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Shocking translated 2PM's sasaeng fan accounts

Guest piano.1993

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Guest h0niieh

please don't hate me .. but i think there's some truth in those stories :(

u can't tell me that u don't know idols are 2faced ... and about taec and woo .. if u follow their shows and interviews u can sometimes see that being a "cute guy" is fake ..

but anyways .. they're not only idols but also normal perople .. i'm kinda disappointed to read what i already suspected but in the end they're singers and entertainers .. so we should concntrate on their music, upcomming shows and album instead of their "dirty personal life"

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Guest Kiklo

Sasaengs are people who basically know everything

about their idols--from public to the very very personal info.

They're not antis, they are people who can actually get the closest

to their idols.

Like the person who made the topic said, believe it or not,

it's your choice. But sasaengs don't lie, and usually

the info they know about their idols are kept to themselves

only, and is expertly hidden from the public and fans.

I'm not siding with no one, just stating facts.

It's sad to see though that some 2PM members are actually like this.

I feel really bad for Jay. I guess when you're an outsider

you get bullied a lot because you just don't fit in.

^ and i guess that since the 2/6/1.59pm members decided to announce to everyone that jay "had a dirty personal life". the sasaeng fans felt no need to protect the boys anymore.

the khun being left out video was disheartening...

but then again. it's just that short clip. anyone has a longer clip?

need to see a longer clip to justify (?) my thinking.

whao whao whao

why am i not surprise at all

Every group has their problems. Whetever it is, Jay is not going back anymore and there is really no point to dwell on why Jay cant go back to 2PM

I am not a 2PM fan, but its really up to the hottest to read this and take it seriously.

I sort of believe some parts are true. They are idols and entertainers and I dun expect them to be perfect to a fault

JYPE needs a new PR staff - they handled this situation oh so wrong. He practically buried 2pm with his own hands. I'm not sure if that's what he planned to do or what but I don't see 2pm going much farther when their own "fans" are turning against them.

I'm a fan of Jays but this is definitely not how i wanted to see 2pm go down.. I really liked Taecyeon too but now i really have to ask myself if the Taec i liked on screen was even real.

I kinda have to agree with them.

With everything being said, I must say that if they put out another good song...it will go to my ipod and I will have it on repeat for 2-3 days.

But that is if they continue on...after this crazy fan rebel thing ends.

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Guest oh`retro

Omg...I don't really know if I should believe this or not.

I hope most of these are false.

Cause they sound like real jerks (and that's me being nice).

Can't believe the cute/innocent ones are actually the opposite.

But, it's always the ones you least expect.

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Guest emilyXx

i actually believe that some of the members love to go to clubs

smoking, drinking, clubbing that what many korean boys do at their age.

they might be idols but that doesn't mean that they're totally different from ''normal'' korean boys

and that they want them to have a clean and cute image is kind of true too(it's not just only 2PM)

if i'm right(not 100% sure) Wooyoung said at the 1st episode of wild bunny that he has never been to a club and that he's excited etc. http://i48.tinypic.com/30df28x.png

this picture proves that it's a lie..

btw i'm not some anti-fan, i'm a 2pm-fan

some of the rumours are obviously fake -.- and JYPE needs a new PR staff

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Guest LePaine

Well.. As I read from their wordpress, they said that they are NOT trying to bring Jay back, but reveal the truth of JYPE's behind.

Even though this is the part you may believe or not, but if you read from their wordpress. It has more from it.

They want to help or protect the stars to fulfill their dreams and not taking them away from it. :ninja:

I'm not a fan from 2PM or JYPE's Artist (but sometimes I like their songs), but I really hate the companies to make them slave for taking their money away with all their work.

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Guest riehae

can't blame hottest...

i'm not a fan so i don't really care or doesn't matter..

true or not... there's a bit of reality in here...

it's probably going to be a hard year.. 2010 for 2pm...

not because there's no jay...

but after jay's withdrawal...

they have to deal with the fans and netizens...

