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Joo Won 주원 [Drama- The Midnight Studio/ 야한(夜限) 사진관]


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5 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

I was wondering why did you call Min Hyuk "a****e":lol: It was funny and confusing at the same time


:lol: This was hilarious to wake up to! But, it was actually the whole "c**** in the armour" bit, so...no, nothing quite so exciting ;) 


7 hours ago, mystylee33 said:

Why are they just focusing to Kim hee sun whereas joowon is also present in that interview? 


6 hours ago, flutterby06 said:

What I meant by focus is that this video has been edited like that showing mostly KHS part. It's not that they ignored JW during the actual interview..If you didn't see this interview I'll leave the link below.. And if you've seen many JW interview you'll see JW usually likes to answer questions sincerely but in short. He doesn't elaborate much. So's not very talkative rather he likes listening and observing. That's unless it's a one on one interview we don't get many things from JW.. Even in one one interview he sometimes answers in very few words, gives less reaction..But one thing with him is that he answers as sincerely as possible.


I'm with @flutterby06 on this one. At the end of the day, JW's still an introvert, and Kim Hee Sun is clearly an extrovert. So when you see the two of them together, she's going to be the one who ends up more talkative - and, by extension, she ends up making better television. Nothing against JW in that regard (I actually like how politely reserved he gets), but, well, let's just be real for a second and realize that "good television" is what these interviewers, variety show producers, etc. are ultimately looking for. :unamused:


6 hours ago, mystylee33 said:

And by the way since Alice is currently trending in Good Data and some korean news portal this came across to my mind that what if Kim Hee Sun didn't accept the role for Alice or JooWon? I wonder what impact could bring that drama if it weren't them in.. But I know since the very beginning joowon got discharged in military he has only interest to Alice for his comeback although I feel a little disappointed coz that drama will air this year which i want him to have a new drama last year..


5 hours ago, flutterby06 said:

If none of them was into Alice it definitely would've get such attention since 1st week of premier..that's for sure. Both of their performance and good will makes quite a difference.


aah..yes.. we've waited so long. But so did Joo Won. Being the first one among peers to come out from military but also the last one to be on the TV. But this shows how much time and attachment he has put into Alice. that's way it make me more interested to look forward to this drama.


I have a hard time imagining what Alice would be like played by different actors. I think that JW is really well-suited for playing Park Jin Gyeom, and I can't really think of who among his peers would be able to pull off the role quite like he does. If I had to imagine an alternative, I'd actually think of some slightly older actors rather than anyone who's just making their comeback now - say, Park Hae Jin, Lee Joon Hyuk...people who I've already seen take on these really meaty, conflicted roles.


JW did certainly take his dear sweet time in making his comeback. I initially hoped that he'd get a head start before all the more big-name Hallyu stars finished their enlistments...and he's wound up as the dark horse instead. Not that I'm complaining, though. I'm glad that he took his time to really consider all 50-odd offers before choosing Alice - JW stands out as an actor who chose his own comeback drama (most of the other comebacks appear to be agency choices, going by the timing), and his track record for the dramas he picks himself has been far better than the ones his agency suggests to him.


5 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

Park Jin-Gyeom probably thinking that he should have listened to his mom and stayed away from her another version, he probably that this is why his mom asked him to stay away from her,like her unrefined and tenacious behavior :joy: Perhaps she didn't wanted him to know and this side of her:joy:


lol - Sort of like, "Don't try to figure out what I was like before having you - I was a complete nut job back then!" While I doubt that's what his mom's actual reasoning was, that's still fun to think about. ;) 


5 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

Even if he get hold of the interview it might not have proper subs, SBS and KBS are notorious for not subbing any of their interview or promotion videos


I have to disagree with you on KBS. KBS funnels all of its subbed content into KBS World, and the subtitles there are actually pretty decent. In fact, I think I got spoiled by that, because I remember being frustrated when My Sassy Girl came out that I couldn't get the same sort of subbed content via SBS's YouTube channels.


5 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

Yeah- this scene still amazes me no matter how many times I watch it, it is perfect, like I thought Park Jin-Gyeom will end up in hospital and he will probably get another lecture from Do-Yeon about traffic rules, but it was even better, an unexpected time travel and that too in 2010 where Tae-Yi' s university where she was studying


I have to wonder, though: how is Park Jin Gyeom not dead yet? :lol: Like, at this rate, he's been thrown off the hood of a car (Episode 2), been in several hand-to-hand fights involving both knives and guns (Episodes 2, 3, 4), and been involved in a high-speed rollover accident (Episode 4)...all while he's still got a cracked rib from being hit by a truck once already (Episode 1).


