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Joo Won 주원 [Drama- The Midnight Studio/ 야한(夜限) 사진관]


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9 hours ago, kireeti2 said:
12 hours ago, kittyna said:

2. "I Am Moana (Song of the Ancestors)" (from Moana)

Shim Kab-Nyeon


This one took me a while to puzzle out, but I think I get it now. My guess is that you answered for the grandmother in the scene - but Moana is actually the granddaughter ;) 

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From 'Alice' → 'Ghost' Joo Won, unstoppable since his military discharge. 


When the actor Joo Won, was preparing for the premiere of the musical 'Ghost' 7 years ago, he was finishing up the drama 'Good Doctor' (2013). 


Whilst completing his drama schedule, he had started practicing for the musical, and had to juggle between practice and his filming schedules.


Joo Won who was thankful and happy to have received much love and attention, is a bit regretful. As he looks back, it was a shame that he couldn't focus on each task more. So this time when he met with the work 'Ghost' again after 7 years, his mindset is different. He has more time to enjoy it now.


Joo Won took the challenge to do a musical. 'Ghost' is based on the hit 1990s film 'Love and Soul' (Ghost), starring Patrick Swayze and Demi Moore. Ghost which premiered in Korea in 2013 as the "first Non-English in Asia" was a box-office hit. Attracting more than 230,000 viewers during it's 7 month run, Joo Won's return to the musical stage, after 4 years was also highly acclaimed. 


Joo Won says that he was waiting for a revival of the musical 'Ghost' more than anyone else. 


JW: "7 years ago, I thought 'I wish that I could do this musical again after my military service.' And the other actors too, half jokingly said 'let's do it again!' I found myself thinking about being on stage and about the show even when I was in the military, and was worried 'what if they don't call me?' But I'm glad that I'm able to do the show again."


"The most different thing from seven years ago was my attitude towards my works. When I was doing the first show, I felt happy and pleasant, but there was something lacking. Because, I had such a busy schedule that I didn't have much memory of my performances. After seven years, I'm trying to fix that regret. It was really nice to be back on stage. From practice to rehearsal, I realised that 'I love the stage so much.' "


"This time, I've been thinking, 'let's play a little more and let's have fun.' I'm doing things that I've never even tried before because I have more ideas. Also, I have more time to talk with the actors and the staff, so I'm trying to express my opinions and do various things. I'm going to try many different things and break the stereotype I have of the character. I'm trying to create a more lively character."


"In the play, I am forced to act with extreme emotions. Sometimes, I get so immersed in it that my limbs start to shake. It was the hardest part of practice."


"This role is very emotionally difficult. It's really hard to control my feelings at times, and on some days, I can't even sing properly because I'm so absorbed. On top of that, the director told me not to control my emotions, so I'm looking into a way to get into the role, and be able to sing well at the same time." 


"I interpret the role differently now, as compared to 7 years ago. In the play for example, Sam can't say "I love you" to Molly. Back then, I didn't this, but now I'm trying to understand the role more. Now I'm imagining stories and creating background stories about Sam and why he can't say 'I love you.' Now that I'm trying to understand my character more, my acting has become more convincing. Even if I do one line, I feel differently about it every time."


"While on stage, there's a sense of loneliness. Since I'm playing ghost, no one can see or hear me, I can't help but feeling lonely. But since it's part of the role, I have to keep that feeling." 


Recently, Joo Won has also been receiving much love for his role in the SBS drama 'Alice.' He had a short 'vacancy due to enlistment.' A celebrity who is indeed a celebrity. 


JW: "It was a difficult drama, but it was time to try different things. There are so many channels, and so many things to watch and for people to enjoy, that I wanted to try something new. And that was 'Alice.' I was happy that I was able to that I was able to do this drama. I hope the drama, and the musical 'Ghost' does well." 


"It is not easy to ask audiences to come see our musical. With Corona 19 looming, it is an important time for everyone's health. Everyone participating is anxious because we don't know what's going to happen. I'm really doing my personal quarantine more thoroughly than anyone else for every performance. I hope 'Ghost' can be a comforting piece during these difficult times." 


