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★彡yg ♪♬♪ The Official Big Bang [빅뱅] Thread ver. 2

Guest the7REAL.

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Guest andloveyelledno

Well, YG obviously didn't intend for their stay in Japan to be long term. Maybe their debut was simply meant to be a small baby step to test the waters. But when BB did better than expected (Entering the charts, winning awards), he had to keep sending them back because they were in high demand (Which conflicted with his initial plan for TaeYang's solo).

I mean, the JVIPs themselves arent complaining so why should

us, non-japanese fans do?

Well, I don't know how the JVIPs feel since I can't read japanese but they're already fans so they'll love the boys either way. The main focus here are on the people who aren't fans yet because we're trying to bring them over to our side :)

Japan is no different than korea when it comes to artists. The public wants to see them on variety shows, performing live, and to be able to connect with them on a deeper level. This isn't happening for BB right now because they're barely in Japan and have language problems. So until that gets fixed, the group won't really be able to gain the massive popularity we all wish for them.

And I do agree that the lack of Japanese GD/TOP speak is kind of disturbing. They're the most popular members in Japan (or so I'm led to believe), but yet, they're the only ones in BB that can't communicate with their fans

Not sure "disturbing" is the right word but it does complicate matters. They're the most popular because old VIPs already know them and the new ones gained from their debut are attracted to their talent/charisma. Which contradicts the idea that they need to speak Japanese in order to gain fans, no? :D

but the only progress I see from 'gara gara go' to 'TMG' is Seungri. Everyone else's speaking abilities pretty much stayed absolutely the same which leads me (a VIP) to believe that they haven't been putting much effort into their Japanese

We already discussed why this is the case although I disagree with Seungri being the only one who improved. Daesung has as well. He does make mistakes but he no longer seems to need a translator which was not the case a year ago. And TaeYang is already fluent.

In the end, I wish they'll learn A LOT more Japanese and that they'll stay there for a while, to do more lives, demonstrate their talents, and just pretty much get in touch with the Japanese culture and language. To me, what BB is doing right now in Japan is pretty embarrassing...

Agree with your wishes but not with your last comment about feeling embarrassed. This is obviously not the way we would ideally want BB to tackle Japan (And I still think YG has bigger plans for them later on) but i'm certainly not embarrassed by what they HAVE accomplished in Japan. Considering what they have going against them (All the issues I stated above), they've done pretty damn well for themselves.

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Guest g-dragon1988




^ GD wrote HANDS UP lyrics and music? OMG..this guy is a miracle..T.T I'm really impressed..~~This is my 168th time listening to HANDS UPㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋHAHA..

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Guest hayakatsu

well, abt the language issue, i believe it's different when you're an asian performing in an asian country rather than an asian performing in a western or european or any entirely different region altogether. the industry works in different ways in different countries so you can't really compare. at least, that is MY point of view. i have lost my connection to the jrock scene over the years so i don't really know how things work there anymore.

but don't get me wrong tho, i do understand where the language thing might be a high priority so that they score points and become more approachable to the market to some of you. but i for one don't really mind. it's not like they don't speak japanese AT ALL y'know? they're trying. then again, i'm not japanese. but whatever it is, i just find it funny how ppl would bring it up to the point where they think it's disrespectful or that it means they're not putting enough effort into it when a lot of times, GD has constantly expressed his regret on not being able to master the language.

he's a busy person. him and TOP have both been swamped during their hiatus. GD with his producing for both korea and japan promotions including his solo AND 2ne1's songs. and then you have TOP with his acting. while the three most fluent members have had relatively longer and more time to study it vigorously. taeyang has been studying it since forever, daesung only had family outing to focus on at the time and the brief musical rehearsals, and seungri practically had no activities aside from his musical gig and the movie with TOP. so their situations are different therefore the opportunities available are also different.

i'm not making any excuses for them, but that's probably how it really is. at least from what i can observe as a fan. and as a VIP, i'd never go so far as to say i would be embarassed abt them not being able to speak japanese, more like a little disheartened yet extremely hopeful that they will improve on it. why must we be so negative anyway?

