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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest deeana55


hi there


i'm curious abaout this one scenes where cn blue perform in music bank and seohyun watching their performence and her unnies (sooyung and tifanny) tease her from behind and she didn't realize it coz she's to focus watching yong nampyon....


but i can't find it in what episode that scenes was....


does anyone know that particular scene at what episode...


thank you before.....


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Guest wallpaperfood

Trent, I think everyone was under the impression of Yonghwa = Kang Shinwoo then, but if I recall correctly, there was an article about how the WGM PDs were pleasantly surprised at how Yong put everyone at ease with his jokes during his WGM interview, which was really unusual for a lot of the other applicants who would show signs of nervousness at being quesitoned on the spot. Something along the lines of how "natural" and charismatic Yong was, I think.  =)

Thanks for replying though! =)

Looks like some gogumas are still having fun lurking, so I'll join the game:-

(numbered from Top to Bottom, Left to Right, I guess?)

just from memory, so it might ont be right -

no.3 from ep 2 "show off the ring" mission; no.4 from ep 39-41; no.5 from ep 28 "michin"; no.6 from eps 23 & 25; no.8 (& no.2) from eps 11&12 SIL visit; no.11 from ep 15 morning exercise; no.12 from eps 36-37 banmal composing; no.15 from ep 8 blood donation; no.16 from eps 4-5; no.18 is from a blackroom interview for an ep I can't recall~

don't know the others - must be the other options =)


oh yeeeaaah, crystalblue,  A/B/C would have been better than numbering them -_-" awrh I'm too lazy to chaaange lol!! mianhae, I want to go sleep ><

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Guest crystalblue
































































































































HI Trent- I like your game idea but may I suggest adding letters like A-B-C ... to each photo so the answers can be done easily? do you know what I mean? You are the game master on this thread Trent!

































































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Guest ellaisha




hi there




i'm curious abaout this one scenes where cn blue perform in music bank and seohyun watching their performence and her unnies (sooyung and tifanny) tease her from behind and she didn't realize it coz she's to focus watching yong nampyon....




but i can't find it in what episode that scenes was....




does anyone know that particular scene at what episode...




thank you before.....       i think  that was on episode 8 their 22th day celebration.....




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Guest DeeOmfg
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Hello Gogumas!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































It's been ageeees since I posted something here. LOL But anyways, just dropping by because I've got some GOODIES to share! Some humble (kekeke) goguma basically did a cover of the Banmal Song, using the instrumental version of the song. Love the harmonisation and such. I think it deserves much attention! XD
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Banmal Song (cover) by Jzomg
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Cr: Jzomg@youtube
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































P.S: Can't wait for today's episode!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Btw, this was not sung nor created by me! All credits go to Jung Yong Hwa, of course and the one who did the cover. XD
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Oh, and if this is in any way going against posting rules, please do tell. I've not posted so long, kinda lost track of any new updates on posting rules.

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest sarahcnblue


hi blush.gif


Trent i like the game so lets go ,(from left to right) :




1_ sorry i dont think i see her wear those clothes .


2-Meeting with the unni & decorating the house .w00t.gif


3-Music bank show the rings .wub.gif


4-Pusan ep .wub.gif


5-salon ep melding time sleep.gif


6-uni guri meeting !!(I am not sure with her name ) .sweatingbullets.gif


7- ithink its the coming ep when they will go to hospital coz yong was wearing the purple shirt !!unsure.gif


8-same as 2 .


9& 10 - i dont remember .


11-when the did the sport like u're beautiful . tongue.gif


12- Hoot dance , meeting BIL & making banmal song .wub.gif


13&14-i dont remember !!


15_donating blood , cinema & bank account .


16- yong wishes &buying guitar .


17- i think i did see it but not sure any ep maybe i remember the moment when yong ask hyun act pretty or something & when they at bus and hyun sow Pusan exit & when she said lets wear school uniform together  wacko.gif 


18 - i dont remember .


19- i am not sure either .vicx.gif






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hi there
































































































































































i'm curious abaout this one scenes where cn blue perform in music bank and seohyun watching their performence and her unnies (sooyung and tifanny) tease her from behind and she didn't realize it coz she's to focus watching yong nampyon....
































































































































































but i can't find it in what episode that scenes was....
































































































































































does anyone know that particular scene at what episode...
































































































































































thank you before.....































































































































































































































































































































It was episode 2, showing the ring mission :rolleyes:, and if it is not, then it is ep 3 LOL!
































































































































































I like the game but I´m really bad remembering things like that so I will lurk you guys!!! :w00t: (I only recognize 10 pictures LOL)

































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Guest deeana55


thanks to ellaisha


it's right at ep 8...


i can sleep now....kkkkkkk


i want to join the game but it's midnight know in my place so i will join the game tomorrow after i watch the newest episode of our lovely couple...


night everyone....


