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★彡yg ♪♬♪ The Official Big Bang [빅뱅] Thread ver. 2

Guest the7REAL.

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Oh my...Daesung is really looking cool in TMG pics!! :wub:. GDYB hair is lovable<3 TOPs hair 0_0!!! okay I know I originally said I don't like it but after staring at his pic for a good five minutes I actually think its OKAY! AND WOW!! Maknae looking so hot. Really loving this photo shoot. SPAZZ Captain G Sparrow looking so HOT!!

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Guest marrygabby

OMFG!!!! Those photos are just breathtaking!!!!! They all look gorgeous!!!!!!

GD looks sooooo sexy!!!!

Top looks really hot, and that hair really flatters him!!!

Tae Yang looks very yummy!!!!

Dae Dae you are just fine!!!! Those muscles are talking by themselves!!!

Seung ri is no longer a boy, he looks like a man!!!!!

I love them even more!!!!!!

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Love all those photos!

TOP jacket is a nono lol

Seungri looks like he took a before and after shot, cause he's all grown up now haha

GD lookin fly as ever

and YB lookin well YB-ish haha

Dae's pic is really photogenic. My favorite out of all the photos keke

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Who was the one that caught your eye when you first saw them? and did he become your favorite or did it change?

im watching SUNSET GLOW video in my youtube.. i ask my friend who's the guy driving..he's so HOT..he told me that T.O.P is the name of the driver..since then T.O.P is my one & only.. keke^^ :P

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Guest dada

Who was the one that caught your eye when you first saw them? and did he become your favorite or did it change?

Seungri caught my eyes first with

his vocals during BIG BANG DOCUMENTARY.

But soon after TOP become my top

favourite because of his

deep vocals,impactful rapping & his strong eyes (especially

when I watch Goodbye Baby Mv)

Of course, as I indulged myself even more

Kwon Leadah stand side by side with TOP

as being my top most favourite because I love

how he flow in with the rap & brings himself (be it onstage/offstage).

But at first when the debut I dislike him for

being too full of himself at times.

He definitely the leader that I adore so much -

& wishes to be a leader like him too.


1.Kwon Leadah & TOP

2. Taeyang,Daedae & Seungri

Only 2 rankings for them :D

Those photoshoot off from TMG album

is simply gorgeously big bang.

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Guest juang_bb

Tell Me Goodbye album jacket photos:


OMFG! i think i just died!

thanks for posting those photos. seriously, they ALL look breathtaking in those photos! talk about working it! the black and white theme really made it dramatic. im loving their TMG promo... from the song, to the mv, the photos, the look, the concept...everything! im really hoping that they're do even better this time.

just noticed that this is my 100th post, exactly when I died because of tabi.lol!

..okay wait..im kinda confused.. so the limited version of the album is out already? a day before the official release?

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Guest Alla

^@juang_bb:yes..it's always like that same as for their other previous singles

TMGB bus ad:


from the Making of TMGB:



One more:




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Guest syao_sid

OMO! thanks a lot for these!

these pics just turn my fangirl alarm ON!

I've always LOVE their black and white pics.

and gosh! they are so ultra SEXY even with all their clothes on. LOL

Who was the one that caught your eye when you first saw them? and did he become your favorite or did it change?

I think I've answered this question some time ago..but i'll answer again. ^^

I first came across BB on the latter part of 2008 (i know i'm late..hehe).

I was into Jpop (blame it to watchin' gazillions of Jdoramas) watching some vids in yt then i saw

in the related videos section.

I still remember that it is still around 300k views at that time and now it is nearing a million.

Anyway, I was really impressed with this guy 'the one and only G-Dragon' and after reading a lot of comments on how awesome and cute he is and the leader of kpop group called BigBang I looked them up and the rest was history.

I even remembered watching their comeback performance with Remember and how bangin' they look performing 'Everybody Scream'. And of course the epic MKMF. Those times were so overwhelming for a new VIP like me. TBH i didn't expect a Kpop boyband to be so hip and cool and present a music that is not typical boybandish.

After almost 2yrs, my bias for Ji never wavered. With all the stuff he undergone whether good or bad,

I just admired him more and more, not only for his outstanding TALENT but also for his STRENGTH to withstand adversities and his PASSION for music.

