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★彡yg ♪♬♪ The Official Big Bang [빅뱅] Thread ver. 2

Guest the7REAL.

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Oricon Real-Time Chart Day 2

***note:this is not daily chart***

***daily chart is updated daily at 7.50pm***

1 2,234 木村カエラ

2 1,499 BIGBANG

3 1,300 VAMPS


Promo for tomorrow night World cup event:





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Guest juang_bb

i agree a lot with what namshum have said. the boys' position right now is where everybody wants a piece of them and it is hard...it's like damn if you do, damn if you don't situation. I'll try not to post much since most people already posted the same things I feel about their japanese promotion, it is indeed lacking...no doubt about that, but I won't blame them. my other point is...as much as YG needs to decide exactly where he wants Big Bang to go, Korea or Japan... the fans, yes... the FANS...better make up their minds too. I mean, when they promote in Japan... we hear so many complaints about them neglecting Korea..and how they should comeback already... they're losing fans, blah blah...but then, when they fall below expectations in Japan... there are still people complaining how they're not totally committed to promoting there, they should have spent more time there. i mean, they try to give us the best of both worlds, try to give in to everyone's request, make sure nobody's left out, so what exactly do we want? let's not question the boys' committment and dedication when it comes to their japanese promotion, because out of all people, they're the ones who suffer most.

my only request is that, as fans, let's give them TIME. be PATIENT. you see, Japan is a huge market, 2nd biggest in the world. nobody said it was going to be easy. Big Bang made their debut June 2009, it is only June 2010. it took them 1 YEAR to be finally recognized in their homeland... what made you think it will be quicker and easier in a foreign country? GD and TOP must learn Japanese, nobody will dispute that and I am confident they will and that they know it too. just give them more time...again. we complain that they're overworked, and yet we want them to learn the language asap. Compared to maknae, those two had their hands full last year. It took YB years to get to that level he is now. I personally know how hard it is to learn a third language at this age, so I understand if they're making baby steps, at least they're trying.

I am not making an excuse for them. I personally expected their TMG single to do a bit better since it was such a good song and was hoping for the best. I would love it if Universal would put them in more shows, at least more performances but when you actually look at it, TMG is the least promoted single. aside from iris, they never had the chance to promote the single except for MTV Live, which is attended by mostly JVIPs and is not aired in free tv. at least they got to perform LMHYV in a couple of shows but there's no schedule for them for TMG, correct me if I am wrong.

okay, so i guess i still ended up with a long post. lol! now...i just want them to focus on their Korean comeback album. to me, this is the most important. their upcoming comeback, i think, decides whether they would be able to afford focusing in japan for sometime or not. BIG BANG FIGHTING!!!

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Guest hayakatsu


well, i don't really think it's disrespectful of them to not know the language if they're going to promote there. it's a bonus if they do but essentially, i think it's the thought that counts and GD+TOP has been clearly trying (albeit failing somewhat) to be fluent in japanese.also, they are CLEARLY there as FOREIGN artists. thus i believe the public are aware of that. and if they are really that bothered by GD+TOP's inability to fluently speak japanese, why would they even bother giving them awards or having them on shows? besides, whatever they lack on getting across in live tv interviews, they sufficiently make up for it in the plentiful magazine interviews they already have since debuting in japan. i think what they say matters more than what language they say it in.

my two cents.


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Guest syao_sid

TBH I don't know how Jpop promotion works. I listen to the music in the past and every once in a while but I don't really follow them or anything. So maybe someone could enlighten us on how it works? :)

Anyway,it may really seem that they are not doing enough promotions there. BB rarely appears on shows.

But we don't really want them to totally leave korea and focus everything on Japan right?

Let's just trust YG and Universal. I have faith that they know what they are doing.

Funny thing is G-TOP may be handicapped in speaking Japanese but as far as I can see through their performances there, the two seems to be the most popular in Japan. So I guess Japanese fans don't mind it that much. But I definitely want them to be able to hold simple conversations but let's give them time. As what the others said, the 2 are the busiest last year so I understand how they don't have time to learn.

About ranking no.5, TBH I expected a higher ranking but when I saw the competition I'm happy with it.

I'm hoping they would increase they're sales since TMG is really a dope song.

iTUNES JAPAN (i changed my iSTORE country setting to Japan..HAHA)

Rank No. 5


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Wow. I'm sorry if I hurt anyone's feelings. Esp. you kizuna1968 and I never said I thought BB didn't deserve those awards.

I personally feel that they did well so far this year but if they really want to dominate in Japan they need to put a more concentrated effort- like hit Japan and hit it hard. And like I said in my response to the OP at allkpop, I don't blame GD and TOP for not being good with Japanese considering how busy they were but at the same time I feel that if YG wants them to do well in Japan he needs to give them time to not only learn the language but also rest (GD and TOP have both lost a lot of weight in the past year) and with both GD and YB coming off of a depression from last year, the last thing I want is for the group to be over worked again and constantly jet lagged and another member get depressed.

