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★彡yg ♪♬♪ The Official Big Bang [빅뱅] Thread ver. 2

Guest the7REAL.

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Guest tikamicizia

I think us being a "lazy" fans is a good thing for big bang. we love them because we love their music. that will encourage big bang to always make a good music. if we such a blind fans. we make big bang being in their comfort zone forever. bad song or good song fans will stay loyal to them. it's not good for their musicality development. soo my conclusion big bang + vips is such a great great combination. lol

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BigBang will start their LOVE AND HOPE concert series in JAPAN tomorrow so please post all discussions, photos, videos on the thread below.

[please click on the pic]


Thanks to Jiyongiebaby83(Abie) and Samosvetlee(Sam)

for the FAST ARTWORKS hehe ^^

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Guest dada

Well.. as usual I was surfing some threads on 6theory, and I came across flibbertigibbert's post (this user is pretty much a legit source of Big Bang news because he's Korean lol). He said,

"Big Bang's fanbase doesn't bulk buy, because they don't have a fansite active/organized/loyal enough to do something like that (and they sort of don't need it). They're the type of fans that even TOP will complain about on the radio for not voting enough lol." - flibbertigibbet@6theory

This made me feel lots of things. First, I am proud to say that even without the bulk-buying effort, Big Bang sells thousands of albums. But then, it makes me wonder what kind of fans Big Bang has. Because if you can see, everyone of us here on Soompi are pretty chill and relaxed. We don't talk about ways to contribute to streaming and downloading for awards, how to bulk-buy, how to vote for some silly polls, we're not obsessed about achievements and stuff (yes I do post about them, but my life does not end on their nonexistence). K-VIPs are like that as well. If you visit Korean boards, you rarely see them talk about plans to bulk buy or bulk stream or what have you. Just made me realize that Big Bang has lots of... casual fans? That is both good and bad. Good, because that means they relate to all kinds of people. Bad, because lack of loyalty means inconsistency in support and patronage. Anyway, all I'm saying is, we International fans are kind of like K-VIPs. We are chic, cool, laidback, chill, not-so-obsessed. Looking at it that way, I wonder why Big Bang attracts that kind of fans?

Probably because they don't rainbow out on the bromance and singer-fan-sweet-relationship. They don't go all cheesy on the "i love you fans, can't live without you." they even tell us to like other singers if we want to. LOL, even GD and TOP said we are such lazy fans. Haha.


VIPs international and korean alike,

are very laidback & cool,but to me we are loyal fans yet not over-obsessive.

Why I would say we are loyal fans

is because we love BIG BANG to the extend

that we are willing to wait for them

as long as 2years3months full period,without

having any active perfs or activities at all.

Despite that long & lonely process,

we still stick through and support them

actively once they are back on the show.

You see, BIG BANG unlike many

korean groups out there,they don't actively appear or even rarely

appear in any variety shows or even dramas of some sort.So rather that getting attracted by their so-called image or personalities

on-screen,we are in love w/ their musical & fashion aspects - perfs,songs & style.

We recognise them,respect & love them for their passion

rather than finding them "Oh,they are so dorky" or "aww...so silly

& funny" & giggle over it.

That is why we are not obsessive.

I love the 'lazy' side of us,because we do not focus too much

on the numbers,the superficial value of BIG BANG.

We sincerelysupport their musical aspects,

that something that they have great passion of,that strengthen

their bond together as one despite arguments.

Thus,to me that is being a great & honourable

fan - VIPs :)

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^Nice one Dada and Cristine.

I was about to go offline until i read both your posts.

So i thought of giving my two cent.

Being a fan of BB for almost 4 years not all of the time im

tailing them on what they do and be active on forums etc. Of all the albums

they had i only bought what i like and that goes the same

w/ their songs because honestly there are songs that

i dont hit the replay button as much as the favored ones.

In terms of voting LOL..i only vote once. So there!

same w/ almost all iVIPS here and Korean VIPS maybe

at some point i can also say that Im a bit of a lazy fan.

But does it matter? I dont think so. What matters

is that these so-called LAZY FANS stuck w/ them after all these

years and continues to hold them as NUMBER ONE PLAYERS IN THEIR HEARTS.