I know, I know - rule of drama. But this is starting to get a bit much, don't you think? ;) 


And here's the full version of the behind-the-scenes video @kireeti2 shared - I love that JW and Kim Hee Sun just started playing with the exhibits like a couple of little kids.



5 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

Maybe it is like a metaphor, like, Alice is some kind of powerful institution which favors rich people and lets them do what they want even though there are rules in place to tackle their impulse, Bonnie and Clyde at least in popular culture are seen as modern outlaws who helped poor during depression period in USA.


Ah, that makes sense. I have noticed that "Alice" functions a lot like the big, bad corporations in your typical K-drama. ;) 

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1 hour ago, kittyna said:

Ah, that makes sense. I have noticed that "Alice" functions a lot like the big, bad corporations in your typical K-drama. ;) 

Btw, I saw this quote of the Alice first episode "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic" by Arthur C. Clarke in "Social Dilemma" documentary, I guess Alice will have some kind of message of having advance technology being used only for the purpose of profiting making. I am glad joo won choose a drama which is relevant in current social issue :thumbsup:

1 hour ago, kittyna said:

most of the other comebacks appear to be agency choices, going by the timing

That's the M.O every Hallyu Stars' comeback, like it was all predictable story lines, except "It's okay, not to be okay", but it did not did a great job covering mental issue(it's just my opinion), even in mental health issue the director squeezed in all kind cliches in the drama, which made it routine in nature, in the beginning I thought it had potential to explain mental health issue, but it disappointed with its usual K-drama M.O

1 hour ago, kittyna said:

And here's the full version of the behind-the-scenes video

That wall scene between Jin-Gyeom and Seok O Won, sort of looked liked some kind of romantic scene, like a K-drama scene where boy or girl pushes his love interest to the wall and makes eye contact :tounge_xd:

1 hour ago, kittyna said:

ol - Sort of like, "Don't try to figure out what I was like before having you - I was a complete nut job back then!" While I doubt that's what his mom's actual reasoning was, that's still fun to think about.

They can make a parody scene out of this, like every channel makes parody scenes of their respective K-drama. Like the ones they do in "Gag Concert" :joy:

@kittyna By the way, there was this "Rabbit Hole" thing of YouTube mentioned in the documentary , which you used in your few posts,  I thought it was just a metaphor, but it is a legit word of YouTube algorithm, which tries to find a rabbit holes so that the user can have more screen-time and consume more videos

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4 hours ago, kittyna said:

I'm with @flutterby06 on this one. At the end of the day, JW's still an introvert, and Kim Hee Sun is clearly an extrovert. So when you see the two of them together, she's going to be the one who ends up more talkative - and, by extension, she ends up making better television. Nothing against JW in that regard (I actually like how politely reserved he gets), but, well, let's just be real for a second and realize that "good television" is what these interviewers, variety show producers, etc. are ultimately looking for. 

Well the only screen time I am looking forward is his drama and movies (acting), and him winning an award and giving a speech after winning the award. I find these variety shows to be superficial, yes, I do think it's a difficult art but these days variety shows and interviews have become boring and predictable(I would watch skits like gag concerns over these shows any given day). I do accept that Joo won is not very good at coming up with witty replies and can be very boring to have in talk shows, but he does answer the questions with honesty and explains his role in the drama and story of the drama in detail way, I often find his explanation to be less exaggerating when compared to others 

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I don't remember if anyone shared the music video for the second OST song for Alice, but just in case no-one has, here it is:



Such a beautiful song, and the video somehow manages to be both heartbreaking and heartwarming, depending on which part you're watching. Actually, come to think of it, I don't know if all that many K-dramas invest as much in a mother-son relationship as Alice does. I know there are some (Mama being one of my personal favourites :)), but honestly, I love that Alice is weighting this relationship as much as most dramas would their romance.


9 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

That wall scene between Jin-Gyeom and Seok O Won, sort of looked liked some kind of romantic scene, like a K-drama scene where boy or girl pushes his love interest to the wall and makes eye contact


Oh, yeah - I saw that :) It was like the Kim Tak Gu episode of Happy Together all over again.