Also, I love all of your responses and the diversity of thought here on the thread, Much love to everyone here.

hurm.. i think its just me that being too emotional..~ hahahaha :lol: :lol: :lol:

no worries toozdae08

perhaps, you being distracted because of my post and i think i owe you an apology. sorry, family..~ :D :D :D

{TRANS} Big Bang BIG SHOW 2010 Book Part 3

“This is because we are still younger in comparison to hyungs!”

they know how to play in mental battle..~ kekeke.. :P :P :P

Kwon Leader said, ” We have been hardworking in the past but BIGBANG will put in even more effort from now on.”

yeah..!~ stronger than ever..~!


about taeyang facial hair

i think i'm in minority group that love him with beard.. he looks really HOT yo..~ B) B) B)


i love your comment..~ really...❤❤❤

yeah, you are right about we are fans just asking more more till sometimes we don't realize who suffer the most.

love ya ❤❤❤

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Guest andloveyelledno

well, i don't really think it's disrespectful of them to not know the language if they're going to promote there. it's a bonus if they do but essentially, i think it's the thought that counts and GD+TOP has been clearly trying (albeit failing somewhat) to be fluent in japanese.also, they are CLEARLY there as FOREIGN artists. thus i believe the public are aware of that. and if they are really that bothered by GD+TOP's inability to fluently speak japanese, why would they even bother giving them awards or having them on shows? besides, whatever they lack on getting across in live tv interviews, they sufficiently make up for it in the plentiful magazine interviews they already have since debuting in japan. i think what they say matters more than what language they say it in.

my two cents.


It would be one thing if they were coming in as a foreign artist singing in Korean but they aren't. They're singing in Japanese so I understand why people expect them to learn the language and, most importantly, work on their pronunciation. Even if they can speak the language, it won't matter if no one can understand what they're saying (Daesung especially has a very thick accent).

When foreign artists try to make it in America, they learn English right? It's a must to make a connection with their audience and, especially in Japan, gain their respect.

But i have to say that a lot of people making these comments aren't VIPs so they have no idea that Dae and Seungri could barely speak the language a year ago. Look how much they have improved. And they have no idea that GD and TOP have been working nonstop in other projects and haven't had the time to learn. Its not their fault that YG sent them to Japan like that.

i think i'm in minority group that love him with beard.. he looks really HOT yo

Agreed! Love the rough look

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language rude or not:

I leave it to Japanese fans..because If they're not offended why would I?

since I'm not Japanese..which i don't think it's really that matter for J fans since they enjoy BB music and not how well they can converse><

Deserved awards or not:

I leave it to the judges and votes from fan.If BB won,I'm happy

btw..that's newcomer...Hilcyrme??? is under UMJ too..so I don't see why the bribe issue came from

Oricon ranking for TMG:

I think they're doing well,they're consistent with the sale because for every single they have released the first day sale has always been around 10,000-15,000 copies

last but not least, I don't want to blame any parties,either BB,YG or UMJ because they know what they're doing more than me and everyone works hard for the best of BB

so yeah just chillax and go with the flow^^..that will make us less frustrated i guess.lol

ok,I'm bored actually..that's why I got into this discussion with my broken English..wth..lol

anyways..yes..just chillax and enjoy their music or the things that BB want to offer

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Guest propera898

Oricon Real-Time Chart Day 2

***note:this is not daily chart***

***daily chart is updated daily at 7.50pm***

1 2,234 木村カエラ

2 1,499 BIGBANG

3 1,300 VAMPS


Promo for tomorrow night World cup event:





then whats this. DOes this mean they have gone up?¡ :huh:

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ahha hey everyone, this is my first time posting in the big bang thread =) glad to have found it.

all i wanna say is i'm really excited for their come back, after a 2 year absence, i bet it'll be jaw dropping-ly epic.

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Guest blank_blank_cuti3

@Alla Aww~ basically the whole YG Family went to support TOP! !

It's like YG Family night out! I spot YG, himself. Saw Jinu in the back also! And the other guy is one of BB's manager next to Jinu!

I can't wait to see TOP's movie now! hehehe....

As for their Japanese promotions, I honestly am not content with how YG/UMJ is doing things... b/c eventhough we're not seeing much of the boys neither Japan or Korea, they are doing ALOT behind the scenes! Working on their albums, photoshoots, practicing, these are things we will never see or know about unless it'll be coming out soon, so I feel like alot of things are rushed and they get overworked alot eventhough we say they're on hiatus....u guys know what I mean?! But then again, I am not YG nor their manager, I can't make everything happens like the way fans wants....But I'm happy that Big Bang still accomplished successes doing both Korean and Japanese promotions.

