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Joo Won 주원 [Drama- The Midnight Studio/ 야한(夜限) 사진관]


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3 hours ago, mrdimples said:


Of course you must! The louder the better. Hey, why not throw in a song while you are at it? And if I still don't get it, wear a placard with the words "S.A.R.C.A.S.M" These days, subtlety is out. In-your-face is in. We all learn something new, don't we? I had always thought cliffhangers happen at the end of an episode, how wrong I was! 

Oh dear, this is not how it turns out. The " sarcasm you missed " has nothing to do with you personally.Why would I want to diss you and get an earful of having to shout louder, sing, wear a huge placard , get chided for lack of subtlety, and something about cliffhangers.

It's about sarcasm for the popular drama as quoted below.

First to emulate a current popular drama, it must be BIG budget, pre-production, exotic location, writer whose characterization of the male is macho, rugged, handsome, and the female bland, pre promotional blitz, effective marketing..... etc. There I've summarized what's ailing the ratings in the Korean film industry.**** ( sarcasm, sarcasm, sarcasm sarcasm .... after which here, I add the maniacal laugh. hahhahahhahahahahha )  ***

Plus weak agencies who do not look out for their actors. That's why kudos to Joo Won for his supreme hard work in making YP and his other dramas huge successes. To a lesser actor, YP may pale without JW's passion and his dedication , even when conditions are adverse

 ( Then here without all the all the well-oiled popular dramas, JW achieved success )

Remind me to tread softly and carefully in this thread. :vicx:



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13 minutes ago, lavender2love said:

Oh dear, this is not how it turns out. The " sarcasm you missed " has nothing to do with you personally.Why would I want to diss you and get an earful of having to shout louder, sing, wear a huge placard , get chided for lack of subtlety, and something about cliffhangers. 


LOL, now that's a perfect example of how I fare even worse than you in being sarcastic! Hey relax my dear, it's my fault. I always think people can read between my lines when my lines are really eh.....how shall I put it....like a joke that falls flat? 

I guess you didn't watch that 'current popular drama', did you? If you did, you'd gotten all digs about lack of subtlety, throw in a song and cliff hanger. 

I do apologize, I had assumed you'd get my sarcasm ;) about the drama. Hope this clears any misunderstanding. My bad, really. 


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Why will you want to diss about some other drama just because it is doing great... There are Joo Won fans who are watching that drama and like it too. Different people have different taste and one can't deny 70% awesomeness despite 30% bad ones. No drama is perfect. You may see it as the other way round for what it is but it is not a good point to say it here. Joo Won fans are supposed to be open-minded I thought? 

Actually,it should not even bring up to here in the first place if it is about other drama. If you love it,go to that thread.Don't like it,comment it at Dramabeans or Koala. Or keep it. I am closely following that drama and loving it so much. But it is really irritating to see things here about it,some more from my beloved Joo Won's fans.


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9 minutes ago, mrdimples said:


LOL, now that's a perfect example of how I fare even worse than you in being sarcastic! Hey relax my dear, it's my fault. I always think people can read between my lines when my lines are really eh.....how shall I put it....like a joke that falls flat? 

I guess you didn't watch that 'current popular drama', did you? If you did, you'd gotten all digs about lack of subtlety, throw in a song and cliff hanger. 

I do apologize, I assume you'd get my sarcasm ;)



Well, you had me there.....!! Popped some goosebumps . :sweatingbullets: I also think you qualify for a drama about sarcasm. ( no, not sarcastic ....REALLY !!!! ) Just put it into context. 

Heh..... I did watch 1st and 6 episode only, it bored me so I didn't quite finish it. I just didn't go into DOTS thread. I read DB alternative site ( forgot which ) where they were less kind,  M U C H    L E S S  kind.

Oh now I get it....... the car that was teetering over the edge of a cliff....so that's where the cliffhanger sarcasm is.

Okay peace rules again..... cleaning out ears with soft cotton buds. :P:rolleyes:


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21 minutes ago, Ma OO said:

Why will you want to diss about some other drama just because it is doing great... There are Joo Won fans who are watching that drama and like it too. Different people have different taste and one can't deny 70% awesomeness despite 30% bad ones. No drama is perfect. You may see it as the other way round for what it is but it is not a good point to say it here. Joo Won fans are supposed to be open-minded I thought? 

Actually,it should not even bring up to here in the first place if it is about other drama. If you love it,go to that thread.Don't like it,comment it at Dramabeans or Koala. Or keep it. I am closely following that drama and loving it so much. But it is really irritating to see things here about it,some more from my beloved Joo Won's fans.



