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class="entry-title"Ghost Musical : May 11, 2014 : Joo Won Cutie International Fans and Joo Won Thailand Fan Club Food Support

posted at joowoncutie.wordpress.com >>> http://joowoncutie.wordpress.com/2014/05/22/ghost-musical-may-11-2014-joo-won-cutie-international-fans-and-joo-won-thailand-fan-club-food-support/

May 11, 2014. This will be the second time where Joo Won Cutie International Fans and Joo Won Thailand Fan Club will give their support to our beloved Joo Won through food support. And this time, it will be the cast of Ghost Musical that we will show our support with. And one of the best part is… after a scramble of getting my travel documents ready, I only got two weeks to prepare it and with much persuasion and help from a friend, I got to be in the venue and have a chance again to see Joo Won up close. Weeeeee!!!!




The morning of May 11 was quite hectic, @mjwonnie and I have to go to the D-Cube and bring our 100 gifts to the SIM representative so he can distribute it along with the pack snacks to the Ghost cast. While waiting for the call to give the gifts, we also waited for Cutie to arrived. And boy, he really looks sooo damn good as always.  20.gif


jw arrive 1

Kissable Nape….

jw arrive 3

jw arrive 4

jw arrive 6

jw arrive 7

jw arrive 8

jw arrive 2

jw arrive 5


*or this one if cannot view….



He wore a simple blue shirt. And take note… pants with slits on his thighs and kneecaps… Wah!!!! Did anyone noticed it or I was the only one who noticed it… Can I just wiggle my fingers and hands on those slits…

Cutie and Manager-nim


And yes, he was scratching his hand.. hahahaha, I was just about to volunteer myself as a scratcher but I got whisked by the many fans that waited on him.


 I also noticed… manager-nim always wear that particular shirt… @farbarri, what did you do to manager-nim’s wardrobe?


 After Cutie arrived, the SIM representative called us, he is a manager at SIM and showed us the Snow Flower snack pack that they will give to Cutie and the cast. He was telling us something but I do not understand what he was saying so I just let the others interact with him while I took pictures. Pretty lame in Korean language.

JWCIFC SnowF Food 1

JWCIFC SnowF Food 2

JWCIFC SnowF Food 3



After that, I only vaguely remember saying Kamsamhamnida to the SIM manager and we went back to our room and readied the other gifts that we will give to Cutie and manager-nim.

We got a call that Joo Won will be meeting us pretty soon so we went to D-Cube carrying our gifts and meet up with our fellow Joo Won Thai fans. I pretty much know most of them from Joo Won Thailand Fan Meet and I met them first at Incheon airport the day before. It’s a pleasure meeting them again ^_^.

 We piled on the elevator and went up the 9th floor of D-Cube where we wait for Cutie to arrive. As usual, I feel the rush of excitement and nervousness whenever I know Cutie will appear.

 The SIM manager was there to meet us and I think he said no taking pictures. They are kind of strict about this things so I do not have pictures when Cutie arrived with manager-nim.

 When Cutie appeared walking up the stairs, it really was different when he is up close. He is wearing the blue Ghost Edwin jacket, gone was the blue shirt, *I wonder what’s beneath that jacket* even the slitted pants was replaced by soft pants and he just looked so handsome. 19.gif


Cutie really towered over us. He is just so tall. I have to look up at him to see his face. He is really fair. He looks kind of thin since the last time I saw him but his charm is all over the place. He also have this serious look, looking at us, maybe assesing the situation, looking at his fans if they are behaving, lol. Just kidding, its just my assesment. It’s my first time seeing him upclose with that serious look, its quite interesting. But he smiled and man, I think sunshine just appeared for the first time that day.

 We started giving him the gifts. @mjwonnie gave him the signatured pillows. We told him its signatures from his fans all over the world and he looked at it curiously and even turned it the other side maybe looking if there’s more signature. Hahaha. So cute.


JWCIFC Gifts 1


I also gave him some more gifts and he received it and he keeps on bowing when he received gifts, saying a soft Kamsamnida and smiling *heart knocked out from ribcage*. I did not hear Cutie talking much, I only hear him say Aaaah, mmmmm or maybe I was just busy looking at his back and thinking what the heck are we going to have him sign since with our haste in going to the venue and carrying the gifts, we forgot to bring the banners. 17.gif I am so sorry about that girls. I was actually thinking, if only I can magically travel and go back to the room and get the banners, I will do it but alas… I feel really stupid forgetting it. And I was thinking @mrdimples probably will kick my richard simmons when she knows. Wah! I better buy a butt-padding. 16.gif

 Manager-nim was also there supervising with the other SIM manager. He sometimes looks stern and then I saw him smiling and then going serious and starts smiling again. Hahaha. He also says no taking pictures. Honestly, I am dying to take pictures already at that point that I can even take manager-nim’s punishment if he sees me taking one.