Source: https://sports.donga.com/article/all/20201005/103250214/2



**I didn't translate the parts where he talks about the special effects or spoilers about the musical. I didn't wanna spoil the magic for those who are planning to see go see him.

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1 hour ago, kittyna said:

This one took me a while to puzzle out, but I think I get it now. My guess is that you answered for the grandmother in the scene - but Moana is actually the granddaughter

Oh, then I will choose "Baek Ja-Eun " for musical 2

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@airplanegirl - Thanks for sharing that interview! lol - it does make me wonder if JW's comparison between his crazy 2013 schedule and now is a subtle hint that he's not gonna be coming back to dramaland anytime soon, though :P 


I'm also glad to see/hear that JW's taking COVID-19 and the need to maintain physical distancing seriously. It's tough that this is happening now - live performance artists of all sorts (theatre, music, etc.) are taking a hard hit now because there's no way to get a large audience safely anymore - but I'm glad that, in his comments at least, he and his fellow cast members are looking at the bigger picture. I know that doesn't say much about what he's really thinking on the inside (because, well, complaining about the need to physically distance would also be social suicide right now :P), but from my own North American perspective, I'm willing to take any good sign that I can get.


And I'm also here for my responses to Round Two of my Disney-Drama Characters Associations Challenge. As a quick preface, I do want to say that I'm going out on a limb with some of my choices, as they involve my imagined forward projections or backstory for Alice characters based on what we know so far - meaning that, depending on how the remaining 6 episodes go, I could end up completely wrong :P 



1. "The Place Where Lost Things Go" (from Mary Poppins Returns)


This is the answer that involves possible Alice backstory, as I actually wound up thinking of Kim In Sook (i.e. Go Hyung Seok's wife - by the way, I noticed that the English Wikipedia puts his name as "Hyeon Seok", but the Korean hangeul is "Hyung/Hyeong" ;)). My reasoning here is that despite not knowing Park Sun Young personally (just like Mary Poppins doesn't know the children's late mother personally), she still wants to be there for Jin Gyeom when he's orphaned - and unlike many well-meaning individuals who haven't experienced loss themselves, I imagine that she'd know better than to just suggest that Jin Gyeom move on from the past. Instead, as someone who's been there before (due to the death of her son), I can imagine her trying to say something similar to what we hear in this song to Jin Gyeom: that it's okay to grieve, but that it's also important to remember that those we've lost are not truly gone so long as we remember them.


(Mind you: given Jin Gyeom's character, this message...may or may not actually get through to him. But I can see Mrs. Go trying nonetheless.)


2. "I Am Moana (Song of the Ancestors)" (from Moana)


And now, a double-whammy for Alice - but this time, looking forward rather than thinking back. What jumps out to me the most about Moana's character in this scene is that when she comes up against what feels like an insurmountable setback, she finds the strength to go on in her love and passion for both her people and the sea itself - and that's something she realizes she inherited from her ancestors. With that in mind, I actually found myself thinking about 2020 Yoon Tae Yi. We still don't know what her journey's going to look like in full, but I think there's no way her own ancestry (being the daughter of the author of the Book of Prophecy) was just coincidence: instead, I imagine that that's not only the reason behind her lifelong interest in physics and time travel, but that it's going to actually play a significant role in her life going forward, perhaps even compelling her to continue pursuing time travel (or stopping it - either way works) despite the odds.


3. "I Won't Say I'm in Love" (from Hercules)


Here, I'm going with something a bit more lighthearted: Princess Hye Myung from My Sassy Girl. I know that I usually focus on her tough, headstrong side - but here, I'm changing things up by looking at the rom-com side of her story. To be fair, I get the sense watching the drama that she starts developing feelings for Gyun Woo well before she's ready to admit it - and her servants (who are also her closest friends) see it coming from a mile away :P 


4. "Loyal, Brave, and True" (from Mulan)


My pick for this one is Han Yeo Jin from Yong Pal. First of all, I think that her determination to reclaim her place as Hanshin's CEO is to continue her parents' legacy - knowing that she's the rightful heir despite being the younger sibling. However, more importantly, I can see in this song Yeo Jin's own internal struggle between maintaining an aggressive war-like persona on the outside while still remaining a good person on the inside - she fails in the endeavour more often than not (and tries to rationalize her choices by claiming that she was "a crocodile" all along - an explanation that Tae Hyun's definitely not buying), but that desire is still inside of her and it's what allows her to finally come back around in the end.


