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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest bbblyzu3
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I like the article ^_^
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I do think that everyone now notice the changes of  seohyun
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































anyway thanks hihi_hehe :)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































about the avatar for 1st year anniversary is that okay to change it early or do we need to change it on 11feb ???

































































































































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Wow this thread reaches its first year and the second thread is near, that is truly daebak.


Thinking about the last year time flew by so fast it feels like I met this wonderful couple yesterday  *sigh*


ahhh sincha, I wanna say so much but the words just  won't come.


My wish for  Yonghwa and Seohyun:





If you two decide to be real then don't have any fear to show your love openly, never. Do the things you did for WGM again without the cameras following you and enjoy them all over again, only the two of you.




how I wish  there will be news about them filming, it assures me that it's still going on  :lol:



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I've been really busy - not much time but I've got to say about last episode -


1. Doctor - 'If you love coffee more than you love your wife' and Hyunnie's soft smile and stare at Yong said - 'Well, do you?'

2. Yong - 'I have no luck in life' & Doctor - 'How can you say that with this beautiful wife sitting next to you?' Yong - 'I have no luck with food!'  Is doctor a 'goguma'?

3. 'No, we have to die together!' Hyunnie slipped up and mixed up 'reel' with 'real' in her mind? And, of course, she always wants them to do EVERYTHING together!

3. Pinkyship, legship, foot ticklingship, soft eyeship!

4. Nurse showing Yong 'child' eyechart - 'after all, you're choding, right!' & Hyunnie's bent over laughing, even the receptionist at the desk in background is laughing! Is nurse a 'goguma'?

Sweetness, closeness in this episode......

And about the 'nagging'.   Yeah, men don't like it.  But there's something worse.  Silence.  When your significant other stops nagging, it also means she's stopped caring!

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Guest fabiistar07



Hello Gogumas!

I really don't want to bring up the nagging issue again, but it has made me really curious..

So please don't get mad at me :sweatingbullets: But I thought it'd be very useful to share it

I looked up the definition of "nagging"

nagging - shrewish: continually complaining or faultfinding

(I wasn't sure what 'shrew' meant so I also looked it up)

shrew - a scolding nagging bad-tempered woman

To me Hyun was just showing how much she cares for his well being.

It may have seemed to some people as 'nagging' but moms do it all the time and it's always for our own good.

I don't think anyone here agrees that Hyun was complaining or was in a bad mood (as the definition says).

And let's not forget our Yong choding, that's just how he is and I don't think he meant to cause any harm.

I mean, we all saw how he was when the doctor took Hyun's blood; Yong wouldn't want his wife to be harmed in any way, so to me he was just fooling around when he said it.

Moving onto something else... I've been reading past posts and saw that YSInternational was posting pics with quotes of why we love uri YongSeo

So I was wondering if this was a past project or if it's still going on ???

And for my WISH to YongSeo (I'm not sure if it has been posted before but...)

I wish for you to always be honest with eachother. Share the good, the bad, your worries, and anything else. This will make you trust and rely on eachother as a couple should, and it'll also make your relationship much stronger.


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Guest Soshimunky






Good morning! Gosh, that article was awesome. Thank you for translating, Sagua85 and Hapiangle wub.gif


Continuing with 4th batch. Our Seobaby is getting prettier by each episode!







Keep on posting, gogumas :)



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Guest gogumaforever
































































































This article been posted by aneng and soshisoshisoshi few pages back. I'm translating from Chinese translation from Baidu.cr to 百度红薯夫妇吧.
































































WGM, our Hyun has change, from an upright girl -->funny/active baby.
































































Recently, SeoHyun in WGM has a very obvious changed. Initially, SeoHyun caught audience eyes with an upright and shy girl image in front of her virtual husband Jung YongHwa. But, as time goes by, two of them has slowly reveal the character/look that are not able to be found in their earlier stage.
































































