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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest aya otohata

I don't know what others are complaining about, this wedding photoshoot episode is daebak. Please stop expecting Yongseo to do what other couples from Season 1 (and even Season 2) did. Of course, they would do things differently, isn't that why we follow and cherish this couple anyways? due to their uniqueness. And, I think people keep forgetting the fact that the girl in this wedding photoshoot is SEOHYUN!, SNSD's maknae!, the SNSD member who didn't have any interest in boys (I think she even thought of them as gross).....but can't you see the progress she has made in this episode......she let Yong KISS her on the forehead and she KISSED Yong on the cheek, that's a HUGE STEP for her. And, of course, how can you not spazz about how Yong was so nervous and hesitant to kiss her because he RESPECTS her a lot and worried about her not liking it (but of course she does!. He truly showed that he cares a lot about what she feels and what she thinks.....so spazz, spazz, and spazz. I really think both of the annoyed and burdened faces they were making in the episode were to cover up how much they are liking the situation). And, who can forget the back hug? THAT was AWESOME!

So, forget about what the other couples did, focus on Yongseo, pay attention to little details, recall their journey, and you'll really enjoy this episode. Ciao! Keep spazzing!

Oh and the scarf! Knitting takes patience.

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The only negative thing I can say about this wonderful episode is we didn't get to see Seobaby's reaction to finding out it would be Yong's first kiss too. Yong having a girlfriend before, we and I think she was like us too, always assumed he was more experienced. I bet Seobaby was jumping up and down happy inside her head about learning that!

After the scarf, I don't doubt for a second, Seohyun's REAL feelings for Yong. I bet when she pulled out that scarf and worked on it backstage and in waiting rooms, her unnies really teased her a lot for being so much in love like friends do. I can so see Tiffany bending forward and asking Seobaby a hundred times, when she sees Yong does she feel butterflies? LOL

Now, the reason I've always liked Yongseo is it's a real natural progression of a relationship. I think it's unlikely they've declared themselves boyfriend/girlfriend or had the talk yet, they're both so shy ... but they're definitely dropping hints and hoping for the other to start that converstaion, this is what I think. I believe Taeyeon seeing Seohyun do things like knit a scarf for Yong is doing what real friends in real life do, dropping hints to Yong, to go for it, you won't get turned down, when she said she thinks Seohyun and Yong should date and Seohyun is mature enough and responsible enough to handle having a boyfriend.

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Guest moniertu

I am so loss for words!!! This week's episode mustbe the best of the best!!! Last week's episode had already made me tongue-tied, and that my dear gogumas is not a state I am used to, believe me!!

From the word go, I sat with my eyes and mouth wide opened!! I couldn't believe my eyes!! But what I saw I loved so very, verymuch...Thank you, Seo Joo Hyun and Jung Yonghwa, you both have given me never ending happy moments today. But I must admit that during the last part of the episode, after which Seohyun gave Yonghwa the handmade muffler/scarf, I got a bit teary-eyed, must be my age. I was so touched by the fact that she cared enough to find time to knit the scarf for her Yonghwa.  And did anyone notice, in the last black room interview, Yonghwa seemed touched by her thoughtfulness as well.

I purposely didn't set my expectations high for this photo-shoot, thus it was pure ecstasy when it was over laden with lots of love and physical contact.

When Yonghwa put his lips against Seohyun's forehead, it's such a beautiful image of pure love...


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When he grabbed Seohyun by the waist, he was true to his Busan beastly/manliness/napeun namja self


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And don't you guys just love how his arms went around her body


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This was a 'dangerous' position, "Can you feel my heartbeat?"..and something else,too??!!rolleyes.gif (sorry gogumas, especially to our underaged gogumas, my perverted side again)


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And, you go girl!! About time you put your mark on your man!!


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Sorry for making this post image heavy, but I just cannot help it, loved everything about this latest episode..the walk home after the photo-shoot was simply daebak, Yonghwa couldn't resist touching, holding and hugging Seohyun, but Seohyun didn't look as if she minded, either.  If it were yours truly in Seohyun's shoes, I would just die right there and then..But hopefully Yong has the skills to do CPR!!!  Off to GO-CHUN!!!!

edit:   how rude of me, I forgot to thank everyone who shared their links, gifs, screencaps, and thoughts... especially to our translators who never fail to work hard and deliver, I am so glad to be amongst fun, warm and peace loving gogumas..Take care everyone!!

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Guest yongseorockin


@eastlight Responding to your question.