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Guest iluvemdan

Maybe some of these are true, they make sense and there is an evident amount of proof to show it... but I think the ones that are about their "dirty lives" and whatnot could be a bit exaggerated. Just because... when you are trying to expose people, or post everything that you know about them, especially when it's negative, it can be exaggerated. Please don't get me wrong because I AM a 2PM fan and I support Jaebum more than anyone right now at the moment. So I am not defending the other members... but yes, especially some of them going out and clubs and whatnot, seem a bit exaggerated to me. That is just how I interpreted this. I didn't even want to read all of the fanaccounts and skipped a few because some of them are just disturbing to read. It is really hard to believe that some of the members were like this.

Regardless of the meaning of these fanaccounts, the other 6 members are going to have to endure a lot now. They are losing a lot of respect and many fans... it's sad to see but after the conference, I myself was shocked at some of the mannerisms. It's more upsetting for me because I loved all 7 of them so much. But they (maybe not all, but most) have not protected Jaebum the way they should have, as brothers. Thanks for posting.

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Guest TiFFaNiZeD

those saengsaeng fans or whatever are soo annoying I'd tell them to john tesh off too.

Taec's just joking about the yankee thing. remember Fany said that he tricked her into thinking she was 'worthless'.

This is confirmation bias! those people are just looking for things that confirm their already bias judgement. nothing that go against their thinking. I'm actually very disappoint at JYP and how they handle the whole situation. He's oh so careful with the WG, but doesn't seem like he does much for these boys... > >

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Guest Seras

I am surprised actually not surprised that some people who read this stuff for the first time actually believe that everything is true. What I am surprised at is the amount of people who believe that it is the sasaeng fan who claim them and sasaeng fans aren't capable of lying/exaggerating, hence everything they said must be true

1) Why in the world would Taec call Jay a Yankee when Taec is technically one himself? Even if Taec did call Jay a Yankee, but in a joking way and the sasaeng fan might've mistunderstood (or knew and purposely made it seem like Taec's a name-calling jerk )

2) When Junho held seven fingers and the fans thought it was for Jay, he said “I was just holding the mic” Taecyeon responded to that saying “you guys [the fans] just created the whole story” Fans are getting pissed because they don't like how Junho and Taec caught them red handed and told them the truth like how it is? PUH-LEASE.

3)Khun used to have a girlfriend in Thailand until “Again & Again.”

When he had a hard time when Jay left, it wasn’t because of Jay but because of a break-up. He knows how good-looking he is and loves being treated like royalty.

But he is still the best one out of 6PM. Oh, but he smokes. Jesus, make up your mind already, so Khun is this conceited jerkface, but it doesn't matter cause he's still the best one of the 6 of them cause he 'sides with Jay'? This one has got to be a blatant evidence that some of what these sasaeng are saying are influenced by their biasness towards Jay <_<

Some may be true, but for the most part, they sound ridiculous. I am not saying that they are complete saints/angels/innocent goody-two shoes that never drank/never went to a club/never had gfs, etc. What I am saying is that I think the DEGREE of what the guys do is really exaggerated. From these fan accounts, it makes the guys look like they are nothing but drunken, perverted douches-which I don't believe they are.

Are they saying that this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=08BBAQrDiN4, this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SdLyegUsPJw, this Junho (around 2:00), this Chansung ? THESE GUYS? are backstabbers who hate Jay?? If you look at some of the comments back then and compare them to the reactions of people now, it's actually quite hilarious.

Personally, I don't really believe the sasaeng fans. I think they came into the meeting, already biased for Jay (they boycotted for him no?). So when the guys didn't do what they wanted ( as in saying things like "YES. JAY IS TOTALLY THE VICTIM, IT'S ALL JYPE'S FAULT, THEY ARE EVIL! LET'S REBEL AND TORCH THIS PLACE DOWN & THEN GO GET JAY NOWW!!") They got angry and retaliated with all these "dirty secrets". But then again, this is all just my speculations; who knows who is telling the truth nowadays.

