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Joo Won 주원 [Drama- The Midnight Studio/ 야한(夜限) 사진관]


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8 minutes ago, Calli said:

Maybe @kireeti2knows where I could look for them? 

All the episodes of 1 day 2 night  season 2 is available on this site 

I heard that there are lot of pop ups in this website, so, you need to be careful while navigating on this website and it's not in HD but all the episodes are subbed properly.

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53 minutes ago, kireeti2 said:

All the episodes of 1 day 2 night  season 2 is available on this site 



Thanks so much for replying @kireeti2. I really appreciate it! That's the site I've been using too to watch 1N2D. Sadly the quality is not very good... that's why I was looking for some of the episodes in HD. But season 2 is very hard to find in high quality. Thanks so much anyway! 

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4 hours ago, kittyna said:


Oye, @Andrea Balcazar! ¡Bienvenido al foro de JW! : wow1:




Por cierto, no estoy seguro de qué pasó con el formato de tu primera publicación, pero logré leerlo al final  : partyblob: jajaja. Estás haciendo la misma pregunta a muchos fanáticos nuevos (incluidos@Calli no hace mucho tiempo, en realidad) cuando llegaron aquí por primera vez, y la respuesta simple es que:  como el propio JW, muchos de sus fanáticos tienden a ser un poco más tranquilos.  Pero estamos ahí afuera, si sabes dónde buscar;) 


Por lo general, les digo a los nuevos fanáticos que comiencen con Instagram, ya que ese parece ser el lugar más activo para fotos, actualizaciones, etc. Personalmente, solo sigo la etiqueta "joowon" : no es perfecto, ya que obtendrás muchos mensajes que no son de JW. -También cosas relacionadas (es un nombre coreano común, ¿qué podemos hacer?), pero al menos no te perderás nada de esta manera. Luego, una vez que empieces a tener una idea de qué páginas de fans quieres seguir, también puedes hacerlo.



Para mí, el momento que realmente me aseguró fue la expresión de su rostro cuando la vio allí por primera vez (justo antes de dejar caer las fotos). jajaja - Algunas personas dicen que los autores no deberían hablar de "múltiples emociones destellando en la cara de alguien" porque dicen que no es particularmente realista, pero, bueno ... eso era literalmente lo que JW estaba haciendo allí: múltiples emociones simultáneamente, con algunas más. perceptible que otros en cualquier segundo.




Sí, esa no es una cara que olvidaré pronto.



De acuerdo, debes estar  atento al  episodio 1N2D cuando Choi Kang Hee aparece como invitado principal. Ella y JW eran tan adorables allí, y los hyungs se burlaban de JW sin piedad por ello.:PAG 


Nunca sabremos lo que estaba pensando en el interior, pero el consenso entre los fanáticos fue que JW en realidad pudo haber terminado enamorado de ella (considerando cómo es Choi Kang Hee, sin embargo, no lo culpo). Los rumores en realidad llegaron al punto en que se le preguntó directamente a Choi Kang Hee al respecto en una entrevista, a lo que ella respondió que no estaba interesada en salir con otra celebridad. Eso acabó con los rumores bastante rápido, pero al menos parece que siguieron siendo amigos después de terminar la filmación. : issohappy:


Hablando de JW y sus   coprotagonistas de Nivel 7 , alguien acaba de publicar este rápido retroceso a cuando JW se encontró con Chansung de 2PM mientras estaba en 1N2D



Lo siento, no sé si hay una versión HD disponible: los   episodios 1N2D antes de que Yu Hae Jin se uniera al elenco tienden a ser de muy mala calidad (si estás usando sitios como KShowOnline o algo similar), así que realmente solo tenemos que conformarnos con lo que tenemos. ¿Es esa versión borrosa la que tienes, o faltan los episodios por completo?

as I said I already know everything about joo won a year that I follow him and I have seen everything that is about choi kang 2 days 1 night and all his dramas also I was waiting for alice to come out before the premiere and I saw him in broadcast I don't know if I'm the only one who saw joo won very skinny I guess it's because now he does a lot of exercise

4 hours ago, kittyna said:


Oye, @Andrea Balcazar! ¡Bienvenido al foro de JW! : wow1:




Por cierto, no estoy seguro de qué pasó con el formato de tu primera publicación, pero logré leerlo al final  : partyblob: jajaja. Estás haciendo la misma pregunta a muchos fanáticos nuevos (incluidos@Calli no hace mucho tiempo, en realidad) cuando llegaron aquí por primera vez, y la respuesta simple es que:  como el propio JW, muchos de sus fanáticos tienden a ser un poco más tranquilos.  Pero estamos ahí afuera, si sabes dónde buscar;) 


Por lo general, les digo a los nuevos fanáticos que comiencen con Instagram, ya que ese parece ser el lugar más activo para fotos, actualizaciones, etc. Personalmente, solo sigo la etiqueta "joowon" : no es perfecto, ya que obtendrás muchos mensajes que no son de JW. -También cosas relacionadas (es un nombre coreano común, ¿qué podemos hacer?), pero al menos no te perderás nada de esta manera. Luego, una vez que empieces a tener una idea de qué páginas de fans quieres seguir, también puedes hacerlo.



Para mí, el momento que realmente me aseguró fue la expresión de su rostro cuando la vio allí por primera vez (justo antes de dejar caer las fotos). jajaja - Algunas personas dicen que los autores no deberían hablar de "múltiples emociones destellando en la cara de alguien" porque dicen que no es particularmente realista, pero, bueno ... eso era literalmente lo que JW estaba haciendo allí: múltiples emociones simultáneamente, con algunas más. perceptible que otros en cualquier segundo.




