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Lee Jong Suk 이종석 イ・ジョンソク ♥ Drama 2022: Big Mouth, 빅마우스 | Movie 2022: Decibel, 데시벨


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Guest nyahh

I'm still learning how to do this type of editing so sorry if it looks super awkward.. but I can't resist! HAHA :D 



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Guest aydenJ

@nyahh those supermodel strike made me miss him on the runway...hope to see him on runway again.. Probably as guess

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Guest nyahh

@nyahh those supermodel strike made me miss him on the runway...hope to see him on runway again.. Probably as guess

​I wish I could have seen what he's like on the runway when he used to model... but whenever I see him I could already tell that he's got that model-like aura. ;) He's born with it or if not.. then it never really went away after he stopped modelling. HAHA! :D I hope so too. Actually, I just hope to see him soon. Not even on the runway. Just... anywhere lol any fan account I'm already fine with that. :lol::lol::lol: 

- - -


cr dramaholic27

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Guest nyahh

He was korean youngest top model. 

​DAMNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN. That is one gorgeous boy. :wub::w00t: I was so focused on his works as an actor that I didn't even stop to check his modelling days. Woooooow!! He's got a different vibe there. LOL Ahhh what a talented person. Thanks for this!!!! :D I'm already hooked, but this made me adore him more!! :Dgkgsehivwehnlcahlov WOW. Just.. wow. :w00t:

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Lee Jong Suk Japanese Magazine Interview translation- the part on TV drama


Q: Didn’t you say you like watching dramas? What is the drama you are currently watching? Which is the one you like the most?

JS: I am now watching “Kill Me Heal Me” that has just ended and “Divorce Lawyer in Love” both of them are really interesting. If I need to choose the drama of my life, then they should be “Time Between Dog and Wolf” and “Worlds Within”.

Q: You watched drama often from before? Or you started watching after working in this field?

JS: I did both. In the past, when I didn’t have work coming, I stayed at home every day to watch TV and drama.

Q: Do you watch Japanese TV?

JS: I don’t watch a lot of Japanese TV, because I am too lazy to read subtitles, so I don’t want to watch works from other countries (wry smile). However, after watching mystery drama Sherlock from the UK, I have come to know a brand new world. This drama is really great!! Because of its influence, for a while, I was searching hard for scripts of similar types. 

Until not long ago, when they were being asked what type of roles they wish to do, most actors would say they want to do a psycopath, it is the same for me too.

However, when I watch other actors doing roles of psychopaths, I gradually saw similar ways of expressing it… When they were bloodthirsty, they would smile with their eyes, there are more and more works like this.. I cannot feel the merit of doing the role of a psychopath.

When I choose a piece of work, I consider if the work is suitable for me.

T/N: This is translated from the Korean translation on DC which is translated from the Japanese interview, which was translated from JS’ own words in Korean. And the interview is done in late April. This is a very long interview… This is just a very small part of it.

Trans By: amyhsk 

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Lee Jong Suk Japanese Magazine Korean TV Drama Interview translation- the part on happiness



Q: There is not a moment when you feel happy?

JS: When I look back, there are really lots of happy things. I think 2013 was really the best year, 2014 is also good too in my opinion. I think it became painful because of the greed that was started through various things. The more I do, the more greedy I got. That in its own way also made me sad. (wry smile)

Q: Apart from that, anything that is different from before?

JS: If I meet people without makeup, in only plain clothes, I will become shy. Before, this doesn’t happen.

I want to go out to have fun but I can’t do what I want.

I want to go out for a cup of coffee, but I don’t want to dress up, however if I just go out like that, I feel bothered by it.

I don’t cook when I am at home. Generally I bought food from outside to eat at home. When I don’t have work, I usually stay home.

I stay home for a really long time, so I feel like I am dying because I can’t breath. (Wry smile) That’s why I started horse riding and climbing.

Recently I worked hard on weight training, so my body got bigger. (laugh)

T/N: This is translated from the Korean translation on DC which is translated from the Japanese interview, which was translated from JS’ own words in Korean. And the interview is done in late April. This is a very long interview… This is just a very small part of it. If you can read Japanese, you can go read the original text here. 


Trans By: amyhsk

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Korean TV Drama Interview - Part 1


Source: Korean TV Drama
Translation note: This is translated directly from Japanese (sob my japanese is finally useful); the interview was conducted back in April. It’s 5 pages, so there should be three parts.

You seem very busy these days, with all your overseas schedules.

No, no, I’m not busy at all. Although I have to travel overseas a lot, it is nothing compared to the busyness during drama filming.

Did you go see the cherry blossoms?

Yes. I went to Seokchon Lake (near Lotte World in Seoul, a famous place to see cherry blossoms) and got to see a bit of it at night.


Lee Jong Suk’s work has been airing in Japan one after another. Why did you decide to take ‘Doctor Stranger’?

Oh, has it aired already?  My character in Doctor Stranger, Hoon, has always given me the feeling that he came into the story like a manga character. I love Japanese manga. There’s a certain type of character where he feels unreliable when he comes out, then when it is his time to do something, he would do it with utmost determination. When I got the invite to take part in ‘Doctor Stranger’, that is what I thought. I remember that I also put all my effort into developing that during filming.

Is there any particular manga that you used for reference?

I’ve said that Hoon is like Luffy in ‘One Piece’. He never seems serious until that critical moment when he goes into full-on serious mode. After that, Jin Hyuk PD also recommended ’Team Baptista‘ to me since there are some similarities to the drama, so I referenced that as well. Actually, I had just finished ‘I Hear Your Voice’ when I got the invitation for ‘Doctor Stranger’. It was time when I was under immense pressure and I was thinking, “I should wait for a period of time before doing my next project”. In the end, I took [DS] due to my trust in the PD. I first met him in ‘Princess Prosecutor’; since he asked me for a project, I decided immediately without thinking too much.

