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★彡yg ♪♬♪ The Official Big Bang [빅뱅] Thread ver. 2

Guest the7REAL.

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Shouting Project Clip 3


credit: aijizero2@yt


Daesung is so funny in every clip :lol:

They all look so cute. And it is nice to see them so close with yuna<333

Taeyang is super high in the clip haha..

haha LOL, i'm loving the routine of waiting for the next clip to be released, then it's released, then we all spazz, then we wait again haha.

anyways, i like TOP's outfit, it looks great on him. Dae's hair is super long though, it's starting to cover his right eye somehow. Yuna looks so pretty, very natural and young looking.

Dae just makes me laugh all the time, and his expressions and the laugh LOL. rawr, i don't want to stop making these kinds of clips, they are kinda random sometimes, but it's so fun to watch.

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Guest blank_blank_cuti3


Firstly, thanks so much for the brief translations!

I'm so loving the fact that we get a glimpse of the boys everyday! LOL

I think this is the best time for YG to have the boys start making their comeback....cuz the hype are building up!

(did u hear that, he call him Seunghyun, I thought the boys call Tabi as Seunghyun and Ri as Seungri~)

I'm pretty sure he said Seungri~ah...LOL...After you said he said Seunghyun, I had to went and replay that clip...LOL...it's the audio so if you keep replaying it, it sounds like Seunghyun~ah, but I'm 99% sure that DS said Seungri~ah...hehehe...

I think the meeting between the boys and Kim Yuna is done at YG's cafeteria~ I wonder if that is Ji's personal studio~? YG said in his last message before saying that in the new YG building, they have 5 main studio and Teddy, Choice37, Perry and Ji got each a studio for themselves~ :D

Yeah, I think the meeting is at YG's cafeteria too! Cuz I see in the background, there is the water falling thing that we see before! LOL...I think pretty much MOST scenes in this campaign is shot at YG's building with the exceptions of that fanboy scene, and some where they went out to looking for people with loud voices! Still, I'm so loving YG's building! It's so cool! I feel like we're in some hightech company! hehehe

I'm so digging the boys hairstyle now! LOL...i don't know if that's worth anything to spazz about, but particularly GD's hair is so handsome! he needs to keep that style! XD

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Guest sw8et_vietgurl

KBS Entertainment Weekly] - BigBang & Kim YuNa Cut ( May,15,10

Shouting Project Clip 3


credit: aijizero2@yt


Daesung is so funny in every clip :lol:

They all look so cute. And it is nice to see them so close with yuna<333

Taeyang is super high in the clip haha..

thank you for the link

agree Dae is so cute

and Taeyang is too hyper (any chance that Yuna is Tae ideal girl?)

oh YG is showing off his building lol

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Guest vip_gd


if GD hadn't pointed out how embarrassing it was

daesung wouldn't have ran away from embarrassment(again)

lol so funny when he attempted to shake yuna's hand

this third clip is damn funny

and i love seeing jiyongie smiling so much <333333333333

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Guest ilovearronyan

I'm pretty sure he said Seungri~ah...LOL...After you said he said Seunghyun, I had to went and replay that clip...LOL...it's the audio so if you keep replaying it, it sounds like Seunghyun~ah, but I'm 99% sure that DS said Seungri~ah...hehehe...

ehh?? I'm hearing Seunghyun too no matter how many times i repeat it //

wow YG's dance trainer choreo whatever he does at YG gets shot too!!

their new practice room is .. wow.

YG might not like overexposure of his properties and artists, but he seems to enjoy showing off ^^

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The third clip of Shouting Korea was too funny. Dae and his bragging, only to be embarrassed at the end. I really love Dae and his humor, he's so cute & just hilarious. YB & Kim Yuna look really good together. XD She's so pretty & lucky to be working with these boys, but the boys must be happy to be working with her, too. lol GD & his smile, love it. Cannot wait for the next clip ♥


we're not discouraging people from posting pics/caps/gifs, but we're suggesting it may be better to post but provide a link only instead of so much pics/caps/gifs altogether because it makes some people's computer slow and freeze.

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Guest intelligirl

:excl: Reminder: Maybe with all the excitement lately people have forgotten or are not interested, but I for one am still waiting for

Part 8: http://www.asiae.co.kr/news/view.htm?sec=f...20108472728392A

& Part 10: http://www.asiae.co.kr/news/view.htm?sec=f...20108472728392A

of Seungri's interview to be translated. If any kind person is willing to do it, he/she will be appreciated and admired.

