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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest soshisoshisoshi




grrrrrr........ suddenly I feel like angry after seeing Seohyun & Kyuhyun duet in SMTown Japan Concert :sweatingbullets:. Oh well, maybe it's just me. Our Seohyun can only hold hands COMFORTABLY with her hubby Yo~ng. I know some of you are also like me right :P. I guess this is the effect of the YongSeo virus that is seriously taking over my body :lol:.


Okay back to the happier topic! that one picture is PPPPPPPPPPPPPUUUUUUUUUUUUURRRRRRREEEEEEEEEEEE LLLLLLLLOOOOOOOOOOOVVVVVVVEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :wub::wub::wub::wub::wub: they look really close together!




I don't have anything to say right now....... HEAVILY SPAZZING OVER THAT PICTURE...... KYAAAAAA :wub:




btw, there's no need worry about the lurking gogumas! tomorrow is saturday, eventually they will show themselves here ;)





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Guest Gogumalover84




Close-up shots of Yonghwa singing Banmal song. Only 34 seconds for the first link, though.



Second one is also close-ups at the ending part of the song.



Yonghwa with ban mal song



cn blue@ end of party





For the pics. All credits to Anziez Juiziez @ CN Blue -Thailand FanClub @ Facebook





heheheee :) Am I imagining things ? I think Yong is touching his ring with his thumb when he was singing bamal song at the front of this video!! And he did it a few times! Maybe cos he is thinking of Hyun while singing! :) 


Thanks for such a great and closeup video!!! :) I hope to be there too!!! :)


*Sorry to cut your post*



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Awww yong what is that ur cooking? looks..err..anyway hyun is going to be so touched. Love love the preview pics,so close our yongseo couple. Thanks for sharing everyone!
































Thanks kasia3goguma for sharing the pics. I was watching music station and the whole time snsd had their interview and performing i had my eyes set on hyun's ring finger.lol. If anyone have a more hd pics of it please share. I find in so endearing that while Yong is in Thailand wearing the ring , hyun is in Japan wearing it as well. Both are in two different countries yet here they are sharing a common thing.
































can't wait for 2morrows epi!its going to be daebak!





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awwwwwwwwww!!! that pic just brought my butterflies back!!! I love it I love it! . Thanks aneng, and let me tell you, you are daebak!!! How in the world you could figured out that was a mirrored pic! hahaha, this was so weird to me but you are right!, It looks better the other side :sweatingbullets:.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Thank you hihi_hehe and Thenatstory ! preview is amazing! OMG can´t wait, I´ve been missing their house so much ^^.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































About Hyun singing with kyuhyun, there is something that captured my attention, Hyun´s left hand along the whole song... Please Gogumas, Hyun´s hardcore  fans LOL! (I love her too, but can´t remember what I´m going to ask). Does she usually sing like that, with her hand in her chest?... I´m asking cause I remember Yong singing that way, but not her :wub: . I can´t help but thinking about Yong with that gesture of her ^^ LOL!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Can´t wait for tomorrow!!! 17 hours to go ;_; ... can´t wait!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Stay in Go-Chun dear Gogumas!!!































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































EDIT: Just because I want to spazz about that fanaccount that one Goguma shared yesterday about yongHwa looking at her YongSeo´s sign once and again!!!! spaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. This boy is in love, he can´t stop watching his name and hyun´s together!!!! kekekekeke.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































And I forgot... Thank You M3 and Dduck for your tomorrow´s help again... you guys are amazing!!! ^_^

































































































































































































































































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Guest Seychan
































































































































































































jnj. I always like your post. So interesting. Thank u *hug*
































































After read your post, I let my delusional fly a bit... so funny and happy
































































jnj, i think Huyn take a nap on the bed because it'll be more comfortable, it's if next ep have the scene Huyn take nap in other side of bed, i will photoshop it to make "something" *naughty* I'll show u
































































I'm so curios how did Yong seobang wake buin up? Just think make me so curios... but if have this scene, how sweet they are like a newly weds. Think of Yong make me smile, like a good husband, wake up soon and let wife sleep more. *Die of imaging*
































































I don't think Huyn sat on Yong's lap coz  its too much for hyunnie.. but Huyn maybe sat in Yong's arms. OMG I think it's entirely possible with their level of comfort now... and look at the pic, it prove it is true. Or least, they're so so close...
































































Thank yongseorockin for your link, I can realize when Huyn hold hands with Kyu, she's awkward and after the song ended, they let go of their hands immediately. Seem she's so awkward. Her hand just for Yong <3
































































aneng: they're more more close & comfortaly when take the pic together when compared with pics in the past. Deabak YongSeo. I agree with you, maybe this pic mirrored but it's ok. This is the best selca of YongSeo

































































