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Joo Won 주원 [Drama- The Midnight Studio/ 야한(夜限) 사진관]


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4 hours ago, flutterby06 said:

@kittyna and @kireeti2 haven't got a chance to look in to the Language of Love videos but it's fun seeing your opinion and I get the idea. I think all of you're quite reasonable in your claims for the characters. If I feel anything different strongly may be I will add to it later after I get to see the reference videos.


And I want to point out a quick clarification re: my own answers - even though the videos (especially the second one, with the K-drama examples), emphasizes the love languages in the context of romantic relationships, I actually think they apply to other close relationships as well. So even in the absence of a love line, I think we can see these languages in how people interact with their family members or close friends.


I also think that how a person interacted with his/her family growing up makes a huge difference in terms of what forms of love they want to give or receive as adults - whether it's by directly emulating what they were shown (e.g. Ma Jun, who flaunts his wealth in the same way that his mother did), by trying to compensate for what they lacked in the past (e.g. Jin Gyeom, who I think further emphasizes "quality time" out of regret for not doing that while his mother was alive), or by actively going against a parental relationship that didn't work for them (e.g. Tae Hyun, who's determined to be a more present brother, son, and husband than his father ever was).


4 hours ago, flutterby06 said:

I would like to add a bit of my own opinion on that highlighted line.. Prof. Taeyi's voice do not really help him breaking free. It was actually Omma Tae Yi's voice that break free Jin Gyeom from Evil. I don't know if it came as a inner voice to Taeyi or she just knowingly (because she knows how omma taeyi talks with JG) thought to use that voice out of desperation..she did use Omma's voice. And that clicked through Jin Gyeom.


4 hours ago, flutterby06 said:

I think like that becuse just before that scene we saw Taeyi spending time with her mother.. suddenly the conversation shifted to motherhood.. Her mother was saying though taeyi isn't related by blood she didn't treat her any different than a mother would love her child..How Taeyi was conflicted and doubtful that she wouldn't be able to be a good mother and her mother reassured her she'll be better than her as a mother. That moment JG Omma's memories of motherhood started to coming to Taeyi. She seemed overwhelmed with that realization.


Good point. I actually think the voice came out subconsciously, as a result of the blurring between Tae Yi and Sun Young's minds, almost like that was a moment when Sun Young took over (the same way that, just seconds before, Evil!Jin Gyeom took over). And whereas you could see when Jin Gyeom was being himself or was possessed by his evil doppelganger, with Tae Yi/Sun Young, I actually think they sort of fused into one sometime in Episode 15, when Tae Yi finally realizes that she does have what it takes to pick up where Sun Young left off. And that's visually shown by how she spontaneously develops the same scar that Sun Young had.


I do want to point out, though, that when Tae Yi pulls Jin Gyeom out of his suicide attempt, it's definitely her. 


4 hours ago, flutterby06 said:

Also love how he was saying he is bad at quiz but turned out he's good at emoji quiz! I found this game quite interesting.


lol - Still thinking back to his 1N2D days, maybe :P But this time, they were focusing on a topic that was familiar for him (his own dramas and famous musicals), so it's not like he was being grilled with science questions or anything :lol:


Cute picture from a fan who saw Ghost


Short video/CF from JW's photo shoot for DAZED - It actually reminds me of this one he did for InStyle several years ago.

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Actress Lee Sung Kyung from Weightlifting fairy Kim Bok Joo and Romantic Doctor Kim 2 went to watch Joo Won's Ghost show along with a friend Jo Hyun Ah, a Singer (wasn't sure of her exact identity in entertainment at first). Jo Hyun Ah is the one who actually posted it on her ig tagging LSK and JW.. Her second picture in the post indicates she is a fan.. ha ha.. Found that idea cute..:yum:



Main Post: https://www.instagram.com/p/CHW-3xunO6P/?igshid=1rh7924wtdqvx


Todays, Photos from Ghost. :fullofhearts:




Source: https://twitter.com/oronamingtea/status/1325783039532703755



Today his molly was Ivy.




More pics at: https://twitter.com/oronamingtea/status/1325783148949434369


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10/11/2020 IG Post









"2013 musical <Ghost> premiere stage and 2020 musical <Ghost> re-performance in 7 years!

Seven years later, I met the stage of the long-held musical <Ghost> again.
Same work in different times. Although the appearance of us facing the performance has changed due to Corona 19, the energy we receive from the hot applause from the audience is no different from 7 years ago.
The performance is completed only when the audience is together.
Let's protect the precious performance culture together!


#Precious Audience #Precious Culture Ticket #Precious Culture Challenge #2013 Musical Ghost #2020 Musical Ghost

Jinwook, the youngest of our team Sam, is @aquazz0203
Another love of mine, Oh Dame, Junmyeon's older sister @junmuynpark,
The eternal dance captain Dong Ju-hyung @juju_kang_ is appointing the next participant!"


