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Guest t3n5h1_chu_k015h173

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Hope, some nice soul will give a link for episode 3, I can't hardly wait to watch episode 3..

Very interesting plot line not a typical J-drama for my opinion..

Kimura Takuya aged so well, simply delicious...

Here's a link credit to this site which also has veoh and megavideo links as well. The video quality on pandora.tv is pretty decent considering the videos are uploaded not too long after it airs but it can be busy at times especially right after it is uploaded so you might have to wait or sign up.

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Here's a link credit to this site which also has veoh and megavideo links as well. The video quality on pandora.tv is pretty decent considering the videos are uploaded not too long after it airs but it can be busy at times especially right after it is uploaded so you might have to wait or sign up.

Thank you, thank you... God bless....

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Guest t3n5h1_chu_k015h173

Lin Chi-Ling not getting much love for Moon Lovers

Three weeks have passed since Lin Chi-Ling’s first Japanese drama premiered, but the news just seem to get worse every week. Despite having superstar Kimura Takuya as its lead actor, ratings for Moon Lovers dropped to a new low for episode 3. At 15.6%, it marked the second lowest rating for the actor in 14 years! Many netizens are predicting that next episode’s ratings will dip below 15%.

Model-turned-actress Lin Chi-Ling hasn’t had the best of luck since she ventured out into acting. Her signature baby-voice was dubbed over in the second installment of Red Cliff, while her last movie The Treasure Hunter was a big flop. Her acting in Moon Lovers hasn’t been fairing much better as viewers criticized her questionable Japanese and again, her baby-voice. Netizens are also blaming Moon Lovers’ failure on its illogical writing, as well as Kimura Takuya’s never-changing acting.

The ratings of Moon Lovers started off with 22.4%, followed by 19.2% on its second week and further dropped to 15.6% for the latest episode. Some netizens suggested that ratings might have been better if the drama focused on Kimura Takuya and lead actress Shinohara Ryōko instead.

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Guest xserene

^ That's too bad... I like it and I'm looking forward to some more Takuya and Chiling romance

But... if Lin Chiling is the second female lead, does that mean she won't end up with Ren in the end?? T.T

If this story is cliche, I think she should end up with him though...

Here's a link to Episode 3 with English subs: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hNOWxhALMTg

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Guest sp4078

Lin Chi-Ling not getting much love for Moon Lovers

Three weeks have passed since Lin Chi-Ling’s first Japanese drama premiered, but the news just seem to get worse every week. Despite having superstar Kimura Takuya as its lead actor, ratings for Moon Lovers dropped to a new low for episode 3. At 15.6%, it marked the second lowest rating for the actor in 14 years! Many netizens are predicting that next episode’s ratings will dip below 15%.

Model-turned-actress Lin Chi-Ling hasn’t had the best of luck since she ventured out into acting. Her signature baby-voice was dubbed over in the second installment of Red Cliff, while her last movie The Treasure Hunter was a big flop. Her acting in Moon Lovers hasn’t been fairing much better as viewers criticized her questionable Japanese and again, her baby-voice. Netizens are also blaming Moon Lovers’ failure on its illogical writing, as well as Kimura Takuya’s never-changing acting.

The ratings of Moon Lovers started off with 22.4%, followed by 19.2% on its second week and further dropped to 15.6% for the latest episode. Some netizens suggested that ratings might have been better if the drama focused on Kimura Takuya and lead actress Shinohara Ryōko instead.

This article is cruel but hella true.

I'm totally agree with this article. Chi Ling's pronunciation is annoying. Even though my japanese isn't that great, but I'm pretty sure the problem is the baby voice on a 35-year-old woman.

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Guest sabchy

Kimura is one of my fav japanese. actors.