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Guest kasia3goguma

































About Hyun singing with kyuhyun, there is something that captured my attention, Hyun´s left hand along the whole song... Please Gogumas, Hyun´s hardcore  fans LOL! (I love her too, but can´t remember what I´m going to ask). Does she usually sing like that, with her hand in her chest?... I´m asking cause I remember Yong singing that way, but not her :wub: . I can´t help but thinking about Yong with that gesture of her ^^ LOL!































































Sorry to cut your post. Magdal I don't want to disappoint You, but Hyun's left hand is always like this during this duet. Back in August she did the same thing at  sm concert:
































































































































1) Also about Seohyun and Kyuhyun, I really don't mind it. Seohyun was shy, awkward and was just 'into' the song. She laughed at the end and stopped holding his hand just when the song ended. It was a singing duet, nothing else. I don't mind it at all ;)
































I don't think that Seohyun is thinking about anyone else, there's just Yonghwa ;)
































2) About Yonghwa's statement. I read it, and then read JNJ post, and again I didn't think about it a lot. Because it was CNBLUE's concert. There were some problems with boices before so I guess he wanted to focus on being a leader... Also it could be just a joke. Hyun for sure knows already about it, and maybe he again wanted to attract some attention from her ;) They are both busy right now! So maybe after this, Hyun called him keke... Ok, I'm imaging a lot of things :P
































3) About the new selca photo: It's for sure mobile phone photo ! Well, they are sooo close right now ! One more thing: look how alike they are. There must be sth between them, because come on... People aren't becoming so alike just because they meet from time to time.
































Hyun is usually so shy, won't be close and comfortable with any guy... and now, she wants to hold Yong's hand, want to be close with him... They are on the same level right now.
































PS I know that sometimes there aren't so many new posts... I'm trying my best, but have winter exams on my university and I really need to pass all of them, so sorry for not being able to be as active as I want. I promise to post more after I finish writing the exams! But of coure I will be watching tomorrow's new episode ! Kekeke can't wait for it! It gives me strength for whole week! :D
































And something for aaaaalllll Gogumas to have nice evening:






























































































































































There's no other way, but to fall in love with our Yo~ong :D Hyun we know everything :P
































PS I wasn't sure about his new black hair, but now I know he looks great ! :wub:

































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Sorry to cut your post. Magdal I don't want to disappoint You, but Hyun's left hand is always like this durigh this duet. Back in August she did the same thing at  sm concert:
































































































































































*quoted image*
































































































































































*quoted image*































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Thank you!! ok, I´m not dissappointed at all! haha, must be because back then I was really angry with the duet that I unconsciously erased from my memory LOL!!!!... Now I even find it cute ^^, that´s YongSeo power :wub:.
































































































































































Seychan: Please, wherever she sleeps, please give us the photoshop!!! :D

































































































































































































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Anneyeong :wub:








To everyone wondering where the goguma's are?  Well for sure they are just around the corner lurking around our planet absorbing all these wonderful things we are seeing and hearing about our couple OR it could be that some of us are preserving their energies for a daebak episode tomorrow :rolleyes:








To all fantastic goguma's thank you for sharing these latest updates and photos of the couple.  This month has been so wonderful to all of us.  Great news always comes our way. :)









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And just because I'm weird.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I stared at the picture for a minute and noticed that the angle seems wrong. Seohyun's eyes said it all. For me. You see, I easily get deceived on pictures like this. I can't clearly distinguish if it is a mirrored picture or not.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































But I am not sure, okay. However, I checked the preview and Yonghwa's hair fall like that.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































And luckily, someone at dc married made this:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































*quoted image*

*quoted image*































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































credits: dc married
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































And tell me, am I just obsessed with this couple or this is really how a real couple takes a selca? I mean...okay, I'm obsessed.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































@aneng, I have to agree with your point. I think the first pic shown was a mirrored pic, while the one that someone at dc married made one is the real one....  As I can see, Hyun's hair fall is to her right not to her left.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































They are too sweet to be together, I mean look at the pic, aren't they just like real couple... Tomorrow is GOGOMA day again~~ enjoy the show and happy spazzing~~
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































And to M3, thx in advance for the live translation that will be happening tomorrow and thx in advance to Dduk for the full translation later of the show~~~
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Before I leave, I wanted to wish every Chinese GOGOMA, who will be celebrating Chinese New Year in next week, Happy Chinese New Year~~ Gong Xi Fatt Chai ~~!!

