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[Drama 2010] Mary Stayed Out All Night / Marry Me, Mary! 매리는 외박중

Guest daily_tofu

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Guest GeunGeunCouple

let me briefly detail my thoughts today about yesterday.

about the press conference...

JGS – he's almost equally beautiful with his female co-stars :) i love his coat. very stylish. he rocks!

MGY – i noticed she's tremendously getting prettier lately :D i really love her outfit, she looks very lovely!

KJW – he looks like a model on a catwalk. actually, i also got giddy when i saw him with geunyoung with his arms around her shoulder (arci would def. agree with me :D)

KHJ – another stylish girl, her outfit fits really good with JGS's! and she's really tall!

about the teaser...(forehead kiss)

goodness! haha. here i go again. ok...

it was said that they actually get drunk for real. also they say that they didn't know what they were doing? hmmm...really? hehehe

i think this was also the scene they were talking about when they both blushed. yet to think that its normal to have your face red when you drunk 7 bottles of soju right? lol

still can't get enough with the “fated couple”...

i would like to recall this post. remember this?


note: this post was not edited ever since it was posted. plus the fact that this was posted just right after i made my sig O.O

could this really be a sign?! MANSAE! MANSAE!

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WHY???? is it that in the photo KJW's arm is around MGY with that sweet glance they share...while at the second photo MGY's just holding on to JGS...this can't be...!!!! My "shipper" mind is getting wobbly...noooooo! LOL! :crazy:

photo credits to : GeunGeunCouple Facebook account

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Hello everybody :)

I'm soooo gonna watch this!!! Yeah!! I love MGY since "My little bride" and I can't wait to see her cuteness on screen again!!! She was strict in Cinderella Unnie, so I'm looking forward to see her cute and adorable side again!!!

As for JGS he was pretty funny in You're beautiful so I'm expecting to see cuteness overloading all over the place :D

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WHY???? is it that in the photo KJW's arm is around MGY with that sweet glance they share...while at the second photo MGY's just holding on to JGS...this can't be...!!!! My "shipper" mind is getting wobbly...noooooo! LOL! :crazy:

photo credits to : GeunGeunCouple Facebook account

Kuensuk is just being careful, Park Shin Hye might get jealous. haha! I'm kidding. :P

I can't wait!!! accio novemeber 11! :)

anyways, I really like MGY dress, she looks really pretty! :)

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Guest kawaiiyuki

I'm liking MGY's dress at the press conference.

Anyway, with all the photos I'm not sure who to root for. I usually go for the lead guy but man,KJW :wub:

Can't wait till this drama airs.

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Guest l.y.n.x.

Wowww Conference Press Overloaded!  Thanks so much for all the pictures sharing and the news!

I felt so giddy to see the way of MGY and KJW looking deep into each other :wub: awwww..... so sweet!

Although the other shipper will be most likely happening, I will stay in this ship for sure....:D ....(are you still in Lynx? hahahahaha)

I see Honeypia is around..... ;) Hello again darling!

i cannot say I am not tempted to ship both now. Goodness me. Both Geuns ooze sweet sweet love in those press con pics. If we thought there was chemistry with MGY & CJM ... This is an atomic bomb here. ! hahaha

Can I have KJW in rl but I'll gladly leave JGS to MGY. Give me one of those 'brotherly' pat on the head and side hugs any day.

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Kim Jae-wook looking mighty fine for Mary

by girlfriday | November 4, 2010


Finally! Somebody looking like a man in this drama! I was beginning to worry. In all of the promotional material up until now, everybody in upcoming drama Mary Stayed Out All Night looked like a pretty girl. Everyone.

Imagine my pleasant surprise when I stumbled upon stills of Kim Jae-wook (Bad Guy, Coffee Prince) looking dapper, handsome, and best of all, not at all like a girl.

What with leads Jang Geun-seok and Moon Geun-young sporting the exact same bohemian-girl look, I was preparing myself for the worst. Don’t get me wrong. I love Jang Geun-seok, but he makes a prettier girl than…most girls. Then when Kim Jae-wook appeared in the posters wearing some weird bastard child of shorts and leggings, I sighed a big sigh. “We’re done for,” I said to jb. “How can I get into a drama where they dress beautiful boys like this?”

Well the drama gods may have heard my woes, because now there’s photographic evidence. I’m back on the bandwagon, people. Let’s go, BUS!

Via Mk.co.kr via Dramabeans

MSOAN Wedding Scene Official Pics














cr kbs.co.kr

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Guest l.y.n.x.



WHY???? is it that in the photo KJW's arm is around MGY with that sweet glance they share...while at the second photo MGY's just holding on to JGS...this can't be...!!!! My "shipper" mind is getting wobbly...noooooo! LOL! :crazy:

photo credits to : GeunGeunCouple Facebook account

Yes but you see.... KHJ was given a side hug too. So, i think they decided before hand. :) hehe

Btw... JGS & KHJ standing side by side... she looks more like the one who'd protect his richard simmons from being kicked. hahaha. just sayin.

