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★彡yg ♪♬♪ The Official Big Bang [빅뱅] Thread ver. 2

Guest the7REAL.

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Guest shinhdeplol

Okay my last post of the day, I made gifs of the video. LOL what is up with Bae? Being so carefree and goofy in public! I'm shocked ;)

haha thanks somuch for gif-ing those precious moments of Tae. i LOL-ed hard especially at the first one. Tabi was being all serious but he cracked up seeing Tae being all hyper and goofy. its been like ages since i last saw him like that =]]











C: koiikaze @ LJ

this is Tabiased =]]

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Guest fiyfly

Haha! I absolutely love the boys' faces when they saw the food, especially GD's and Taeyang's. Poor boys probably don't get to eat all that rich food since they're trying to stay fit with all the promotions. Though the pictures make me hungry too.. :)

Aww Taeyang... He really is such a genuine guy who loves music. I'm happy he seems to be much happier now than last year, and hopefully when his album releases, he'll be even better He definitely brings a smile to my face whenever I see him (both group and solo) because I know he's not holding anything back. Now can't wait for his album, and for TOP's interview. Last one of the bunch! :D

As always, thanks for the pictures and updates!

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Guest SoshiBangBang

What will Big Bang's next album sound like?

Honestly, I hope they push with the TMG sound. Basically, anything from YG this year has been relatively good ( incl. Gummy, 2NE1 ) I hope that it's not another GD composed album, not because I'm tired of his music ( ♥GD ) , it's just that I hope everyone at the company understands the magnitude of the next album. We will be returning not as idols but as artistes. I for one don't see Tae, GD or Tabi as idols but Dae and Seungri, maybe a little. We need a huge impact this August! So basically, I just want everyone to put in their 2 cents, they have so many talents in YG ( Teddy,Kush, Rovin, Choice 37,GD,TOP, Tae ) They all can come together and put out something epic. One thing I know for certain is that their single is gonna be a mellow/sad song judging from the past August's.( Lie, HaruHaru )

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Guest comforcloud

I'm a bit of lurker here, and my english is not very good

but the discussion r getting very "interesting" and I would like to join


so some of u r complaining about the enormous decreasing number in their fan club

and yet some r saying they should forget about losing popularity and make "quality songs"

some r saying I hope they wont become a one hit wonder

and yet some r saying "no more cheesy title hit songs plz"

fans want a epic comeback but if the songs will not do great on charts

do u still consider that's epic???

to be honest majority (probably 70-80%) of bigbang fans were attratced to them becuz of so called"not great quality songs"

and I am one of them LOL. dont get me wrong , I love their hiphop upbeat songs as well

I love TELL ME GOODBYE Hallelujah and every single song they released in 2006

but I cant get over the fact that people r saying haruharu, this beautiful song is sooooo "cheeeesy"

if u go on youtube, the most viewed mv of bigbang is HARU HARU

people certainly can have different standard but being fond of not very popular songs does not make your taste better than everyone else.

I still consider bigbang r making EASY TO LISTEN TO and also QUALITY songs.

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Guest toozdae08

I think Haru Haru is a quality song - the video is kinda cheesy but the song is quality from my pov.

But I agree, us fans are so hard to satisfy and that is because we have seen so much from these boys; they have done so many different types of music and have done it so well that it is a little hard to know where they are going next. It's their comeback to their home after almost 2 years, they will have so much more say in their music because there will no longer be a language barrier, they have grown so much in the past 2 years - we just don't know what to expect or to hope for. And that is one of the reasons why I'm so excited. I don't know what BB will bring but I know it will be great.

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I'm not asking Big Bang for anything as long as they show their talents and they love what they are doing I'm alright with it. I have a trust of them that they can make good music . Its already a pressure on their part giving their fans a music with a good quality. I want to see them working like they love what they are doing and stuffs ^^. Fighting to them!

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Guest Banana Peel

LOL what is up with Bae? Being so carefree and goofy in public! I'm shocked wink.gif

yeah, I noticed that Taeyang is more "hyper" when promoting in Japan. o_o; Like in interviews and such, he's like another person compared to the shy Taeyang in korea! hahahahha, so weird, but cute too. I guess he has his moments :D

What will Big Bang's next album sound like?

I agree with you, I hope something like Tell Me Goodbye is used as well, but a bit upbeat at the same time? haha. I'm just hoping they would bring back more hip hop ! not an extreme hiphop like the old old times, but more mellow yet you get the hip hop BIG BANG feel. I just don't want their songs to be like, their songs released in Japan, all auto tuned and all. They're all attractive songs, but not enough for a BANGing comeback, you know? lol. Oh, and I hope as for concept wise, they keep this simple sleek look. PLEASE PLEASE GD AND TOP, lol.