By the way, it was also crazy how comical the scene looked when they were rehearsing at a slower pace (especially the "Da, da, da, da, da..." as they were backing up, followed by both guys testing out the wall by pressing on it)...and then they actually did at in real speed, and WHOA!!! lol - Even knowing what was coming, I think I jumped as much as Yoon Tae Yi did during that bit. :P 


I also cracked up at how, in one take of the failed handshake, the two actors just starting playing Rock, Paper, Scissors :P 


9 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

By the way, there was this "Rabbit Hole" thing of YouTube mentioned in the documentary , which you used in your few posts,  I thought it was just a metaphor, but it is a legit word of YouTube algorithm, which tries to find a rabbit holes so that the user can have more screen-time and consume more videos


I knew of it in the sense of the Wikipedia Rabbit Hole, where you click on one page (or, in the case of YouTube, one video), then click on something in that article (or, in the case of YouTube, in the recommendations), then another thing, and...yeah. Funny you should bring that up, though, because it's yet another example of Alice in Wonderland's influence in our modern day pop culture.


7 hours ago, valinor500 said:

No, i'm waiting the end of "Alice" and the italian subs, but i'll se the drama soon! ^_^


Many hugs from Italy! :heart:


Oh, dear - I hope we're not spoiling things too much for you, then! I assumed you were already watching with Italian subs all this time! :sweat_smile:


5 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

Well the only screen time I am looking forward is his drama and movies (acting), and him winning an award and giving a speech after winning the award. I find these variety shows to be superficial, yes, I do think it's a difficult art but these days variety shows and interviews have become boring and predictable(I would watch skits like gag concerns over these shows any given day). I do accept that Joo won is not very good at coming up with witty replies and can be very boring to have in talk shows, but he does answer the questions with honesty and explains his role in the drama and story of the drama in detail way, I often find his explanation to be less exaggerating when compared to others 


Generally speaking, I only watch interviews or variety show appearances of people I'm interested in - which, more often than not, means that I can invest the time into following JW's, and...that's about it :P He doesn't really have the big "variety show" personality, though. Even though most of what we saw of him on 1N2D was genuine, he did eventually admit that he was asked to talk more and make bigger reactions than he would in real life (the video's already set to play at the right spot):




I do enjoy JW's interviews in general, though, because I sometimes get the sense that he's most comfortable in that 1-on-1 setting. Yes, there are clichés (e.g. always answering in such a way to promote one's current project, always saying that there was a good shooting atmosphere regardless, etc.), but what I find refreshing about JW's interviews is that he calls that out. Not in, like, a really harsh or critical way, but he'll sometimes just outright say, "Well, I'm doing [show] right now, so I guess I should answer..." or he'll jokingly say to the interviewer, "You're supposed to ask [this]..."


Actually, come to think of it, I feel like JW's something of a rebel within the Hallyu industry. He's not the rebellious type in terms of personality - like, he doesn't act out or push back or start up a fight or anything - but I've suspected for a while that he's got a very distinct vision for himself and his career, and that that occasionally conflicts with what's expected of him.

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6 hours ago, kittyna said:

I also cracked up at how, in one take of the failed handshake, the two actors just starting playing Rock, Paper, Scissors

Joo won get to show his skills which he learned in 2 Days and 1 Night, first I thought he lost the game, because I assumed Seok O won played paper and joo won played rock , but looking closely we can see Seok O won tried to trick joo won into thinking he is going to play paper and Joo won will end up playing  scissors , instead Seok O Won played rock but joo won anticipated it and played paper and won, lol!  two years of training in 2 days and 1 night came in handy for Joo won :joy:

6 hours ago, kittyna said:

By the way, it was also crazy how comical the scene looked when they were rehearsing at a slower pace (especially the "Da, da, da, da, da..." as they were backing up, followed by both guys testing out the wall by pressing on it)...and then they actually did at in real speed, and WHOA!!! lol - Even knowing what was coming, I think I jumped as much as Yoon Tae Yi did during that bit.

It was funny, but Tae-Yi trying to steal the Jin-Gyeom wallet was way more funnier, like even though we know whats going to happen, I still end up laughing at it :joy:

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Annyeong chingudeul...

I am excited for ALICE... Had watched the first 4 episodes and I was soo proud of Joo Won!!!