Sí, esa no es una cara que olvidaré pronto.



De acuerdo, debes estar  atento al  episodio 1N2D cuando Choi Kang Hee aparece como invitado principal. Ella y JW eran tan adorables allí, y los hyungs se burlaban de JW sin piedad por ello.:PAG 


Nunca sabremos lo que estaba pensando en el interior, pero el consenso entre los fanáticos fue que JW en realidad pudo haber terminado enamorado de ella (considerando cómo es Choi Kang Hee, sin embargo, no lo culpo). Los rumores en realidad llegaron al punto en que se le preguntó directamente a Choi Kang Hee al respecto en una entrevista, a lo que ella respondió que no estaba interesada en salir con otra celebridad. Eso acabó con los rumores bastante rápido, pero al menos parece que siguieron siendo amigos después de terminar la filmación. : issohappy:


Hablando de JW y sus   coprotagonistas de Nivel 7 , alguien acaba de publicar este rápido retroceso a cuando JW se encontró con Chansung de 2PM mientras estaba en 1N2D



Lo siento, no sé si hay una versión HD disponible: los   episodios 1N2D antes de que Yu Hae Jin se uniera al elenco tienden a ser de muy mala calidad (si estás usando sitios como KShowOnline o algo similar), así que realmente solo tenemos que conformarnos con lo que tenemos. ¿Es esa versión borrosa la que tienes, o faltan los episodios por completo?

and by the way I follow all his fabs accounts I find out about anything I have even reviewed publications from previous years I don't know but I really love joo won's face is very cute at least for me and his acting is the best I love it I have never fallen in love so much of a korean jaha before I met joo won my oppa was kim soo hyun but then joo won came and really hung out on all his projects and really waiting for firefighter I think it could be that it will come out later this year and carter it will be for netflix It's good since I have Netflix, I'll be able to see it when it comes out

8 hours ago, Calli said:

@Andrea BalcazarBienvenido al hilo :sonrojo:

¡¡Qué bueno tener otro fan de Joo Won aquí !! Sigo siendo un novato comparado contigo. Todavía tengo mucho camino por recorrer hasta que pueda decir que he visto todos los dramas, películas y entrevistas de Joo Won. Pero estoy llegando lentamente. Muy lentamente ^^


Me preguntaba, ¿alguien sabe dónde puedo ver o descargar los episodios 50 y 51 de la temporada 2 de 1N2D en HD? He estado buscando desesperadamente esos episodios de buena calidad porque estos son aquellos en los que los miembros visitan la casa de Joo Won pero no pude encontrar nada : '( 

Estaría muy agradecido si alguien pudiera ayudar. 

Actually some chaps I don't know where to see I saw some on youtube but I didn't find many chaps I think it would help if you put in the translator 1 night 2 days in Korean and season 2 you might find

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14 hours ago, Calli said:

Thanks so much for replying @kireeti2. I really appreciate it! That's the site I've been using too to watch 1N2D. Sadly the quality is not very good... that's why I was looking for some of the episodes in HD. But season 2 is very hard to find in high quality. Thanks so much anyway! 

I am sorry I couldn't be much help:sweat_smile:. This the paradox of Korean entertainment for international fans, either we have good quality videos with no subtitles or poor quality videos with subtitles, but not both. Like, there are tons of press conference of Joo won available in YouTube but proper subtitles are not available. Either we have to rely on transcripts translated by native fan or wait for the YouTube to update their translation software in order to get accurate subtitles.


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4 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

I am sorry I couldn't be much help:sweat_smile:. This the paradox of Korean entertainment for international fans, either we have good quality videos with no subtitles or poor quality videos with subtitles, but not both. Like, there are tons of press conference of Joo won available in YouTube but proper subtitles are not available. Either we have to rely on transcripts translated by native fan or wait for the YouTube to update their translation software in order to get accurate subtitles.



Thank you so so much for trying @kireeti2:blush:

I know exactly what you mean. There have been so so many Joo Won videos in YouTube I came across that I would have loved to understand so much(!) but there were no English subtitles available... that's why I'm so sad Joo Won Cutie's channels (both YouTube and dailymotion) aren't around anymore. They had subbed so many videos in the past that I would have loved to watch so much. Like Joo Won's appearance on Taxi for example :'(


The funny thing with 1N2D is that I've actually been looking for high quality episodes without any subtitles but when it comes to season 2 it's like impossible to find. And I've been searching on Korean sites and still zilch. I found all the episodes for 2012 through a loooooot of searching but none for 2013... 

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On 4/29/2021 at 10:21 AM, Calli said:

It's just that by now I've reached episode 14 and I can't help but feel that all the angst and pain and anger and disappointment he managed to convey was all for naughtㅠㅠㅠ That's not at all Joo Won's fault of course - I'm honestly more impressed with him than ever that he managed to do so much when he was given so little but tbh if it weren't for him I would have given up watching for sure. I have no clue what the writer was thinking, especially from a certain point onwards it's like any semblance of logic flew out the window^^ Thanks to Joo Won's acting (and maybe also because of my bias?) I care about Gil Ro and sympathize with him but all the other characters are basically a riddle to me... most of the time I've no idea why they do what they do or react the way they do.


What troubles me the most about this is that I can't sympathize at all with Seo Won despite trying.

And maybe that's why I couldn't connect with Choi Kang Hee either... or at least with her acting. I haven't seen her in anything else and in all fairness to her, Seo Won really isn't well written at all imo (at least up to episode 14) so I'm sure like every cast member she did her very best to deliver with what little she was given. However, whenever I see her on screen or interacting with Gilro I still feel there is a lot amiss. And maybe because their characters are behaving in a rather juvenile way, the age gap (which I've never ever had trouble with before) really jumped out at me in a very marked and unexpected way. 