5. "That's How You Know" (from Enchanted)


lol - Well, Nae Il would be the obvious pick, so I knew I'd need a backup from the start here :P So, just for fun, I'm gonna choose Nurse Song from Yong Pal - i.e. the nurse who's got a huge crush on Kim Tae Hyun. While it's true that she's unlike Giselle in her tendency to play hard to get (fishing for favours, then getting miffed when Tae Hyun turns her down), once he does start getting friendlier as the drama progresses...she's caught hook, line, and sinker :P 


6. "The Next Right Thing" (from Frozen 2)


This is where I'm putting Baek Ja Eun from Ojakgyo Brothers. There's nothing really elaborate here in my reasoning: just that I see similarities between Anna and Ja Eun in their core optimism and their determined "one step at a time" approach to dealing with extremely hard times (for Anna, it's losing her sister; for Ja Eun, it's losing her father).


7. "Mother Knows Best" (from Tangled)


So...Seo In Sook was also my first choice, meaning that this is the one I needed to find a backup for ;) So, fortunately, in JW's dramas so far, there are two antagonistic "mother" characters already - and I'm gonna go with the other one: the Queen (i.e. Hye Myung's stepmother) from My Sassy Girl. Like Mother Gothel, she's got the outward appearance of a loving and protective mother, but with strong ulterior motives. Also, we see in Gothel's approach towards Rapunzel the various types of emotional abuse the Queen shows to her stepchildren: overprotection for the sake of creating co-dependency (towards Prince Wonja), and subtle insults combined with backhanded compliments and gaslighting (towards Hye Myung).


8. "Speechless" (from Aladdin)


Okay - this sort of tough/strong female character who fights back against people's underestimation of her is very common all across JW's dramas, giving me almost too many options to pick from. So this time, just because I want to show her some love as a spunky underdog sort of girl, I'm gonna say Kim Do Yeon from Alice: the righteous reporter who's not afraid to speak out against systemic sexism in her profession (i.e. that exposé on sexual harassment that she's been trying to get published), and who's willing to speak up and give Jin Gyeom the scolding he (more often than not) deserves :) 


Finally, check out this super-cute fanart :) lol - I love seeing anime-style takes on JW, for some reason. And can we talk about what Kim Tae Hyun's doing with Park Si On over there?

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So, JW just had his first appearance in this new run for Ghost, which means tons of goodies for us :) 


JW's own announcement on Instagram - I don't know why he looks so freaked out in the first shot (given that he's probably actually quite confident in the role ;)), but it's still funny to see his expressions here


Backstage photo


Some pics and videos from someone who attended the performance:


https://www.instagram.com/p/CGCiqnSsqj9/ - Images from the theatre lobby


https://www.instagram.com/p/CGC2oJQAcNN/ - Curtain call (Part 1)


https://www.instagram.com/p/CGC29eJA7xJ/ - Curtain call (Part 2)


Greeting a fan  - I assume this was after the performance


Pics from JW's recent photo shoot for the magazine interview:


(Again, as with most of these instances when a ton of photos are uploaded on Instagram all at once by multiple fans, I try to get everything without much overlap, but it's not always possible because of cropping, slideshow setups, etc. I do my best :))










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21 minutes ago, kittyna said:

Some pics and videos from someone who attended the performance:


https://www.instagram.com/p/CGCiqnSsqj9/ - Images from the theatre lobby


https://www.instagram.com/p/CGC2oJQAcNN/ - Curtain call (Part 1)


https://www.instagram.com/p/CGC29eJA7xJ/ - Curtain call (Part 2)


Greeting a fan  - I assume this was after the performance

Wow! Musical live performance seems to be fun watch, I never heard of it before I came to know that Joo won was a musical actor. With all that live music and live performance of the artists, it feels like it is better than a drama. I read in an article that Musical in Korea is as big as Dramas and K-pop, but I thought they were like thing in the past, I think musical still attracts sizeable number of fans both from older and younger generations.