His portrayal of Jin Gyeom who is expressionless is really, really out of the world..

I can't wait for the next episodes... 


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10 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

Joo won get to show his skills which he learned in 2 Days and 1 Night, first I thought he lost the game, because I assumed Seok O won played paper and joo won played rock , but looking closely we can see Seok O won tried to trick joo won into thinking he is going to play paper and Joo won will end up playing  scissors , instead Seok O Won played rock but joo won anticipated it and played paper and won, lol!  two years of training in 2 days and 1 night came in handy for Joo won


I...still don't get the rules for Korean-style Rock, Paper, Scissors to be honest :sweat_smile: It's not just a straightforward "this beats that" sort of thing; it's got rounds and the people can't throw out the same sign (automatic loss), and...yeah.


6 hours ago, Tasia said:

Annyeong chingudeul...

I am excited for ALICE... Had watched the first 4 episodes and I was soo proud of Joo Won!!!

His portrayal of Jin Gyeom who is expressionless is really, really out of the world..

I can't wait for the next episodes... 


Hey! It's been a while! :heart3:


In hindsight, I have to say it's a bit odd that, in my comments about each episode so far, I haven't really talked much about JW's performance. So if I had to describe it...I'd say that his portrayal of Park Jin Gyeom provides a very solid constant core for Alice, which also allows for the other characters to shine as well. I know that sounds really abstract, but what I mean is that JW's already convinced me on Park Jin Gyeom as a realistic character, and his general lack of expression or emotional ups and downs means that I can focus more on the story as a whole than just on him.


I do want to say, though, that after what I'd said the other day about being unable to visualize another actor playing Park Jin Gyeom...yeah, I definitely still stand by that. I think back to some of JW's microexpressions as Park Jin Gyeom (e.g. those pained teary looks whenever he runs into Yoon Tae Yi), and I have a hard time visualizing other actors doing the same thing. Not to say that they can't just tear up on cue (most of them definitely can - and some, like Park Bo Gum, are really good at that woebegone "sad puppy" look), but there's also a certain anguish in Jin Gyeom's tearful look that's distinctly JW. I'm sure you know what I mean.


Combine that with the really massive angry outbursts (because if Park Jin Gyeom is pissed, he's really pissed), those little subtle blinks and twitches we see in the high school rooftop scene (which implies that Jin Gyeom was actually really badly shaken by witnessing his classmate's suicide - it's the exact same thing we see from Park Si On, by the way) and the "only from JW" ugly cry from Episode 1...yeah, hard to see anyone else playing the part. ;) 


On a lighter note, here are some more Alice-themed memes:




https://www.instagram.com/p/CEyYvj_Hwk3/ - This one's particularly funny, I think.




https://www.instagram.com/p/CE8SS24H7Rr/ - lol I guess we can all agree that Park Jin Gyeom looks like a big, hulking bear on the outside, but is actually a sad little baby bear within ;) 


And a couple of other goodies:


Behind-the-scenes pic (From JW's Instagram)


Stills from Episode 4's ending

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29 minutes ago, kittyna said:

Park Bo Gum

Had Park Bo-Gum played as Park Jin-Gyeom, I think every girl in the high school would have  been interested in him not just Do Yeon, like you said it will be really hard to get scared of him because of his puppy eyes,and also I can think few actors who could have played Park Jin-Gyeom character like Lee Joo-gi and Im Siwan, mostly Im Siwan would have done a decent job but not as good as Joo won, because of the "eye" factor

33 minutes ago, kittyna said:

"only from JW" ugly cry from Episode 1...yeah, hard to see anyone else playing the part. ;) 

I think everyone is ugly when they really cry like when they lost someone dear or close friend, it's not just a pick-up line used in popular culture:joy:

35 minutes ago, kittyna said:

I think these are stills from episode 5

38 minutes ago, kittyna said:

I...still don't get the rules for Korean-style Rock, Paper, Scissors to be honest 

Me too, I just went with Paper beats Rock rule, in variety show this game is sort of played with different rules

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35 minutes ago, kireeti2 said:

I think these are stills from episode 5


Right. Sorry - I was in a rush, and only looked through the first few pics in that set before posting :P 


35 minutes ago, kireeti2 said:

I think everyone is ugly when they really cry like when they lost someone dear or close friend, it's not just a pick-up line used in popular culture


Of course crying is ugly in real life - I'm just saying that JW's one of the few actors who actually goes there when he's acting. Either that, or he just genuinely looks uglier than most Hallyu actors when he cries - take your pick.


