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Joo Won 주원 [Drama- The Midnight Studio/ 야한(夜限) 사진관]


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Thanks @mrdimples, there is this youtube video for the same interview with english sub (start from 8:00)

and this one (from his musical days ?) where Joo Won sings several songs (i can't embed the video)http://www.sarangtv.co.kr/love_tv/board.php?PHPSESSID=1b94c7c4e0d54c7129a75b9fa7da5646&board=loveguide&command=body&no=50&page=1&sort=hit

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Guest ditadita

coolreborn said: Joo Won looks like he wants to cry out.... for food. LOL.

He still looks cute though.

I want to cradle him in my arms and tell him not to cry, he'll get his share soon. lol.

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@mrdimples, It's from an interview with Joo Won that's been posted on Baidu. I couldn't translate it cos it's long and I'm at work lol but when i just happened to scroll to look for interesting info I came upon this!! Kekeke. I'm jealous. a lot of women have seen Joo Won's butt. Why not us?  :((

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Ok my bosses have left so I'll translate it now.
Credits for Chinese translation to Baidu. 
Interview with Movist, November 2011
Filming a drama and promoting a movie, you've been really busy lately haven't you?
Yes. Earlier today there was the filming of the "Section TV" interview in Kangwondo so I rush over immediately.
In an earlier interview, you mentioned that you cannot multitask but recently you've been juggling 2 or more projects at the same time. Are you able to adapt to this ?
Right now it seems like it's second nature. It's still tough but I've getting used to it. When I'm doing something else, I keep thinking to myself "I need to hurry read my script" (laughs) I still need to manage my time well. 
I first saw you in the musical Spring Awakening.
Ah, really? (Short pause) You saw my butt~~ Hahah~ (there was a scene that required Joo Won to bare his butt)
Haha, yes, I am one of those women who has seen your butt. it was 2009. I remember that you were a bit round and chubby at that time. 
I'm much thinner now; I lost about 20kg. I purposely put on weight for that role. The producer wanted my character to be a bit chubby so every night, I ate hamburgers and bread. i was very happy eating then (laughs). After the musical ended, I started to diet. 
Isn't it tough to be on a diet? 
There is a secret to dieting. When I first started, it was difficult but it's much easier right now. 
Honestly, we were worried about your character in Spring Awakening. Kim Mu Yeol was originally acting as your character and he was outstanding. We were thinking if the new actor could deliver the same standard of performance.  
There was certainly such a thinking back then. Not only me, but many others would think this way too. It was totally crazy then. Throughout the entire year, I read the script twice everyday. I would read once before going to the theater and then read it again after the performance ended. Actually, this is also a problem because you end up getting too restricted by the script. But at that point in time, I didn't want to audience for be disappointed. There was a huge burden in take over the baton from Mu Yeol hyung.  
When Kim Mu Yeol had to leave due to personal reasons, you officially took over the character after being an understudy for so long. So actually, you didn't have the opportunity to show your talent at first. 
although I couldn't perform when Mu Yeol hyung was acting, but out of the 100 performances My Yeol hyung gave, I watched more than 80. Aside from the times were I had to go and sit for my exams and other unavoidable situations, I always went to watch the performance. Everytime Mu Yeol hyung saw me, he would always say to me "Why do you come so diligently?" (Laughs)
What were you feeling then? Was it your sincerity towards performing or competitiveness, wanting to become better? 
The stage is ust too appealing. Not just Mu Yeol hyung, but every actor standing on stage was very handsome and I really wanted to stand up on the stage with them. Also, i really liked the script and because of this, my ambition grew. 
Did you feel that you didn't disappoint and you did well?
No. There were many disappointments because I was lacking but i do not regret it. I poured my heart and soul into it and that project made me who I am today. [With all the racy scenes dear Joo Wonie? ]
As I watch you in Spring Awakening, I thought to myself "Ah, this actor will be great in the future" but I never thought that it would be so quick. In a short span of 2 years, you've filmed a movie and a drama. Do you feel that everything has occurred at lighting speed? 
Yes I do feel it. Everything is just so fast. I keeping thinking to myself that I must be very lucky. But I keep preparing myself, telling myself that right now, the viewership for the drama is very good and the movie is also doing well but come one day, the drama I act in will no longer be popular and you may not see me in movies anymore. For my own good, I have to prepare myself for that eventuality. 
