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★彡yg ♪♬♪ The Official Big Bang [빅뱅] Thread ver. 2

Guest the7REAL.

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Guest Michala01

He makes such a good point. The kpop market has been so unstable this year. It doesn't help that the quality of music being produced has been slowly deteriorating over the past year. There really hasn't been anything that could help one gauge the public's state of mind at the moment as there hasn't been those HIT SONGS like there were in 2009 or 2008. 

I know I often rant about wanting them back and I do, I'm a fangirl  I can't help my impatience. But I totally understand that where you have a team of 5 guys who are all very talented and who do contribute to the music side of things, that it would be hard to reconcile the different styles each of them brings.

Big Bang's music isn't handed to them on a silver platter like with most other groups. They are working this album out for themselves. They're still relatively new at this, music production is a skill that takes people many years to perfect. I admire them for their hands on attitude and if it takes a bit of extra time I am of course willing to wait. 

I'm just so happy to hear him say something, anything about it biggrin.gif

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When G-Dragon reveals things like this, you come to admire him once again as a true artist. He's speaking not only for big bang, but for all singers, as he comments on the simple truths of the kpop industry. I think so to because not many songs past the 30 play could mark for me anymore and the kpop industry is populated with so many new artists nowadays. The older songs however, I have played up to and over 100 times.

The pressure Big Bang must be feeling right now--I cannot even contemplate.

(Honestly, I've been withdrawing from Kpop alot. I barely listen to it anymore)

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Big Bang wasn't the group that got me into kpop, but they were definitely the group that made me stay. If it wasn't for their music I probably wouldn't have had a reason to keep listening...even now when their songs are at least 2 years old. None of their songs have ever tried to be trendy, and that's why they endure.

I fell in love with Big Bang during their hiatus, and I had to learn to love them through old videos. But everything still resonated with me as something very present, because there was a timelessness in their music. Everything, every lyric, every note, every beat, carried significance and weight. It was enough to make me stay, and to make me wait, and to make me anticipate.

You can call it my bias, but I seriously don't listen to anything outside of what YG produces, because I feel like they treat music differently.

The boys must be feeling immense pressure, wanting to be successful but realizing how fickle the kpop industry is and yet still wanting to create music of substance. I applaud them for their foresight and passion for their music. I know they'll select a concept carefully, and regardless of what happens, I know that these 5 boys put more of them into this album than ever before. & that's enough for me. I can't ask for anything else.

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Guest Banana Peel

I'm just really happy that GD spoke some words about BB's korean album :D His words are very true, but I'm not worried for big bang at all. I'm sure they'll comeback with good real music. But I'm REALLY curious on what type of concept/song they will be doing this time. Since GD did a lot of the production of the album songs, I'm sure something is going to be surprising, lol. I wonder if Teddy composed any song in bb's album? hmm~

Their comeback in korea this year is actually going to be the very first comeback of big bang I'll see live since I became a fan of them WHILE they were on their hiatus. I bet I'm going to go crazy, I know it. XD No other artists make me as excited and jumpy as big bang <3 I hope big bang will REALLY make a comeback by november since I don't think I see October comeback happening XD lol.

I wonder if their comeback concept would be DARK or BRIGHT? haha, I'm hoping it's somewhere around the middle xD

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Warning: Long melo-dramatic post ahead.

After reading GD's interview, I feel a bit conflicted. Half of me is really happy and half is unhappy.

The Good:

I love that they chose to take time to evaluate songs carefully so they can see which songs fit the group best and that they want to make songs that are enduring. This is the defining quality of Big Bang that makes them stand out from the pack and made me fell in love with them. Their passion for their craft is visible and heard in almost all their interviews. In an industry that's saturated with idol groups at the moment and has lost much of its flavor (2010 was a really weak year for kpop musically), I'm happy that their making their comeback almost as their stand to go against the tide.

GD's comment on the three week cycle of the market where songs get old really fast is coming from his composer/producer side. It must be frustrating for him to compose something and share it with the world and have it conveniently forgotten in just a matter of weeks (sometimes even less). Its a different thing for singers who have no hand in the song writing process. Although a song defines singers and their careers, its more personal for people who actually make it because that song is a part of who they are - like an extension of themselves.

Another thing that caught my attention is the fact that he said "we" when he was talking about making music. Dare I hope that there are some co-composing going on? I hope TOP, Bae, Ri and Dae contributed in the process. I love GD and he's a very prolific lyricist and composer but I'd like something from the rest of the boys to. That would truly make their album a "Big Bang" album in its fullest sense.