25 minutes ago, kittyna said:

Without the comment, it looks like an ad for a shampoo or a conditioner, like, it almost feels like he is worried that he getting bald :joy:


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7 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

Wow! Musical live performance seems to be fun watch, I never heard of it before I came to know that Joo won was a musical actor. With all that live music and live performance of the artists, it feels like it is better than a drama. I read in an article that Musical in Korea is as big as Dramas and K-pop, but I thought they were like thing in the past, I think musical still attracts sizeable number of fans both from older and younger generations.


I think that musical theatre comes and goes in terms of popularity - it's one of those "you either like it or you don't" sorts of things. Personally, I liked it for as long as I could remember, because my family did as well, so I grew up listening to the music (hence my challenges on this forum ;)). However, I didn't know that they were so popular in Korea specifically until I started to realize just how many actors I liked had at least some experience in musicals.


7 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

Without the comment, it looks like an ad for a shampoo or a conditioner, like, it almost feels like he is worried that he getting bald


:loolz: I didn't think of that one! I just thought he was pretending to go, "Crap - I've got a performance today and I'm not ready!!!"


Ghost fanart


More fanart


Korean actors playing characters in high school - It's funny that the main thing that JW's stylists do to turn him into a teenager is brush down his bangs. They did the same for Fashion King, too - but honestly, do you guys think it works? :lol:

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Lol! Kim Hee Seon looks very small when she is close to Joo won or rather Joo won is huge when we compare other female characters. And also, about the comment by joo won regarding Kim Hee Seo, he is all praise for her. I guess he really enjoyed working with her. For that matter he also praised Kim Tae Hee like this when he was working on Yong Pal.:blush:

1 hour ago, kittyna said:

It's funny that the main thing that JW's stylists do to turn him into a teenager is brush down his bangs. They did the same for Fashion King, too - but honestly, do you guys think it works? 

No, It really doesn't work in certain angles, like in few he does look like a student but most of the times it is hard to believe that he is a student

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13 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

Wow! Musical live performance seems to be fun watch, I never heard of it before I came to know that Joo won was a musical actor. With all that live music and live performance of the artists, it feels like it is better than a drama. I read in an article that Musical in Korea is as big as Dramas and K-pop, but I thought they were like thing in the past, I think musical still attracts sizeable number of fans both from older and younger generations.

In Korea, the musical scene is quite different. In recent years, the scene has not only gotten bigger, the shows they do are also very different from the shows on the West End and Broadway. 


The Korean musical scene is extremely creative with their original shows. One of the more famous works for these past 2 years has been Ben Hur the musical.


They do shows like Aida, Chicago and Les Mis, which are considered to be the staples of every musical scene.


But, then they also have shows like 'A better tomorrow,' 'Anna Karenina.'

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11 minutes ago, airplanegirl said:

In Korea, the musical scene is quite different. In recent years, the scene has not only gotten bigger, the shows they do are also very different from the shows on the West End and Broadway. 

I can see that, they use technology a lot in their shows, I think the Ghost from western is different from Korean version not only in terms of actors and language but also, they sort of used some kind of light technology to create an illusion. So, I figured that Korean Musical is a big thing not only in Korea but also in west

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5 minutes ago, kireeti2 said:

I can see that, they use technology a lot in their shows, I think the Ghost from western is different from Korean version not only in terms of actors and language but also, they sort of used some kind of light technology to create an illusion. So, I figured that Korean Musical is a big thing not only in Korea but also in west

Yea! Korean musicals use a lot of technology. Their special effects are on another level. 


The Korean musical scene is slowly getting more known to audiences around the world thanks to the technology used.

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6 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

That seems to be a thing with KDramas. I watched one where the actors current age was at least in their early 60's and yet with a flashback to their youth, all that was done was to give them a hairstyle from that decade. It looked hilarious.

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3 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

I can see that, they use technology a lot in their shows, I think the Ghost from western is different from Korean version not only in terms of actors and language but also, they sort of used some kind of light technology to create an illusion. So, I figured that Korean Musical is a big thing not only in Korea but also in west


2 hours ago, airplanegirl said:

Yea! Korean musicals use a lot of technology. Their special effects are on another level. 


