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Joo Won 주원 [Drama- The Midnight Studio/ 야한(夜限) 사진관]


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4 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

Lol! :joy: Nae-il and her romantic thoughts are just predictable and fun at the same time


Same with Yoo Jin's reaction: "Not in the way you're thinking, Seollebal" ;) 


Also, we now have an official diagnosis for Park Jin Gyeom's condition: Alexithymia, if anyone's interested in looking it up.


4 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

There was this scene where Joo won knocks-out on the table with bottles of alcohols(I actually don't know the reason for that)


:lol: - I loved that shot in the interview! It was really funny, especially when Yoon Tae Yi and Kim Do Yeon then started arguing over the phone. I wonder what that was all about....


4 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

it reminded me of his interview, where he mentioned getting knocked-out with just a sip of a beer when he wanted to drink with her mom. I sorted of drawn parallel to his real life situation with the scene from Alice, like Kim Hee Seon's character is mom to Joo won's character, it's like his real life incident being made into to drama scene


Going by the number of bottles lying around, though, Park Jin Gyeom's got a far higher tolerance than JW does - which isn't all that hard to do, come to think of it ;) 


5 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

Now that I have mentioned this drinking scene with mom, which brings me to a question.  Is it normal for kids regardless of gender to have drink with their mothers in East Asia? Is it a recent phenomenon? Or is it traditionally and culturally accepted norm?


I don't know, to be honest, since no-one in my own family drinks. All I can guess is that drinking together does seem to play a significant social function in Korean culture.

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7 hours ago, kittyna said:

:lol: - I loved that shot in the interview! It was really funny, especially when Yoon Tae Yi and Kim Do Yeon then started arguing over the phone. I wonder what that was all about....

It's more like kim Do Yeon being jealous of Pak Jin Gyeom hanging with another woman. :tongue: I am sensing Yoon Tae Yi and Kim Do Yeon will have lot of difference in their opinion and expect lot of funny interaction between them:joy:

7 hours ago, kittyna said:

Going by the number of bottles lying around, though, Park Jin Gyeom's got a far higher tolerance than JW does - which isn't all that hard to do, come to think of it ;) 

So, in other words we have drinking similarities between park si-on and Park Jin-Gyeom other than similar first name, I wonder what else there is common between them :wink:

7 hours ago, kittyna said:


I don't know, to be honest, since no-one in my own family drinks. All I can guess is that drinking together does seem to play a significant social function in Korean culture.

I see. I did find Koreans to be drinking way too much than necessary, at least in the dramas. Like, they drink every day and they don't often need any occasion to drink, in India at least we try to justify for drinking alcohol, like try to create a occasion to drink :joy:

By the way, I was expecting that you would start a new scattegories or a game to find out which Joo won's character has more alcohol tolerance level or which character would get knocked out with one sip of soju:wink: 

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So, it turns out that JW did do that recent interview in character as Park Jin Gyeom.


9 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

So, in other words we have drinking similarities between park si-on and Park Jin-Gyeom other than similar first name, I wonder what else there is common between them


Now that we know specifically that Park Jin Gyeom has alexithymia (which is also a common symptom in autism spectrum disorders), I think we can reasonably assume there will be more. :) 


9 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

I see. I did find Koreans to be drinking way too much than necessary, at least in the dramas. Like, they drink every day and they don't often need any occasion to drink, in India at least we try to justify for drinking alcohol, like try to create a occasion to drink


If we go by K-dramas, I notice that people will drink two things at almost all times of the day: coffee, and alcohol. Neither of which makes all that much sense to me, personally :P Like, the number of times I see characters meeting up for coffee late at night, I end up thinking, "Are you gonna get any sleep like this???"


9 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

By the way, I was expecting that you would start a new scattegories or a game to find out which Joo won's character has more alcohol tolerance level or which character would get knocked out with one sip of soju


It has actually crossed my mind a few times to do something relating to common vices in Korean culture (namely, drinking and smoking, since the rest wouldn't exactly by PG), so since you're asking for it, here's a quick round of Scattergories: Drinking Edition.


I could have done things like who prefers beer, wine, soju, etc., but a lot of that is already seen in the dramas themselves (i.e. pretty much everyone prefers either beer or soju, except for Cha Yoo Jin, who's a wine person; as for Gyun Woo, beer wasn't a thing during the Joseon era). So, instead, I'm aiming for more lighthearted prompts that are a bit more out of the box.