Though I won't admit it to myself, my 2nd bias would be TOP..HAHA..actually i'm already feel guilty for having a fave so i won't rank them. :D

As a VIP i LOVE the other boys dearly as well. I mean if somebody don't say something nice about Dae or maknae, it would sting as much as I'm hurt if someone bashes GD. And I really try to follow every solo activity each member does.

Tell me Goodbye limited ver[CD+DVD]

I'm really tempted to order this. TBH I don't have any of their Japanese stuff except for the full album that is available at the local music store. Sadly, I'm broke and savin' for the BigShow 2010 DVD (i hope they release this soon) and off course the upcoming korean album.

I'm really crossing my fingers that they do well on the Oricon charts.

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Guest g-dragon1988

OHMYGD!!! ㅇ<-< Those 촬영 pics just made me go to heavenㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠGD is looking amazingly HOT and SEXY..I cannot describe my feeling right now..I feel..I cannot breathe...I..I'm dying..ahhhhhh

I hope, I really hope he keeps that hair forever!! He looks younger and he looks so handsome!!ㅠㅠ

I hope ther will be more 촬영 pics...and of course the making of TMGB~~

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LOL seems like this question is always coming up but I always love to share how I fell in love with BIG BANG!!!

It was during the latter part of 2008 when I truly discovered what BIGBANG and Kpop was...lol...I was more into kdrama than kpop...they're MV and song "A FOOL'S ONLY TEAR" did it for me...I fell in love with TOP first with his deep voice saying,

"Yo, I feel so empty since you left me"

and then Taeyang's "HOOOO~~~~~"

and then Tabi's "I don't even know how to explain"

and then Taeyang's " I wanna see your face my girl"

and then Tabi's " I don't even know how to explain"

and Taeyang's "mmm~~~mmmm~~~"

TABI'S "You see I'm saying"

and finally taeyang's "Yea~~~"

and then of course the rest of the song!

I just love that song so much!!!

Tabi caught my eyes first but my all time favorite is Taeyang...I just love the man cuz he's just oozing sexiness!!! so manly! Love him! plus I relate to him a lot! lol...but of course O waver sometimes too! like during GD's solo I was all for GD! and then Tabi's recent updates and interviews! all for Tabi...and then out of no where! Seungri just became a MAN! O.O and now Daesung!!!! OMO freaken love his smile! whenever he smiles I smile! he brightens my day! kekeke! love his muscles too...kekeke....

but I'm still all for taeyang! GD comes a close second!

but what I love the most about the BIGBANG boys is their love for music! I love reading their interviews! it's just always so deep and sincere that sometimes I forget they're around my age...lol...

love them!

can't wait until their album comes out!


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Guest Banana Peel

OMGOMG, new big bang pictures *O*O*O*.

okay, so top's hair isn't so bad gray! lol, looks rather hot for that colored photos. And besides my t.o.p. bias, GD is looking REALLY good here. wow, I swear, this TMGB is like a gift for all the VIPS because each and every member looks perfectly normally hot :D lollll. (especially gd, heh). and ahhh daesung, his hair look so nice thereeee. love everyone's photos!

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Guest andloveyelledno

OH MY GOD, those pictures are incredible. They all look so dark, mature, sexy, with an edge. Dae totally took me by surprise, I think he looks the best. Wow! Love that hairstyle on him, truly compliments him.

I'm so anxious for the release of the album. I'm praying that the JVIPs will be out in full force and will buy it. Let's get them to the top of the charts! :)

The Making of should be hitting the internet soon, I wager. We're lucky we're getting all these goodies and have something to hold on to before their Korean comeback

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Guest GDLOVE1430270694

I usually dont post.. Kinda Shy... :blush: but i thought id join in to help get this thread to pg 2000 before the boys make their Korean Comeback... :)

Answering the Question...