In 5th Feb MBC WGM, SeoHyun and YongHwa went to the hospital for health check. Jung YongHwa just like a little kid. SeoHyun started to look like a mother nagging Jung YongHwa. Compared to previous hardly-spoken-a-word character of her, this change is quite a shock.
































































In the episode, the skinship between two of them has caught audiences' eye as well. Two of them were holding hands throughout the massage. SeoHyun held Jung YongHwa's pinky finger scene has brought a lot of their fans high (I would say Go-Chun in this case). SeoHyun even joke with YongHwa that "we have to die together because we are husband & wife." This is the part whereby we are not able to see in previous SeoHyun. The changes has slowly be shown.
































































SeoHyun said that she like to read books. Her respect person is Ban Ki-moon, the Secretary-General and she read all the books that related to Ban Ki-moon. She has encouraged YongHwa to read at the same time, this has made audiences feel special.
































































According to fans, they find SeoHyun special because of her upright image, preference on gogomas and healthy foods, which rarely found in idols nowadays. According to WGM crew, they found SeoHyun's slowly change started when SeoHyun hide at the back of the car to scare the CN Blue members. The crew said "we found a playful side of SeoHyun in that scene". Her character has changed.
































































Skinship has started during the massage. SeoHyun arm linking with YongHwa in Japan trip has given audience a big shocked. Jung YongHwa was shocked at that time as well, this can be seen with his don't-know-what-to-do expression on his face and his weird arm position. After that shy skinship, both of them has slowly become natural to each other. No matter held hand or arm linking later on, the shy look could not be found from their expression anymore.
































































Guest starring manager oppa said,"I was shocked to see SeoHyun's changes".. In 5th Feb episode, we saw the sweet pinky-ship. Now, other than SeoHyun can't speak banmal naturally, there is no more awkwardness between them anymore.
































































Probably, we are able to anticipate the YongSeo couple's cute skinship after the Adam couple.
































































Edit: ooppss~~ translation been posted by someone in previous post.. blush.gif.





























































































































































































































































































this article made my Monday morning so happy!!!! thank you for posting.  thanks also hihi_hehe for posting the other translation






























































































































































































































































ANNIVERSARY WEEK  IS NOW!!!!wub.gifwub.gifwub.gif

































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Guest ningyit






that's so much discussion on nagging, anyway i love this part the most. maybe as pov from an omma, i shall be thankful to seohyun for nagging yong on his bad habit. usually as a parent to children of yong's age, we always realize that, boys this age will listen more to their friends or girlfriends more than their own parents, so thank you seohyun for doing the nagging on behalf of all the concerned fans. even the doctor used words such as "if you love coffee more than your wife....", she is using these words in psycological way in influencing yong for the change.






i have this wish from yong, (sorry as an ahjumma i do not know how to do spoiler), hope i won't hurt any gogumas here.






My wish is that for the ending of their wgm, yong will meet both seohyun parents instead of returning seohyun back to her parents, yong will be on his knees and requesting their blessings for their togetherness for forever.....hahahaha.






anyway i hope the ending part will be very much far away to go..



Again i apologize for this thought if it hurts anyone here



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Guest winbros
















@soshimunky - just want to say a big thank you for putting the black room interviews together, you are simply DAEBAK!!  I've had good fun re-visiting their experiences through your pictures and encourage all other goguma villagers to give props to soshimunky for her/his effort.  :D








A thought just occured to me, we know that the SNSD girls had a 3-day CNY break, not sure if the CNBlue boys had a similar break - but what if Yong took the opportunity to go pay his respects to Hyun's parents!!!   wakakakaka  that would be simply awesome..............








Happy spazzing all!








Edit:  @aya otohata - you're DAEBAK too for compiling Yong-quotes!!!   And I love the translated article acknowledging the change to Seobaby that her relationship with Yong has brought about!  





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Guest Soshimunky






Hahaha I'm having the time of my life doing this ^^ There's nothing more fun than rewatching Yongseo's past episodes, trust me. Whatever concerns you have now will fly away because these two have been through many memories together. There's no way they can ever be replaced!