Sorry - have been really busy in real life lately, so just getting to replies now.


lol - Okay, full disclosure: I am really fuzzy on what actually happens on Level 7 Civil Servant :P Maybe it's because the story itself didn't really hook me in, which means that the characters didn't either, which means (for those who've known me for a while on this forum) I never took much interest in re-examining either for the purposes of fic-writing, which means...yeah. Fuzzy memory, such that I don't remember much beyond the handful of highlights I've already mentioned ;) 


I did remember thinking that the characters were behaving in a rather juvenile fashion, but then again, that did seem to be in line with the overall style of the drama, so I wasn't...too fazed by it? I think I just went, "Yeah, you guys deserve just about every single smack you get," and moved on :P 


On 4/29/2021 at 10:21 AM, Calli said:

I used to listen to 2PM a lot and I still keep up with them a little but my bias has always been Junho so I never took the time to actually watch Chansung's dramas. And to think I could have met Joo Won so much sooner if I hadㅠㅠㅠ It would have been through 7th GCS instead of Good Doctor but I wanna believe that I still would have singled him out even then and that it would have started me on the path I'm on now much sooner... 


Okay, here's my funny story re: 2PM and JW. You know how Junho sings one of the OST songs in Level 7 right? Well, since I wasn't familiar (and am still not) with K-pop, I had no idea - and for the longest time, I was convinced that JW was the one singing it :lol: Maybe it's because I was still a relatively new JW fan, then, so I was familiar with the general tone of his voice, but not his individual nuances, and then the drama just had to play it immediately after JW actually does sing (Gil Ro singing the birthday song to Seo Won), and...yeah. Fortunately, I didn't know about this forum yet at the time, or I would've embarrassed myself bringing it up.


JW did eventually end up covering it, though, so there is that ;) 



And the thing is, listening to his rendition, those little tiny differences between his voice and Junho's really start to come through: same voice type (more or less), but still different enough that I don't think I'd confuse them anymore. ;) 


On 4/29/2021 at 10:21 AM, Calli said:

Having said that though, while watching 7th GCS and reading some reactions and reviews to the drama from back then, the knowledge that Joo Won followed it up with Good Doctor really helps a lot in not getting caught up in some of the fears and negativity some people expressed back then. I'm so sooo glad Joo Won was available for Good Doctor and that he picked this challenging role. Not only for the rave of reviews and accolades he received for it but especially because to this day when he's asked about his favorite drama/character he's portrayed he still picks Park Si On :') 


I think one way we can think about it is that JW got back on track re: his own chosen acting path with Good Doctor. Again, the general consensus is that most of JW's rom-com type roles were pitched by his agency, whereas most of the other stuff comes from scripts that caught his eye. For instance, we know that Ojakgyo Brothers was his choice, Gaksital was his choice...and then Good Doctor was also his choice. So if we were to put his agency's picks aside for a second, you get a really distinct trajectory going from Ojakgyo Brothers (at least - not sure about King of Baking, actually) all the way clear through to Alice in terms of the types of dramas or roles he likes.


On 4/29/2021 at 12:52 PM, Andrea Balcazar said:

I saw him in broadcast I don't know if I'm the only one who saw joo won very skinny I guess it's because now he does a lot of exercise


It's not just you: JW was really skinny at some of the earlier points in his TV drama career (most noticeably in Ojakgyo Brothers, in my opinion). But even now that he's bulked up more, he can still look skinny at times due to his face shape/facial structure and his overall skeletal structure. It all comes down to camera angles.


(By the way, @Andrea Balcazar - it's easier to reply to things by just highlighting the text you want, clicking/pressing "Quote selection" and going on from there. That way, you don't have to quote the entire post every single time. I will say, however, that your doing so has revealed to me what my comments look like in Spanish(?), though: very interesting :thumbsup:)


11 hours ago, Calli said:

I know exactly what you mean. There have been so so many Joo Won videos in YouTube I came across that I would have loved to understand so much(!) but there were no English subtitles available... that's why I'm so sad Joo Won Cutie's channels (both YouTube and dailymotion) aren't around anymore. They had subbed so many videos in the past that I would have loved to watch so much. Like Joo Won's appearance on Taxi for example :'(


The problem here is that many of the mainstays in the Soompi forum now (e.g. @kireeti2 and myself) weren't part of the Cuties and actually joined after their translation work stopped. So besides streaming and downloading whatever files we could find ourselves, we don't have access to their originals, so can't restore anything that was lost even if we wanted to.


The only Joo Won Cuties video site that's survived is their Vimeo. It doesn't have Taxi, but it has some behind-the-scenes clips from Yong Pal that I don't recall ever showing up on YouTube or Dailymotion. 


By the way, re: Taxi - I wrote a full recap on it once on this forum, but I haven't been able to find it because it doesn't turn up when I use the Search for some reason. If anyone remembers when that was, please share the link!


15 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

This the paradox of Korean entertainment for international fans, either we have good quality videos with no subtitles or poor quality videos with subtitles, but not both.


