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★彡yg ♪♬♪ The Official Big Bang [빅뱅] Thread ver. 2

Guest the7REAL.

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Guest toozdae08

OK - I have a question.

How do you guys feel about sampling?

Cause there was a discussion going on ibigbang about BB's sampling of "It Take's Two" and some ppl were saying they hope they don't use the beat because it's a sample.

However, I'm really hoping they do cause 1) I ADORE THAT BEAT, it's mad sick and 2) A LOT of my favorite hip hop songs have been samples (Most of Kanye's work, Lupe Fiasco, Jay Z, everyone in hip hop pretty much samples) and some were Grammy winning songs. As long as the proper credits are given I don't see the problem. And BB has used samples in the past with no problem. I think sampling takes a lot of creativity - to take something from the past and rework and recreate it.

Plus "It Take's Two" is a classic track that has been sampled a million times by so many different artist and I'm really excited to see what BB does with it.

Am I the only one who feels that way?

I don't know, it annoyed me that some people were hoping that BB doesn't use the track just cause it's a sample.

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So... no Big Bang TV today. I'm kinda disappointed because its the only thing I get of the boys these days. But seeing the pics for their handshake event are cute & them reading the VIP messages is really touching. I love that they care for us so much.

Watching Strong Heart and Dara talked about Taeyang for a really long time & even sent him a video message at the end. No idea what she said though haha.

And for TOPs Birthday Trending...is there a specific time or all day?

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Guest toozdae08


It'll be easier to do if we have a specific time.

And lol at Dara and YB. And poor Dara, YB teases her too much (though honestly I could be teases by YB all day, wouldn't mind at all).

And I'm missing the boys so so much -BBTV was all I had and YG even took that away.

I'm back to this


only replace the guy in the thought bubble with BB.

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I see this sampling issue just like I see the autotune issue.

People hate on songs with autotune but simply for the reason that it HAS autotune. Their way of thinking is just SO elementary:

autotune = bad ---> any song with autotune = worst song ever.

like please, think of a more brilliant argument for hating on a song than just autotune. :rolleyes: If you want to use an elementary argument for hating on autotune, then why don't you hate an artists who use the color red? "OMG THATS SO DONE. DEATH OF THE COLOR RED! I hate ALL works of art that have the color red!"

See? You'd never hate on an artist for using a tool that has become part of the craft. It's the same thing with autotune. Just because it's been done, and for a long time has been trendy, doesn't mean its BAD.

Ah, but I digress.

In the cases of autotune & sampling, I think people might be angling to say that Big Bang (or groups in general) are lacking creativity--or something like that, I don't really know because I see their arguments as being invalid, so this is just a guess haha.

BUT I think it takes MORE creativity to use a sample to make something completely new. Especially if that song is well known and well loved. In many ways, people will associate a song with a memory, a moment in time, and as such, hearing it sampled will meet with a lot of commotion. So I think it's definitely more difficult for artists to use sampled songs--they are taking a risk & MUST be bold about it. They have to take the sample and do something so unique with it that it becomes a whole NEW song.

Much like artist's colors, much like autotune, I think samples are just another tool in the toolbox.

A lot of artists I like and respect use samples. I wouldn't mind Big Bang sampling because I know that they will create something new and fantastic with it.

sorry this post is all over the place. :unsure:

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^ you've been cracking me up so much with your gifs! And by "cracking up" I mean, sobbing right there next to you, or pulling out my hair right next to you.

and IKR, if Bae hand his hands on my neck and threw me on the ground....uh, this would not be a complaint. And I definitely wouldn't go on a variety show to talk about it ^_^

andddd back from the gutter.

BUt really, waking up without BBtv was not the way I wanted to start my day. Its like a bad omen. :sweatingbullets: the only thing that could counteract that is an announcement from YG about the comeback. *please please please*

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Today it seems like the boys had a rehearsal for the Seoul - Tokyo music festival :w00t::D I heard that a U-Kiss member tweeted that they rehearsed after the boys or smt :P

Yep, Kevin from U-Kiss tweeted they rehearsed after BIG BANG which got me all happy just seeing Big Bang being mentioned when I saw the tweet. lol Anyways, I'm really missing our five, lovely boys - MEN. The wait is killing me, but then they're the only group I'm willing to wait for. ;D Each day I come online in hopes of seeing some news about a comeback. *sighs*

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Guest andloveyelledno

Disappointed that our boys weren't in the show today but I guess it's to be expected. They were in Singapore and now in Japan so they probably haven't been recording, which is the only time they get video taped.


TOP's birthday is soon so let's focus on celebrating that! :) Hopefully there's a tweet campaign or something so we can show our support that way.