This post is related to a ongoing challenge to support performance culture that got affected by covid 19. There's also this news 



Yeon-Seok → Joo-Won, participate in the precious cultural challenge “Energy received from audience applause, the same as before”

2020-11-10 18:08:32


[News Reporter Park Jung-min]

Actor Joo-won to the stagnant performance culture
I asked for support and interest.

On November 10, Joo-won posted on his personal Instagram on November 10th, "The 2013 musical'Ghost' premiered and the 2020 musical'Ghost' re-performance after 7 years. 7 years later, we met again with the long-held musical'Ghost' stage. In a different time, the same work. Although the appearance of us facing the performance due to Corona 19 has changed, the energy we receive from the hot applause from the audience is no different from 7 years ago,” he wrote.

He joined in the precious culture challenge, saying, "The performance is only completed when the audience is with you. Let's protect the precious performance culture together."
Not only Joo-won, but also actor Yeon-seok Yoo, on their personal SNS on November 9, said, "These days, I am easily tired of Corona Blue. I realize the importance of all cultural life in performances and movies. Even though it was a difficult step, I would like to thank the audience for visiting Werther again. I want to tell you," he joined in the precious cultural challenge.

The 'Precious Cultural Challenge' they participated in is a challenge started to save the performance and cultural industry that fell into a downturn due to Corona 19. Stars such as Kim Ji-woo along with Yeon-seok Yoo and Joo-won are showing good influence by encouraging the challenge.


News Link: https://m.newsen.com/news_view.php?uid=202011101752502310#_enliple



Joo Won tagged three person in this post for participating in the challenge. One is Maknae Same Wheat of this year Jin Wook, Park Jun Meyeon who plays another Odamae and a production staff of Ghost Musical most probably a choreographer.


Park Jun Muyun responded with a cute team picture in her post where Joo Won looks exactly like a Ghost! A cute Ghost.. :wub:




IG post of Park Jun Muyn: https://www.instagram.com/p/CHZ6x_mMvHD/?igshid=1htqngi9ylc6w

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@flutterby06 - Thanks for sharing these Ghost updates! I hadn't heard about this challenge prior to JW posting about it, and I can definitely see that it's something he cares a lot about. I'm not sure how much further I can think about it, though, before I end up going down this weird existential philosophical rabbit hole about the ethics of live performance during a global pandemic.


(If anyone wants a little sample of the Park Si On-esque flood of thoughts I get when I do end up thinking too long about this, open the spoiler ;).)



So on the one hand, I know that all of the live performance arts have been struggling and desperately need help because of COVID-19. And of course I want them to still be able to continue, because it'd be a huge loss if this spells the end of things like live theatre, classical music performance, etc. But on the other hand, I can also understand why governments are...kinda reluctant to grant extra funding to performance artists when there are a gazillion other industries that are falling apart (e.g. retail, food and drink, transportation - airlines and such - tourism, education, health care....), and the arts are universally regarded as something of a luxury or "extra".


So I get that this comes down to trying to boost audience numbers instead - and, well, Korea is really lucky in the grand scheme of things that they can actually do that, because...yeah, it's not really happening here where I am right now. But maybe it's because of that that I also can't help thinking about all the ways Ghost could go terribly wrong (e.g. if it turns into a super-spreader because someone in the audience or cast or crew had COVID-19 but was asymptomatic), and that makes me afraid that maybe it's not actually right for JW to actively encourage people to come out and see the show. Like, is this really something he should be saying, knowing the possible public health and safety risks involved? And is this something I could - in good conscience - support as a fan?


(And, yes, I know that COVID-19 is very much under control in Korea and so no-one's breaking any laws or public health guidelines, but shouldn't we still be proactively trying to prevent further spread rather than just toeing the line?)


But then again, while he'd be fine as an A-list actor, I can't ignore that his heart's probably in the right place and he's probably just looking out for all the people for whom keeping the theatres open and running is their main source of income, and...gah, I'm just gonna stop now before my head explodes




See, this is why I'm glad I'm not in politics. Because my brain is actually wired from birth to simultaneously see things from multiple perspectives like this, and I just end up a total mess :P 

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5 hours ago, flutterby06 said:

Joo Won tagged three person in this post for participating in the challenge. One is Maknae Same Wheat of this year Jin Wook, Park Jun Meyeon who plays another Odamae and a production staff of Ghost Musical most probably a choreographer.

Looks like Joo won is enjoying Ghost more than he enjoyed filming Alice. And it seems like Ghost is getting good response from the audience as well.

1 hour ago, kittyna said:

before I end up going down this weird existential philosophical rabbit hole about the ethics of live performance during a global pandemic.