The Korean musical scene is slowly getting more known to audiences around the world thanks to the technology used


I don't know much about stage production technology, but I have noticed that Korean performing artists (or, at least, performing artists of Korean descent) have become more prominent in general - in film/television and contemporary genres of music, obviously, but also in fields like musical theatre and classical music.


So, for example, I remember watching the filmed production of Miss Saigon several years ago (so, not a movie based on a musical, but an actual professionally filmed live performance), and one of the key supporting characters was actually played by a Korean musical theatre actor, Hong Kwang Ho. As for classical music, there are certain names I see coming up a lot: Cho Seong Jin (piano), Son Yeol Eum (piano), Lim Dong Hyek (piano), Lim Dong Min (piano - yes, before you ask, he and Lim Dong Hyek are brothers), Chung Myung Whun (piano + conducting), Clara Jumi Kang (violin - born in Germany to Korean parents), Kim Bomsori (violin), etc. There are many others as well, for other instruments, but this is just a sampling of names that I've come across just by streaming classical music on YouTube.


1 hour ago, Nella2019 said:

That seems to be a thing with KDramas. I watched one where the actors current age was at least in their early 60's and yet with a flashback to their youth, all that was done was to give them a hairstyle from that decade. It looked hilarious.


They do sometimes cast younger actors - but yeah, generally speaking, as long as the character is an adult (or close to being an adult) in the flashback, they just keep with the same actors. :P 


New Alice stills


More shots of the "Alice" hotel/office/centre set - Am I the only one who's seriously confused what that building's supposed to be used for now? Like, officially, it's a hotel, but it serves so many other functions as well.


Behind-the-scenes from JW's recent photo shoot


The shoes JW wore on MBC's Radio Star

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Okay, so Alice will be starting up again soon (yay!), but I still want to do one last quick interactive before then. Today, it's a quick and cute/fluffy fall-themed round of Scattergories!


Again - no right or wrong answers. Just use your imagination!



Scattergories: Fall Edition


For each of the prompts, name the JW drama lead character that first comes to mind. As always, repeats are allowed, and - again, as always - pay attention to whether the prompt is for a guy, a girl, or a couple.


Note: for Alice, you can use both Yoon Tae Yi and Kim Do Yeon as the girl, and either one in combination with Park Jin Gyeom as a couple - since they both play super-important roles in Park Jin Gyeom's life (and it's still unknown if there will be a loveline at all).


1. The JW drama girl most likely to become obsessed with pumpkin spice lattes 

2. The JW drama guy most likely to skip/miss his family's Chuseok celebrations (you decide the reason why)

3. The JW drama couple most likely to go on a hike to admire the colourful fall foliage

4. The JW drama couple who starts off wanting to rake up the fallen leaves...but just end up having a play fight instead

5. The JW drama couple most likely to prefer spending the evenings at home on the couch rather than going out (hot chocolate optional)

6. The JW drama couple with the best fall fashion

7. The JW drama girl who'd have the best costume for Halloween

8. The JW drama guy most likely to suggest apple picking as an idea for a date

9. The JW drama couple most likely to spend Halloween with a horror movie marathon, with one person getting scared (you decide who - as well as how their partner reacts)


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Okay, I haven't watched all of Episode 11 of Alice yet (just the little snippets released by SBS on YouTube), but given that, all I want to say is kudos to the writers for the massive weeks-long red herring they managed to pull off! (I won't spoil it here for those who haven't seen it yet - if you know it, you know it :P)


But what I'm actually here for is my answers to the Scattergories I posted yesterday - you guys are still welcome to jump in with your responses at any time; I'm just already ready with mine :) 


1. The JW drama girl most likely to become obsessed with pumpkin spice lattes 


This one was a toss-up between Seol Nae Il and Baek Ja Eun for me - because both of them love sweet things - so, officially, I'm gonna go with Baek Ja Eun, because I can totally imagine her trying to nag Hwang Tae Hui into buying one for her.