Scattergories: Drinking Edition


Again, no hard and fast rules for this - just tell us which JW drama character (i.e. characters played by JW in his dramas) you think would best fit each prompt. Reasons can be given, but are not necessary; and repeating names is, as always, perfectly acceptable :) 


1. The one who can drink the most

2. The one who can drink the least (we know they all drink, but who can take the least?)

3. The one most likely to order a fruity (read: "girly") cocktail

4. The one most likely to start chatting people up and flirting with strangers when drunk

5. The one most likely to make an embarrassing drunk confession to their significant other

6. The one most likely to get angry or violent when drunk

7. The one most likely to prefer drinking at home rather than at a bar

8. The one most likely to end up with a killer hangover


Finally, a quick word on the other major Korean vice I noticed (both from dramas and my own vacation there): smoking. The reality is that many Korean men smoke and it is (as long as no-one's breaking any laws or offending anyone) perfectly socially acceptable. Which, by the way, includes JW and a good number of other male celebrities.


So that makes me wonder: in your opinion, which of JW's drama characters would smoke, and which ones wouldn't? It's never shown on screen (smoking on screen is still generally reserved for cable dramas and films), but just go by your imagination.

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10 minutes ago, kittyna said:

1. The one who can drink the most

Hwang Tae Hee, he did strike me as guy you can drink a lot and given that he is in a high stress job, which subsequently make him drink more. I thought to go with Park Si-on, but he is like a guy who is unaffected by the alcohol and it is sort of like cheat code for him and unfair to include in the competition, I sort of expected that you will exclude Park Si-on from the competition

15 minutes ago, kittyna said:

2. The one who can drink the least

Cha Yoo-jin, I personally by and large drinking community don't acknowledge wine as an alcoholic drink, so he though Cha Yoo-jin can drink lot of wine, I still see him him as a person who can drink least of them all when it comes to Soju or beer

18 minutes ago, kittyna said:

3. The one most likely to order a fruity (read: "girly") cocktail

Ku Ma jun, I don't know, maybe he is kind of a guy who likes to mix everything

18 minutes ago, kittyna said:

4. The one most likely to start chatting people up and flirting with strangers when drunk

Han Gil- Ro

19 minutes ago, kittyna said:

5. The one most likely to make an embarrassing drunk confession to their significant other

Gyun woo, Lol, It's like when he is drunk all his Confucius principles goes out the window :joy:

21 minutes ago, kittyna said:

6. The one most likely to get angry or violent when drunk

Well, none of the characters had shown any aggressive behavior after drinking excess alcohol, except for Hwang Tae Hee and that's because he was hurt. But, I will go with Lee Kang-To

22 minutes ago, kittyna said:

7. The one most likely to prefer drinking at home rather than at a bar

Gyun-Woo, it would be easy for him to handle Princess Hyemyung after she had few too many drinks(not to give an poor opinion on her character, like I find it is safe for her and Gyun-Woo to have drinks at home rather than outside)

27 minutes ago, kittyna said:

8. The one most likely to end up with a killer hangover

I think every character will have bad hangover, except for Park Si-on, now that you bring this up, Finnish scientists have found cure for hangover, now no one in the world will have to deal with hangovers:piggydance:, btw it's "L-cysteine"

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6 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

I thought to go with Park Si-on, but he is like a guy who is unaffected by the alcohol and it is sort of like cheat code for him and unfair to include in the competition, I sort of expected that you will exclude Park Si-on from the competition


I actually didn't think of excluding Park Si On from this question, but it's true that he has such a clear advantage because of how his brain's wired differently from the others that he'd be the obvious (read: not as creative) answer.


6 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

Cha Yoo-jin, I personally by and large drinking community don't acknowledge wine as an alcoholic drink, so he though Cha Yoo-jin can drink lot of wine, I still see him him as a person who can drink least of them all when it comes to Soju or beer


Really? I hadn't thought of wine not being considered alcoholic - that's weird, because I'm pretty sure there's more alcohol in wine than beer. But I do think that wine performs a different social/cultural function than beer or soju do; it sends out a completely different message, and tends to appear in a very distinct context in K-dramas.


So, here I am with my responses! By the way, I do want to point out that it's rather surreal trying to figure this out as someone who's never drank before (save that one glass of wine as a teenager and a general love for liquor-centred chocolates :P). So if any of this ends up being inaccurate or a poor estimation of how people actually respond/react to alcohol, please bear with me.



1. The one who can drink the most


As I said already, Park Si On is the most obvious choice, simply because he seems to respond to alcohol differently on a purely biological/neurological level (he'd know more of the science behind it than me, to be honest ;)). But if I thought about all the others, I think I can see Han Gil Ro as a viable option, since he's the one who appears to be the most open to social drinking, and the alcohol seems to liven him up rather than slow him down.


2. The one who can drink the least 


I think I'd also go with Cha Yoo Jin here. From what I remember of the drama, he does drink fairly often, but also seems to have some clearly defined limits: it doesn't seem to take much before he's half-passed-out in front of Nae Il's place :P And, for the sake of my own fic-writing, I tend to allow him two glasses on average before he starts feeling it, but he is also vulnerable to the occasional (and incredibly dangerous, given its connections to his PTSD) "drown his sorrows" binge where he goes way overboard and leaves Nae Il and his other friends to deal with the mess.


