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Joo Won 주원 [Drama- The Midnight Studio/ 야한(夜限) 사진관]


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39 minutes ago, kittyna said:

"mainstream cartoon characters", I thought you meant the black ones, and I was even thinking, "Oh, cool - he's a Marvel fan."

What?! "Marvel" or "Marvel universe" is  not consider cartoon, I can't say they are for adults only, kids can also watch, but to understand the movies or comics of Marvel and DC, one needs to have basic science and maturity. By mainstream cartoon I meant popular with kids, maybe he went out to shop for Crocs with his nephew/niece :joy:

IVY was like,  "And I use to think my Crocs are the weirdest" :joy:

39 minutes ago, kittyna said:

One of the fun things about Alice is that Kwak Si Yang is the first actor playing JW's dad to actually be about the same age as him

To be precise, age concept doesn't apply to Kwak Si Yang's character, he said this while introducing his character.

39 minutes ago, kittyna said:

As for how often he changes phones, I just remember JW talking about it once on Joo Won's Life Log, where he said that he liked having the new models, but found that it was so much work to transfer all the data and files from the old phone to the new one that he's since slowed down the rate at which he switches. Which is, again, understandable.

Yeah, data transfer can be painstaking, contacts are usually linked to account, but videos and photos needs to be transferred manually :bawling: Considering Joo won's profession, he should have tons of photos and videos for promotion purposes and stuff

39 minutes ago, kittyna said:

Cha Dong Woo pretty much operates on his own schedule, and the other characters (Yoo Jin included) are never quite sure what it looks like. You can't ask him to come (Yoo Jin's tried numerous times in the past and failed), but you also can't ask him not to come, either. :P So he's just always going to keep Yoo Jin on his toes for, like, forever.

He is like friend who shows up when you are in a tough spot :joy:


Lol! For a moment I thought I was watching Behind the scene of "Good Doctor" Joo won's body language sometimes can be kid like

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4 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

What?! "Marvel" or "Marvel universe" is  not consider cartoon, I can't say they are for adults only, kids can also watch, but to understand the movies or comics of Marvel and DC, one needs to have basic science and maturity. By mainstream cartoon I meant popular with kids, maybe he went out to shop for Crocs with his nephew/niece 


In my defence, ever since Disney acquired Marvel, the Avengers and other MCU characters have been predominantly marketed towards children where I live ;) So there's a ton of Marvel-related merchandise for kids, and many kids love the films and characters.


But looking back at JW's choices for his Crocs decorations, I will say that the characters he chooses are ones that were marketed towards kids, but that have actually become really popular among young adults and millennials. Especially Pengsoo - who actually seems to be more popular with adults than kids, despite originally being designed as a children's TV station mascot. As for Stitch, he's a slightly older Disney character, so again, he's quite popular among young adults (who probably grew up watching Lilo and Stitch and now still like Stitch's trickster antics).


4 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

To be precise, age concept doesn't apply to Kwak Si Yang's character, he said this while introducing his character.


I know - I meant that the actors were close in age ;) 


4 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

He is like friend who shows up when you are in a tough spot


More like a frenemy, to be honest :P With Cha Dong Woo, Cha Yoo Jin never quite knows what to expect!


3 hours ago, kireeti2 said:


I can't comment much on this since I haven't seen Episode 7 yet, but my guess is that Park Jin Gyeom and Yoon Tae Yi are both fairly certain that she's not his mom - and if that's the case, it's going to get a lot harder (even for the two of them) to figure out their relationship. Like, we could say they're friends, but the high stakes of everything they're involved in makes it really easy to think that there's something more - but is there?


Adrenaline and high stress situations can make people see romance where it doesn't exist, but the only way to know for certain is for that emotional high to pass and for the parties involved to take a step back and assess what they really think about each other. And, at least as far as Alice is concerned, there's no real chance of that break happening anytime soon. Considering that this is common among most people, you can imagine how chaotic things would get for someone prone to getting his emotional wires crossed (i.e. Park Jin Gyeom) to begin with!


3 hours ago, kireeti2 said:


This is one of the snippets I found on SBS's YouTube channel - it looks like Jin Gyeom and Tae Yi (2020) met once at the theme park when they were kids, but how much the moment between them as adults is real and how much is imagination...hard to tell just from that little tiny bit I saw.

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Lol! I thought they would fight after getting drunk, but it was totally unexpected, they look like they are celebrating bachelor party :joy:. Is it called Karoke in South Korea also? Or is it known with different name?

12 hours ago, kittyna said:

I can't comment much on this since I haven't seen Episode 7 yet, but my guess is that Park Jin Gyeom and Yoon Tae Yi are both fairly certain that she's not his mom

I think we should look at JG's point of view when it comes to TY(2020) and JG. Like, TY(2020) is really confused about her feelings towards him, where as, JG is clear about his feelings towards her. He treats her like he would treat him mom, but he sort of taking extra care towards TY(2020) out of guilt. So, yeah it'll take sometime for TY to come in terms with her feelings towards JG, like she did feel like she knew MH when she saw him again in the park, so it's like Deja-vu for her every time she meets a person who is from future or from past.