5th batch!







Thanks winbros for the nice words :) The effort was simply put to encourage more gogumas to post here at Soompi. Gogumas, old and new, lurkers and contributors, shy ones and loud (LOL), please keep on posting! Gogumas are dae to the bak!



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Can anyone translate the screen text here? I don't think MountainMadman was able to translate this. Thanks. (Edit: Or did you? I haven't watched the episode with English subtitle)
















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Saturn from CNBlue thread reported that CNBlue is in Japan right now (Yonghwa had to come back to Korea for Inkigayo) and will be back on Feb. 10. So I guess they'll have their anniversary filming on its actual date. I HOPE SO.
















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































credits: as tagged; dc married

















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Guest aya otohata

Yong's Famous Memorable Quotes

Episode 7: Because I'm cool like that, right?

Episode 7: She's a genius.

Episode 7: Jungshin, get a hold of yourself.

Episode 7: Don't cross the line, got it...otherwise, I'm not gonna stay put.

Episode 7: MINHYUK!!!

Episode 8: I'll do it like a man. (Blood Donation)

Episode 8: What does this make me look like?

Episode 8: (HYUN) Oh Oh Oh Oppa Saranghae (YONG) Really?

Episode 8: I'm your cup holder

Episode 8: I'm not a loner. I'm married now. I'm not lonely anymore.

Episode 8: Jungshin kinda looks like Avatar. (How Jungshin-Avatar is born)

Episode 14: (Hyun) Wind is coming (Yong) I'll block it for you

Episode 11: I just want you to come!

Episode 12: That look, the way her eyes sparkle!

Episode 23: I'm a man. Umbrellas are for men to hold.

Episode 26: That's why I'm different from other men!

Episode 27: I'll catch them (fish) all for you! [added by justbulan]

Episode 27: Your thinking is just so unique!

Episode 27: A man with ability, right?

Episode 27: Shy, are you?

Episode 27: At times like this, we should walk with our arms locked.

Episode 28: Don't you miss me?

Episode 29: Merong.

Episode 30: Am I cute like that?

Episode 30: Look at it (the photobook Yong made) when you miss me.

Episode 31: Seohyun, you are a goddess!

Episode 31: Tiger balm...a cure-it-all...even when your heart is bruised.

Episode 32: Girls shouldn't walk on the side of passing cars.

Episode 32: You said more than having my hair up, you said you like it down...so I have it down everytime.

Episode 32: I watch everything you do!...I actually thought of you, and entered your name.

Episode 32: Everything, just except this one...don't you think it was cool? (goguma rating) [added by justbulan]

Episode 32: (HYUN) What on Earth? (YONG) This is Earth. Note: This couple is really out of this world lol

Episode 32: The star still lights us...why does it keep looking at us?

Episode 35: Try to Catch Me.

Episode 36: I'm not getting UP.

Episode 36: Ahhh how can somebody look that lovely?

Episode 36: I have found your charm: that smile of yours.

Episode 35: From now on, wash your hands first if you want to hold me.

Episode 35: Can't you learn how to handle chopsticks?

Episode 37: Bare out your heart. Truthfully!

Episode 37: What should I do...to find a way into your heart?

Episode 37: Alright, I've made up my mind...you're mine!!!

Episode 37: Honestly tell me what you felt!

Episode 37: How did you feel when you first met me?...Oh, handsome

Episode 37: Why can't you say anything else?

Episode 37: We should buy a ferry!

Episode 37: Ah~ I know you're heavy Seohyun.

Episode 37: Awww so handsome...judging it's the first meeting, it's still not bad.

Episode 37: There's a meeting today...I didn't go. So that I could come here for you!

Episode 39: (HYUN) Do you have a mirror? (YONG) My eyes!

Episode 39: What is said between us I don't want others to hear.

Episode 39: You are the first girl!

Episode 39: Don't smile at me with your eyes...it makes my heart beats faster.