I think it is lot safer to go to live performance or movie than going to other recreational places like pubs or restaurants in Korean right now. Mind you, the former ones have lot of controller over the environment and crowd control. For instance, they can sell tickets keeping in mind the social distancing rule of 6meters. And, also lot of award function have been held safely when cases were at peak, and these award functions are similar to Live performance minus the extra precautions performers needs to take. And I personally think pandemic doesn't mean people should live in fear and not lead a normal live. Yes, the virus is deadly and can spread rapidly, and more deadly for the people who are socially and economically vulnerable. But, it is equally for the society to function normally and conduct day to day business, on which lot of people from the lower strata depend on. For instance, take the case of country where lot of theaters had been shut down for months and many have lost their livelihood who directly or indirectly depend on the entertainment business from catering business to transportation, lot of them lost their jobs and now migrated to rural areas with no income support. So, the point is that live performance or a movie playing in theater, it has it's own risks and benefits at the same in the time of pandemics, so does the essentially service had same risks, but were allowed because they come first when it comes to needs hierarchy. And also, while evaluating the something we should always take in all the parameters and ecological factors, like the recent unlock in west especially in Europe has surged the cases, but we should also consider the precaution taken by the local government and citizens, did the citizens abide by the rules and wore masks responsibly, did they voluntarily gave the information about their health, did the local governments had robust contact tracing system in place. I think these factors place a lot when it comes to controlling of the cases after the unlock exercise. I would like to give the example of Taiwan where they have not only unlocked the economy but also had no cases, despite having high population density, which shows us that the collaboration between the citizens and local governments is important to get the cases under control.

1 hour ago, kittyna said:

Like, is this really something he should be saying, knowing the possible public health and safety risks involved? And is this something I could - in good conscience - support as a fan?

Not only joo won but a lot of movie actors started a campaign "Save of cinemas" in order to get the people to come and watch the movie in theaters. And government allowed it, which is a legitimizes their appeal to make people come and watch their movies or live performance. Because when it comes to taking any decision in a society governed by set of laws, governments approval is seen legal as well as ethical at the same time. Since, without their approval nothing can be done, and in the time of pandemics it is highly unlikely that government will bow-down due to pressure from any pressure groups. So, it is safe to assume that the they were certain enough to know that the Covid- 19 spread will be minimum even after the reopening of the theaters or musical theaters. And also, Korea is a country with high digital penetration and almost everyone is connected, it will be easy for the agencies for contact tracing and isolation of the infected even if their was super spread in the closed theater and also I feel like in East Asia people are conscious enough to not to go outside (there are exceptions) if one is sick especially in times of pandemic. I read somewhere people in East Asia primarily use to wear mask when they are sick. So, this shows that they are culturally resilient to tackle any kind of pandemic and this is not the first corona-virus that they are handling, I think they have handled two corona viruses already like, MERS and SARS virus.

And also, entertainment industry is organically connected to Korean economy, like their main exports has been K-pop after the Dollar crisis in 1997, so, Joo won's appeal to the fans to attend his show is ethically justified. And also, I saw the same reaction of yours when he made a donation for an NGO which helps people who are affected due to Covid, like, it is some kind of transactional thing, it is partly true, but it is not like it is the only thing on every celebrity who donated for the cause. Like, yes they do get publicity, but this is the way publicity works, no one gives free publicity to anyone, everyone pays for the screen time on any channel or for an article it can it monetary or non monetary in nature. But we have to understand that entertainment industry or any industry for that matter run when the society is stable, and the covid has shaken very foundation of stable society with unprecedented lock downs. So, here the celebrities interests converges with the societies interest that getting to normality as soon as possible, especially if that normalcy is disrupted due to a deadly virus then they are at risk as well. So, while they get their publicity for donation, it might not be the primary motivation. Just like IU donated for an NGO which helped the victims of Forest fire in Korea, she might not had donated for publicity but she could have donated so that her fans might get motivated and help in restoration of the lost forest and help victims to get back on their feet. Any disaster or calamity or pandemic needs to be tackled different with changing time, like initially everyone needs play it safe, but as time passes every needs to gradually take chances and try to get back to their normal life in order to have a normal functioning society


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1 hour ago, kireeti2 said:

And also, I saw the same reaction of yours when he made a donation for an NGO which helps people who are affected due to Covid, like, it is some kind of transactional thing, it is partly true, but it is not like it is the only thing on every celebrity who donated for the cause.


You brought up some really good points, but I just want to be clear: at no point, under any circumstances, did I think JW was doing this for publicity or out of selfish motivations. I'm confident he's acting out of a love and passion for the arts (and all the people whose livelihoods are connected to it), so please don't equate my concerns (which were about juggling people's needs to be safe AND their need to have jobs) with those.


1 hour ago, kireeti2 said:

Not only joo won but a lot of movie actors started a campaign "Save of cinemas" in order to get the people to come and watch the movie in theaters. And government allowed it, which is a legitimizes their appeal to make people come and watch their movies or live performance. Because when it comes to taking any decision in a society governed by set of laws, governments approval is seen legal as well as ethical at the same time. Since, without their approval nothing can be done, and in the time of pandemics it is highly unlikely that government will bow-down due to pressure from any pressure groups.