Now, coming to episode 7 review, I felt it was draggy and did nothing to further the plot, expect it looked more like it was setting stage for episode 8. Yes, they could have squeezed all the scenes of episode 7 in episode 8, that's my opinion. But there were few good scenes, like JG playing music every time TY upset or worried, but with an inappropriate song at inappropriate time. The confusion comedy did decent job keeping me engaged with the episode, other scenes were not that good or not decent enough to keep me interested in the episode, even in the teaser  we can see that there was nothing exciting about episode 7, I hope episode 8 keeps the pace of the drama and doesn't drag like episode 7

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7 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

Lol! I thought they would fight after getting drunk, but it was totally unexpected, they look like they are celebrating bachelor party :joy:. Is it called Karoke in South Korea also? Or is it known with different name?


LOL! That's great - will definitely look forward to seeing the full version once it comes out :)  By the way, what cracks me up even more is that while the other three are all drunkenly singing and dancing, you can see Park Jin Gyeom sitting on the sidelines going, "What...the...hell???" before he finally gets up and turns off the TV :loolz:


I know that "noraebang" is the Korean term for the place where you go out for karaoke (and, by extension, the act of going out for karaoke as well), but does it also apply to singing karaoke at home? I don't know; I never thought of that before.


7 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

I think we should look at JG's point of view when it comes to TY(2020) and JG. Like, TY(2020) is really confused about her feelings towards him, where as, JG is clear about his feelings towards her. He treats her like he would treat him mom, but he sort of taking extra care towards TY(2020) out of guilt.


Yeah. Even though I haven't watched Episodes 7/8 yet, up to what I have seen (Episode 6), I do think that's where Jin Gyeom's coming from. I focused on Tae Yi's feelings before simply because she's the wild card: if there's going to be any romance or love line between her and Jin Gyeom (and, consequently, whether Alice loses a good chunk of its viewership because of it), it's going to come from her.


However, if I were to shift gears and look at Jin Gyeom's perspective, I think his feelings (while platonic) are going through an evolution of their own. Initially, I think he latched onto Tae Yi because he thought she was, somehow, his mom. That's what we see in the endings of Episodes 1 and 2. In Episodes 3/4, it's starting to become possible that Tae Yi isn't his mom - and even he himself admits that in his own conscious mind - but Jin Gyeom still can't help subconsciously conflating the two of them. So we see him getting noticeably confused by Tae Yi's mannerisms (because no sooner has she done something that suggests she isn't his mom, than she makes a gesture or an expression that makes him think she is), or going into full-blown panic mode when Tae Yi reports seeing a drone at the end of Episode 4.


(I mean, a cop - I repeat: a COP - speeding and talking on the phone without a handsfree device? Definitely not thinking straight anymore ;))


So we come to Episodes 5/6 when, during his time in 2010, Jin Gyeom becomes convinced that Tae Yi is not his mom. If he was only getting close to her because of that connection, that should be the end of it. But it's not - because we see Jin Gyeom being just as (or even more) protective of Tae Yi after the fact. It's just that now, the focus has shifted: he's aware that Tae Yi is a separate entity in his mind than his mother (even if they look alike), but he's got to protect her now as a major witness/ally in his investigations. At the same time, however, even if that's what's happening on a conscious level, I think that subconsciously, he's still acting like Tae Yi's...not so much his mother as an extension of her. And since he's already failed to save his mother twice in the past, he's going to do everything within his power to make sure he doesn't lose "her" a third time.


7 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

Now, coming to episode 7 review, I felt it was draggy and did nothing to further the plot, expect it looked more like it was setting stage for episode 8. Yes, they could have squeezed all the scenes of episode 7 in episode 8, that's my opinion. But there were few good scenes, like JG playing music every time TY upset or worried, but with an inappropriate song at inappropriate time. The confusion comedy did decent job keeping me engaged with the episode, other scenes were not that good or not decent enough to keep me interested in the episode, even in the teaser  we can see that there was nothing exciting about episode 7, I hope episode 8 keeps the pace of the drama and doesn't drag like episode 7


Somehow, I'm reading this like a challenge: like, what can I possibly draw out and analyze from Episode 7 once I see it? (Because I think my takes on each episode are more analyses than reviews, to be honest.) From the little tiny leaks on YouTube and Instagram, I see a few things I can talk about - but I need to see them in context first before actually saying anything ;) 


By the way, am I the only one who's been stumbling across negative comments about Do Yeon lately? Like, not in a shipping context (i.e. not because people want Jin Gyeom to end up with Tae Yi instead), but just as a poorly written or "annoying" character? I mean, some one-dimensionality was to be expected, since Alice is so predominantly focused on the main "family" of characters (Park Jin Gyeom, Yoon Tae Yi, Yoo Min Hyuk), and Do Yeon is definitely a supporting role. But...I dunno - thoughts?

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38 minutes ago, kittyna said:

Do Yeon lately? Like, not in a shipping context (i.e. not because people want Jin Gyeom to end up with Tae Yi instead), but just as a poorly written or "annoying" character?

What? How come people(few) hate Do Yeon? She is adorable, always there for JG and brings comedic relief. Like her interaction with every character in the show has some sort of comedy angle. I have liked every scene was on. But, they writers have sort of suggested a love angle between Do Yeon and the JG's partner, like it is one-sided affair and Do Yeon doesn't even acknowledge it like JG not acknowledging her feelings towards him. So, I don't if writers will let Do Yeon end up with JG, maybe we will be perpetually in loop trying to save his mother and will stay single forever :fearful:

43 minutes ago, kittyna said:

Somehow, I'm reading this like a challenge: like, what can I possibly draw out and analyze from Episode 7 once I see it?