Peace girl ....... !!!!! Please read postings in their context. Kdrama per se is not the same as the point I raised about Korean film industry which is getting less profitable unless your drama has bottomless budget, and other details that I mentioned. Now how would small financially stretched production houses fare? They'll be squeezed. All this talk was hypothetical only in context to the joke about coffee and that joke began in JW's thread. 

In a forum anything goes, all in the name of freedom of speech. So do expect mild ribbings here and all over the forums. After all I remember there were a lot of dissing about Yong Pal in this thread and elsewhere.

But it's fine with me if you want to keep this thread pristine.  I'll just tread mindfully or not at all.





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Mountia's Facebook Message:
화이트데이를 맞아 주원이 전하는
사랑의 메시지 “여러분 사랑해요♡”
해외에서도 차 안에서도 마운티아 모델 주원의
팬들을 위한 사랑은 계속됩니다^^*

MOD EDIT: please put large picture files under spoiler tag as it makes loading the page difficult for some users 




Credit: 마운티아 Mountia via. Facebook

Oops, sorry it's in a spoiler guys.

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5 hours ago, lavender2love said:


Peace girl ....... !!!!! Please read postings in their context. Kdrama per se is not the same as the point I raised about Korean film industry which is getting less profitable unless your drama has bottomless budget, and other details that I mentioned. Now how would small financially stretched production houses fare? They'll be squeezed. All this talk was hypothetical only in context to the joke about coffee and that joke began in JW's thread. 

In a forum anything goes, all in the name of freedom of speech. So do expect mild ribbings here and all over the forums. After all I remember there were a lot of dissing about Yong Pal in this thread and elsewhere.

But it's fine with me if you want to keep this thread pristine.  I'll just tread mindfully or not at all.






Yong Pal being JW's drama,it is fine that we can talk about it as long as we didn't cross the line.We do have freedom of speech,hence we can say what we want but it is our part to think to be or not to be.

After all,this drama is other actor's drama.Why will we want to say here?Not 1 or 2 posts but a few? It is so glaring for other readers.Not all readers are JW's fans.What I simply want to do is avoid fan wars.Because they are everywhere.JW fans are already notorious elsewhere for being super proud.Nothing wrong because we are and our boy is one of the best.But I don't want them to think that we are closed minded people who have no respect to other too as we love to talk bad about other actor's dramas in our actor's thread.

I don't intend to keep this place clean,hence the moaty talks.But I do mind the reputation that JW will have due to our actions.

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10 hours ago, Ma OO said:


Yong Pal being JW's drama,it is fine that we can talk about it as long as we didn't cross the line.We do have freedom of speech,hence we can say what we want but it is our part to think to be or not to be.

After all,this drama is other actor's drama.Why will we want to say here?Not 1 or 2 posts but a few? It is so glaring for other readers.Not all readers are JW's fans.What I simply want to do is avoid fan wars.Because they are everywhere.JW fans are already notorious elsewhere for being super proud.Nothing wrong because we are and our boy is one of the best.But I don't want them to think that we are closed minded people who have no respect to other too as we love to talk bad about other actor's dramas in our actor's thread.

I don't intend to keep this place clean,hence the moaty talks.But I do mind the reputation that JW will have due to our actions.


Let's look at this in perspective.

It's acceptable to advertise about another drama here as long as you can coddle to the feelings of Dots fans.    M U S T N O T   I R R I T A T E them. 

Posted 28 February

BTW, Descendats of the Sun is a good drama storywise. SJK is seriously beyond amazing there. Even SHK shined on this drama. SJK and SHK's chemistry is at par. You guys should try watching. You will not be disappointed. 

Also,......... I am closely following that drama and loving it so much. But it is really irritating to see things here about it,some more from my beloved Joo Won's fans.


BUT THIS NOT .... ?????  And mind you it is not even a criticism as criticisms go. It's an opinion gleaned from information about the rather dismal Korean film industry, where conditions are so difficult  that the only way to have high ratings are the reasons that I mentioned below. What chances other artists have if they have to abide by horrendous Korean style film making. Hello... not everybody is the chosen one of KBS money splashing. Rather demoralizing yes? No wonder Korean artists go to the mainland for better working conditions.