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest soshisoshisoshi
















just want to spazz a little bit more before I sleep. so the pic that was shown earlier was actually mirror? yeah I actually noticed it, but either way, THE PIC IS STILL AWESOME right?? :wub:














I still can't get over the Banmal Song, so I came across this video in youtube, "FMV For First-Time Lovers". I know it was posted before pages ago, but since this version is with english sub, so we can get the true meaning of the MV, rather than the raw hehehehe.....







Engsub MV Banmal Song - For First Time Lovers YongSeo Couple
















bye bye in-go-paem!!, departing for GO-CHUN now :D





















EDIT: okay I'm sorry, I just can't help to post this pic, Seohyun performing RDR 110128 Music Station..... she looks GORGEOUS (plus RING DING DONG OF COURSE!!)asdfgw.png








Hyun! you should consider changing your hair color too! :wub:

















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Guest AngelVillian

Been some time since i last posted in here.

Sure is, alot people have stopped posting! xD

Just to say that i really like Yong's new hairstyle.

And from his recent pictures.

Doesn't seems to have any of the pictures of him spiking that hair up.

So that eventually meant that he'll be keeping them probably that way for some time.


(Thinking too much here)



(Sorry, im turning crazy cause of the photos i saw today - The selcas photos)

*As for the selcas photos,

I personally love seohyun here, she's like beautiful and really nice XD


Hopefully they'll be together like for real.

(Cause i know they are *winks*)

I don't get why some of my classmates don't like seohyun -.-"

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Guest Seychan
































































































































































































magdal: If next ep have this scene, I'll do it. ;)) and I will show you hihi thank u :lol:
































































kasia3goguma: agree with you. People aren't becoming so alike just because they meet from time to time. When two people love each other, they become so alike. You guys can check by look at couples and married couples around you. How alike they are. Some of us look like twins. I had checked and I totally believe it.
































































































































The pic you post, Yong's so handsome, attractive and like a young groom with his nice vest. I do not know why but I always like see Yong wear the vest.
































































Again, makes me look forward to their wedding photo album. How handsome when Yong wear vest and smile (i fall in love with his smile) and How beautiful when Huyn buin wear wedding dress... like two angel married
































































Time for sleep. I sure I can"t sleep immediately coz have many good times of Yongseo a few day. I think about YS and you guys - YS fans. I feel so happy just because we live in different countries. When some people go to sleep, others will start a new day... make this thread never stop spazz. Make this thread never sleep... Whenever I think of it, I smile happily.






























































































































































































































































Good night my beloved friends :lol: Because have you guys, we have this beloved thread. Thank u so much. *hug*

































































































































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Guest uolam21
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































sorry guys i just recently learned how to make screencaps and i wanted to share something from ep39
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i find this so cute!!!

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Hello again Go-Chun Villagers (this is my 2nd post here - hopefully it won't be my last),








This few days have been dae-bak!! From Yong's sexy black hair, to Yong's saying he is single, to the Wonderfullest/Dae-Bakness Thai Boice, etc! All I can say is WOW!!








I would like to say thanks to everyone who have been sharing all the lovely photos, translations and even point of views ... I never get bored reading them.  I think from now on if I'm richard simmons off at work I shall come back here, and I'm sure I will feel much better :-)








Once again thank you.








Anyway, I would like to post something random (not sure if this was posted before).  Anyway, I thought I'd share this with you here - snippets from Japan Mook 21 You Are Beautiful Guide Book Translation








Credit to PSH JKS Baidu Bar













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kangin perfect prediction about seohyun gonna marry soon

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































from mtv class up snsd which aired 21 feb 2009,one year later
































































at feb 2010 seohyun join the variety we got married
































































































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Guest uolam21
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































another screencap from ep 41 this time...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































seo hyun looking very beautiful here...

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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When this aired, Kangin was still on WGM with Yoonji - they were among my favourite couples. I wonder if he knew that SM Entertainment were seeking to place someone from SNSD onto WGM ... and then, the financial crisis struck and the rating dropped and, well, rest is history, I guess.

I wonder how Seohyun was "chosen" for WGM? Did SM Entertainment choose her based

1. ... on her lack of coverage among the SNSD members, because she wasn't *that* present, being always quiet and in the background.

2. ... on the fact that she would probably throw herself the least at her future husband (unlike, let's say, Sooyoung - no offense), therefore no image troubles?

3. ... on her own descision? (Frankly, I doubt that).

Plus, just a single comment on Yonghwa's "I'm single" comment. Besides caring for the BOICES and the Gogumas, I think he said that to protect Seohyun. I remember him saying that he would protect the girl he loves - and given the controversy surrounding the SHINEE guy Jonghyun and Shin Se Kyung and SM Entertainments subsequent isolation order concerning the press and SNSD, I just bet Yonghwa would rather eat Jungshin's unwashed socks than admit that he's "not single".