I would suggest to you to wait for episode 8 and watch them together. Since there is nothing much to see in episode 7

45 minutes ago, kittyna said:

before he finally gets up and turns off the TV 

And also, we might get to see him sing, so this would be like Good Doctor all over again but Joo won will be singing with straight way :joy:

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Episode 8 ending just blew my mind:scream:. It seems like the writers have took the parallel universe path.

I can say that episode 8 had all the elements in it, ranging from suspense to comedy. It might had also help with the ratings of episode 9, since it ends with a major cliff-hanger and episode 9 needs to explain the plot  properly otherwise it is going to be the last episode with high ratings and ratings may fall after it, if the cliff hanger is not explained properly

Coming to episode 8 comedy,Lol! JG's expressionless dance really cracked me up, I wonder what the members of that girl group will think when they see his expressionless dance :joy:

Did they jus used the old footage of the Ghost or is this new edition. I can't tell the difference becasue Joo Won's outfit always looks same as his previous one

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1 hour ago, kireeti2 said:

I would suggest to you to wait for episode 8 and watch them together. Since there is nothing much to see in episode 7


Except that, realistically, I only have the time to watch each episode on its own ;) However, because I usually only get around to watching/analyzing the odd-numbered episodes after the even-numbered episodes have already aired (including the massive spoiler-y explosion that happens on Instagram every single time)...you can expect that at least some of what I say about Episode 7 will take elements of Episode 8 into consideration, even if I haven't watched it yet in full.


For instance, from what I could tell about Episode 8 already, it looks like one of my hypotheses about Episode 7 was correct. But again, I'll have to wait and see.


1 hour ago, kireeti2 said:

What? How come people(few) hate Do Yeon? She is adorable, always there for JG and brings comedic relief. Like her interaction with every character in the show has some sort of comedy angle. I have liked every scene was on.


As for me, so far I'm actually rather indifferent about Do Yeon: I don't particularly like or dislike her, but simply see her as just being...there. I don't know. I guess I could best describe her as someone who I enjoy watching, but not someone I end up thinking about afterwards - which is also why I seldom comment about her in my analyses of each episode. Maybe it's because her role up until Episode 6 has been relatively small, and I want to see more depth in her story before making any sort of judgment.

31 minutes ago, kireeti2 said:

Did they jus used the old footage of the Ghost or is this new edition. I can't tell the difference becasue Joo Won's outfit always looks same as his previous one


It's from 2013 - it says so in the video description ;) 

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Okay, so this is by no means complete - since I'm just using the little YouTube snippets without much broader context - but here is my hypothesis right now about what the heck was up with Episode 8's ending.



Point is: I said earlier that it appeared one of my hypotheses from Episode 7 actually did end up playing out as I thought. That would be the little bit concerning Tae Yi's nightmare:



So in that dream sequence, it looks like Tae Yi is either seriously injured (or possibly killed - hard to tell, since she immediately wakes up) trying to protect mini-Jin Gyeom(?) from some imminent threat. Considering that there's a serial killer on the loose who has threatened her already, it makes sense that this would become some sort of primal fear for her. However, the real question about that dream is: who was the original target? The way that the dream is set up, my speculation (and hypothesis re: developments in Episodes 7/8 as of yesterday) was that there would be a shift in Tae Yi and Jin Gyeom's relationship, where she would start to become as protective of him as he had been of her thus far.


Fast-forward to the ending of Episode 8, and that dream is starting to look a lot less like just a glimpse into Tae Yi's subconscious fears, and more like actual foreshadowing.



So what clues did I pick up on in this scene? Namely that there's yet another case of accidental time travel, only this time, it's Tae Yi going forward into 2021 - and, like Jin Gyeom when he went back to 2010, she doesn't realize that's what happened yet. Which is why, when she tries to ask for Jin Gyeom and is told that he's dead, none of it is actually registering for her. So we now know this is one possible outcome for the future - and a confirmation of one of Tae Yi's most deeply ingrained fears (if that nightmare from Episode 7 has anything to do with it). 


Of course, the part that gets weird is that, according to this ending, Jin Gyeom doesn't die in 2021...but in 2020. More specifically, October 2020. If other K-dramas I've watched that are set in the same year in which they are broadcast (Yong Pal in particular comes to mind, but there are others), events within the drama will end up playing out more or less in "real time". In other words, I think we're getting a glimpse into things that might - not necessarily will, but might - happen in Alice's finale (since it's supposed to finish on October 17).


So here's the question: we know that past events can sometimes be changed (e.g. the cases in Episodes 2-3), but not always (e.g. Episode 5). And even if they could be changed, there's no guarantee the new outcome is any better than what happened before. But what about future events? Are those fixed as well simply because of some prophecy? Or can people in the present set a different path in motion?


Yeah, again, since I'm working with little snippets with mediocre computer-generated subs and a general knowledge of how drama narrative arcs work, this may not actually be true for subsequent episodes - or even for the two I'm talking about. But I just thought I'd put this out there anyway, just to see what you guys think :) 

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18 hours ago, kittyna said:

So here's the question: we know that past events can sometimes be changed (e.g. the cases in Episodes 2-3), but not always (e.g. Episode 5). And even if they could be changed, there's no guarantee the new outcome is any better than what happened before. But what about future events? Are those fixed as well simply because of some prophecy? Or can people in the present set a different path in motion?

The ep 7 opening quote says "Do not future. Bury the dead past. Act in the present." 

To me it seemed like a indication not to hung up too much on future which time travelers of all sorts are doing..going too crazy over Prophecy. Furure can change depending on situations.


