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★彡yg ♪♬♪ The Official Big Bang [빅뱅] Thread ver. 2

Guest the7REAL.

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Guest dmingz

i think the reason why their music changed throughout the years is because what set BB different to other idol groups is that they have 5 members who althought they sharing the same dream which is to become singers, however their style of music are very different, like YG said, Daesung loves Ballad, Seungri pop, Taeyang RnB, TOPGD hiphop so from debut until now they're still trying to find the real "BigBang", the music that suits all members, ain't just music that suit TOPGD or TaeYang but the music that are for all 5 members

my 2 cents worth...

Perhaps this is to their advantage too as it forces all 5 members to try out different styles. This expands their experiences and they can compose/perform different styles with ease. Similarly, in composing, they will be able to fuse different styles together to create new sub-genres.

I have seen some singers who are locked down in their own styles (which made them famous) and are unable to move out of it (even after 20 years in the industry). Partly because fans are unable to accept the change or because they themselves are unaccustomed to other styles. The trends kept on changing and if singers cannot change, they will loose fans.

I see TOP is sings a bit more nowadays in addition to rapping. He has a good voice and can sing better.

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Guest evilgary

i saw one of the earlier post that someone mentioned that taeyang's album is coming out in june? is it true that he will be releasing it , can anyone confirm it?

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2010 VMAJ - they were looking hot at the red carpet as well as with the white outfits! All of their performances were awesome. They were so hyper and were enjoying their performances! i love the performance for Hands Up! i love the song! are their VMAJ performances available in HD already?

MTV Live - Vanness and Big Bang in one picture --> major hotness! hahaha... i can't wait for the show to be aired. will it be shown in other MTV channels like MTV Asia or just MTV Japan? Big Bang singing 6 songs! woah!!! lucky jvips!

Taeyang's album - really?! totally unexpected! i can't wait for it! :)

thank you for all the pictures, fan accounts, videos and links!

I AM A PROUD VIP! Big Bang Fighting!

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Guest CLI0

I want some honest answers here-----------------no bashing, bad words or taking this too far-----just be very honest.

How much do you enjoy BIG BANGs japanese oriented music? Compared to their korean style, which one would you like to shear them continue in?

As someone here posted, the japanese songs tend to be "light" compared to the rest.

Aaaaand---------another cruel question------have they started to sellout?

On BB's japanese music:

Personally, I enjoy it. It's a bit different from their Korean albums, but this could be a reflection of their change in style (they haven't release a Korean album in a while, so who knows by what style they are influenced?). Like someone else mentioned, I could totally hear TMG as being on a BB Korean album. Undoubtedly there is a difference between the music they release in Japan vs. what they release in Korea, I wouldn't say that there music is "lighter" in Japanese. There is a sort of loss in whatever hands-on involvement they usually have in their music, whether arranging, composing, producing, because of the language/cultural taste inherent in Japan. Clearly, we can't have G-Dragon writing japanese song lyrics, but that doesn't mean they don't contribute to the music they sing in japan.

To say that BB is just catering to the Japanese market, why would ryo (w-inds) comment that the music BB releases wouldn't be considered mainstream in Japan? It goes to show that BB is exploring different styles in that area, and not just catering to making record sales.

On BB "selling out":

Like what many others have said thus far, my personal take is that its not so much "selling out" as an evolution of style. When they first debuted, they were deeply influenced by a certain style of music, but they've grown up and experienced more of the world--how can they not be influenced by the people and places that they've encountered? I think, more than any other group out there, Big Bang are artists--and not idols. I say this because they are all deeply committed to exploring different genres of musical expression, of developing their own personal skills, and experimenting with what moves them in a moment. They have the luxury to do so, because they've managed to break free of a certain expectation that often typecasts other idol groups. No one can quite pin point a "Big Bang Style"--it's constantly evolving--and I think that's a good thing. The boys show different sides to themselves during the evolution of their music, and while no one knows quite what the boys will reveal of themselves with each come back, everyone knows to expect big things from Big Bang.

