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Joo Won 주원 [Drama- The Midnight Studio/ 야한(夜限) 사진관]


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12 hours ago, kittyna said:

Based on these words/phrases, what do you guys think this is going to be about?

Is it going to be some kind of Joseon era fiction? Like "My Sassy Girl"?


12 hours ago, kittyna said:

So, today is Doctors' Day here in Canada. That's one of those little commemorative days that aren't quite holidays, so they tend to slip under the radar. Not this year, though. With so much going on with this pandemic, if you are able, please take a moment to give a shout-out to all the healthcare workers whose love for people and love for their jobs are helping to keep us safe.

Yup, medical personnel are providing  unparalleled service by risking their lives and also they loved ones  :heart:. I hope people would show this gratitude even after the end of pandemic. In our country we celebrate National Doctor's day on 1st July of every year, to promote 'zero tolerance of violence against medical personnel'.


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9 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

Is it going to be some kind of Joseon era fiction? Like "My Sassy Girl"?


lol - Sort of...? That's actually a pretty good guess, looking back at the teaser I posted. :) 


Actually, this fic is the type where teasers would be more appropriate than full previews, so you're welcome to keep guessing as I reveal more and more over time.;)


9 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

I hope people would show this gratitude even after the end of pandemic. In our country we celebrate National Doctor's day on 1st July of every year, to promote 'zero tolerance of violence against medical personnel'.


"Zero tolerance of violence against medical personnel"....Oof. I haven't heard of that in Canada so far (it's possible, though, that it has and I just don't know it), but I was aware that this was happening in some countries (including India, unfortunately) because some people and communities assumed that medical personnel were infected by default. :mask: I mean, the fear itself is understandable, but the actual societal rejection and violence I've read about is just baffling for me.


If you don't mind my asking, is this something that's just happening because of COVID-19, or is it a thing more generally?


On a lighter note, here are some more behind-the-scenes Alice pics.



I love that JW is not just interested in acting, but also in the behind-the-scenes part of producing a film or drama or stage show. He used to get really involved in stage production during his studies, and I recall him saying once in an interview that had he not made it as an actor, he'd switch to joining the crew instead.


And speaking of versatility...



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2 hours ago, kittyna said:

Zero tolerance of violence against medical personnel"....Oof. I haven't heard of that in Canada so far (it's possible, though, that it has and I just don't know it), but I was aware that this was happening in some countries (including India, unfortunately) because some people and communities assumed that medical personnel were infected by default. :mask: I mean, the fear itself is understandable, but the actual societal rejection and violence I've read about is just baffling for me.


If you don't mind my asking, is this something that's just happening because of COVID-19, or is it a thing more generally?


I knew that quote would be alien for lot of people living in different parts of the world, especially in first-world. Violence against doctors or medical personnel is common in few parts of my country(not trying bash my fellow citizens), few people educated/uneducated kind of commit violent acts against medical personnel if they fail to save their kith and kin, I know they do it out of emotional break-down, but for medical personnel it scares them for life and they might not be empathetic to their future patients:mellow:, after math is also messy, no one gets punished for doing such heinous act, because most of these violence are committed by mob, so it is pretty difficult for cops to get a conviction. And also this COVID-19 situation have made their personal life miserable at their homes,  few incidence were reported that  neighbours  of medical personnel are being ostracizing them out of the fear of contracting virus from them, because they come home after working from the place of infection:confused:. So, that's why I want this new found love by my country to continue it even after pandemic. :unsure:


2 hours ago, kittyna said:

lol - Sort of...? That's actually a pretty good guess, looking back at the teaser I posted

Lol, it was pretty easy to guess, since they are characters commonly used in historic K-dramas.


2 hours ago, kittyna said:

I love that JW is not just interested in acting, but also in the behind-the-scenes part of producing a film or drama or stage show. He used to get really involved in stage production during his studies, and I recall him saying once in an interview that had he not made it as an actor, he'd switch to joining the crew instead.

