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Joo Won 주원 [Drama- The Midnight Studio/ 야한(夜限) 사진관]


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5 hours ago, kittyna said:

Whoa! I thought there was only one child actor, I must say these looked a lot familiar, if you haven't pointed it out, I would have been under impression that these to were played by same child actor

5 hours ago, kittyna said:

5-year-old Jin Gyeom: Moon Ju Won

12-year-old Jin Gyeom: Moon Woo Jin

These might be related to Joo Won in real life


5 hours ago, flutterby06 said:

But Do Yeon and Jin Gyeom's relationship has already become low key cute. So....

This relationship sort of give us some kind of break from the mysterious story behind time traveling, like time travel and other stuff are complex, but in between the scene these two interaction gives us some kind of relief from all these complex stuff and they are cute two watch also :blush: I am okay if the drama wins only one award and that award happened to be "Best Couple award" for these two :love:

7 hours ago, kittyna said:

And now I'm curious: which are the other two?

Park Si-On and Cha Yoon Seo and Kim Tae Hyun and Han Yeo Jin. Are you going to do scattergories for the best couples in Joo won's drama list? :wink:

7 hours ago, kittyna said:

Oh. My. God. - I meant that as praise, not criticism! I just mean that you actually can look critically at a drama and how it's produced and have some way of deciding for yourself whether it's good or not, whereas I just tend to take it as it is without thinking about any of that.

Lol! I sort of imagined you banging your head on the table literally and I am sorry if you had done that :tongue:

7 hours ago, kittyna said:

I know you're the one who usually ends up having to point out to me how something I meant well - like some of these emojis - could be used in a toxic or passive aggressive manner elsewhere, but if I say I like something of yours or "Please continue", I mean it

I think it has to do with the behavior of a person on internet forum, like I usually interact lot of people on political forums and we usual insult each other by agreeing with others point of view and then point out flaws in their point of view or opinion. So, I sort of use same yard stick here also, it's my fault and now that you have clarified it, I will take your praise and compliments without any wariness :blush:


And also I do it maybe because in the past  posts I did it with you in the same way, like the one where you mentioned having bad handwriting is synonymous to being a genius, so in sarcastic way I have said that "Maybe we should make kids study medicine at the early age since they have bad handwriting when they are very young" and also in few other things  I cannot recall, so I thought maybe you were settling scores by giving me some sort of false compliment in a sarcastic way :sweat_smile:


7 hours ago, kittyna said:

Bingo! ;) Which is why I was a bit wary of the five-year-old scenes, but was okay with the rest.

I am glad I could figure it out:blush:

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Gonna do a quick round of replies this time, since I've also just come from watching Episode 2 of Alice and want to give my take on it :) 


1 hour ago, kireeti2 said:

These might be related to Joo Won in real life


Maybe - since my impression so far is that many Koreans treat those of the same surname as themselves as distant relatives. I can also point out that the younger child actor (Moon Ju Won) does end up looking a good deal like JW himself did at around that age (as evidenced by that one childhood photo that's circulated around by fans, variety/talk shows, etc.).


1 hour ago, kireeti2 said:

Park Si-On and Cha Yoon Seo and Kim Tae Hyun and Han Yeo Jin. Are you going to do scattergories for the best couples in Joo won's drama list?


Hm...hadn't thought about a game/interactive for that, but I will say that Kim Tae Hyun and Han Yeo Jin are one of my favourite K-drama couples so far, period. :) 


And...most of the other stuff I can reply to will most likely be covered in my comments about Episode 2 anyway, so here goes!



This time, I'm definitely intrigued by the whole concept of time travel and how it works. Since it's not something that's physically possible (yet), the screenwriters were allowed to just their imaginations go wild - and boy, did they ever! There's so much to unpack here, as this episode is the one where we really start to see how the whole "Alice" concept works (episode 1 really just established that it existed and that it involved a "radioactive wormhole").