I could deal with a chinese girl but the storyline doesnt make any sense to me

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Guest flyxme.

i love the drama, its great and i cant wait to watch episode 4

and im loving the ren and xiumei romance, shes really pretty!

but ohgawdd her voice is annoying, especially her pronunciation

i wanna shove some sand paper down her throat and come on...

how can someones japanese pronunciation be that horrible? ._.;;

and the clothes they make her wear....but kimutaku is so fine *O*<3

i dont want maemi to end up with him T^T

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Guest winnter

^ thats alright cause i'd rather see maemi with kazami :P i'll admit that i only really watch their scenes :/

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Guest mj07

Lin Chi-Ling not getting much love for Moon Lovers

Three weeks have passed since Lin Chi-Ling’s first Japanese drama premiered, but the news just seem to get worse every week. Despite having superstar Kimura Takuya as its lead actor, ratings for Moon Lovers dropped to a new low for episode 3. At 15.6%, it marked the second lowest rating for the actor in 14 years! Many netizens are predicting that next episode’s ratings will dip below 15%.

Model-turned-actress Lin Chi-Ling hasn’t had the best of luck since she ventured out into acting. Her signature baby-voice was dubbed over in the second installment of Red Cliff, while her last movie The Treasure Hunter was a big flop. Her acting in Moon Lovers hasn’t been fairing much better as viewers criticized her questionable Japanese and again, her baby-voice. Netizens are also blaming Moon Lovers’ failure on its illogical writing, as well as Kimura Takuya’s never-changing acting.

The ratings of Moon Lovers started off with 22.4%, followed by 19.2% on its second week and further dropped to 15.6% for the latest episode. Some netizens suggested that ratings might have been better if the drama focused on Kimura Takuya and lead actress Shinohara Ryōko instead.

I'm really not at all surprised that the ratings for the drama have been dropping, though I'm not Japanese, I wouldn't lay the blame for that on Chi-Ling. I think it has more to do with the other points: the illogical writing and Kimura's acting. Or more than that, his character, who is so unlikable, so unbending, so unreadable that I can't understand why anyone would like him, let alone fall in love with him. We're about half-way through the drama and he's shown no signs of improving; doesn't surprise me that viewers are giving up on the drama. Only character really keeping me watching is Maemi.

I'm rooting for a Maemi-Kazami pairing, though there's also something questionable about his behavior that makes me think she should run away and never look back!

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Lin Chi-Ling not getting much love for Moon Lovers

Her acting in Moon Lovers hasn’t been fairing much better as viewers criticized her questionable Japanese and again, her baby-voice. Netizens are also blaming Moon Lovers’ failure on its illogical writing, as well as Kimura Takuya’s never-changing acting.

The ratings of Moon Lovers started off with 22.4%, followed by 19.2% on its second week and further dropped to 15.6% for the latest episode. Some netizens suggested that ratings might have been better if the drama focused on Kimura Takuya and lead actress Shinohara Ryōko instead.

Get I get an "amen"??

The story makes no sense to me at all, and it's getting stale. The competition between the two companies is a sorry dragged-out backdrop for a poorly written love triangle.

The actress Lin Chi-Ling is not bad, but not good either. The only good points I've been hearing is that she's pretty. Maybe I've been watching too much ANTM, she's pretty but her features are very plain and common, there's nothing else unique about her. At best she can model for a catalog, I don't see her on the runway doing anything avant garde. Her Japanese... maybe... if.... she... speaks... in....complete sentences, then it wouldn't annoy me as much. I have a hard time taking that character seriously because it takes ten minutes for her to say one line.

I agree with many of you about typecasting KimuTaku, which I usually don't mind if the story can carry it, like in Good Luck! and Engine. But this character is so inconsistent and ridiculous that I don't really care what happens to him. Episode 5 isn't any better either, just a re-hash of the same awkward tension, and more confusing decisions made by Rensuke.

Ryoko/Maemi is carrying the drama for me as well. I like her honest quirkiness. And people who don't think she's crushing on Rensuke. Read between the lines. First of all, she's too stubborn to confess to Rensuke, maybe because of their history together as friend. Secondly, out of all the women she's seen Rensuke with, ShuiMei's the best one. So she's doing what she thinks is best for Rensuke by hooking him up with a girl who'll be good for him. Notice her expressions were screaming 'john tesh this mini cooper' whenever she's done 'helping them'. I hope she has the courage to check out of Rensuke's life emotionally and say so to his face. Unfortunately, I doubt she would because she's been in love with him for too long.

And my goodness, how predictable is Kazami just like everything else in this drama. Clearly he's the 'villain in disguise' who's jealous of Rensuke because he's Maemi's crush, and he obviously hates the way he manages the company. I would not be surprised if he's been the mastermind leaking all their information to the media and the competitors.