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Guest kasia3goguma
































































































Trent I really like Your idea ! :lol:






























































































































Well, I just found out that we are missing one picture there!






























































































































Look what I found!  It's from episode 3! So we can add this as well :D:D:D

































































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Guest ellaisha




hi *quoted image*




Trent i like the game so lets go ,(from left to right) :







1_ sorry i dont think i see her wear those clothes .




2-Meeting with the unni & decorating the house .*quoted image*




3-Music bank show the rings .*quoted image*




4-Pusan ep .*quoted image*




5-salon ep melding time *quoted image*




6-uni guri meeting !!(I am not sure with her name ) .*quoted image*




7- ithink its the coming ep when they will go to hospital coz yong was wearing the purple shirt !!*quoted image*




8-same as 2 .




9& 10 - i dont remember .




11-when the did the sport like u're beautiful . *quoted image*




12- Hoot dance , meeting BIL & making banmal song .*quoted image*




13&14-i dont remember !!




15_donating blood , cinema & bank account .




16- yong wishes &buying guitar .




17- i think i did see it but not sure any ep maybe i remember the moment when yong ask hyun act pretty or something & when they at bus and hyun sow Pusan exit & when she said lets wear school uniform together  *quoted image* this episose is when they took exam for their driving licence...all ur answer is my anwer also...




18 - i dont remember .




19- i am not sure either .*quoted image*











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Guest bbblyzu3
































































anyone here know where I can livestream wgm? 
















































TVU not friendly with me anymore :crazy:
















































thanks in advance to M3 & dduk for their translation for the next ep  :)  ;)
















































hate myself now I have to use my new ac for soompi  :(
















































need goguma dose to cheer me up again hmm..









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Guest lovekin




When this aired, Kangin was still on WGM with Yoonji - they were among my favourite couples. I wonder if he knew that SM Entertainment were seeking to place someone from SNSD onto WGM ... and then, the financial crisis struck and the rating dropped and, well, rest is history, I guess.




I wonder how Seohyun was "chosen" for WGM? Did SM Entertainment choose her based




1. ... on her lack of coverage among the SNSD members, because she wasn't *that* present, being always quiet and in the background.


2. ... on the fact that she would probably throw herself the least at her future husband (unlike, let's say, Sooyoung - no offense), therefore no image troubles?


3. ... on her own descision? (Frankly, I doubt that).






this is just what i've been able to deduce from the articles that were written and general group activities, but i think she may have been chosen because, as you said, she was a bit of a wallflower. and i don't know where i read it - i can't say if it was an official statement or more of an observation on the reporter's side- but SM seems to have a system where they churn out activities for individual members to be spotlighted, so i think it was just seo's turn. and i'm honestly not surprised because the number of variety shows leading up to her appearance on WGM had proven her to be quite capable of holding her own and not needing the support of her sisters as people are often led to believe because said sisters have strong characters in comparison.




i don't think it's so much of an image issue. using your example, sooyoung may have a strong character, but it's exactly that that would garner her public interest because she's quite out there. and in response to your last one, i think seo had to have some input in whether she was interested in doing it or not. judging by her interview about turning 20 and needing to learn more about what relationships are like, she seemed genuine in her interest. if anything, SM may have highly suggested it to her, but i don't know.




going back to seo, i think her own interest is necessary because MBC themselves had stated that interviewees had to be dependable and committed to the show, which is why they have follow-up interviews because people constantly change their minds. you can't really be those things if your heart's not in it. what's attractive about seo from a professional standpoint is because she's exactly that - professional, and she's eager in everything she does, so i think that may have had something to do with MBC's decision.




just thought i'd throw this out there. smile.gif


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anyone here know where I can livestream wgm? 






TVU not friendly with me anymore :crazy:






thanks in advance to M3 & dduk for their translation for the next ep  :)  ;)






hate myself now I have to use my new ac for soompi  :(






need goguma dose to cheer me up again hmm..











I don't know which one is the best for people in different countries.






