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Joo Won 주원 [Drama- The Midnight Studio/ 야한(夜限) 사진관]


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mrdimples said: @ophris can I ask you a question? I have asked this of a few forummers here who are living outside Asia. This is purely in context of trying to understand whether Joo Won's appearance has universal appeal. I am curious as to whether a typical French would find Joo Won good looking?

On the same note, I was wondering if any girl in Spain who had been approached by Joo Won asking for directions to the pizzeria, has been asking who is the great looking guy?

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Cutie just tweeted... looks like he is in Barcelona now and is having fun :)) :D Cutie, U said itz a festival for children... why are U there? U big kiddo, uri cutie maknae :x :x


I wonder if this is the children's festival event that cutie saw. If so, hez lucky bcoz he caught the tailend of it before it ends. Technically, cutie went on 4 Jan coz Spain is abt - 8 hrs from SK time.


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ctfrsgp said: Cutie just tweeted... looks like he is in Barcelona now and is having fun :)) :D Cutie, U said itz a festival for children... why are U there? U big kiddo, uri cutie maknae :x :x -edit- I wonder if this is the children's festival event that cutie saw. If so, hez lucky bcoz he caught the tailend of it before it ends. Technically, cutie went on 4 Jan coz Spain is abt - 8 hrs from SK time. http://www.barcelonacheckin.com/en/r/barcelona_tourism_guide/festivals/childrens-festival.php   

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The first thing i do every morning while waiting for my laptop to turn on, is to check this thread using my phone. Kekeke! This thread is addictive!

Cutie tweeted while i was sleeping~ it really seems like he's having so much fun in Spain. I'm so glad he's enjoying himself. He deserves the break after a very hectic year. Traveling by himself, i think there must be moment when he wishes his 1N2D hyungs were there with him too. He used to travel with them after all.

Joowon-ah, rest and charge up your body energy sweetie! Prepare for another hectic year again~ we're still here, alright? We wont go anywhere. Fighting!

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Guest mindymoe

ophris said: ctfrsgp said: Cutie just tweeted... looks like he is in Barcelona now and is having fun :)) :D Cutie, U said itz a festival for children... why are U there? U big kiddo, uri cutie maknae :x :x -edit- I wonder if this is the children's festival event that cutie saw. If so, hez lucky bcoz he caught the tailend of it before it ends. Technically, cutie went on 4 Jan coz Spain is abt - 8 hrs from SK time. http://www.barcelonacheckin.com/en/r/barcelona_tourism_guide/festivals/childrens-festival.php   

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Guest lilyperry

Congratulation !!! I want too!

cr:A Song For You

‪#‎AS4U‬ Announcement!!!

Two stories were selected for the 15th EP (with ‪#‎Joowon‬) of A Song For You!

For those of you who were selected, we will be sending you an autographed programbook and album of "Joowon"! (per One video submission.)

Thank you

@ Fatima Boudaya (from Tunisia)

@ Kelly Lee & Minjoo Kwon (from Australia)


Please send the following information via facebook message.

(Full Name / E-mail / Mobile Phone Number / City /Country/ Address / Postal Code)


Thank you everyone for participating!

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Backtracking to JooWon's A Song 4 U. I've rewatched it a few times and tried to lip read JooWon when he was beeped out when asked when he contacts his daddy. It's not "ssul" or "alcohol" but rather "kakao talk". They can't mention any brand names  on shows that have not been sponsored. So he talks to his daddy through KakaoTalk (most popular social messenger in Korea!). So even blurted out "Kakao talk" to which JoKwon said in genertal "messenger". ^___^

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Thanks @ophris and @raito1310 for replying to my question.

I sometimes need to wrap my head round the fact that people in the West are changing their perspective on beauty. For decades, the world has followed the West in the definition of beauty. I guess appreciation of Asian beauty is not new but largely termed as exotic and restricted to mainly the female gender. I may be wrong as I am no student of such area of study but I don't think the Asian man has been sought after as much. It was quite funny to me when I once happened to watch a Kpop concert held in Europe. I cannot remember what it was but suffice to say, a number of kpop bands both male and female performed in front of thousands of screaming European fans.

