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Jung So Min 정소민

Guest snowflakesj16

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Guest snowflakesj16

A new article/interview of Jung So Min in Epoch Times ( in Korean) :D JSM Epoch Times

English Translations by The_Zephyr @ Minjoong thread

From Epoch Times

Cr: pinkk3p of Baidu for Chinese Translation

Actress Jung So Min, ‘Acting is to face the many personas of oneself’

-Hi. Since the shooting of the drama has ended, you should be free now right?

“Yes, during the shooting of the drama, we filmed through the whole night until the next morning nearly everyday. I was really very busy, but I am more free now.”

-As an actress, what is acting?

“Although I am only ‘one person’, we cannot have just one defined personality. This is because deep inside our hearts, we have more than one persona. Acting is a profession in which you express those many personas inside your heart. Sometimes one would feel ashamed of this kind of profession, while other times it would rob you of your heart.”

- In ‘Playful Kiss’, how did you feel as you acted alongside Actor Kim Hyun Joong?

“Hyun Joong OPPA is naturally a good person, and is very nice to me. During that time, there were only small jokes, and there was not even a single joke that was too overboard.”

Recently, Jung So Min has been learning how to sing. It is not because she wants to be an idol singer, but because she wants to be a more all-rounded actress. She dreams of being in a musical and on stage.

-    As compared to her age, Jung So Min also has a mature side. It seems that you do not whine and have child-like behaviours now.

“I will. I have done that to my mother a lot of times.’

Pictures from the article. So pretty! :)




Jung So Min in K-Swiss

Credit: jungsomin.com and Naver






So pretty! I'm glad she is resting, but we are still getting updates now and then. 

And I wanted her to act with Yoon Si Yoon when I first saw the NII photoshop. They are both new and promising actors, so a project together would be amazing. Not to mention they look good together. Appeal plays a big factor when it comes to drama viewing.

Yes, they do look good together :) More pics from NII.. I'm not sure if these were posted already.





Seeing these pics, the HyunMin in me really hopes she'll work with Hyun Joong in a CF.. (wish, wish) :D

Sorry for the pic spam.happy.gif

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Guest mijoo-pearl

@ opiod0101: If you don't mind, I would like you to remove your posting about VG interview by jsominchina.com.

I think they are says clear in their post: Prohibit the unauthorized reproduction or reprint arcticles, so please don't make they feel bad. If anyone want to read, please joint jsominchina.com.

Thank you.

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Guest klover3344

hey guys...Ive been frequenting jsominchina.com (i'm not chinese, but I get by using google translate ehehe) and there are some updates there, importantly they have both the full vogue girl and elle interview translated in both chinese and ENGLISH!!! I got to read it, fortunately, but I don't know if I am in the liberty of reposting their copyrighted works here. But, I did get to at least re-type some of my favorite bits from the elle girl interview. (The vogue girl was also interesting, but too long of a retype).

First things first, all these translations are care of JSOMINCHINA.COM. If you guys are to repost it to other blogs, PLEASE CREDIT JSOMINCHINA.COM. thanks.

(note: the ones in green are my own musings and thoughts are not part of the interview, hehe)

So many actors want to get the role of Oh Hani, why did they choose you?

At the second meeting I met with the director and representative. That day was the last episode (of Bad Guy); we stayed up night and I was exhausted. But I turned  to be talkative as soda which is fermented in the condition of an all-nighter. Probably, at that time, I have some similarity with Oh Hani.

Lol I know the feeling of feeling of an all nighter, sometimes it makes you really crazy and bangag (in my native tongue, hehe), basically its close to being drunk, cause you just let go of yourself because you're so sleepy. But this makes me all realize, that with the way things happened ( Bad Guy was rushed due to the lead actor's sudden military draft) Minmin was destined to play OH Hani. 

How do you evaluate your acting according to the original version?

Compare to focus on the artistic features of Hani, I think we should concern more about her spiritual features. Her spirit is worthy of respect. Actually, I think Hani is totally different from me. So many people think there are some similarities between us, but my decision is not made depend on it. Hani influences me a lot during shooting the series and I learn from her a lot.

She has the best Kotoko interpretation, hands down.

Are you compatible with Kim Hyun Joong?