Well... i'm not worried about this GGship - all those late night drinking and multiple texting. it's going well. real well.

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Guest l.y.n.x.

Dear all,

Just wanted to share this link: http://marythread.chatango.com/

Arci, GGC and I got to talking one day about how we spazzed over the eps of CS as it aired way back then (how can anyone forget the awesome kiss on ep 19?!) and it was just sheer fun trying to figure out what was going on with almost negligible knowledge of korean. Though sometimes, there were korean speaking chatters online - it was total fun.

So, no promises over the contents nor that there will be live people always there - but, hangout there sometimes if you wish. Only we ask that basics like no personal attacks / name-calling / rudeness etc be respect. :)

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recommended to read :D

Moon Geun-yeong: 'I Do Not Think That I Return to My Previous Image'

Actress Moon Geun-yeong, who had revealed a new side by playing a cold character in the drama "Cinderella's Sister", will make a comeback to the small screen by playing a pleasant and lovely character in the KBS drama "Marry Me, Mary!"

Moon will play the female protagonist named Wi Mary who gets married twice in KBS's new Monday and Tuesday drama "Marry Me, Mary!" The character Mary represents the people in the so-called "880,000 won generation", who have to live life with only a small income. She had to take time off from university because she could not pay for the tuition, and she worked at a variety of occupations in temporary positions. But she never lost hope while living a difficult life. The optimistic and cheerful character Mary is contrasted to the cold and selfish character Eun Jo, whom Moon played in her previous drama "Cinderella's Sister".

Moon Geun-yeong participated in the production presentation held at the Imperial Palace Hotel on November 3, and said with conviction, "I do not think that I am returning to my previous image. Many people might think, 'Moon is playing a cute and lovely character again', but I never intended to play the same character with the same image as I had before. This time again, I also regard it as a new trial to expand the boundary of my acting in the drama, like the time when I played Eun Jo. Actually I had decided to play Eun Jo in the previous drama "Cinderella"s Sister' not because I had wanted to be free from my previous image, but because I wanted to play a new character. I just wanted to play more diverse characters, but I found out that many people did not think that I would try new acting and rather thought that I wanted to abandon my previous image. But I do not mind how people think. I want to do something because of my own beliefs. I am only worried about how I can play this attractive and charming character for fun. I want to become an actress whom many directors, producers, writers, and actors want to work with together. I will make them think, 'I want to work with the actress Moon Geun-yeong'."

The romantic comedy drama "Marry Me, Mary!" was an original web cartoon written by Won Soo Yeon, who had also written the cartoon "Full House", which had been made into a drama and gained a huge popularity in 2004. It will tell the story of four youngsters who are agonizing about their dreams and loves by presenting a "simulated married life". Moon Geun-yeong pointed out her counterpart Jang Geun-seok as the reason for her decision to appear in the drama. She said, "The story and the script was very attractive, but I wanted to appear in the drama more after finding out Jang will play my counterpart. I have always wanted to act together with him, and I thought that it would be more interesting if I filmed this sweet and exciting drama with him. Since we are the same age and we have experienced the same situation as child actors, we could comfortably act from the first shoot. In particular, Jang Geun-seok is a very thoughtful person, and the filming itself is very exciting".

In the drama, Mary has to marry to a son from a rich family named Jeong In (Kim Jae-wook) on paper by her father's urging simply to get out of debt, but Mary goes through a fake wedding with Moo Geol (Jang Geun-seok), who is a leader of an indie band, to dissuade her father. By being asked about her thoughts on marriage, Moon answered that she would not marry at all if she could not marry by the age of 25. She said, "I actually want to get married between the age of 24 and 25 because I want to marry when I look most beautiful. But it might be a difficult goal. If I can meet a perfect man within this year, it could be possible, but if I cannot get married until I become 25 years old, I would rather not marry. I sometimes think that I want to live a free life alone as a single". She has been busy continuously transforming into new characters during appearances in the drama "Cinderella's Sister" and in the theater work "Closer" without taking a break. She explained, "I appeared in many works this year because acting itself was so enjoyable. Even before the drama "Cinderella"s Sister' ended, I began to feel like appearing in the next work because I really enjoyed acting in "Cinderella"s Sister'. Even though there had been many difficult times while acting, I could learn something from those difficult situations and ended up thinking that acting is really interesting. I love acting itself now, and I want to try many different things in the future".

Moon Geun-yeong also gave warm advice to the junior actress Ko Ah-seong, who has been caught up in a controversy by being accepted by Sungkyunkwan University through nonscheduled admission. When Moon entered Sungkyunkwan University in 2006 through a special screening process, she also had taken criticism that she had received preferential treatment. She confessed, "I did not do anything wrong or shameful, but I had gone through a hard time because I had been criticized by people as if I had done something wrong and it was all because of the fact that I am a celebrity. It was so hard to endure that I even felt guilty about my honorable behavior. As time goes by, I began to think that I could be honorable and should not have hurt feelings if I am honorable and do nothing wrong regardless of people's criticism or praise. I want Ko Ah Sung not to be tormented by people's comments as long as she can be confident". She also talked about difficulties as an actress. She said, "People only look at what they can see, and decide what is wrong and right too easily. Many people usually think that entertainers can earn money easily and live a better life, but actually there are also many difficulties which they cannot see, and we sometimes have to take great pains to do our jobs".