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Guest syao_sid

Big Bang #1 and #5 on GomTV Real-time Chart [NEWS]


Related Korean article here basically saying that Big Bang's new music videos are "all-kill" on GomTV with Tell Me Goodbye at #1 and The Victory Song feat. Kim Yuna at #5.

GomTV is a portal site in Korea where users can watch videos and download videos and MP3s. Here's how they calculate the rankings: Recovery Views on GomTV (50%), Internet Voting (25%), Broadcast Frequency (15%), MP3 Downloads from GomTV (5%) and MV Downloads from GomTV (5%). It's basically a popularity chart for music videos.

shared by vic @ bigbangupdates

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I honestly think BIGBANG is already doing great at Japan :)

You guys shouldn't worry much :)

And about GTOP not speaking much in Japanese...at least they are trying.

I think GTOP arent really comfortable with speaking Japanese and they

cant express theirselves as much so yeah. It dsnt affect their

talents though and i dnt think it's big of a problem o:

I mean, the JVIPs themselves arent complaining so why should

us, non-japanese fans do? LOL. Maybe it's cause TVXQ / boA

set like...the standards and now, everyone expects all kpop

groups / artsists to learn japanese completely when they promote there XD

&& FYI, GD and TOP do speak japanese sometimes XD just not as fluent

as some of you would like them to be.

I dont know XD but yeah, I respect all your opinions

and it's a good discussion :)As long as we wont conclude

that the boys arent doing their best. Okay? :)



Let's reach 2000 pages before their comeback and

if you havent joined BBVIP'S "strike a pose" anniversary project, well then...



TMGB is #1 in Gomtv's chart? XD even if it's in japanese?!

<3 Im so proud of the boys and kvips too~

They are loved from Japan to Korea~ OwO yay!

TMGB really deserves this much love. The song & mv is beyond epic <3


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Guest evilgary

wow its nice to see them holding the number 2 pot for the orion chart. i hope they could get to first within this week and it will really be a big surprise to them

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Guest Kushi

I'm actually really surprised that people are saying language doesn't matter and is only a bonus... seriously, if a group debuted in the US and sang in broken English (broken enough for it to disturb my enjoyment), I personally would not support them.

Are you satisfied with how BB is being promoted in Japan? What do you like/hate and why should they change (if you think they even should)?

My biggest concern is the complete lack of live performances for their singles. Japan's industry loves artists who perform well live, but Big Bang really only performs their singles once or twice and then leaves Japan for months... what's up with that?

And I do agree that the lack of Japanese GD/TOP speak is kind of disturbing. They're the most popular members in Japan (or so I'm led to believe), but yet, they're the only ones in BB that can't communicate with their fans. And the fact that they just stand there and do nothing (because they don't speak Japanese) most of the time, really doesn't help the group.

I don't know how much effort they're putting into this Japan breakthrough, since YG is VERY behind the scenes, but the only progress I see from 'gara gara go' to 'TMG' is Seungri. Everyone else's speaking abilities pretty much stayed absolutely the same which leads me (a VIP) to believe that they haven't been putting much effort into their Japanese (and be embarrassed about it too), so I really don't know how much worse the general public would feel about this.

In the end, I wish they'll learn A LOT more Japanese and that they'll stay there for a while, to do more lives, demonstrate their talents, and just pretty much get in touch with the Japanese culture and language. To me, what BB is doing right now in Japan is pretty embarrassing... it feels like they're insulting the Jpop industry, and thinking that it's easy to break through or something.

Even, DBSK didn't start seeing success till they actually became fluent with the language and started going on shows to showcase their personalities and talents.

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@kushi sorry but am just gonna quote some of ur lines that i disliked

to me, what BB is doing right now in Japan is pretty embarrassing... it feels like they're insulting the Jpop industry, and thinking that it's easy to break through or something.

ummm NO! I don't see how BB will think that way. Its sad that some people assume stuff just because TOP and GD can't speak Japanese well..

And I do agree that the lack of Japanese GD/TOP speak is kind of disturbing. They're the most popular members in Japan (or so I'm led to believe), but yet, they're the only ones in BB that can't communicate with their fans. And the fact that they just stand there and do nothing (because they don't speak Japanese) most of the time, really doesn't help the group.

They do talk but in korean and the translator translates it for them..like one of the vip said above, this shows that they want their feelings to reach out..what do u want them to do when they are being interviewed? dance? joke around?

I'm actually really surprised that people are saying language doesn't matter and is only a bonus... seriously, if a group debuted in the US and sang in broken English (broken enough for it to disturb my enjoyment), I personally would not support them.