He has his own stable world and thoughts, but the process of knowing each other is funny. If he is a person who is outgoing with everyone, I will not have such a feeling. But he isn't, so I really thank him so much, and we get well with each other.

I love her answer here. I don't know why, but I just do. It's so simple but you get the feeling the time she had with HJ, though at best platonic, is meaningful to her.

Are you a pure and passionate girl like Mone and Hani?

You mean, if I am fall into love, I will lose my mind? To a friend I will love them heart and soul, but for lover, I don't know. I like giving more than accepting.

"I like giving more than accepting". Dammmm. Seriously, her answers are Ms. Universe-level, hahah!!

Do you have a boyfriend?

I have no experience about love.

Omo! So I guess its true she's never had a boyfriend. But then again, knowing Minmin (well, truthfully I dont actually know her in real life, but basing on her interviews), a boyfriend does not necessarily equate love. I just find it impossible she's never dated before.  But then again, (most) guys get intimidated with smart girls easily. yeahhh they're jerks like that.

What's your ideal lover? Is he like the perfect Seungjo?

No, I don't like the person who is perfect like acting. I have no idea about that, but one, the person should not be rude.

SO, what we've all been curious and waiting for, what's her ideal type? her answer: NOT RUDE. haha!!! that is so...random. Ok, so maybe we can narrow it down to, what, one-tenth of the male population?  (Haha are my man-hating ways showing here? lol)

How do you judge your look, we know that you are special and pure.

Being an actor I don't think that appearance is the most important. I am not a star or a celebrity. I feel lucky I am not beautiful as the beauty doll.

Again, here she reiterates that she does not focus on looks. In the vogue girl interview, she basically said she would never think of getting double eyelid surgery. We trust you, Minmin!

What control you most? Sensible or rationally?

Rational, but sometimes I am sensitive. So I try my best to control myself when I am full of passion, but If I am tired I will lose myself.

Minmin, thank you for being passionate in that one exhausted moment; for losing yourself in that all-nighter, because if not, we wouldn't have had our OH HANI!

I love this girl. She is so honest and humble. Maybe it's because she's a complete newbie to the entertainment industry. Her answers doesn't seem manufactured or made up. I adore KHJ...but his interviews are all over the place and it seems like his answers fits to whatever magazine's audience he's pleasing.

snowflakesj16. Thanks for sharing. JSM never looks the same for each photoshoot or article. I like that. She's so versatile...young and innocent or mature and glam.

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Guest opiod0101

@mijoo-pearl, sorry for that, i found that other [chinese blogs] were able to post these same translations in their blogs, so I thought it was okay, but I guess its not? ehhe

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Guest mijoo-pearl

@mijoo-pearl, sorry for that, i found that other [chinese blogs] were able to post these same translations in their blogs, so I thought it was okay, but I guess its not? ehhe

The Chinese website of Min Min is so strict about their stuff. So I was worry if they find out about the articles spread in anywhere, they will actually stop doing English version for MM's interview...

It's my own worry thought... :unsure:

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Guest hyunso27

Mijoo and opiod, maybe the best thing to do is to ask their permission if it's okay to post it to other Minmin related forums. You can tell them that there are a lot of Minmin fans who would like to read it too and cannot join their site because of language barrier. I think, it's the best thing to do . There's no harm in trying :)

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Guest snowflakesj16

Video clip of So Min and other celebrities during the 2nd Korea Jewelry Awards held last month (from SSTV).










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JSM looks so cute during the 2nd Korea Jewellery Awards. Love her smiles

Plz help vote for Playful kiss!!!


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Guest opiod0101

JSM's CY music playlist (credit goes to her baidubar).

1. Drug Dealer (A Love Song) - Sunshine State

2. 키스 해줄래-G.NA

3. One More Time (원모 어 타임) - 김현중

4. 사랑 한다 말할까 - 씨스타 (소유)

5. 우리 처음 만난날 - 한희정

6.Sun and Moon - Simon Bowman, Lea Salonga

8. 어디 에 - U.S.)

9. 혼잣말 - 정엽

10. 기다림은 상처 만 남기고-BMK

11. 웃지 마 울지마-4men, 장혜진

12. 슬픈 여자 - 서윤

13. 고해요 - 4men (Feat. Ben Of Bebe Mignon)

14. 가시꽃 - 정엽

15. 잔소리-IU (With 2AM 슬옹)

16. Aruarian Dance-Nujabes

17. 지금 은 우리 가 멀리 있을 지라도 - 김광민

18. 시간 아 멈춰라-DAVICHI

nos 2-4 are all from PK OST.

nos. 8-14 are all from Bad Guy OST.

no 16 is from Samurai Champloo OST 

love that Sun and Moon is there!

