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Joo Won 주원 [Drama- The Midnight Studio/ 야한(夜限) 사진관]


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simplydramafied1082 said:

Gosh!!!!! Again 10 pages backlog HU-HU-HU!!!!! But hoards of treasure  >:) Thank you sooooo much @jjsweeter0211, @stearly and @coolreborn for the express screencapping. And also thanks to @stearly and @goldlotus for the gifs. My PB storage is increasing every 12 hours :DI couldn't make it for the second mass tweet, but I have retained @moonandhearts picture in case we have another mass tweet coming up soon :)P.S: In regards to @daydreamsindecember idea for sending Cutie caps as souvenirs, I came up with this epiphany  :-\"  . Recently on DC a pic appeared and posted by a few here - Cutie in his class at SKKU. So he is planning to finish his study course - do you think it is feasible to get him a graduation robe with a logo of our thread stitched behind; something like a memory which could serve as something personal for him later on :)  ?Maybe it is logistically not reasonable but just thought of sharing this idea with you all here :)

I was planning to bring along the caps when I go to Seoul for the musical. But if for some reason I can't do the trip, I will have to send them. I wonder if it's safe to just mail them to Sim Ent address. Perhaps we can check with @jwthfc who is in his offical fan club.

As for your idea of getting him the graduation robe, I was thinking where or how would Joo Won keep it? We have seen that this man possesses no wardrobe and stuffs his clothes into the cubby holes of some shelf (yes, on the recent 1N2D they were at least neatly stacked up but I'd think the usual state is rolled up :D) Should we make him a clay figurine in graduation robe? or a mortar board? Sorry...I am going on a pragmatic streak here...something smaller for him to be able to display. Alternatively, it could be something he can use. We already know of his fondness for caps, that's why the suggestion came about. Maybe there are some other things he uses? I got a feeling those neck pillows and that Burberry throw over are gifts from fans.

@mrdimples it's ok if you send to SIM Ent address..Sometime korean fans sent by postal too..but they wrote in Korean. If you print out sim ent adds in korean, that will be better^ ^.

I just came back to my country last night, o may not able to access the internet oftenly T.T..sorry if i replied late.

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meinitafitriana sari said: class="entry-title" style="margin-top: 12px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 12px; margin-left: 0px; padding-top: 0px; padding-right: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px; padding-left: 0px; border-top-width: 0px; border-right-width: 0px; border-bottom-width: 0px; border-left-width: 0px; border-style: initial; border-color: initial; outline-width: 0px; outline-style: initial; outline-color: initial; font-size: 1.8em; vertical-align: baseline; background-image: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; background-color: transparent; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; line-height: 1.4em; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); text-transform: none; letter-spacing: -1px; background-position: initial initial; background-repeat: initial initial; "UEE asks Joo Won, “Have you forgotten me?”by jennywill - 8 mins ago- Views-

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    It’s been a while since UEE and Joo Won met since their famous ‘Ojakgyo Brothers‘, but rather than expressing her happiness upon reuniting with him, UEE couldn’t help but fluster him as she expressed a bit of jealousy!

    The pair received the TV Rookie Award together at the 48th Baeksang Arts Awards last year. However, after that, during a few interviews, Joo Won had chosen his ‘7th Grade Civil Servant‘ co-star Choi Kang Hee as his best partner. When UEE stood with Joo Won on stage to give the 49th Baeksang Arts Rookie Award just recently on the 9th, she demanded an answer, asking, “Last year, we received this award together and were overcome with emotion, but then afterwards you chose Choi Kang Hee sunbaenim as your best partner. Have you forgotten me?“.

    The question flustered Joo Won, who laughed awkwardly before he offered, “Recently, the show I had the most fun watching is ‘Jeon Woo Chi‘ (UEE’s starring drama). I had a lot of fun watching it,” cheering up UEE just a bit.

    Good save, Joo Won!

    Cr : Allkpop.com

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Cutie is always looking out to see if his partner's gown is getting into her way. When they walked on the red carpet to the platform where they posed for pictures, he kept looking down to see that her gown doesn't trip her.

Aww... That is just so sweet of him. While the other MC kept looking at the fans and camera, Cutie is looking out for his new noona. I don't know if it's just me but noona isn't all that thrilled. :(

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This is the original pics of the ones I posted before.

Awwww.... those two girls really know how to use Cutie's arms. ;))

And maybe this is the dentist..?


And this is the place, its a Dental Clinic. Cutie have his dental check-up!!!

Looks like Sim Ent. is one of their customer


And Cutie went here on May 8, 2013. A day before Paeksang.
pics on Remma Dental Clinic cr. to blog.naver.com/reema7799

No wonder he got beautiful, pearly, white-teeth smile. :D

cr as tagged

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I am looking for a gif of him in bridal mask when it show he is his foot up in front of his hyun 
that is very cute and he really look like little boy
you know when i see that scene i was amazed as he really show a innocent and happy and  nice boy 
i am really amazed with his acting 
As in most dramas when they flash back the young time they either find another teen actor to act or they act but there s not much different
but for joo won he can really act like a little boy
amazed me the most is he is so innocent which is very different from adult kangto
i think he very good in eyes reaction as eyes can really shows out emotions
i really think he can act in any roles

i think he can act as twins brothers or three brothers in a drama with different characters 
as he has the ability to be in any roles where by some actors are for certain roles only
but i see joo won has this capability to be any roles 
so i am waiting to see him thousands of faces
he remind me of a manga glass mask inside is a girls who has thousand masks which mean she can act in many roles 

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SOURCE: innolife.co.kr

Joo Won, 'Don't fall down, girl' this is the consideration of a man!

2013/05/10(Fri) 10:51
5877_1.jpg The red carpet event of the 49th Peaksang Arts Awards held at Gyunghee University Grand Peace Place on March 9th. The actor Joo Won is escorting the actress Kim Ah-Joong.
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stearly said:

A video from a fan:

credit: superscv1004

Thank you @stearly for sharing these videos

From the first time KAJ started to trip on her gown, Cutie looked down to make sure she doesn't trip,  almost all the way till they stepped up on the podium. Isn't it just like him? And I totally love the way he smiled at the fans, so genuine so lovely.

Exactly. Maybe that's why people love him. He cares about others perhaps even more than himself. Instead of thinking of getting great red carpet walk pictures (which well he did get... A LOT), he was looking out for his co-mc. I remember reading at softy's blog that when the awards show for the 48th baeksang was over, he was looking out for UEE as they were walking off the stage. He was also constantly looking out for CKH during the 1n2d filming.

I guess he's like that with his hoobaes and female co-stars. Otherwise with his hyungs, we all know how aegi-like he can get! ㅋㅋㅋ

*yay finally off duty which means I can spazz all I want*

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SOURCE: innolife.co.kr

Joo Won, 'Don't fall down, girl' this is the consideration of a man!

The red carpet event of the 49th Peaksang Arts Awards held at Gyunghee University Grand Peace Place on March 9th. The actor Joo Won is escorting the actress Kim Ah-Joong.

If I have a chance to meet his mom, i'm going to say this to her....

"You've raised a fine, young man, Mrs. Moon. He's so blessed to have you as his mom." :)

Awww... Feeling Mother's day in the air already... :))"

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