3. The one most likely to order a fruity (read: "girly") cocktail


Here, I'm going to go with Park Si On, since I see him as being the sort who'd like to experiment and try new things. Also, although he's got a high alcohol tolerance, he does admit to disliking the taste and smell of soju in and of itself, so I can see him preferring a mixed drink or flavoured option - he does describe Cha Yoon Seo as smelling like "lemon soju" at one point, once the smell of the alcohol mixed with that of her perfume.


4. The one most likely to start chatting people up and flirting with strangers when drunk


While I can also see Han Gil Ro here, for the sake of having a different answer, I'm going to suggest Kim Tae Hyun. Not only is he something of a smooth talker at the best of times, but we see how he casually chats with Lee Chae Young when he first meets her - and how his easy manner comes across to her like flirtation (even when it's not).


5. The one most likely to make an embarrassing drunk confession to their significant other


In my memory at least, we actually see both Gyun Woo and Cha Yoo Jin do this in their respective dramas, but Gyun Woo's is that much funnier, so I'm going with him here. :P 


6. The one most likely to get angry or violent when drunk


I'm going to go with either Lee Kang To or Gu Ma Jun here, because I distinctly remember both of them losing their tempers after they've been drinking. Ma Jun's more the fiery outburst type, where he starts lashing out and yelling at people, but Kang To's far scarier - there's one moment where he starts ranting to Shunji about Gaksital and Oh Mok Dan and how he literally wants to kill them and Shunji's just staring at him like, "Oh my God, you're serious, aren't you?"


7. The one most likely to prefer drinking at home rather than at a bar


For me, I end up thinking of Cha Yoo Jin, due to his more introverted nature. Also, in K-dramas at least, drinking wine seems to be more an at-home affair than a social one.


8. The one most likely to end up with a killer hangover


The one we end up seeing with a monster hangover is Gyun Woo, so that's who I'm going to go with. But I do think that everyone's probably experienced it at least once - Park Si On may be an exception, but he also may not be (since hangovers are actually caused by the ultimate dehydration that drinking causes, and he may still be susceptible to that).


Finally, just a quick response to my earlier question re: smoking, here's what I think personally:


Probably does (based on the social/historical/cultural context)

Gyun Woo (it may surprise you to know this, but smoking was hugely popular during the Joseon era)

Lee Kang To

Gu Ma Jun


I'm not sure - maybe, maybe not?

Han Gil Ro

Hwang Tae Hui


Probably doesn't 

Park Si On (because he's a doctor, and also because of his more childlike nature)

Kim Tae Hyun (again, because he's a doctor)

Cha Yoo Jin (because of his general fastidiousness as a person - although, ironically, smoking is prevalent in Austria as well)


Finally, Park Jin Gyeom's character intro from Alice: The Beginning has now been subtitled into English:



So it turns out his peers did think he was a psychopath. And I thought the way JW (in the interview) and the doctor (in the drama clips) explained alexithymia to be rather interesting: that Jin Gyeom lacks the ability to understand the emotional basis behind people's moral judgments (e.g. that he shouldn't be so rough with the dragonfly because doing so would kill it), but that he can be taught by others and by his experiences how to feel over time.


And now for some behind-the-scenes footage:



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6 hours ago, kittyna said:

a general love for liquor-centred chocolates :P

Oh, I did had such chocolates, like vodka filled chocolates from Russia:tongue:, I

wonder what other alcohol based chocolates are there?

6 hours ago, kittyna said:

that's weird, because I'm pretty sure there's more alcohol in wine than beer

It's quantity that matters. Like, one does not drink whole bottle of wine, it's like taken in small quantity, on the other hand beer is taken with whole bottle and rarely shared

6 hours ago, kittyna said:

Probably does (based on the social/historical/cultural context)

Gyun Woo (it may surprise you to know this, but smoking was hugely popular during the Joseon era)

Lee Kang To

Gu Ma Jun

Interesting choice, but I would like to differ with "Gyun Woo" choice. Being an intellect and a guy who was able to crack Chinese civil service exam at a young age, I sort of see him as a guy who would always go against the status quo and popular culture in his time, so I think he is not susceptible to popular culture and opinions

7 hours ago, kittyna said:

I'm not sure - maybe, maybe not?

Han Gil Ro

Hwang Tae Hui

Drinking alcohol is one thing and smoking is another thing. Both have different affect on health, and smoking is more injurious  to health than alcohol both in short and long term. Being a detective and always likes to stay undercover and chase the criminals, I don't see Hwang Tae Huei to develop habit of smoking, at least for the time being as a detective. I will choose Kim Tae Hyun instead of Tae Hee in this category:sweat_smile:

7 hours ago, kittyna said:

So it turns out his peers did think he was a psychopath. And I thought the way JW (in the interview) and the doctor (in the drama clips) explained alexithymia to be rather interesting: that Jin Gyeom lacks the ability to understand the emotional basis behind people's moral judgments (e.g. that he shouldn't be so rough with the dragonfly because doing so would kill it), but that he can be taught by others and by his experiences how to feel over time.


