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Joo Won 주원 [Drama- The Midnight Studio/ 야한(夜限) 사진관]


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Such a pity, the movie <clocking out> seems really underrated and the interest level does not seem high. Didn't even know Joo Won filmed this movie. Both all 3 are really solid and strong actors so I will be looking out for it! 

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Joo Won Clarifies Past Statement About Ideal Type

Joo Won



During an interview with KBS2’s “Entertainment Weekly,” Joo Wonencounters a blast from the past when an old answer of his comes back to haunt him.

Mentioning that it’s still a topic people associate with the actor today, reporter Kim Tae Jin brings up something Joo Won said six years ago during an appearance on KBS2’s “Happy Together.”

Joo Won 2

At the time, he supposedly said, “I prefer girls with a little more tummy than girls who are too skinny,” when asked about his ideal type.

Amazed that it’s still mentioned years later, Joo Won clarifies that he meant that he doesn’t mind if the girl is skinny or on the heavier side and that their weight doesn’t matter, but it got twisted into, “He only likes heavier girls,” somewhere down the line.

Meanwhile, Joo Won, Kim Sang Joong, and Kim Kang Woo are currently starring in a multi-part web movie, “Overtime.”


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All right, y'all.  Since no one else has put our gorgeous/adorkable alien-fighting man in black here yet, I guess I will have the pleasure of doing so :)

From the Overtime press screening on the 19th:


sources: 1 2 3

And a video which is kind of mostly him:

credit: tenasia10

More over on the movie thread...FYI the first part of the movie is released, but his character hasn't appeared yet, so I didn't bother to post it here.  Next part is coming soon, though (on the 25th)!

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Sooo...he's finally in part 3 of Overtime!  (And presumably part 4.)

Links for anyone who hasn't seen them yet: part 1 / 2 / 3 (all raw, all naver tvcast links...actually, now that I look, some parts appear to have been updated with Chinese subs.  Have no idea how good they are though.)

First two parts are worth watching too, and it's all silly, shiny fun so far.  I'm surprised how entertaining I've found it, actually. :)

And oh my god the hair!  It's cute...maybe that's how to describe it?  And the headband!


More (not spoilers):



Part 4 still to come, on Tuesday.  And then we wait. 

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