Let me augment that: this is the paradox of being any Hallyu fan other than a K-pop fan. Because you can bet those will have large enough fandoms that high-quality subtitled content's easier to come by ;) 

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1 hour ago, kittyna said:

Por cierto, @Andrea Balcazar - es más fácil responder a las cosas con solo resaltar el texto que desea, hacer clic / presionar "Selección de cotización" y continuar desde allí. De esa manera, no tienes que citar la publicación completa cada vez. Diré, sin embargo, que tu hacerlo me ha revelado cómo se ven mis comentarios en español (?), Aunque: muy interesante  :Pulgares hacia arriba:

I apologize if my English does not give much understanding, it is that I am from Latin Amarica and I speak Spanish so I do not know how to handle soompi very well since I just found out about this and regarding joo won cuties I have seen how you say on vimeo or in dailymotion I have seen several videos of him looking for the special baker king kim tak goo but there are no Spanish subtitles my native language so I do not understand
and due to the shape of joo won's face, I think he would rather be between skinny and fat, not so skinny in the dramas that I have seen that he took good care of his body it was in 7th grade civil servant although the drama was not So good a drama was very interesting so as not to get bored between the dramas that his agency chose and he chose those that he chose joo won really has a good eye he tends to choose drama that really makes them very interesting in alice at the beginning of his very good caps that's why I think joo won elojio since at the beginning they only indicate the first part of the script


And recently I talked to a fan of Joo Won who said that he really is very handsome in real life I think that he is skinny since on television even the smallest facial feature is noticeable but in real life you don't notice much

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22 hours ago, kittyna said:

Sorry - have been really busy in real life lately, so just getting to replies now.


No need to ever apologize for that~ Real life always takes precedence. I'm just happy to have this little corner where we can talk and gush over Joo Won all we want, whenever there's time :)


22 hours ago, kittyna said:

lol - Okay, full disclosure: I am really fuzzy on what actually happens on Level 7 Civil Servant :P Maybe it's because the story itself didn't really hook me in, which means that the characters didn't either


Hahaha^^ I'm very sorry to say that, after having finished 7th GCS, I'm not at all surprised to read that. *hides*

I can honestly and sadly say that the only redeeming aspect of the whole show was Joo Won for me... his acting (!!) and the happiness it gave him being part of it.

I feel like while he was filming 7th GCS he was also more animated and carefree(?) during the 1박2일 episodes they were filming at the same time; at least the ones I've seen so far. 


22 hours ago, kittyna said:

I think one way we can think about it is that JW got back on track re: his own chosen acting path with Good Doctor. Again, the general consensus is that most of JW's rom-com type roles were pitched by his agency, whereas most of the other stuff comes from scripts that caught his eye.


I'm actually rather relieved to read that @kittyna

I read Joo Won's February 2013 interview for Epigram and when he was asked what his secret was for choosing such successful dramas (the interview took place before the ratings for 7th GCS started dropping) he said: 


"It's not that I am eagle-eyed. Fundamentally, when I choose a drama, I only look at the script. The script is the crux. I don't consider things that are unrelated to the script. I feel that if the script is interesting, then the drama will also be interesting."


The thing is though, I don't think the script for 7th GCS turned out to be... well, interesting. For me personally, as the episodes moved forward it went from sorta okay to rather bad to really bad to actually worse (that finale left me with quite the whiplash from trying to make at least a little sense out of everything^^)

I keep wondering if Joo Won and the other cast members weren't a little disappointed too with how the writer went about the storyline and their characters... not that I think Joo Won would have ever mentioned it publicly if he had been (disappointed).

As far as I understood it, Joo Won had only seen the scripts for the first 4 episodes when he signed on, and while these weren't spectacular, they did indicate the potential for a solid and entertaining storyline. Quite a few dramas start out slow and then turn into something great. 

Maybe that's what Joo Won was thinking, too? Cause I remember in one of the early interviews he gave with CKH he mentioned 35% as a ratings goal.

I have to say though, the thought that his agency helped along his decision to pick 7th GCS as his follow-up project after Gaksital makes a lot more sense... I do believe that Joo Won wanted to do a rom-com but I wish they would have waited for one with a worthwhile script. And a writer with a clear vision. Without that, there's only so much even the most talented cast can compensate for. 

And if I'm taking anything with me after finishing 7th GCS it is how truly, truly talented and amazing of an actor Joo Won is~


22 hours ago, kittyna said:

By the way, re: Taxi - I wrote a full recap on it once on this forum, but I haven't been able to find it because it doesn't turn up when I use the Search for some reason. If anyone remembers when that was, please share the link!


You did? I'll try to look for it too. I'd really love to read it. If anyone finds it though and would share I'd be very very grateful~ 


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On 4/30/2021 at 11:24 PM, kittyna said:

Okay, here's my funny story re: 2PM and JW. You know how Junho sings one of the OST songs in Level 7 right? Well, since I wasn't familiar (and am still not) with K-pop, I had no idea - and for the longest time, I was convinced that JW was the one singing it :lol: 


I just realized I totally forgot to reply to this part of your post @kittynaeven though I meant to. I got sidetracked it seems^^


You know, I'm wondering if I would have made the same assumption if I wasn't so familiar with Junho's (and Taecyeon's) voice and I hadn't known the song alread way before I watched 7th GCS (lol)

Junho is quite the singer/songwriter with 7 Japanese solo albums and 2 Korean solo albums (that he's largely self-composed and self-produced) to his name.

And I agree that Junho and Joo Won seem to have a similar voice type, but Joo Won's vocals are way more powerful (and versatile), especially if you compare their live singing. I don't know anything about professional singing but it seems to me their technique is rather different too. Which would make sense if Joo Won had special training in (musical) singing while he attended Kaywon and Sungkyunkwan? Either way though, Joo Won has definitely been blessed with a strong, clear, beautiful voice. In addition to his many other gifts~ 

I also really love that he rapped Taec's part in My Way to You.

I just love his voice a whole lot, whether he speaks or sings :wub:


Joo Won could have easily been a singer if he had wanted to. But I'm really really glad he fell in love with acting while in middle school and chose it as his main path. And that he can showcase both his extraordinary gifts through musicals~ 

I always remember what Yoo Hee Yeol told Joo Won when he appeared on Sketchbook in 2013 - that he was the best singer among all the actors who had been on Sketchbook so far. 