On 9/19/2020 at 8:07 PM, kireeti2 said:

What? How come people(few) hate Do Yeon? She is adorable, always there for JG and brings comedic relief. Like her interaction with every character in the show has some sort of comedy angle. I have liked every scene was on. But, they writers have sort of suggested a love angle between Do Yeon and the JG's partner, like it is one-sided affair and Do Yeon doesn't even acknowledge it like JG not acknowledging her feelings towards him. So, I don't if writers will let Do Yeon end up with JG, maybe we will be perpetually in loop trying to save his mother and will stay single forever :fearful:


I like Do Yeon as a character even if she's not future of Jin Gyeom. I like her because she speaks her mind and she shows JG's human side more than any other character. JG is supposed to care about  Yoon Tae Yi by default.. She is the extension of his mother.. even if she is not his mother he will do everything in his might to protect.


But Do Yeon is the best friend.. Being friends with her is a choice for him and he actually values their friendship quite well. She can confront him when necessary. 


One scene I particularly liked is when she went to snoop at YTI's home and got caught..When JG told her not to write article she asked him "Will you give my salary? Who are you to tell me do this and that." Why I like this is that she clearly told Jin Gyeom that snooping around cases is her job unless he isn't telling her reasons she isn't going to stop doing what she's supposed to do. She meant business.

She also confirmed one of JG's crucial suspicion about Drone- she is the one who told him that drones are related to the unusual events of last one year. She's also the reason he found out about his mothers connection to the prisoner. I don't know why people will find her poorly written character. May be they find her annoying because she is bossy with JG( well that's because he let her do so) and rude with Yoon Tae Yi.. Her showdown with YTI is what I look forward to.. Both are equally rude..:lol: and DY just wouldn't back down! :glasses:


Do Yeon's cute and spunky.. with or without Jin Gyeom.

I'm not very hopeful of DY & JG having a future together because they're from different timeline.. but I enjoy their moments anyways.


@kireeti2 @kittyna Did you guys see this long behind the scene video. It contains rehearsal of drunk karaoke scene. Joo Won is guiding KHS on Dance move.. But we don't have his expressionless dance part here. I wish they'd included it. I wanted to see how much other laughed at his expression or lack of it.




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46 minutes ago, flutterby06 said:

Did you guys see this long behind the scene video. It contains rehearsal of drunk karaoke scene. Joo Won is guiding KHS on Dance move.. But we don't have his expressionless dance part here. I wish they'd included it. I wanted to see how much other laughed at his expression or lack of it.

Yeah, I sort of figured the BTS will be  more funny than the actual scene. We may assume that Joo won had easy part in the scene, but he had to keep keep straight face while watching the shenanigans of those three and had to do a step from "Tell Me" song of wonder girls with a straight face which makes his performance and acting much more harder   :joy:

52 minutes ago, flutterby06 said:

Her showdown with YTI is what I look forward to.. Both are equally rude..:lol: and DY just wouldn't back down! 

Yeah, I like her chemistry with TY, these two are like bickering sisters. And she called TY as "Unnie" when she was drunk


55 minutes ago, flutterby06 said:

I'm not very hopeful of DY & JG having a future together because they're from different timeline.. but I enjoy their moments anyways.

I am also not optimistic about their relationship, like some times I feel like DY is wasting time on JG, and I hope they remain as best friends, since JG is not able to reciprocate the feeling towards her. And there is a good chance that JG may not exist altogether in DY time line at the end of the drama. Since, he was not supposed to exist in the first place.

19 hours ago, kittyna said:

So here's the question: we know that past events can sometimes be changed (e.g. the cases in Episodes 2-3), but not always (e.g. Episode 5). And even if they could be changed, there's no guarantee the new outcome is any better than what happened before. But what about future events? Are those fixed as well simply because of some prophecy? Or can people in the present set a different path in motion?

I think JG is capable of doing it, like, he is sort of a glitch in timeline. So, my guess is his purpose is to bring back the order by stopping the time travel. And in this process he might cease to exist  in the lives of the people that know him, including his mom. So, I would like to see that kind of bitter-sweet ending :bawling: He might  born again to TY in different time line , but this time he would not have alexithymia condition

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22 minutes ago, kireeti2 said:

Yeah, I sort of figured the BTS will be  more funny than the actual scene. We may assume that Joo won had easy part in the scene, but he had to keep keep straight face while watching the shenanigans of those three and had to do a step from "Tell Me" song of wonder girls with a straight face which makes his performance and acting much more harder  


JW looks like he had fun watching over others.. sometimes joining others.. and he was telling KHS not to do certain moves because that looks weird.. and KHS is laughing so hard. She really is a reaction queen as JW said.


The here's JW singing Directore Baek Soo Chan said there will be Karaoke scene so I was expecting singing from JW but the dance was such a pleasent bonus..


Love the directors who knows how to use his singing skill either by giving him OST or actual singing scene..My heart melts whenever I hear him singing.. :heart1:



27 minutes ago, kireeti2 said:

Yeah, I like her chemistry with TY, these two are like bickering sisters. And she called TY as "Unnie" when she was drunk


She calls Tae Yi Unnie but when Jin Gyeom says that they have grown closer I was laughing so hard... :joy:

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3 hours ago, flutterby06 said:

The ep 7 opening quote says "Do not future. Bury the dead past. Act in the present." 

To me it seemed like a indication not to hung up too much on future which time travelers of all sorts are doing..going too crazy over Prophecy. Furure can change depending on situations.