BB didnt sing in broken Japanese. Even Japanese music industry felt that way enough to give them awards ;] Tabi and Jiyong just doesn't speak the language. And in U.S, u don't have go to music stations and go to Tv shows to promote urself.. Which artist in U.S goes to shows and try to connect with their fans?? i haven't seen it [so, that comparison doesn't help]

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Guest sweetflower

Chill guys - give the boys some time, just be patient - things are not going to magically happen overnight. I, for one, am quite satisfy with the results BB's been getting over in Japan. They are getting more popular and more ppl are recognizing them now...let's wait and see what will happen next.

Don't be discourage about TMG debuting at #5 on Oricon - to be honest, I was expecting something lower. Why? Because the MV was released like a month ago, so the hype for the song has dissipated somewhat. YG's and Universal's promotion departments need to GET THEIR FREAKING ACT TOGETHER!!! First they released Lollipop 2 song without the MV and now they released TMG's MV without the song...DOES IT EVEN MAKE SENSE?!?

About GD + TOP not being able to communicate with the fans - I was expecting non-fans to rant and complain about this, but not VIPz/iVIPz who have been following the boys closely. YES, I AM DISSAPPOINTED IN ALL OF YOU WHO CRITICIZED GD+Top. Of the 5 boys, GD+TOP were both extremely busy last year - GD with his solo promotions/concerts and TOP with acting. They are busy and stressed out enough (especially GD with BB's korean comeback) w/o us adding in our *whines* - so let's be more understanding.

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Guest syao_sid

Translation for Big Bang on Television Weekly Magazine's 'Tell Me' Talk

Big Bang with Big-Size Lemon*

Release of new single after 7 months of wait, Big Bang is finally here!


New Song 'Tell Me Goodbye' - 'Tell Me' Talk

-- A talk about LOVE and more

The Song that portrays Ultimate Love, for Devoted Lovers

Big Bang's new song Tell Me Goodbye was an imposing ballad written as the theme song for Korean drama 'IRIS' (TBS).

VI: The lyrics are really sad which fits the image of the drama nicely.

TOP: I would say that's beyond sadness but more like a tragic feeling. We put in a lot of effort during recording to make ourselves emotionally involved.

SOL: Hey, would anybody get so attached to this song that you become sentimental and start thinking about your beloved ones as if you are the character depicted by the lyrics?

VI: (Sure.) If you truly loved some one before!

DL: I will, too. But will definitely become disappointed and think about my past wounds afterwards... (:D)

TOP: I have never been in such a sad love so I do not know that kind of feeling.

GD: In deed, those who were once in an unhappy relationship would easily feel connected to the lyrics. However, I am going to make my beloved girl happy so that none of us will get hurt. (^_^)

VI: GD is nice to everyone, no matter you are a girl or a boy!

GD: Yes! I am SUPER nice. (:D)


The PV is a great display that vivifies the melody of Tell Me Goodbye. Do not miss the sad expressions on their faces.

SOL: The desert-like shooting location is an Island in Korea named Chebudo (J: in Kyongido). We spent roughly three days for shooting the whole PV, right?

TOP: You are right. Furthermore, since I went for the filming of my movie the day before, I did not sleep for almost two days. But I managed to maintain my tension by chatting with my fellow members and eating delicious food.

DL: The waiting periods were also very long. For me, I once waited for 14 hours!

GD: Another thing to mention was the freezing temperature. Though it was April, we were all quivering because of the bad weather. We had to make grief expressions in front of the camera but we were just too cold to even open our mouths. (J: covered by logo, not sure)

SOL: The wind almost turned into blast. The leaves flying around us in the scene were not blown by fans but by the wind itself.

DL: Because of all the above severe conditions, every dishe of the catering food tasted so great. I stuffed myself with Curry.

GD: More dainty dishes would be provided during PV filmings compare to other normal days. (:D) Especially for cold weather, Korean style soup or Jjigae can warm your body up.


VI: Yup. Speaking of warming up, doesn't our coupling song Hands Up send the same message? Everybody @ live, jump, jump, 'HANDS UP' please!

DL: I have been doing my "Hands Up" since we did our recording. The song is really exciting.'

GD: Since I have other works to do, such as direction and engineering (as a co-producer), I calmed myself down during the recording session. It is always hard for me to concentrate if the tension gets too high. I guess this is a typical characteristic of all leaders. (:D)

TOP: GD, what kind of thoughts inspired you to write this song?

GD: I hope it conveys the feeling of friends gathering together, raising their hands up and having fun as a group. At this time of early summer, It is the best timing to play this song. Anyway, I will be thankful if you simply enjoy listening to it!

Next issue on 6/16, Wednesday. Please look forward to private questions and the best solo shots of Big Bang!

* J: It is a tradition for people to take photos with lemons when they made their first appearance on the Television Weekly. Lemon is believed to represent the freshness and zest of these new faces.

Scans from: 週刊ザテレビジョン via bestiz + DC gallery

Translated by Jane @ www.bigbangupdates.com

Please credit when re-posting^^

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