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On 4/30/2021 at 6:59 PM, Andrea Balcazar said:

And recently I talked to a fan of Joo Won who said that he really is very handsome in real life I think that he is skinny since on television even the smallest facial feature is noticeable but in real life you don't notice much


Yeah, I've heard a lot of people say that he looks way more handsome in real life than in pictures. I can see the truth in that, actually, since sometimes, his face does look a bit odd in photographs.


16 hours ago, Calli said:

You did? I'll try to look for it too. I'd really love to read it. If anyone finds it though and would share I'd be very very grateful~ 


I did it sometime in the past fall or winter, but I can't remember which month, so that's made tracking things down really hard. Honestly, I don't know why Soompi's search only includes the most recent posts, but there we go.


16 hours ago, Calli said:

As far as I understood it, Joo Won had only seen the scripts for the first 4 episodes when he signed on, and while these weren't spectacular, they did indicate the potential for a solid and entertaining storyline. Quite a few dramas start out slow and then turn into something great. 

Maybe that's what Joo Won was thinking, too? Cause I remember in one of the early interviews he gave with CKH he mentioned 35% as a ratings goal.


Level 7 Civil Servant was a live-shoot drama, as were many that that point in time. In that case, having only a few episodes planned when an actor signs on was normal. But if he saw the script for just the first four episodes, I could see how JW thought the story and his character might go in one direction when it actually went in another: those first four episodes ended with Gil Ro getting "booted out" of training only for him to be given his own mission, right? And then he winds up running into Seo Won again.


16 hours ago, Calli said:

I do believe that Joo Won wanted to do a rom-com but I wish they would have waited for one with a worthwhile script. And a writer with a clear vision. Without that, there's only so much even the most talented cast can compensate for. 


So, at the time (i.e. if we just had the first four episodes), Level 7 really was setting up to be something really intriguing and exciting, but I wonder if the writers got tangled up in the characters' own lies to each other - or, more specifically, struggled to juggle all of those threads while still writing a comedy.


On 4/30/2021 at 6:59 PM, Andrea Balcazar said:

I apologize if my English does not give much understanding, it is that I am from Latin Amarica and I speak Spanish so I do not know how to handle soompi very well since I just found out about this and regarding joo won cuties I have seen how you say on vimeo or in dailymotion I have seen several videos of him looking for the special baker king kim tak goo but there are no Spanish subtitles my native language so I do not understand 


It's great to know that JW's got fans in Latin America as well :hooray2:


1 hour ago, Calli said:

And I agree that Junho and Joo Won seem to have a similar voice type, but Joo Won's vocals are way more powerful (and versatile), especially if you compare their live singing. I don't know anything about professional singing but it seems to me their technique is rather different too. Which would make sense if Joo Won had special training in (musical) singing while he attended Kaywon and Sungkyunkwan? Either way though, Joo Won has definitely been blessed with a strong, clear, beautiful voice. In addition to his many other gifts~ 

I also really love that he rapped Taec's part in My Way to You.


Now that I've listened to JW's voice more, I would definitely say that Junho's voice sounds a bit more "forward" - like, the resonance of his voice is more in the front part of his face, which leads to a very bright tone that's maybe just a tiny bit nasal. I don't know if there's any set pattern to this, but I do find that to be a common sound in pop music.


JW, on the other hand, seems to resonate more in his head, if that makes sense. Like, if I were to visualize it (which is something you learn to do when you learn vocal music), his sound is the type where you have to imagine the sound traveling up to the top of your head, then out to the audience. So, it's a very "open" technique, which is what's needed to create the level of resonance and projection you get in musical theatre, but especially in classical (which also incorporates more chest voice for even greater power - think the opera singers).


I also feel like JW and Junho produce their high notes differently, as I notice that, in his takes on "My Way To You", JW consistently struggles to nail that one long high note. He doesn't in other songs like "Love Medicine" or in his musical roles, but there's something about that one note in "My Way To You" that maybe requires him to do something outside of his usual technique, so he ends up scrambling to find the note and it winds up a bit off-key as a result.


[EDIT] After trying to visualize the high notes in "My Way To You" and "Love Medicine" respectively, I think the difference is that the high note in "MWTY" is done by pushing the note upwards (i.e. belting), but also by focusing the sound forward - almost like concentrating it by putting it through a bottleneck. However, that's not how JW (or most musical theatre singers) learn to produce high notes: instead, he's used to actually opening up his mouth or jaw even more to let the sound ring out in all directions, and that's how he gets those insanely powerful-but-steady notes. But because "MWTY" uses that focusing technique I just described, JW's voice ends up tightening rather than opening up whenever he gets to that point.



1 hour ago, Calli said:

I always remember what Yoo Hee Yeol told Joo Won when he appeared on Sketchbook in 2013 - that he was the best singer among all the actors who had been on Sketchbook so far. 


Considering that was in 2013, I wonder if that's still the case now, especially as more and more Hallyu artists start to branch into multiple directions (acting, singing as an idol, musical theatre, etc.). JW did stand out for that range in the past, but it seems like most people need to be so multitalented to make it in the industry now - or, at least, I noticed that there was a point not too long ago when both dramas and musicals tended to cast K-pop idols (which I understood for dramas, but was more baffled by for musicals, since musical theatre and pop require different voice types, singing techniques, etc.).