Are you the very conscientious type, thinking that as long as you work hard, you can achieve your goals? 
I believe it is possible. On the day Special Investigation Unit premiered, my name appeared on the big screen. I thought to myself "I started acting from high school onwards and I've done well to be where I am now. Perseverance is a good thing." I felt fulfilled. Starting from high school, I gave up all my holidays just to practice my acting. "If I persevere, things be good one day right?" I held this hope and so now, I think that there isn't anything that cannot be done as long as you keep persevering. 
Perhaps. Did you go through a rebellious stage when you were growing up? 
Totally did not. I've never stayed away from home. A lot of people will say that being obedient to your parents means you are a "mama's boy" but I really do not think this way. To me, this is being filial. Also, parents are never wrong. If you have to say that I was rebellious, then the only occasion would be when I told my parents that I wanted to attend an Arts high school. My parents were very shocked then but I understand. Parents are all the same, they want their child to just have a normal live, nothing tough, a stable job is good enough. When I said I wanted to attend an Arts high school, my parents said "we'll ahve to think about this". They were hesitating but I told them "I can live on ramen alone" and convinced them (laughs) [No darling, you CANNOT live on ramen alone. 1n2d has proven that lol]
Some people say that to be able to improve on your acting skills, you can get more experience if you live capriciously. you must have heard this especially from the sunbaes. Weren't you curious? Did you think this way?
I also want to but it's just not possible. I don't drink. If I drink, I sleep. I become very quiet and even if I drink, I won't get into trouble. I also don't want this to affect my job. As a male actor, If I want to gain more experience, I will choose to travel alone. The type that drinks and sleeps by the roadside? Sometimes when I see them I feel like trying it too but in reality I can't. You will catch a cold! (laughs) I'm a very sensitive and light sleeper so I probably can't sleep by the roadside. [Lol Joo Won is so sensible!]
You are a very sensitive sleeper? How sensitive are you? 
Even if there is just a bit of sound, I will wake up. Or if I smell something, I will also wake up. Even if it's just a mosquito, I will not be able to sleep. that's why when I sleep, I will switch everything off and I will put my phone on silent mode. 
(laughs) So aside from sleeping, what other things are you sensitive about?
Many things, but I won't show it. I'll keep it in my heart. Recently, I've become very sensitive because of acting. Ah! I'm also very sensitive when I am disliked by others!
What are you talking about! Actors that even the promotional staff like are very rare!
It's everyone's nature to want to be liked. It's especially serious for me becasue I alwasy want to be loved. I also give a lot to other so I really don't like people who can't return my love (laughs) [LOL!] That said, I don't give just because I want to receive. It's just that I'm really sensitive about this. 
When you were acting as Gu Ma Jun in Baker King, you must have felt really bad right? the love you wanted from your own father was given to Tak Gu instead. 
That's right!! Hahaha. At that time, really, I cried from the heart. I really couldn't understand why~~Tak Gu that kid appeared so suddenly and my father said he liked that kid! Although this helped me get into character, I felt really lonely then.
In Special Investigation Unit, you acted as a FBI criminal psychologist Kim Ho yong. No matter how I watched it, Kim ho Yong was the most outstanding character in the whole show but character wise, he's hard to grasp. If not done well, he will appear as a very crude person. 
That's correct. It was very difficult to properly grasp this character and so I put in a lot of hard work. Ho Yong is a very stubborn person. He doesn't express his feelings much. Even when he's angry, he doesn't shout, even when he's upset, he doesn't cry. I keep thinking about what ho Yong was thinking and what he wanted and it was not east for me to show these to the audience. The toughest part was when the script itself didn't allow much expressions for the character. 
Did the restrictions mean anything to you? 
I'm the type that wants to learn about everything but I can't do a lot of things. I had to put in a lot of effort to create an image for Ho yong.
The more effort you put in, the greater the expectations. When you first saw the movie, did you feel as satisfied as expected? 
I felt it was a pity. Not because of the movie itself but because of me. I guess I haven't set my sights far enough. When I first saw my name appear on the big screen, I wan happy, but only for that moment. I felt that my acting was not up to scratch and it was such a pity. "Why didn't I think of this then?" I kept having these thoughts. Although I've already done my best and there are no regrets, but because I'm a very ambitious person, it's inevitable that I would feel that it was a pity. 

