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[Drama 2011] Paradise Ranch 파라다이스 목장

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I'm really enjoying this drama more and more. It's growing on me like how Dream High grow on me as it progresses. Don't really fancy the Ahjusshi. Not really keen about him. (hides behind sofa from Ahjusshi fans) I totally love DaJi and DongJoo's scenes and interactions. Hilarious yet hair-pulling-frustrating. It seems that DJ's dad has something to do with their divorce cz DJ mentioned it in one of the earlier episodes. Episode 2 or 3 i think.

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Guest Ellegirl

Here are my responses. :D

@sonichero - I feel the same. It's the best in terms of the acting, but the story...I love. I'm a big romantic and seeing Dong Joo all jealous and realizing his emotions for Da Ji is the big pull. And the fact I adore every actor in the drama especially Lee Yeon Hee and Changmin.

@alexus - Well, I don't know if Dong Joo's dad hates Da Ji for hurting Dong Joo. He has always dislike Da Ji right before they even married. (Remember in the beginning, Dong Joo's father were chasing the two to prevent them from marrying.) I think his resentment is that Dong Joo is no longer listening to his father and following his own heart. He may see it as Da Ji taking away Dong Joo from his rightful place in the family.

I haven't watched the last two episodes with subs so what I say next is base on what I perceived in the RAW version. I feel like Dong Joo's mother dislike (not hate because that is such a loaded word) Da Ji because she is taking Dong Joo away from her. Dong Joo is her only child. After 6 years, Dong Joo's mother feels a little regretful over the way she treated Da Ji because Da Ji was the one who made Dong Joo happy. When Dong Joo's mother met with Da Ji, I felt like the mother was expressing her guilt to Da Ji for mistreating her. It's understandable that the mother treated Da Ji a little badly because Da Ji did take Dong Joo away from her.

And definitely yes on how deep inside Dong Joo's mother thinks of Da Ji as a daughter.

The Grandfather is a force to be reckon with. He has such a hidden agenda. If the drama turns out that the grandpa had no part in bringing Dong Joo and Da Ji together again, I will be disappointed.

Yes, Da Ji and Dong Joo have basically grown up together because they went to school together and everything.

I LOVE DONG JOO TOO! :D His emotions are just laid out on the table, but somehow, Da Ji does not see it. He is sooo expressive and it makes me melt into a puddle.

I had to laugh at that scene because they woke up next to each other and pretended to go back to sleep. I would think that they would've gotten up immediately, not pretend to sleep.

@iheartbidam - Episode 8 was by far the best episode. Yoonho Ahjussi's wife is scary, but she is super gorgeous and she seems like the exact opposite of Da Ji, so it'll be interesting how her and Da Ji's scene play out.

Oh man, I have a super long post (that I need to put up tomorrow about episode 8) about evidence of Dong Joo's feelings bubbling to the surface. Dong Joo doesn't seem to be very good at hiding his feelings. We can see it being displayed because we, the audience, are watching it. However, for Da Ji, you can't see it because she's blind at the moment (she's too close to the whole situation). If she takes a step back and really examine Dong Joo's actions (like worrying over her drinking and the Ahjussi), she can see that Dong Joo does have feelings for her too. Or if Jin Young or Ahjussi hung around Dong Joo and Da Ji long enough, they can see Dong Joo still has feelings for Da Ji because they are on the outside and can examine the situation better.

(Sorry this is long. I didn't intend it to, but I am in a speculation mode right now. :D)

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Guest sfmaiia

omo~~ i just left this page for 2 weeks and it already grown!!

i love this drama... changmin really did his best at PR...

thanks alexus for recaping every episode!!

next week is gonna be awesome

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Ai Goo..

I have not watched ep 8 yet..but you guys are making so curious!!

thanks for recaps and all discussions you're wonderful ladies

still in deep love with PR...

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I agree with you guys, DongJoo's dad has definitely something to do with their divorce. He definitely doesn't like Daji, and well he's a little "evil" if I can put it that way...

Ellegirl I'll be very disappointed too if grandpa is not involved in their reconciliation. He's for sure up to something. And I love him :wub: The scene where he pretended to be sick to get what he wanted was very funny, he's so adorable :wub:

Alexus I haven't watch the eps yet... I know, I'm procrastinating.. kkk

But I just don't wanna see DongJoo suffering, and the more the episodes pass the more he's gonna feel down remembering the pass and seeing DaJi with ajussi. Poor baby! :tears:

And I'm with Pach you guys are making me curious with all those screecaps and everything :wub:

Well, I surrender.I'm going to see that gorgeous DongJoo. And his abs of course.

P.S: It's nice to see this thread getting crowded. :D

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Don't really fancy the Ahjusshi. Not really keen about him. (hides behind sofa from Ahjusshi fans) I totally love DaJi and DongJoo's scenes and interactions.