As with most other time travel stories, ethics will most likely play a huge role in Alice. We now know that the drama is set one year after the establishment of "Alice" (so, c. 2051), and that already, there seem to be major conflicts among the top-ranking staff as to what should take priority: the safety/preservation of the past (i.e. whether it's okay to actually go back to the past for the sake of altering it), the original altruistic mission behind "Alice" (i.e. to let people see deceased loved ones again or heal from past traumas), or the wishes of the paying clientele (e.g. Yang Hong Seob, the guy who tried to heal from his own trauma by going back in time to kill his abusive stepbrother). 


Which also means that the character I came out of this episode the most curious about is Yoo Min Hyuk. It's clear that he's distressed by how time travelers like Yang Hong Seob have corrupted his original vision for "Alice", and his ultimate goal is to maintain "Alice"'s integrity at all costs. But we also see by the end of this episode - and the preview for the next one(s) - that...yeah, even he's starting to go into moral shades of grey here. Maybe it's because, from what I've seen so far, Min Hyuk's primary motivation is his love for Yoon Tae Yi/Park Sun Young: he believes that he has to preserve what she sacrificed (by staying in the past) to create, and he's not about to let either rogue time travelers or a nosy 2020 cop get in the way of that.


(Now, if he were ever to find out that said nosy cop was his son...but we'll cross that bridge when we get there :P By the way, is it just me, or does Jin Gyeom get his boldness from his dad? Like, that car chase scene...dang!)


I can also point out that it's now reasonable to assume that Yoo Min Hyuk was not connected to Park Sun Young's death. In fact, it seems he's not even aware of what happened in 2010 yet, since we see him telling his colleague that all he's heard is that she's happily married in her "new" life and we also get the sense that he genuinely wants to find her (and their child) again. But we also know, without a shadow of a doubt, that that "happy marriage" story was not true whatsoever, and we also know that the person who killed Park Sun Young was connected to "Alice" (same drone, same gun, same general m/o, etc.). So who was it, and why was it necessary to hide all this from Min Hyuk as well?


Moving to the 2020 side of things now, again, it's more the supporting characters that stand out to me here, simply because we finally get to see more of them. Kim Dong Ho (i.e. Park Jin Gyeom's hyung/hoobae partner - weird combo, but it does happen) is an absolute riot, and already one of my faves for comic relief in this show. ;) Go Hyung Seok is an awesome "team dad" so far, and I love that, more than anyone else right now (even Do Yeon, to be honest), he seems to just "get" Jin Gyeom and what he's thinking/feeling at any given time. And finally, Do Yeon...dang, that girl's just got a one-track mind when it comes to her relationship with Jin Gyeom :P Like, she was seriously smiling when she saw how frantic he was out of concern for her, and I was unable to hold back a laugh at that, despite knowing how serious that moment's actually supposed to be.


All in all, I'm still having a lot of fun with Alice - and, more than the "Best Couple Award", I hope that we get at least one "Daesang" nomination at the end of the year. From what I've seen so far, I'd be happy if any of the main cast members get it (not just JW).

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18 minutes ago, kittyna said:

the wishes of the paying clientele

And also I would like to point out that most of the clients were ultra rich, like in the kidnap case the detective head told that the family belongs to top 1% or something like that, so we can infer that "Alice" is only accessible to handful of people. 

21 minutes ago, kittyna said:

Kim Dong Ho

Yeah, he was like always worried about his muscles :joy: and others call Jin-Gyeom has his husband so we can also infer that these two are pretty close

22 minutes ago, kittyna said:

there seem to be major conflicts among the top-ranking staff as to what should take priority: the safety/preservation of the past

I don't think the top ranking officials have any sort of moral dilemma, if they had they would had strictly monitored the client's action in the past, like they let the client do whatever they want even if it means changing the future by changing decisions in the past, case in point, like that mom nudging her daughter by making her promise that she will not go to abroad for studies(I have a feeling that she might die with some disease). And the other client who killed his abusive brother, so I think there will be some repercussions for that action, but the Alice owners will be okay as long as they get paid 

29 minutes ago, kittyna said:

(same drone, same gun, same general m/o, etc.