Posted yesterday :cold_sweat:

Now we get cracking for a film for JW. First to emulate a current popular drama, it must be BIG budget, pre-production, exotic location, writer whose characterization of the male is macho, rugged, handsome, and the female bland, pre promotional blitz, effective marketing..... etc. There I've summarized what's ailing the ratings in the Korean film industry. Plus weak agencies who do not look out for their actors. That's why kudos to Joo Won for his supreme hard work in making YP and his other dramas huge successes. To a lesser actor, YP may pale without JW's passion and his dedication , even when conditions are adverse

FAN WARS here ?  You haven't seen a real battle front, blood spurts like fountains. Not at all over here.......I think !!  So many nice Joo Won fans here who are good natured and appreciative of opinions.

Hey, where is this coming from .?.... as we love to talk bad about other actor's dramas in our actor's thread. ( Scratch head !!! )

It's okay....... no hard feelings yes ? I bid you Au revoir :vicx:





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What is meant to come, will come... fortunately I am already mentally prepared for his enlistment since last year. If there is not any suitable role in the upcoming drama lineup, I would rather JW goes serve his obligation now with Yongpal being his last k-drama on his resume before his enlistment. At least it is a successful project. This is my personal view.

Joo Won accepted to Seoul police promotional unit


[단독]주원, 서울경찰홍보단 합격 통보…입영일자는 미정

기사입력 2016.03.16 오전 6:30
최종수정 2016.03.16 오전 8:15
댓글657번역언어 선택
배우 주원(사진=이데일리DB)

[이데일리 스타in 김윤지 기자]배우 주원이 의무경찰 선발시험에 최종 합격했다. 

서울지방경찰청은 최근 제340차 의무경찰 선발시험 최종합격자를 발표했다. 이중 주원(본명 문준원)이 예능 특기병(서울경찰홍보단)으로 합격자 명단에 올랐다. 

주원이 예능 특기병으로 입대할지 언제 입대하는지 아직 정해지지 않았다. 주원은 현재 차기작을 검토하고 있어, 입대 시기를 신중히 살피고 있다. 앞서 배우 박기웅이 호루라기 연극단에 합격했지만, 특기병 입대를 포기하고 일반 의경으로 국방의 의무를 다했다. 

서울경찰홍보단인 호루라기 연극단은 2000년 5월 창단됐다. 서울지방경찰청 및 서울시내 경찰서 의경 위문 공연과 청소년 단막극, 아동범죄 예방 공연, 소외계층을 배려하는 콘서트 등을 통해 서울 경찰의 이미지를 부각시키는 데 앞장서고 있다. 배우 조승우, 류수영, 이제훈, 김동욱, 개그맨 최효종 등이 이곳에서 복무했다. 

지난 2006년 뮤지컬 ‘알타보이즈’로 데뷔한 주원은 드라마 ‘제빵왕 김탁구’(2010), ‘오작교 형제들’(2011), ‘각시탈’(2012), ‘7급공무원’(2013), ‘굿닥터’(2013), ‘내일도 칸타빌레’(2014), 영화 ‘특수본’(2011), ‘캐치미’(2013), ‘그놈이다’(2015) 등에 출연했다. 지난해 드라마 ‘용팔이’(2015)로 ‘2015 SBS 연기대상’에서 대상의 영예를 누렸다. 

김윤지 (jay@edaily.co.kr)


Source: http://m.entertain.naver.com/read?oid=018&aid=0003500543

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Joo Won accepted to Seoul police promotional unit



Article[Exclusive] Joo Won accepted to Seoul police promotional unit

Source: E-Daily via Naver

1. [+1,423, -92] That unit's basically the second celebrity soldiers unit

2. [+1,342, -162] The promotional unit... he should just enlist active duty, what a disappointment

3. [+1,083, -110] He's looking for an easy ride, isn't he

4. [+937, -56] Please get rid of that unit

5. [+849, -74] Aigoo ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ talk about an easy ride

6. [+365, -20] I guess 'Bridal Mask' was just a drama, in reality he's just another promo unit

7. [+331, -15] Take a moment to give respect to the soldiers who served active duty and in the marines...

8. [+313, -13] He should just go active duty, how is he going to deal with the backlash of this?

9. [+314, -23] I'm a Joo Won fan but... this isn't something I can support ㅠㅠ


nooooo the backlash TT TT and does it means he'll go immediately? I'm gonna miss him.... :tears:

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China’s Huayi Buys 26% of Korean Talent Agency SIM Entertainment

The Priests

Huayi Brothers Media, China’s leading film studio, has bought a 26% stake in South Korean talent management firm SIM Entertainment.

Making the investment through its music subsidiary, Huayi is paying $19.5 million (RMB127 million) for just over a quarter of SIM, which listed its shares on the KOSDAQ exchange in September last year.