And since they are artists, I think they owe it to themselves and their fans, to demonstrate this evolution of their musical tastes. We don't love Big Bang because they always do the same thing. We love them because they constantly strive to bring good music--whatever it is--and show us something we haven't seen before.

Just like we all grow and our tastes/preferences change, shouldn't we allow that same freedom to the group we love?

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How much do you enjoy BIG BANGs japanese oriented music? Compared to their korean style, which one would you like to shear them continue in?

As someone here posted, the japanese songs tend to be "light" compared to the rest.

I agree that Big Bangs Japanese music is a more light but thats what makes them so versatile. Its a bit more "pop" kind of genre than their Korean music but its definitely something thats great to listen to. I do prefer their Korean style more because it just feels more natural and I feel like they can be themselves more without trying to "change" themselves to fit in the japanese markets wants.

Aaaaand---------another cruel question------have they started to sellout?

Sellout? NO. Because they were never in a SET genre to begin with. Big Bang was never ALL hiphop or ALL R&B or ALL pop or ALL rock.....so therefore there is no possibility of selling out (YG is very smart for having them mix up styles). If BB were just a hiphop group and than switched to pop all of a sudden than maybe I could get the "sellout" idea....but NO. Big Bang are in the trendsetting genre and that means they never stay in one style or music genre. Wouldn't have it any other way :D

And omg YB's album in JUNE???? AHHHHH spazz!!! please let this be true.!!

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Guest shinhdeplol


[100531] Japan Mezamashi TV on Big Bang at MTV VMAJ


- - -

Big Bang’s Tell Me Goodbye is #1

Big Bang’s Tell Me Goodbye is the #1 most viewed song/album in May on Jpopasia which translates Oricon and Mnet charts to represent the official singles sold in Japan and Korea. On the last day of May, Big Bang have climbed all the way to the top despite releasing the song only in mid May.


C: xiao de @ ibigbang

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oops, posted, sorry...

Congratulations, let's wait for the official release of TMG! I also love some of their japanese songs such as stay, tell me goodbye, number 1, everything and now, hands up. i agree that their japanese singles are different from their korean songs but these songs still have the distinct "big bang" feel. i enjoy listening to their japanese songs. this weekend has been full of Big Bang awesomeness, let's not forget that we still have the second Iris Showcase this June1.

are their fancams available for the MTV Live performances and the first Iris Showcase? thanks!

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Guest andloveyelledno

Amazing that they're the most viewed even though it's not even out yet. Big Bang fighting!

I love some of their Japanese tracks like Stay, Tell me goodbye, Top of the world, etc. I think the reason these songs tend to be so different from what they do in Korea is because the guys are adapting to the Japanese music scene WHILE still keeping their own identity intact. It's an interesting mixture and.one I very much appreciate.

Did they sell out? No. Artist have to evolve throughout their careers. Some fans want them to keep doing the same thing, some simply don't like the evolution they have taken, which is fine. We all have different tastes. But I certainly have enjoyed it. I do think that Haru Haru, as much as I love the song, wasn't that big of a change from Lies. In fact, it felt like they were trying to duplicate that (GD said something similar in his interview series) so i'm REALLY excited for their new album because I know the guys are going to come out with something new. The next stage in their music.

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Guest dada

I spot a dorky TOP

in one of the picture from the MTV LIVE.

I am very happy to read

those blog entries of Japanese

artistes going ga-ga and respecting

BIG BANG these days.It just keeps

on multiplying. :D


To me BIG BANG is just a diverse group

whom stays true not to a particular

genre but rather staying true

to their passion towards music itself.

Of course when it comes

to looking at them individually,they have their own

style to speak of.

Despite that, I love how these guys still

manage to bring a one,unified BIG BANG STYLE

once they are together onstage.