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2 hours ago, kittyna said:

Sí, he escuchado a mucha gente decir que se ve mucho más guapo en la vida real que en las imágenes. Puedo ver la verdad en eso, en realidad, ya que a veces, su rostro se ve un poco extraño en las fotografías

if the same, I say in some photos he looks strange I think because he is not very photogenic to say but handsome if he is and what you told me about ojakgyo brothers that he was very skinny I saw him normal I think it is the shape of his face that you saw him skinny for joo won's face shape is better to be between fat and thin intermediate joo won in the only drama that I saw him quite well it was in 7th grade civil servant he was very handsome in that drama although the plot was terrible and in tomorrow cantabile

2 hours ago, kittyna said:

Es genial saber que JW también tiene fans en Latinoamérica. 

his fandom is very small here but if he has sadly here more are known to the actors lee min hoo cha eun woo and kim soo hyun among others

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22 hours ago, kittyna said:

So, at the time (i.e. if we just had the first four episodes), Level 7 really was setting up to be something really intriguing and exciting, but I wonder if the writers got tangled up in the characters' own lies to each other - or, more specifically, struggled to juggle all of those threads while still writing a comedy.


Yesterday I discovered the recaps that girlfriday and javabeans had written for 7th GCS on dramabeans and they are such a good and fun read. You can really tell how both of them had been really excited for the drama and wanted to stay positive & hopeful about it but as the episodes progressed and the storyline and writing kept letting them down they couldn't, though they really tried~ To be honest some of their recaps, especially for the second half of the drama, were way more funny and clever than the episodes themselves *hides*.

Anyway, the reason why I mentioned the recaps is because in the one for episode 11 javabeans wrote something that rang very true with me: 

" [...] I also feel like its writer is terrible writing women, which I felt in his previous dramas (Chuno, Runaway Plan B). Also with writing people. And emotions. And maybe logical story progressions. He’s not a terrible writer, period, in that all of his dramas have a certain something, a neat hook or a fun setup to keep you watching. But the actual character work is a big sloppy mess, so when the show sets aside its entertaining stuff to actively wallow in this quagmire of underbaked emotional character moments, it just sucks the fun out of it. Seo-won, for instance: I want to like her, but she’s just written so poorly. [...] Admittedly, it’s not like the men are glowing bastions of rich character depth either, but I do think they get more attention and loving detail thrown their way. Gil-ro’s pain, I can fully understand, because at least the show bothered to paint his father-son conflict in a nicely believable way. [...]"

So, I don't know how the outline of the drama had been presented to Joo Won initially for him to have faith that this would be indeed a fun and interesting show, but I have a feeling he didn't suspect the storyline would turn out this way when he signed on. Honestly, all of it, i.e. the storyline, is really really messy and it's better not to try to make sense of it because that only leads to more frustration^^

Like I said in my previous post (sorry for repeating myself) Joo Won really was the one and only saving grace of this drama for me and I had so much fun watching him bring Gil Ro to life. And I think (I hope) so had he. 


22 hours ago, kittyna said:

Considering that was in 2013, I wonder if that's still the case now, especially as more and more Hallyu artists start to branch into multiple directions (acting, singing as an idol, musical theatre, etc.). JW did stand out for that range in the past, but it seems like most people need to be so multitalented to make it in the industry now - or, at least, I noticed that there was a point not too long ago when both dramas and musicals tended to cast K-pop idols (which I understood for dramas, but was more baffled by for musicals, since musical theatre and pop require different voice types, singing techniques, etc.).


I enjoyed reading your analysis in re Joo Won and Junho's techniques @kittyna. I really know nothing about professional singing techniques so I can't add anything of value to it. All I can say is that Joo Won's live singing is way more stable and powerful than Junho's, even though I appreciate both their voices. 

Based on my (albeit limited) experience within k-pop and k-drama the last 5 years, I think that Joo Won's extraordinary talent in both acting and singing isn't in any way common. Except for other actors who also had their start in musical theater (like Jo Jung Suk, Kang Ha Neul, etc) I don't really know of outstanding actors who sing as well as Joo Won, especially within his generation... 

As far as k-pop idols being cast for musical dramas, I know for example from SF9's Inseong who had his musical debut not too long ago that he had to take special vocal lessons to prepare for his role. He is the main vocalist within his group with the strongest voice and yet compared to voices like Joo Won's or Jo Jung Suk's you can definitely tell a difference. And while he's also been acting you can't compare his acting to Joo Won's or Jo Jung Suk's either^^ (Junho is one of the very few idol-turned actors I know whom I perceive of as a "proper" actor)

What I am trying to say is that while there are many talented (often multi-talented) and hard-working people in the South Korean entertainment world, I haven't encountered many who are truly outstanding in both acting and singing. Joo Won is definitely one of those very few to me.

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On 5/2/2021 at 10:06 AM, Andrea Balcazar said:

if the same, I say in some photos he looks strange I think because he is not very photogenic to say but handsome if he is and what you told me about ojakgyo brothers that he was very skinny I saw him normal I think it is the shape of his face that you saw him skinny for joo won's face shape is better to be between fat and thin intermediate


I didn't think JW's face was really thin or skinny in Ojakgyo Brothers - I thought his body was ;) 


But yes, I agree that JW's not always photogenic; however, he does have the sort of appearance that makes you want to keep looking at him regardless.


On 5/3/2021 at 5:26 AM, Calli said:

Anyway, the reason why I mentioned the recaps is because in the one for episode 11 javabeans wrote something that rang very true with me: 

" [...] I also feel like its writer is terrible writing women, which I felt in his previous dramas (Chuno, Runaway Plan B). Also with writing people. And emotions. And maybe logical story progressions. He’s not a terrible writer, period, in that all of his dramas have a certain something, a neat hook or a fun setup to keep you watching. But the actual character work is a big sloppy mess, so when the show sets aside its entertaining stuff to actively wallow in this quagmire of underbaked emotional character moments, it just sucks the fun out of it. Seo-won, for instance: I want to like her, but she’s just written so poorly. [...] Admittedly, it’s not like the men are glowing bastions of rich character depth either, but I do think they get more attention and loving detail thrown their way. Gil-ro’s pain, I can fully understand, because at least the show bothered to paint his father-son conflict in a nicely believable way. [...]"