Episode 39: I felt that you're different from that moment onwards.

Episode 39: I was already a grown man!

Episode 39: Did you hear that Seohyun? I was a loveable kid!

I've posted this before but I've updated it. I'm just doing this for fun. Maybe I'll do Hyun's Memorable Quotes as well :)

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Guest hihi_hehe
















































































































































I don't know what your feelings are ..... But I'm now living in memories of YongSeo
















































































































Can you believe it? It's been year ~ ..... Do you guys remember this article?

CNBLUE’s Jung Yonghwa and SNSD’s Seohyun become new We Got Married couple!

















































































































It’s official! CNBLUE’s leader Jung Yong Hwa and SNSD’s maknae Seohyun have been cast in MBC’s We Got Married as the show’s newest virtually married couple!
















































































































Despite the ongoing schedules that both youngsters have with their hit songs, I’m a Loner and Oh!, Jung Yong Hwa and Seohyun have already gone through the test filming at Ilsan Kyung Ki Do on the 12nd; their first episode is scheduled to be broadcast next month. Following the footsteps Jo Kwon and Ga-In, they will be the second idol-x-idol couple for We Got Married Season 2.
















































































































Will these two loving birds defeat the infamous Jo Kwon – Ga-In wave? I guess we’ll just have to sit tight!
















































































































cr: AKP































































































































































































































I just read the article again ~ I don't know why, but the feelings about Yongseo from the beginning still remains in me , in my blood!
















































































































Let us tell each other what you feel when their 1st anniversary is coming
















































































































Tell each other about your feelings when u first learnt about them :wub:
































































































































































































































P.s keep posting your wishes! We aim to 365 wishes :wub:
















































































































Old spazzes, comeback! Refresh your mind about Yongseo's 1st sight

















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Guest loybing








































































































Happy Goguma Monday Everyone!














































































































































































































































































Every episode is DAEBAK.I've been reading all your post.















































































































































































@Mountainmadman Thanks for the translation. and to every gogumas who contributed much in translating/posting this week episode.














































































































































































































































































Only 4 days to go and it's Yongseo's First anniversary.
























































































to all of Us:















































































































































































Congratulations!May we continue loving Yong and Hyun. may Goguma family continue to love,love,love. may every one continue to spread Yongseo love here in Go-chun...














































































































































































































































































to yongseo couple














































































































































































































































































the show will end (not this soon) but i hope the end may always be a brighter beginning to both of you. may fame never changes the humble people like you both. be with each other...always...









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Guest monkie2804

just finished watching the new ep. Love the "we need to die together" part <3333 Even though after saying that, she quickly told YH to forget it and pretend nothing happened, the girl still wants both of them to die together as she immediately told him that if he only lives till 101 yr olds, he'd die first, making him change to 102, so they still die together at the end :D Smart girl!

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Guest _hachimitsu
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Good morning!^^
































































































































































































































































Yeah, she's here with Yongseo background(?) music again. before that.....
































































































































































































































































@fabiistar07 About the pictures posted by YSInternational, yes it was one of our old project "I Love Yongseo Because..." which contains 300 reasons from Yongseo fans all over the world. It was printed out as a book and was sent to Korea/Yongseo with other gifts with the help from our Korean friends from DC gal. It was part of our 300th Day Anniversary gift and back then everyone (in general, mostly from soompi and other international yongseo forum such as the vietnam sweet potato garden etc) posted their reasons why they love yongseo. You might want to backread the thread^^ I dont have the download links now but I believe YSInternational will post bit by bit. (Thank youu! That project made us smile~ and maybe cry(?))
































































































































































































































































Gosh, now that brings back some sweet memories~ This thread will celebrate it's first birthday soon!
































































































































































































































































@ahn_annann and to any curious gogumas, in episode 41 (Busan), when Yonghwa was putting on the butterfly necklace for Seohyun, the song he sang was this: *points hand the the caps!* (the episode translation was by M3)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































note: I don't just collect BGMs, but also whatever they sang, or their ringtone (like jonghyun's waiting ringtone back then) Just for the fun of it~
































































































































































































































