Korean entertainment (K-Drama/Pop etc.) is very new here and jus a handfull of us have actually come in contact with Hallyu.. i first got into korean dramas last August and was really sucked in to the whole "Korean Wave" but was never interested in K-pop.. i did come in contact with a very popular korean boy-band (dont think i should mention the name) but their songs just didnt appeal to me and i assumed that all korean music was crappy.. that was until i saw Taeyang's Wedding Dress on my cousins Facebook page (really liked the story-line and the way the video was put together)... the next video i watched was GDs A Boy (which was #1 on the suggested list on youtube) and i was Hooked... i loved the song, his style (Swagger... kekeke), the graphics... everything (A BOY is still my fav korean song :) + Fool )... his live performance of of A boy (the one where he wears a sweatshirt not the Einstein hair one) and But i love you (The Great Concert) was the turning point to my current state of obsession.. i just couldnt get enough of GD.. at first i followed only his solo work and when there was nothing more to watch there i turned to Big Bang..

Initially i really didnt like the other members much.. rather than saying didnt like id have to say no one stood out for me the way GD.. by then i was really enjoying their music and gradually i satarted to appreciate the other members as well.. his closeness to Seungri made me interested in him as well.. but initially i found him rather embarrassing and full of himself but now i thing i know where hes coming from and cannot stop smilling at his antics..hes just too cute..

Im starting to grow fond of Taeyang as well but i think it will take a little longer for me to grow fond of TOP and Daesung.. as im still quite new and dont know them very well (as i spent way too much time only on GD ...time well spent if you ask me...keke..)

So i guess GD got me Hooked to Big Bang and K-pop and i know that he will always remain my ultimate Bias.

Ive never felt so attached to any other artist in my life and i think the main reason is that not only do they have amazing music and deliver outstandingly entertaining performances but becase they have very appealing personalities different from each other. It truely is amazing that they have achieved so much so early in their lives but also admirable that they toiled and gave it their all to achieve their dream. They have become more than just entertainers in my life more like inspirations, all admirable in their own way.

Lol.. i think ive gone way out of topic... Sorry if i bored you guys to death .. its just that i have no-one to talk to about GD and Big Bang as everyone around me thinks i crazy for obsessing over a korean band (they dont know them like we do .. right!!?!?!?!).. it was fun Posting!!!.. :)

TMG comes out tomorrow!!!.. YAY!!! Proud to be a VIP!!!

Oh btw.. those pictures look amazing.. them turning out to be good-looking sure is a Plus!!!

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Guest yong_iu

Who was the one that caught your eye when you first saw them? and did he become your favorite or did it change?

G-Dragon caught my eyes first ^^ and now I still love him most.

His smiles, his eyes , his songs , his voice make me crazy,

Because of him , I'm studying korean,

When he met troubles from his song- Heartbreaker , and his solo concert it make me bored, I allways hoped that he would be ok.

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Guest KTZ811

Wow, I haven't been in here in a LONG TIME! Hello all!

Who was the one that caught your eye when you first saw them? and did he become your favorite or did it change?

The person who stole my heart in the very beginning was Daesung. He was the most appealing one for me because he had spiky hair back then. Unfortunately, my heart wavered on to TOP and Yongbae. No matter what, I think I can't choose between the two, haha. Nah, Yongbae is by far my favorite: good dancer, singer, personality, and all around presence. YUMM

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Guest toozdae08

Welcome Namshum

I completely understand where you're coming from. I have no one to fangirl with too which is why I come here and why I appreciate that the ppl on this thread can not only post pictures and spazz but also hold serious discussions and do our best to not get too heated. Big Bang has such diverse music and have been around for so long that we can talk about them, say what we like and don't like and talk about their music and personalities more. Not a lot of kpop boy bands have either the longevity nor the range in musical style that would allow us to have these types of discussions.

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Guest g-dragon1988

OMO!! Pages are going so fast~~ I'm so happy this thread moves again!! Keep going!!

I hope someone asks more questions like these so we move this thread faster until the comeback!!ㅎㅎ>.<

And..I have to say again, 핡! GD LOOKS AMAZING ON NEW 화보!!!!!!!

gifs from SHOUTINGKOREA making~






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Nice Big Bang putting out more ads!!! :D I hope jVips step up and support them. Lol yes this thread has been going pretty fast lately. I hope eventually lurkers will feel comfortable enough and come out and post! :D Lol its funny how as time went by most of our favs changed!!

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