And now for some behind-the-scenes footage:

I think the ending will something like "Signal" drama's ending, like some kind of time loop ending or open to interpret ending. Looks like you will have tons of imagination work to do if you want to write a fan fic on "Alice" if it is an open ended ending @kittyna:grin:

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9 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

It's quantity that matters. Like, one does not drink whole bottle of wine


lol - Unless you're Professor Stresemann :P I remember that Yoo Jin was only able to take over for him at the festival because he literally drank several bottles(!) of wine all by himself, and even Yoo Jin was just like, "You've got to be kidding me" when he found out.


9 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

Interesting choice, but I would like to differ with "Gyun Woo" choice. Being an intellect and a guy who was able to crack Chinese civil service exam at a young age, I sort of see him as a guy who would always go against the status quo and popular culture in his time, so I think he is not susceptible to popular culture and opinions


Which made me wonder what the situation was like in the Qing Dynasty re: tobacco. Long story short, it was technically illegal to smoke (not that that stopped people from doing it anyway), but it was allowed to use tobacco in the form of snuff both for medicinal purposes and socially. So regardless of whether Gyun Woo used tobacco or not, he certainly would have been exposed to it in a relatively positive light in both Joseon and Qing.


I also remember my parents saying something like tobacco being favoured by the intelligentsia - especially in comparison with opium, which was the major illicit substance of the time - because of nicotine's stimulating effects. 


9 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

I will choose Kim Tae Hyun instead of Tae Hee in this category


I do agree that smoking would be a closer fit to Kim Tae Hyun's rougher background - if nothing else, I imagine that most of the men in his neighbourhood growing up smoked. However, given his relationship with So Hyun (he's donated both his liver and a kidney to her over the years, so it seems almost like his body's not solely his own), I think he'd err on the side of caution re: any long term habits that could affect his health.


Finally, here are some new behind-the-scenes pics from Alice.

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26 minutes ago, kittyna said:

he's donated both his liver and a kidney to her over the years, so it seems almost like his body's not solely his own)

He did what!? Did he really donated his kidney to his sister? I mean, I know his sister's both kidneys were damaged due to  wrong medication and she was like waiting on transplant, I did not know about the liver and Kim Tae Hyun donating it to her. Then why did she go to USA for kidney transplant? :open_mouth:

26 minutes ago, kittyna said:

Finally, here are some new behind-the-scenes pics from Alice.

Whoa! I just observed facial similarities between Kim Hee Seon and Joo won, the more I look at them both side by side the more they look similar. Especially here Kim Hee Seo smile sort of matches with Joo won's :hushed:

29 minutes ago, kittyna said:

lol - Unless you're Professor Stresemann :P I remember that Yoo Jin was only able to take over for him at the festival because he literally drank several bottles(!) of wine all by himself, and even Yoo Jin was just like, "You've got to be kidding me" when he found out.

Lol! That's the limitation of wine, you need to drink at least 2 to 4 bottles of wine to get the buzz, with beer and other alcohol you'll get the buzz with 6 to 8 drinks :lol:


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12 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

He did what!? Did he really donated his kidney to his sister? I mean, I know his sister's both kidneys were damaged due to  wrong medication and she was like waiting on transplant, I did not know about the liver and Kim Tae Hyun donating it to her. Then why did she go to USA for kidney transplant?


Yeah - So Hyun actually started with liver failure (due to the accidental overdose) and some time later, when they're both older, Tae Hyun donates half his liver to her in a transplant. However, over time, So Hyun's body rejected the transplant, so now the hope is that the treatment in the States - which includes both an immune system transplant and a new liver transplant, both donated by the same person - would be a more long-term solution. As for the kidney failure, chronic or prolonged liver conditions can ultimately cause the kidneys to go as well, and it's mentioned in the briefing among the doctors after Tae Hyun was shot that he'd donated a kidney before. 


So that means Tae Hyun's been So Hyun's living organ donor twice - unsuccessfully in the long run, but still just enough for her to hold out in time for the treatment in the States. However, were it not for Han Yeo Jin's financial assistance, even with that treatment available, there's no way Tae Hyun could have saved up enough money to pay for it in time. Because if he thought medical fees in Korea were bad...welcome to America.


(No, seriously, the cost of health care there is insane, and we Canadians can only look on in a mixture of silent horror and relief that our own system isn't like that.)