It was a 70/80's song. There are many cover version of this song. I can't find the original version in Youtube (except LIVE ones. well, most non-idol songs are rare in there anyways) but if you wanna listen to how it sounds like, i like Jo Kwan Woo's version over here . Or You can try one of Korean's earliest girl group, FIN.K.L's version. Orrrrr you can head to Melon and listen to other samples *ok will stop with my music spazzing. heh.*
































































































































































































































































I am not sure if I should type this, it is rather a 'tiny' piece of detail. I enjoy appreciating little details without over reacting about it. Well, something interesting about the lyrics of this song. It could be a sad + romantic or one sided love song etc (it all depends on how you see it)
































































































































































































































































The part i'd like to point out, Yonghwa sang it as this:
































































































































































































































































"당신은 모~르실꺼야아 나비목걸이를 했는지" (You probably wouldn't know, if you had the butterfly necklace on~)
































































































































































































































































This, is NOT the real lyrics. He changed middle part into the butterfly necklace part. It was not supposed to be there. The real one (unless there are such version, sorry not that familiar with old songs^^ someone might want to correct me? tq in advance!) should be this:
































































































































































































































































"당신은 모르실 거야 얼마나 사랑했는지" (You probably wouldn't know how much I love you~)
































































































































































































































































kyahhh~! WAIT. STOP RIGHT THERE. Please atleast read the full lyrics and also consider the real situation^^ I'll put FIN.K.L's lyrics under the cut. I dont know if the lyrics differ for all the versions, though the original part Yonghwa sang should be the same.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































FIN.K.L's Version (might differ from other versions)
































































































































































































































































당신은 모르실 거야 (You will never know)
































































































































































































































































얼마나 사랑했는지  (How much I loved you)
































































































































































































































































세월이 흘러가면은  (After time passes)
































































































































































































































































그때서 뉘우칠 거야 (You will regret then)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































마음이 서글플 때나 (When you feel blue)
































































































































































































































































초라해보일때에는   (When you feel small)
































































































































































































































































이름을 불러주세요  (Say my name)
































































































































































































































































나 여기 서있을께요 (I will be standing here)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































두 눈에 멈춰 흐르는 (Flowing from eyes)
































































































































































































































































뜨거운 나의 눈물로  (With my warm tears)
































































































































































































































































당신의 아픈 마음을  (Your broken heart)
































































































































































































































































깨끗이 씻어드릴게   (I will cleanse it)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































당신은 모르실 거야  (You will never know)
































































































































































































































































얼마나 사랑했는지   (How much I loved you)
































































































































































































































































뒤돌아 봐주세요     (Please look back on me)
































































































































































































































































당신의 사랑은 나요  (Your love is me)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































When a think about feel
































































































































































































































































about Him I'm not really sure
































































































































































































































































If I want to give my heart away
































































































































































































































































If it's love or just a game (핑클)
































































































































































































































































두 눈에 넘쳐흐르는
































































































































































































































































뜨거운 나의 눈물로
































































































































































































































































당신의 아픈 마음을
































































































































































































































































깨끗이 씻어드릴게 (주현)
































































































































































































































































당신은 모르실 거야 (You will never know)
































































































































































































































































얼마나 사랑했는지 (How much I loved you)
































































































































































































































































뒤돌아 봐주세요 (Please look back on me)
































































































































































































































































당신의 사랑은 나요 (효리) (Your love is me)
































































































































































































































































당신의 사랑은 나요 (주현)
































































































































































































































































cr: rainywidow@yt































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I am sort-of a realistic person so I don't really spazz but because I often changed the lyrics of the song I am singing to fit the situation I was currently facing. Normally comical situation. So I find this interesting. I think some of us do this... you know, like singing Michael Jackson's Black & White into "It doesn't matter coke or sprite~~" instead of "It doesn't matter black or white~" (More like I randomly blurted out instead of answering the question properly, lol!)
































































































































































































































