Let's hope that is what's going on in South Korea right now, because after seeing the whole mess in the US (where politicians could literally contradict public health measures and condone disobedience of said measures), I'm not so sure that government approval of anything can be seen as proof that it's ethical - legal, yes, but not ethical.


And yes, we can argue that the States has been an exception to just about every pandemic-response-related rule in the book by now, but it's still true that a proportion of the public used former President Trump's views as an excuse to flout the rules themselves.


1 hour ago, kireeti2 said:

And also, while evaluating the something we should always take in all the parameters and ecological factors, like the recent unlock in west especially in Europe has surged the cases, but we should also consider the precaution taken by the local government and citizens, did the citizens abide by the rules and wore masks responsibly, did they voluntarily gave the information about their health, did the local governments had robust contact tracing system in place. I think these factors place a lot when it comes to controlling of the cases after the unlock exercise.


1 hour ago, kireeti2 said:

also I feel like in East Asia people are conscious enough to not to go outside (there are exceptions) if one is sick especially in times of pandemic. I read somewhere people in East Asia primarily use to wear mask when they are sick. So, this shows that they are culturally resilient to tackle any kind of pandemic and this is not the first corona-virus that they are handling, I think they have handled two corona viruses already like, MERS and SARS virus.


I know this delves into stereotyping and that individual cases will vary, but I can say that one thing I do appreciate from the COVID-19 response in East Asia so far is that people wear masks to prevent others from getting sick, not to protect themselves from getting sick.


Long story short: the whole "usefulness of masks" debate here in North America turned into a disaster. We started off with Asian Americans/Canadians immediately adopting masks, even while COVID-19 was still predominantly in China, and that prompted comments about 1) this being a "Chinese disease" (which it wasn't), and 2) that we were overreacting when it's "just a flu". Then, once the virus showed up here in earnest, the initial call from governments was for people not to wear masks because there weren't enough for frontline health care workers to use. This is also when the whole idea of "the mask won't stop you from getting COVID" came in...and now, even with shifts in scientific knowledge and government policy...it's stuck. So even now, you will have people saying that it's their personal right to choose not to wear a mask because "it doesn't protect you from the virus anyway". Which is true - to an extent - but that argument also misses the point of the new policies, which is - as you pointed out - that masks help to prevent you from spreading your germs to other people.


So I have observed from artists I follow on Instagram that live music performances, for instance, have already resumed in Taiwan and in Japan (and never fully stopped in Korea). And I have to give people there some credit for that, even if it is by going into a stereotype about seeking communal good rather than individual freedom of choice. 


And as for JW and his fellow theatre actors...I can say that I trust their good intentions, but I'm still cautious about the long-term consequences simply because there's no telling what the future will bring. Let's just hope this doesn't come back around to bite them.

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4 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

Looks like Joo won is enjoying Ghost more than he enjoyed filming Alice. And it seems like Ghost is getting good response from the audience as well.


I wouldn't compare but Joo Won has this special connection with Musical as he always loved being on stage and he takes pride in the fact that he is such an actor who can be on stage. It's his root,passion and he never fails to express his affection for stage as much as possible. So he's definitely enjoying himself a lot without a doubt that he could perform again in stage and at a time like this.. and it's a long performance so there's more to share about it in online everyday.


But as Alice was a pre-produced mystery type drama, JW couldn't share much when he was filming because it would have definitely spoiled things. He didn't even give us much of a hint how he'd look in Alice until the promotional time came. So he(along with other Alice actors) couldn't share much in fear of spoilers and losing the mystery. Also when Alice started airing he already started Musical performance. So I must give Joo Won credit that even though his shows overlapped, he kept posting in IG with Alice bits. He kept his fans engaged, even Alice co-actors posted in each others IG post so it can get more entertaining. 


Joo Won is quite a loyal guy.. Many Directiors who worked with him like to work with him again. He also responded to them. In the recent vlive that he did after vlive ghost promo, he talked very highly of Seensee Company that is the production company of Musical Ghost. He was saying it in here and there that 2013 they talked that they'd do it again after Joo Won is back from Army. And liked the thought of it even though it can be tough. But they actually did call him to join after he came from Military and many of previous casts also joined so he become so delighted that all were so attached to GHOST as much as he is. Anyways he was talking in vlive how Seensee may come up with another musical project after GHOST and may be he'd get to be there. A fan commented "Would you work in a Seensee Project again?". Joo Won  "I would like it if it's from Seensee.. I am more comfortable with them." 

I'm not really into live performance that much real life.. I don't even enjoy watching movies in theatre unless it's something I really am interested in and may be if it's in 3D.. lol.. I used to be a cartoon/anime/animated movie lover who somehow later got attached with KDrama and can't get out of it.. So sometimes I tend to lose my interest when musical related news comes up(guilty of not paying attention..:P). But I can always feel this sentiment that how JW is so passionate about Musical and takes pride in it. He has become a well known star by being successful on TV and getting a quite a lot of recognition from it and still he never lose the chance to getting back to his root and he believes that he shines there. This fact makes me respect this side of him, that would not be calculative in doing something he feels passionate about. Though for me it means no drama/TV project for a long time. But as long as I get him enough in TV screen and he's happy with doing amazing works that he's passionate about it's okay... It also makes me think how Joo Won's first fans are from Musical. After his TV debut he was way he only performed in Ghost. They might cheer for Joo Won's TV/movie projects but miss him in theatre. So it's a chance for those fans who first got to know this real gem, see him again where they started loving him.