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So, we got an interesting video of Alice, which only shows the highlight scenes from the drama. And it looked lit as hell and every action scenes  were on par with a "Super Heroines/Heroes" movie. Not to mention the excellent acting by every cast member, my favorite scene was Joo Won's calling his mom what appears to be a time line when his mom was alive, I think their relationship will be holding the drama together. But, I am apprehensive at the same time, like, I fear it a might  end up  like "TKEM", if the drama fails to explain the story clearly, but TKEM was also plagued with Cliche scenes and Product placement, "Alice" seem to have a original plot line and I see they might be less cringe and cliche scenes, I can already see it in the relationship of Park Jin Gyeom and Kim Do Yeon, like it feels like a similar relationship where a female character misunderstands a male character and later realizes her mistakes and eventually falls in love with him. But the relationship between Joo won and Kim Hee-Seon seems to be interesting and will definitely pique the interest of the audience, like, how will their relationship will get a closure, since it is next to impossible to bring a dead person back to life and his mom cannot come from a different timeline, which will mess up the time equilibrium. And coming to the gadgets of the drama, I am particularly interested in the futuristic gun used by the time travelers, like I am guessing it might be a gun which is used to kill a person in order to erase him/her completely from all the dimensions of the time, since in theory there are n numbers persons with similar face living in n number of time line(Rick and Morty series time concept). Overall as a fan drama looks promising, but if i have to asses like a person  who likes to watch K-drama, I am still skeptical until I watch first 4 episodes to judge the drama, especially a person who got deceived by lot of trailers which sort of made the drams and movies seemed promising

Highlights video of Alice


And also in press conference of the drama director and his co-actors praised and appreciated Joo Won's acting which is reassuring, but there are dramas where acting of casts was awesome but failed to impress audience due to messy story and poor writing(Ex Naeil's Cantabile) and it is interesting to see that Kim Hee Seon and Joo won wearing same outfit, just like they did in photo shoot. Is it a hint some kind of hint regarding the closure of their character?

Alice press conference


Hmm, interesting, I sense a "Best Couple" award in the near future, and again this drama revolves around Kim Hee Seon and Joo Won, but I hope the writers were able to squeeze in a love plot for both Kim Hee Seon and Joo won's character 


Group photo of Alice Team

Edited by Jillia
Unfortunately due to court rulings we're not permitted to embedd IG links!
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At todays SBS Radio Show:


JW said working with Kim Hee Seon was more satisfactory than his expectation. He became quite close with her. (Joo Won always become closer and comfortable with noonas.) She is playing two role and her total persona changes of her role. 


Kwak Si Yang said in press con that Alice is a movie style drama with all those CGI and everything. Joo also said the drama has a movie vibe as well.




His movie "Firefighter" filming will end this week and now he is practicing for Musical "Ghost."




At 25:55 a fan asked to pick one character among all of JW's character that he adore most.. JW be like "How can I pick one character.. the question is very hard.. I can't just overlook other character..question is very hard.. but now today is the press conference of Alice... In my opinion Park Jin Gyeom might be the character... I love most... oh finally found the answer (guilty laugh..:sweatingbullets::P).. I adore Park Jin Gyeom most! :D Please watch the drama.


  I am sure if it wasn't Alice promotion event he would answer more from his heart...:sweat_smile: Aww.. JW almost got into problem..How can a fan ask that question before Alice promotion!!)


More Picture of SBS Radio at hidden section:

















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2 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

but there are dramas where acting of casts was awesome but failed to impress audience due to messy story and poor writing(Ex Naeil's Cantabile)


And I'm someone who actually genuinely really enjoyed Nae Il's Cantabile, so I'm probably not qualified to judge here :P 


2 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

But, I am apprehensive at the same time, like, I fear it a might  end up  like "TKEM", if the drama fails to explain the story clearly, but TKEM was also plagued with Cliche scenes and Product placement, "Alice" seem to have a original plot line and I see they might be less cringe and cliche scenes, I can already see it in the relationship of Park Jin Gyeom and Kim Do Yeon, like it feels like a similar relationship where a female character misunderstands a male character and later realizes her mistakes and eventually falls in love with him.


Just by having the second female lead harbouring a 10-year unrequited crush on the first male lead, we're getting into cliché territory - it's one of the oldest tropes in the K-drama book. However, I honestly don't mind if there are clichés in a drama. I'm of the view that there's really nothing new under the sun, so as long as the story progresses and characters think/feel/behave the way that actual people would (since, to be frank, clichés and tropes stem from real life), then I'm okay with that.


As for product placement, that's something I just accept as a quirk of K-dramas. For me, it's what allows each episode to actually be an hour long and air uninterrupted, and I prefer this approach to what I see here in North American television, where there are commercial breaks every few minutes. It's a trade-off, and I generally prefer the way it's done in Korea. If the product placement's really obvious (the Subway or Quiznos scenes that occur at least once in every drama, the characters literally opening up an app on their phone just to show it off, etc.) I just get a good laugh. :D And if it's more subtle or, at least, actually relevant to the story, then it usually doesn't even register for me.