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And my goodness, how predictable is Kazami just like everything else in this drama. Clearly he's the 'villain in disguise' who's jealous of Rensuke because he's Maemi's crush, and he obviously hates the way he manages the company. I would not be surprised if he's been the mastermind leaking all their information to the media and the competitors.

Hopefully, we get to see more of his mysterious side in ep 5 because I feel like his character is not well developed even as for the rest of the characters in the drama.

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Guest mj07

And my goodness, how predictable is Kazami just like everything else in this drama. Clearly he's the 'villain in disguise' who's jealous of Rensuke because he's Maemi's crush, and he obviously hates the way he manages the company. I would not be surprised if he's been the mastermind leaking all their information to the media and the competitors.

Agreed! Thing is, wouldn't most people be kind of appalled at the way Rensuke is running the company? Plus, he's such a jerk to almost everyone, I don't even feel sorry for him if his company completely fails. Just SUCH an unsympathetic character, really, I can't figure out what the writers are trying to do.

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For xiu mei i don't care about her accent as i don't speak japanese or chinese.Xiu mei is too naive for the city!!!

Well i don't think maemi is helping ren and xiumei to be together.She's just honest with everybody whenever she likes him or not, if they ask her some advise she'll answer the best honestly way possible.That's my thought.

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Guest marinai

Agreed! Thing is, wouldn't most people be kind of appalled at the way Rensuke is running the company? Plus, he's such a jerk to almost everyone, I don't even feel sorry for him if his company completely fails. Just SUCH an unsympathetic character, really, I can't figure out what the writers are trying to do.

Ren is not that bad actually, Xu Mei changed him a bit with her soft side, it's clear that HE IS IN LOVE with Xu Mei and SHE's TOO!!!


At the end, he proposed Xu Mei but the company is facing problems and I think at the end he will have to choose between two options:

1) Marry Matpol's daughter to conserve his PD's seat and Give up on Xiu Mei that he really loves deeply

2) Get fired ....Give up his PD seat!!!

But seems like Xiu Me will help him by deciding to go back to China !!!!!

I really don't get the hate thing about Li Chiling......She's doing great, she's not that fluent in japanese it must be hard on her and Crazy fans don't help at all by saying crap!!!!

The writers are doing a great job so far and I enjoy this show, it's romantic ...Shows that Love can change a man...Will Ren change to the point to choose love over THE WORLD (his dream is to own the world)....(said in episode5)

And Xu Mei 's dream liing in China with her family and the man she loves (Ren) ...How romantic.....I hope it won't be a tragedy !!!!

I'm looooooving this drama !!!!! Every actors is doing fine....Kimutaku is such a charming mature guy!!!!!

PEACE !!!!!

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^ i totally agree with you since actually i'm watching this partly for Xiu Mei...

She's not a japanese so of course her accent will have some problems. Matsuda Shota's chinese accent is VERY weird too to chinese speakers but i don't mind since i know he's not a chinese...

I think the audience are being too harsh on Xiu Mei but i guess she's leaving soon? Since from the preview, she chose to leave Ren for his own good. Too bad... i love Xiu Mei and Ren scenes.

Even though i feel bad for Maemi but i'm still pretty neutral about her character, she's just pitiful but i adore the way how she always support Ren.

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Guest simoneaw

Thank God I was beginning to think that I was the only Rensuke-Xiu Mei fan out here!! I'm really loving this couple so far.

First off, I've never been a fan of Lin Chi Ling, I never understood why she was labeled as Taiwan's beauty queen because I've seen other artistes with better facial features and I always thought her voice was faked. But after following this drama, I do think she has some charisma on-screen, and apparently after watching some interviews I believed that it's really her natural voice. Sure, her Japanese at the start was kind of irritating because in all honesty after watching Japanese dramas for so long even if I've never studied the language I can still recognize the characteristic tone and pace of speech Japanese have. But I guess it wouldn't really go along with her character's background since she was learning it from some really old man that doesn't love Japanese with all that "bastard" thrown in every line. And by Episode 5, her Japanese is more fluent and more similar to the authentic tone and pace so I don't see why people are so upset about that. Even Shota's Chinese isn't fantastic and people forgive him for that knowing he's not Chinese so why can't they do the same for her?