SIM represents top tier actors including Kim Yoon-seok (“The Priests”,) Yoo Hae-jin (Veteran”,) Joo Won (“Fatal Intuition”) and rising actress Lim Ji-yeon (“The Treacherous”.)

The move is expected to lead to a higher degree of cooperation between the two companies, with exchange of talent, game developers and production capacity flowing in both directions.




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I didn't want to add fuel to the fire but I think I should say something because I had a part to play in starting the fire albeit unintentionally. 

When I saw @Ma OO posts, I had thought she was referring to me or at least it included me. I made my point, she made hers and I'd just let sleeping dogs lie. Having read your rebuttals, I think I will share my opinion on some of the things brought up. 

16 hours ago, lavender2love said:

It's acceptable to advertise about another drama here as long as you can coddle to the feelings of Dots fans.

There's no soompi rule governing this or anything close in this forum. When @coolreborn was not catnapping on this thread, she strongly discourage discussion on any other actors than Joo Won on this thread. This meant you can neither praise or criticize another actor. Of course we flout it every now and then but I see merit in that approach. Criticizing another actor can easily spiral into vitriol at best and fan wars at worst. Praising or fangirling over another actor in this thread is just annoying or inconsiderate of others who don't share the same adoration. Since this is a JW thread, the acceptable is just focus on Joo Won. As I have mentioned, this is easier said than done because all of us do watch other actors and dramas. 

16 hours ago, lavender2love said:

What chances other artists have if they have to abide by horrendous Korean style film making. Hello... not everybody is the chosen one of KBS money splashing.

I have never been on the bandwagon of any highly rated dramas like TMTETS or hallyu ones like Heirs or YCFAS. Dots confirmed that I am in the minority. So, I do get your drift. However, I also think the audience get what they want. If a drama is successful, more writers, PD, production, stations, actors will emulate it. To you, Mac and Cheese is junk food but if it's loved by the majority, I am sure there will be plenty of places serving it. Look at it from the business point of view, KES will be the most sought after writer and SJK the most sought after actor, not to mention the monetary part of it. Show business is at the end of the day, just another business. It will go where the money is. So where does that leaves us(maybe just you and me, LOL)? Hope that some writer will be crazy enough to buck popular trend or tested formulas to give us creative work. Hope that some PD and/or writer will have integrity in their work to stick it to the higher ups and find success like in Signal. Hope that some actor will doggedly keep to his path of being a actor whether he's successful or not. Hope that we will still get the dramas to enjoy even if they aren't popular or mainstream. 

-edit- forgot to add

Don't let me mislead you into expressing out loud your opinions about just anything. I am the type who seldom bothers about what others think especially what other fans think when I reached my trigger point. 

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Joo Won accepted as police's special promotions unit. "Will choose the next drama and join the army"

Source | 2016/03/15 | 222 views | Permalink|


Joo Won has been accepted as special promotions unit of the Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency.

Joo Won's agency, Sim Entertainment stated on the 16th that, "Joo Won is accepted as the special promotion unit of Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency and will decide on the next drama first before he joins the army".

Joo Won was born in the year 1987, and he's required to join the army this year. He has applied as the 340thconscripted policeman and got accepted from Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency. 

Meanwhile, Joo Won made his debut through a musical 'Alta Boys' in 2006 and became famous in 2010 through 'Bread, Love and Dreams'. He later participated in various dramas such as 'Ojak Brothers', 'Bridal Mask', "Good Doctor" and "Yong Pal"


I expected him to enter army as active soldier.Well,No man is perfect.I hope Knetizens will stop giving him hard time.He is getting hatred which I feel sorry for.

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I do not understand the backlash over his choice of how to serve his country. If war were to recommence he would fight but for now he will be filling what his country has determined to be a service to the country. And while it is mainly a PR unit, this is not some elite unit that never does any other police activities.


BTW: I have a good friend who served in this capacity and I take his word on the workings of the unit.

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Joo Won Passes Exam for Police Promotional Unit Ahead of His Military Enlistment

LINE it!
Joo Won Passes Exam for Police Promotional Unit Ahead of His Military Enlistment

Actor Joo Won has passed the examination for the police department in the military as his enlistment date approaches.

Joo Won’s agency, Sim Entertainment, stated on March 16, “Joo Won got accepted into Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency’s special promotion unit. His enlistment date is not confirmed yet.”

It continued, “He is currently looking over his next project. He will enlist in the military after this one.”

Meanwhile, this Seoul police promotion division, among other duties, holds concerts and musicals for the elderly and disabled and for events related to crime and accident preventions. Other celebrities who served in this group include, Cho Seung Woo, Ryu Soo Young, Lee Je Hoon, Kim Dong Wook, and Choi Hyo Jong.