Yes, he always mention it when ever interviewer asks him about his alternative career if he did not become an actor.

After firefighter, I want to see joo won as a prosecutor or as a lawyer, since their job is dealing with people's personal life and is more dynamic when compared to other jobs, it is black and white in their line of work and joo won could show his every emotion in this role. :love:

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5 hours ago, kittyna said:

Actually, this fic is the type where teasers would be more appropriate than full previews, so you're welcome to keep guessing as I reveal more and more over time.

I would like make a suggestion, if I may, make the leads go through a process of misunderstanding from the time they meet and try to make them feel sensitive towards each other step-by-step, and then develop they character and relationship. The bigger the misunderstanding is the stronger feeling they'll have towards each other after clearing the misunderstandings. I know it is easier said than done, but looking at your previous fan-fic, I think you might pull this off. Good luck :thumbsup:

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4 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

I would like make a suggestion, if I may, make the leads go through a process of misunderstanding from the time they meet and try to make them feel sensitive towards each other step-by-step, and then develop they character and relationship. The bigger the misunderstanding is the stronger feeling they'll have towards each other after clearing the misunderstandings. I know it is easier said than done, but looking at your previous fan-fic, I think you might pull this off. Good luck :thumbsup:


Well, I can't make any promises this time, since the plot's more-or-less already set. :P But I'll keep that in mind for future reference :) 


What I can tell you, though, is that if you want an even clearer sense of where this fic is going...go back to the teaser I'd posted and count. ;) That's all I'll say for now.


7 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

After firefighter, I want to see joo won as a prosecutor or as a lawyer, since their job is dealing with people's personal life and is more dynamic when compared to other jobs, it is black and white in their line of work and joo won could show his every emotion in this role. :love:


Prosecutors would be more black-and-white, while a lawyer would be shades of grey - both are good uses of his acting potential, though.


In the meantime, if you want something more lighthearted...DANCE PARTY!





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Already did this once for the guys - now it's time for the girls! ;) 



Which JW Drama Girl are YOU During Quarantine?


1. Shin Yu Kyung

  • Openly enjoys working from home - no more workplace gossip to deal with
  • Joins (or even founds) an online campaign demanding more PPE for healthcare workers as well as a higher minimum wage and paid sick leave for workers who can't afford to stay home otherwise
  • Pushes aside her own stress/worries in order to care for an emotionally anxious partner


2. Baek Ja Eun

  • Initially very resistant to the idea of just staying at home, but is now getting used to it
  • Binge watches romantic comedy movies and family-friendly sit-coms to distract herself from the news
  • Creates a cartoon/comic series inspired by everyday life in her large extended family during quarantine - posts it online to give others a few laughs


3. Oh Mok Dan

  • Campaigns for various social justice causes - starts off just doing it online, but also can't resist heading out into the streets if a larger protest develops
  • Spends her time volunteering at food banks, testing centres, etc. - anything that can be done to help
  • Worries about the rumours that the epidemic is a hoax/conspiracy, so she stubbornly clings to the facts that she does know


4. Kim Seo Won

  • Calls her family every night - has to remind her parents over and over again not to go outside (not even to visit her, please and thank you)
  • Putting up with her super-talkative roommate who just had to move in right before this quarantine started (at least he helps out around the house, but he simply won't. Shut. Up.)
  • Tries to upgrade her skills while she is at home by taking an online course


5. Cha Yoon Seo

  • Closely follows news and WHO updates - contributes however she can towards researching and developing a vaccine
  • Calls her family as often as her busy schedule allows, if for no other reason than to reassure them that she's fine
  • Takes on the role of the mood/atmosphere maker for her team - reminds them constantly, both online and in person, that all their hard work will be worth it


6. Seol Nae Il

  • Makes masks and scrubs to donate to local hospitals and long term care homes - refuses to accept payment even if it means paying for supplies out of her own pocket
  • Chats with neighbours from her window, and video conferences with her friends
  • Posts uplifting and feel-good messages (e.g. short videos, music clips, photos, etc.) on social media