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i agree^^

i don't hate autotune just cuz its autotune. i think autotune is fine except i dont think composers and producers should abuse it...like i like to hear autotune but also the live performances cuz both versions would feel fresh and different.

ok example:

G-D sang Heartbreaker in Big Show 2010 right? The song is autotuned but its for the good of the song. When he sang that song on stage, there was no autotune; he sang with his real voice which sounded amazing cuz he manipulated a few notes and had adlibs all over.

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Guest shinhdeplol

[info] Seungri's UFO replies (101102)


Translations :



Seungri ah, how to be able to see all of you? Please tell me...

FROM: Seungri

[bIGBANG] Come to Korea ^^ - Seungri-



Seungri ah, have you eaten yet?

FROM: Seungri

[bIGBANG] Yeah, eaten a very nice meal. - Seungri-




Seungri ah, let's go and eat hot pot together okay?

FROM: Seungri

[bIGBANG] Wah ┬ ┬ I wish to eat hot pot ┬ - Seungri-



Seungri ah~ this lifetime I use all my love to guard / protect you, next lifetime shall be you to

guard / protect me, all right? Pinky promise...

FROM: Seungri

[bIGBANG] Is this true? ^^ - Seungri-




Seungri hubby, when are you coming back? Come back soon, or I will be worried. Seungri hubby~let's take my hand and leave! I love you~

FROM: Seungri

[bIGBANG] Me? I will be back very soon - Seungri-



Seungri oppa, long time no see, missing you ^^ , let's have a good sleep, good night~

FROM: Seungri

[bIGBANG] Good night ^^ - Seungri-


TO: BIGBANG ($$小涵)

Victory victory~ ~ tomorrow exams victory ^ε^

FROM: Seungri

[bIGBANG] Hope you will get good results for tomorrow's exams hwaiting ^^ - Seungri-

thanks to yoyowb120 @ baidu

translated by : Miseremei @ bigbanghaven.blogspot.com

do not remove or change any of the credits

Seungri is so good at fan-service :lol:

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Guest mighty_cindy

TOP's birthday is soon so let's focus on celebrating that! :) Hopefully there's a tweet campaign or something so we can show our support that way.

there is a tweet campaign on November 4, i saw it posted on tumblr. Here's the link #HappyBirthdayTOP

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Guest toozdae08

coming here makes me depressed - all I want is a little BB and I've gotten nothing. However, 2morrow they're performing so hopefully we'll get something.

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[NEWS] Big Bang takes the #1 spot on Oricon within a week!

Popular group, Big Bang’s DVD grabbed the #1 spot on Japan’s music chart, Oricon.

Released on October 27th, the DVD “BIGSHOW BIGBANG LIVE CONCERT 2010” sold 15,000 copies on the first week of it’s release. It grabbed #1 on the Oricon DVD weekly chart and on the general division.

Last August Big Bang launched their “2009 BIGBANG LIVE CONCERT ‘BIGSHOW” DVD for which 2nd place was their best record.

In addition, published last September 29th, the first official photobook “BIGBANG PRESENTS ELECTRIC LOVE TOUR 2010” also grabbed the #1 spot in the Oricon ranking of books. On October 31st at the Ginza Bookstore in Fukuyama, Tokyo, they held a handshake fanmeeting in front of 2,000 fans to celebrate the launch of the photobook.

We need a club BANGER we need a club BANGER~~!!! XD Big Bang is killing charts with everything they release huh? What a surprise!

Source: yonhapnews

Translated: alee @ ibigbang


Some update on the Seoul Tokyo Music Festival

Look at our boys' fan booth! Crowded right?



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Guest sweetflower


AUTOTUNE: It's quite sad really that people automatically assumed that songs containing autotune = bad because autotune if used in moderation and used correctly can actually enhances a song - gives it a more distinctive flavor (some examples would be BEG's Abracadabra, 2am's I Did Wrong, GD's Korean Dream). It's weird cause producers have been using autotune since 2007 and maybe even earlier, but yet people hardly noticed it until lately because everyone is using it and there are some producers that over-did it. Agreed with me or not, but one of them is our own Teddy. I noticed a big difference between 2ne1's first album and their second album and their 'Try To Follow Me' was just saturated with autotune. I know that GD used autotune too, but so far he kept it in moderation and not as obvious as Teddy.

SAMPLING: While I have no problem with sampling because the sampled songs almost always ended up being better than the original; however, I, for one, DO NOT want BB/GD to sample any songs in this upcoming album.

1. The argument that sampling lacks creativity is totally VALID. To put it simply: when a person comes up with an idea, put beats and lyrics to it, they are in fact creating something new. When a person sample another artist's work, they are just twitching the original song by adding, subtracting, slowing down, or speeding up the tempo. Even if GD/BB succeeded in making the song better, it still wouldn't be their work - the credits will always belong to the original artist. Quoting from someone in ibb: a used song is a used song doesn't matter how well they repackage and present it. They have 18 songs to choose from, there is NO need for them to use a sample.