And also the weapon used to kill her was similar to the one used by "Alice" agents, and I also I do think it was an inside job, but I have some doubts regarding her death, like, if they were trying to kill her why did they let Park Jin-Gyeom alive, like he is also equally danger for "Alice" as well, since he was not suppose to be born in that timeline. I guess it'll be answered in upcoming episodes :smile:


32 minutes ago, kittyna said:

And finally, Do Yeon...dang, that girl's just got a one-track mind when it comes to her relationship with Jin Gyeom :P Like, she was seriously smiling when she saw how frantic he was out of concern for her.

Yup, she really is crazy about him, not in a obsessive way, like, we can see her giving Jin-Gyeom and herself some space after their fight in the hospital after the Jin-Gyeom accident and the way she shows concern for him gives me goosebumps (in a good way). And that smile is not only because of the concern of Jin-Gyeom, but she sort sees herself as the only person Jin-Gyeom cares and that's why she was attacked,like she was giving context about how cop's family were given threats and she was seeing herself as a family member to Jin-Gyeom (maybe I am reading too much into it, but I can't help it, they both are cute together) :love:

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4 hours ago, kireeti2 said:
5 hours ago, kittyna said:

Kim Dong Ho

Yeah, he was like always worried about his muscles :joy: and others call Jin-Gyeom has his husband so we can also infer that these two are pretty close


I think they're not that close but they're  partners..You know, How in every drama we see cops work with either a group of 3/2. I've seen in another drama (I forgot drama name but it can be LIVE) where a cop calls his partner 'Manura' meaning wife. I think that's inner joke of Police/didectives at least in K-Drama. 


Park Jin Gyeom didn't seem that friendly to him.. Except I think tried to be civil in that scene where he suggested to push Shikaye Button to get Cola.. The scene was awkwardly fun! It seemed like Jin Gyeom tried to be engaging him but ended up failing! That poor man had to drink 4 Shikaye despite craving for Cola.. :sweat_smile:


Speaking of them JW posted it on IG:



Joo Won with the kid who played young Yang Hong Seob:




5 hours ago, kittyna said:

Which also means that the character I came out of this episode the most curious about is Yoo Min Hyuk. It's clear that he's distressed by how time travelers like Yang Hong Seob have corrupted his original vision for "Alice", and his ultimate goal is to maintain "Alice"'s integrity at all costs. But we also see by the end of this episode - and the preview for the next one(s) - that...yeah, even he's starting to go into moral shades of grey here. Maybe it's because, from what I've seen so far, Min Hyuk's primary motivation is his love for Yoon Tae Yi/Park Sun Young: he believes that he has to preserve what she sacrificed (by staying in the past) to create, and he's not about to let either rogue time travelers or a nosy 2020 cop get in the way of that


Yeah so far we do not know much about Alice as a whole and Yoo Min Hyuk's ultimate goal is still a mystery. But His character poster says “I have to be stronger to protect what’s precious to me.” So I think it indicates Tae Yi (and his  child). Yoo Min Hyuk seem like someone who is very dedicated to Alice and it's ultimate purpose but also a person with values. So who is leading him with misinformation about tae Yi may indicate us who have bad intentions to misuse Alice.



I am also curious if Alice people know about the existence of Park Jin Gyeom, the 2050 baby born in 1993. My guess is they don't know yet.. May be Min Hyuk never uttered it to Alice people about Tae Yi getting pregnant in 2050 so they do not go after Tae Yi and the child. What will happen when Min Hyuk will meet professor Yoon Tae Yi in 2020. Looking forward to coming episodes for more clue.



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10 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

Yeah, he was like always worried about his muscles :joy: and others call Jin-Gyeom has his husband so we can also infer that these two are pretty close


5 hours ago, flutterby06 said:

I think they're not that close but they're  partners..You know, How in every drama we see cops work with either a group of 3/2. I've seen in another drama (I forgot drama name but it can be LIVE) where a cop calls his partner 'Manura' meaning wife. I think that's inner joke of Police/didectives at least in K-Drama. 


Park Jin Gyeom didn't seem that friendly to him.. Except I think tried to be civil in that scene where he suggested to push Shikaye Button to get Cola.. The scene was awkwardly fun! It seemed like Jin Gyeom tried to be engaging him but ended up failing! That poor man had to drink 4 Shikaye despite craving for Cola.