So you may have to try and find the best one on your own. Anyway, enjoy live spazzing!!

Watch WGM Live

We Got Married airs 5:15 PM KST every Saturday on MBC






To watch the show live, try any of the following sites:
























http://soshified.com/forums/index.php?/page/stream channel #5










































mms:// (live stream from MBC, requires a player like WMV player or Quicktime Player)













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Guest fabiistar07












sooo, i had to check back to older videos b/c i remembered to have seen the 1st one, so it was bothering me lol




EDIT: i added kasia3goguma's picture ^^







I'll put it in a spoiler ^_^





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Guest Fluorescent.Flower








I died for a minute when I saw their faces so close and surprisingly, I  was awakened by the very same faces. Strange, indeed. Anyway, thanks to yongsorockin  for giving the link to Seohyun and Kyuhyun's duet, when I saw the youtube comments I thought "Seohyun and Kyuhyun are nothing but SME  siblings...get over it people."  <_<








I'm not going to dwell on what others have already said about Yonghwa's  "status" comment, all I'm going to say is that I'm not surprised at him  saying he's "single" but I'd be profoundly surprised if said he wasn't.  Now, THAT would be a shocker.








I am absolutely gobsmacked at what I just read from the link Swanflwer  gave. He's done the two things he wanted to do if he had a girlfriend,  with Seohyun - which is, going to the seaside and shopping/buying her  none other than shoes itself. Wow.








As cool as it would be if Seohyun also dyed her hair black, I'm kind of  liking the difference at the moment. It makes the two stand out in their  own way, I don't know how to explain it...but the difference is  complimentary to each other, if that makes sense.








@AngelVillain: No offense to your classmates or anything, but  they need to DIE. Firstly, I can't comprehend how anyone can not like  Seohyun, it's completely inhumane. It's like someone not liking koalas,  they're totally cute (one of my favourite animals, saw a documentary on  them 8 - almost 9 years ago when I was like 10 and have loved them ever  since). I mean yeah, they don't run as stunningly as deers, and don't  have the beautiful pattern leopards possess, sure they aren't as giddy  as monkeys and...wait, I'm not sure if I'm still talking about Seohyun  anymore. I'll admit, she has been overshadowed by her unnies but I like  her even more for being so rooted to Earth. She was one of my favourites  in SNSD because well, she was different. Different in a sense that her  world didn't surround handsome guys who are in the same industry, I  think it'll make the guy she's with in the future feel even more  appreciative of her. I'm sure it would be comforting for the guy knowing  that she didn't swoon over every handsome face. And can I just say  that, for someone who hasn't had a particular preference in guys, she  sure has good taste. When I found out that she liked Johnny Depp as  well, my jaw fell to the ground. He's my favourite actor and if he  didn't have kids and a wife, I'd be catching the earliest flight to  France (where he lives) right now. Sorry, I know you didn't ask for an  essay but I just had to pour my heart out on this one.








@lovekin: I agree. You can't go into WGM half-heartedly, a level of interest is certainly needed because after all, they are the ones who'll be spending their precious time on it. Seohyun doesn't come across as someone who will jump forth just for the mere spotlight, it seemed as though she did it for a number of reasons, one being her need to experience. The fact that she stated in the first episode that her unnies always insisted on her getting a boyfriend, also probably influenced her decision. But yes, I'm sure SME played a contributing role.








@kun_cheero: Thank you for providing the live stream links!








I'm super excited for this coming episode, it already sounds epic.  Yonghwa insisting on how good he is at giving body massages, can he be  more obvious about skin-ship? Definitely cannot wait for their  interaction and like some of you have already said, I prefer it when  it's just the two of them. They're more expressive, that's why. 





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trent i found the old news










PD-nim’s first impression of Seohyun: She appeared in the Taeyeon-Hyungdon couple before. Although it was only a very short appearance, the impression was deep. Despite being the maknae of 8 sisters, she has very clear and subjective opinions, she is also very honest, showing maturity which does not match with her young age, she is a person with strong faith.










First impression of Yonghwa: For YongHwa, even though he was being interviewed with many female PDs, he was not afraid. Most people in that situation would be scared and threatened to say things they did not intend to. However, for Yong, he was able to make jokes, he looks like he’s an experienced guy.