 And the moment of taking group pictures arrived. Our fellow Thai fans took pictures with Cutie first, I guess I was so excited, I forgot to troll the Thai fans and join them. Hahahaha. neko%20016.gif Just kidding.


 Then our moment arrived, SIM manager was the one who took our picture. Cutie stands at our back and we assembled ourselves around him. I got the place in side front of Cutie and SIM manager took our picture.

JWCIFC with Cutie 1

I think it did not turn well first time so he said, one more and he took one more pic.

JWCIFC with Cutie 2


Eh, do not ask me what I am holding behind that Ghost Book… 1.gif His shoulder feels so good behind my head. neko%20006.gif


 After the group picture, Cutie proceeded in signing. The Thai fans are the first to have their paper signed and when they finished, its our turn. Since there was no banner to sign, a Ghost book was used to have Cutie sign. At first, SIM manager said no to Ghost book but later, he took it and have Cutie sign the book. . And even if they said no taking of pictures, I know I have to get a picture of him signing. SIM manager looked at me, I think he heard the camera clicked and shakes his head so I only can take one picture at a time when he was not looking. Kekekeke. Manager-nim was actually smiling that time, looking at Cutie signing.


jw 8

jw 9


JWCIFC with Cutie 3

JWCIFC with Cutie 4

After signing, Cutie started giving handshakes to us. Actually, he already gave handshakes to some of us before group picture and I was fortunate to be in his way. Hehehehe. So I have to get two handshakes from him and the second one was the longest and he also look at me and smiled. Awwww… just so cute. His dimples really kills.

It was really hard when you see Cutie going away. *Especially when you remember the banner was not there..huhuhu* Manager-nim took some of the gifts and they both went down the stairs. And we were left looking longingly at Cutie’s sexy back… If only I can jump on that back and piggy ride….


JWCIFC with Cutie 5

Yes Cutie. We BELIEVE IN YOU!!!



neko%20012.gifWhat we did with the banner……  


jw 10


We wrote messages in one banner and it will be given to Cutie.

jw 6

jw 2

jw 3  jw 4

jw 5



 Our  Pillow Signatures and Personalized Bag Gifts and Other Gifts

JWCIFC Gifts 2

JWCIFC Gifts 3

JWCIFC Gifts 4

JWCIFC Gifts 6

JWCIFC Gifts 7


JWCIFC Gifts 5The stripped paper bag is our gift to Mama Moon and the brown paper bag is for Manager-nim



1399880390434What a joy to see Cutie looking at our gift. ^_^


 Our Banner

40x30 jw ghost banner big left side bigger font below fc


The Design on the Personalized Bag

joo won in globe in black and white

Sticker Logo

SW in Globe with korean copy2


Joo Won. We love you so much. We will always support you. We always BELIEVE in YOU.


JW Ghost 05112014 - 2



by coolreborn@joowoncutie.wordpress.com neko%20018.gif

Do not Reblog.

Credit properly.

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Thank you @coolreborn for wonderful fan account. Another article about Good Doctor

CBS TV Network To Remake KBS Drama ‘Good Doctor’

Kbs 2 tv drama "good doctor" aired last fall, and tells a story of a genius pediatrician park shi on, played by joo won, who suffers from the savant syndrome. Last.

CBS TV Network To Remake KBS Drama ‘Good Doctor’


CBS TV Network is fine tuning the details to air a remake version of the KBS 2 TV drama “Good Doctor,” which aired last year featuring actor Joo Won. Daniel Dae Kim, an actor and CEO of the TV show production company 3AD, said on an interview at the 2014 Seoul Digital Forum on May 22, 2014, that the company is “in the process of fine tuning the details with CBS on remaking “Good Doctor.””

Daniel Dae Kim added, “There are plenty of medical TV shows in the United States, but we expect the depth of the characters” stories in dramas like “Good Doctor” will also sell in the American market.” This is not the first time Korean dramas have been remade in the United States. Last year, cable channel tvN”s drama “Nine” was confirmed to produce a remake version of the show in the United States.

KBS 2 TV drama “Good Doctor” aired last fall, and tells a story of a genius pediatrician Park Shi On, played by Joo Won, who suffers from the savant syndrome



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