But seeing the amount of technical features that has been used in Musical GHOST someone like me who likes Magical/Fantasy genres might like GHOST. It seems quite fun even regardless of Joo Won being in it or not. But the fact Joo Won is in it is the reason I know about it.. So... He he...


Also I don't know if I or you guys shared this info here but - 



I find it interesting that his upcoming movie 'Firefighter' Directior sent snacks to Ghost Team. He must've liked working with Joo Won. 

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3 hours ago, flutterby06 said:

Also I don't know if I or you guys shared this info here but - 


Oh, I saw it on his story but this not know what it was about, until now. Looks like joo won did a good job in the movie, since directors only send such kind of compliments to veteran actors who had done lot of movies with them, and given that joo won had only done one movie with this director, I guess he was impressed by Joo won's acting and efforts

7 hours ago, kittyna said:

the initial call from governments was for people not to wear masks

I think it was due to hoarding of masks by few individuals and also, initially every country went on complete lock down and the government thought technically everyone need not wear mask since it is a vital tool for front line workers and essential service personnel.

7 hours ago, kittyna said:

I'm not so sure that government approval of anything can be seen as proof that it's ethical - legal, yes, but not ethical.

Lol! I thought you might agree with this point, since I was totally putting my faith in government for making legal and ethical decisions. But, every government functions different because people around the world votes or accepts different type of governments according to their culture, social needs. I think it won't be exaggeration to say that right now governments are the ones who have total control over their country in every aspect of life and the market forces have simple collapsed or looking assistance from the governments to ride out the pandemic. So, this debate of whether an legal decision is ethical or not is tricky. Since, these are desperate times and in desperate times  decisions need to taken quickly and in less arbitrary way. So, as long as public accepts these legal decisions they are ethical in nature, and yes there are few exceptions and fault lines, but these independent media in East Asia makes up for these fault lines. So, at least in East Asia, I can say that the governments will behave in an ethical way and there are checks and balances to nudge the government to take legal decisions which are ethical or adhere to the standards of ethical practice which is defined by the people of the society.

7 hours ago, kittyna said:

And as for JW and his fellow theatre actors...I can say that I trust their good intentions, but I'm still cautious about the long-term consequences simply because there's no telling what the future will bring. Let's just hope this doesn't come back around to bite them.

Pandemic or no pandemic, there is always risk in every decisions made by artists. And also, they do follow legal team guidelines before making any decision in order to insulate themselves if something goes wrong in the future. And also, merely promoting something doesn't amounts to taking responsibility of decisions made by the consumers, Joo won can appeal people to come to his performance, but I am also sure that he will caution the audience to take proper precautions and follow SOP. So, I don't joo won getting into trouble even if there is surge of cases because of his "Ghost" performance, since the public knew the risk as well as local government which as given the permission to conduct the performance, so, the responsibility and accountability is shared by everyone not just joo won, but yes his name might come up if there is a surge of cases since he is directly involved, but it will just be mentioned as part of article or news not to blame him or hold him responsible

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5 hours ago, flutterby06 said:

But as Alice was a pre-produced mystery type drama, JW couldn't share much when he was filming because it would have definitely spoiled things. He didn't even give us much of a hint how he'd look in Alice until the promotional time came. So he(along with other Alice actors) couldn't share much in fear of spoilers and losing the mystery. Also when Alice started airing he already started Musical performance. So I must give Joo Won credit that even though his shows overlapped, he kept posting in IG with Alice bits. He kept his fans engaged, even Alice co-actors posted in each others IG post so it can get more entertaining. 


I have to say, once you watch Alice and see just how many twists and surprises are in it...yeah, the cast members pretty much couldn't say anything without spoiling something :P But I loved the agreement (official or otherwise) among the four main cast members to collectively post something on Instagram every single Friday (:)), as well as JW's habit of reposting Instagram stories from fans showing that they were watching the broadcast.


5 hours ago, flutterby06 said:

I wouldn't compare but Joo Won has this special connection with Musical as he always loved being on stage and he takes pride in the fact that he is such an actor who can be on stage. It's his root,passion and he never fails to express his affection for stage as much as possible. So he's definitely enjoying himself a lot without a doubt that he could perform again in stage and at a time like this.. and it's a long performance so there's more to share about it in online everyday.


5 hours ago, flutterby06 said:

But I can always feel this sentiment that how JW is so passionate about Musical and takes pride in it. He has become a well known star by being successful on TV and getting a quite a lot of recognition from it and still he never lose the chance to getting back to his root and he believes that he shines there. This fact makes me respect this side of him, that would not be calculative in doing something he feels passionate about.