2. The JW drama guy most likely to skip/miss his family's Chuseok celebrations (you decide the reason why)


Not counting those who don't really have much of a family to celebrate with, I want to go with Lee Kang To here. We know how estranged he is from his family, and I can also see skipping out on Chuseok as part of a broader attempt to suppress or downplay his own Korean heritage.


3. The JW drama couple most likely to go on a hike to admire the colourful fall foliage


Mostly because we already see them hiking once in a random PPL shoe-in for Mountia in the original drama, I'm gonna say Cha Yoo Jin and Seol Nae Il here. In my defence, though, I can see them genuinely liking that experience, but that hiking scene in the drama's finale...yeah, it was just random :P 


4. The JW drama couple who starts off wanting to rake up the fallen leaves...but just end up having a play fight instead


There are a ton of different possibilities here, with (in my head anyway) the main requirement being that one person is more serious/task-driven and the other is more playful/mischievous. So...just for variety, I'm going to say Han Gil Ro (the mischievous one) and Kim Seo Won (the slightly more serious one who can never resist his antics).


5. The JW drama couple most likely to prefer spending the evenings at home on the couch rather than going out (hot chocolate optional)


I know I already show Cha Yoo Jin and Seol Nae Il doing this sort of thing a lot in Seolleim in Salzburg, so you know what? Let's just go with that :P 


6. The JW drama couple with the best fall fashion


This one's hard, because there are so many JW drama characters whose styles I like on an individual level that I can't really narrow my choices down to one pair. I think, for this one, I'm gonna say Hwang Tae Hui and Baek Ja Eun, because I remember all the warm, cozy outfits (especially accessories) Ja Eun had, and I definitely had a thing for Tae Hui's fall weather coats ;) 


7. The JW drama girl who'd have the best costume for Halloween


I'm gonna say Cha Yoon Seo here, simply because I think she - and the rest of the pediatric ward staff - will want to go all out for the sake of the kids. :) Of course, I imagine she'd go for a cute or fun costume rather than a scary one under the circumstances (think what everyone did for the Peter Pan skit, for instance).


8. The JW drama guy most likely to suggest apple picking as an idea for a date


And, complimenting my answer from above, I'm going to say Park Si On here. I dunno - I just see this as something he might enjoy. *shrugs*


9. The JW drama couple most likely to spend Halloween with a horror movie marathon, with one person getting scared (you decide who - as well as how their partner reacts)


You might have seen this answer coming from a mile away - Park Jin Gyeom and Kim Do Yeon. For me, I imagine that the whole movie marathon would be Do Yeon's idea (because she does seem to be the sort who'd enjoy the adrenaline rush), but that she'd also be the one who gets scared...except that Jin Gyeom then completely drops the ball by not responding accordingly (instead just being completely unfazed). :lol:

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18 hours ago, kittyna said:

Okay, I haven't watched all of Episode 11 of Alice yet (just the little snippets released by SBS on YouTube), but given that, all I want to say is kudos to the writers for the massive weeks-long red herring they managed to pull off! (I won't spoil it here for those who haven't seen it yet - if you know it, you know it :P)

Coming to episode 11 review. It has lot of twist and turners which made the show ten times better. And I can finally see YT(2020) finally acting like a responsible mom by doing her own investigation and insisting him to download the tracking app on his phone. And MH, stepping up has dad scene was cool. Looks like both mom and dad are on a mission to save their son. It was touching scene to watch Detective Ko sacrificing himself for sake of PJG. The way the teacher revealed himself was subtle and shocking at the same time, since professor Seok Won did a good job not only gaining trust of PJG but also viewers trust. Overall, I have no complaints about the episodes other than being short.

P.S- And that fishing scene was hilarious, says a lot about relationship between Detective Ko and PJG and how deep their relationship and how much they trust each other


Now coming to Scattergories, My apologies for late reply and I may not be a able to give good reason for my choices, so do feel free to point it out in order for me to elaborate my reason behind the choices

18 hours ago, kittyna said:

1. The JW drama girl most likely to become obsessed with pumpkin spice lattes 

The food preferences of Joo won's female lead are not clearly defined except for few characters. So, I would like to choose Nae Il.