2. BB has always been a different, but controversial group. What sets BB apart from other idol groups is not their music, not their charisma or stage presence, not their music genre, not their attitude, but the fact that they have so much control over their music (especially GD). This is one of the main reason why a lot of people are looking at them and their upcoming album. Think about this scenario: if SNSD or 2am did well, they will get the credit, but if they failed then SM/JYP will get the blame. With BB, since GD is the sole producer of this upcoming album - if everything goes well, he will get the credit, but if not, he will be the one to blame. Talking from experience, VIPs (especially GD's fans) went through hell with HB, so I do not want a repeat of that ever again.

3. This album is probably the most important album that BB will release - the album that will make them or break them period. After leaving the industry at the height of their fame, they either come back with a bang and cement their name in the music industry, breaking their previous records or I can just predict the headlines 'BB is OLD, BB is losing their touch'. Right now, they just cannot afford to make any mistakes or take any chances - YG knows this, GD knows this, BB knows this - this is why the album is taking so long to release. So YG/GD either release an official statement regarding the sampling or not use it at all.

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Guest Michala01


I'm not going to go in depth about the sampling issue. Some of the biggest pop albums in recent years have all sampled, look at Kanye West as a prime example. You can sample a song and still make something new and original from that. It's all about the way you use it. So I am not against it in any way. 


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Guest toozdae08


SAMPLING: While I have no problem with sampling because the sampled songs almost always ended up being better than the original; however, I, for one, DO NOT want BB/GD to sample any songs in this upcoming album.

1. The argument that sampling lacks creativity is totally VALID. To put it simply: when a person comes up with an idea, put beats and lyrics to it, they are in fact creating something new. When a person sample another artist's work, they are just twitching the original song by adding, subtracting, slowing down, or speeding up the tempo. Even if GD/BB succeeded in making the song better, it still wouldn't be their work - the credits will always belong to the original artist. Quoting from someone in ibb: a used song is a used song doesn't matter how well they repackage and present it. They have 18 songs to choose from, there is NO need for them to use a sample.

Me and you have to disagree on this one. Some of the most creative songs I have ever heard have been samples. I'm talking about massive critical and commercial hits - Grammy winning songs. To say that sampling lacks creativity, to me, shows a complete lack of understanding as to what the art of sampling is.

Kanye West's Jesus Walks - The song is built around a sample of "Walk with Me" as performed by the ARC Choir. That song is a master piece to me, literally cried and sat down and prayed when I first heard it cause I was that affected. And this song pretty much elevated Kanye to a whole new level for me and a lot of other ppl (of course he became so pretentious afterward but whatever). Won a Grammy for best rap song, named in #19 in Rolling Stones as one of the greatest song to come out this decade.

Lupe Fiasco's Daydream - The single is based around a sample of "Daydream in Blue" by I Monster, a song that heavily samples "Daydream" by Gunter Kallman Choir (which in itself is a cover, the original being written by The Wallace Collection) - that's 4 samples in one. It also samples Tchaikovsky's Swan Lake. This song won for Grammy Best Urban/Alternative Performance. It's one of the most creative hip hop songs I've ever heard.

M.I.A.'s Paper Planes - Its backing track is a sample from the 1982 song "Straight to Hell" by The Clash while the chorus is based on that of the 1992 Wreckx-n-Effect song "Rump Shaker". Amazing song that was later sampled (that same year) by Jay-Z and T.I.'s Swagger Like Us.

I can name about a billion more songs that have influenced my life, pop culture, etc that were samples. While Hip Hop samples the most and kind of originated the whole practice, it hasn't just been a hip hop thing. Just this year I Like It by Enrique Iglesias feat. Pitbull sampled Lionel Richie and Lil Wayne, Waka Waka (This Time for Africa) by Shakira feat. Freshlyground sampled the Golden Sounds, etc.

Even the great Michael Jackson sampled in 23 of his songs including Pretty Young Thing, Off the Wall, Wanna Be Startin' Somethin' and I Want You Back.

Are you telling me these songs lack creativity? Sorry to sound so butthurt but you just insulted some of my favorite artists and some of the most creative ppl in the music industry. In fact, you've just insulted 99.9% of all of hip hop and a good percentage of pop as well. Currently taking a music class and some of the most influential songs in US POP history (and therefore world music history) had sampled.

Also, BB can't afford to take risk? With their music? If you're not taking risks with you music then you may as well not produce anything. If I want to listen to groups that take no risks I can listen to any of the billion idol groups that Korea spits out; all BB has to do is produce amazing music that so them that any other group doing it would just be a cheap imitation and properly credit their sources if they sample.

*just reread this and it came out a little like I was lecturing you or something but what started out as a response to you kind of ballooned into a rant about sampling, I would edit but wouldn't even know what to take out. I apologize if this reads offensive but this is an issue I, obviously, care a lot about as a lover of Hip Hop.

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