I agree with you on the Ahjusshi. What I like about this drama are the cute interactions between DJ-DJ and the lightness of the drama. In fact, I like this aspect so much that it actually manages to override all the things that I don't like about it, which, unfortunately, are quite a few things.

But instead of going on and on about all the things that I don't like (little or small), the main issue that I have with this drama is the weird cast of characters. Sometimes it's about the acting and sometimes it's about the way a character is written. With respect to Ahjusshi, I think it's both. The actor is, in my opinion, very stiff and has a long way to go. And no, this isn't my first time seeing him. I saw him in Giant and I saw his cameo in My Princess and in my opinion he needs more training. On top of that, his character is written to be uber cheesy. Really, really, really cheesy. And the actor knows it's cheesy and I think he's having a hard time. I say, if you know it's cheesy, then embrace the cheesy. But I don't think he's quite embraced the cheesy. The relationship between DJ and Ahjusshi just seems so awkward and strange to me and it's soooooooo obvious that that is one relationship that is just never going to go anywhere.

But, whatever. I think we all know that the drama will end with Double DJ couple getting back together so I don't really care how awkward the DJ-Ahjusshi couple is. I can deal with it since I know what's at the end of Episode 16.

Not that I'm saying that Ahjusshi is the only thing I don't like. Nor am I saying that he deserves all the blame for the awkwardness. It's really a combination of the writing and the entire cast. Sometimes you see a drama where the entire cast just meshes together, not necessarily romantically, but they just click well together. I think this is lacking in this drama.

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I watched ep 8 last night OMO...this drama is getting more intersting as time gose by Daji and YH is lookinglike a real love one BUTI also feels a huge love between Daji and Dongju..YH or JY can't break thier love there seemd like a room for this two but it is not real!!

Dongju always show his feeling through his eyes so many times he looks at Daji with a senseof love with a very loud words "You are mine believe me girl"

I think Daji is feeling sad in epi 8 not from YH but from her true feeling toward Dongju..will she feel lonely without him? I don't think Daji is loosing or going out of the track her love with Dongju is always there I feels YH'sex-wife turns up to test Daji whether she makes a new sign of love cracked or because she did not believe Dongju??

What I can say is I love this drama.

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Guest choochootrain23

i just watched ep. 8 and big thanks to alexus's summary that i can comment on it

1. so dongjoo and jinyoung are now officially dating. i liked the scene when dj brings her home and he says 'better be prepared to be more scared because you'll be happy and always laugh'. we always see him as mean to da ji but it's nice to see there still some sweetness left in dong joo. as a changmin fan, i swooned! :wub:

2. dongjoo's mom and da ji's conversation--came to me as the mom was angry at da ji before for breaking dong joo's heart with the divorce (dong joo even mentions that yoon ho and da ji are the same. i guess da ji served him (dong joo) divorce papers and didn't wait for him to sign it back/agree to it? :blink: )but the mom does like da ji and feels for what happened with their relationship. in the end the mom just doesn't want dong joo to be sad. that's why she keeps asking about jinyoung and dong joo and how her son feels living with da ji again.

3. the ex-wife is one scary woman. her stares are so effective! i feel like i would practically run away and break up with ahjussi just because she is so intimidating. but i guess before, yh loved the wife but the wife didn't until they divorced. now, she wants him back?

4. it's kinda weird for me to see how much ahjussi and daji's relationship is progressing especially knowing that she will end up with dong joo. i can't really imagine how she's gonna realize her feelings again for dong joo. i'm anticipating how the writers will make this switch from her relationship with ahjussi back to dong joo.

5. dong joo still definitely likes da ji/has unfinished business with her w/ the shirt thing and getting jealous about her pretty dress. but he seems not to realize it. he seems to genuinely like jin young the same way da ji is with ahjussi.

*sigh* such a love square. but all in all, i agree that w/ our 4 leads there really is no one bad person/villain. or at least not yet.

i'm very excited about this drama and it's really hard waiting for the next episodes. i'm happy to see the thread become busier. hopefully, with the preview, we'll see our ex-lovers finally have that talk. with dong joo sadly asking da ji why she never tried to contact him before. :tears: and i really want our DJ couple's relationship to progress now and move away from yoon ho and jin young. but i guess, they're there to keep the 2 jealous for now. :lol:

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I forgot to mention I love the head bump part it is funny when Dongju thought Daji was doing something naughty with Ahjussi..ha ha.

By the way do you think the ex-wife is going to be important or she just disappear?

Tomorrow is Changmin's birthday...may I take this oppoturnity to wish him best of luck and joy...

Happy Birthday Changmin...

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Guest sairaisabella

i cant wait to see da ji's 360 degree feeling turn over to her ex-huby dongju.i dont like to see ahjusshi and da ji knowing that the rest of episode may be the episode where dongju and daji starting to realize their feeling for each other. sometimes i just wish jin young and ajuhssi just go gett heir life. dont bother this two young lady and man who is actually still LOVE EACH OTHER. LOL. not-so-patient me :D

anyway thank guys for updating here so much!