Somehow I feel there is either a SPY in SNSD..(hint: SIL) or he really spends lots of time surfing the net. Its easy to find out Hyun has knitted something for him when the information has been leaked  the she visited the shop. So it comes as no surprise. There are so many people around the 2 of them that they know. Unlike normal folks like us, its probably tough keeping secrets for celebrities. Everybody digs them out...aigoo. Wish they have some privacy for themselves. I don't need to know everything. Just that they be happy.:rolleyes:


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Guest hihi_hehe
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































He closed his eyes as he kissed her. A little smile with a huge happiness
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Cr: DC

































































































































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Anyways I was wondering, did Yong already know that Hyun had knitted him something? Was it because hyun was giving him so many hints that it became obvious or did he find out himself that hyun had made something for him?. I’ve been wondering a lot about how Yong seems to know what Hyun was up too most of the time. Like the time when they went to Busan and Yong said that ‘he heard’ about what hyun was going to do when she meets his parent and after the Busan trip when Yong asked Hyun about what was written in her diary and that he knew that she wrote something before hand. Any ideas go-chun villagers ?




I'm not sure if it was posted in this thread when they were stuff on her visit to the knit shop, but sones knew about it her visit to shop and knitting something for yonghwa already . there were fanaccounts, which was recently translated and also posted in this thread.




so it is possible that 1) yonghwa "monitors" wife and i'm sure yongseo stuff pops up too with their names. so thats prolly how he finds out, seo or snsd boards or even dc married.




2) Seo's manager likes yonghwa, it is possible that they have a good text-call relationship which we dont know about?




3) Its prolly the same as how he managed to find out that seo has been asking around before meeting his mother, now it could be a snsd member, fellow celebs close to both of them, or even the WGM PD. lol or prolly seo had asked for yonghwa's mom's advise or help? she probably told his mom during one of their phone calls. haha~




With seo's busy schedule, chances are she's prolly seen knitting in the waiting room, while on the move or something. she reads a book while waiting so its possible that she knitted in the waiting room as well.




Thats my list of possibilities. lol



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Guest Dinatale








i Just find this epi the BEST !!!! I love the concept, fits them right .. to me its amazing how he is so careful whit Hyun, seeing she is young and never kisssed before, so he is really the best husband she could ask ..  the hugs!! I DIE!!! im so jelous of hyun right now!! But im happy too, if is not me im glad is Hyun jejeje ..  another thing i love the fact that Nana from After School is there .. she say in an interview that Yonghwa is her ideal man like LIZZY .. i like the fact that she likes him but still spazz about the couple jeje Yongseo is powerful!!! Thanks everybody for the raws, pics, trans, etc!!! You guys are the best!!!


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DAEBAK DAEBAK today episode....but anyway back to CN blue new song "imagine love" I want to make remark of the lyrics which is prettty happen on Wedding shoot...
















































I will let you know
















I’m imagining you
















Imagine you looking at a smiling me
















You who are holding my hand~ Oh~ Oh~japan trip....hyun did hold yong hand...hahahaha
















Under a spell you become my love
















Imagining you, imagining you sleeping in my arms
















You’re kissing me~ Oh~ Oh~































Imagining sweetlythis one definately. when the wedding shoot. hahahaha SEOHYUN kissed Yong's check...hahahahahahaa



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MC: I’m guessing when he came he felt good.

JS: Yes I think so!!













I think Juhee forgot a word here, what the MC said was: I’m guessing when he came home he felt good. Oh love, love, love.







Okay, so I have lots of caps to share. I made like 50, but I'll try to limit it down to uhm.. less. These are only caps from their walk in the park, because it's just oh so sweet.







Edit: It's under spoiler, because I couldn't narrow it down to a reasonable amount. I don't want to clog anyone's PC either so it's a warning! Image heavy~







I love the angle the camera's filming from.





















Right after the backhug. Of course Yong's expression along with Nayoung's... heh.














This moment right here. It felt like I was actually secretly following them, hiding behind the wall and what not.. :vicx:





















He got closer after she got frustrated with him, haha.





















This one is hilarious, Seohyun just couldn't get through him.





















Anyone else loved this moment? It was when Seohyun asked Yonghwa to hold her bag and at that moment he figured out that the present's in there.














Taking out the present.. 두근 두근.





















And aww, he's touched. Look at his face on the second pic... :wub:





















Oh this speaks volumes.














And from here on, only stares, stares, stares.























































I edited the caps, but my laptop is acting so weird that the settings change every time I open a file, so you'll see some differences (like, the one is 'warmer' than the other etc).