Ok friends, sorry article too long. I'll translate the remaining portion when I get home!

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Here we go...2nd part

Is there anything else worthy of praise?

No. If I really have to mention one….(thinking for a while) Ah! There seems to be one thing. I really learnt a lot of things, even if the sunbaes didn’t guide me personally, I will observe myself and learn a lot. Many people watch but they don’t learn anything. For me, when I watch the sunbaes, I will follow and learn many things.

Can you elaborate what you have learnt from your sunbae?

Uhm Tae Woong is very frank about his own shortcomings. During the filming, when he meets with difficulty for a particular scene, he will say “I cannot understand this part” Actually in front of the hoobae, to say these words are not easy. Those frank revelations, requesting for others help, is very wise. Filming is teamwork, requires many people to complete the job. Pretending to know everything is unnecessary. When I saw this, I felt very good. Sung Dong Il sunbae and Jung Tae sunbae placed a lot of emphasis on cohesiveness. Hyungs’ thinking is that “If the actor whom I am working with does well, I will be able to display my acting skills with ease.” So they are always able to lead the hoobaes.

(Just then, the manager brings the menu for Joowon who hasn’t had his dinner. Joowon’s aeygo answer was shocking). Why is Joowon so full of aegyo?

The manager answers: Joowon is naturally like this. Maybe because he is the maknae at home. His aegyo ways receives a lot of love from hyungs and noonas.

Do you also receive the same affection from dongsaengs?

No, I will change according to my position. In front of hyungs and noonas, I will be aegyo. But in front of dongsaengs, I will be matured.

Some people will purposely display a serious intimidating demeanour just because they are older, are you be like that?

I won’t. If you looked at those people, it must be really funny(laughs). When I am strict in front of my hoobaes, it is because I hope I will set an example for them. So, in Ojakgyo Brothers, Uie was very surprised. Uie is my junior in university. Towards juniors, we’ll often task them with the cleaning and have some control over them. Under this circumstance, Uie was initially very afraid of me. But when I am at the set, I am a totally different person, and gave her a shock. When she looked at how I was towards the sunbaes, she will say “ I didn’t know Oppa is such a person”

When you look at the mirror, how do you feel?

Hmm….should reduce more fats

What a crazy thing are you saying, where do you need to reduce?

Recently, someone asked me “When you look into the mirror, do you think you are handsome?” I am also human, there are many times I feel that I don’t look good. When I am at home and my hair is unkempt, when I wake up in the morning and my face is swollen, then when I look into the mirror “ Why is my face like this!” Frequently it happens. But I think it is an occupational hazard, that you want to present the best of yourself, that kind of thinking.

When you were looking at the menu, you don’t seem fussy about food

Because I want to eat more, I pay attention to what I eat. Cakes, Tiramisu, those things with butter, I won’t eat.

What are your favorite foods?

Sausages, ham…? Haha, that’s my taste. Vegetables and healthy foods, I don’t really like. I like it hot and sweet. My taste is like that of a child.

You are the maknae, what is it like with you and your hyung?

I have an older brother.  I like my brother very much. There is a 5 year gap, hyung takes care of me very well. Not long ago, hyung got married. Everyone is envious of us brothers, we are very close, and we are always happy together and we share many fun and hilarious experiences.

Growing up in such a loving environment, and always getting what you wanted. I am curious, have you ever failed before or have a painful experience?

Compared to other people, I seem not to have any painful experience. Although we are not rich, I did not grow up in an environment that is not good, my parents showered me with a lot of love. Only thing is that when I got to high school and chose Arts, the fees was really too high. Normal fees is only 400,000 but the one I went to was 1,000,000. Although my parents could afford, I wanted to foot it myself. In the school performing club I was responsible for lighting, sound and production set etc, I received a scholarship. For university fees, although my parents could afford, because I took a study loan, I didn’t ask for allowance, I settle it all myself. It is not because of difficult circumstances that I had to work and earn money but I just thought that I should depend on my ability.