Yeah - to be honest, all this time, I thought the prophecy was...not false per se, but just being made way too much of a deal. These time travelers from the future are resorting to so many unethical or even immoral things to prevent this "prophecy" from being fulfilled - and, as we can see in the book, their attempts to prevent it are exactly what's said will happen. It feels weird, watching people bring about their own ends like that without even realizing it - if they weren't so hung up about the prophecy in the first place, I imagine that time travel could actually go on for a good long while undisturbed. And wouldn't that be ironic.


3 hours ago, flutterby06 said:

But Do Yeon is the best friend.. Being friends with her is a choice for him and he actually values their friendship quite well. She can confront him when necessary. 


3 hours ago, flutterby06 said:

I don't know why people will find her poorly written character. May be they find her annoying because she is bossy with JG( well that's because he let her do so) and rude with Yoon Tae Yi.. Her showdown with YTI is what I look forward to.. Both are equally rude..:lol: and DY just wouldn't back down! :glasses:


Do Yeon's cute and spunky.. with or without Jin Gyeom.


lol - And now you're giving me this thought that if there isn't a love line between Tae Yi and Jin Gyeom (the drama's still ambiguous - and I'd argue deliberately so - about that), then Tae Yi and Do Yeon together would share the role as Jin Gyeom's female BFF. :P Both give him tons of advice (advice he does take, albeit not always accurately - like with Tae Yi and playing music ;)) about how best to interact with other people and make his true feelings and intentions known. And, as you've pointed out, neither Tae Yi nor Do Yeon are willing to take any sort of crap from Jin Gyeom, either.


2 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

Yeah, I like her chemistry with TY, these two are like bickering sisters. And she called TY as "Unnie" when she was drunk


1 hour ago, flutterby06 said:

She calls Tae Yi Unnie but when Jin Gyeom says that they have grown closer I was laughing so hard...


lol - Because they then deny it and Jin Gyeom's all like, "Okay, if you say so." :lol:


3 hours ago, flutterby06 said:

I'm not very hopeful of DY & JG having a future together because they're from different timeline.. but I enjoy their moments anyways.


2 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

And there is a good chance that JG may not exist altogether in DY time line at the end of the drama. Since, he was not supposed to exist in the first place.


2 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

I think JG is capable of doing it, like, he is sort of a glitch in timeline. So, my guess is his purpose is to bring back the order by stopping the time travel. And in this process he might cease to exist  in the lives of the people that know him, including his mom. So, I would like to see that kind of bitter-sweet ending :bawling: He might  born again to TY in different time line , but this time he would not have alexithymia condition


You guys have a good point, because we know that by rights, Jin Gyeom should exist in the same parallel universe where Yoon Tae Yi and Yoo Min Hyuk are together in "Alice" in 2050. I think it'll be interesting to watch the second half of the drama to see how the writers reconcile that idea with what we've seen of his life so far.


2 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

Yeah, I sort of figured the BTS will be  more funny than the actual scene. We may assume that Joo won had easy part in the scene, but he had to keep keep straight face while watching the shenanigans of those three and had to do a step from "Tell Me" song of wonder girls with a straight face which makes his performance and acting much more harder


1 hour ago, flutterby06 said:

JW looks like he had fun watching over others.. sometimes joining others.. and he was telling KHS not to do certain moves because that looks weird.. and KHS is laughing so hard. She really is a reaction queen as JW said.


And I think it's funny that, Gaksital aside, JW's characters are usually written to be really crappy dancers - but in real life, he's actually really good (as evidenced by his coaching Kim Hee Sun here). ;) 


To be honest, I wasn't sure what to expect from Jin Gyeom's dancing, since he's so athletic and coordinated as a person, but is also unable to express any sort of feeling from the music (okay, he probably could - just not on the spot). And the result was...both the exact opposite from what I expected and exactly what I should have expected: it's literally perfect technique with no expression whatsoever :P 


Where I actually did end up surprised, though, was Jin Gyeom's singing. I thought he'd be as awkward here as when he sang the birthday song as a teenager, but nope! He nailed it, technique and feeling combined :) Hm...I wonder why....


By the way, I just want to ask: am I the only one who's actually slowly coming around to the idea of Tae Yi (2020) having a crush on Jin Gyeom? I know that a lot of people say it's "weird" and "almost incest" and "ruining the show" and some viewers have even said they want to drop the drama because of this, but...if Tae Yi's not Jin Gyeom's mother at all (and she really has every reason to think she isn't), then technically, there's nothing stopping her from developing feelings for him. And, given the circumstances, I actually find her doing so to be completely understandable. The writers have been deliberately teasing some rom-com-style antics throughout these first eight episodes, but I feel like the ending for Episode 8 could turn into a huge paradigm shift that could either bring any thought of romance to an end or strengthen Tae Yi's feelings for Jin Gyeom. We'll have to wait until Episode 9 and onwards to see which way it goes, but...just a thought.


Mind you: my first choice is still for their relationship to be platonic. All I'm saying is that if it isn't and there are romantic feelings involved (one-sided as they are now or otherwise), what I would want most from the show is for the characters to face the ethical dilemmas it causes head-on: like, for example, if Tae Yi confesses and Jin Gyeom turns her down, or if a third party (most likely Do Yeon or Min Hyuk at this point) calls them out on it if anything does happen. Like, there's no way that a romantic relationship here would be easy if we look at it realistically, and I'd argue that if Tae Yi and Jin Gyeom just end up together, no questions asked, then that would be rather poor execution or writing. But otherwise...I do see it having narrative potential.