The Bad:

GD stressing on making their best to bring out their album by the end of the year makes me more suspicious that it won't be out anytime soon. Although I'm happy that they're choosing to take their time to come out with a top notch album, I'm afraid that their KVIPs will become really impatient and angry over it. A lot are tired of waiting and their fancafes are slipping in numbers.

A lot argue that they haven't really been gone since they had 2 solo efforts to tide fans over but I say differently. We, international fans, only see half of the picture of how the music scene in Korea goes. I have a feeling that fans there are bombarded with new groups' songs, cfs and shows EVERYDAY. Its hard to get away from that and stay loyal to a group that you probably see once or twice a week (probably in a CF, for a few seconds) and hear in the radio every now and then. People are fickle, especially younger fans who go probably get into a new group every other day. Out of sight, out of mind. So, not seeing Big Bang that much as a singing group has definitely dampened a bit of their popularity. In fact, as of the moment, I think Girls Generation are at the top of the food chain in terms of general popularity because they're just everywhere.

Even I have my moments of frustration over the lack of new Big Bang Korean songs. Although they do have a huge number of songs so I probably can play them for an entire day without changing the artists in my playlist, I miss them performing something new and fun and fresh. I don't really love their Japanese releases because I feel that even they are uncomfortable singing in Japanese and the quality is not up to par with their Korean ones. I feel a bit resentful that my waiting is prolonged even more. For someone like me who got into their group when they were ending their promotions and were scheduled for a hiatus, I was definitely regretful that I wasn't introduced into the VIP fandom as early as their group debuted. At least I was able to see the tail end of their activities and them winning awards.

Another one of my fears for them is that their comeback will have so much hype since they've been gone so long that when the album drops and people don't like their new music, they'll get disappointed and start a slew of bashing (which was what happened with 2NE1).Big Bang's comeback is THE most anticipated comeback in kpop for both the international and the local kpop community. They're probably the only veterans (sans Shinhwa) that's intact and almost untouched as a group and have been incredibly successful as solo acts for the two years in their hiatus. So, the pressure and anticipation is so real you can almost touch it.

I can see that the boys are feeling it since people expect so much from them and its difficult to balance their growth as artists and fanservice. As I see it, they're being pulled into different directions: come out with a critically acclaimed album with experimental music but get less popularity off it OR come out with a more conventional album which satisfies fans but get lesser musical credibility. Its like a double edged sword. The key is finding balance for this next step in their musical career as a group. Its like a turning point for them.

Either way, I'm gonna be waiting and cheering them on when they do come back. I'm sure I'm going to love whatever they dish out. They are Big Bang after all - the beginning and the end of my kpop addiction. ^.^

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@no1chronoptimist- really insightful observations. I agree with you on a lot of points.

Because there IS so much anticipation, no matter what the boys release, they will, absolutely, encounter bashing/haters/disappointment. During this hiatus people have built up their anticipation so much for Big Bang's comeback, and everyone who has waited for them will have their own views of what they boys should look like/sound like that its impossible for the boys to fulfill everyone's varying expectations of them. People will be disappointed that Big Bang didn't live up to the expectations they contrived in their own minds. But that's not Big Bang's fault.

There's no way for us to know what direction the boys will take. They really are in a precarious position. But I don't feel like they'd come out with something either so experimental that it would isolate fans or something so conventional just to be popular. My hope is that they can find a middle ground--which I think is what GD was angling for in his interview. Something fresh and new, but that can be just a popular as their other songs.

It's true, Big Bang's popularity has suffered a blow since they've been away. But I like to think that for every kvip that has left their fancafe, there are international vips (me being one of them) who came to like Big Bang during their hiatus.

Moreover, I really really believe in the boys. I think the music they will put out will be something that can't be ignored within Korea, or without. A good song is a good song, regardless of who sings it, how many awards it wins, or how many weeks at number one it stays. A good song will show its true colors with who it resonates with and how well it still loved over the course of time. So I believe they'll get their fans back because they'll put out good music. More than anything, I want them to make music that they can stand behind.

That is my wish, hope, and dream for Big Bang. Everything else, awards and whatever else, is just icing on the cake.

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Guest evilgary

yea i do agree that singers now are pretty done with their promotions in a month

thus i understand how they felt when they prepared the songs themselves

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Guest hayakatsu

And in the previous post, there's a link to ET ep1 with 21Bang's sub but it's just ep1-part1. Did they just sub this part or they already subbed all ep1 ? Because I can't find another parts in their YT channel :unsure:

they aren't able to put out subs really fast because they have a small team. be patient dear. they will come.