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Guest dada

I know most of the fans here are probably teenage girls that think they are "hot" as a way to put it which is why most teenage girls like boy groups. Right?

Sorry for cutting your post.

I am 19 years old this year & part of a teenage


But then I love BIG BANG not because

they are hot.In the first place,I do not find

them hot at all when I first saw them debut.

They are not that really good-looking

as compared to the other k-pop boybands out there.

Basically what drove me to them

is their debut music,their style & performances.

I used to be a very big fan of HIP HOP & RAP

so when they debuted with such music I got

interested in them. (well I am still

a fan of hip hop but not so much of a big fan)

Before long I saw their

performances & I really love the way they

bring themselves onstage unlike the typical k-pop

boyband that i used to watch.

Next I got to know more of their

talents - like their dancing skills & producing

of songs.

Slowly bit,by bits I find them

more & more appealing then ever.

Yet I still cringe in a good way ,the most whenever

I watch their performances.


He definitely a quiet yet sincere musician &

performer.I am glad that he got a certain

big goal in his life that he wants to pursue.

I will be looking out for the day

that he becomes a singer with a meaning. :)

Taeyang is showing his true colours

of a hyper guy these days.

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Guest Aestas

does anyone have another link to the mezamashi video where BB is watching the video on food??? i didn't get to see it before it was taken down and everyone is talking about their reactions. i really want to see G-Dragon's reactions!

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Guest Bongs

I know most of the fans here are probably teenage girls that think they are "hot" as a way to put it which is why most teenage girls like boy groups. Right?

Like I said, I'm in it for the music not their looks, like the rest. Actually, the first time I noticed them was from the very first WonderBang Era collab I.E. Music Bank performance. :lol: I thought they were a bunch of cocky b#$%@s. Yup that was my first impressions of them. :lol: Shallow, I know. However, that was just based on their looks because of the way they were dressed, but when I listened to their songs I was floored. I searched them and from there the rest is history. As I've said, BigBang is the only Korean group that I'm attached to; the other Korean group is just from curiosity and that's how far it always goes; no matter how hard I TRY to like another group.

As 1TYM's song "Music makes me hot!'

What will Big Bang's next album sound like?

Honestly, I wish for them to move away from the same sounding Kpop scene. I wish for them to do their thang like they always do. :lol: That's all I want. Don't follow a trend, start a trend; like they always have.

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Guest juang_bb

It was because of their stage presence.

In my opinion, talent can only get you so far. No matter how much talented you are, if you do not have "it", you're not really going to get far. After that, I re-watched their documentary and was surprised to see them in a new light. they really do have the makings of a star.

Now, their stage presence has opened up my liking for their music. They carry their songs with so much of "themselves" that if another group is to perform it without "their flair", it wouldn't be the same.

Imagine if Lies was sung by another group, would it have been as big as a hit?

The songs that they have come out really is just a matter of good choice. They have a lot of quality songs in their albums and mini-albums. You just need to look at who wrote it. And yes, as much as I love Teddy, he needs a Time Out. YG also knows this because they are having open auditions for producers. I'm excited that YG'll be working with other producers this year :) Perry, YES Perry! I didn't know he'll be working this year!

In the matter of vocals, i think this is one of Big Bang's strengths - no two different voices are alike. And I think, this is why GD's songs suits BB a lot, because he knows who he's writing for, and he knows who's vocals is best for this part of the song. He's not only writing for anybody, he's writing for Big Bang.

i like what you wrote and i agree with a lot of things. let me say first too that I am in the same age as TOP, 22 and I love BB not for their looks but for being the artists that they are. some people might say that of course most fans probably won't admit that they like them for looks, but when it comes to Big Bang, i really think that most people love them for their music, talent and being the true artists among the current crop of idols. their "hotness" is just a bonus, and something that I personally only noticed after I already got hooked with their music and performances. i mean, it won't hurt to admit that at first glance, the boys aren't exactly the most good looking idols, but they just have so much charisma and stage presence, and that's what pulls you in together with the music.

the quality. sometimes, i want to ask, how exactly do we define "quality" i just hope that we don't exactly equate sounding more pop = less quality, the same way as more r&B or hardcore hiphop = high quality. coz then, it seems to boil down to preference. not because we wish they could have been more hiphop or r&b than they are now, it means the quality of their music has decreased. personally, for as long as i love the music, and they'll keep coming out with songs where I see their improvement and growth from the previous work they've done, then im happy. just like how I felt when I first heard TMG, i couldn't be any prouder.