And I for one think Rensuke's interaction with Xiu Mei has been pretty romantic. I get that Maemi most probably the one who understands Rensuke the most, but since the first episode there's a lot of little details between Rensuke's interaction with Xiu Mei that shows he treats her differently. He takes off his sunglasses and makes eye contact when talking to her as a stranger even though he barely looked at his employee when firing him. He's pretty much a cleanliness freak, dissing Xiu Mei twice when her face was rammed onto the car windows and at the construction site, but he still went to find her at the construction site when she disappeared despite the rain when he could have just dispatched someone to get her back before convincing her to stay. He doesn't really like it when people invade his personal space. Most of the time it's Maemi and that other girl who would initiate the close contact. But he initiated the hug with Xiu Mei saying those drop-dead words "I want you." [i love love Kimura!!]

And by 2nd episode, it's clear that only Xiu Mei throws him off his game, can't keep his emotions in check - basically becoming more humanized. He smokes his cigarette every time he's troubled with something that involves her; threatening her with money to get her to be his model, feeling guilty at the dumpling eatery, the pimping dinner, after Kazami suggests sending her back to Shanghai. I also noticed that whenever Rensuke's being a jerk that episode would feature a crescent moon, but episode 4 when he was clearly in love with Xiu Mei it was a full moon - I guess it's suppose to represent Rensuke's change. And in episode 5 it wasn't exactly a full moon; kind of like his regression as he gets all possessive from the way he looks at her sleeping, putting his arm around her, it seemed like he was a little pissed about having her do Ming's laundry. They are polar opposites, be it personalities or their definition of happiness. I wonder if he's going to give up his "world domination" dream and settle for something simpler like Xiu Mei described...

Besides, I think by episode 4 it was pretty obvious Rensuke and Maemi won't happen unless the scriptwriter decides to go with the public opinion and suddenly hit the brakes. Rensuke doesn't seem jealous or anything when he thought Maemi and Kazami were dating, when he thought the onigiri was from her he wasn't particularly touched and he didn't assume that she might be in love with him. I think he really sees her as a good friend and doesn't even consider the possibility of something more. If he ever did, but still continue to confide in her about his feelings for Xiu Mei, then that would be really insensitive even for him and I doubt Maemi supporters would want her to end up with him either.

Most people are complaining how they're gonna hate the show if he doesn't end up with Maemi, but from an objective point of view I'd hate it even more if the scriptwriters let him fall out of love suddenly and make up some crappy get together between Rensuke and Maemi in the remaining 2 episodes. The whole drama would be a total waste of time, not to mention a ridiculous development for the 3 characters that does them no justice.

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Guest marinai

^ i totally agree with you since actually i'm watching this partly for Xiu Mei...

She's not a japanese so of course her accent will have some problems. Matsuda Shota's chinese accent is VERY weird too to chinese speakers but i don't mind since i know he's not a chinese...

I think the audience are being too harsh on Xiu Mei but i guess she's leaving soon? Since from the preview, she chose to leave Ren for his own good. Too bad... i love Xiu Mei and Ren scenes.

Even though i feel bad for Maemi but i'm still pretty neutral about her character, she's just pitiful but i adore the way how she always support Ren.

Thank you !!!

I love them too, and I do think they are both doing well !!!

Thank God I was beginning to think that I was the only Rensuke-Xiu Mei fan out here!! I'm really loving this couple so far.

First off, I've never been a fan of Lin Chi Ling, I never understood why she was labeled as Taiwan's beauty queen because I've seen other artistes with better facial features and I always thought her voice was faked. But after following this drama, I do think she has some charisma on-screen, and apparently after watching some interviews I believed that it's really her natural voice. Sure, her Japanese at the start was kind of irritating because in all honesty after watching Japanese dramas for so long even if I've never studied the language I can still recognize the characteristic tone and pace of speech Japanese have. But I guess it wouldn't really go along with her character's background since she was learning it from some really old man that doesn't love Japanese with all that "bastard" thrown in every line. And by Episode 5, her Japanese is more fluent and more similar to the authentic tone and pace so I don't see why people are so upset about that. Even Shota's Chinese isn't fantastic and people forgive him for that knowing he's not Chinese so why can't they do the same for her?