I do think that the male characters and their relationships were written slightly better than the female ones in Level 7 Civil Servant, but really only just. So my favourite part of the whole thing was also Han Gil Ro's relationship with his father: mostly because the story there was intriguing and both actors were able to deliver :) 


On 5/3/2021 at 5:26 AM, Calli said:

I enjoyed reading your analysis in re Joo Won and Junho's techniques @kittyna. I really know nothing about professional singing techniques so I can't add anything of value to it. All I can say is that Joo Won's live singing is way more stable and powerful than Junho's, even though I appreciate both their voices. 


I'm not particularly knowledgeable on professional singing techniques, either. I just was in school choirs a lot growing up and you learn more traditional/classical technique there (i.e. more what JW is doing than the K-pop idols).


Another possible factor, now that I think about it, is mic placement. So, in musical theatre, the microphone is either somewhere on the cheek next to the mouth (where you would normally have it in a headset) or hidden in the actor's hair or wig on the top of the head. And I do think that that affects the vocal technique or style being used. However, once the microphone is right in front of the mouth (like if you use a mic stand or are holding it in your hand), it's different - and JW does sometimes end up coming on too strong when he's in that situation. :P 


On 5/3/2021 at 5:26 AM, Calli said:

Based on my (albeit limited) experience within k-pop and k-drama the last 5 years, I think that Joo Won's extraordinary talent in both acting and singing isn't in any way common. Except for other actors who also had their start in musical theater (like Jo Jung Suk, Kang Ha Neul, etc) I don't really know of outstanding actors who sing as well as Joo Won, especially within his generation... 


Musical theatre is going to be the all-around sort of performance art because it involves acting, singing, and dancing. So if you could pull all of that off at the same time (e.g. singing in character, speaking/singing and dancing without losing breath, etc.), it's going to add serious points for versatility.


And speaking of theatre acting and its immersive qualities, someone happened to share this throwback video on Instagram, and it never ceases to crack me up. For those who don't know: this was from JW's appearance on the King of Baking, Kim Tak Gu episode of Happy Together, and he was asked to re-enact one of Ma Jun's "cussing out Tak Gu" scenes with one of the hosts. Everyone thought he would get shy or break character at the last second, but...nope :P 


And here we are again with the awesome fanart


Cute chibi JW

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On 5/4/2021 at 12:38 PM, kittyna said:

I'm not particularly knowledgeable on professional singing techniques, either. I just was in school choirs a lot growing up and you learn more traditional/classical technique there (i.e. more what JW is doing than the K-pop idols).


That's so interesting @kittyna. That you grew up singing in school choirs (I bet you have a lovely voice). I just read a Joo Won interview yesterday from 2014 in which he said that he used to sing at his church choir as a kid. That was the first time I encountered that tidbit about him. I'll just quote that part:


"When you were young, was your dream to become an actor?


“No, when I was young, I sang solo a lot in church choir.  I received lots of praises for having a beautiful voice.   Even relatives said I could have become a singer when I got older.  However, I lost my confidence in singing when my voice started to change so I couldn’t even think of working in entertainment industry, especially due to my look, my confidence fell to the bottom when I was in junior high school.   At that time, I was wearing spectacles, I was really a very ordinary student.  I wasn’t tall either, about 170-175cm.  But I grew 10 cm taller when I was in senior high school and now I am 185cm tall.”"


It's not really surprising that he had a beautiful voice as a kid, too, considering what a beautiful and powerful voice he has now but it's so interesting that he stood out back then already and "performed" solos at his church choir. He must have enjoyed that a lot... It always pains me a bit when I read or hear him talk about how he lost his confidence when he hit adolescence but on the other hand that's what led him to drama club and discovering his love of acting; and maybe that experience is also a small part of why he remains so humble and grounded throughout the years and believes in hard work above all else...


Also, since it's Thursday today, I'll do a little throwback to March 2013 because I just reached episodes 54 & 55 of 1N2D and Joo Won looks just soooo adorable in them. Those are also the final two episodes with Kim Seungwoo and Bird PD (Choi Jaehyung) and to be honest when I saw the members tear up as they were reading their final messages to their mat hyung (especially Joo Won's) I teared up, too... I think for Joo Won's final episode I'll need lots and lots and lots of tissues.

Anyway, here's Joo Won looking all cute and fluffy when the members made him do the whole cute song because he was late for the opening due to filming 7th GCS






ps: I noticed that the little mark on his nose from the jjajangmyun bowl accident that happened during filming for 7th GCS in early December 2012 was still visible here; I wonder how long Joo Won had that "souvenir" from his Kang Hee noona^^

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Just in case you haven't seen yet, Joo Won was in @leaderswithus_hulk IG live today. So good catching a glimpse of him and hearing his sweet voice after a while~




ginatheresa__ also posted a short IG story about that vlive with Joo Won waving all cutely





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On 5/6/2021 at 4:43 AM, Calli said:

I just read a Joo Won interview yesterday from 2014 in which he said that he used to sing at his church choir as a kid.


On 5/6/2021 at 4:43 AM, Calli said:

It's not really surprising that he had a beautiful voice as a kid, too, considering what a beautiful and powerful voice he has now but it's so interesting that he stood out back then already and "performed" solos at his church choir. He must have enjoyed that a lot... 