It's a genuine EMOTION all VIPS share and i dont think that would change.

So hwaiting VIPS..until whenever we stay and wait cause we all know

its all worth the wait...worth every freakin MINUTE!

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Guest lualm

LOL, even GD and TOP said we are such lazy fans. Haha.


hi there! ^_^

i don't know if this has something to do with culture, but i believe every fan group has one. it's like territory, once you step into it, you adapt to the language, the attitude, the behavior of those who have been there ahead of you. i also believe fans are drawn to celebrities whom they can identify with.

VIPs like Bigbang because they are different. their sound, their cool image, their fashion, even the way they articulate. whatever that impress us, the fans, are exactly the ideals that we want for ourselves.

re bulk-buying, it's probably a manifestation of low EQ. fear of losing, fear of being overtaken. VIPs must be as confident as Bigbang. we are secure of the group's standing, whether the boys make it on top or not, as long as we've done our part, it's enough. (I bought their last two albums because i would feel bad if I was gonna download the songs illegally. I'm not after beating anybody, or any group, I just want to support the boys.)

Winning by cheating can never be sweet and satisfying. whatever Bigbang gains, VIPs can be sure it's because of real selling power.

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Guest samosvetleee






BIGBANG at  LOVE and HOPE Japan concert series 

shall be posted on this THREAD !!!


BIGBANG will kick off their Japan Tour "Love & Hope" tmr ! 

Lets wish the boys good luck , hoping they'll be safe & healthy ! 

:: Therefore we would be trending  ::


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Guest hayakatsu

i think it's pretty darn awesome that we're lazy. that way we know we rise to the TOP fair and square without any crazy "please buy guys! please buy!" like we're desperate or something. like BIGBANG don't have enough talent to sell their music on their own without fans having to bulk-buy to get the sales up. i love that VIPs always say, oh hey i like most of the songs on their album so i'll buy it and there are those that say, meh. not a lot of songs that i like so i won't buy the album, but i'll buy the songs that i do like from itunes or soribada or whatever. y'know?

and as far as polls go. how legit are they anyway? if we mass vote it'll just discredit the poll and other fandoms would go, oh, YG stans are obsessed with polls, their artists will ALWAYS come up on top regardless of whether or not it's true according to the question of the poll. y'know.... like a certain company right now.

i think, at the core of it, it's not that we're lazy. it's that we aren't as superficial or as loud as other fandoms. y'know? we don't go crazy over petty little polls or get really pissed if BIGBANG didn't win in a music show when they clearly should have. heck, we aren't even that mad if BIGBANG doesn't get any special treatment or whatever. we certainly don't go asking for it. but if our boys are mistreated and we know some nasty shiz is going down, we back em up ike nobody's business. we send them lunch packs just like other fandoms, we send them birthday gifts just like any other fandom does and we tune in to all their performances and activities just like other fandoms. ya just don't hear us bragging about it or shovin it in other people's faces. look at how they almost always crash radio station servers whenever they come on or how they raise viewership ratings in a single episode of a TV show. VIPs are there.

and i don't think we're casual fans. i think we're pretty fanatic. i mean casual fans just listen to their music while they don't exactly follow the artist for anything other than their music. but we're fanatics that have casual personalities. we spazz in a pretty chill way and we gush over cute interviews that actually give insight to the boys' real personalities rather than gush over how adorable our boys are when they're tryna be funny or cute. what i mean is, they're cute without trying as hard. it just happens naturally without any ulterior motives rather than overdoing the cuteness simply because you have to make the show funny. just look at the shows they go on. come to play, strong heart, they all reveal the inner workings of BIGBANG that shows like oh my school or star king could never have.

so i think VIPs are just pre-programmed not to really care over small issues, rather we care about the things that matter most.