7. Han Yeo Jin

  • Doesn't like the idea of staying at home, but is willing to do it if it makes healthcare workers' lives easier
  • Converts parts of her business into making PPE and other medical supplies - donates them to hospitals
  • Follows the falling stock market closely, hoping and praying that this could all end before the money runs out


8. Hye Myung

  • Hates being cooped up inside, so she goes out and volunteers in order to kill two birds with one stone (helping others and also getting outside)
  • Calls or video chats with her boyfriend every day - constantly asks him to send pictures of his dog to keep her entertained
  • Orders takeout or delivery from her favourite restaurants several times a week - it's not that she can't eat the food at home, but it's just not the same


lol - So this one was a bit tougher to put together. I realize now that my memory of some of these dramas is fuzzier than I thought :P


But still - which one(s) would you be?

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On 5/3/2020 at 7:38 PM, kittyna said:

Already did this once for the guys - now it's time for the girls! ;) 

If I had girl version, then I think I will be mix of these three characters

1. Shin Yu Kyung - I enjoy working from home, it might even increase my productivity.:P

2. Baek Ja Eun  - I am watching a more TV series than usually I do, especially K-drama.

4. Kim Seo Won - I would also use this free time to learn new skills:D



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On 5/3/2020 at 7:38 PM, kittyna said:

lol - So this one was a bit tougher to put together. I realize now that my memory of some of these dramas is fuzzier than I thought

That's because these dramas have  diverse story-line and characters, I do find it hard to re-call Joo won's character from his dramas:P:wink:

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On 5/3/2020 at 3:03 AM, kittyna said:

Prosecutors would be more black-and-white, while a lawyer would be shades of grey - both are good uses of his acting potential, though

I think prosecutors with conscience would have hard time to see things in Black-and-White, because there might cases where they feel the convicting a person by law is right thing to do but not morally, for instance, it is crime to steal, right? but what if someone does it out of destitute, then that crime committed due to failure of society for not taking care of their own, in other terms state's. I do agree lawyers will have lot choices to make whether to defend a person knowingly that he/she may have committed a crime, but all those choices and decisions will be redundant when lawyer/attorney decides to defend a client, it is just my point of view, open to disagreement and amendments. :D:sweat_smile:

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13 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

If I had girl version, then I think I will be mix of these three characters

1. Shin Yu Kyung - I enjoy working from home, it might even increase my productivity.:P

2. Baek Ja Eun  - I am watching a more TV series than usually I do, especially K-drama.

4. Kim Seo Won - I would also use this free time to learn new skills:D


lol - I can't say I have a straight answer, either :P Mostly because, in hindsight, I think I find the guys in JW's dramas more relatable and similar to myself in personality than the girls, generally speaking. Maybe it's the tendency in his dramas for an introverted guy and an extroverted girl *shrugs*


But I think if I had to choose one...I think I'd come closest to a combination of Baek Ja Eun and Cha Yoon Seo - just an introverted and non-essential-worker version :P And here's why:


Baek Ja Eun - I'm really enjoying the extra family time that this stay-at-home order has caused (since I'm one of the fortunate ones who lives with family rather than living on my own), and that's probably the biggest thing that's keeping me grounded right now. I think Ja Eun would really shift her attention from caring for her friends to caring for her family (either her own or Tae Hui's), and she would throw herself into helping out around the house, her own work/hobbies, etc. to keep her spirits up. We see that Ja Eun is a bit of a bleeding heart, like when she's glued to the television 24/7 when her father goes missing, and I find that I have the same tendency to get worked up and worried for others while watching updates as well.


Cha Yoon Seo - While I'm not an essential healthcare worker by any means, I'm adding her here because I do find her to be the most like me out of the female leads in these dramas. She's got a whole team to support and lead, and while I don't have that specifically, I think that I'd feel that same drive to put on a positive face for other people. However, rather than just idealistic or naive optimism, I think Yoon Seo's optimism and spirit would be informed by scientific research and facts - which is something I like about her.