And thanks a lot Juhee for translations this week and everyone else who's spazzing with us. My friend saw us in the chatroom during the live streaming and asked: Why is everyone acting so weird there? Why are you acting so weird there? LOL.


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^ AH yes! i'm sorry about that...


it was 8AM when i was translating!~ sorry~


i'll fix it now thanks for pointing it out!


am i the only one squeeing at this pic because it could look like this if they really slept next to each other?!


they're so pretty it hurts! i think im starting to get cavities from the sweetness!




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My fic after yesterday's episode : K for Kaleidoscope. Every Goguma must have one of those crazy spazzable moment after that Daebak episode. Mine was writing this. I hope you like it.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Thank you Juhee for the translation! You gave me a very good read before I go to sleep!

































































































































































































































































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i'm back for more spazzing..

random or not...it is me.. :sweatingbullets:

soshi3, u know this noona too well..kekeke

tired from holding the book for too long..its so natural to just put his arm arnd her.. :wub:


reading The Last Hurrah which is all abt politics, heavy stuffs. :rolleyes:

buin is fast asleep while yong struggles to read it to her


no sooner he fell asleep too... :phew:


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Because I will not leave the Go-chun soon, I want to spazz about little things ^^.
































































































































































































































First, Juhee and Sonems subs, thank U so much!!. You guys are amazing ^_^.
































































































































































































































I want to ask if any of you knows what Jungshin said at the part 2, min 0.18 (Sonems subs). MC Park said: YongHwa should have been nervous as well, and JS replayed something... please, any kind goguma?
































































































































































































































Now my few-poor quality caps, but they are good for the spazz :wub:.
































































































































































































































SeoHyun´s face when she heard that Yong was going to "kiss" her on the forehead. She smiled and looked at Yong with this beautiful expression. heart3.gif
































































































































































































































































In this I wonder why  we can hear Hyun softly saying Waeyo? Was his gaze too much?? :wub:
































































































































































































































































And Now, please correct me if I´m wrong but Didn´t Hyun try to kiss him 3 times? ... yeah 3?
































































































































































































































 N 1, she said she touched his cheek :rolleyes: (and I believe her)































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































N3 Yong smiled after this one ^^... what are we going to do with those two? :wub:.
































































































































































































































































Little spazzing, overwhelming feelings... that´s our YongSeo :wub:.
































































































































































































































and the last, but not least thing. M3 and Dduck get well soon ^_^.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































EDIT: where are my manners? Thank You all for amazing pictures and gifs and links to raw, subs, fanfiction and everything! You guys are the best, and a special Hello to sun_sun ^^
































































































































































































































fabiistar07: Yong is wearing his ring in the preview, so I don´t think it is the ring :(

































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Guest fabiistar07
















































Random thought about the preview
















I was just watching it and thinking what could've gotten SeoHyun so mad































and I immediately thought of the RING
















A scarf is too big to loose, but a ring is so small it could end up anywhere
















He said before how he would always wear the ring because if he took it off, he would probably loose it
















And then I thought that maybe that why Yong has been wearing the ring on Inki so much the past couple of weeks
















When i first saw the caps of him wearing the ring I was wondering why so suddenly wear it, and then he started wearing it week after week so I was always wondering if there was a reason or not [maybe wore it as a way of saying I'm sorry I will never loose it again ^^]
















So my guess is that he lost "the precious" ring
















Edit: My bad, i guess it wasn't the ring :sweatingbullets: haha
















i didn't notice he had it on, but i figured it'd be something small, not as big as a scarf..

















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Guest Trent



I don't think he lost the ring. You can see it in the preview around 0:13 (and even better in the preview without subs). I bet it's the scarf. And I hope he's lying and didn't loose it - just leaves the house to iniate an event. Please, please, please.

Here's the preview link:

Best regards,



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Guest glennpaulo

Random thought about the preview

I was just watching it and thinking what could've gotten SeoHyun so mad

and I immediately thought of the RING

A scarf is too big to loose, but a ring is so small it could end up anywhere

He said before how he would always wear the ring because if he took it off, he would probably loose it

And then I thought that maybe that why Yong has been wearing the ring on Inki so much the past couple of weeks

When i first saw the caps of him wearing the ring I was wondering why so suddenly wear it, and then he started wearing it week after week so I was always wondering if there was a reason or not [maybe wore it as a way of saying I'm sorry I will never loose it again ^^]

So my guess is that he lost "the precious" ring

Preview  Pause it in 13 seconds you can see clearly the ring...