Considering how emotionally flat Park Jin Gyeom is, it's pretty hard to tell from just a few snippets how close he is with Kim Dong Ho. But if I had to guess...I think that Dong Ho wants to get closer and be friends with Jin Gyeom, whereas Jin Gyeom's just perfectly fine with them having a strictly work-related relationship. But I also think that this team in particular has already come to accept Jin Gyeom and his quirks, even if they just want to smack him sometimes (because, let's face it: being paired with a workaholic with a one-track mind can be really frustrating at times :P


Right now, though, I think I can only count three people whom Jin Gyeom cares for beyond a purely intellectual level: Park Sun Young/Yoon Tae Yi, Go Hyung Seok, and Kim Do Yeon. For everyone else, he's still going to do what's morally/ethically right by them (e.g. saving the hostage in Episode 1, checking up on mini-Yang Hong Seob when he suspects the kid's being abused in Episode 2, offering suggestions to help Dong Ho get his Coke, etc.), but he doesn't really care for them on a deeper, heartfelt sort of way.


10 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

I don't think the top ranking officials have any sort of moral dilemma, if they had they would had strictly monitored the client's action in the past, like they let the client do whatever they want even if it means changing the future by changing decisions in the past, case in point, like that mom nudging her daughter by making her promise that she will not go to abroad for studies(I have a feeling that she might die with some disease). And the other client who killed his abusive brother, so I think there will be some repercussions for that action, but the Alice owners will be okay as long as they get paid 


I definitely think this is something that makes Alice different from other time travel dramas (e.g. Nine) that I've seen so far. We don't have any indication yet just how - if at all - time travelers could actually change the past. Previews suggest that the story about Hong Eun Soo (i.e. the little girl whose mother told her not to move to the States when she grows up) isn't over yet, so let's just look at Yang Hong Seob instead as an example.


He grew up being physically abused by his stepbrother, and the version we see of him in 2050 is the one that's been shaped by years' worth of trauma: angry, resentful, amoral, convinced that violence is the best way to solve his problems (a frequent outcome for survivors of early childhood physical abuse), etc. So, he goes back in time to 2020 and kills his brother out of a thirst for revenge. Theoretically, that should change the path that his younger self takes for the rest of his life...but does it? We don't know yet, because there's clearly been no change in Hong Seob's older self to reflect that (unlike, say, Nine, where people's future selves instantaneously changed to reflect shifts in their pasts) - not even after Yoo Min Hyuk drags him back to 2050 with him, twice. So is it that the time travelers actually can't change their present (2050) lives by going back in time to alter the past (2020)? Or is it that Yang Hong Seob wound up setting his younger self on a different path that still - somehow - ends up with the same outcome? Because hearing that five-year-old say that he's glad his brother's dead was pretty creepy.



By the way, if anyone wants to take a further look at this, you can think about the "killing Hitler thought experiment" or the "grandfather paradox".


In short: if you go back in time and alter the circumstances under which your ancestors (or you yourself) were born, grew up, etc. - are you still the same you that went back in time in the first place? Or what if those changes mean that circumstances no longer allow for you to have been born - could you travel back in time to change the past if you now no longer exist? 


5 hours ago, flutterby06 said:

I am also curious if Alice people know about the existence of Park Jin Gyeom, the 2050 baby born in 1993. My guess is they don't know yet.. May be Min Hyuk never uttered it to Alice people about Tae Yi getting pregnant in 2050 so they do not go after Tae Yi and the child. What will happen when Min Hyuk will meet professor Yoon Tae Yi in 2020. Looking forward to coming episodes for more clue.


I do think that members of "Alice" are aware of Yoon Tae Yi's pregnancy and that she had a child, but as of right now, my guess is that no-one's quite made the connection that Park Jin Gyeom is that child - and Min Hyuk at least doesn't seem to think that his child with Tae Yi could be the one in the prophecy. What I think will be interesting, though, is what happens when Yoo Min Hyuk finds out (since he now wants to dig into Jin Gyeom's background, it's inevitable he'll figure out the rest). It'd lead to an interesting moral dilemma for him personally that, up to this point, he's really only faced on an intellectual level.