It's been nearly a month since they came out; I am so disheartened.. Are we ever going to know what he said?!

Taeyang will be the next to have an interview series. Don't let the same happen to him

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Guest universe

^^ yea seriously, why aren't there any translations for his interviews :(

i was not expecting the third clip to be out at this late hour!! i'm glad i did not sleep early tonight :lol: the clips just keep getting better and better!! finally we get to see the boys interacting with Yuna. haha Dae is the dork in these videos, instead of Seungri this time. they are all so natural in it. Dae even called Seungri Seunghyun. i wonder if they are really acting or given scripts in the first place. as big as they are in Korea, you can't deny Queen Yuna's power haha. so maybe they were really nervous and overjoyed to work with her :D

was this posted?

Big Bang and BSX Secret Hunter Game

Clothing brand BSX is having a project with their most recent endorsers Big Bang! Called the “Big Bang 99 Secrets Hunter with BSX“.

Starting today there will be hints given out through BSX’s me2day. On Saturdays there will be offline missions while on Wednesdays there will be online missions. This secret hunter games is simple.

There are 99 secret boxes and everytime you find one, in it there will be a Big Bang prize, or maybe BSX prizes. You never know what you’re gonna find but it sounds pretty fun! It will go on from May 15th to June 12th! Like a treasure hunt! :)

taken from kpop_arsenal at omonatheydidnt

i think the prizes may be those polaroids?? so those lucky kVIPs can put them in their wallets and pretend that the boys are their boyfriends. hahaha

I, for one, appreciates what Thuy and others (gd1988) are doing to keep this thread from being 'dead'. From what I see, they are the most active posters in this thread, so despite the over-abundance of pics/caps, they are doing their best to contribute to the forum and there's always an option to turn off 'view images in posts' like what Kushi said if those pics bothered you or crashed your comp.

just want to say i agree with you :)

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Guest curryrice

Honestly, I like the fact that people are sharing pics and gifs. It's not the amount of pictures that bothers me, it's their quality.

Just do not cap the whole video. The video is cute, the guys are pretty, but what are we gonna do with blurry, unflaterring pics of them? There were tons and tons of unflattering caps, like when the guys are talking, blinking... They weren't even funny pictures, just... bad.

I don't see how that is "contributing to the forum". It's pretty much useless. I would rather watch the video than look at every second of it in the form of screen caps. If the intention was to post them as a preview of the video, fine, one or two pics of each scene would do.

No computers would crash, we wouldn't waste our times scrolling past useless, ugly pics, etc.

Everyone wins.

That said...

GD's looking fiiiiine lately, huh? I think it's the hair. And the smile.

Does anyone know how many of those Shouting videos will be released?

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Guest miared

I am so completely on------- curryrices ----------side here. Disturbing this thread with pictures that have nothing to do with the main topic, appart from distracting dutyful posters, is not the right way! Keep your blinking GDs to yourselves!

Don´t you dare to make her miserable :angry::angry: --hate---hate---pain!!

Don´t disturb the flow or I´ll report you all!

If things keep going on like this I really don´t know where to catalyze my worldhate on. Even if I´m not posting as much right now-----I´m watching you.....especially you--curryrice.

(and now I´m hungry as well.....)

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Guest curryrice

excuse me, but... WHAT? I said that capping every second of a video was useless and that I did not see how anyone could say it was a contribution to the forum. When I said caps of bad quality, I meant pictures that are blurry or poorly capped. That's all. I guess I could have worded things better, though.

it's just very frustrating to have my computer freeze every time I get in this thread and then later realize that the reason was 20 screen caps of GD or whoever with a tiny variation. If you find an use for that kind of picture, please share with me, because I can't see it.

And please define "dutyful posters".

If you take personally things that are said about screen caps on an internet forum... I'm sorry, my friend, but you need to get a life.

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Guest missARROGANT

Actually I am quite hesitate to post the gifs and caps…but I won't post many ^^

Loving GD’s working in actions and smiles**



more>>> http://gall.dcinside.com/list.php?id=Gdrag...page=1&bbs=

cr: dcgd

...many of us agree and said that His hair is super fine..

and I would like to repeat this again and again that he looks so smexy and handsome with this hair :wub:

@ the people complaining about caps

While I agree that caps and pictures can be somewhat annoying, you can go to your 'my controls' -> 'board settings' -> and turn off 'view images in posts' option. If these caps are really bothering you.

^Thank you.