11 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

I think prosecutors with conscience would have hard time to see things in Black-and-White, because there might cases where they feel the convicting a person by law is right thing to do but not morally, for instance, it is crime to steal, right? but what if someone does it out of destitute, then that crime committed due to failure of society for not taking care of their own, in other terms state's. I do agree lawyers will have lot choices to make whether to defend a person knowingly that he/she may have committed a crime, but all those choices and decisions will be redundant when lawyer/attorney decides to defend a client, it is just my point of view, open to disagreement and amendments. :D:sweat_smile:


I guess that's why there are so many legal dramas out there - the judicial system is filled with so many moral and ethical dilemmas that there's always going to be a good story to tell.


So here's a recent pic that showed up on Instagram (it's from a few days ago, so I hope he's feeling better now):



And, just because, here's my second teaser for my upcoming fic - several small snippets from different points (like you see in a film trailer) 


@kireeti2, let's see if your guess was correct ;) 



“It’s so nice out today,” I point out when, finished his meal, my son jumps down from his chair and starts to leave. “Let’s go for a walk.”


He rounds on me with a pout. “But, Eomma, I’m not done yet!”


“Your practice can wait.” Bending down to look him in the eyes, I brush back his hair, now just long enough to start curling at the ends, and kiss him gently on the forehead. “Right now, what you need is sunshine, and fresh air.”


Not to mention acting like a normal kid for once.




I step out of the way as the younger of the two police officers crouches down beside my son, an ice pack in one hand. As he holds it lightly to his face, the officer begins to question him about the incident, writing down his answers in a small notebook. The officer grows increasingly tense over the course of the interview, until, when he is finally done, he is unable to resist closing his book with a frustrated snap.


“Look, kid – I don’t know what the hell you’re thinking, but if you can’t be honest with us, then there’s nothing we can do!”


He shoots up and storms out of the room, just pausing long enough to mutter something in his superior’s ear on the way out. This older officer watches his partner go, then beckons for me to join him in the corner.




‘When I walk along with two others, they may serve me as my teachers.’ That’s what Confucius said.”


I come to a stop, just steps into the courtyard, at the sound of my son’s voice. There he is, sitting with his father on the veranda attached to the main study: his favourite spot in the men’s side of our house.


My husband nods. “Good. And why is that?”


“Because,” my son answers solemnly, “The Analects go on to say, ‘I will select their good qualities and follow them, their bad qualities and avoid them.’


Slowly, so as not to disturb them, I make my way closer, carefully holding the tray so that the bowl of tonic in its centre doesn’t spill.


“And have you been doing that? In your lessons?”


“Ye, Abanim. I look up to my teacher, because he is older and wiser than me; and I am careful not to become a cheater like Park Chang Whi.”


I force back a snicker at the mention of his classmate, but my husband looks grim. “You shouldn’t speak poorly of others when they are not around to defend themselves.”


“It’s true, though! Everyone in our class knows it: he’s always bragging about how he’ll get a good position when he grows up, but everyone knows it’s because his father’s rich enough to–”


“Enough,” my husband cuts in, his firm tone of voice brokering no argument. “Remember: ‘When we see men of worth, we should think of equaling them; when we see men of a contrary character, we should turn inwards and examine ourselves.’ I did not teach you these principles in order for you to use them against others; that may be how most people behave, but you should know better. Instead,” he adds, softening as our son slumps in his seat, visibly chastened, “when you see others acting immorally, you should reflect on your own weaknesses so that you will not succumb to temptation.”


“I know,” my son answers. Although his back is to me, I can visualize his pout when he adds, “But it’s still hard.”


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9 hours ago, kittyna said:

@kireeti2, let's see if your guess was correct ;) 

I guess I am half right, at least  my guess about time period of drama was right. Not like My Sassy Girl story line, maybe similar characters? Is this after marriage of Gyeon Woo and Princess Hye-myung ?