Source/Credit: Newsen










Translated by: Baidu + BettyLovesGogumas



















Yonghwa is like this, he looks like he has many expeirences with love, but actually he’s a very pure guy. He does not have much close female friends. All the photos in his mobile are taken with his male friends. Once when the SNSD members went to the couple’s new home, he was so nervous that he even asked the PD “what should I do” when the camera was not filming him. This pureness match very well with SeoHyun.)










source: Source/Credit: Newsen










Translated by: Baidu + BettyLovesGogumas










SNSD’s Seohyun didn’t have anyone in particular that she wanted as her partner. Similarly, CNBLUE’s Jung Yonghwa didn’t have anyone in particular that he wanted as a partner either. As a result, they were “stuck” together. Source AKP



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Guest lovekin




@AngelVillain: No offense to your classmates or anything, but  they need to DIE. Firstly, I can't comprehend how anyone can not like  Seohyun, it's completely inhumane. It's like someone not liking koalas,  they're totally cute (one of my favourite animals, saw a documentary on  them 8 - almost 9 years ago when I was like 10 and have loved them ever  since). I mean yeah, they don't run as stunningly as deers, and don't  have the beautiful pattern leopards possess, sure they aren't as giddy  as monkeys and...wait, I'm not sure if I'm still talking about Seohyun  anymore. I'll admit, she has been overshadowed by her unnies but I like  her even more for being so rooted to Earth. She was one of my favourites  in SNSD because well, she was different. Different in a sense that her  world didn't surround handsome guys who are in the same industry, I  think it'll make the guy she's with in the future feel even more  appreciative of her. I'm sure it would be comforting for the guy knowing  that she didn't swoon over every handsome face. And can I just say  that, for someone who hasn't had a particular preference in guys, she  sure has good taste. When I found out that she liked Johnny Depp as  well, my jaw fell to the ground. He's my favourite actor and if he  didn't have kids and a wife, I'd be catching the earliest flight to  France (where he lives) right now. Sorry, I know you didn't ask for an  essay but I just had to pour my heart out on this one.






sorry, i know i'm not the person this is directed to but i had to say something.  i know you were just joking, but saying that they need to die is a bit extreme.  crazy.gifsweatingbullets.gif  it would've been better to say that, i don't know, you felt like they needed to get their mental faculties re-evaluated or something like that if you had to say anything at all.  phew.gif  i do understand that it seems incomprehensible to us that there are people who don't like her, and it almost seems ridiculous that someone as grounded as she is - maybe moreso than her idol counterparts - isn't universally liked, but we tend to favor others who most resemble or match well with our personalities anyway.




there are exceptions, of course, but that's generally how we pick our friends/significant others.  it works the same way in how we perceive celebrities.  i mean, i do agree with you and think it's unfortunate, but it's not like our world is going to end if no one appreciates our bias.smile.gif




and speaking of johnny depp, i, too, was surprised when i found out she liked him.  prior to meeting yong and however he's affected her current opinion, i do think that she does know what she likes, but she doesn't really apply her favorites to romantic inclinations.  she's kind of weird that way, and it's omg precious.






funny thing is, though - and this is more of a semi-related tangent than anything

tongue.gif - but i was watching an older episode of champagne earlier this week with SNSD, and there was a section where yoona had to pick her ideal between two men (based on physical appearance), often with unsolicited input from her sisters.  siwon and heechul came up, and the hosts kind of zoned in on seo and pretty much forced her to pick between the two.  she chose siwon, but it was both hilarious and actually quite sad that she sounded like she was chewing on rocks by being obligated to say something when she clearly didn't want to.




to me, that further suggests that not only is she aware of what she likes/dislikes (taking into account of everything since then), but that she really despises it when people put her on the spot.*  i'm going to stretch this further by saying that this is probably a contributing factor to why i think that, if she truly does like yong, it's because he doesn't pressure her to do anything she doesn't want to (never mind the fact that she forces him to do stuff like dance but, as they say, woman's prerogative).  if there is any one reason i support yongseo, it's because of that.






