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♥ Official Khuntoria Couple Thread ♥


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It's throwback time!!!! Don't forget to post something today! :D


[INSIGHT GIF/ANALYSIS] Regarding Khuntoria’s Authenticity


I’m totally NOT trying to start a fanwar I just want to share my point of view regarding Vic’s “authenticy” when she was with Khun, I’m not saying Vic wasn’t authentic with Kangta, she was, I just want to point some aspects I noticed in her relationship with both.

With Kangta, Victoria, politely, helps him hold the spoon when Kangta tries to feed her, she opens just a bit her mouth and she acts cool and collected while expressing how tasty the cream was; but with Khun, Victoria is just like, mouth wide open waiting for Khun to feed her, and then she ends up shaking her head happily afterwards. 

Don’t get me wrong, I think Kangta and Vic relationship is good, prove of that is how confortable and relaxed Vic was during the show, she even manage to jokingly flirt with her idol because let’s face it, once a fangilr, always a fangirl. But still, I think she was more like a baby when being with Khun, you can see it in this gif, Vic wasn’t really paying attention to her idol image while eating, she just enjoyed being pampered by Khun; besides, psychologically, food has a deep meaning for Vic, she usually shows her love/care to people by cooking for them and she conforts herself when feeling down by making the dishes her mom cooked for her; for Vic, food is her source of strenght, she even said it before, “having a hometown meal can make you feel better/gain strenght” (WGM, ep. 30) 

Psychoanalytically, in the first childhood, food is one of the first ways we have to communicate with the world around us, usually is the mother who provides that food and with that, it creates and determines the bond between the child and the mother which in the future will determine the way we’ll bond with other people, in the best of the cases the mom will provide the child with confort, warm and a feeling of security that the child will perceive as being loved. Vic went to Beijing dance school when she was still a child, food turned for her in something that provides her a feeling of being close to her home/mom; so, it makes sense that Vic makes “her mom dishes” when she feel sad and homesick, because it takes her back to that feeling of security and love. That’s why, sometimes, being feeded puts people in a state of vulnerability, because it is related to the inconscient aspects regarding that very first moment of being feeded, it confront us with the way we perceive the relationship with the people surrounding us at the moment.

That’s why I just feel that this gif,  shows how much, Victoria and Nichkhun, grew closer to each other; I’m sure that you remember We Got Married, ep 7, when Khun tried to feed Vic with  the “Khun” chocolate, her first impulse was to try to grab the chocolate herself, that reaction makes sense, and shows how authentic she was there because they weren’t familiar back there yet, totally different attitude than in this gif, also, I think this gif, beside the closeness between Khuntoria, shows a differente level of trust and dependency towards him; in fact, the other people I’ve seen Vic being that open with while being feeded is Luna (Koala ep.1) and Amber (WGM ep. 54);  both of them her members, both of them people really close to Vic, both, people she trust and depends on. 

I think I ended up just rambling and this is by far, the longer english post I’ve ever written (and I’m not even that fluent, sorry lol) I think what i wanted to say is that I really don’t know if Khuntoria is still as close as they used to be (I hope they are) but at least I know that back there, they were real and authentic and no one can convince me otherwise.

cr: @KV橙艾小诗宝

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Proudly married! :) LOL


Victoria and the wedding ring on Inkigayo 110703


credits to owner


Khuntoria has made me become obsessed with finding the wedding ring on Vic’s finger now lol

So here are more caps of the ring on Inkigayo 110703




credits to Blissy

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[Insight] Khuntoria and their rings

Remember Khun fav song of f(x) NU ABO ? “When you miss me and think of me, touch your couple ring” is one of the lyrics and here, look what we got



f(x) Victoria likes to touch THE ring~ after her performance



2pm Nichkhun also touched THE ring during 2pm press-conf in Taiwan ~




This is the “new rings” that fans have been suspecting them..

I dont know if it’s true of not… But since we are lack of Khuntoria news these day, so I just put these out here, you guy be the judge

Dont forget how they kept touching the cp rings on the last day of WGM






Cr: winnies and baidu and the gifs owners via khuntorialurve

So, Winnies F.B.I. have been super vigilant over the rings both Nichkhun and Victoria have been wearing lately. Their sharp eyes have scored this closer look at the rings in question. Check out the pics below; people are speculating that these are couple rings, what do you think?


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