i like what you said about songs written by GD, or even TOP in A Good Man, that they end up being their greatest songs because they know personally who they're writing it for. who else know Big Bang better than them. just like Teddy turning down the lady gaga offer because he prefers working with people he knows. speaking of Teddy, I agree too that he needs a break. as much as I love him, i'd be very happy if they limit his work in BB's next album and have other producers work on it too, plus Perry's back. Oh, i can still remember how happy i was when I read the last "from YG" letter that he hired 5 more producers to work on the upcoming YG comebacks. new people, fresh ideas; more people, more creativity, more styles.

the big question. WHAT WILL BIGBANG's NEXT ALBUM SOUND LIKE? personally, i prefer to hear songs that are more rooted in hiphop and r&b like TMG and Hallelujah because aside from personal preference, I think that it is their strength. at the same time, if they feel like trying another genre and pull it off, i'd be happy. hearing something totally new from them and different, and being able to rock it is always welcome. another try at rock like Oh My Friend, be it punk, alternative or pop-rock would be nice since I have a certain love for those type of music. it'll be a challenge for them for sure, but to me, these 5 boys are just too gifted and talented that it is a shame if we try to limit what they can do. sky is the limit for BB.

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What will Big Bang's next album sound like?

-Agree with Bongs. The only way I will be disappointed is if they try to "blend in" with the current trends of kpop right now. I seriously want them to come back with the most brightest concept known to mankind and for their songs to shine with their own personal flavor. I really enjoy the mixture of R&B and hip/hop but I kinda secretly wish for more rap parts for GD and TOP! SO to sum it up I want some energetic summer tracks but yet they have to have meaning to it. YGE always composes some hot tracks that make me actually go into deep thought while listening to them. THATs also what I want for the upcoming album.

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Guest juang_bb


so some of u r complaining about the enormous decreasing number in their fan club

and yet some r saying they should forget about losing popularity and make "quality songs"

some r saying I hope they wont become a one hit wonder

and yet some r saying "no more cheesy title hit songs plz"

fans want a epic comeback but if the songs will not do great on charts

do u still consider that's epic???

yeah, i know. we, the fans, tend to contradict ourselves, sometimes a little too often, but i think it can't be helped since we all just want the best for them. i like how you pointed it out though.

when they comeback, not everybody would surely be pleased... there's just so much pressure and anticipation that i am hoping that instead of focusing too much on living up to it... i wish they would be able to block it out and focus on the music and what they want to do. the closer the comeback is, the more anxious we all get.

on a lighter note....

OMG! these boys.... especially GD, DS and SR... are drooling over the food, it's hilarious! for a while, I felt like I want to buy them lots and lots of food! LOL! they look like they haven't been able to eat for days and can't afford it. which we know isn't true. kekeke.

speaking of Taeyang being all hyper and bubbly lately, he seems to have gotten over his said depression last year. im happy for him. i want to see this side of him more often. i admire his desire to be a true artist that move people. seeing YB now make me more confident that he'll have a successful solo. im really excited about it now. we just know, this time around, he's ready.

and...can't wait for Tabi's star diary!!!

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Guest Bongs

So I just saw the Mezamashi video, and I'm sorry, but from 1:27 to 2:50 YB had me ROFLing throughout that whole segment! :lol: I did not know YB had that silliness in him to do that! Even when the camera was focused on one of the host HAHAHAHAH!

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Guest sw8et_vietgurl

I know most of the fans here are probably teenage girls that think they are "hot" as a way to put it which is why most teenage girls like boy groups

well theyre not hot when they first debuted

when i first saw their Haru Haru video i thought they are 5 gay mens esp. GD with his skinny body and he wore that feminine white shirt..but the song and their stage presence were amazing, it got me interested because seriously how many songs out there at the time that have the sound of "2 men arguing in a song", even now i bet those new idol rappers fron idol groups are influenced by Haru Haru that is why you can hear all the "angry rapping"in their song.

and their Documentary well even now, sometime i would watch the videos again, well the thought of "wow they really ugly" still cross my mind, and i wonder how did i ever become their fan? and the answer simply because of their music not because of their looks.

about their looks, bigband started off as an "ugly idol group" but through time they gotten hotter and hotter each day,they can't be "ugly" forever and this is just like their music they can't stay with the same style of music forever, and this is why they're "revolution of idol".

i really hope that YB will be like this more in the future, carefree and not worrying about what the other think

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