* i do feel sorry for her because she seems to handle a lot of things well, but this seems to be the one thing that she grapples with as someone in the public eye.  most idols, obviously, know it's not a big deal - to choose others based on superficial leanings/having fun with ideals and whatnot - but she takes the issue rather seriously.  and the fact that she has to concede to her superiors or to avoid ruining the atmosphere, she almost has to compromise her principles just to appeal to an audience or have an answer that people expect.  this is also a characteristic that i believe most people don't like because it doesn't come off as "fun" or "laid-back." sleep.gif





edited to put behind a spoiler because it reads a bit ... it started getting unintentionally depressing.  sweatingbullets.gif


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Guest fabregas215



i need to share this. found it at my favourite tumblr (a big thank you to you,omonajungyonghwa)







goguma spells L.O.V.E

note: whose smile is wider now?LOL

a big credit to :omonajungyonghwa.tumblr=)


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Happy Chinese New Year to all GOGUMAS!!! its already saturday and its goguma time...and i usual i can't watch the live streaming of it because i will be at work attending my patients, so i will just have to be patient and wait for the expert to post the link from the raw episode and spazz with you guys later... Thank you in advance for translators and later the subbers, the screen cappers, the gifs and pics... Happy goguma day everyone....


Got to sleep now...Mornight gogumas!!!




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Guest riaheaven
























Hai all, Morning.














Dear riaheaven, you can download it from our sister page here;







RDR Page --> Still in hiatus for site migration. Hopefully we can get their update soon.







KDR Page --> Subs until ep 40. They will be back for ep 42







Sun_sun list of files --> ep 21 - 35







Sonems Youtube







Sonems Page --> ep 41 and below





















Hachimitsu compilation of YongSeo OST







The pwd you can get by following her in tweeter.@xhachimitsu







TQ girls. It's a tough job, but you really do it..;)














Banmal 1st live performance







Thai fans was so lucky to hear them for 1st time singing live.







Even not K-fans get this chance yet...







& TQ for all the sharing fancams of their perf.







Hearing BIL sang a long the song it's a bonus it self.







Additional :







[FanAccount] Holika Holika Magic Party with CNBLUE @ Thailand (01.27.2011)







cr to cnbleustorm.com














Bout Ring+"I'm single" thingy..







It's so funny how the the phrase can make this thread go wild. (Every Wend/Thursday.. we will get some new news bout this couple)







What will it become if he said other than that, maybe "I'm single..but taken" or "I'm single.. but have someone in my mind" or to make it more DAEBAK..







"NO..I've got someone already..."














Confirm this thread will be in 2000+ at no time at all. Not to mention in online news also.







But we know it, that phrase like that can kill the idol career at no time also...







Maybe for short time just like Jonghyun case..








They still young.. Give them a chance hehe.








Another thing, this event is for CNBLUE, so Yong probably will stay low bout WGM thingy.








Also promotion for this product.








So not to offense any BOICE's there, or YongSeo fans.








He's a leader with "perfectionist" type.








He takes the roles seriously, but still not to forget the other side of him, like wearing the Ring.








Unconsciously, he still cover the ring with bigger ring for his fans, BOICE's.








I think the action speak louder than words.








He cares for his fans, even for BOICE's or YongSeo.








He try to satisfy both side.








This is just my POV.
















Bout Fanny lurker in Soompi..








Really hope this couple also read and be a lurker in this thread.








Since I got a feeling that the duckduckduck was Yong.. hahaha..








& his reply to Hyun bout how he got the lyrics ep Banmal writing ep. He just reply with "Internet???" with shy face..








Did he also been stalking bout them self on internet.








Hope he been stalking here.. hahaha..








How I wish it's true.
















What I wish....(for their next filming... can I??)




















I watch 2d1n for latest broadcast international ep where the ep filming without cameraman around them.








They interaction and action was a very spontaneous & honest. Hehe...








Seldom, they remember bout the camera installed around them.
















How do I wish just for 1 day, PD agree to just install the camera around their house and make they do what ever they wanna do, without any cameraman around them.








Just themselves in their own house.








Some time, they tent to forget bout the camera. Maybe we can watch their really interaction between them.








Do what regular couples do. Cooking, eating, watching movies, study for Hyun, Yong creating song, just with guitar, or Hyun trying to study more bout playing guitar. Or Yong sleeping???? hahaha


































Since the celebration for Chinese New Year is around the corner, I take this chance to great all of you "HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR".








I will not be around until 7 Feb. So, it's an early wishes to all whose celebrate this festival. ;)








I wish all of you will be happy always and healthy.








So I still miss 2 ep for YongSeo. :(. Hopefully our friends will upload both episode to download.








& TQ in advance to M3 & Ddukalso all teams in KDR & SONEMS for vid later.








& happy spazzing to all...








& I do know I will catch up this thread maybe 20,30 pages later. ;)








BTW, where's j2dlee... How I miss her/his posts and translation. Please come out and great us...

































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