And now for something less head-explode-y and weird (because reading and writing about all those time travel paradoxes is confusing) - behind the scenes video!



By the way, on a more random side note: I also think it's interesting that Park Jin Gyeom is the first out of JW's drama characters that doesn't drink. We know already that that doesn't last (:P), but for now, at least, it's worth noting.

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1 hour ago, kittyna said:

By the way, on a more random side note: I also think it's interesting that Park Jin Gyeom is the first out of JW's drama characters that doesn't drink.

I think it is guilt he has been carrying,like, when his mom offered him to have a drink with her on the day of her death they were out of soju and that's why she went to bring some more so that he can have a drink with her. So, technically he doesn't like drinking but he can drink but out of guilt he is avoiding it, I guess in 4th or 5th episode he will have drink with professor :P


1 hour ago, kittyna said:

So is it that the time travelers actually can't change their present (2050) lives by going back in time to alter the past (2020)? Or is it that Yang Hong Seob wound up setting his younger self on a different path that still - somehow - ends up with the same outcome? Because hearing that five-year-old say that he's gla

Even the little girl the mom from future trying to save was scratching during her sleep which seems to be some kind of rash, so does this mean that she will die at young age despite many efforts of the mom from the future? And the guy who killed his brother will have some kind of repercussion but I am still not sure what it will be? We have wait for future episodes.


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6 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

I think it is guilt he has been carrying,like, when his mom offered him to have a drink with her on the day of her death they were out of soju and that's why she went to bring some more so that he can have a drink with her. So, technically he doesn't like drinking but he can drink but out of guilt he is avoiding it,


It can be guilt, but I also thought that it might just be in memory of his mom - like, "I won't have my first drink until after I've avenged her." Either way, I'm definitely sure that it's a conscious decision on Jin Gyeom's part: hence why I said he "doesn't" drink rather than "couldn't" ;) 


6 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

Even the little girl the mom from future trying to save was scratching during her sleep which seems to be some kind of rash, so does this mean that she will die at young age despite many efforts of the mom from the future?


Maybe. I did notice the rash, too. It didn't seem to be there before her "future" mother told her not to go to the States. I mean, it's possible it was and I just missed it, but if it wasn't there before, that means that her "future" mother's warning did end up fundamentally changing something about the little girl's future. It would be the sort of plot twist to expect from any sort of time travel story: you think you're making things better by going back in time and changing things, but sometimes life just throws a monkey wrench into your plans so that the negative future outcome (or an alternate negative outcome) ends up happening anyway. For instance: if the girl's "future" mother managed to save her from one sudden illness only for fate to give her another anyway, simply because life's not fair.


Regardless, I think this particular case/subplot is going to get pretty messed up soon, though, since it appears from the previews that the two mothers meet face to face and one of them winds up dead(?). Like, seriously, what's going on? I thought this woman was supposed to be the "good" time traveler!


One more thing from Episode 2 that's sticking with me. I keep coming back to one thing that Yoo Min Hyuk's friend/colleague says to him: "The people in the past are the same people as we are." Mind you, it was in the context of stealing Yang Hong Seob's time card back from Park Jin Gyeom and then "sorting him out" (which doesn't sound like good news for Jin Gyeom, to be honest), but I wonder if there's a deeper meaning in that.



Like, maybe that colleague knows who Jin Gyeom really is??? And he's trying to take care of the prophecy on top of everything else??? I dunno - he's kinda acting all mysterious and creepy right now, so....


Point is, there's a massive narrative irony right now, in that, in order to maintain "Alice"'s secrecy, Yoo Min Hyuk's getting sent to take out his own son - and he doesn't even know it.


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16 hours ago, kittyna said:

So is it that the time travelers actually can't change their present (2050) lives by going back in time to alter the past (2020)? Or is it that Yang Hong Seob wound up setting his younger self on a different path that still - somehow - ends up with the same outcome? Because hearing that five-year-old say that he's glad his brother's dead was pretty creepy.


I didn't find it creepy. Because he was just 5 year old.. too young to understand how grave death is. Also he was probably got beaten very often by his Hyung.. their family do not even seem to have a common family bondage because the Mom even though step isn't even sad that a member of her family died. Little Yang Hong seob probably thought "No Hyung, No Beating."