35 minutes ago, kireeti2 said:

Had Park Bo-Gum played as Park Jin-Gyeom, I think every girl in the high school would have  been interested in him not just Do Yeon, like you said it will be really hard to get scared of him because of his puppy eyes


lol - Personally, because most of my exposure has been from shows like Nae Il's Cantabile or Reply 1988 (and now Encounter), I have a hard time visualizing Park Bo Gum as a darker character. But, apparently, he's done it before, and word is that he was good at it, too.


By the way, speaking of Park Jin Gyeom and his female classmates, I cracked up at how Do Yeon's mother described him in Episode 4: "He's the most handsome boy [at the school] with the saddest personal story" :lol:


And I am tempted to give both Kim Do Yeon and Park Jin Gyeom the backstory treatment in writing, because there are a number of things from their high school/university days I'm genuinely curious about:

  1. How did their friendship develop - for real? Did having Do Yeon as a friend make any difference to Jin Gyeom's experience as a high school student?
  2. What was Jin Gyeom and his mother's home life like? We know they were close (even if Jin Gyeom struggled to show it), but I'm thinking of the more practical, day-to-day things - even something as simple as what Park Sun Young did as a single mother to make ends meet.
  3. What prompted Kim Do Yeon to pursue a career in journalism?
  4. How did Do Yeon end up close to Go Hyung Seok?
  5. What was Kim Do Yeon's relationship with Park Sun Young like? And how did she react after her death?


I'm just waiting to see if any more stuff from the characters' high school/university days gets filled out in the drama itself first. But I am honestly thinking about this :) 

35 minutes ago, kireeti2 said:

also I can think few actors who could have played Park Jin-Gyeom character like Lee Joo-gi and Im Siwan, mostly Im Siwan would have done a decent job but not as good as Joo won, because of the "eye" factor


Having seen both Lee Joon Gi and Im Si Wan playing darker or more conflicted characters...I can see where you're going. But at the same time, I feel like their portrayals of Park Jin Gyeom would be a bit colder(?) than JW's. Maybe it's just the roles I've seen them in, but that's what I end up visualizing.

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26 minutes ago, kittyna said:

Episode 4: "He's the most handsome boy [at the school] with the saddest personal story" 

I was sort of surprised when Do-Yoen's mom was sort of okay with her being close to him and teasing her, like, I was looking for some kind of drama there, like, her mom not approving their friendship, given the kind of reputation he had in high school , but it was refreshing to see that her mom was cool about it and not like any other Korean drama mom where she goes with the perception of the majority about the character of a person :grin:

36 minutes ago, kittyna said:

Right. Sorry - I was in a rush, and only looked through the first few pics in that set before posting :P

And I was like "did I miss these scenes from episode 4 ":scream:

37 minutes ago, kittyna said:

And I am tempted to give both Kim Do Yeon and Park Jin Gyeom the backstory treatment in writing, because there are a number of things from their high school/university days I'm genuinely curious about:

I too like the chemistry between Park Jin-Gyeom and Kim Do-Yeon, I hope there are more scenes from their High School interactions, and I am rooting for for them to end up with together :P this couple look adorable, like, Kim Do-Yeon has this bright and bubbly personality and Jin-Gyeom has this cold and stoic personality like they balance each other perfectly. I can imagine how they would be as parents, it will be a roller coaster ride for kids :joy:

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7 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

I was sort of surprised when Do-Yoen's mom was sort of okay with her being close to him and teasing her, like, I was looking for some kind of drama there, like, her mom not approving their friendship, given the kind of reputation he had in high school , but it was refreshing to see that her mom was cool about it and not like any other Korean drama mom where she goes with the perception of the majority about the character of a person


I actually wasn't surprised by that, mostly since it was already implied in Episode 1 that Do Yeon's parents were even fine with them dating if it actually came down to it. But it was cute how Do Yeon's mom was all like, "That's my girl!" when she found out that she'd bought Jin Gyeom a present for their graduation.