18 hours ago, kittyna said:

2. The JW drama guy most likely to skip/miss his family's Chuseok celebrations

Cha Yoo Jin, because he looks like a guy who is more linked towards western thing and for this ceremony it feels like it requires the mom and dad to stay together.

18 hours ago, kittyna said:

3. The JW drama couple most likely to go on a hike to admire the colourful fall foliage

Kim Seo-Won and Han Gil Ro, since they jobs require for them to stay apart for long time, I think they will go on lot of hiking to make up for the time loss due to their jobs

18 hours ago, kittyna said:

4. The JW drama couple who starts off wanting to rake up the fallen leaves...but just end up having a play fight instead

I don't know why did you choose this scenario? Is it because this type of scene is in Joo won's drama? I will go with Cha Yoo Jin and Nae Il, I think Nae Il would be the one to start the fight and Cha Yoo Jin will continue it unknowingly and will enjoy it

18 hours ago, kittyna said:

5. The JW drama couple most likely to prefer spending the evenings at home on the couch rather than going out (hot chocolate optional)

Park Si-On, Maybe he will have tea with Cha Yoon Seo rather than Hot Chocolate

18 hours ago, kittyna said:

6. The JW drama couple with the best fall fashion

Cha Yoo Jin and Nae Il, since their profession demands them to have best fashion

18 hours ago, kittyna said:

7. The JW drama girl who'd have the best costume for Halloween

Han Yeo-Jin, I know she is really not that kind of a person to these things, but she will do it for the sake of kids at orphanage and will spare no expense to get best costume for the Halloween, I think she might go for Ice witch from Narnia

18 hours ago, kittyna said:

8. The JW drama guy most likely to suggest apple picking as an idea for a date

I will go with Kim Tae Hyun, so that he can get quality time with Han Yeo-Jin

18 hours ago, kittyna said:

9. The JW drama couple most likely to spend Halloween with a horror movie marathon, with one person getting scared (you decide who - as well as how their partner reacts)

Lol! PJG and KDY are like couple without any fear, so it does makes sense for them to watch horror movie. But I would like to add YT(2020) to this couple, since it is really difficult for anything to happen in PJG without YT and KDY


Like mother, like son


I think it is because of the amazing chemistry between them which made us look them as a couple:blush:

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2 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

And I can finally see YT(2020) finally acting like a responsible mom by doing her own investigation and insisting him to download the tracking app on his phone.


I haven't watched the full episode yet, but I was definitely glad to see this little snippet on YouTube :) 


2 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

It was touching scene to watch Detective Ko sacrificing himself for sake of PJG. The way the teacher revealed himself was subtle and shocking at the same time, since professor Seok Won did a good job not only gaining trust of PJG but also viewers trust.


This is why I said I wanted to give kudos to the writers. They managed to make Seok Oh Won look suspicious in Episode 4, then have him show up as the good guy in Episodes 5 and 6 - classic red herring scenario. And then, in Episodes 7 through 10, it looks like Seok Oh Won is in the clear and that Go Hyung Seok is at least one of the baddies (not the "Teacher" in any stretch, but still part of "Sigma") - and then, boom! Here we are in Episode 11, and it turns out the "truth" clarifying the first red herring is actually a second red herring that loops all the way back around to Episode 4.


(Long story short: Park Jin Gyeom should just trust his gut from now on. Except when it's concerning his dad - boy seriously needs some help in that regard :P)


I'll comment more on the actual scene(s) between Go Hyung Seok and Park Jin Gyeom when I've watched the full episode with subs and can actually understand everything that's going on. For now, I'll just say that from what I've managed to understand of it so far, it's a really touching moment between them - and I'm also sure that Go Hyung Seok's really seriously kicking himself right now.


2 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

And MH, stepping up has dad scene was cool. Looks like both mom and dad are on a mission to save their son.


I think there are some Yoo Min Hyuk moments I've missed, then. I'll have to keep an eye out for them when I get around to watching the full episode ;) 


In the meantime, though: Father-Son Reunion, meme-ified :lol:


2 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

Like mother, like son


:loolz: Oh, wow - Kim Hee Sun's killing it with the comic posts this time. If anyone finds out JW's reaction, please share! ;) 


Some more cute stills


Cutie Park Jin Gyeom - Dang, I thought he looked like a sad puppy at times, but this just takes "puppy" to a whole other level!