But he ended up becoming a bigger abuser than his brother is what very creepy. He is now such a Psycho that he travels back to murder someone in hatred and take revenge on someone even though he is the one at fault.


It will be interesting to see that no major outcome changes in future even though something has been changed in the past with that intention.. 



16 hours ago, kittyna said:

Right now, though, I think I can only count three people whom Jin Gyeom cares for beyond a purely intellectual level: Park Sun Young/Yoon Tae Yi, Go Hyung Seok, and Kim Do Yeon. For everyone else, he's still going to do what's morally/ethically right by them (e.g. saving the hostage in Episode 1, checking up on mini-Yang Hong Seob when he suspects the kid's being abused in Episode 2, offering suggestions to help Dong Ho get his Coke, etc.), but he doesn't really care for them on a deeper, heartfelt sort of way.

I agree with you on this point..just wanted to add another to the list of close people: Wife of Go Hyung seok.


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6 hours ago, flutterby06 said:

But he ended up becoming a bigger abuser than his brother is what very creepy. He is now such a Psycho that he travels back to murder someone in hatred and take revenge on someone even though he is the one at fault.


I think this is why I found the five-year-old Hong Seob creepy - because whether this was the older Hong Seob's intention or not, by killing his older brother, he still managed to teach his younger self that violence is the best way to solve problems. Maybe not right away (as I doubt his parents would let him know at such a young age that his hyung was violently murdered), but once he's old enough to know, he'll figure it out. Hence why I think this "new" Hong Seob might still grow up to be as messed up as the 2050 version. :evillaugh:


6 hours ago, flutterby06 said:

I agree with you on this point..just wanted to add another to the list of close people: Wife of Go Hyung seok.


lol - Speaking of Go Hyung Seok's wife, it took me way longer than it should have for me to recognize the actress who's playing her. ;) 


Another behind-the-scenes clip: this time, of Kim Hee Sun's fight scene choreography.


And it looks like we're not quite done with Park Jin Gyeom's backstory yet, either.


One fan's noticed a common thread in Park Jin Gyeom's style - can you see what it is?


Finally, JW and Kim Hee Sun did a brief greeting for Kocowa viewers:



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2 minutes ago, kittyna said:

Finally, JW and Kim Hee Sun did a brief greeting for Kocowa viewers:

Wow! I was just about post and you have finally  beat me to it.:wut: I guess having 9 hours head start is worthless after ;)


6 minutes ago, kittyna said:

One fan's noticed a common thread in Park Jin Gyeom's style - can you see what it is?

His choice of clothing, it is really plane, like nothing special he might as well wore police uniform :joy:

8 minutes ago, kittyna said:

I think this is the part where the detective decides to adopt him

10 minutes ago, kittyna said:

Hence why I think this "new" Hong Seob might still grow up to be as messed up as the 2050 version. 

I think it's drama's way of saying one cannot change their fate just by redoing their past

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So, after re-watching episode 1 I sort of understand why it was fast-forwarded in many scenes, like, I think they'll use some of the flashback scenes for progression of the plot, like the sneak peak photo of detective getting in a confrontation with a gangster and Park Jin Gyeom rescues him, so, I guess lot of flashback scenes will be used to fill the plot, I am okay with it as long as it helps to make sense of  the plot ^_^


Joo won's Musical voice

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Btw, did any one observe this in Joo won's relationship in drama,like, with every potential love interest they all seem to know his house password, starting from Good Doctor , Naeil's Cantabile and now in Alice. Like every girl in his life knows his house pass code :joy:

And also @kittyna , Kim Do Yeon does give me vibe of Naeil, like when she is worried or excited she acts like Naeil, but when Park Jin-Gyeom does something irrational she turns into Cha Yoon-Seo to put some sense in him and also when it comes to work she is determined just like Cha Yoon Seo, so, I can say that this character is hybrid(I don't if it's right way of saying it) of Naeil and Cha Yoon Seo :blush:

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3 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