Thumps up for slipping in few teachings of Confucius :thumbsup:, I hope it'll be both engaging and morally enriching to read. :love:

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8 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

I guess I am half right, at least  my guess about time period of drama was right. Not like My Sassy Girl story line, maybe similar characters? Is this after marriage of Gyeon Woo and Princess Hye-myung ?


:lol: - Okay, I'll just come right out and say it, since at the rate the writing is going, I will most likely end up finishing later than I'd anticipated.


Not so much the sequel route, but the prequel route. This is actually a set of eight little vignettes showing what JW's drama characters might have been like as kids from the point of view of their mothers. In other words: this was my intended Mother's Day contribution :P But since that's coming up on Sunday, and I''m not even halfway through all of these scenes (I haven't been writing in chronological order, but just in the order I've come up with ideas), it'll end up being a belated Mother's Day tribute.


Those three snippets I just posted? They're from three different characters entirely - knowing that, which ones do you think they are? ;) 


Moving on to other things: some really interesting fanart.



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2 hours ago, kittyna said:

 - Okay, I'll just come right out and say it, since at the rate the writing is going, I will most likely end up finishing later than I'd anticipated.

I know,my guess work was pretty lame:P

2 hours ago, kittyna said:

Not so much the sequel route, but the prequel route. This is actually a set of eight little vignettes showing what JW's drama characters might have been like as kids from the point of view of their mothers. In other words: this was my intended Mother's Day contribution :P But since that's coming up on Sunday, and I''m not even halfway through all of these scenes (I haven't been writing in chronological order, but just in the order I've come up with ideas), it'll end up being a belated Mother's Day tribute.

Aww, that's so sweet of you :thumbsup:

2 hours ago, kittyna said:

Moving on to other things: some really interesting fanart.

Come to think of it, Zorro and Bridal Mask have a lot of similarities, both were fighting occupation of foreigners  and both will lose their loved ones

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21 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

Thumps up for slipping in few teachings of Confucius :thumbsup:, I hope it'll be both engaging and morally enriching to read.


Missed responding to this earlier, so I will now :) 


Thanks for the thumbs-up :star: Doing the research for that particular vignette has been interesting, actually, because I was aware of some of the core ideas in Confucian thought (both from my own family and from exposure to Korean culture via Hallyu), but I hadn't actually sat down and read parts of The Analects or other classic texts (in English translation, of course) before. So it's been a bit of an eye-opener for me as well - that first line I have Gyun Woo saying, for instance, is a proverb I've grown up with, but I hadn't known that this was where it came from. By the way, it's also way more concise in Chinese than any English translation I've seen; something more literal would be "Three people walking together; one must be my teacher". Or something like that.


(And no, I didn't get sucked down a research rabbit hole for this fic, what are you talking about? :P )


I'll make sure to post my sources in the Author's Notes when the time comes, in case anyone's interested ;) 


10 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

Aww, that's so sweet of you :thumbsup:


I don't know how sweet it is, actually, since this is for fellow JW fans and not the actual mothers out there :P But that being said, the parent-child relationships in these dramas do deserve more credit, so this has been fun to write so far. You can expect a more interactive Mother's Day themed post in the near future as well.


10 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

Come to think of it, Zorro and Bridal Mask have a lot of similarities, both were fighting occupation of foreigners  and both will lose their loved ones


lol - I've heard of Zorro (and recognize his look and his mark, of course), but I'm not familiar with his actual story. So I'll take your word for it :) 


In the meantime, today, I'm whipping up the JW Drama Girls edition of Scattergories!



Scattergories - JW Drama Girls/Female Leads Edition


Quick rundown of the rules:

  • Don't overthink this - just go with your gut response
  • You are allowed to repeat or leave out any characters of your choice
  • You are invited to provide reasons or further explanation for any of these, but just the name(s) is good, too.

So here goes - enjoy!