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12 minutes ago, kittyna said:

By the way, I just want to ask: am I the only one who's actually slowly coming around to the idea of Tae Yi (2020) having a crush on Jin Gyeom? I know that a lot of people say it's "weird" and "almost incest" and "ruining the show" and some viewers have even said they want to drop the drama because of this, but...if Tae Yi's not Jin Gyeom's mother at all (and she really has every reason to think she isn't), then technically, there's nothing stopping her from developing feelings for him. And, given the circumstances, I actually find her doing so to be completely understandable. The writers have been deliberately teasing some rom-com-style antics throughout these first eight episodes, but I feel like the ending for Episode 8 could turn into a huge paradigm shift that could either bring any thought of romance to an end or strengthen Tae Yi's feelings for Jin Gyeom. We'll have to wait until Episode 9 and onwards to see which way it goes, but...just a thought.


Mind you: my first choice is still for their relationship to be platonic. All I'm saying is that if it isn't...I still want to see how it plays out in the end before passing any sort of judgment.


Jin Gyeom promised his mother that if he meets her again he'd protect her even if he's not his mother- I am all for JG wrecking havoc for Professor Yoon Tae Yi so he can protect her this time; doesn't matter if she is his mother or not.


TBH I get why YTY would develop some feelings for JG..she is a young unengaged woman, getting attention and protection from a handsome and nice man. It's natural to feel good about someone when we are taken care by someone nice. If we think about reality this happens sometimes in time travel show- we see such things that family having crush on the one who came from past/future without knowing their true identity.. and those are done mostly for comedic relief.


So when I see those moments in ep 8 I thought writers are trying to show us the reality or teasing the viewers so we be alert on our toe.


But if the writers actually want to go all the way with that feeling I will feel very disturbed by the idea.. Like you pointed out it's absolutely normal for her to grow feelings because she doesn't have the idea on whole situation. But if they showed JG is developing romantic interest on YTY that I will be unable to enjoy.. Because JG from time to time tried to find the similarities between his mon and Yoon Taeyi. So if he starts to develop romantic feeling for her it'd be very uncomfortable to watch doesn't matter if she is totally another person and not his mother's younger self/ another Taeyi other than his dimension. Because when the show started most of their emotional encounter was because he was too emotional thinking about his mother.. even when he came back from 2010 she literally addressed the important fact that she might be very much similar to his mother as he always cries and hug her when he sees him. That means also means she became a bit accustomed to the fact that all the time he got emotional in front of her was because his mother. Even in recent ep 7 they showed YTY dreaming about a kid.. and in ep 8 JG was having a flashback of his mom at home when YTY entered their home. I mean writers are still not letting  us forget that how these two taeyi are similar.


If she was just introduced as a YTY who is just a look alike and nothing other matches  with Mom Taeyi I may go through the idea of their romance. But now that JG emotion got involved things become different to me. 


Shared my long honest opinion. :phew:

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@flutterby06 - You said it in way more detail than me, but that's what I think, too. You should also note that, after you started your reply, I went back and changed my conclusion from my previous post ;) 


For me, I think I'm just surprised that some viewers are already going, "Omo, is the drama trying to force a romance here? That's just wrong!" when up to this point, those feelings really are just on Tae Yi's side. And for me, Tae Yi's feelings make a lot of sense given what she does and doesn't know about the situation.


As of right now, I don't see Jin Gyeom reciprocating any of those feelings beyond a desire to protect Tae Yi and keep her happy: he's doing the sorts of things that a son (obviously!), brother, or best friend would do without any romantic or sexual strings attached. Nor, to be honest, can I honestly envision Jin Gyeom developing romantic feelings in the future. Instead, those slow-mo, rom-com like moments (e.g. the one where Jin Gyeom gets really close to Tae Yi trying to reach the shelf that's too high for her) are more showing Tae Yi's perspective of events rather than Jin Gyeom's. In Jin Gyeom's mind, I think Tae Yi is still (and possibly will always be) a friend who's able to be there for him in a similar way his mother was and who's able to keep his mother's memory alive for him just by being herself: for example, when Tae Yi immediately recognizes which room was the master bedroom (i.e. Park Sun Young's bedroom, though she doesn't know it), which makes Jin Gyeom once again look at her like, "Maybe...?" before she then wryly points out that it's the biggest bedroom, so of course it's the master :P 


Feelings can be one-sided, but a romance/love line takes two. And I don't realistically see the show going there. Instead, I think for each scene that does suggest romance, we as viewers need to take a step back and think about whose perspective we're looking at in that moment - Alice seems to be really big on true and false narratives (e.g. who's telling the truth or not, who's got the right idea of what's going on, characters hiding secrets or outright lying to each other, etc.), and we need to keep that in mind throughout.



I should also address the scene for which I started seeing genuine concerns about a possible romance: the amusement park flashback.



The way I see it, though, it's not meant to be romantic. It's not like the adult Jin Gyeom and Tae Yi were on a date or anything. Rather, I think it's simply that Park Sun Young recognized mini-Tae Yi, and because of her knowledge of the prophecy from having read the book, she already sensed that Jin Gyeom and Tae Yi's adult lives would intersect. So Park Sun Young is seeing Jin Gyeom and Tae Yi's grown-up selves, and there's something really bittersweet about that moment for her because she is the only one who is fully aware of its implications for their futures. (Including now, possibly, Jin Gyeom's death :()


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14 minutes ago, kittyna said:

The way I see it, though, it's not meant to be romantic. It's not like the adult Jin Gyeom and Tae Yi were on a date or anything. Rather, I think it's simply that Park Sun Young recognized mini-Tae Yi, and because of her knowledge of the prophecy from having read the book, she already sensed that Jin Gyeom and Tae Yi's adult lives would intersect. So Park Sun Young is seeing Jin Gyeom and Tae Yi's grown-up selves, and there's something really bittersweet about that moment for her because she is the only one who is fully aware of its implications for their futures. (Including now, possibly, Jin Gyeom's death :()


That's what I thought too..