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Guest Bongs


You see, rn I can only fandom BB. I can never seem to "like" other popular groups like 2PM, Super Junior in such a way that I follow them (lol tbh i dun like them anymoar, but just saying,,...). everytime a new group comes in it's hard for me to get attracted to them, because at the back of my mind, I would go "pff... BB's done this better...".. or "pfff... we've got BB's taeyang's dancing skill..." etc.

BB is frequently modifying themselves, so that each album would be fresh.

Idk to me,(especially) their stage presences haven't lost their style and that's whats matter as musicians/performers.

It's how things are presented which affects their quality in the end.


OMG THIS ^ I completely and utterly feel the same way with the first paragraph and the second paragraph EXCEPT FOR THE SLASHED PART IN PARENTHESIS (they're still my #1) Sure I'll be curious about other groups, but that's how far it always goes. :lol: I dunno all the other group just doesn't appeal to me.

Actually, now that I think about it BigBang's probably the only Korean group that I follow in DEPTH; no, NOT in a stalker way, but more of like checking if they released any new music :lol:. Love their music too much.

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Guest Kushi

I want some honest answers here-----------------no bashing, bad words or taking this too far-----just be very honest.

How much do you enjoy BIG BANGs japanese oriented music? Compared to their korean style, which one would you like to shear them continue in?

As someone here posted, the japanese songs tend to be "light" compared to the rest.

Aaaaand---------another cruel question------have they started to sellout?

These are actually very good questions. Good enough for me to break my lurking streak and actually post something.

How much do you enjoy BIG BANGs japanese oriented music?

Personally, I wasn't very impressed with Gara gara go nor most of the album that they put out (other than like 1 or 2 songs). HOWEVER, after seeing gara gara go live, it actually wasn't that bad, I can understand why it was vocally lacking - because of the dance breaks and the fact that they're not so used to the language.

After that ever since the release of LMHYV and TMG I actually be REALLY loving their Japanese singles. I actually like the light poppyness of their songs, because it's just a nice style change. I also really like how they've really started to highlight Daesung and Seungri in these new singles, they've really shown just how good of a singer Daesung is, and how much Seungri has improved.

Have they started to sellout?

Technically, they were already sold out the moment they debuted, Big Bang were put together for money purposes rather than people in love with music. Selling out means going from underground to main stream, and Big Bang has never 'really' been underground.

But if you mean staying true to their roots, then, I would say it's more of an evolution of music. Big Bang has to follow trends or start their own trends, if they're always the same style / concept, then people would be bored of them.

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Guest juang_bb

just saw the Mezamashi TV news... at :41 omo! another G-RI violent incident. this time, it's GD's knee!! LMAO! i love how rumors don't get to them...there's just no stopping these two. more Tom and Jerry yay!

awesome BB stuff just keeps on coming, don't they?!? I am really thankful to TeamBigBang for always sharing their luck to the less fortunate like us...kekeke. FanAccounts are always fun to read. I really love the fact that the boys are slowly but surely getting a lot more love from the japanese. I like how their sunbaes, celebrities etc in japan are recognizing their talent. It was nice to read about that tweet about BB's music... that it's time to correct jpop's weakness. the boys revolutionized the modern kpop... they might just be able to make the same for japan.

which brings me to the topic here... I agree with what most people have already posted. about their japanese music, they can't help it, we can't help it..nobody can help it if is different from their korean music. japan and korea are two different countries, two different audiences, two different taste in music. if they want to breakthrough, they need to somehow adapt their music to what japan would appreciate. like someone has said, what I appreciate most about their venture in japan is that they never lost the "big bang" feel. if you compare their songs to other jpop songs, it is still a lot different, it actually still sounds more "westernized" and bad richard simmons in a sense since jpop is very "light". just like the tweet posted here earlier.... BB's japanese music is still not considered "mainstream"

in terms of selling out... like what most people already mentioned... people and music evolve...and so will the boys. if they just wanted to be pure, hardcore hiphop, then YG should have not debuted them as an idolgroup. i think this is also the reason why YG is giving them all the opportunity to go solo, it is for them to show their individual style. don't forget the fact that BB since the beginning is an idol group, and still is, whether we or you like it or not. they will come up with music that is "popular". but what I like about them is that they set trends. they're the ones that dictate what is "popular" for the others to follow. they are the LEAST idol-like, music and style wise, out of the entire kpop idol world.

