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Lee Jong Suk 이종석 イ・ジョンソク ♥ Drama 2022: Big Mouth, 빅마우스 | Movie 2022: Decibel, 데시벨


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Guest wizengamot

finally they met. the kid aka lil chinese fan (or his mom or older sister) must be ecstatic. i had this hunch that the real sukki fan is either his mom or his older sister or both hahaha. anyway, he looks super good on this fancams (which is not surprising at all but i still want to state it) kkk... that girl's lucky to have a sukki hug, is she a fan? 

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19/10/14 Lee Jongsuk Beijing Fanmeet


Just got home and reading the “live” updates which aren’t live anymore so I thought I’ll just translate it anyway. More detailed fan accounts later maybe?

- When he went on stage he greeted everyone in Chinese and did the “bbuing bbuing”

- He shared with fans how he got his figure and got a little shy. He said that it was only because of “School 2013” that he realized that it is possible to have a ^_^ kind of relationship between guys. (I’ve no idea what it means to have a ^_^ kind of relationship, but that was what the person posted so yeah)

- When talking about kiss scenes, he said he has the habit of smoking. If he doesn’t brush his teeth or rinse his mouth when he acts with Lee Boyoung, she would hit him.

- The host asked “If you were a doctor, what would you want to specialize in?” He playfully asked the host “what about you?” The host answered that he would want to be a gynaecologist and Jongsuk burst out laughing.

- Previously he had asked fans to post their “troubles” on weibo. He transformed into Park Hoon to answer their queries and solve their problems.

- He started perspiring a lot when he couldn’t answer a question. The question was something along the lines of “If a friendship between two poeople suddenly become a friendship between three people and I can’t accept it, what should I do?”

- There was an exclusive video about the preparation of the fanmeet. (And apparently there was something from the set of Pinocchio, I’m not sure) Tudou probably will be uploading the video later.

- There was a picture of this girl during the Park Hoon segment, and he said she looks like his sister.

- After he changed into the second set of clothes, he said he was drying his perspiration just now.

- The host asked if he chose the clothes himself. He said he didn’t and that he just wore whatever other people told him to. The host told the fans they could bribe his stylist and he would wear whatever they wanted him to. The fans shouted “don’t wear anything!” and he burst out laughing again.

- He actually sleeps with a stuffed toy, but he didn’t bring it to China this time round. Hotels are usually associated with ghost stories and he’s scared of ghosts, so he would bring a good friend to sleep with him

-During the fan segment, they re-enacted the scenes from IHYV and DS. For the IHYV scene (the one where Hyesung cups Sooha’s cheeks), Jongsuk asked if he should do it or if the fan will do it. The fan said they could do it to each other and so that happened.

Source: Oo木棉花花oO, 小菌素你的裤衩掉了, 木桃抱住小彬彬, 淡雅如疯, 土豆韓娛, 土豆娛樂 @ weibo 

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its a thrilling day for Jong Suk tho I notice that there still cultural boundaries he did tried his best to interract as naturally as possible... The conversation of him and the chibi jong suk is so adorable, is he aware of what his mother doing to him... hahaha

I wish that he is healthy after the fanmeet, you know because of the virus... I just attended a Sunday class for 8 hours lecture of the prevention of that disease, anyway the scene of him at the window, is that Pinocchio scene??? if it is Gosh his style is awesome, wonder why he change his self... so looking forward and don't stress out too much jong suk.

For all the withJS fighting... eat my dinner first kekekeke

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sleepykid said: its a thrilling day for Jong Suk tho I notice that there still cultural boundaries he did tried his best to interract as naturally as possible... The conversation of him and the chibi jong suk is so adorable, is he aware of what his mother doing to him... hahaha I wish that he is healthy after the fanmeet, you know because of the virus... I just attended a Sunday class for 8 hours lecture of the prevention of that disease, anyway the scene of him at the window, is that Pinocchio scene??? if it is Gosh his style is awesome, wonder why he change his self... so looking forward and don't stress out too much jong suk. For all the withJS fighting... eat my dinner first kekekeke

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Articles abt Jong Suk FM in Beijing 
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