Have a nice day^^

































































































































































































































































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Guest honeyjade11
































































































































































































whoo!! at last, I've already read 14-page post that left me behind... Thanks for all the subbers, translators and everyone who contributed anything in this thread.. So I guess I can post my POV now..






























































































































































































































































a.) I'm still thankful that WGM have the check-up mission, so people would understand that Idol also sacrifices something in return of their fame. I hope because of this, other fans think thoroughly before bashing any Idol.






























































































































































































































































b.) The NAGGING thing... their marriage became more natural 'cause of it. Hyun should also learn that every guy has a tough side, not all sweet stuff. And I believe Yong also understands that his wife really knew better of his health than himself. Cause everything Hyun says is true... (the coffee and ice stuff, i mean.)






























































































































































































































































c.) The LEG-ship,,, My Gosh! I can just say, they have a very deep and high trust in each other for her to let him not just touch, but FEEL her leg down her toes. And she didn't force his hands away from her leg. She just touch and hold unto him. It gets me the feeling something like they permitted each other to touch...






























































































































































































































































d.) The "die together" stuff.... I mean,  it clearly shows that she just blurted it out. And usually the things you accidentally blurted out is really the thing you have in mind. (right!?) It made me think, does Hyun really wish them to be together for REAL?! (we'll have a feast if that comes true!! haha!)






























































































































































































































































e.) The coffee thing, maybe I was just imagining things but I wanna say it. He takes coffee just to see her enough?... I mean are they seeing each other too late at night that he needs to take coffee just not be sleepy? (just wondering)






























































































































































































































































f.) The MASSAGE scene is all great!! from sweet and loving stares to pinky-ship.. ♥♥






























































































































































































































































For me, this episode is also a daebak. No holding hands, but a day of a typical married couple is in it... that makes me wish after watching the episode.. "I hope it's next SATURDAY already!!!!"






























































































































































































































































my wish: I won't ask anything from both of you but to treasure whatever memories you make and will be making in WGM. More power  **Y♥ngSe♥**   Fighting!!






























































































































































































































































note: sorry for the long post... I just got too excited... THANKS!!!

































































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MC Jake experiencing Yongseo's lovely massage at the Foot Shop :)
































































































































































































Kmedia spazzing about Yongseo couple's death wish wub.gif (it's actually not as morbid as it sounds)
































































 "WGM" Seohyun to Jung Yonghwa's "We're a couple, of course we need to die together" Cruel Display of Love
































































Seohyun said to Jung Yonghwa, "We need to die together." On the February 5th broadcast of MBC's 'We Got Married', Seohyun and Yonghwa went together for a massage. In sharing the pain(?) of the massage together, the two's affections also rose. At the same time, they began childish conversations like 'How long will you live until?' 'I want to live until 100' and 'Then I want to live until 101'.































































































































The one who initiated this child-like conversation was Seohyun. After Yonghwa said "I will live until 101", Seohyun replied "Oooh, that's too much, we need to die together". Interestingly, Yonghwa's expression did not look displeased. The interesting conversation between the two continued.































































































































Seohyun calculated the difference in age. With the 2 year difference, if Yonghwa lived until 101 and Seohyun lived until 100, then Yonghwa will die a year earlier. Seohyun pointed out the age difference, followed by shockingly saying "Goodbye." It seems Seohyun and Yonghwa's relationship has evolved to this level.































































































































On the other hand, while receiving the painful massage, the two held hands together. Yonghwa's pinky was gripped by Seohyun. In the midst of pain, the two tightly held and swung each other's arms, displaying their love.































































































































Original: Nate News
































































Original Article: 
































































‘우결’ 서현, 정용화에 “부부인데 같이 죽어야죠” 잔혹애정 과시






























































































































































































































[뉴스엔 박정현 기자]






























































































































































































































서현이 정용화에 “같이 죽어야죠”라고 말했다.






























































































































































































