Stage theatre is what got JW interested in acting in the first place, so it's always going to have a special place in his heart, I think. lol - Putting it that way, it sounds like the way K-dramas always make a huge (but unrealistic) deal about people's "first loves", but I really do think it holds true here.


And don't worry, @flutterby06 - even though I do listen to musicals a lot (don't watch them often, though, cuz those tickets are expensive), I didn't know there was a musical version of Ghost until finding out that JW was in it. :P 


5 hours ago, flutterby06 said:

I find it interesting that his upcoming movie 'Firefighter' Directior sent snacks to Ghost Team. He must've liked working with Joo Won. 


1 hour ago, kireeti2 said:

Oh, I saw it on his story but this not know what it was about, until now. Looks like joo won did a good job in the movie, since directors only send such kind of compliments to veteran actors who had done lot of movies with them, and given that joo won had only done one movie with this director, I guess he was impressed by Joo won's acting and efforts


Same - I saw it in his Stories, but didn't know what for. So thanks for the tip! :) 


1 hour ago, kireeti2 said:

Lol! I thought you might agree with this point, since I was totally putting my faith in government for making legal and ethical decisions. But, every government functions different because people around the world votes or accepts different type of governments according to their culture, social needs.


I trust governments in theory, but in practice...not so much :P Any system, no matter how perfect, will end up flawed once actual human beings are involved; I thought Alice drilled that concept into all of our heads already by this point ;) 


(Slight tangent here, but am I the only one who thinks it's weird hearing the cast members being asked about their thoughts on time travel in post-drama interviews, like the one Kim Hee Sun did? Like, um, I'm pretty sure the answer to "Would you want to travel through time now?" from all of them would now be a resounding, "Hell, no!", but there you go.)


1 hour ago, kireeti2 said:

So, this debate of whether an legal decision is ethical or not is tricky. Since, these are desperate times and in desperate times  decisions need to taken quickly and in less arbitrary way. So, as long as public accepts these legal decisions they are ethical in nature, and yes there are few exceptions and fault lines, but these independent media in East Asia makes up for these fault lines. So, at least in East Asia, I can say that the governments will behave in an ethical way and there are checks and balances to nudge the government to take legal decisions which are ethical or adhere to the standards of ethical practice which is defined by the people of the society.


I would definitely agree that there's less of a libertarian streak in East Asian societies generally than where I am in North America, which allows for a greater degree of government control, but also adds to that feeling that politicians are ultimately responsible for their people.


And I do want to point out that, second wave being larger than the first aside, Canada is still running along relatively well in the grand scheme of things. It's mostly just the mess from the US government - and the subsequent varied responses from the public - that have me really skeptical about where the pandemic could progress from here. There's a long history of libertarianism (i.e. the belief that individual rights and freedoms are what matter most above all) in the US, and that sort of thinking is even more dangerous during this pandemic than simple individualism is. Like, an individualist can just go, "I'll take care of myself, please and thank-you," whereas a libertarian would go, "You want me to stay home and wear a mask? Well, now I'm not gonna, because you can't tell me what to do!" And, until quite recently, the US had a President that actively supported that libertarian viewpoint over his own public health officials, so even with the current election results, there's no telling how long it'll take to clean up that mess.


1 hour ago, kireeti2 said:

And also, merely promoting something doesn't amounts to taking responsibility of decisions made by the consumers, Joo won can appeal people to come to his performance, but I am also sure that he will caution the audience to take proper precautions and follow SOP. So, I don't joo won getting into trouble even if there is surge of cases because of his "Ghost" performance, since the public knew the risk as well as local government which as given the permission to conduct the performance, so, the responsibility and accountability is shared by everyone not just joo won, but yes his name might come up if there is a surge of cases since he is directly involved, but it will just be mentioned as part of article or news not to blame him or hold him responsible


I know that that's what JW meant, so no need to worry about me :) As for what could happen to him if there is an outbreak related to Ghost...let's just say that just as I trust governments more in theory than in practice, I trust the media (and netizens) the same way. Like, I know how super-cautious JW has been himself - as he's explained numerous times already - but if someone wants to ascribe blame, they will, even if it doesn't make sense. So we'll just have to see how it all plays out.


On a more lighthearted and infinitely sweeter note (in more ways than one), it's Pepero Day in Korea :foodie3:


And, finally, a quick fic-related update: real life has been super-hectic, so I haven't had much chance to write in the past several weeks. Like, even when I do have spare time, I'm usually tired and drained and just want to veg in front of my computer scrolling through YouTube or Instagram or Pinterest or here. :daydream:But that being said, I haven't forgotten about my projects either - they'll just be released later than expected, so hang in there!