Source: http://www.soompi.com/2016/03/15/joo-won-passes-exam-for-police-promotional-unit-ahead-of-his-military-enlistment/

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Though I don't comment here much, regarding the news on his enlistment, the media outlets on wording or reporting the news seems to cause the backlash.

Many young males enlist either in the army / navy / air force / police, since it is part of active duty. Definitely he is joining as an active solider and not as a non active soldier since the latter would be public administration.

I am gonna be blunt - we are over reacting too much because the "news" is what we believe here. And about people calling it the "celebrity squad"; if the male was not a celebrity and just another normal male and enlisting in this department would we still be calling it as a non active duty?

Folks, it is just "fans" and "internet warriors" who are creating this unwanted backlash. Most of the internet articles are reporting JW's enlistment as another actor who is due to finish his national service. Let's try to get over this unwanted hype.

Maybe my words might sting few of the readers, but not sorry about it.

Let's try to be the fans of JW as we were always and support his works because at the end of the day we are fans of his work and the person he is. His personal choices about his life and career are not what we should be intrusive about nor make comments about it.

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5 hours ago, Ma OO said:

I expected him to enter army as active soldier.Well,No man is perfect.I hope Knetizens will stop giving him hard time.He is getting hatred which I feel sorry for.

Y'know, I too expected him to enlist as an active soldier. I have to admit I'm a little disappointed at the news. I don't know what it's like in S.Korea, but from the looks of the responses, the reputation these units get aren't very different from how people view the music and drama unit in the Singapore Armed Forces as well. I know people who got into the music and drama unit in the SAF, and truth is, they don't get much respect if they appeal to get posted there; people say a lot less if they are simply posted there because the military have decided so. I guess with his work ethic, people expected him to serve in an active unit. But all that said, (1) I'm not S. Korean and (2) I'm not male and (3) it's Joo Won's life. I'm sure he has his reasons. He might even have a health condition that's not known to the public. Who knows? It could well also be because of his agency that he tried for the unit. Until he gets an actual posting letter, it's not yet confirmed which unit he'll go to right? Oh wells...

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1 hour ago, gilaswan said:

Y'know, I too expected him to enlist as an active soldier. I have to admit I'm a little disappointed at the news. I don't know what it's like in S.Korea, but from the looks of the responses, the reputation these units get aren't very different from how people view the music and drama unit in the Singapore Armed Forces as well. I know people who got into the music and drama unit in the SAF, and truth is, they don't get much respect if they appeal to get posted there; people say a lot less if they are simply posted there because the military have decided so. I guess with his work ethic, people expected him to serve in an active unit. But all that said, (1) I'm not S. Korean and (2) I'm not male and (3) it's Joo Won's life. I'm sure he has his reasons. He might even have a health condition that's not known to the public. Who knows? It could well also be because of his agency that he tried for the unit. Until he gets an actual posting letter, it's not yet confirmed which unit he'll go to right? Oh wells...


I don't know if the Korean MS works the same as SAF when it come to posting. Can he still choose or it is chosen? I have my friend who is working as clerk in SAF. Despite having bad health condition,and it is known to other,many people and some of his "friends" still disrespect him.Music unit,drama unit,administrative works..it is all deemed as slacking units despite the reasons behind the postings.

I have always thought that he is way too healthy to be in active duty.But it is his choice and I support it. I just hope knetizens will leave him alone and that his name is not tinted.Because the comments are too harsh.

,Come to think of it,it seems like 1/3 of his life is being a police officer. Out of 7 dramas he did, 3 of the roles are police officer( Ojakgyo Brother,Bridal Mask, & great civil servant).

Out of 5 movies he did,3 of them are related to police and investigation (S.I.U,Catch me,Don't click). I think he really to be a policeman or like investigating.Coupled with passion of acting,the unit he choose sounds reasonable...Right?



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Ah so another day where I sigh at knetz. The moment I saw the title on NB I knew what I was going to read in the comments. /idk why I still bothered clicking on it

Tbh, I'm not bothered by his decision. But this also goes down to my opinion on conscription in general. (And nah it's not just because I don't want 'oppa' to leave for two years) Whether my faves go this route or join the marines or just any type of active duty, it goes over my head. XD

However, it's a pity that he'll be getting a lot of backlash for this. I hope they don't hold it against him as he does his next drama. 

Anyways, I'm sure he thought well about his decision. Meanwhile I'm just here, still waiting for his next project. :D

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