2월 5일 방송된 MBC '우리 결혼했어요‘에서 서현과 정용화는 함께 마사지를 받았다. 마사지의 고통(?)을 함께 나누는 과정에서 두 사람의 애정도가 상승했다. “몇 살까지 살 거냐” “100살까지 살거다” “그럼 난 101살까지 살 거다”라는 식의 유치한 대화가 이어졌다.






























































































































































































































어린이 같은 대화의 결정타를 날린 것은 서현이었다. 그는 “101살까지 살겠다는 정용화의 말에”허억 너무해, 같이 죽어야죠“라고 답했다. 흥미로운 것은 이에 대한 정용화의 표정이 싫지 않아 보였다는 사실. 두 사람의 흥미로운 대화는 계속 이어졌다.






























































































































































































































서현은 나이 차이를 계산했다. 두 살 많은 정용화가 101살까지 살고 서현이 100살까지 살게된다면 결과적으로 정용화가 1년 먼저 죽는 꼴이었다. 서현은 이를 지적하며 “안녕히 가세요”라고 충격적인 발언을 다시한번 선보였다. 서현과 정용화의 관계가 이 정도로 발전했다.






























































































































































































































한편 마사지를 받는 동안 고통이 심해지자 두 사람은 손을 잡았다. 정용화의 새끼 손가락을 서현이 잡았다. 두 사람은 아플 때마다 맞잡은 손을 흔들며 애정을 과시했다.






























































































































































































































박정현 pch46@newsen.com






























































































































































































































기사제보 및 보도자료 newsen@newsen.com































































































































copyrightⓒ 뉴스엔. 무단전재 & 재배포 금지





























































































































































































































































cr: Baidu goguma bar































































































































Trans: sagua85@spdcbox

































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Guest honeyjade11
































































hello goguma shippers :rolleyes:..i want to ask,where i can watch older episode yongseo ? except from dailymotion..
































do u know where i can find it ? blush.gif































































hi,,, try here... (cr: www.wonderfulgeneration.net), some of their videos are also in dailymotion, but they're all working, 'cause they update it if those are not.... :-)

































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Guest glennpaulo

Wow, i very much miss Go-chun and all my fellow goguma here in soompi.. I've been away for about 4 days because of a vacation and my cousin wedding last saturday. 

I miss a lot of happenings and i read about 17 pages of Yongseo. Its kinda stressful but all of my fellow goguma's post is a worth of time to read, so im enjoying it even though it is 50 pages i think i can read it because all of the post is entertaining.

Let's see...hmmmm.... a few fanwars(not really fanwars but sharing of opinion between my fellow Boice and Sones sides) and our thread is nearly reaching a NEW THREAD, most awaited saturday new episode, the skiing episode next week, the nagging thing(i really find it funny and adorable hope my Girlfriend is someone like hyun that always Nag me like that and im always saying "What's with you, always Nagging, i can't endure a person like you" with a smiling face but deep inside im happy and hoping that she will not change) and the most awaited 1 YEAR ANNIVERSARY OF YONGSEO COUPLE

After i read 17 pages in one blow, i only realize now that watching WGM is very precious to me, im a 20y/o Boy just entering adulthood, not only because there's Yongseo but the fact that there are so many International fans out there that sharing different opinion in a certain things, International fans that sharing not only opinion but their life experiences and relating certain things to their lifestyle as well. International Fans that will listen to your story and give you some advice, if i tell in this thread that i will die(example only) now because im very much lost, i'm sure all of you will come out of lurker mode and will say don't die and will share different opinion and i'm sure of myself that my decision will turn 180 degrees just by reading all your comments. I definitely cannot say that just sitting and reading Soompi post will be waste of my time, because i learn so much about life.... ^_^ 

Thank you so much to all Unnis, Hyung and dongsaeng to always share Opinion and Experience.

To our Go-chun subbing team thank you always...

OFF to watch saturday episode..Am i weird??..Reading all of your post first before watching the newest episode..

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