TOP is a very poetic lyricist. i've come to notice that he has a very artistic way of saying things. it's like, you don't really understand what he's trying to say, but the emotion that comes through is just so powerful, you don't really need to understand it. and GD, well he tends to say things in your face. like sharp and edgy. but they have a very sentimental twist to it sometimes. both of them are very deep and intense, yet in totally different ways.


btw, i hope BIGBANG gets at least two months of FULL promotion. srsly. they need to at least appear in 2-3 variety shows. i know it's not their thing... but TWO YEARS GONE man. this should be an exception. we miss them dearly. well, i won't be mad if they don't go on shows. just... it would be nice. you gotta admit.

anyway, GD is so spot on with the fickle-ness of the industry nowadays. songs that are on constant replay on my itunes are all from 2008 and non-idol music. not to say idol music is bad per se. but they're like bubblegum. the sweetness just drains the longer you chew. there are the few that are really good, but those are few and far apart. obviously as my bias, their music is ALWAYS good to my ears, but even their not-so-lovable songs are, to me, more sustantial than the rest. or if not completely, maybe in a higher quantity than others. because i know other idols do come out with songs with deep meanings from time to time.

and yea, i agree with you guys on some points, but i believe y'all are looking at in the wrong way. it's not particularly a struggle between coming out with a critically acclaimed album with experimental music but get less popularity off it OR come out with a more conventional album which satisfies fans but get lesser musical credibility. but i believe it's going to be more of, struggling with how to go back to the basics, give a fresh spin to it, and STILL being able to compete with the audience's hunger for the next big thing, yet staying true to their principles. i mean, honestly, we know the boys' aim was never to gain more popularity or purely to gain recognition from music critics. their aim was always to come out with good music that can satisfy and deeply relate to people.

i don't think they'll be experimenting with their music that much anymore. to me, personally, i believe they have finally found their style. and all they'll be doing with this upcoming comeback is to show that to the world and let them swallow it. ok, maybe not their permanent style, but their vibe. because we still haven't heard much of the maknaes musical views have we? so hopefully, the maknaes will be able to bring the balance of new and old that they need.

i dunno, all i'm hoping is for it to turn out well.

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YG make it seems like BigBang's album production was made in just a couple of months. WTF seriously? Hopefully, I'm just making ish up.

I guess I'm not the only one with songs being short-lived in kpop. Because seriously, it's going way too fast for promotions like that to happen. What happened to 7 weeks straight of number one, shoot.

I completely agree with no1chronoptimist about this album could be BigBang's turning point. TOP also mentioned that in one his interview how this album could possibly define BigBang in kpop, make it or break it. I'm just concern now that GD mentioned of their comeback, they will be put on the hot seat.

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GD is so right. Kpop right now is in a state of f'ing chaos. Every week theirs some new song at the top and the next week its at the very bottom....like really wtf nothing is really sticking for a long period of time. I think its GREAT that GD recognizes this horrible trend and will attempt to break away from it to create songs that will last and stick for a long time. We all know of artist/companys who just rush out a song/mini album every couple of months to grab number one spot and don't really pay any attention about the quality over a long period of time. Its really frustrating.

Big Bangs New album - sigh we don't even have a set date and already so much worries and thoughts of "will it or wont it be a hit" "will it or won't it grab #1 awards for long time" I think all VIPs need to be careful about this. Sometimes I feel like people get so caught up in #1s and "domination" that they truly miss out on enjoying the music for what it is because their too busy worrying about the publics opinion. I trust GD. Plain and simple. Hes never let me down before and hes always kept a fresh perspective on music. I don't think were going to be getting something too "different" sounding to the point of WTF'ing but I also hope everyone keeps an open mind about the songs hes produced. Also no matter if this new album is the most AMAZING thing to happen to kpop in a long time their will STILL be haters and people who are disappointed. This all goes back to the simple fact that YOU CANT PLEASE EVERYONE. So don't even bother worry about how many haters they get OR the fans they lose. Its bound to happen. I just hope everyone keeps a positive mind and atmosphere when BB finally comes back. *srry for rambling on* :sweatingbullets::D

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Guest juang_bb

i think whether we and the boys like it or not, ALL EYES are going to be on BIGBANG'S COMEBACK. their comeback is still the MOST ANTICIPATED and would probably be the BIGGEST comeback this year, or in the current music scene. they are currently the top and biggest group out there and being gone for 2 years just adds up to the anticipation and pressure. like someone mentioned above, they can't please everybody, some people just formulate certain images and expectations in their head on how the boys' comeback should be, and there's just no way they can meet them all. i personally dont know what to expect from them. they've been gone 2 years, they've matured a lot and they've all expressed the desire to take on a more serious path in their musical careers. who knows really at this point what kind of music they meant with their statements. i personally is learning to throw away whatever images of their comeback i've formed in my head, like i said before, im really trying to keep my mind open to whatever they'll bring to the table. in the end, i want to be pleased and surprised instead of finding out in the end that the boys went to a different direction than where im expecting them to go, and end up disappointed. although, im pretty sure im gonna love whatever it is they come up with.