By the way, I did eventually end up knowing someone who is not a Lee Min Ho fan (i.e. not biased towards him) but who did watch The King: Eternal Monarch and enjoyed it. So I guess that what counts as a good or bad drama is really personal and subjective.


I know that academics say anecdotal evidence doesn't count, but why not? It's still real and someone still experienced it - even if it doesn't say anything valuable statistically, it still shows diversity of opinion and experience.


I should also point out that I still haven't watched it, so I have no stake/opinion on it yet. All I know is that it's a highly polarizing/divisive drama (like, people either love it or hate it) and that you, @kireeti2, disliked it and that it's become something of a benchmark for a highly overrated drama for you. Which I get, to some extent, since I wound up feeling that way about Descendants of the Sun, so....


2 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

Overall as a fan drama looks promising, but if i have to asses like a person  who likes to watch K-drama, I am still skeptical until I watch first 4 episodes to judge the drama, especially a person who got deceived by lot of trailers which sort of made the drams and movies seemed promising


Yeah, I usually give myself the first few episodes to decide whether I enjoy a drama, too. I mean, there are some I just like from the very first one, and that's great; but usually, I give myself time to settle into the story and characters first.


As for Alice, I'm generally optimistic about it, but I also have no real expectations for how good or well-written or well-produced it will be as a drama - and I have even fewer expectations re: ratings, awards, etc. I dunno; I guess I'm just someone who watched dramas for my own enjoyment, and I seldom end up thinking beyond that. I just stick with what I'm given and, if there's room for expansion (i.e. fics), then I'll take it.


By the way, @kireeti2, do you really want to know what I think about all this talk about clichés? My literal first reaction was, "Oh, God, are my fics cliché then? I hope not!" Because the reality is that any writer/artist will have moments when they look at their work and just cringe - we get so used to our own voice and style that it all feels very old and repetitive after a while. :P So maybe that's why I don't mind clichés as much in the dramas I watch - because I know how tough it is to actually come up with something realistic and new. Okay, most of the clichés aren't particularly realistic, but they've become part of the visual language of K-dramas as a whole, so I've learned to read them as such.


1 hour ago, flutterby06 said:

At 25:55 a fan asked to pick one character among all of JW's character that he adore most.. JW be like "How can I pick one character.. the question is very hard.. I can't just overlook other character..question is very hard.. but now today is the press conference of Alice... In my opinion Park Jin Gyeom might be the character... I love most... oh finally found the answer (guilty laugh..:sweatingbullets::P).. I adore Park Jin Gyeom most! :D Please watch the drama.


  I am sure if it wasn't Alice promotion event he would answer more from his heart...:sweat_smile: Aww.. JW almost got into problem..How can a fan ask that question before Alice promotion!!)


Three things that actors are always asked during these interviews that, as you've pointed out, we'll never get a genuine answer for:

1. What's your favourite project?

2. Who's your favourite role/character?

3. Who's your favourite co-star?


Yeah...those will always be answered as whichever project is the current one. At least JW actually calls it for what it is :P 


By the way, thanks for all the updates about the press conference, guys! With the recent spike in COVID-19 cases, followed by new restrictions on large gatherings in Seoul, I honestly thought it would be canceled.

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1 hour ago, kittyna said:

so I have no stake/opinion on it yet. All I know is that it's a highly polarizing/divisive drama (like, people either love it or hate it) and that you, @kireeti2, disliked it and that it's become something of a benchmark for a highly overrated drama for you. Which I get, to some extent, since I wound up feeling that way about Descendants of the Sun, so....


For the record I never specifically mentioned that I disliked TKEM, all I did was say it had low ratings and didn't reached the expectation(mainly Korean audience). And few times I mentioned that it was a disaster, what I meant was with all the budget and hype it is really didn't performed to its potential. And coming to views/opinion/reviews its  similar as buying a product, going with everyone's tribal instinct and its not perfect but its effective for lot of audience so that they might not waste time in watching a drama which is not worth their 'time and attention', these two are in deficit in this digital age, so it is like spending money if one is spending time and attention on a drama. And also, I wasn't impressed by  DOS as well which I have seen recently and no divorce as nothing to do with it. In the realm of consumer goods diversity as little or no role to play, since everyone wants the best products for the money and time they spend, so yeah everyone is free to have different opinion on a drama but diverse opinion cannot stand the wave of popular opinion which also contains diversity in itself, like the popular opinion on a drama doesn't consist of one particular group, but it contains opinions of audience from different background and this is what is called collective intelligence which is often used in autonomous car designs and ethical dilemma situations in order to make effective decisions.