I, for one, appreciates what Thuy and others (gd1988) are doing to keep this thread from being 'dead'. From what I see, they are the most active posters in this thread, so despite the over-abundance of pics/caps, they are doing their best to contribute to the forum and there's always an option to turn off 'view images in posts' like what Kushi said if those pics bothered you or crashed your comp.

Let's NOT discourage GD/BB fans from posting, sharing and spreading their love to other fans like me. We should unite, not divide. PEACE.

It may be really annoying when your computer is lagging so much because of gifs and caps but

When you think of how much it take time

.. to visit to Korean websites/stop and play the clips, save the images and repost again,

I hope/wish people will complain less.

D-2 to TaeYang Birthday

" Happy Advance Birthday to Yongbae"

...won't be online for sometime, going to miss out some GOOD stuffs <_<

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Guest MidnightByul



And, once again I say. Keep your hair like that!

Cuz, he just looks to damn good.

All of them do. >.<

And, can we chill with the caps, .gifs, picture things. please. lol

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Guest dada

Shouting Project Clip 3


credit: aijizero2@yt

Daedae once again makes

us laugh with his bragging in which it

will come to a naught eventually. :lol:

& it is great to see such collaboration

from the guys.


I wonder how many clips

will there be before we finally

get to see the full mv.

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[PHOTOS/VIDEO] Taeyang’s Birthday Event held at the Major Cineplex

G-Dragon’s “Shine A Light” movie premiere was held in Thailand on May 15th at the Major Cineplex – Sukhumvit-Ekamai. One of our lovely readers attended this premiere and she also attended the birthday activity that was planned that day for Taeyang on May 15th from 12:20 to 1:20pm in front of the theater right before the concert’s premiere.

She took pictures and even recorded some footage for us. There was a mini celebration for Taeyang with a cake, a huge screen going back to his debut days and pictures of Big Bang all over the place. There was a whole spot in the middle of the mall just for Big Bang! ^^ Thanks a million jessica!



video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rN_cA1tqKF8...player_embedded

thx ornballer @ YT for the upload

photo credit: jessica @ ibigbang

taken from: alee @ ibigbang

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Guest Abie

i am loving these hyundai shouting clips! xD i downloaded all three all because of the boys' cute moments! i esp loved Dae's parts! :DD He's gonna make it big with his osm acting skills~ He's a natural! 8) And a real comedian! :DD

Yuna with BB!!! they looked so happy, training together~ esp when they were singing the chorus in the studio. And if that was GD's own studio then whooooaaa :))) YG's gotta be the best CEO there is~ Giving the boys a chance to harness their abilities esp GD<3 And the new YG building looks amazing outside & in the inside too! Oh how i would love to visit that place 8D


I personally think that there is no harm in posting lots of caps and gifs. i mean if it lags, you can just open another window? LOLS. some vips do enjoy looking through many pics after all. like me (: so i hope some of you wont discourage others to post. look at the thread, it only moves when this caring vips share the pictures they've searched hard for. :)Pls be considerate and acknowledge their hard work too instead of complaining. <3

Anyway...the dance for Shouting of Reds is also really cute<3 ive learned it pretty fast because of that tutorial. ROFL. GD is so thin though...i want to see him soon with more muscles, maybe? But really, he's alr good-looking (esp when he smiles) so i don't know...maybe he'll be even hotter with bigger guns? 8D

TOP too!!! :))


Taeyang: 'We don't want people to worry..."


The idol group BIGBANG gave the opinion on Kim Yu-Na the Figure Queen.

They said it on KBS 2TV Entertainment Tonight that aired on May 15 which featured the making of the World Cup song with Kim Yu-Na.

"Working together with the world class hero was like pumping up the energy." said Taeyang and then he suddenly added "Kim Yu-Na worries that the BIGBANG fans will not like her." He ended "we don't want anyone to worry about it at all" with a chilling remark.

"I'd like to play and have some fun (with Kim Yu-Na).SeungRi put his hands on her shoulders.He said he would never wash them!" G-Dragon revealed.

That's the scene where SeungRi and TaeYang had to protect Kim Yu-Na as her own bodyguards and DaeSung had done a solo single shot with her,but it was in a humiliating concept and caused a wide laugh instead.

Kim Yu-Na and BIGBANG (G-Dragon,TaeYang,T.O.P,DaeSung and SeungRi) have joined forces together for the World Cup song 「SeungRi Ae HamSeouk」 that was released as a digital single on May 11.


- Abby

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