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★彡yg ♪♬♪ The Official Big Bang [빅뱅] Thread ver. 2

Guest the7REAL.

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is it weird to be hype up even more over this "scandal"? lmao! when I saw it on kbites and reading the comments I couldn't stop laughing! omg! just this little thing and anti/fans are coming out all at once wait until their official COMEBACK! IT'S GOING TO BE EPIC!!!OMO OMO OMO OMO I CAN'T WAIT!!!

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Guest sryche

Why are they so hyped up with that news? It's nothing big really. Gosh, everything G-Dragon does turns out big. Let's just move on and wait for their comeback.

As we all know, the Beats headphone is quiet an expensive one and Seungri was pulling it from GD's neck, I'd be pissed off too..

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woah, such fuss over something so trivial?

It didn't even look like GD actually hit SR.

TOP's interview was really intriguing, I really like it.

he's so deep, there's definitely more than meets the eye,

I think someone mention of him being somewhat easy to push over/mess with

I also felt the same way, even when his exterior is as hard as a rock (on stage)

I can feel the vulnerability about him & its even more lucid with this interview

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Guest Banana Peel

From the video, it just looked like GD was trying to calm Seungri from over-doing the cheering in the beginning, lol. But Seungri didn't know why GD "elbowed" him because he was too distracted doing the filming scene, hahahahaha. aw, they are both so cute xD Is this seriously creating all the commotions? lol.

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Guest Alla


where is my GD pic...T______T

lmao @antis/haters

why making a fuss when GD and Seungri acted naturally and acted like human

of course GD would richard simmons off and of course Seungri would richard simmons off when GD tried to elbow him which didn't HIT Seungri actually

I will never understand what antis think..lol

G-ri love each other but that doesn't mean they never angry at each other..lol

isn't this human nature???

Indeed Bigbang/GD is a hot issue..that's why Bigbang has an album titles Hot issue..lol..jkjk

antis/haters/media love to make fuss over Bigbang

but most of VIPs that I know esp old vips and kvips are always chill and rarely overreacted

keep it like that VIPs..is it not worth it to involve in argument..lol

oh and one more thing,I'm pretty sure G-ri just laughed at this "scandal"..lmao

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Guest intelligirl

I saw people spamming the video of GD elbowing Seungri all over Korean message boards, I can assure that these people are not fans of G-dragon or Seungri or Big Bang. They are people looking to start drama, that's all. How this thing blew up to be big I can't even fathom.


Look at them here on that same day. They are fine ^^

Bigger Scans of Seungri. He looks so, so good. I really wish DCVI hadn't placed their logo all over them though <_<



C: 아쭈★ @ DCVI

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You people! Chill........ B)

SERIOUSLY? I can't help but crack at how people really took that * elbow * incident seriously! I mean come on? It was so obvious that GD and Maknae was just fooling around! LOL! If Ji really hit Maknae twice, wouldn't he [ Maknae } at least showed some signs that he was hurt? Like he should have touched that part of his body where he got hit?

Netizens should take after G-Ri - these two sure know how to have a good laugh! XD



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Guest andloveyelledno

I used to worry about TOP just because it seemed he drank SO much. And everyone seemed to laugh it off but I thought...does he have a problem? I mean, I get that its considered normal over there to drink often but people DO develop problems that way. I can't help but wonder because usually people who drink a lot are trying to numb themselves from pain or whatever.

Anyway, I think him doing other projects outside of Big Bang is good for him. Widen his horizons and get him to tap into other parts of himself that he may not get to do otherwise. TOP fighting!

Oh god the G-ri thing is so ridiculous and to be honest, I think its just something that was sensationalized by AKP. They tend to exaggerate and often write comments like "The netizens are outraged!!!" just because a few of them wrote negative comments.

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Guest qazxc

^Actually this time, it's not just AKP exaggerating things. The news is all over the Korean sites. -_- It's amazing and annoying how everything GD does becomes such a big deal even if it shouldn't be. There are antis out there who are desperate to bring GD down and they try to find fault in every little thing he does. <_< I'm half hoping that Seungri will speak up to set things straight.

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Guest evilgary

but if you really replay the vieo carefully, you could see the impact of the elbow the seungri's chest. it couldn't be him fooling around too

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Guest toozdae08

but if you really replay the vieo carefully, you could see the impact of the elbow the seungri's chest. it couldn't be him fooling around too

I personally think it was more than fooling around but a lot less than what ppl are trying to make it out to be. It looks like Seungri had gotten too energetic and pushed up onto GD and GD got pissed and elbowed him -sort of like a "get off of me" shove. However, the impact didn't look to severe as Seungri didn't even flinch. I don't take this as a GD is abusing poor Seungri thing because those two are pretty close and fool around all the time. Besides I doubt the other boys -especially YB considering the total mom he is - would just let GD beat up on Seungri for real.

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Hello everyone!