oh...btw, I thought I spazzed enough already this weekend for BB but no...coz for the first time, I saw Big Bang in public here in the Chicago area. I went to H-mart, asian/korean store here since I was craving for some korean dish, and then while waiting for my food, I saw this huge TV screen in the middle of the store playing Dirty Cash video. they also played Haru Haru, A Fool's Only Tears and Lies MV. some of you is probably familiar already with H-Mart, it's considered one of the biggest asian foodstore in our area, even have foodcourt. been there several times and they never played or showed anything kpop related. even the music they play inside are always american music. probably coz there are less koreans here compared to cali or NY and NJ. i think they're having an asian singing contest or something, that's why they were playing the vids for the promo. I just found it spazzworthy that they chose mostly Big Bang vids and were playing it over and over. (they play other artists too, but mostly non-idols and like one vid from each). didn't took a pic coz im shy. lol!

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Guest syao_sid

@CLI0 WORD. I totally agree with everything you wrote. ;)

I just would like to add that what I like most of BB's Japanese music is that DaeRi can showcase their vocal prowess more.

I also don't think that their Japanese releases can be considered 'mainstream' in Japan. I've been into Jpop before and still listen to it every once in a while and I can say that BB has THAT distinction and not fall to the Arashi, KAT-TUN, EXILE kind of jpop music (music that sells best in Japan).

Like everyone else in here says, BB can explore a lot of genres but still not loose the 'big bang feel' to it.

It's also one of the main reasons that I fell for BB. They give VARIETY which does not make you bored.

But in the end of these long discussions it always comes down to tastes preferences.

With this topic, I'm really exited for their Korean album. IMO out of all idols I feel that BB gets the most anticipation from VIPs and even just ordinary Kpop fans into what style of music and concept they are gonna come up with.

Not to forget that this album is like GD's redemption too. He said in his last Star Diary interview that he wants BB to move on forward. By what he means of "forward" still remains to be seen. But I have faith in BB that they will comeback with a BANG.. haha!

BTW..Damn. We have to wait like 1 month just to see the broadcast of MTV live.

But whatever.. I would wait for anything BB..hehe

and wait..Bae's solo on June? Is that another YG bomb?

YG fans should always be ready for attacks and surprising twists from YG. LOL

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Guest vvvanilla

More Fan Accounts at MTV Live (100531)

- I guess the whole stadium was occupied by Big Bang fans. When they started singing 'Number 1', the crowd became excited immediately. G-dragon was hyper-active during the performance. I was a bit relieved as he was in a better mood compared to their Electric Love Tour.

- The song they sang after 'Gara Gara Go!!' was 'Number 1'. When other artists were performing, the hall was colourfully lit by red, blue, white and yellow penlights. However, as soon as Big Bang entered the stage, all other colours disappeared and turned into yellow lights.

- Well, Since Big Bang rarely have schedules in Japan, all of their fans must be gathering together for tonight's event.

- Big Bang hi-jacked the concert till the end of the Encore setion.There were only yellow lights left and Big Bang sang way too many songs. (Smile)

- G-Dragon was laughing throughout the concert and running in a Kin-San fashion. (Adopted from the unique running style of Japanese Entertainer Kin san, a special way of running with one's heels.) SOL's dance moves were more exaggerated compared to usual. Other members also seemed happy, probably because they'd just won 2 awards at VMAJ 2010. V.I. who grabbed the MC post from SOL and D-Lite was so adorable!! (Smile)

-During V.I's Talk, he said, 'This year Big Bang would have separate schedules for each of the members.'