know that, as a VIP, our boys are trying their HARDEST and that's what should matter. know that, as a VIP who have followed our boys for years and more or less know their personalities or work ethic, that they would never do things half-assed (hope this isn't a swear word) and would never let any of their fans be dissatisfied with them. know that, as a VIP, we also need to give them time, BE UNDERSTANDING and realize they are also humans who are imperfect and have limitations on what and how much they can do in a given time. know that, as a VIP, they need us to believe in them that they can do what they need to do, be it mastering a language or whatever else it is.


as for promotions in japan being half-hearted, i somewhat agree with this. while i find their japanese releases quite enjoyable and doing quite well, i feel a bit sad that they aren't performing more on shows like Music Station or something like that. they should, since they've been there for over a year now and also had super successful concerts and tours. but who's to say that maybe YG's taking a different approach in japan? YGFam does have a tendency to do things a little differently than others. while they can make questionable decisions, some of them end up explosively successful and some are less than intended.

maybe it's bad timing. who knows? they left from korea at their peak and so YG is left with having to satisfy fans from both countries and thus, ended up coming short-handed with having not enough time to do too many things all at once. maybe they should've left AFTER all the members have had their individual ventures? but then again, who knows, maybe it's the best decision made? by leaving during their peak in korea, it ensured that their popularity will come back when they return or gain if not old fans, then new fans. at least by leaving during their peak, there wouldn't be any stories of how BIGBANG has lost their power amongst fans or -dare i say, superiority against other groups. all i can do is come up with a whole bunch of maybes which might be right and might be completely off.

whichever it may be, i can only wait for the outcome and always, ALWAYS only wish the best for them. i have faith in my boys and i have faith in YG even if he does do the occasional screw up.


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Guest teenace

We just need to give them time,they can't just stay in Japan for years since they have solo activities in Korea.

VIPz are waiting for their korean comeback too so it will delay them even more. I think GD and Top are having a hard time grasping the language since they're older and more focused on english. Taeyang took japanese in high school while GD took chinese. They just need time. How much time is the question. Hopefully they'll come around by the end of the year since Top finished up his acting.

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Guest syao_sid

i read this on twitter:

TeamBIGBANG : RT @specha: そ、そ、そして、昨日ニューシングルをリリースした #BIGBANGからコメント届きました☺ そんなオンエア内容です!19時から生放送。お楽しみに! #TellMeGoodbye



i google translate it and i saw somethin' about live at 7pm..

are they performing tonight? omg! can't wait for a TMG performance!

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Guest dmingz

Since I do not know both Japanese and korean language, nor the Japanese and Korean markets, I won't comment how BB should or should not promote themselves in both places. So I am observing as an outsider.

Personally, i cringed when korean artistes sing chinese songs with a thick korean accent (chinese is my native language) . Their terrible pronounciation distracted me from the music and the lyrics and totally destroyed the song, no matter how well written/composed it is.

I rather hear them sing in korean or any language (like English) where they are fluent and confident, and better able to express themselves accurately. No point trying to impress the Japanese with bad spoken Japanese, then misrepresenting themselves and cause negative feelings.

Personally, I do not see the big deal about not being able to speak the language fluently or anything wrong with using interpreters... the important thing is to let themselves be understood correctly so that their personalities and talents are well communicated to fans......... But GTOP sitting at the back and not saying a single word = not communicating anything at all.

Through the Hallayu waves, many Korean artists have a strong following in places like Taiwan etc and they speak through interpreters most of the time. Dropping a few Chinese lines in between their korean speeches pleases and surprises the Chinese fans and shows their little efforts to be friendly. (When BB was in Thailand, they were very able to have nice and friendly TV interviews through the interpreters despite not able to speak Thai)

On the other hand, I like BB because they are NOT Chinese singers and they offer something that the Chinese market do not have. (so I don't mind putting extra efforts searching high and low on the internet for their songs). If they try too hard to blend into the Chinese market, I may not like them anymore cause they are no longer different or special. To me, maintaining that distance and keeping their Korean roots/influences is important.

Hope i'm not confusing people here?

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Guest littlevoice

Wow! They look cool, its like they're just wearing casual wear but they exude so much aura... YG family is just pure AWESOME... if only I can dance and sing really well I would have thought of joining their audtition, but then again I'm over their age limit.

Now I need to be a really good composer then... kekeke, how I wish...


I was actually expecting that this issue will be brought up, especially since their single drop to number 5 from thier # 3 and 4 slot placement from their previous release...