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28 minutes ago, kittyna said:

I'll take care of myself, please and thank-you," whereas a libertarian would go, "You want me to stay home and wear a mask? Well, now I'm not gonna, because you can't tell me what to do!" And, until quite recently, the US had a President that actively supported that libertarian viewpoint over his own public health officials, so even with the current election results, there's no telling how long it'll take to clean up that mess.

I don't think these fools who are advocating for no mask or choice to wear mask as libertarians. Lol! these are some nut jobs who had bought into conspiracy theories. They think that masks are designed to killing them in order to take over the world and stuff, this is one of the negative social impact of digitization of the society. These very people will deny the  choice of the woman to have abortion saying that she has no right over her body and believe abortion is some kind of sin which will harm whole of society. So, they seem to have no problem in denying the women agency over their body but are keen in claiming right to not wear masks. So, bottom line is any ideology in excess is a bad thing, but these people doesn't seem to be that educated in any ideology, they are just forming a their  opinion by listening to someone online rather than reading about the ideologies.

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39 minutes ago, kireeti2 said:

I don't think these fools who are advocating for no mask or choice to wear mask as libertarians. Lol! these are some nut jobs who had bought into conspiracy theories.


I see. I will confess that I learned the term "libertarianism" in a context that wasn't related to free market capitalism. Instead, I first heard of it as an ideology that can best be summarized by "massive distrust of government" and "extreme/radical individualism". So...probably a failed label here. 


Still, "nut jobs" or not, they still had a very real impact on how things played out in the States - and it was scary to see how similar voices have popped up in Canada, Europe, etc. since the whole anti-mask/anti-lockdown protests started in the US.


I guess the frustrating part of all this for me is that such extreme individualism and resistance to authority (now that I think about it, those were probably the terms I was looking for) are just plain wrong - not even from, say, the Confucian perspective I grew up with, but even just from the perspective of common human decency. Like, can anyone really be that devoid of any sense of social or moral responsibility that they'd end up thinking public health guidelines are an infringement of their own personal rights rather than an attempt to protect them and those they love? How blindingly selfish do they have to be for any of this to make sense - and how could they even look, say, their own elderly relatives in the eye after saying that?


Sorry, @flutterby06 - I'm sure this isn't the sort of discussion you signed up for by sharing JW's Instagram post :P But hey, we can at least be thankful that Korea is doing a lot better and that JW is a much more caring and socially responsible person.

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Video celebrating SBS's 30th anniversary, with a particular focus on its 2020 lineup



Friends in a drama, friends in real life - JW sent a coffee/snack truck to the set of Go Kyung Pyo's current drama, Private Lives


And finally, with JW busy with Ghost, it looks like it's been up to Kwak Si Yang to do the post-Alice variety show circuit:


(Yes, I know SBS's auto-subs on YouTube are terrible. So just watch for the visuals.)









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2 hours ago, kittyna said:

Video celebrating SBS's 30th anniversary, with a particular focus on its 2020 lineup

I think "Penthouse drama" is going to win big, it's a mix of "Sky Castle" and classic K-drama story line of Rich assholes who are corrupt and making the system work in favor of them. So, yeah, I wouldn't be surprised if it the drama ratings clocks at 30% or more. I really don't think Alice is going to win any award with this stiff competition, so, I guess we have to wait for Joo won's movie and see how it does, I hope it does well and compensate for lack of drama award with award in movie category

2 hours ago, kittyna said:

Friends in a drama, friends in real life - JW sent a coffee/snack truck to the set of Go Kyung Pyo's current drama, Private Lives

Of course they are, JW and Kyung Pyo's got close when they were in the army together


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21 minutes ago, kireeti2 said:

Of course they are, JW and Kyung Pyo's got close when they were in the army together


They were also close prior to enlistment, with GKP being welcomed into JW's existing group of friends (i.e. the guys we see in Life Log) :) 


21 minutes ago, kireeti2 said:

I think "Penthouse drama" is going to win big, it's a mix of "Sky Castle" and classic K-drama story line of Rich assholes who are corrupt and making the system work in favor of them. So, yeah, I wouldn't be surprised if it the drama ratings clocks at 30% or more. I really don't think Alice is going to win any award with this stiff competition, so, I guess we have to wait for Joo won's movie and see how it does, I hope it does well and compensate for lack of drama award with award in movie category


I expect some nominations for Alice, but never go into awards expecting any actual wins - that way, all news is good news ;) 


*The next part's in Spoilers as there's some profanity ahead*



Also, can I just point out that Soompi's auto-censors are, like, really flipping weird? Like, somehow "assholes" is okay (just in plural, though), but not "c**k", even when it's not meant in a sexual way (e.g. "to RickRoll'D a gun"). lol - it's like that old joke about how, when they were first introduced, parental internet filters wound up blocking housewives from looking up recipes using chicken breasts. :P 


By the way, I don't actually use the word "assholes" personally, but knowing what is/isn't allowed re: profanity does help with writing dialogue, characters' narrative voices (with the toughest re: language being Kim Tae Hyun, since he cusses quite a lot in my head, which I can't actually write out here), etc. So either way, it's good to know now.