In addition, Moon Geun-yeong delivered her happy feelings about acting in the drama "Marry Me, Mary!" because she could act with other cast members who are around the same age. She said, "I feel refreshed and exciting because I play a bright character who expresses her feelings".

She added, "People who liked the original cartoon either feel sorry about the different characters or feel better about this different setting. This drama is not simply about love between young people, and it deals with the topic of marriage, so I think that more people from different age group might be able to enjoy this drama". The drama "Marry Me, Mary!", which is a follow-up drama to "Sungkyunkwan Scandal", will begin airing from November 8 and will be broadcast every Monday and Tuesday night at 10pm.

Source : http://english.kbs.co.kr/Entertain/EntertainmentNews/view.html?No=7567 via HanCinema

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Guest kaedejun

thanks siidudul for the article!!

i think it's really weird that moon geun young wants to marry between 24-25. her saying it when she's already 24 sounds like it's a joke (and maybe she intended it to be). unless she wants a quickie wedding, i think Moon was just saying that but really intends to not marry at all. (until maybe 34-35? :P)

and with her youthful face and the invention of plastic surgery, she can look her most beautiful way later on!!! :D

either way - i'm not as excited to see HER in the drama, though she's a good actress. the guys are really pulling me towards it, but JGS looking so much like a girl is turning me off too.

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hi fans,

just wanted to give you a heads-up that we've created the "mary stayed out all night" fan club:


when you join, you can edit the wiki pages and chat with other fans (1. sometimes it's better to coordinate a chat schedule in advance, 2. DO NOT CHAT IN KOREAN because korean text causes the page to crash!).  you can also add photos, videos, blogs, and news to populate the FC.  (when you do, make sure you TAG the item so it shows up in the FC!

if you're a longtime regular member in good standing who wants to keep the FC organized and update it, please PM melkimx to ask to become moderator of the "mary stayed out all night" FC.

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you know what, i sat through YB watching Hwang Tae Kyung and his eyeliner. so i don't mind at all what he looks like in this one. he and MGY are the main reason i'm still super excited about the drama despite not liking the trailers too much :sweatingbullets: hopefully she's not an oblivious ditz. i've seen too many of them this year i might boycott kdramas if i see another.

Moon Geun-yeong pointed out her counterpart Jang Geun-seok as the reason for her decision to appear in the drama. She said, "The story and the script was very attractive, but I wanted to appear in the drama more after finding out Jang will play my counterpart.

she's just not shy at all about voicing her thoughts, is she? :P i love how the both of them are all chummy chummmy.

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Gosh Im so excited to see this one. The Geungeun duo are indeed cute looking together, it'll be fun to see MGY in a different role after seeing the previous almost-never-smiled one in CS

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Mary Stayed out all Night casts Moon Geun Young & Jang Geun Suk wish success on their drama

by Mary Stayed Out All Night (매리는 외박중) on Friday, November 5, 2010 at 8:04am


The actors , staffs, crews of KBSTV upcoming drama 'Mary Stayed out all Night' had gathered in a blessing ceremony. To pray the success of the drama.

4 days before the first pilot of Mary Stayed out all Night The production team gathered in Paju, South Korea after their shooting. They pray for the safety of their works,hope of success and the exam day.

The ACC co-production is in charge of it , KBS Media Studio officials, attended by all staff and actors, they began chanting. "Mary Stayed out all night fighting!"

After the event, Miss Moon Geun Young said ,"I am always grateful to work to the actors,staffs and crews and also i want the viewers know that we have a good work on it".

The cast,staffs & crews of #MSOAN gathered to pray success of the drama.

Jang Geun Suk also added , "I have a feeling that Mary Stayed out all Night will be a hit. I was hoping to dear viewers to enjoyed it and to get a lot of positive response on it."

Kim Jae Wook colleagues held a video camera filming the actors directly and introduced such, Moon Geun Young, Jang Geun Suk, Kim Hyo Jin .

Mary Stayed out all night will be broadcast on November 8th on KBSTV.

Source: Nate tranlated by MSOAN FB FanPage

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Guest angelblues13


I'm so excited for this drama..can't wait to watch it..

though i haven't watch the previews, it'll be great..

just love both leads!

<3 Moon Geun Yoong <3 Jang Geun Sek <3

I've been a fan of MGY in endless love 1..OMG!she's so great there..i always cry there when she cries..she moved me even my mother...as for JGS, i think in his drama hwang ji ni..he acts great there...

good luck for the show!

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