Waa. You are really worthy of your parents’ love

But I am often hurt because of some things said, even if it is a few words. I said just now that I give a lot of love but I also wish to receive the same. Hence, I seem to be especially hurt when it’s words said by people I liked.

Then you probably won’t hurt others, right?

Yes. To hurt other people, that’s what I hate most. If I feel that I have hurt someone, I will try no matter how to resolve. “Have you caused hurt to that person?” it will always stay in my guilty conscience. So if this thing happens, no matter what, I will definitely apologise.

Fans who adore musicals will usually be very loyal to the actor that they like for a long time. From your musical days there must be many fans who liked you.

Yes, even till now. During premieres, they will always come and support me, I am very thankful. I debut when I was 20. It’s already 5 years, for those fans who followed me from the beginning, I hope I will not disappoint them.

25 years old, you have already past halfway mark of the 20s, how do you feel?

Still like a child, need to learn, need to experience much much more, need to have ambition, it’s still a age where you are inadequate, inexperienced. I don’t feel it’s because I did well, that’s why I got to where I am. During this journey, realizing what my inadequacies are, that is the most important. Hence, I should not be arrogant just because I am good. 25 years old seems to be the age where I realize that I am inexperienced. 


Why Am I Jealous of that Cushion?!?



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@mojobobo and @mrdimples : Thanks for the translation!!! It's really great to see some Joo Won's interview and understand it. ;;)

Anyways, I'll be busy this coming days, got some deadlines to finish. But I will be watching Gaksital eps 21 and 22 on weekends... YES!!! we had two days  holiday, wohohoho so happy.

Some pics that I captured in 1N2D, which I forgot the episode...


Joo Won's beauty regimen.

Joo Won just took a bath. 1N2D is unfair, coz they show the hyungs taking bath but not Joo Won. *pouts*
He looks a bit tired but still cute.

... was laughing seeing him go aegyo

... puts some moisturizer(?) lol.

... spreading the aegyo-ness secret. *how I wish I am that moisturizer*

... finishing touch

And the face that makes us go... OMG!!! Joo Won... ah.

-I'd say, his more meticulous than I am, coz I'm only using soap and water and nothing else due to my sensitive skin *got rashes when using beauty products*.

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I read somewhere that he said he usually slaps on moisturiser only. However, because of BM's gruelling filming schedule where he has the make up on his face for hours on end, he started to have spots. So he has been more careful.
For all that he said about himself in the interview with regards to his appearance, i don't think it's false vanity. Some people may say "I don't care about my appearance" or "I don't think I am handsome" but you can see they are very self conscious, and seems like always checking if people are looking at them. And you have actors who are so vain and narcissistic about their looks that it impedes their acting. Joo Won is not like that. He has no qualms going on 1N2D with zero makeup, unkempt hair which he uses a cap to hide, and he doesn't even bother to work out his body. Maybe he is lazy but I think not. I usually have problems with guys who worked out every muscle they have and show them whenever there is a chance. 

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@mrdimples : LOL. Yeah me too, I don't really am into guys who go gaga with gyms and buffing stuffs or those who keeps on looking at mirrors or saying they got muscles or something. *I go, -huh, is that it- to annoy them* I really like him in 1N2D, actually all of them coz you can see them not care of what their appearance is. Unlike some Korean actors who looks so clean that I often think if that is natural or fake, hehehe. Joo Won's aegyoness is so natural, he don't even have to try -him being the youngest, I can understand that *coz I am too, hahahaha*. But his so serious on his acting that if you don't know him, you'll be wondering if he is Joo Won, his totally different in 1N2D. But of course, we will never know what he really is off-screen. But I think his a good, nice guy, a bit playful, serious and of course... sexy. *what?! still pervy*

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Guest alysanne

@mojobobo @mrdimples: Thanks for an awesome job translating the interview!  Yeah, the role of Melchior in Spring Awakening requires some...uh...butt-baring.  LOL.  So you know what to do next time JW says he will be reprising his part in that musical.  :P

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