In my opinion, in one way or another we're demanding fans that doesn't seem to be satisfied with promotions they give us. And I take this as a positive sign, it just shows how much we are very interested in them. I know that their promotions in Japan seems to lack, but I guess a lot of things need to be consider before we jump into conclusion what is really happening to their promotion. Daesung's unfortunate accident and moving Jiyong's album from April to August (which was understandable since Jiyong was unhappy) also cost a lot of changes in their schedule, and they we're not able to completely concentrate themselves in the Japanese Market.

I actually think that they really wanted to concentrate in Japan, but this unfortunate turn of events made changes to their plans... things just happen for a reason and I can't really blame anyone or pin point the root cause of our disappointments.

But don't you guys think that because of the turn of events they're still doing really great?

1. They won numerous awards in Japan, despite our worries of not having enough promotion.

2. Their concerts in Korea and Japan were a success, both sold out, am I right?

3. Their leader was able to secure the most album sold for 2009, and even have the last laugh when he collaborated with Flo Rida.

4. TOP was able to act in IRIS and even be the lead on the soon to be EPIC BLOCKBUSTER film INTO THE FIRE.

5. They got the HYUNDAI ad with Kim Yuna, which we really enjoyed. BSX, LG lollipop 2: they're still pretty active in Korea scene.

6. Even Thai fans were able to see them with Everesence.

So what am I pointing out?

I'm glad they are still pretty busy.

And I agree with teenace, they do need time.

There schedules just doesn't seem to fit, and with their incredible work ethic of making sure that everything they present is outstanding... I'm pretty sure that they themselves are stressed with what happened generally in 2009.

Let's just give them time and pray(I'm pretty religious) that they achieve more success with good health and happiness with their work.

Big Bang are at such a position now that everyone wants a piece of them and i guess that since they cannot be everywhere they are making the best decisions they can at any point in time. As you can see the boys are overworked all the time so it does look like they are trying to accomplish as much as possible but things arent always perfect. I think after they finish wooing all their korean fans with their next album they will probably go and camp in Japan for a long time and concentrate solely on that market(as a band).

I'm sorry to cut your post Namshum, but I agree with what you said.

There is a high possibility that when they are done with their comeback and solo promotions they will be in Japan until they reach what they desire, a number 1 in Oricon or Tokyo Dome concert probably, who knows?

Well I don't know for sure what's really happening but I just trust YG and of course BigBang.

Peace.Love and Ice Cream :)


I've been stalling if I should write my opinion on this matter, since I'm not really good or equipped in expressing myself in the written form. I'm far too guilty of making run-on sentences and other grammatical mistakes that I'm actually thinking of recording my voice/ video... but I'm shy. kekeke,

I really love reading all your comments and at the same time learn about your views, I don't really have friends who are willing to talk like this about BB, so I reallly appreciate this.

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Oricon Real-Time Chart:

***Daily chart will be updated in a hour from now***

>> Single

*1 木村カエラ 9,612

*2 VAMPS 7,862

*3 BIGBANG 6,280

*4 モーニング娘。


*6 Girls Dead Monster

*7 つるの剛士

*8 ムック

*9 アイドリング!!!

10 加藤ミリヤ


last post for 2day..G'nite guys^^

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Guest shinhdeplol

Chinatsu Wakatsuki chasing after the Big Bang 「Tell Me Goodbye」 ad-wrapped bus!

Japanese gravure idol, television personality, and actress Chinatsu Wakatsuki posted the following

entry in her blog on June 08th.







Translations :


Go Go Go worked hard in the morning.

At Shibuya

Chasing the BIGBANG bus

The meeting

source : Chinatsu Wakatsuki's blog

translated by Miseremei @ bigbanghaven.blogspot.com

She is such a fangirl :lol:

- -




C: secret. // http://forum.bigbangchina.com/ // GD_zzang @ baidu

- - -


C: verdad @ DCinside

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Guest TOPsexyeyes

Hello its my first time to post here but I'm an active lurker and I cannot help but say my piece regarding the hot discussion you guys are having now. :P

First of all, from what I could remember, the only reason why YG brought Big Bang to Japan was to expand their fanbase. Like what some of you said, Big Bang was at their peak when they left Korea, they were number one and I guess what's better than being number 1 in Korea is to have a solid fanbase in the 2nd largest music industry in the world, which is Japan right? Big Bang and YG were able to achieve their initial purpose.. I personally didn't expect (Maybe even YG) didn't expect that Big Bang would be so welcomed and would result to numerous awards and sold out concerts.