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Guest pinky88

@Alexus Thank you for the recap

I can't wait for the next episodes. The KBA is not really scary, I guess her hubby must hurt her in the past. JY mention that she had something with him during the beginning of his marriage. That could be a reason because he is not faithful. Also that he put his work before his wife/girlfriend. Maybe her attitude is the only way to get his attention.

Hope in the next two episode Daji will release that she still has feeling for Dongju.

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@Ellegirl: you are so insightful!!! please continue to write your thoughts to enlighten us more as time allows. Thanks.

@Pinky88: thank goodness there is someone out there that is not afraid of the wife. You go girl. There would be no woman standing in your way from your man in real life. Kudos to you.

@ sairaisabella: me too. I am dying to see them both realize their true feelings and finally rekindle their love for one another. Oh I really can't wait to see how cute, romantic and awkward they would be with each other once they accept their true feelings. I love their flashbacks of how adorable DongJoo was back then. I want that DongJoo back. This irritated DongJoo i know is because he still loves DaJi but I really want to see him treat DaJi the way he is treating JinYoung. Kind, caring and so loving. Just the way he used to be when he was following DaJi around and when they were married.

@choochootrain23: I agree with you totally. Glad that we are on the same boat!!! Or should I say train. Heheheh. I really want the progression of YH and DaJi to slow down or come to a grinding halt. Please YH+DJ train, put the breaks on full force NOW!!!!! If they go any further the pain will be too much. Plus 1/2 the drama has already aired and I want the rest of the episodes to be all about the DA-DONG couple finding each other again.

@Pach; yes the head banging scene was hilarious. I had a hoot translating that scene. He has all these dirty thoughts of what they could of been doing that night and himself feeling totally neglected while driving her. I guess he didn't want to be treated just like a chauffeur with her totally zonked out.

I feel all these actions of DongJoo are due to the fact he still Loves Her Sooooo much. He has never stopped loving her and his actions speaks VOLUMES whenever we see him protecting DaJi in his own ways. When she says she will walk he totally does a 180 and begs her to get back in and tries to use the cost of the cab and etc. to pursuade her. When the ex-wife showed up and shook DaJi up he chose DaJi to protect rather than JinYoung. At the showcase he was more focused on DaJi on how much she was drinking and couldn't control his frustration and blew up on her. He has DaJi on his mind all the time. I love DongJoo for this. He really deep down has a beautiful heart and soul. Ahhhhhhh. Our sweet DongJoo........ DaJi please wake up and open your eyes and your heart. Can't you see why DongJoo is behaving this way infront of you. He loves you and cares deeply about you. Please put the breaks on for Ahjussi, I don't care if you yank on the e-breaks or have the ABS kick in. Head towards DongJoo ASAP. Whatever reason you had to leave him for.... if you tell him the real truth, he will understand and forgive you. This is how wide and deep his love really is. Trust him instead of trying to do it all on your own.

I can't wait to find out why she left. It better be something good or I might be mad at our DaJi for hurting our DongJoo unneccessarily.

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Guest charmy19_23

You know guys, this show is killing me episode by episode, I cant help but to stay tune with this even though soooo many dramas I need to watch because, I still curious why they BROKE up... :unsure:

Thanks for all wonderful insights regarding this story, you have given me such ideas to think that probably, DJoo and DJi, THEY WERE NOT DIVORCED AT ALL... At epi.8, during the time when DJi was done talking to YH at the bench , when she returns home, Djoo talks to him.. DJi explained that ajussi signed the divorced papers, but his wife is not yet settled to that manner, so DJoo thinks that DJi and YH ARE THE SAME! [One sided, by signing divorced papers],, OMO! so, so, There is someone behind of all this, THIS WAS ALL SORT OF MISUNDERSTANDINGS! This is much I hate of all Kdramas.. :crazy:

I laugh so hard, regarding the flashback were shown when DJi and Djoo were still together, Backtracks, Haha :D Djoo chest is bigger than DJi.. LOL :lol:

GAWD, please, fast forward, what's all behind this, someone must help those two, they need to reconcile and open up! Writer-nim no need to puzzle us, just give us an answer.. Keke. :P

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Guest YukariiChangmin

Hi girls I made some GIFS for us :)

Freakin´ hilarious :lol:

Please enjoy ne :wub:

Hope you like it

[GIFS] 110217







Please Be mercyful and Do Not Hotlink :lol:

Thanks ne ;)

And if you missed the previous episodes here goes for you the links^^







Credits:All Credits goes to the gentle Uploaders.Thanks!


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Guest purpledrama

Hi guys I havent watch episode 7 and 8,,,, but today i will just with your comments is killing me :) :)

YH look cute even do with that Hair :blink: but we love her so much....

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