Btw, did any one observe this in Joo won's relationship in drama,like, with every potential love interest they all seem to know his house password, starting from Good Doctor , Naeil's Cantabile and now in Alice. Like every girl in his life knows his house pass code


There's probably a running joke out there somewhere about JW's characters having the world's most predictable/boring pass codes ;) I'm not sure about Park Si On's or Park Jin Gyeom's right now, but I've re-watched clips from Nae Il's Cantabile enough to know that both Cha Yoo Jin and Seol Nae Il just use the default "1234" :loolz:(That is, except for when one of them gets mad and temporarily changes it ;))


But if you wanted to see that sort of code-cracking scene, we do now have Kim Do Yeon getting caught trying to break into Park Jin Gyeom's laptop :P 


5 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

I think they'll use some of the flashback scenes for progression of the plot, like the sneak peak photo of detective getting in a confrontation with a gangster and Park Jin Gyeom rescues him, so, I guess lot of flashback scenes will be used to fill the plot, I am okay with it as long as it helps to make sense of  the plot ^_^


Ah...I like that idea. So, like, even the characters' pasts are mysteries that will be slowly revealed bit by bit :) 


3 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

And also @kittyna , Kim Do Yeon does give me vibe of Naeil, like when she is worried or excited she acts like Naeil, but when Park Jin-Gyeom does something irrational she turns into Cha Yoon-Seo to put some sense in him and also when it comes to work she is determined just like Cha Yoon Seo, so, I can say that this character is hybrid(I don't if it's right way of saying it) of Naeil and Cha Yoon Seo


The more I watch Alice, actually, the more I feel like Kim Do Yeon veers closer to Cha Yoon Seo than Seol Nae Il. However, her general eagerness to get Park Jin Gyeom to open up does remind me of Cha Yoo Jin's friends more generally (if not Nae Il herself) - especially when she pretty much just declared herself his friend back in high school and Jin Gyeom just didn't bother to stop her until, years later, they really are close friends now.


Also, while it's definitely too early in the game to know for sure, I've started to think back to those MBTI portraits I did for several of JW's characters - and the impression I get now is that Park Jin Gyeom might fall somewhere between Hwang Tae Hui and Cha Yoo Jin in terms of personality (took me a while to dig those MBTI posts back up, but clicking the names will link back to them). And, if I had to choose one...I'd say he's more like Hwang Tae Hui. But again, we'll have to see.


As for Park Si On...he's too much of a "feeler" and Jin Gyeom too much of a "thinker" for them to really overlap all that much. The main parallel here would be a lack of social skills, but they are quite different in terms of core personality, temperament, or values.


5 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

Joo won's Musical voice


One of Kim Hee Sun's fan accounts on Instagram posted even more translated snippets:










https://www.instagram.com/p/CEo7NR7AkNz/ - The comment on this one's really funny: "why are you so good at complimenting our queen? just promote alice and don't forget that she's already married" Hm...I dunno, I actually wonder if JW's this comfortable about teasing Kim Hee Sun because she's married - it's similar to the dynamic I see between him and Lee Si Young.


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5 hours ago, kittyna said:

Kim Hee Sun because she's married

And also she is older than him, I some times feel like joo won is more comfortable around female co-stars who are older than him. In press conference photo shoot it is subtly visible that he was physically close to Kim Hee Sun than Lee Da In and also it depends upon the personality, like Kim Hee Seon is outgoing one. And also, people will not spread dating rumors if he is close to them, fans are so obsessed with a actor/actress personal life in such a way that they'll assume that they are dating or in love if they are caught teasing or seen closer to each other


5 hours ago, kittyna said:

I'd say he's more like Hwang Tae Hui

He is similar to Hwang Tae Hee minus the emotional baggage, like Hwanf Tae Hee carried some sort of emotional baggage all his life and always needed someone to cry on their shoulder and also he always felt lonely, but this is the situation with Park Jin Gyeom, he has no emotional baggage or feeling of loneliness

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7 hours ago, kittyna said:

Another behind-the-scenes viceo:




So looks like we've a behind the scene of upcoming episode we see Jin Gyeom again stating that he and Do Yeon are just friends. How many time he'll state it! Isn't the classic set up where one who says it louder has to eat his words later. :sweat_smile:


12 hours ago, kittyna said:

Well, looks like many of his sunbae now knows his habit of saying things in musical version. It's so fun when he does that.