Hm...maybe Do Yeon's parents raised her to always stand up for the underdog (which makes sense, given her journalistic style as an adult), and once it was clear that he was innocent, Park Jin Gyeom was definitely the underdog in their class. He wasn't bullied, necessarily, but not from lack of trying either - it's just that he wasn't all that fazed by how the other boys picked on him (except for when he saw how much his mom felt hurt on his behalf). And I get the sense that Do Yeon gets her bleeding heart nature from her mom, so with such a high profile incident in their neighbourhood as Park Sun Young's murder, I can imagine that the entire Kim family would want to help Jin Gyeom out.


8 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

this couple look adorable, like, Kim Do-Yeon has this bright and bubbly personality and Jin-Gyeom has this cold and stoic personality like they balance each other perfectly. I can imagine how they would be as parents, it will be a roller coaster ride for kids :joy:


:loolz: And I thought having, say, Cha Yoo Jin and Seol Nae Il as parents would be chaotic - Park Jin Gyeom plus Kim Do Yeon would be like that times ten!

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3 hours ago, kittyna said:

Park Jin Gyeom plus Kim Do Yeon would be like that times ten!

And also, time traveling Grandparents. Kid will be like "Why Grandparents are not old and why do they  like that they are in their late 20's?" The only normal  family like experience they'll get, is from Kim Do Yeon's side :joy:

And sometimes Grandmother (like present day Tae-Yi) acts like nuts sometimes and sometimes she is really sweet (Past Tae-Yi):joy: So, they get to see dual personality in Tae-Yi:D

Park JIn-Gyeom meets Tae-Yi again in class room, but when she was a student

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18 hours ago, kittyna said:

How did their friendship develop - for real? Did having Do Yeon as a friend make any difference to Jin Gyeom's experience as a high school student?

Probably she treated him like everyone, but the suicide case might have changed her opinion on him, like he did help her uncover the reason for the suicide of the girl and also she did accuse him pushing her off the roof, so it might have started as guilt and gratitude feeling in the beginning and she slowly understood him, like we know he does care about people around him in subtle way, so she might have realized that he is capable of showing love and receiving it

18 hours ago, kittyna said:

What was Jin Gyeom and his mother's home life like? We know they were close (even if Jin Gyeom struggled to show it), but I'm thinking of the more practical, day-to-day things - even something as simple as what Park Sun Young did as a single mother to make ends meet.

Well, if we look at the house which they live in, it seemed like she was able to provide everything to Park-Jin-Gyeom, probably she ran a store or something like that, obviously she cannot  apply for a salaried job which she needs educational certificates, even though she is qualified.

18 hours ago, kittyna said:

What prompted Kim Do Yeon to pursue a career in journalism?

Like you said, it might be her mom's influence to stand for the underdog and typically journalism boils down to standing up for the underprivileged. So, she might have found convergence in that field with her ideology and also she did say she liked taking risks

18 hours ago, kittyna said:

How did Do Yeon end up close to Go Hyung Seok?

Well, in the beginning it was to stay in contact with Jin-Gyeom, but later part when she started her career as a journalist she might needed some news and go to close to Go Hyung Seok, which he mentioned it in their conversation that she sort of leaked some important information about a case for which he got in trouble, like a typical K-drama Journalist- Police detective relationship and also Jin-Gyeom factor might have made it into a personal relationship.

18 hours ago, kittyna said:

What was Kim Do Yeon's relationship with Park Sun Young like? And how did she react after her death?

She died before they could establish a contact, like I think Do-Yeon only saw her ones or twice, but I don't think she knew her personal capacity, which is also evident the way she behaves towards Tae-Yi from 2020, so, I guess she sees Tae-Yi as a obstacle in Jin-Gyeom advancement in life, and she really wants him to move on from her mothers death. Which also shows us that she really didn't know the kind of bond Jin-Gyeom and Park Sun-Young had.

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10 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

And also, time traveling Grandparents. Kid will be like "Why Grandparents are not old and why do they  like that they are in their late 20's?" The only normal  family like experience they'll get, is from Kim Do Yeon's side :joy:

And sometimes Grandmother (like present day Tae-Yi) acts like nuts sometimes and sometimes she is really sweet (Past Tae-Yi):joy: So, they get to see dual personality in Tae-Yi:D


:loolz: And let's not even get into the grandfather (Yoo Min Hyuk)! Imagine trying to explain to the kids how crazy that part turned out. It's like, "Yes, the first time we met your grandfather was when he literally tried to kill your dad." Wow....