But most people started thinking about childhood love/attraction bla bla.. rather than mini JG and Taeyi meeting what I thought iconic was Taeyi meeting min taeyi with her son in between them..and this time older Taeyi seems to be recognizing mini Taeyi (either her younger past or just another her from another dimension, yet to established but either way it's impactful) I actually quite like this scene.


21 minutes ago, kittyna said:

Feelings can be one-sided, but a romance/love line takes two. And I don't realistically see the show going there. Instead, I think for each scene that does suggest romance, we as viewers need to take a step back and think about whose perspective we're looking at in that moment - Alice seems to be really big on true and false narratives (e.g. who's telling the truth or not, who's got the right idea of what's going on, characters hiding secrets or outright lying to each other, etc.), and we need to keep that in mind throughout.

Totally agree.. that's why I think next week's episodes are crucial- for story wise and rating wise.:P Because I don't think international fans are not the only side that feels uncomfortable with the hints of romance. ha ha..


But you know what's more important to most people who are very invested in Alice right now? It's the sci fi and mysterious aspect of the drama.. I think thats why wile many are dropping the drama, many are in fact ignoring this teasing romantic hints..Nothing very important happened in latest episode except the BOOM at the end.. Jin Gyeom dead in 2020 and Cheif Go has a bloodied knife at his hand.. Like the episodes are giving us vibes that chief Go is acting very fishy... but none ever really thought he could be involved in killing Jin Gyeom.. I would like to beleive the flashback of JG death scene suggesting Chief Go as the killer is more than what it seem..!


My mind is blown.. and my guess work kinda stopped. Let me know what you guys are thinking.


Oh and..



I actually find this scene funny.. mostly because I could hear Park Si On in Park Jin Gyeom the whole time.. "DHUA JU SHIP ShIYO.." (My pronunciation must be incorrect!).. I wanted to know if I am the only one who got this vibe.. I thought Joo Won totally used Park Si On tone here.


 Another reason I found it funny is because I could tell Do Yeon would enter right after that.. just to build some tension.. so I actually had a good laugh when  I was watching this scene.



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Okay, it's a little bit surreal for me to be doing this now - after literally chatting with you guys for the past couple of days about the new episodes - but here is my actual post-viewing take on Episode 7 of Alice!


I know that some of you have said this was a slow episode compared to the others, and...while it wasn't as intense as what came before (or after!), there was still a ton for me to chew on and think about, and I genuinely enjoyed this episode from beginning to end. "Filler" moments were there aplenty, but I thought they were spaced out nicely, as though each one was a calm before a storm. ;) 


So, without further ado, my thoughts!



Just want to get my favourite bit out of the way first: how freaking awesome was it that it was actually Yoo Min Hyuk who saved Yoon Tae Yi this time around??? :sparklyeyes: I know that Jin Gyeom played no small part in foiling the attack that took place on campus, but I was 1) pleasantly surprised to see that Min Hyuk gave Jin Gyeom the major clue (i.e. "When it comes to people from the future, you can't believe what you see.") that allowed Jin Gyeom to recognize the killer in disguise, and 2) totally rooting for Min Hyuk when he burst into the room to defend Tae Yi. Even though we do see Min Hyuk looking in on Jin Gyeom and Tae Yi in classic "love rival" angst, knowing that the feelings between them are definitely still platonic in this episode (more on that later), I was able to just be happy to see father and son finally(!) on the same side for once :glasses:


The help from Min Hyuk also gives Jin Gyeom (and us) another major clue in his investigations: not all time travelers are on the same page. We see that those with "Alice" reviles people like this assassin or Lee Se Hoon from 1992 as criminals who rightfully deserve to face the full legal consequences for their actions - and, it would seem, they also see the radiation poisoning unofficial time travelers suffer from (as evidenced by that really scary, almost smallpox-like rash) as just punishment. This also gives us a glimpse into the broader socio-political forces in 2050: "Alice" is definitely some sort of elite or official body (as evidenced by its official stance that they only use time travel for good, and its ability to cater to future-Korea's 1%), but there's also a rogue group led by this "Teacher" whose primary goal is to acquire the Book of Prophecy at all costs, including tracking down and killing anyone they suspect to have read it.


And right now, it seems, this rogue group has confused the 2020 Yoon Tae Yi with the 2050 one - because the assassin admits to her that he has to kill her for having read the Book and she's just like, "Uh...what book?" In actual fact, the only characters we know to have read the Book of Prophecy are 2050 Tae Yi (i.e. Park Sun Young), Seok Oh Won, and now Go Hyung Seok - which, what??? I have my ideas on what role he has to play in all this, but I'll hold off on that until I've at least seen Episode 8 as well.


As for the general body count, we now have 2 research team members (Tae Yi's friend from Episode 6, and the one guy we get a brief glimpse of here) dead, 1 (Seok Oh Won) missing, 1 survivor (Yoon Tae Yi)...so who's #5??? Park Sun Young? Maybe, but then they wouldn't be confusing 2020 Tae Yi with her. Again, it looks like I'll have to wait and see.