I posed this question to some forummers here who are living in the West but quite a number are ethnically Asians, born or live in the USA, Canada or Europe. Of course, agreeing on whether a person looks good or not is not so much dependent on your race but more on taste. Still, we cannot be helped but be influenced by the country and culture we grow up in.

This reminds me of something funny. During Bridal Mask days on the drama thread, someone asked why is Joo Won so "hairless" and is it typical of Asian men. The answer is yes, typically East Asian man are less hairy. By the way, I just love his fuzz on Ojakgyo Brothers, so cute. @coolreborn has been working on a thesis on Joo Won's body hair but she has been stuck in one particular area. Let's see if she will get her doctorate on it and share her findings.

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Just saw the chinese translation of cutie's tweet. Here's my rough translation with paraphrasing -

He said:

Spain Barcelona held some celebration events for the children on 5 Jan. Reached the hotel, went to the street beside it to check out the fun and got some candies... Omo... what are these blue candies?

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ctfrsgp said: Just saw the chinese translation of cutie's tweet. Here's my rough translation with paraphrasing - He said: Spain Barcelona held some celebration events for the children on 5 Jan. Reached the hotel, went to the street beside it to check out the fun and got some candies... Omo... what are these blue candies?

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This is just out of curiousity. I hope @simplydramafied1082 and those well acquainted with K-ent can help me out. Idk if I'm just Joo Won-biased but I seem to see a lot of testimonials from his co-workers (actors to staff) of his work ethic and personality, especially the senior actors. Do other artists get such testimonials? Or is it just a few individuals?
oh and btw, HAPPY BIRTHDAY @mikhaella75 !!!! My birthday wish for you is that you'd get to see Cutie up close and hug him!!! 

Here's a Gaksital-themed cake for you!


oh and remember... Joo-Won-joo-won-34740551-500-241.gif
Joo Won loves you and we do too!!

p.s. missing our Cutie maknae on 1n2d. T_T

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@moonandhearts - Frankly I have been always been a follower of k-dramas and movies from 2005 onwards, more than K-pop. I got into K-pop much later due to watching a lot of variety shows. So strictly being non- Joo Won biased there are other artistes who put in a lot of effort for their acting and singing. And their co-workers always speak volumes about their commitment to the job even if it means to change certain parts of their body (like put on or lose weight and sometimes even take tattoos on their body if their role requires it!)
I have a couple of favourite actors and actresses. I will list a few:
1) Yoon Eun Hye - she suffers from pernicious anaemia and due to over work can have heavy fainting spells but despite that she is a committed worker and to the boot. And one of the most generous and kind persons actors behind the scene. She is a female version of Joo Won (according to me :) )
2) Jo In Sung - he is not only a pretty face but a very committed person. He is one of the very few actors who tries to be daring with his choices and a very optimistic man (it took him a long time to shift from his pretty boy image).
3) Choi Min Sik - the "God of Chungmuro". Everyone knows him from Old Boy as the man who avenges his perpetrator for imprisoning him for 15 years. Check out these interviews of his:


4) My personal favourite as of now - Ha Jung Woo. The guy got turned down by many casting agents because of his looks but I watched his "The Chaser" and that's it! The guy shook my spine. Even "Nameless Gangster".
5) Do you watch the variety show "Superman is Back"? Tablo's wife Kang Hye Jung. One of the very few actresses who challenges the existing Chungmuro norms and a real chameleon of an actress.
I will pm you if you are interested in anymore :)

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I pm-ed you @simplydramafied1082 ! Thanks for the response! ^^

I asked because there are lots of interviews or articles about Cutie and his work ethics and personality that it makes me curious if it's the norm for all the actors or not, especially among his age group. Also, reading/hearing such testimonials from Cutie's co-workers makes you love him even more! I can't remember reading such many testimonials while following some other actors (although, I've only really followed a few ㅋㅋㅋ).


Anyhoo, is Cutie back in Korea?


Also, just a few more days til some of the Cuties here will get to see Cutie's flesh Cutie in the flesh! Eeee! Soooo excited for you guys!!! Take lotsa pics and don't forget to smell him for us! ^^

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