5 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

Probably she treated him like everyone, but the suicide case might have changed her opinion on him, like he did help her uncover the reason for the suicide of the girl and also she did accuse him pushing her off the roof, so it might have started as guilt and gratitude feeling in the beginning and she slowly understood him, like we know he does care about people around him in subtle way, so she might have realized that he is capable of showing love and receiving it


Yeah, that's what I was thinking, too. I can also imagine, actually, Do Yeon getting into so much trouble with her parents once the truth got out - given what we see of her relationship with her mom, I think her mom would've given her quite the scolding for throwing Park Jin Gyeom under the bus in the first place :P 



Like, I can imagine that Do Yeon only approached Jin Gyeom in his classroom because her parents made her apologize. She does have this, "Just say it and get it the hell over with" vibe at first, and it's only after Jin Gyeom accepts her apology that her natural curiosity takes over and she's all like, "So...what really happened???" :please:


5 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

Well, if we look at the house which they live in, it seemed like she was able to provide everything to Park-Jin-Gyeom, probably she ran a store or something like that, obviously she cannot  apply for a salaried job which she needs educational certificates, even though she is qualified.


Maybe. Either that or a more run-of-the-mill part time job somewhere in the neighbourhood (cashier, waitress, etc.). It's clear that no-one was aware of just how highly educated she was - not even Jin Gyeom at first, although he found out when he was in high school and his mom started helping him with his math or physics homework.


5 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

She died before they could establish a contact, like I think Do-Yeon only saw her ones or twice, but I don't think she knew her personal capacity, which is also evident the way she behaves towards Tae-Yi from 2020, so, I guess she sees Tae-Yi as a obstacle in Jin-Gyeom advancement in life, and she really wants him to move on from her mothers death. Which also shows us that she really didn't know the kind of bond Jin-Gyeom and Park Sun-Young had.


That's a good point. I guess if, say, Kim Do Yeon and Park Jin Gyeom only started becoming friends when Park Sun Young died, then they wouldn't really have been close enough for Jin Gyeom to open up about it.


Some cute chibi fanart


Looking cool, JW!

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1 hour ago, kittyna said:

Kim Do Yeon and Park Jin Gyeom only started becoming friends when Park Sun Young died

Yeah- in one of the sneak- peek video of the drama, we can Kim Do-Yeon brought home made food for Jin-Gyeom and insisted that he thank her for bringing it. So, yeah they became friends from acquaintance when Jin-Gyeom mother died.

1 hour ago, kittyna said:

"So...what really happened???

I didn't feel like she asked him in a requesting tone, rather, she was like trying to get information about if there is anything that she can use as a evidence, since she was the one who told Jin-Gyeom about the video of the victim on the perpetrator phone

2 hours ago, kittyna said:

Some cute chibi fanart

Joo won and Lee Da-In posted this on their Instagram story

It really funny how Min Hyuk is in his suit even in the fanart also, like most of the time in the drama we can see he  is in his black suit other cast members at least have some different outfit, Min Hyuk seem to be stuck with Black suit :joy:

2 hours ago, kittyna said:

"Yes, the first time we met your grandfather was when he literally tried to kill your dad." Wow....

In Min Hyuk defense, Park Jin-Gyeom was the one who started it, but yeah it would be one hell of a dysfunctional family :joy:

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So, just now completed watching episode 5 without subs, again! But it was worth it, a lot of gaps were filled-in in this episode, especially why Tae-Yi asked Park Jin-Gyeom not to approach her if he sees her again in the future.

And also, we get to see how Kim Do-Yeon was worried about Jin-Gyeom disappearance and beats him when in his apartment, but it was frustrating to watch Jin-Gyeom not consoling her or even giving her a hug(I guess all the hugs are reserved for Tae-Yi:joy:) or even showing slight reciprocation from him, which means his acting is convincing as Park Jin-Gyeom. And like rest of the episodes this one was fast pace and can see plot progression, and no dragging :blush:

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59 minutes ago, kireeti2 said:

So, just now completed watching episode 5 without subs, again! But it was worth it, a lot of gaps were filled-in in this episode, especially why Tae-Yi asked Park Jin-Gyeom not to approach her if he sees her again in the future.