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 I find this interview in the language of Vietnam and I try to translate it into english, sorry if the translation is not good

 Source: http://krfilm.net/f/viewthread.php?tid=127585&extra=page%3D1

CB & EY Interview: Jung So Min - She is so beautiful

Poised, charming, incredibly bravery, after a little more close contact could feel an open heart, seems to Jung than min may be appropriate for many styles.

Right from his first works, has received attention beyond the expected, from the girl in Ne Mo "Bad guy" - after a night have become celebrities in the Ni-to Playful Kiss Ha Oh, she will receive be well received, possibly in an era of many fine women with artificial beauty, character faces, full of natural beauty has become a new part of her property, with beauty seemed spotless under the lens. She do not look like a beginner that has promoted the acting skills of strength and stability to make everyone amazed. Mo Ne from a cold-blooded, calm after shooting yoga gal na Kim, Ha Ni can not stand up to a compromise, the day Kim Hyun Joong stick (Text-does not understand why not use the Beak Seng Jo) then fall into a heap of trouble with rare tenacity. The two roles almost opposite and the contrast has been shown to be flexible makes her viewers feel no force shields.

Make your lens


Maybe you are tired after a continuous period of filming?

Every day late for filming, one day if you are sleeping two hours was a luxury, because my role is almost always a scene from the movie begins.

It's curious to know how you like the characters between two completely opposite roles Oh, and Hong Ha Ni Ne Mo?

Ha Ni Oh I like about perseverance, once I caught up with a problem, even around people say, I will still do as you like. My acting career began like that. Everyone in the family no one is doing in the field of art, so people are opposed. But in the end I still want to do. My imagination is rich, at this point, we are also the same, I think that people like None, ha ha!

You can taste anything else?

I enjoy reading, whether comics or novels, just started reading, I can not put down even to be read until dawn, said even people I do not hear anything, only when I finished it, I would ask everyone that "There has to talk to me?"

When you film that?

On the set would be very difficult for you to not pay attention to others, so I'm trying to find out how to fix this. I especially like reading while waiting for the movie, not like sitting around a room.

Sense of collaboration with Kim Hyun Joong How ?

A bit stressful, I usually do not talk when tired, but it seems he knows, he said "calm down, feel free to go", this has encouraged me a lot.

Think of something he has always found it difficult to get people to doubt, he is with you?

Very well, I have so little character, for example slightly: we can laugh with these conversations that other people do not feel funny.

It seems that you are not completely familiar with the presence of the camera?

At first, I am very aware, has always felt like in his lens, then I think that's changing, as the camera like a friend, my mentor, my mother ... and then feel progressively more comfortable.

You feel increasingly that their people do not care?

I do not calculate capital or attention to those around too, even though they have walked past me in any case, usually only when people say, "Looks like people recognize you," I noticed.

You hear people say that Min Jung So very pretty yet?

Not once, just hear people say I'm pretty friendly and easy to get it. Playful Kiss is possible because the film is adapted from the famous comic so people think tutor, Kim Hyun Joong is also handsome and back temperament like that character so this has made me very worried.

Heard you passed the medical college, you're a model student, huh?

When you reach the scientific know, I was happy enough to feel like the world to achieve this, I was very moved because I do not think that achievement. I thought I just stood at the bottom of the table, actually I think I was lucky.

You showed how to win the competition?

I do not know his performance is truly better than others or not, the only special thing is, most all of my performances are all technical, acrobatic movements, mainly using the expression physical performance, with acting skills that say do not contribute much. Because children learn from dancing, so it may have formed the habit of using body movements to show. But I do not think I performed beautifully, I was editor of a small story to show details.

You have studied dance in a long time, why suddenly quit?

I began to study acting as support for the dance, then oscillates, my teacher advised me to try to implement the Seoul Arts University, and apparently waiting for someone just say that I have the courage to take the exam.

An actor you see something interesting?

