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[drama 2006] Spring Waltz 봄의 왈츠


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I think the little girl in Memoirs of a Geisha is a lot cuter.

The little girl in Spring Waltz looks like a younger version of Cha In Pyo's wife, Shin Ae Ra!

I think it's time we change the title of the thread, from Sung Yuri to Han Hyo Joo..

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Winter and Summer were pretty bad. I still have no clue why WINTER SONATA is sooooooooo popular in Japan. The storyline was bad. And Summer Scent is even worse!

I think Fall was the better one out of the 3 seasons so far. Only because it had a unique plot to it during those days when it aired, which was like in 2000? So 6 years ago, that drama was considered as one of those "unique and well-known" drama since it was sad and intense and had HOT characters fyi.

I would prolly not watch this drama if it wasn't for the GORGEOUS scenery and Daniel Henney! :)

And I'm glad the lead girl wasn't Sung Yuri cause she's such a horrible actress. But I heard somewhere that Han Hyo Joo was a decent actress after that whole "Bohemiam" thing?


WELL... I am a Yuri fan and you hurt my feelings to say Yuri is a horrible actress. She is not great but she is definitely not "horrible" in my opinion. I wholeheartedly respect your opinion and comments. I totally agree with your comments on why Winter Sonata is sooooo popular in Japan. I can not understand it to tell you the truth. And I do not find BYJ good looking either (sorry BYJ fans). And I'll just keep my comments on Choi Ji Woo to myself.

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i just heard recently about han hyo joo and daniel henney being in this drama. (a bit out of date, i know. :blush: ) i hope to watch this. i've only seen autumn tale and summer scent so far. so, maybe after i watc this one, i'll go back and check out winter sonata. :P

i read some really great things about daniel through a fan's encounter here. so, i wanna check out his acting cuz i'm one of the deprived few who still hasn't had a chance to watch MNIKSS yet. :mellow:

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^hmm, not a choi ji woo fan?! hehe

i was surprised when i saw her in several pictures

with other actors. she is so tall!! hehe

i think she's a good actress though.

although, i agree with the BYJ thing.

i don't see the reason to his ....YONSAMA craze _0_;;

dreamweaver - you have seen samsoon?!?! ahhhhhhh!

go watch watch ^^* it's really funny!!!!

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dreamweaver - you have seen samsoon?!?! ahhhhhhh!

go watch watch ^^* it's really funny!!!!

so i've heard!! :P it's definitely one of the dramas i plan on watching along with quite a few others i've missed. :sweatingbullets: it's hard to keep up with all these korean goodies, i tell ya. *lol* but i hope to tune into this one. even though i don't know much about daniel or HHJ, i'm interested in watching them in this drama. they seem very likable. ^_^

<3 lisa

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Is this girl full Korean cuz she doesn't look like one.

I'm not too sure if I would like this drama, but since I saw winter, summer, and fall, I might as well watch the spring.

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Guest pinkie pink

this would be shown here in the philippines via local channel... since this would start airing in march and would end around 2-3 months later... i guess here in the philippines it would start airing around august or september...

i was never a fan of the season drama i fast tract on both the first & second installament, the third one i really gave a missed :P i hope that this one is good to make me wanna watch it....

as for using new actor/actress... it would be super if yes we would see our fave actor or actress... i for one would love to see jo in sung, jun jin, or even rain on a new drama, but let's give them a chance this might be the break they are waiting to be big stars...

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Guest suejinners

Yes, DANIEL HENNEY will be speaking some korean in this drama

The director Pd nims are very shocked with his quick ability to learn ^^

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i really hope this won't be a disappointment. han hyo joo is awesome, but her acting skills are a bit... weak. she was cute in nonstop, but anyone can act in nonstop (it's a sitcom anyways). hopefully, i will enjoy this.

daniel henney... *drools* by the way, his korean improved A LOT. my goodness i was surprised when i saw him on this show and he was speaking smack down korean O_O!!!!

-S0LLY ^3^

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Guest SUjjang

i can't believe that daniel henny will be in this. he's risen A LOT. that hottiee :D. hahaha i hope he does a good job of saying his korean lines <3

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[조이뉴스24 2006-01-31 16:23:03]

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/박재덕 기자 avalo@joynews24.com

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‘봄의 왈츠’ 3월 6일 첫 방송! “제 2의 겨울연가 도전!”

[리뷰스타 2006.01.31 18:40:55]


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유럽의 정취가 물씬 풍기는 음악과 예술의 도시인 오스트리아 비엔나에서 아시아 국가의 드라마 제작이 이루어진 것은 매우 드문 일. 윤석호 감독도 클래식한 유럽 느낌에 만족을 표했다는 후문이다.

특히, 오스트리아 호수, 산, 안개, 눈 덮인 겨울 풍경과 아담한 집들은 윤석호 감독의 동화적인 느낌의 영상을 표현하는데 더 없이 좋은 소재가 되었다고.

‘봄의 왈츠’는 어릴 적 남해안 섬 마을에서 함께 자란 소녀와 소년이 오스트리아에서 다시 만나 마음에 입은 상처를 따뜻한 사랑으로 치유해 나간다는 이야기로 4명의 주인공에 이례적으로 신인이 캐스팅 되었다.

한효주, 서도영, 다니엘 헤니, 이소연 이 네 남녀가 이끌어갈 봄볕 같이 따뜻한 사랑이야기 ‘봄의 왈츠’는 오는 3월 6일 시청자들에게 아름다운 영상을 선사할 예정이다.

사진 출처:KBS

서민기 기자/ master@reviewstar.net

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^me too, sakki!! hehe

there's so much anticipation for this one, bc

it's the final one of the series..

after autumn, winter, and summer..

finally. spring.

erg! i'm so curious as to how it'll be!!

i don't know whether i should be totally

ecstatic, or totally ready for a disappointment.

wow. that didn't make any sense.. my apoligies _0_;;

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^ oh my gosh. he looks so dorkilicious in those glasses. hahahah ^_^;

i love daniel henny's style haha *rofl.

haha dorkilicious.. nice word.

When i was looking at the spring waltz photos, it gave me that winter sonata vibe.. That's not a good thing.. I really hope the pd knows what he's doing.

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