank you for always do the best in translating. i know it's disappointed you when someone steal your hardwork. but i believe if you do good thing it will return back to you.

After reading @hjjdai5y translation -Jjong interview for NewDaily TV-  part 1 , there's a line asked by reporter :

R: you're so popular these days. Probably there's no one who doesn't know HJH. But still please introduce yourself to people who is watching this video. 

i remembered video post by @edy15 in thread hong jonghyun and yura ( old thread ) . how difference the situation at that time and now days. in that video ( i try to find those one, but perhaps because the keyword i entered not match, so i couldn't find it ) he's doing popularity test, he standing in the middle of crowded, and no one recognize him. he must struggle to gain his popularity nowdays. i hope the success always follow him...

and i found this video in youtube, i have watched the cut scene when he came to kid, then carrying and kiss the kid. but after i watch the longer video, i realize , those kid was not in front of him. at first time he didn't realize about that kid, in minute 3:31 he just realize that there's kid that attract him to come, he seemed to decided to came to those kids or not ( just a second expression ) then finally he decided to come,,,,, how lovely this man.... i want to scream everytime i watch this video... :D 

uploaded in youtube : by kkang jjong

credit : to owner

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Guest luciamisae

Anyone can inform me..did HJH film will be released internationally in DVD? if it did when it will be? first i am corious about alice because it come from true story in 1979 as i read from article ( source: http://www.kdramastars.com/articles/22792/20140522/jung-so-min-to-visit-wonderland-in-alice.htm ) but then i am also corious about enemies in Law because it showed different side of HJH. i hope it will be released internationally ( Eng-sub off course :D )

thank you...

PS: may be it OT but i think Ms.Jung so min is lucky girl. she played in "Twenty" with kim wo bin, played in "Alice" with Hong jonghyun and played in "Can we get married" with soong jun...kkkkkkk


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Guest hjjdai5y

Hi ^^

I just created a blog and I've already compiled all the translation for Jjong's interview on that blog. thanks to @papillooon for that idea. you can search for Jjong's translation there. Hopefully when we return to our original thread, my previous translation are still there so that I could post it on that blog.

sorry for this OT post. have a great day guys ^^

link : http://blog.naver.com/hjjdai5y 

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Guest papillooon

@luciamisae yes2.. i watched that. If i'm not wrong it was a program that is brodcasted by mbc web channel (not the main one). It was a program from 2009.

At that time, HJH was just only 2 years debuted as a model and didn't have much program that is brodcasted in TV. But it's true even after that it seems that he is more active as a model, he participated in few movies and drama but it was just a minor/supporting role. He didn't have opportunity yet to show himself.

I am not really sure about this, but i think he is started to get more recognised wider after style log 2013 with lee soo hyuk. Thanks to them this program is really popular (and it continues to season 2..because other spin off of this program where there's no Jong Hyun and Soo hyuk anymore just make it so so), i do not know in korea but even it's me (international fan), starting to notice him because of this program. :) 

i still remember their video cut from style log is often in youtube recommended list. Moreover it is broadcasted in channel Onstyle(or Mnet? I forgot and not sure..sorry) which is a popular fashion/lifestyle channel for youngsters

and actually to me, hjh has an akward attraction ( in my opinion, soo hyuk too has this trait but much better than jong hyun, and few other models too-- hahaha i think some of them are really just like that, probably because of their circumstances). People might like it or not. People might diss him at first. But people might not realize at first that actually it's part of his charm..(well dissing also means you put attention to him after all, right?.. which later can reverse to admiration..Lol).

Yet again, i am glad that he is back to his oldself that he is right now more bright (if you watch him in that flower boys program he was actually a cheerful person...i do not know what happend to his personal life but at some point he become more composed and talk even lesser). i am thankful for this! ^^ (he is cute when he smiles.. hehehe *fangirling lol)

Of course i'm really glad right now that he has many fans. Despite the ups and downs in 2014 (i do not think i have to mention what about..hehehehe), it's thanks to MBC as one of national channel that he is recognised by a lot of people. Of course as just what he said himself, it is thanks to WGM and drama MAMA.

Though i always believe what is meant to be will be (in this case, i am not sure why but ever since i get hooked by him, i believe that this person someday will make it big..i still cross my fingers for this hehehe..because he's not yet in the level of what i imagine he will be..*pray that he will be in that level soon ^^) but i have to admit that MBC is his breakthrough channel.



REALLY? which one? Enemies in Law? Oh, i'm excited!

And yes ms. Jung so min always hit a jackpot whenever comes to her partners..lol..lucky her!

and HJH with that lil boy?! Oh yes, such an adorable sight! Make me falls to him even more! Hahahha..♡♡♡♡

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Guest luciamisae

@pappillooon : what you mean which one? the dvd released internationally??? in my prev post, i asked instead of confirm about that ( kkkkkkk ....), because i want to buy his DVD if it's released internationally...... i really want...

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Guest papillooon

@luciamisae ooopsss my bad kekekekekeee..lol..i read it fast.. i thought you inform that it will be released in dvd...hehehe..mian..

Well, i have no idea yet about this...

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Guest karatekid08

Video Update: Jjong Inkigayo MC cut for today 05.10.15 (thanks @shengyue_ho for the video info..hehehe)

p.s. Happy mothers day to all mothers out there~~





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Guest karatekid08

Photo Update: Jjong photo articles from today 05.11.15






cr: http://entertain.naver.com/read?oid=311&aid=0000470065




cr: http://www.ilyoseoul.co.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=112266




cr: http://bntnews.hankyung.com/apps/news?popup=0&nid=04&c1=04&c2=04&c3=00&nkey=201505102240463&mode=sub_view


@papillooon ahahaha.. its a friend who shared me the link..and i just shared it here...hehehe glad i can share what i can gather here~~~



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Guest papillooon

I was lost before finding this new home. What is this?? Everything that has been shared in temporary forum are missing?? someone know about this? 

But..on my way here..i found something interesting..i just happened to read that this thread is open/read already more than 9000 times! Active members seems to be just a few..aahh a pity.. i hope more people come..share and discuss good things about Jong! :)


Have a good day ahead everyone!

please drop by and put lots of updates ;) 


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Guest karatekid08

@papillooon a moderator just posted in jjongah thread..she said that they will transfer the posts we made in this new forum...but i dont know when will all of it be available here...hehehe

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