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★彡yg ♪♬♪ The Official Big Bang [빅뱅] Thread ver. 2

Guest the7REAL.

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Guest shinhdeplol

Big Bang's World Cup Song to be released on May 11?

Soribada's COMING SOON albums have been updated. It looks like there will be a World Cup Album that will be released on May 11 and Big Bang and Kim Yuna are part of it. I'm guessing this is the song they used for the CF that they filmed. See the screenshot below:


Translation: World Cup Commemorative Album Repackage

National Figure-skating Elf/Fairy* World Cup Cheer Message [The Shouts Of Reds Repackage]

The photo is small but you can see Big Bang's photo on the upper right:


Source: soribada.com/#/Music/HotChart/ComingSoon.php via bbvipz

Taken from bigbangupdates.com

Updated! Performances from Electric Love Tour DVD

TOP of the world






Korean Dream


Haru Haru


- - -

Source: http://www.youtube.com/user/KOLNFOREVER1027

Taken from bigbangupdagtes.com

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Guest loveYB

YAY YAY. another song from our dear big bang! i'm seriously thirsty for new songs from big bang...

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Guest shinhdeplol

[scan & Translations] Big Bang on ePOP magazine


scanned by gdalyn

translated by Miseremei @ bigbanghaven.blogspot.com

do not remove any of the credits

Hey Girl's Gui Gui is also a Big Bang fan?


Gui Gui is a member of the Taiwanese girl group 黑Girl (Hey Girl) formerly known as

黑澀會美眉 (Hei Se Hui Mei Mei).

C: gdgdrui3 @ baidu bigbang // bigbanghaven.blogspot.com

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Guest Banana Peel

YAY! a new song released on my birthday?! lol. I can't be any happier :D hehe.

I hope a music video comes with it, lol.

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Guest intelligirl

I'm happy that there have been so many updates lately! It's great to see the boys endorsing many products and if anybody doubts their popularity at this moment then their partnering with Kim Yuna can hopefully erase such worries. It's definitely an indication that they can score the best endorsements.

I do have one complaint though and I don't want to seem annoying, but bear with me. What happened to Seungri's eight interview?! Is nobody going to translate it? It makes me sad because I think I have learned a lot about his personality from these interviews and for the people who question his character it is an opportunity to get to know him better. I would translate it if I could <_<

@universe: um his ninth interview was posted, but not his eighth... -_-

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Guest universe

@ intelligirl: its already posted. check the page back :)

so we get to have a Big Bang song on the 11th?? that's really soon!! or maybe it will be a teaser of some kind since Hyundai will be revealing the whole campaign in stages. although a World Cup song will be nothing like their style, i'm looking forward all the same, even to cheesy music haha.

i was getting worried that we would not have any updates till end May when the boys get to Japan. i do think this collab with Kim Yuna is a god sent haha. at least it keeps us VIPs occupied.

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Guest Selkaine

Hello everyone!Long-time lurker, first-time poster. And been a huge fan of BB for over a year now :D

A friend of mine showed me their Gara Gara GO!! and Lollipop ft 2NE1 MVs and I've been hooked since. Well at first I was like "wth is this Asian boyband???" but then I was like "hey... they're actually really good!" Kinda strange that I said that too cuz that was during my metalhead phase lol. Now I'm all k-pop now B) also with yellow fever. Go figure. xD

I´ve mentioned this before, but I´ll say it again--with each new album they bring out, they feel less and less like a boyband, and more like a bunch of, very close, guy-friends who enjoy coming together to perform. I mean.....they have grown appart so much over this previous year---stylewise, musicwise, characterwise....whatever-wise.

Each and everyone of them has grown so independent.

I know you posted this a while ago (6 days, 2 hours, and 33 minutes to be exact lol) but when you said that they feel less and less like a boy band, I was like OMG I FEEL THIS WAY TOO LOLOL. Like I don't get the same boyband vibe I do as when I listen to other k-pop boybands (not bashing, just saying :) ) but like ultra hip hop superstars all featuring each other or something lol. I idolize them so much haha.

And does anyone have any info on the release of Big Bang Big Show 2 concert DVD? I've seen posts about it and links to youtube. Maybe it was released already, idk. I miss them alot :( I wanna see them on variety shows and such :( but I am excited for their new song coming out next week :D :D :D

I wish they were popular in the US. Or at least more so than they are now. I know that many people know who they are, especially where I live but I still see their music as "pop culture there, sub culture here" in a way, if that makes any sense. Actually I just wish they were popular here for selfish reasons: I wanna see them in concert and not like Korea Music Festival concert where they only sing 3 songs and go away but an actual concert of JUST THEM

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Guest isabellej

— Translation (from the video description box in youtube)

Interviewer: What are you guys doing here in Thailand this time?

Taeyang: We're doing a commercial for Eversense.

Interviewer: Oh I heard there are 3 girls that will be featured in the commercial too, now I wanna know what are your type of girls?

Taeyang: I like girls that suits the image of Eversense. (totally staged, that's why he and Jiyong laughs)

Interviewer: Is that so? But what about your personal preferences?

Taeyang: Ummm, not particularly, but when I meet her, she'd be the one that gets me to say Lovely!

Interviewer: How about G-Dragon?

G-Dragon: *thinks* *smiles* *ends up passing the mic to TOP*

Interviwer: What about TOP?

TOP: *smiles* *passes the mic to Daesung*

Daesung: WHAT? *smiles* I like girls who likes to smile and has pretty smile.