1 hour ago, kittyna said:

By the way, @kireeti2, do you really want to know what I think about all this talk about clichés? My literal first reaction was, "Oh, God, are my fics cliché then? I hope not!"

What?! No! I personally feel that your fan fictions have every element of dramas except cliches. I mean even in the interaction between the Naeil and Cha Yoo JIn, I felt like they were having interacting according to their character and never felt like that it was forced or they were acting in an obvious way. Case in point: Naeil's romantic thoughts out of nowhere, these scenes in the fics never fails to crack a smile on me. I think I already told you about what I feel about your "Good Doctor" fan fics:love:

1 hour ago, kittyna said:

3. Who's your favourite co-star?

The answer for this question keeps on updating, like every actor chooses the current co-star:tongue:

2 hours ago, flutterby06 said:

His movie "Firefighter" filming will end this week and now he is practicing for Musical "Ghost."

Really? He is done with shooting of Firefighter movie?But it is scheduled to release in 2021, and given that he is one of the main character how come he is done with shooting already? :hushed:  And on top of that he joined the shoot on April or May, it's like, he took less time shooting a movie than a drama. Is it a common thing Korea that movie shootings wraps up quickly than drama shooting?

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2 hours ago, kittyna said:

Three things that actors are always asked during these interviews that, as you've pointed out, we'll never get a genuine answer for:

1. What's your favourite project?

2. Who's your favourite role/character?

3. Who's your favourite co-star?


Yeah...those will always be answered as whichever project is the current one. At least JW actually calls it for what it is :P 


So true.. If you asked which one he liked working with most among his female leads he will always reply with his current co-star. I think that's wise and respectful as well.


I forgot but previously in his interview he was asked which of his character is more close to his real self. He answer was Park Si Won. The Questions must be technical other wise it's hard for actors/actress to give an honest answer considering the circumstances. Like how today JW must keep Alice ahead because it's his most recent work.  If someone particularly interested to know about a co-star or character they should just ask about that directly.

52 minutes ago, kireeti2 said:

Really? He is done with shooting of Firefighter movie?But it is scheduled to release in 2021, and given that he is one of the main character how come he is done with shooting already? :hushed:  And on top of that he joined the shoot on April or May, it's like, he took less time shooting a movie than a drama. Is it a common thing Korea that movie shootings wraps up quickly than drama shooting?


I do not Know the norms in Korea but if you follow from 23:20 minutes Joo Won says about his movie filming almost ending. I don't understand Korean fluently but from my limited vocabulary I thought he said about it ending in this week or by next week.




A movie usually has more editing, tuning etc technical work than a drama. So I am guessing they'll take this time to all sorts of behind the scene work. He is one of the main actor but there's many high profile actors in the movie. So a there's possibility that the movie screen time is nicely distributed. I don't know for sure, just taking a guess.


2 hours ago, kittyna said:

By the way, thanks for all the updates about the press conference, guys! With the recent spike in COVID-19 cases, followed by new restrictions on large gatherings in Seoul, I honestly thought it would be canceled.


Welcome. :blush:

Yes..thankfully the press con happened but I think journalists and media may not be present there. May be joined via online. Because Kim Hee Sun was saying something about getting more emotional in press con because it's just them (actors and staffs).







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1 hour ago, flutterby06 said:

Yes..thankfully the press con happened but I think journalists and media may not be present there. May be joined via online. Because Kim Hee Sun was saying something about getting more emotional in press con because it's just them (actors and staffs).


Yeah - I noticed after my last post (because I hadn't checked Instagram yet at the time) that the press conference was properly socially distanced, with the actors wearing masks and little fabric covers on the microphones (to prevent, in the now famously meme-ified words of the Canadian Prime Minister, "speaking moistly"), along with the plastic/plexiglass barriers between them. By the way, that shot of JW and Kim Hee Sun is so cute! :fullofhearts:


2 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

For the record I never specifically mentioned that I disliked TKEM, all I did was say it had low ratings and didn't reached the expectation(mainly Korean audience). And few times I mentioned that it was a disaster, what I meant was with all the budget and hype it is really didn't performed to its potential.


Ah - I see. I think that I wound up interpreting your description of the show as "a disaster" as meaning that you yourself thought it was really, really bad, rather than it being "a disaster" in terms of ratings, audience response, etc. compared to the hype.


In that case, it's not all that different from my own experience with other similarly hyped up dramas like Descendants of the Sun or Moonlight Drawn by Clouds (aka Love in the Moonlight), where I literally watched them just to see what all the fuss was regarding the male leads in particular. Full disclosure: I'd already watched Sungkyunkwan Scandal and Nae Il's Cantabile at the time, so I knew something of Song Joong Ki and Park Bo Gum's skills respectively, but I...simply wasn't getting the massive heartthrob factor in DOS or Moonlight that so many other viewers did. Like, I didn't think they were bad dramas per se - I thought they were just average, and not particularly memorable in terms of plot, character, etc. So to this day, I can only comment on the fact that they were huge in launching/reviving the cast members' careers, but I can't say I understand why.