And I for one think Rensuke's interaction with Xiu Mei has been pretty romantic. I get that Maemi most probably the one who understands Rensuke the most, but since the first episode there's a lot of little details between Rensuke's interaction with Xiu Mei that shows he treats her differently. He takes off his sunglasses and makes eye contact when talking to her as a stranger even though he barely looked at his employee when firing him. He's pretty much a cleanliness freak, dissing Xiu Mei twice when her face was rammed onto the car windows and at the construction site, but he still went to find her at the construction site when she disappeared despite the rain when he could have just dispatched someone to get her back before convincing her to stay. He doesn't really like it when people invade his personal space. Most of the time it's Maemi and that other girl who would initiate the close contact. But he initiated the hug with Xiu Mei saying those drop-dead words "I want you." [i love love Kimura!!]

And by 2nd episode, it's clear that only Xiu Mei throws him off his game, can't keep his emotions in check - basically becoming more humanized. He smokes his cigarette every time he's troubled with something that involves her; threatening her with money to get her to be his model, feeling guilty at the dumpling eatery, the pimping dinner, after Kazami suggests sending her back to Shanghai. I also noticed that whenever Rensuke's being a jerk that episode would feature a crescent moon, but episode 4 when he was clearly in love with Xiu Mei it was a full moon - I guess it's suppose to represent Rensuke's change. And in episode 5 it wasn't exactly a full moon; kind of like his regression as he gets all possessive from the way he looks at her sleeping, putting his arm around her, it seemed like he was a little pissed about having her do Ming's laundry. They are polar opposites, be it personalities or their definition of happiness. I wonder if he's going to give up his "world domination" dream and settle for something simpler like Xiu Mei described...

Besides, I think by episode 4 it was pretty obvious Rensuke and Maemi won't happen unless the scriptwriter decides to go with the public opinion and suddenly hit the brakes. Rensuke doesn't seem jealous or anything when he thought Maemi and Kazami were dating, when he thought the onigiri was from her he wasn't particularly touched and he didn't assume that she might be in love with him. I think he really sees her as a good friend and doesn't even consider the possibility of something more. If he ever did, but still continue to confide in her about his feelings for Xiu Mei, then that would be really insensitive even for him and I doubt Maemi supporters would want her to end up with him either.

Most people are complaining how they're gonna hate the show if he doesn't end up with Maemi, but from an objective point of view I'd hate it even more if the scriptwriters let him fall out of love suddenly and make up some crappy get together between Rensuke and Maemi in the remaining 2 episodes. The whole drama would be a total waste of time, not to mention a ridiculous development for the 3 characters that does them no justice.

I love how you described the moon and the relationship between Ren and Xiu Mei, it's a really beautiful story and very deep , They are indeed the Moon lover's but I was in the beginning of the show really thinking it's a love tragedy!!! I'll be disappointed if the witers are following some people opinion !!! I mean they are free to not love the acting of an actress but really !!! I sense that it's more that people was expecting a love line with Ryoko (Maemi) and Ren and they keep themselves for loving and enjoying other pairs !!!

I love Ryoko, she's an amazing actress but this drama is NOT Anego....She's acting her role which by the way is really a nice girl, understanding and as an user posted nounoune I don't think either she's HELPING Ren/Xiu Mei...She's honest and says what she thinks and acts like she thinks she has to....Her character is not as developed as Xiu Mei or as Ren, she can't be the one who holds the drama....Kimura is the oneit's all about him changing as a better person!!! People who are disappointed are sometimes not fair, he really good as this mysterious man who is falling in love !!!

OK !!! Maemi love is pure and selfless but it's sadly one-sided, Ren respects her and loves her as friend!!!

XiuMei suffered a lot because of Ren and Kazami little scheme !!!! but she loves him and he loves her, the proposal was not as much romantic as some people said but For Ren to PROPOSE A WOMAN, TO SHARE HIS SPACE with someone is something hard so....To propose a woman and ask her for MARIAGE is really something big !!!! He is growing emotionally and so not because of Maemi but if he ends up with her to please some fans, Yes l'll be disappointed....WHY??? Because it would be like BETRAY the plot of the storyline they draw so far !!!

My two cents.....

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