1. The one that I think is the best girlfriend

2. The one that would annoy me in real life

3. The one that I'd want to be best friends with

4. The one with the house/apartment I'd most want to visit

5. The one with the best fashion sense/style

6. The one that I think is the girliest

7. The one that I think is the biggest tomboy

8. The one that I'd want beside me in a fight/argument (i.e. you're working together against a common opponent)


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6 hours ago, kittyna said:

1. The one that I think is the best girlfriend

Cha Yoon-seo- She is fun to hang out, sweet and strong at the same time. I think she as high emotional intelligence out of all the JW drama female leads, which implies that she is empathetic and understanding that's important quality to have in any partner male/female :D


6 hours ago, kittyna said:

2. The one that would annoy me in real life

Shin Yoo-kyung- I think she is more or less like Gu Ma Jun, so I think it she is also annoying like him


6 hours ago, kittyna said:

3. The one that I'd want to be best friends with

Seol Nae-il- She is loyal,fun to hang out and will always be with you in good and bad times


6 hours ago, kittyna said:

4. The one with the house/apartment I'd most want to visit

Baek Ja-eun


6 hours ago, kittyna said:

5. The one with the best fashion sense/style

Han Yeo-jin- Maybe it's because of her looks, but she looks good in any outfit she choose to wear, she looked stunning even in hospital gown

6 hours ago, kittyna said:

6. The one that I think is the girliest

In Joo won's drama feel leads are not girliest, most of them are independent and strong. But if we have to pick one, it would be Baek Ja-eun, at beginning of the drama she does act girly but like a spoiled brat, eventually her character arcs into mature and understanding

6 hours ago, kittyna said:

7. The one that I think is the biggest tomboy

Well it was hard to choose between Cha Yoon-seo and princess Hye-myung, becasue both of them neck to neck in terms of tomboy behavior, but I'll choose Princess Hye-myung because she can jump high walls of her palace and can also drink well(not that these are the criteria for tomboy, but too unconventional of lady-like characters):P

6 hours ago, kittyna said:

8. The one that I'd want beside me in a fight/argument (i.e. you're working together against a common opponent)

Han Yeo-jin- She'll not only win over your opponent but also destroys them,so that they'll not cause any trouble further ;)

6 hours ago, kittyna said:

Doing the research for that particular vignette has been interesting, actually, because I was aware of some of the core ideas in Confucian thought

No wonder your writings are full of logic ,maturity and calmness :thumbsup:

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I wonder, what they are talking about? ^_^ The body language of joo wonie shows that they have become pretty close and I might add they look great together with those couple-outfit :tounge_xd:. This what I like about joo won, he gets close to everyone regardless of gender, especially with his seniors. One of the reasons might be he wants to learn from them, so that he can improve his acting skills.

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Again, I'll do replies first, then come back with my Scattergories response.


6 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

Shin Yoo-kyung- I think she is more or less like Gu Ma Jun, so I think it she is also annoying like him


I hadn't thought of that before, actually. But I see what you mean. Most of the female leads in these dramas are strong-willed, but Yu Kyung does take it to the point of being stubborn (i.e. something that could be a strength in moderation becomes a flaw when there's too much). The one thing I do know is that, despite being childhood sweethearts with Kim Tak Gu, she'd probably clash with him a lot if they actually wound up together as adults.


6 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

Well it was hard to choose between Cha Yoon-seo and princess Hye-myung, becasue both of them neck to neck in terms of tomboy behavior, but I'll choose Princess Hye-myung because she can jump high walls of her palace and can also drink well(not that these are the criteria for tomboy, but too unconventional of lady-like characters):P


Ooh...that is a tough choice. Can't wait for my turn :P 


6 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

I wonder, what they are talking about? ^_^ The body language of joo wonie shows that they have become pretty close and I might add they look great together with those couple-outfit :tounge_xd:. This what I like about joo won, he gets close to everyone regardless of gender, especially with his seniors. One of the reasons might be he wants to learn from them, so that he can improve his acting skills.