This is my very first time posting...even though I've been lurking for the longest time. I believe and trust in our boys. Recently I've just went through all their performances because I'm near OCD for Big Bang...and I'm so proud of their growth...I mean just look at their style/voices from Lies to Tell Me Goodbye...they've changed so much. Personally and professionally and I honestly just trust them and only them. So the whole GD/VI thing...is love with another layer of love. Nice to meet you all <3

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Guest sweetflower

Y is this such a BIG deal?!?

Whether GD did it intentionally or not, only GD + SR know the full story, so fans/non-fans should STOP ASSUMING. From watching the clip, GD DID elbowed SR - but is it to the point of 'abuse'? I don't think so.

Should GD have elbowed SR? I said no. There is no excuse for violent behaviours and I will not defend GD in this case - doesn't matter whether he was playing around or not. I'm actually quite dissappointed by GD - not because he elbowed SR, but because he was being very CARELESS!!! Being an idol, GD should know that he will be taped 24/7, so every actions will be monitored by fans/antis/netizens/public. The fact that GD is the most 'paid attention to' out of all the BB's boys, I would think that he was smart enought to be more cautious. Hopefully this will be a good lesson for GD - you live and you learn. I'm pretty sure papa YG did have a little 'chat' with GD over this incident.

........and here I will apologize to SR's fans - please don't read the rest of my post if you are his fans....

Sometimes SR is so freaking annoying!!! From watching the clip, I can see that GD was really annoyed by SR...if SR didn't do anything to richard simmons GD off, then GD wouldn't have elbowed him...it DOES take two to tango.

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Guest andloveyelledno

None of us know what was going on in that video. If it was joking around or serious, if one was provoked or not. So I don't think we should start playing the blame game here based on a 5 second event. What makes things awkward is that right after the elbowing, the director yells cut and everyone gets serious. So it looks like Seungri is upset...but please notice that EVERYONE else got serious at the same time.

It's sad to hear that the Korean media is hyping this up. Is it that slow a news day?

To be honest, i've seen a lot worse go down between GD and Seungri in the past and yet they're still all over each other. Why? Because this is what family does. They play together and they fight together. It doesn't mean you stop loving them. I smack my brother around all the time but since these guys are idols, they are held to an impossible standard of perfection.

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@shinhdeplol you know what, i really adore you, while another VIP very busy with that "ridiculous controversy"

;) assuming what really happen but you just move on with posting photos, YOU ARE TRULY VIP!!!! :D

GRi elbow incident is ridiculous news all time B)

sometimes, i thinking why everything about mr Jiyong, they will make a big fuss.. if its not Mr Jiyong will stupid antis/haters make a big fuss also? he's human too.

sorry if my post hurt anybody but this news really pissed me off. :blush: :blush:

to mr Jiyong, goodluck for your concert today, Florida's concert. Even whole world blame on you, just bare in mind, VIP always trust and support you. saranghae..~ ❤❤❤

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Guest loveariddle

........and here I will apologize to SR's fans - please don't read the rest of my post if you are his fans....

Sometimes SR is so freaking annoying!!! From watching the clip, I can see that GD was really annoyed by SR...if SR didn't do anything to richard simmons GD off, then GD wouldn't have elbowed him...it DOES take two to tango.

..you needn't post that bit if you expect his fans won't read. <_< because honestly I was pissed lol.

anyway tbh i don't sense anything wrong in the clip. if netizens didn't make it a big issue I would thought it was just an adorable bromance moment ;p we all need a chill pill.



there are sure a lot of top photoshoots recently! boy looks fine xD hope he'll keep his haircut.

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Guest ooxstacee

GRi is my FAVORITE pairing ever.

And that Tom & Jerry moment blowing up like that is hilarious. -__-

Seriously? If you don't know GRi and you call yourself a VIP .. I don't know what to say to you.

It's GD-effect. I swear. They're after him, haha. Run, RUN FOR YOUR LIFE, JI!

I thought that video was really adorable. That GRi moment made me really really happy, lol.

Sometimes SR is so freaking annoying!!! From watching the clip, I can see that GD was really annoyed by SR...if SR didn't do anything to richard simmons GD off, then GD wouldn't have elbowed him...it DOES take two to tango.

I feel the need to ask, where in the video do you see that GD is annoyed or pissed off? O____O

GD was smiling/laughing the whole time, until he turned around to 'elbow' Ri, in which, his elbow did not touch Ri [from what I'm seeing] BUT if it did, it was a slight touch. He probably puts his hand on Ri's shoulder HARDER than he elbowed him in the video. And his facial expression while 'elbowing' is for fun. You don't 'elbow' someone while smiling. GD turned around and smiled. Maybe not as wide, because there's not really anything to give a wide smile about. When GD's pissed or annoyed, you can REALLY see it in his face. How is Ri annoying? He's just cheering. Since the space is so confined, it looks like he's pushing all over. Every little move you make, you push someone. You can only fit so many people in one spot before they start knocking each other off, lol.

Aw, Taeyang's interview.

When you read/hear about other artists' training time, they make it seem like they went through hell.

I'm sure they did, but Big Bang doesn't seem to complain like the other artists.

They put optimism into every little thing they do, especially GDYB.

I love it.

Wakeboarding! Maybe we'll get another picture of sexy topless men soon, lmfao!

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