Love how animated Him Hee Sun is...cutely said "I am promoting (musical Ghost).."


Btw, is it just me or JW just get better at sweet talk.:blush: " We know JW usually end up doing things honestly when he is asked. But here he cheekily said "I don't do it for everyone!" In real he even try to answer questions so sincerely that sometimes people get surprised what a simple life he leads- like in healing camp and win win interview,he ended up telling so many things that many other media personalities would like to avoid telling in media.


I have a feeling he gained some social skill in Military service. But it's good if he learnt that because JW is usually adored by his Noona and Hyung and they usually praise him a lot. So he shouldn't fell short in this regard.


12 hours ago, kittyna said:

The comment on this one's really funny: "why are you so good at complimenting our queen? just promote alice and don't forget that she's already married" Hm...I dunno, I actually wonder if JW's this comfortable about teasing Kim Hee Sun because she's married - it's similar to the dynamic I see between him and Lee Si Young.


That's because they don't know JW kind of feel more friendly and comfortable with Noona and Hyung, being the maknae in his family. If these people see JW with his other co-actress they'll know it.. And Ki Hee Sun is a big name in the industry of course he'd like to praise and give her the respect she deserves. It's not just JW though the way she animatedly said 'I'm doing promotion ..." shows she also adores JW. 


6 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

And also she is older than him, I some times feel like joo won is more comfortable around female co-stars who are older than him. In press conference photo shoot it is subtly visible that he was physically close to Kim Hee Sun than Lee Da In and also it depends upon the personality, like Kim Hee Seon is outgoing one. And also, people will not spread dating rumors if he is close to them, fans are so obsessed with a actor/actress personal life in such a way that they'll assume that they are dating or in love if they are caught teasing or seen closer to each other

Agree with @kireeti2.


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24 minutes ago, flutterby06 said:

Love how animated Him Hee Sun is...cutely said "I am promoting (musical Ghost).."

Lol! That was really fun and the reason she gave was like, "You are too busy to promote anything Joo Wonie":loolz:


26 minutes ago, flutterby06 said:

Btw, is it just me or JW just get better at sweet talk.

I agree, not only sweet talk, his humor has also improved a lot, like in the past he use to just talk about the character and story in the press conference, but in the press conference of "Alice" he sort of looked like a different guy, like cracking jokes and stuff, but I guess he is still shy around girls, like, I felt some awkwardness when he was posing pictures with Lee Da In, either he was still in his character or he was genuinely shy around her, it was cute to watch but he was not at all shy around Kim Hee Seon rather he was acting like her real son :D

30 minutes ago, flutterby06 said:

That's because they don't know JW kind of feel more friendly and comfortable with Noona and Hyung

Joo won has been praising his co-stars in his whole career, but when it comes to Noonas he goes the extra mile, like we saw it with Kim Tae Hee.


32 minutes ago, flutterby06 said:

Ki Hee Sun is a big name in the industry of course he'd like to praise and give her the respect she deserves. It's not just JW though the way she animatedly said 'I'm doing promotion ..." shows she also

And also its because of her bright personality, like she is someone anyone can hang-around and easy going, she is like male version of "Shin Hyun Joon" for Joo Won, we can see these two almost became real brothers in the course of shooting and I wouldn't say Joo won became like a real son to Kim Hee Seon, but he definitely got close to her like a little brother and come to think of it, joo won never had this relationship with elder actress, like either there was love plot(Kim Tae Hee and Choi Gang Hee) , or Betrayal part(Chae Hong Joo), perhaps that's the reason he was comfortable in saying that he will only do it for "Kim Hee Seon" since the relationship is purely platonic and no one will think it in the wrong way

40 minutes ago, flutterby06 said:


I have a feeling he gained some social skill in Military service.

My thoughts exactly, everyone were from different background  in his unit, like, from rappers to K-pop stars, so he might have picked up a thing or two from them and hopefully good habits :smile:

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