SOL: A solo album is on the way! It will be released once they make their Korean come back.

T.O.P: 'Into the Fire' will start screening.

D.Lite: Acting in a Korean Drama.

G-Dragon: Producing Big Bang's new album.

I could not remember the details so the above was just a brief summary.But did V.I forget to introduce his own plans...(Sigh) (He actually did talk about the screening of the movie 'Ninteen')

- Every member shared their coming events in Japanese. T.O.P who has not yet mastered Japanese tried very hard to speak japanese to his fans. Though his Japanese was not so fluent, he gave the longest speech!!(smile) Only G-dragon made V.I to help him introduce his future plans and concluded the talk with 'Ganbarimasu!' (Fighting!)

2ch.net << Japanese forum site

Translations by Jane @ www.bigbangupdates.com

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Guest blank_blank_cuti3

More Fan Accounts at MTV Live (100531)

-During V.I's Talk, he said, 'This year Big Bang would have separate schedules for each of the members.'

SOL: A solo album is on the way! It will be released once they make their Korean come back.

T.O.P: 'Into the Fire' will start screening.

D.Lite: Acting in a Korean Drama.

G-Dragon: Producing Big Bang's new album.

EH?! I'm confused...in the other account, it was said Bae's album is gonna be in June, but this one is after BB's comeback?! Confusing....I guess, I'll just wait for YG's official statement, but still, with YG, everything is so unpredictable!

But did V.I forget to introduce his own plans...(Sigh) (He actually did talk about the screening of the movie 'Ninteen')
^^^This, I've actually wondering for a while now why everybody has their own schedule, but SR is not doing anything except studying. I mean, that's a good thing cuz he can take a good rest (but recently especially the Shouting Clips, I feel like he doesn't seem to be happy and distance from the group except with GD...), but I remember YG said he'll have his solo activity after TOP, what had happened to that too?! poor baby...<__>

Only G-dragon made V.I to help him introduce his future plans and concluded the talk with 'Ganbarimasu!' (Fighting!)
^^^Aww~ G-ri love again! hehehe...

Anyhow, I am so late, but I need to say CONGRATS TO THE BOYS for 3 VMAJ awards!!! They must be really happy! and I'm really proud of them too!!!

The performance, I was looking for something more (I don't know why...) but still, I luv it when they came out sining Hands Up, cuz it feels like it's a song trying to gather everyone to sing and dance together!

As for their Japanese music...how to say this? As an international fan, I am definitely more attached to their Korean albums/songs. However, I don't dislike their Japanese music either because it is two different music industry in my opinion. So of course, the music will be different. Their music change and of course so are they. Although their music style change everytime we listen to it, but it's apart of growing up, but it still has that Big Bang flavor to me. In addition, everybody has their own opinion about what they like in an artist, so it'll differ. Because I remember once, someone told me that they don't really like Big Bang's music cuz it's too much rapping, while others (like me) enjoy it (though they're technically not a hip hop group either).... Nonetheless, this is the reason why we love Big Bang, because they don't do what's usual, they set trends in music industry whether it's Korea or Japan!

Anyways, I am psyched for their Korean comeback! I can't wait until then! But then at the same time, I'm kinda worry for the boys because there's alot of pressure! Everybody has been waiting and expecting an EXCELLENT album to be delivered by them and see what's the new music trend is....so hopefully, we won't be disappointed...

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[videoS DOWNLOAD] Big Bang Performances + Award Ceremony HQ Download!

I’m sorry that the size of the files is a bit big, especially the performances, but if I made them smaller the quality would have been ruined. Anyways enjoy these videos in high quality! ^__^ I couldn’t stand the crappy videos with low quality that were first posted. Big Bang doesn’t deserve to be watched in crappy definition!

Check out http://ibigbang.wordpress.com/2010/05/31/v...ny-hq-download/ for the download links...

Thanks alee!

Credit: alee of iBigBang

Credit: iBigBang Fansite

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