[EDIT] speaking of lazy, we don't even have a prominent international BIGBANG forum. lol. we only have that one forum and not a lot of us are actually that active on it. lmao. the forum doesn't even have any large-scale iVIP projects for the boys like other international forums like YGL, SJ-world, 2OD, soshified, blablabla. i don't even think any of the newer VIPs know that we have an international forum for BIGBANG. i see most new VIPs straight away come here to soompi. not to mention our subber group is YG Ent and not a special subgroup. haha. i mean we do have subbers like iiibigbangsubs and hqbb subs most of the time, but we don't have an active and an exclusive sub group that subs everything and anything of our boys lol.

and i'm not doggin on the forum or anything. i just think it's cool that we just go with the flow. chill and boss. haha.


lol. this turned into a freakin essay. sorry. i just haven't posted in a long time. hehe^^

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Guest sarahkristine

Omg how I wish the tour can be discussed here so we can close.this thread. But oh well.

So guys, since Big bang will be working with foreign producers for their nxt album, who do you wish them to be? I'd really like them to collab with Timbaland and Ryan Tedder cause those two have crazy kickass beats!! But since GD wants a rock infusion in their music, I think it'd be interesting to work with Raine Maida and b perhaps Bono? Lol, seems far fetched I know, but GD mentioned we will be really surprised with the caliber of their collaborators.

Come on vips, let's close this thread.

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Guest samosvetleee

{REQUEST}TO ALL the VIPs that are currently trending, about to trend or will trend tmr to support BiG BanG's Love&Hope Tour ::


Let's wish BB something warm&friendly per every trending tweet 


show our

 love&support !!!


:: Like they did ::


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Whoa had to catch up on this discussion about the "lazy" thing. finals make me miss everything TT

I think you all made good points about how were not lazy!!! I really  honestly just don't care.  I mean yes it stings a little bit when they  joke that we're lazy but I was under the impression that they didnt care  about those type of things. Its not like some other artist winning a  poll or BB losing a poll will change my mind about what type of music I  like or who I prefer. Or make me think any more of the other artist or  any less of BB. It just not a big deal to me at all. Even if Big Bang  loses an award I may be a tad bit disappointed at that very moment but  literally the next day or hell even a couple of hours I'm OVER IT.

and i don't think we're casual fans. i think we're pretty fanatic.

Agree. Theres a lot of loyal VIPs all over the world its just because  were not like other FCs shouting from the roof top like were King Kong  all big and bad that people take us lightly. And than at the end of the  year when BB is dominating like some Bosses they are all surprised  like whaaaat? :blink:  And that goes for KVIPs as well. Since I've been a VIP I've never once  seen them go bat richard simmons crazy over anything.  Its all handled with class  (well most of the time) if they have a problem they just go to the  source and deal with it in a rational manner, not throwing things at the  company building or staging black outs or whatever silly things others  do... its just not the VIP way. Doesn't mean were weak or not dedicated.  It's one of the reasons I truly love being a VIP.  :wub:  Trust me Big Bang feels our love when they get their paycheck ;)  I mean who cares about a poll when your raking in the money?

Anyways just wanted to add my two cent. I'm excited about the tour!!! B) Lots more cool stages coming our way

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Guest ShinDragon

These are both filmed at the Korean Connections festival in Paris 

The French VIPs are getting noticed ^^wub.gif

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I'm a bit less informed about Big Bang but after reviewing through this thread, everyone has been really good explaining and posting the latest updates.


I recently received my copy of the Big Bang Special Edition album and noticed that on page 17 with TOP, there seems to be a misprint???

It states, "I just wnat to hold you close to me". Did anyone else notice this or was that intentional? It would be great if someone could answer this for me. Thanks in advance!


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Guest juang_bb

I'm a bit less informed about Big Bang but after reviewing through this thread, everyone has been really good explaining and posting the latest updates.


I recently received my copy of the Big Bang Special Edition album and noticed that on page 17 with TOP, there seems to be a misprint???

It states, "I just wnat to hold you close to me". Did anyone else notice this or was that intentional? It would be great if someone could answer this for me. Thanks in advance!


thanks and welcome to the thread(?)

anyway, i actually looked at my own copy and yes it looks like it was a misprint or a typo. i must say that typos arent really unusual when it comes to YG albums, (not sure if it's quite normal in other kpop albums too since i only have BB's and 2ne1's lol) unfortunately, ive noticed a few of them from their other albums too.

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