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So just for the record, JW's been nominated for Best Actor in a Miniseries at the 2020 APAN Star Awards  :hooray:



But here's the thing: as happy as I was for him to find this out, I was genuinely baffled by the list of nominees for that award as a whole. Like, on the one hand, I was glad to see that he'd stand a reasonable chance of winning out of this list (he's not a runaway winner, but it's not like chances are slim-to-none); and I also think it's a fair assessment of his performance as Park Jin Gyeom, which (in my opinion) was one of his better ones. But on the other hand...in no way was this list representative of the top dramas or performances from Oct. 2019 until Sept. 2020 (which is the pool they use for APAN). 



To be fair, I've only actually watched Alice out of the 2020 dramas so far. But even I know that in no way does it stand a chance when compared to shows like, say, Hospital Playlist or Crash Landing on You (which, say what you will, was the top drama in terms of popularity for a good chunk of the year) or World of the Married (which, to be fair, also got a nomination), or...you get the idea.


And then I saw the list of Daesang nominees:



Okay, first of all, congrats to Kim Hee Sun for the nomination! :hooray2: I definitely think she deserves it :) 


But now, looking back at the list of nominees for the Best Actor award...oof. Am I the only one who's getting serious "consolation prize" vibes now?




And now I'm also seeing this list of nominees, and I'm doubly confused - was the first list of Best Actor nominees that was released by JW's fans on Instagram incomplete, or is this new post for a different category or a mashup of multiple categories?

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23 minutes ago, kittyna said:

Yeah, like you said Joo won's chances are pretty slim. But to win an award in APAN he needs to take a strong role with multiple dimensions. From past awards it seems like that APAN awards are mostly given on the performance of the artists, regardless of drama's ratings or the popularity of the actors/actress. So, to win an award in APAN merely getting ratings is not enough.

26 minutes ago, kittyna said:

Okay, first of all, congrats to Kim Hee Sun for the nomination! :hooray2: I definitely think she deserves it :) 

Yup, she does deserve it and I think her performance was phenomenal, like, she played flawlessly as mother and as scientist and she looked and acted appropriately with the age of the character. But I think Kim Hee Ae is going to win the Daesang :love:


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20 minutes ago, kireeti2 said:

Yeah, like you said Joo won's chances are pretty slim. But to win an award in APAN he needs to take a strong role with multiple dimensions. From past awards it seems like that APAN awards are mostly given on the performance of the artists, regardless of drama's ratings or the popularity of the actors/actress. So, to win an award in APAN merely getting ratings is not enough.


Well, out of this short list for Best Actor, I think that JW has a shot. Most likely, it'd go to Park Hae Joon (again, because of World of the Married and because he's an awesome veteran actor, period - haven't watched WotM yet, but I have seen him in plenty of other roles), but since the other dramas I'm visualizing in my head now from this list of nominees are Do You Like Brahms?Record of Youth, and Backstreet Rookie...yeah, I think Alice is a good second-place nomination out of that bunch. Especially if it's about actual acting performance, versatility of the role, etc. :) 


My guess now is that this is why APAN has a separate popularity category, which is the one netizens are encouraged to vote for. ;) 


26 minutes ago, kireeti2 said:

But I think Kim Hee Ae is going to win the Daesang


Out of this list? Yeah, probably ;) 


Generally speaking, I think that Daesang should go to someone on the more experienced/veteran side of things. Maybe because there's a certain "Lifetime Achievement" vibe to it - in my own head, anyway.

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1 hour ago, kittyna said:

Generally speaking, I think that Daesang should go to someone on the more experienced/veteran side of things. Maybe because there's a certain "Lifetime Achievement" vibe to it - in my own head, anywa

Well, Song Hye-Kyo got Daesang when she was 32 in 2013, for her performance in "That winter, the wind blows". So, I am sticking out my neck for Kim Hee Ae win:hwaiting:  she might face stiff competition from Son Ye-Jin's "CLOY", but due to the north and south controversy she might not win it. 

1 hour ago, kittyna said:

o Park Hae Joon (again, because of World of the Married and because he's an awesome veteran actor, period - haven't watched WotM yet, but I have seen him in plenty of other roles)

WotM was pretty much dominated by female characters and the screen time of male actors was less compared to female actors. So, I think Joo won does have short in winning the award in mini series, as Park Bo Gum is in military, he might not be win it. And other dramas were sort less popular in terms of cast acting, story and ratings.


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9 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

WotM was pretty much dominated by female characters and the screen time of male actors was less compared to female actors. So, I think Joo won does have short in winning the award in mini series, as Park Bo Gum is in military, he might not be win it. And other dramas were sort less popular in terms of cast acting, story and ratings.


I see. I thought World of the Married showed strong performances all around, but then again, I haven't watched it yet :P Either way, I do hope that JW gets a good shot at this award, even though I'm still not convinced a win would serve as a testament to his acting abilities in any objective sense.

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