To be brutally honest, I actually would have preferred if either one of the male leads in DOS actually did end up killed in action - not because I wished them dead, but because I thought that doing that would have really driven home the drama's themes about just how dangerous war was, or how we should be empathetic regarding the traumas that military personnel and their families face. But, well, they just had to shoehorn in a deus ex machina kind of ending for the sake of the romance :P 


2 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

Really? He is done with shooting of Firefighter movie?But it is scheduled to release in 2021, and given that he is one of the main character how come he is done with shooting already? :hushed:  And on top of that he joined the shoot on April or May, it's like, he took less time shooting a movie than a drama. Is it a common thing Korea that movie shootings wraps up quickly than drama shooting?


1 hour ago, flutterby06 said:

A movie usually has more editing, tuning etc technical work than a drama. So I am guessing they'll take this time to all sorts of behind the scene work. He is one of the main actor but there's many high profile actors in the movie. So a there's possibility that the movie screen time is nicely distributed. I don't know for sure, just taking a guess.


I'm with @flutterby06 here. First of all, films require much less footage than dramas (c. 2 hours vs. c. 20 hours), so the filming itself would most likely take less time. Also, much more is done in post-production than in a drama, so there are usually months between when shooting wraps up and when the film's actually released. I don't know all the nitty gritty about how it works in Korea, but this is definitely the case for Hollywood.


1 hour ago, flutterby06 said:

I forgot but previously in his interview he was asked which of his character is more close to his real self. He answer was Park Si Won.


He said that right before his enlistment, and many of his fans and colleagues agreed. However, favourites do change from time to time, so I'm not sure what his honest answer would be at this point in the game.

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32 minutes ago, kittyna said:

I'm with @flutterby06 here. First of all, films require much less footage than dramas (c. 2 hours vs. c. 20 hours), so the filming itself would most likely take less time. Also, much more is done in post-production than in a drama, so there are usually months between when shooting wraps up and when the film's actually released. I don't know all the nitty gritty about how it works in Korea, but this is definitely the case for Hollywood.

Ah, I see. It does make sense, since Korean movie length is always less than 2 hours. It's like fast food of movies :tongue:

42 minutes ago, kittyna said:

By the way, that shot of JW and Kim Hee Sun is so cute! 

I think it's like a scene where park Sun-Young meets Park Jin-Gyeom when he is briefly in the jail or when he is under trail. I am still wondering how will the detective is going to prove that Jin-Gyeom is innocent of the crime, since he was the only one on the roof and the scene sort of make it look like he has pushed her and top of that Kim Do-Yeon testify against him

49 minutes ago, kittyna said:

To be brutally honest, I actually would have preferred if either one of the male leads in DOS actually did end up killed in action - not because I wished them dead, but because I thought that doing that would have really driven home the drama's themes about just how dangerous war was, or how we should be empathetic regarding the traumas that military personnel and their families face. But, well, they just had to shoehorn in a deus ex machina kind of ending for the sake of the romance

I am with you on this one, the drama sort of romanticizes the war and conflict zone. Like, all the soldiers are having a good time and have no trauma of the wars and conflict  zones. But, I do acknowledge the armies role in rescue operations and providing relief during Disaster(In my country we usually use army at the time of disasters like floods, earth quakes etc). And a stupid where a Arab minister was not allowed to be treated by a Doctor for the sole reason of the doctor not being an Arab by his personal body guard, I mean even a guy with no medical or with little common sense will know that delaying an emergency medical procedure will aggravate patients condition out of all the cliches and cringe scenes this one was by far worst and this scene was used in one the South India movie, in this the patient was Chinese Ambassador :joy: and whole scene was recreating



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7 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

I think it's like a scene where park Sun-Young meets Park Jin-Gyeom when he is briefly in the jail or when he is under trail. I am still wondering how will the detective is going to prove that Jin-Gyeom is innocent of the crime, since he was the only one on the roof and the scene sort of make it look like he has pushed her and top of that Kim Do-Yeon testify against him


Okay, that makes sense - I was wondering why there was the sad emoji there (T_T). But it looks like they wound up cracking up during the re-enactment, then. :) 


And here's an article about some of the comments that were made during the press conference.


And there's also this one about the radio interview. To be honest, though, am I the only one who's really weirded out - and also a bit pissed off - that it's got this really clickbaity title about his weight? I mean, it's bad enough that female celebrities get asked about this sort of crap all the time - but the guys, too?


Is this the sort of objectification/body shaming I'm used to seeing, or is weight gain something that's spoken about positively among guys (and I'm just not aware of it because I'm a girl)?

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