To act as a doctor who left North Korea and went to South Korea, did you have to do a lot of preparation work?

I really put in so much effort preparing for it. It was probably the hardest I had worked in all my life. I don’t know why, but it’s like I was being chased by something.

I heard that you got a motorbike license three days before the filming, in order to do a scene for the series.

If you have to take the motorbike exam, you have to spend a certain number of hours on the road and taking lessons. You also have to spend hours practising every day until you get the license. We were due to fly out to Hungary for filming at that time; I’m fine if I get hurt, but (Jin) Seyeon would be sitting right behind me, so I was very worried. Although I could do it, it was still like a child toddling around, yet I was asked to run immediately. We had to do scenes where I ramped the bike from the road up to the pedestrian lane.

In the very beginning, there was a scene where you sang and danced Korean pop songs to your fellow classmates, were you shy during the filming?

Yes!! Since I had to sing and dance in front of students, I was quite embarrassed. Still, I learned the dance for ‘Tell Me’ by Wonder Girls from a friend, and practised with all my heart.

Was it hard to speak in North Korean dialect?

No, it’s very interesting. I actually played a North Korean table tennis player in ‘As One’ (2012). I practised with the same coach I studied with back then. Ac actor, no matter which project he is in, there would be similarities between each character. If I just look at my acting skills, I didn’t really change that much from my previous works. But when I use a dialect, it gives nuance to that phrase and I can express it in a slightly different way. [Hoon] ended up being rather different from all my other characters, I feel glad.

Hoon’s wink is also quite memorable.

Actually, in real life, you don’t really wink at other people, right? I was actually really embarrassed when I had to do it. (dry laugh) In the script, it said I had to say, “Bye, Quack Doctor~” Sohyun (Kang Sora) and then wink. I just couldn’t imagine doing it. It was so embarrassing. But when I tried it once, somehow it became natural for all the other times. Hahaha.

So all the other winks were ad-libs?

Since Hoon is not a serious character, it seems apt that he would wink at others, that’s why I started doing it. Hoon is actually so different from my actual self that during filming, my own logic and instincts actually became an obstacle. Even if I plan to act out the scene quite simply, I still get very embarrassed. My logical side keeps telling me, “This is absolutely not the way to go.” So I just learned to say, “That’s enough!”, ignore that little voice and just act it out. My face would become completely red though. Hahaha.

In the beginning, Hoon had the image of being carefree, but after the death of his father and Jaehee, his personality completely changed. How did you tackle the acting challenges in that?

Usually the dramatic and emotional scenes would occur in the middle of the drama when you have had time to wrap yourself into the characters. However, for DS, these scenes happen right at the beginning. Separating with Jaehee and the death of his father, these were all stressful. As the emotions change, I also want to portray the changes in personality vividly as well, but it is easier said than done.

Even so, there were some moments when I did think, “Hey I am acting quite well here”. That is the real miracle for me. In the past, when I took acting lessons, my acting teacher would make me cry by using all sorts of swears against me or even psychologically forcing me. Yet even then, tears wouldn’t come to my eyes. The teacher then said, “You can’t go home until you can cry.” I would just have there stand there for a couple of hours then. I couldn’t do it, I just couldn’t. (laughs) But now I can catch the emotions rather quickly.

What kind of emotions did you have while filming?

That period of time is when I was full of emotions all the time. I would feel sad even when I see photos of other people; I would cry just reading the script. Even when I watched other dramas, I would cry so easily. I have a special technique when it comes to crying – when I feel a sourish sensation in my nose, I know it is time to push my emotions and let the tears fall. 

I am originally already the type who worries a lot; during that time, I worried especially. ‘I Hear Your Voice’ had become an unexpectedly hit and propelled me into success earlier than I could believe. That pressure affected my life in a lot of ways.

Your crying acting is also really wonderful. Particularly the scene where Hoon received the belongings of his father, it was very sad to watch.

That scene filled my heart in every way. I really love Kim Sang Joong-sunbaenim (who played my father). In the scene where he passed away, I received all my emotions from him. As for the scene where his belongings are passed to me, I focused on the scenes Hoon and his dad shared in the beginning. There are no flashbacks in the final edited version, but those scenes kept playing in my head as we were filming. I almost worried if it would be too emotional, since my face was all contorted from crying, but I found that the audience could feel Hoon’s pain through my expressions. I feel glad about that.

The romantic scenes were beautiful also.

Surprisingly, I actually have a feminine and romantic side. I love those scenes that make stirs up your romantic feelings. I can sense when certain scenes will really touch the viewers if filmed well. I like the scene when I meet with Jaehee again and we affirm our heartbeats. I also like the scenes where I bicker with Sohyun.

Are there any other scenes that are very memorable to you?

What immediately comes to mind are the operation scenes. Since it would be too impactful to show everything about the operations, a lot of it is filmed from the side, making it vague on purpose. From the perspective of an actor, this is a pity but even so, the operations scenes are very interesting, I like them a lot.

The only problem is that we have to do those scenes while wearing masks, so it’s a challenge to convey emotions just through your eyes. If it was only masks, then it would still me easier, but I would also be wearing glasses with microscopes on them. If I didn’t calculate my angles correctly, my eyes wouldn’t even appear on the screen. That was the difficult part.

Trans By Hitoritabi

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