Cmon, I don't know much about Jpop but from what I have learned in my history classes is that Japanese people are so passionate of their own. Didn't some say that they are stubborn of learning the english language because of the importance they give to their "own". So I didn't really expect that much love and support to be given to Big Bang, maybe so did YG. I'm just thankful of the J-VIPs for all the love they've given the boys.

Give the boys some break.. TOP has been going back and forth between Korea and Japan ever since Iris.. much more stress came when shooting began for his movie. He worked for a WAR movie, That involved physical and emotional stress, cause believe me, War movies doesn't only involve acting.. Some serious intellectual and emotional shizz needs to be put into consideration. How can you be learning a foreign language when you're always working at a war zone and trying to portray Korean History during the war? Sometimes I'd feel bad for TOP cause he's been looking tired for months now.. (half a year maybe?)

For GD, he's not just a BB member, he's the leader and also a YGE Producer, he doesn't only work on Big Bang stuff, but also for other artists. Plus his album was really big last year so he was very busy. Look how skinny he is these days :(

I just feel hurt that some get embarrassed of TOP and GD when we should be proud of them. They managed to make every VIP proud when GD had the highest sales in Korea for 2009 and now TOP is like an instant megastar with his soon-to-be blockbuster movie. As mentioned with a previous post.. The 2 of them are the most popular in Japan, don't you think the distance and mystery to G-TOP is the reason why they are so popular among J-VIPs? I agree that in time they should put on more effort to learn the language but i guess that would have to wait since they'd be super busy again with the Korean Comeback.

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Guest shinhdeplol

Tell Me Goodbye climbs to #3 on Oricon's Daily Chart (100609)


source: oricon.co.jp

thanks to vic @ bigbangupdates.com

They moved up 2 spots <333333

Tell Me Goodbye "All-Kill" on Mnet and Melon's JPOP Charts

MNet and Melon's Jpop charts










C: 하이킥@bbvipz + 빅뱅LOVE♡@bestiz + Vic @ bigbangupdates

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Guest chaq_momiji


TOPsexyeyes basically just said what's in my mind... ^^

give credits to their hard work.. I know we, Fans tend to expect more and more.. that's just because we LOVE them, right..? :)

I myself were quite surprised by how well they received by the Japanese market... THanks to J-VIPs :D

Winning awards, havin' SOLD OUT concerts tour, be in top 5 on Oricon Charts... that was big, in Japan where they appreciate their own artists very much..

Korean VIPs been missin' them a lot... Me too as an international fans been deprived with their Korean comeback...

because what made me love them in the first place was their korean songs... ^^

from many interviews we know that Bigbang will thrive to do the best to their fans... Believe that. and be patiently wait for the Official Comeback this year... :)

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Guest tomorrow13

"Tell Me Goodbye" All-kill on many charts

EDIT: Shinhdeplol and I posted at the same time. So I removed mine. ;)

Ok, I'm happy to see that their Japanese songs are doing so well in South Korea.

And you see, TMG climbed to no # 3 on Oricon chart.

I believe that if we give them more time, they won't let us down. <333.

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Guest juang_bb

it's nice to see that they moved up the oricon charts. :D see? give them time...

it's even better that their kVIPs keep supporting them. i knew when I checked Mnet yesterday to download TMG and Hands Up that they were selling really good in Korea. I think if they can include TMG in their regular chart, it will be there. so much love from kVIPs..and there'll be more when they comeback.

i love the YG Family stalker pictures. the family is complete to support Tabi. yay!!! :)

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Guest TOPsexyeyes

I'm happy they moved up :D

I hope ALLKPOP makes another article on this, I believe all the hysteria from yesterday was caused by the Allkpop article regarding TMG's oricon standing. Seriously, why do they have to include how the album sales did not match their expectations? I don't think its necessary to include that in the article. That caused many VIPs to worry. :(

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Guest cirrusuncinus

Since I do not know both Japanese and korean language, nor the Japanese and Korean markets, I won't comment how BB should or should not promote themselves in both places. So I am observing as an outsider.