Some nice fanart


2 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

I don't know why did you choose this scenario? Is it because this type of scene is in Joo won's drama? I will go with Cha Yoo Jin and Nae Il, I think Nae Il would be the one to start the fight and Cha Yoo Jin will continue it unknowingly and will enjoy it


Did it show up in a drama? I don't remember - all I know is that leaf-raking cuteness is a common family/rom-com drama trope where I'm from :D 


2 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

Cha Yoo Jin and Nae Il, since their profession demands them to have best fashion


I did think of them as well - actually, I was sitting on the fence between them and my actual answer. :) 


2 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

Han Yeo-Jin, I know she is really not that kind of a person to these things, but she will do it for the sake of kids at orphanage and will spare no expense to get best costume for the Halloween, I think she might go for Ice witch from Narnia


Haven't thought of that before, but I really like that idea :approves:


2 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

Lol! PJG and KDY are like couple without any fear, so it does makes sense for them to watch horror movie. But I would like to add YT(2020) to this couple, since it is really difficult for anything to happen in PJG without YT and KDY


So...three-person movie night? Especially with these three? That's great! I'll just be back here, watching all the shenanigans unfold, then - because with Kim Do Yeon and Yoon Tae Yi in the same room together, you know there will be shenanigans :eats2:

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Okay, so you know that I've said before that I want to see JW playing a villainous role again. At least once. Yeah, um, I kinda forgot just what sort of nightmare fuel "evil" JW actually ends up looking like :sweat_smile:




This is the Episode 13 preview, for those who haven't seen it yet ;) 


Yeah, imagine scrolling on YouTube without any idea what happens in Episode 12 of Alice and stumbling across that thumbnail in your recommendations with, like, no context whatsoever. It's like, "Thanks - I didn't need to sleep tonight." :cold_sweat:





Of course, I'm aware that most likely, this isn't Park Jin Gyeom - that wouldn't make any sense given what we've seen of his character so far. But even if it's a doppelganger, a parallel version (because if there are two Tae Yis, then why not two Jin Gyeoms?), or someone from "Alice" or "Sigma" impersonating Jin Gyeom for nefarious purposes (e.g. using a variation on the shape-shifting device we've seen that could make a time traveler look older or younger)...that's still JW acting here, and that's arguably the creepiest look I've seen from him to date.


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8 hours ago, kittyna said:

Yeah, imagine scrolling on YouTube without any idea what happens in Episode 12 of Alice and stumbling across that thumbnail in your recommendations with, like, no context whatsoever. It's like, "Thanks - I didn't need to sleep tonight.

Well at least we know that he still got it when comes to playing villain roles. And to be hones I was not expecting this twist either. Like, I was under the impression that there can never be an evil PJG and PYS was able to tame him in all the version, but I guess she failed in one the universe. It makes the plot interesting and tricky to explain at the same time. Since the drama as only left with 4 episodes, I don't know how are the writers are going to explain the evil PJG phenomena :cold_sweat:


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2 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

Well at least we know that he still got it when comes to playing villain roles. And to be hones I was not expecting this twist either. Like, I was under the impression that there can never be an evil PJG and PYS was able to tame him in all the version, but I guess she failed in one the universe.


So...an evil parallel universe doppelganger who somehow represents what Park Jin Gyeom could have become without his mother's early intervention? That sounds plausible - I guess we'll have to wait and see. :) 


Cast photo shared by Lee Da In


And here's the music video for the newest OST track:




By the way, with all the songs featuring guys with high voices, am I the only one who hopes that JW will cover at least one of them in a future greeting for fans?


[EDIT] - Sorry; missed this earlier.


2 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

Well at least we know that he still got it when comes to playing villain roles


I think the last time for me was Gaksital - and even then, Lee Kang To never looked so...demonic as Evil!Jin Gyeom does. Like, Kang To was scary at times, but in a way that still felt human or like there was a conscience in there. This version of Jin Gyeom, though, takes it to a whole other level.

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