what i really hope now is that, the boys don't think too much of the pressure and how they'll be able to please the fans. again, they can't please everybody so instead of focusing on that, i'd rather have them focus on doing the music that's right for them and music that at the end of the day, they'll be proud of and love. eventually, people will love GOOD music, while haters are just gonna keep hating.

also, with GD's last statement that they're doing they're best to put out the album by the end of the year, im quite concerned because i can feel that aside from the pressures of putting out an amazing album, it seems like they're being pressured too to release it before the year ends. i mean, they already have a lot to worry about and expectations are to the roof, the last thing they really need is to rush an album and leave out stuff and details that would have made it better had they've been given a bit more time to polish.

and lastly, what GD said about the short life cycle of songs is true. i dont know why i see other people taking it in a negative way when that observation is so obvious especially this year in kpop. there's just not one song that deserves to be Song of the year, at least not yet, if you compare it to the caliber of hit songs the previous years. no wonder they've been able to come up with timeless and classic songs like Lies and Haru Haru, because their mindset is set to making music that lasts, than something that's easily forgotten.

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Guest peppermintsugar

Personally, no long post needed, but Big Bang's Korean comeback will be godlike, no matter what they decide to do. They're all talented, they've already made a broad spectrum of good, interesting, and exciting music, so no matter what they decide to go with, I know it'll be good and respectable.


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@ juang_bb "i personally am learning to throw away whatever images of their comeback i've formed in my head"

Very true. I think everyone needs to throw out their perceptions of what BBs image IS or what they THINK its supposed to be, because it will only lead to disappointment. Like the people who say "oh well I like BBs hip/hop style and I wish the will go back to that" I'm sorry but NAME ONE truly successful artist/group in Korea or world wide who after so and so years are still doing the same thing as when they first debuted. The whole point is to grow musically and become evolved. Yes I'm not gonna lie I also hope BB includeds some of the ELEMENTS from their mainly hip/hop & R&B days but I don't want them to completely go back to that..... I want them to show growth and always show a NEW side of themselves. I think thats what gotten them so far to begin with; its not by maintaining an image its about creating one.

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Guest shinhdeplol




C: minariru // bestiz


C: 탑갤 // 빅뱅LOVE♡

Love Tae's expression :lol:

[ENGSUB] Enjoy Today EP1 2-7


Chinese Translations by: seungricn.com English

Translations by: Amanda & Sono@21BANGS.com

Subbed by: Isha & Lin@21BANGS.com http://21bangs.com

Although it's not YT, that source loadss quite fast so dont worry ^^

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Guest SoshiBangBang

GD's recent comments just summed up what I've been wanting to say.I've spent nights contemplating about comments made about GD being a producer and Big Bang's comeback (on allkpop,Soompi,etc) Sometimes we make comments and say things as though GD himself didn't notice them. How can we make comments like asking BB to stop using Autotune and stuff, when the man who uses himself knows what he's doing. Korean singles this year, from BB at least, has little or no autotune. He only uses them in Japan when POP is more suited for Japanese audience. He said it himself that House music appeals more to the Korean crowd.He knows the situation both in Japan and Korea, and we should not be blasting him as if he didn't know any better.

I'm sure my hyungs knows what he's doing, if GD can produce one of the songs of the decade and revolutionize KPOP, I'm sure they can do it again.

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Guest shinhdeplol

[info] Big Bang to hold Handshake Meeting in Japan on October 31st


To commemorate the launching of BIGBANG first official photo book『BIGBANG PRESENTS ELECTRIC LOVE TOUR 2010』, Big Bang will be holding a handshake meeting on October 31st in Japan.

*Location : Ginza Fuke Bookstore

*Date : October 31st, 2010 13:30 start

*Capacity : 1,500 persons

*Participation qualification : On September 27th bookstore in Ginza will distribute tickets to those who purchased the photo book『BIGBANG PRESENTS ELECTRIC LOVE TOUR 2010』. It will be first come first serve, as soon as it has reached the capacity number, the distribution will end. Please take note.

*Tickets distribution starting time : 9:00 AM

*Inquiry : 03-3574-7181 (Ginza Fuke Bookstore)

And this is the ticket to the Handshake meeting.


thanks to Val for sharing the info & wawavip for the ticket picture.

taken from bigbanghaven.blogspot.com

Only handshakes??? LOL Im sure VIPs want more than that, a hug maybe???? :lol:

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