Personally, i cringed when korean artistes sing chinese songs with a thick korean accent (chinese is my native language) . Their terrible pronounciation distracted me from the music and the lyrics and totally destroyed the song, no matter how well written/composed it is.

I rather hear them sing in korean or any language (like English) where they are fluent and confident, and better able to express themselves accurately. No point trying to impress the Japanese with bad spoken Japanese, then misrepresenting themselves and cause negative feelings.

Personally, I do not see the big deal about not being able to speak the language fluently or anything wrong with using interpreters... the important thing is to let themselves be understood correctly so that their personalities and talents are well communicated to fans......... But GTOP sitting at the back and not saying a single word = not communicating anything at all.

Through the Hallayu waves, many Korean artists have a strong following in places like Taiwan etc and they speak through interpreters most of the time. Dropping a few Chinese lines in between their korean speeches pleases and surprises the Chinese fans and shows their little efforts to be friendly. (When BB was in Thailand, they were very able to have nice and friendly TV interviews through the interpreters despite not able to speak Thai)

On the other hand, I like BB because they are NOT Chinese singers and they offer something that the Chinese market do not have. (so I don't mind putting extra efforts searching high and low on the internet for their songs). If they try too hard to blend into the Chinese market, I may not like them anymore cause they are no longer different or special. To me, maintaining that distance and keeping their Korean roots/influences is important.

Hope i'm not confusing people here?

They do talk but in korean and the translator translates it for them..like one of the vip said above, this shows that they want their feelings to reach out..what do u want them to do when they are being interviewed? dance? joke around?

BB didnt sing in broken Japanese. Even Japanese music industry felt that way enough to give them awards ;] Tabi and Jiyong just doesn't speak the language. And in U.S, u don't have go to music stations and go to Tv shows to promote urself.. Which artist in U.S goes to shows and try to connect with their fans?? i haven't seen it [so, that comparison doesn't help]

@dmingz, @vipjjang I feel the same. I'm European and for me it's pretty normal (obvious) that musicians (who promote their music on european market) don't have to learn every single european language. Because it's impossible and unnecessary. Native langauages and english (for simple communication) are conventional and sufficient. If you make a good music you dont have to go to TV shows. Good musicians dont need to promote yourself this way. They aren't politicians or cheesy actors. ;) Newspapers interviews and with music stations (mostly in english) are accurate enough.

I dont know asian music markets and I realise that I dont understand a lot of things but... c'mon people - we are international fans, aren't we? And BB Boys want to be a global world-famous group, so lets think global!

Sorry for my bad english. I hope you can understand what I want to say anyway <_<

Regards :)

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Guest shinhdeplol



C: melite

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C: 한은화 // beau1529 @ popcornfor2

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HQ-er photos


C: 디지뱅 ★ @ BBVIPZ

I zoomed at YB's stubble and got a shock <_< Youngbae pls shave :(

- - -

This thread has slowed down a bit :(

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Guest vip_gd

I'm European and for me it's pretty normal (obvious) that musicians (who promote their music on european market) don't have to learn every single european language. Because it's impossible and unnecessary. Native langauages and english (for simple communication) are conventional and sufficient. If you make a good music you dont have to go to TV shows. Good musicians dont need to promote yourself this way. They aren't politicians or cheesy actors. ;) Newspapers interviews and with music stations (mostly in english) are accurate enough.

sorry for cutting your post.

but I definitely agree. good music is what's important. Not all musicians and artist have to put their foot on another country by learning a new language and seize the day or whatever by going on all talk shows and music shows. Good music is enough to secure you.

I don't mind if they stay in japan longer than usual. I gotta give it to YG for probably wracking his brains out on this one. It's much much complicated than people think.

We all know BB are also preparing for their comeback and solos in korea. And I guess that idea of focusing in japan aint gonna happen since their studio and everything is in korea.

It's challenging since they want to cater for both their korean and japanese fans. We should be happy for what they offer. I know most of us don't want them to be in japan for like .. ever. This is kind of charitable in a way. BUT THEN AGAIN. we all don't want our boys to be working so hard by flying back and fourth so like I said. very complicated .____.

btw. I don't like taeyang's 'stache o______o

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Guest Min Rin

aaaaaa Bigbang's so hot

GD's new hair :X:X:X

lol SR =)) he looks like Top in Iris poster :))

and i want to share you guys this video

It's so funny, i really like a kid wears yellow T-shirt =))

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