Speaking of Park Sun Young, this episode confirms what was hinted at in Episode 6 already: at some point after reading the Book of Prophecy, she changed her mind about time travel and sought out Seok Oh Won and asked him to continue the research into the science and technology...but with the intention of stopping it. Which makes me wonder just what it was Sun Young read in the Book to make her switch gears from being a scientist researching time travel for good in 2050/1992 to actively trying to work against it in 2010. Mind you, with Episode 8 out now as well, I'm sure we all have one major idea for this, but again, I'll cross that bridge when I get there.


Finally, just one quick more lighthearted note: I love how earnest Park Jin Gyeom is as Tae Yi's self-appointed one-man witness protection program :lol: Everything from trying to stay by her side 24/7 (who's the stalker now? ;)) to his epic fail attempts to cheer Tae Yi up with music, to his even bigger epic fail with aegyo ("Ne~")...wow! Those were all so much fun to watch :loolz: 


As for Do Yeon (since I haven't talked about her much so far), I feel like given the chance, she'd do all those things for Jin Gyeom, too. She's genuinely concerned for him right now because of all these weird cases - even going so far (in Episode 6) as to say, "If I didn't know you better [re: the Schrodinger's cat murder] I would've thought you did it!" Which points to an interesting dynamic in their friendship: Do Yeon doesn't want what happened in 2010 to repeat itself, meaning that she's just as (if not more) invested as Tae Yi in making sure that Jin Gyeom's intentions aren't misunderstood. And I don't know; I just think that concern for Jin Gyeom from Do Yeon is cute :) 


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8 hours ago, kittyna said:

and I'd argue that if Tae Yi and Jin Gyeom just end up together

I don't think JG would end up with anyone. The more I see the progress of the drama, the more I realize that JG will not with anyone and there is no love line. His reason for existence seems to be stopping time travel and restore order. So, I think he will cease to exist once he fulfills his prophecy


7 hours ago, flutterby06 said:

Cheif Go has a bloodied knife at his hand.. Like the episodes are giving us vibes that chief Go is acting very fishy... but none ever really thought he could be involved in killing Jin Gyeom.. I would like to beleive the flashback of JG death scene suggesting Chief Go as the killer is more than what it seem..!

I think Chief Go betrayal will be most unexpected and devastating for JG. He respects Chief more than we would had respected his biological father. And I do think he was using JG from the beginning, like from the day his mother died he looked after JG with some ulterior motive. So, I think JG will have tough time fighting JG when he finds out he had something to do with his mother's death


7 hours ago, kittyna said:

(Including now, possibly, Jin Gyeom's death

I don't think she is aware JG death in the future, yes, she tried to stop time travel with SOW in order to protect JG, since prophecy says that the child is the reason for the destruction of time travel. But, I don't think she is aware that it might be reason for the death of the JG in one dimension.

8 hours ago, flutterby06 said:

TBH I get why YTY would develop some feelings for JG..she is a young unengaged woman, getting attention and protection from a handsome and nice man. It's natural to feel good about someone when we are taken care by someone nice. If we think about reality this happens sometimes in time travel show- we see such things that family having crush on the one who came from past/future without knowing their true identity.. and those are done mostly for comedic relief.

I think this is the reason why there is some kind of romantic angle between TY and JG. Lot of time travel plots have these kind of similar confusing romantic sub plots, but the in the end it leads to nowhere, so, I am really not worried that TY and JG will end up together even if they are not related. And now that she came to realize that she is spitting image of JG's mom and now she understands why JG is protective of her and hopefully she will not develop further feelings towards him. But we need to concentrate on bigger picture now, like why Detective go is working for the Teacher and who was behind the murder of JG's mother and will JG stop the time travel and destroy Alice and where will MH go once the Alice cease to exist. So, I am skeptical of second half, like I don't want writers to rush the plot in order to bring closure to every character. And yeah, is Oh Shi Young one of the good guys or bad guys. Like, I am not able to see what kind of incentive she has to work for teacher other than keeping time travel a reality, I do think she is jealous of her best friend and has feelings for MH. So, we should see what kind of reasons drove her take dark turn

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Joo won's radio show, for promotion of Ghost Musical

I am glad joo won is enjoying himself and is doing a variety talk show after a long time, I think last talk show was "Happy Together" for his movie promotion "Fashion King". But I do have reservation on such performance by him on these talk(it's just my opinion, and I am happy as long as Joo won is happy and enjoys doing variety shows and talks shows), but I personally feel all the talk shows regardless of region are superficial, on surface they seems to be bringing out the other  side of the actors/actress which fans have never seen before, but they too stick with the standards of audience expectations and opinions. And seeing in roles which have dept and different dimensions, it is sort of unbearable for me to see him doing such acts in variety talks shows, I know I sound like typical K pop fan who wants his idol to behave in a way which is acceptable for the audience, but I just want to see joo won take roles in which he can excel and reach his potential, right now I will like directors have been under utilizing his acting talent, in Alice I do have few disappointments in his acting, like lack of depth. Nevertheless, he looked genuinely happy on the talks show, which is more important than above said reasons

3 hours ago, flutterby06 said:

I found this interesting and fun recap of Alice episode 7 & 8. Thought I would share it with you guys. 

 It has English sub.. but you have to go to sub settings to set the eng sub.

Lol! Thanks for sharing these recaps, it also helps to recollect what happened in last two episodes and these were like parody of the episodes at the same time :joy:

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