Oh oh and she has to suit with the Eversense image too. (LOL again)

Interviewer: Ok, that was a little awkward now that I asked about girls, isn't it? So how about you guys getting a week of, what do you want to do in Thailand?

TOP: Elephants! I want to ride an elephant. (Awwwwww)

Intewviewer: Does anyone want to go to the beach? Have you been to our beaches?

Taeyang: No we haven't. Would you take us there?

Interviewer: Of course! If you want to, I can do that! But before we travel, you should learn Thai first. Any Thai word you wanna learn?

G-Dragon: Saranghaeyo

Interviewer: Pom Ruk Koon

G-Dragon: *imitates* Pom Ruk Koon

Daesung: What about ''brilliant''?

Interviewer: Sood-yod!

Daesung: Sood-yod! *smiles*

Seungri: #$%$%)$($##

Interviewer: What doest that mean? Is it in Thai?

Taeyang: It's Seungri's rap, doob doob (Idk what is this, but he said it).

G-Dragon: I think he means Dek-dek (means easy in Thai) *does the hand*

Interviewer: Now I'm sure the audience wants to know your personal habits. Who takes the longest time in the shower?

ALL: *points at TOP*

Seungri: He takes the longest.

TOP: Really? *nods*

Interviewer: What do you do in there other than showering?

TOP: Observing my body. (LOLOLOL) *imitates the way he looks at himself*

Interviewer: Hahaha ok, now tell me who's the most jealous in the group?

G-Dragon: I don't think there is.

Taeyang: Me neither.

TOP: There's no jealous person in our group.

Interviewer: Since you guys are like a trend setter, can you tell me of the design you might design in the future?

TOP: Something that suits Eversense image (totally joking).

G-Dragon: Umm, something easy to approach, I think.

Interviewer: As you already know, Thailand is very hot, can you suggest some clothes that will do us good?

G-Dragon: I think you should wear light textured clothes.

G-Dragon sprays Eversense and smells.

Interviewer: What about in Korea? It's cold there, what do you do to keep warm?

G-Dragon: I hit myself. *hits himself*

Taeyang: I think hugging helps. *hugs G-Dragon*

Interviewer: You guys have so many songs, do you have any song that mean to you more than the rest?

TOP: No, every song means to us.

Interviewer: Will you ever sing in Thai?

G-Dragon: *nods* Maybe someday.

Taeyang: Yes, we'd like to do that someday.

Interviewer: I think Daesung has already mastered the word Sood-yod.

Daesung: *laughs* Sood-yod

Interviewer: How about using Sood-yod as your lyrics for the whole song?

Daesung: *laughs*

Interviewer: Ok, we've runned out of time now, so lastly, do you have anything to say to Thai fans?

G-Dragon: Yes, I'd like to say thank you for supporting us and it's been a pleasure to come back here again. And please support our Eversense commercial too!

ALL: We're Big Bang!

Interviwer: Thank yoooooou!

Note from translator: I'm sorry if any of this is wrong, but I translated it exactly how Thai translation appears on the screen.

Video & Translation Credit: herlaboratory@youtube

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Guest missARROGANT

me2day update Taeyang and Daesung


[댓글이벤트] 화창한 일욜이구만유. 이런 날 또 다 김밥천지 커플천지일텐데! 어떻게 무엇을 해야 자알 놀았다 소문날까요? 기깔나게 댓글 달아주시왑. 어버이날도 있었고하니 쌍으로 기쁨 드리게 태양+대성 직찍폴라로이드사진 한장을 선물로 투척하게뜸! 갖고싶지드래곤!

credit: http://me2day.net/bsx99 via bbvipz

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Guest vvvanilla

Big Bang Eversense CF (45s)

~still LQ


Taken from:http://www.bigbangupdates.com/

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Guest ooxstacee

That 45 sec CF made me choke on my water. -___-

I was drinking when I was checking twitter updates and BAM! I SEE THAT ITS OUT!

But did you see that acrobatic move Ji made at 0:21?! LOL!

I'm never playing limbo with him!


I don't care if it's that same clip of the suit playing over and over between all the other promo stuff, but daaaaaaang!

Wah. Suits + BB = <3 <3 <3

The Thai interview .. LOL the hug between GDYB was freaking adorable!

Can't wait for the other ... thing with Yuna.

GD and Yuna looks adorable together.

Here I go, digging my own grave AGAIN.

Wah, I haven't posted here in a loooooong time.

Or, it feels like a long time. :(

I remember posting everyday, lol!

I'm sure the people that's been here for a while remembers my really GD-bias posts. T__T!


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Aigoo the new Eversense CF looks so cool. I love how they dance there :P.

In VMAJ Promo Clip Big Bang look so lush with suits i might say. The boys are getting handsome this days that I don't know how to put in ^^.

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Guest syao_sid

Big Bang Eversense CF (45s)

lucky girl! BB danced around her!

It's so funny how the other members are all out dancing while TOP is just cooly walking/swaying around.. :lol:

and what did that girl just whisper to GD <_<

can't wait to see the HQ of this!

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Guest Banana Peel


the boys in suits are so :wub:

JiYong ♡♡♡

ooooooh, they all look soooo good here :D I'm loving TOP's glasses, lol. omgg, can they please comeback to korea like this? hahahahaha. And please, GD (and TOP), keep your look just as it is now, ahhhaha. I don't think I can ever get sick of his hairstyle right now (:

isabellej, thanks so much for the interview translation. Sounds cute and funny, I hope the hq version comes out soon, heh heh.

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