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Guest Leni1430265175

Sasaengs are people who basically know everything

about their idols--from public to the very very personal info.

They're not antis, they are people who can actually get the closest

to their idols.

Like the person who made the topic said, believe it or not,

it's your choice. But sasaengs don't lie, and usually

the info they know about their idols are kept to themselves

only, and is expertly hidden from the public and fans.

I'm not siding with no one, just stating facts.

It's sad to see though that some 2PM members are actually like this.

I feel really bad for Jay. I guess when you're an outsider

you get bullied a lot because you just don't fit in.

i was feeling/thinking the same way..

to be honest, im not even surprised with some of these.. real or not.. they're human, its something they would do especially at their age. i dont think this topic is supposed to help or whatever this topic.. not to create more antis etc. its just to inform.. its up to you to believe it or not. =\

personally im not a big fan of 6pm.. i miss the original 2pm. it was jay's choice to leave and if he thought it was for the better than im all with him.... *sigh..

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Guest chopper!


some of those fans knew this before debut right? then why the hell were they fans in the first place if they didn't like their behavior??? why like them when they act like that?

playing the blame game.

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Jay sleeping in a corner - Logically there weren't enough blankets so one had to take one for the team. If it were Wooyoung, Taecyeon or Chansung, would you have said this was also some kind of oppression? For all we know, Jay decided to be the one to sleep like that because as a leader, he was just looking out for his members.

This is in the Hotblood show , jay isn't even leader then

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Guest jellie_kookie

oh, dear...

I just realized that celebrity life in Korea is worse than frickin POLITICS. -_-

But why is it that ALL of the good things are at Jay and Khun? That they don't do anything 'bad'?

C'mon, no one can be perfect!!

I'm not really a fan of 2PM, so i don't think I'm being biased heree.

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Guest ayunna

After one by one the "bad image" of 6PM reveled.. one thing came out of my mind is "What 6PM n JYPE strategies to overcome this situation?? What will they do tomorrow?? this drama must be really HOT among KNetizen right now, plus after saw pictures of reveled i also think some of the rumors might be true... After saw the video that 6PM ignoring Khun it really showed that something wrong happened between their relationship... but i also believe in KARMA.. GOOD PEOPLE WILL HAVE A GOOD ENDING...just wait n see what will 6PM n JYPE plans after this???

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Guest CphirMaig

first, those sasaeng fans are the worst, they are just glorified stalkers... why are fans listening to them?

I totally understand the boys being rude to them (if the accounts are true), they are invading their personal lives.

Hottests, don't turn anti towards the group you love(d). Just move on if you don't like them anymore =.=

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Guest c i e l`

I'll be keeping all this in mind...

I'm not sure if I can accept those information,

it's kind of hard for me, I cried my eyes out just now

because if all this is true, I wish for Jay to never return

and live happily in Seattle with his family and loved ones.

Man, we'll never know whose telling the truth anyway.

If they are this way then...doesn't matter, it's not like they did

something wrong to me, but if they really made Jay go through

this kind of outsider pain, it really matters.

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Guest vivian0304

lol so shock

i really dont know if this is true? i choose to not believe, they wrote this because they want Jay to come back, so i think it's the same with JYP say Jay did something wrong during Again & Again, i just dont believe both

maybe it just misunderstanding? because when friends joke around, the ppl come and see that, they can misunderstand easily

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Guest rissa-

look, sasaeng fans...

honestly they DEDICATE there lives to there idols.

in other words there STALKERS.

rathar than going to a party etc, they would rathar stalk.

they've been doing it for a long time...

most the info is probably a fact.

they have pictures of jae by himself going to the gym

(ive seen them honestly...)

of course we're not sure if everything is true...

but these sasaeng fans, they know a lot more than we ever will...

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some might be true but the rest seems FAKE

if they already know the BAD things bout 2pm why still being fans?

when Jay left then the fans should just leave the group then and told jay not to comeback to a group with members hurting him yet they keep wishing him to comeback to this "fake" group hmmm ah well idk what else to believe at this point

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