Well, now I really feel, when compared with the appearance of acting I really feel the charm of this. Place finish would look at others I feel much emotion, so if compared with performance on the more I want to be the time of acting performances.

Roles do not you want to simulate?

No, I would not be myself if someone goes simulation, there are many respected predecessor. Currently though I'm in any position, is just a new phase begins. Wait until you can do a bit better I would think about other things. But I think now is too early to pursue a certain pattern.

You find yourself with any special talents?

I never thought nothing special at all, but in contrast, often wonders whether he can perform better?, Seems so far have not done your best, so I'm even more worried . I was born quite sensible.

Continue the path not regret


Born in 1989, so everyone feels you are quite young, it seems that nowhere is the youngest you, you feel pressure because of that?

Also quite good, actually, I do not know how to behave with people smaller, I was interested and involved in many things like the type who care about others, but I fear the burden they bring so many choices when I give way.

Heard your ideal is Dea Gu Song in "Cinderlla's sister?"

Yes, it is said that along with the ideal, who can say that lately I feel the most handsome

Have you ever thought if my boyfriend is the type of person may be very great?

I have not thought about it, if I like someone, I will ignore everything.

Many people say that you are mature and sincere.

Before I did not think so, but heard many people say well acquainted. Especially when I interviewed often try to keep yourself steady.

Source: NAVER

Cre: XiaoMo from Jsominchina.com

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Guest snowflakesj16

Videoclip of BTS of Elle Photoshoot with Jung So Min :)


Lovely screencaps by vanila96 :)











NOTE:  If you're going to repost the pictures/screencaps to other sites, PLEASE REUPLOAD THEM TO YOUR OWN ACCOUNT and GIVE PROPER CREDIT. Thanks!

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Guest snowflakesj16

JSM's CY music playlist (credit goes to her baidubar).

1. Drug Dealer (A Love Song) - Sunshine State

2. 키스 해줄래-G.NA

3. One More Time (원모 어 타임) - 김현중

4. 사랑 한다 말할까 - 씨스타 (소유)

5. 우리 처음 만난날 - 한희정

6.Sun and Moon - Simon Bowman, Lea Salonga

8. 어디 에 - U.S.)

9. 혼잣말 - 정엽

10. 기다림은 상처 만 남기고-BMK

11. 웃지 마 울지마-4men, 장혜진

12. 슬픈 여자 - 서윤

13. 고해요 - 4men (Feat. Ben Of Bebe Mignon)

14. 가시꽃 - 정엽

15. 잔소리-IU (With 2AM 슬옹)

16. Aruarian Dance-Nujabes

17. 지금 은 우리 가 멀리 있을 지라도 - 김광민

18. 시간 아 멈춰라-DAVICHI

nos 2-4 are all from PK OST.

nos. 8-14 are all from Bad Guy OST.

no 16 is from Samurai Champloo OST 

love that Sun and Moon is there!

Thanks for sharing this opiod0101!  Been watching Bad Guy recently and I like the OST as well. :)  Love that Sun and Moon is there too. :)

More screencaps from the Elle BTS from vanilla96. Pic spam ... she's just so adorable :)











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Guest opiod0101

hey guys...as you know there's a chinese website jsominchina.com...its a great site with a lot of infos and constantly updated (lol im not the owner of that site though). there are proper english translated interviews there, so it would be great for you guys to see it as well.

ill try to teach you how to register...but honestly i dont know if these steps are the way to go, ehehe in fact i guess it was just a fluke that i was able to register succesfully..ahaha.

1. go to the website.

2. there's a "register" option on the right side below the banner. clickie.

3. a pop up window will show. fill up the four tabs (username, password,password confirm, email)

4. there are two tabs on the bottom part (the one thats side by side). click the left tab, a question will appear, something like, "what is JSM debut answer:badguy" copy and past badguy onto the left tab. then on the right tab, click it there will be hidden letters (about four) then just type these four letters onto the right tab.

5. then there's this bottom- most button...clickie, then voila you are a member already!

to see posts, cause normally, whenever there's a thread for let's say, a translated interview, you can't view it unless you post a reply first (i know its weird but i guess it's their way to populate their website). scroll down you'll see a blank field for your comments, type anything and post away, and then when the page reloads, the interview/picture now shows. complicated, a little bit, but it takes getting used to. BTW use google chrome, they have auto-translate option.

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