Anyway lets not talk about whats in the preview lets save it for saturday....

We still don't know the whole story, maybe its Yong idea or something....anyway lets save it for later..

This week episode is really daebak...to much sweetness, touchie and grrrrrr.....to much to handle...

EDIT: Its already been explained....by trent...

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Guest angels.disguise
















































































































I think he lost the scarf too because I can see the ring in the preview.
















































































Also I think she wouldn't be this angry if it was a ring (because he could always replace it)
















































































but her scarf was something she worked really on and put effort into despite her busy schedule.

















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Guest gmanalangster




































I don't think he lost the ring. You can see it in the preview around 0:13 (and even better in the preview without subs). I bet it's the scarf. And I hope he's lying and didn't loose it - just leaves the house to iniate an event. Please, please, please.


































Here's the preview link:



































































Best regards,





































































































I try to be passive and just keep on spazzing on all the posts here.. BUT I can't I need to make a comment with regards to the next episode,,, hmmm maybe the scarf got unravelled by accident.., and that would be like a problem ...





































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Guest pseudonykkaii




Hey gogumas--one quick confirmation please. Did yong say 'mian'--sorry-- to seohyun after the forehead kiss?




If he did, props to him and his gentleman-ness. He tried to make her feel comfortable with his chodingness and as much as he could, tried not to go on with the kiss~maybe because he was being considerate? I mean, i bet yong wanted to go through with in deep inside in his subconscious xD anyways, im so glad they did it. If they didnt, seohyun wouldnt have had the courage to kiss him on the cheek,or the imma throw you away lift, or the ever so natural backhug~




Ps. Was it just me or yong reaaaaally looked like he was planning the backhug the moment hyun said she was cold? Skinship overload!!!! I loveee it!



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Guest yongseorockin


Sorry if I keep spazzing and if you keep seeing my posts. I watched the RAW video for the 10th time.

Just something I really wanted to share: My thoughts on the kissing scenes.

 I think SeoHyun really wanted a kiss on the forehead.

Think about it. If she really didn't want Yong to kiss, she would have vehemently objected to it like she did for TRAX MV.

But she did not. When Yong asked her if she is alright with it and left the decision up to her, she slightly nodded.

I think deep inside she didn't want it to be a slight peck but a real kiss on the forehead. But she was really shy to admit it. I looked at that video again and again, particularly that scene and felt that she was really shy to admit it but really wanted it.

And Yong. Arh Yong. He was really being a gentleman but perhaps too cautious. But I guess given on the spot thinking, he could only choose the safe option. Maybe if he sees the entire video again, he would have thought, "I should have seized that opportunity then."

And afterwards when SeoHyun was suppose to kiss Yong. Somehow I felt that perhaps partially because Yong hadn't fully kissed her on the forehead but is a rather light peck, Hyun didn't have the courage to fully approach him. Perhaps she must be thinking," arh, how can I be so daring and do it first when he hasn't really fully done it yet." From a girl's point of view, usually they want guys to initiate stuff like this.

I just wanna tell Yong. Have more courage and faith in yourself~~ When the opportunity presents themselves, seize it.

Of course I don't want them to pressurize themselves into doing it but I really think at that moment, Hyun was ready for it and waiting patiently for it with her eyes close. Her heart was probably going duguen~ duguen~

EDIT: On what Yong lost. I think maybe Yong is planning a surprise for Hyun?? So maybe he is pretending he lost something? Presumely that scarf. Somehow I can't really imagine him losing the scarf at all. Its really out of the world and out of my mind. The scarf is so long? Unless he misplace it, its really hard for it to go missing. So I am guessing he planned a surprise for her instead.

EDIT: To add in another point on why Hyun never fully kissed Yong. I guess its also partially because she remembered Yong's expression while they were eating pizza when Seu Long proposed the idea. Also when he said he won't grant that wish when the photographer asked Hyun to kiss him. Yong was the one opposing all along while SeoHyun was the one that was quietly taking a backseat and observing Yong oppose to the kissing scenes. SeoHyun had not, repeat, vehemently oppose to the idea at all. The focus is on the word vehemently. She hardly voice out her opinion for the most of it but just went...hermmmm...hermmm...




 Well from a girl's point of view, if a guy is opposing, the girl wouldn't have courage either. You really need guys to take the lead at this point in the relationship for girls that are like Hyun.




Thats all I suppose. My opinion.




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