JW does have a certain magnetism or charm that applies specifically to when he's the hoobae or the younger person in a relationship. Whether it's in musicals, in dramas, or even just out and about in variety shows like 1D2N or Joo Won's Life Log, he just seems to appeal to his sunbaes/elders very naturally. Like, he doesn't really have to do anything because they just end up liking him anyway? Something like that.


Maybe it's because he was so often the youngest (or one of the youngest) growing up or in the early stages in his career - I think it was only starting from Nae Il's Cantabile that he wound up being one of the oldest in the main cast, with the leadership responsibilities that implies in Korean culture.

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3 hours ago, kittyna said:

I think it was only starting from Nae Il's Cantabile that he wound up being one of the oldest in the main cast, with the leadership responsibilities that implies in Korean culture.

I can only imagine, what kind of senior he would be, Like the one who is never late for an appointment, first to come to the set and last to leave, nurturing and strict at the same time. I heard in one of his interview or in an article that he wanted  Shim Eun-kyung  to take the role for Nae-Il role. We was not wrong about her acting skills; she went to win best actress award in Japanese film academy for her role in the movie "The journalist"(First Korean actress to receive it), I pretty sure joo won would have been proud of her hearing this:blush:. Even he met BOA by acquaintance in other to give her tips for acting, unfortunately it didn't had a happy ending:sweat_smile:

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So here are my Scattergories responses:


1. The one that I think is the best girlfriend - Cha Yoon Seo


I love how she's always there for Park Si On: first as a mentor, then as a friend, and finally as a girlfriend. She has a really good intuitive sense of when he needs to be comforted and when he needs to be reminded or reprimanded, and I think that's a quality a girlfriend needs to be able to bring into a relationship.


2. The one that would annoy me in real life - Oh Mok Dan


As much as her tenacity can be her strength, she can also become stubbornly obsessed with her ideals and personal goals to the point of making rash decisions. I think that, in as dangerous an environment as the one in Gaksital, that would get really annoying to have to deal with on a regular basis after a while.


3. The one that I'd want to be best friends with - Cha Yoon Seo


For the same reasons as #1, so I won't say more here :P 


4. The one with the house/apartment I'd most want to visit - Han Yeo Jin


Personally, I think that it would be neat to be able to see what it's like to live in such a huge mansion, even if it's just once. It doesn't hurt that as far as rich K-drama characters are concerned, she actually seems to have a very classy and sophisticated sense of taste. :) 


5. The one with the best fashion sense/style - Cha Yoon Seo OR Han Yeo Jin


I think Cha Yoon Seo has a really nice casual "girl next door" style that's both pretty and practical/comfortable. As for Yeo Jin, she's the master of power dressing out of all of these characters: even working from home in a wheelchair, she immediately dominates the room just from her appearance (clothes, hair, makeup) alone.


I do want to give a quick shoutout to Hye Myung, though - period dramas are also called costume dramas for a reason ;) 


6. The one that I think is the girliest - Seol Nae Il


She's completely obsessed with romance and also has a number of more conventionally feminine hobbies (e.g. sewing, making crafts, etc.). I also notice that she has a very feminine style of dress and seems to prefer pastel colours in her decor.


7. The one that I think is the biggest tomboy - Hye Myung OR Oh Mok Dan


While tough and independent girls seem to be the norm across JW's dramas, these two give me the biggest impression of wanting to actually be boys if they could. Hye Myung, I think goes without saying. As for Oh Mok Dan...she's actually a very tough and courageous girl for her time (plus, she actually wears pants - which was definitely unusual), and can definitely hold her own in a fight.


8. The one that I'd want beside me in a fight/argument (i.e. you're working together against a common opponent) - Hye Myung


While Yeo Jin would also be a good choice, @kireeti2, I think I'd actually be terrified of her tactics (just like Tae Hyun is in the drama); she has a tendency to go further than actual self-defence, and I'm not sure if I want that. Instead, I'm going with Hye Myung due to her wit and determination: when she believes she's doing the right thing, she's never going to give up. She thinks quickly on her feet, and can come up with the perfect comeback should I ever get stuck ;) 

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