And also, we get to see how Kim Do-Yeon was worried about Jin-Gyeom disappearance and beats him when in his apartment, but it was frustrating to watch Jin-Gyeom not consoling her or even giving her a hug(I guess all the hugs are reserved for Tae-Yi:joy:) or even showing slight reciprocation from him, which means his acting is convincing as Park Jin-Gyeom. And like rest of the episodes this one was fast pace and can see plot progression, and no dragging :blush:


Okay, I haven't watched it yet - but there is one thing I picked up from the smatterings already on YouTube and Instagram I want to address:



Oh my freaking God. :criesariver: I felt so bad for Park Jin Gyeom after he failed to prevent his mother's death in 2010. I can totally understand why he'd try to change the past with that phone call as soon as he found out from Student-Tae Yi that he'd time traveled to that exact same day. Based on what little he knows about time travel from Seok Oh Won's lecture, it's perfectly natural that he would try, and I'm sure, as viewers, that we all wanted him to succeed. But given that, Park Sun Young's reaction to his phone call - which was to immediately rush to the school and ask Teenage-Jin Gyeom what was wrong - also makes total complete sense. And once Teenage-Jin Gyeom denied making that call...yeah, I knew we were screwed.


And then I thought, "Well, okay, maybe at least he could catch the murderer in the act", but NO! He wound up chasing after Seok Oh Won (again, understandable), only to discover he had the wrong guy all along and still missed his chance. :cries:


I'm sure there's a ton more happening in that 2010 segment that I don't know about yet (and I acknowledge that my interpretations of anything I saw could have been wrong), but I just needed to get this off my chest, because...poor Jin Gyeom!


1 hour ago, kireeti2 said:

I didn't feel like she asked him in a requesting tone, rather, she was like trying to get information about if there is anything that she can use as a evidence, since she was the one who told Jin-Gyeom about the video of the victim on the perpetrator phone


Did Do Yeon tell Jin Gyeom about the video, or was he aware of it already and just didn't say anything? We cut straight from Do Yeon asking why the girl committed suicide to Jin Gyeom's memory of his failed attempt to pull her back from the edge - and then the next thing is him confronting the bullies in the washroom about both the video and the missing suicide note, so...yeah, I wasn't entirely sure how the pieces fit together.


(Again, if the answer was revealed in Episode 5 and I just don't know, please forgive me. And if I missed something from Episode 1, then let me know.)


1 hour ago, kireeti2 said:

It really funny how Min Hyuk is in his suit even in the fanart also, like most of the time in the drama we can see he  is in his black suit other cast members at least have some different outfit, Min Hyuk seem to be stuck with Black suit


I kinda feel like that's "Alice's" dress code or uniform - guys in black suits, girls in all black. :P 


1 hour ago, kireeti2 said:

In Min Hyuk defense, Park Jin-Gyeom was the one who started it, but yeah it would be one hell of a dysfunctional family


I guess we'll have to see how the father-son relationship evolves first. But yes, as it stands right now, things are just messed up :P 


Okay, there are a TON of new stills from Huayi Brothers this time around - I tried to cover all of them, but if I did miss any, please forgive me.










https://www.instagram.com/p/CE__2r3JCfH/ - Gorgeous lighting in this set, by the way!


And, we also have another meme :) 


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9 hours ago, kittyna said:

Did Do Yeon tell Jin Gyeom about the video, or was he aware of it already and just didn't say anything? We cut straight from Do Yeon asking why the girl committed suicide to Jin Gyeom's memory of his failed attempt to pull her back from the edge - and then the next thing is him confronting the bullies in the washroom about both the video and the missing suicide note, so...yeah, I wasn't entirely sure how the pieces fit together.

No, the girl didn't say anything about the video, and Do-Yeon was probing Jin-Gyeom since he was the last guy she spoke to before committing suicide. I guess it's some kind of plot- hole

9 hours ago, kittyna said:

Lol! It's accurate description of me with my friends:joy:

9 hours ago, kittyna said:

I'm sure there's a ton more happening in that 2010 segment that I don't know about yet (and I acknowledge that my interpretations of anything I saw could have been wrong), but I just needed to get this off my chest, because...poor Jin Gyeom!

It's pretty accurate, he was not able to save his mom, but now we know that the his mom's time card can only be activated by her, maybe some kind of DNA thing. She helped him get back to 2020 while she was dying, it was a touching scene. I can see few plot holes as the drama is progressing, I hope the plot holes will not over shadow the good parts of the drama

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