Just imagine the ruckus (IMAGINARY SCENARIO):

CN Blue's Jung Yonghwa admits having a girlfriend; Seohyun unavailable for comment.


CN Blue's Jung Yonghwa admits being in a real relationship with fake wife SNSD's Seohyun outside of WGM.

Best regards,


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As close-up as I can find for the whole song but I think it's still not close enough.





110127 holika*2 magic party with CN BLUE Banmal Song





Here YH speaks in Thai the same line he spoke in pre-recording of the Banmal song at the YongSeo house.





"Hello. I'm Yonghwa. Vocalist and Guitarist." He also said "Sanook" (fun) with funny laughing and lastly he said "Suud Yod" (kind of like DAEBAK).





CNBLUE(FANCAM) [110127] (1)-Holika Magic Party


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Guest wallpaperfood

Interesting thought, Trent. Those are all good suggestions as to what SM was considering.

After watching various SNSD shows, I gathered that:

(1) Seohyun was one stubborn, inflexible kid who stuck to her principles no matter what; and that

(2) Although everyone is often frustrated as a result, she is still much loved, constantly under their protection.

This not only goes for her SNSD unnies, but the rest of SM too, from what they say. (e.g., the other trainees, the managers, the teachers, the staff etc. all love her, understandably)

Hence, I think that perhaps the SM board (ok, not really sure about how things work there) was aware of this and, assuming they were going to pick someone from SNSD, picked Seohyun because they honestly wanted her to be able to experience and grow - to leave that rigid shell of rules that was then restraining her from expressing herself as an artist. Basically, to help her with her self-development.

Of course, they couldn't have ignored the fact that this would be immense coverage for Seohyun, being one of the more underrated members who is often outshined, sad to say =(, and would be able to show one more of SNSD's "colours" (or sides/personalities, however you want to call it).

WGM could have had a say in it for all you know - the PDs would have always been on the lookout for interesting characters by watching various idol shows, I think, and probably came across more than one show where Seohyun would have voiced out her opinions regarding marriage. If not, I still think they must have loved the proposed candidate from SM, simply because she is such a unique creature - the type of character that makes great for social experiments, you know? hehe. 

Maybe they had already interviewed Yonghwa while in the process of screening the male applicants, and saw great potential in pairing her up with this patiently accommodating, understanding people-reader. (but I recall that Seohyun was cast first and immediately after High School?)

I'm also inclined to think that she might not have embraced the idea at first, and it was only after much persuasion from her unnies and management (who knows, maybe her parents as well!^^) in a desperate attempt to melt that girl's armour that she finally came around and saw that it could do her good. Or something like that. Hence she keeps on emphasising how it's for the "experience" factor. (maybe not anymore XD...)

Yeah, it's worth pondering. =)

Anyway, looks like Yong made her some japanese donburi dish (?) hehe. From the pic, it looks like some rendition of Sukiyaki Don hahaha. Or it could be bulgogi. Cute XD. I probably spazzed more when the Busan train pic came out, because that was the first time we saw them THAT close, but setting that fact aside, I think I'm more in love with this pic. I can't quite put my finger on it - I think it's because I finally get to see them not worried or conscious about the pose. I guess when they were sleeping, they couldn't help but relax and just snooze away - no time or strength to worry about the pose. However, they're fully awake here (obviously), and to see them look so carefree and content next to each other is just so precious. Ofc the fact that it's a selca makes it even better! Hoping it's Yong's phone, since it's always been Seohyun's cam. The only time I saw him using his phone was Ueno Juri ep lol.

Sigh, Yongseo <3

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Yeah, I think she was cast immediately after High School - probably, because suddenly she had the time for that sort of stuff. Also, if you are PD of a show - and someone's offering you a member of SNSD to participate, of course you pick her before anyone else, especially since she's, like, a *hidden* member.

Lots of time for people to get to know her. As for Yonghwa - I'm not sure how well-known he was that time personality-wise. If people knew he could be so playful and mischivious. Maybe they mistook him for his "You are beautiful" persona and thought: Two quiet personalities, they will fit with each other.

And look what happened. :)

Best regards,


Oh, nothing to share.

Therefore, I suggest another game. These are the clothes from Seohyun some kind soul over at DC assembled. It's some sponsering thing, I think. So, let's find out from what episodes the clothes are - I will write the episodes onto the pictures. Those who are left are then either from episodes that will air in the future or haven't been aired and will never air (like the one where Yonghwa fainted after filming). And I strongly encourage LURKER!GOGUMAs to participate and INVENTORY!GOGUMAs to step back to encourage those who don't usually post!


C'mon, guys, I know you are out there!

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