I knew he was part of his church choir growing up, but missed the bit about getting solo parts. It makes me wonder what sort of choir this was, since depending on the genre of music (e.g. whether it slants more classical or contemporary), you could end up with really different solos. So, for instance, if we're thinking a more classical/hymnal sound, when I hear the word "solo", I imagine someone (oftentimes a soprano - either a woman or young boy) who sings "descant": a high-pitched solo countermelody that rings out over the main melodic line of a piece. So, sort of like what happens in this video clip (from Les Choristes, which is one of my own personal favourite French films out there - full version of the same song over here).


However, for a more contemporary genre of music, the solo would be different. For example, in a gospel choir or an actual small band, the soloist leads the congregation: either by singing the melody or by doing a call-and-response.


lol - It's hard to know 100% for sure what sort of role JW had as a kid, but considering his voice now and its qualities (such that, just singing to himself, someone thought he'd have the pipes for musical theatre), my guess is that he may have done descant :) Which, if true, would be really impressive!


(And, before you ask, I was soprano in the school choirs I was in, but not strong/powerful enough to pull off descant parts - not that they showed up much :P What I did take charge of once, though, was diction: teaching the other students the pronunciation for some of the Hebrew songs we performed as part of our "holiday" repertoire. That's also how, for a individual solo exam, the teacher wound up selecting a German piece for me rather than the usual English, Latin, Italian, etc. So, @Calli, that does mean that while I don't know much German beyond some basic words/phrases, I can sound it out just fine ;))


On 5/6/2021 at 4:43 AM, Calli said:

It always pains me a bit when I read or hear him talk about how he lost his confidence when he hit adolescence but on the other hand that's what led him to drama club and discovering his love of acting; and maybe that experience is also a small part of why he remains so humble and grounded throughout the years and believes in hard work above all else...


I do think most people have that awkward adolescent phase at some point, and I think knowing that JW went through the same thing ends up humanizing him for me. I sometimes say that one of the things that stands out about JW for me is just how...ordinary he was. He didn't have a very colourful or eventful childhood, yet he wound up being able to play characters who do.

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On 5/7/2021 at 2:25 PM, kittyna said:

lol - It's hard to know 100% for sure what sort of role JW had as a kid, but considering his voice now and its qualities (such that, just singing to himself, someone thought he'd have the pipes for musical theatre), my guess is that he may have done descant :) Which, if true, would be really impressive!


I'm thinking Joo Won's parents must have a lovely home video collection of choir boy Joon Wonie singing various solos and I envy anyone who has the privelege to watch them. I envy them a whole lot^^


On 5/7/2021 at 2:25 PM, kittyna said:

That's also how, for a individual solo exam, the teacher wound up selecting a German piece for me rather than the usual English, Latin, Italian, etc. So, @Calli, that does mean that while I don't know much German beyond some basic words/phrases, I can sound it out just fine ;))

 I'm sure you did a wonderful job @kittynaand I'm sure any German speaking person who got to listen to you understood you beautifully. Can't be easy mastering Hebrew pronunciation, or German for that matter, even if English and German belong to the same language family...


On 5/7/2021 at 2:25 PM, kittyna said:

I do think most people have that awkward adolescent phase at some point, and I think knowing that JW went through the same thing ends up humanizing him for me. I sometimes say that one of the things that stands out about JW for me is just how...ordinary he was. He didn't have a very colourful or eventful childhood, yet he wound up being able to play characters who do.


I just finished watching episode 57 of S2 of 1N2D - it's the second episode of when the members went to Bijindo with their new mat-hyung Yoo Haejin; and it's also the episode where Joo Won went to that lady diver's house who had recently lost her husband and tried to comfort her by giving her a hand massage. The way he talked to her and showed interest in her and her family, and the way he took hold of her hand and started massaging it as if he had done it a million times already was so heartwarming, I couldn't help but tear up a little. He really has the kindest, most beautiful heart and the thought that he was ever anything but extraordinary - even as an "unremarkable" kid - is just beyond me.

But I know what you mean @kittyna. I just think that not being the center of attention because one seemingly lacks the attributes that make others notice you (usually looks or in-your-face athletic/artistic skills) doesn't mean that that person doesn't hold a wealthy world inside or the potential for all those skills that make people see you as "remarkable". (I often think of the Bronte sisters who, on the outside led rather dull lives, yet their gift of imagination and immense capacity for feeling allowed them to have very rich inner worlds and to write stories that captivate people's hearts to this very day.) Sometimes it's just a matter of whether you'll get a chance or find an outlet to expose your inner treasure...

I guess what I'm trying to say is that Joo Won, based on his own extraordinary capacity to feel and connect and to convey emotion (whether he acts or sings or does both), can't ever have been very "ordinary", or at least what I would define as ordinary^^ And I'm really glad and grateful he discovered acting as his personal outlet to share part of his inner treasure with the world. 


Now, if only we would get some good news of him coming back to acting in a drama, I'd be even more grateful^^

It's funny, I'm still backtracking some of Joo Won's interviews and activities back in March/April 2013 and some fans back then were rather worried he wouldn't return with a drama until the end of 2014, after news broke he'd do Catch Me and that he'd go back to the musical stage with Ghost. They were worried while seeing him every Sunday on 1N2D. And getting constant updates about him, too. Haha. Little did they know that they had no reason to worry whatsoever about a drama dry spell...

And then there's us, now, wondering what he's up to and if there's a chance we'll see him on the small screen any time this yearㅠㅠㅠ I really am very happy that he's not living at the crazy pace he did back then (from the looks of it at least) when he used to go 6 nights in a row without sleeping, running from one shoot and one professional commitment to another, but I still wish we'd get a few more updates, beyond some of his training sessions that is:please:

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