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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest gogumacouple4ever






Is it just me or nobody posts MC Kim's tweet?


우결녹화마치고퇴근!..언능 집에가서 아가들과 놀아야지..토요일닥본사!!..


간만에 한강얼음이녹고있네요..즐거운명절되세요! ..V587..!!!^^


2011.02.02 11:55




I see no Yongseo there...






wow thread is moving fast =]




anyways, would someone care to translate MC kim tweet for us? pretty please!




I'm also curious to what he tweeted. kekeke <3



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Guest andy<33

hahaha, finally i come out from my lurking mode. i am forever soompi lurker. lol~

hello there, ginger here :) and this is my first official post here in in-go-paem hahaha~

talking about antis, how i was in anger this afternoon after seeing some tweets from another friend that i follow talking about yongseo is boring and fake. but i calmed afterward, i know people's liking always be different each other, rite? but i think she is just jealous or lol. like all of you, and a typical-gogumas, i think they are the one who seems so pure and real.

anyway, for lindayeahyeah as i know it is just an expression for a close friend to call his/her friend name. not only friend but family or relatives. it is either seohyunnie or seohyun-ah. jiwonnie or jiwon-ah. if it is ended in vocal like yonghwa it will be yonghwa-ya. correct me if i am wrong :D

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Guest just_a_dream
























annyong nightshifters!























i really am curious on where can i watch the vid where Yonghwa was interviewed about his ideal girl something?.i also want to watch his expression when he described the girl and the CN bro's reactions too..does anyone have the link?.thanks in advance for those who have..would really appreciate it!.i don't know if it was posted and it just me that accidentally skipped it..thanks again!smile.gif























ahahaha.,i was really happy knowing that the posted message bout them ending the filming was just FAKE!.








that message had me felt so badtears.gif..anyways, thanks Gogumas for the very fast clarification there..








it really is a proof how much we love them,it's like the whole village was having some high intensity earthquake level though..w00t.gif








have to sleep everyone!.3:20am in my clock..babye..see you all in Go-chunwub.gif









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Auuuhhh, first the fake article. Geez, why antis you bother to write article like that? I was saddened, too, when the adam couple left -- and since it's recent, now everytime I think about Yongseo, makes me afraid what will my reaction be when it's time for them to leave the show.




but!!! thanks for those who shared the Holika Holika TV interview! And translations, too! Awwww, I revived fast LOL And as everyone says, Yong, you sure you gave us the real not-detailed answer? I wonder if he told us in details -- he'll make an essay from his answer lmao. And the others' laugh... so qt :rolleyes: I SMELL SOMETHING. HMMMMMMMM~




flying to go-chun right now... brb. :wub:




Happy Lunar New Year for those who celebrated it! Gong Xi Fat Chai!





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Guest Fluorescent.Flower




























Omg. I spent the whole day (couldn't even focus on what my teacher was  saying) with the month April hanging on my mind. I  didn't think the  news would bug me so much. Sure, I didn't expect them  to carry on the  show their whole lives but God, it hurt to know when  they'll end it. At  least, I've become a little more prepared for when it  actually  happens. And, it's funny when you think about YongSeo having  antis,  they are like the most angelic couple. Life is short and sadly,  so many  people use their precious time to hate when they could be using  it for  more meaningful stuff like creating YongSeo parody videos. Anyway, I'm glad all has been cleared,  thank you everyone for confirming that the article is bogus.




















@Kubih and Ammel123's video:  That was hilarious. I showed it to  my sister (I was  pretending that  it was real), she was totally buying it but was shocked  at the same  time and then the part where Seohyun says "...you do your  husky sexy  voice chants" she was like WTH?! That is not her. At that  point, I  couldn't hold in the laughter so I burst. Thank you lenovo for the link!




















And it is so obvious his ideal type has now officially changed  to  Seohyun. I mean, before he vaguely mentioned that someone as caring  as  Seohyun is his ideal but now, he even touched upon her more  specific  personality traits and not to mention her appearance! You  can't get more  obvious than that.




















By the way, does anyone  know if YongSeo would be spending Valentine's together (on  WGM)? Just  curious because I'm hoping that Yonghwa would say the V message to his virtual wife and perhaps also prepare a romantic date.




















just_a_dream: He says it around 1:10 according to ouichan.
































































































Even though I don't celebrate it but to those who do: Happy Lunar New Year!





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Guest Yangie12

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































And it is so obvious his ideal type has now officially changed  to  Seohyun. I mean, before he vaguely mentioned that someone as caring  as  Seohyun is his ideal but now, he even touched upon her more  specific  personality traits and not to mention her appearance! You  can't get more  obvious than that.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Sorry for cutting your post. I know right! He has always been a bit vague about his ideal type, and ever sice he started WGM, he has been very careful with these kind of questions. Yonghwa is that kind of guy that doesn't put too much thought into his ideal type. "I didn't have a particular preference then and still don't put so much meaning inti an 'ideal' type." Even when he mentioned Ueno Juri as his ideal type, he told Hyun that ideal type is just a preference. There has been a couple of times where he said that he liked feminine girls/innocent girls/honest girls; usually just one characteric. During that time, there are some fans said that he is totally talking about Hyun. But I disagreed because really, it's just one trait..you can never relate it to only Hyun. But wow, this time really! He has never been this specific, as far as I know ^^ He is totally talking about Hyun, because everything he mentioned just screams out Hyun. I wonder if he really wanted to mention one trait and leave it like that, but then he suddenly thought about Seohyun and kind of rambled on? Haha.

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest Fluorescent.Flower





Sorry  for cutting your post. I know right! He has always been a bit vague  about his ideal type, and ever sice he started WGM, he has been very  careful with these kind of questions. Yonghwa is that kind of guy that  doesn't put too much thought into his ideal type. "I didn't have a particular preference then and still don't put so much meaning inti an 'ideal' type."  Even when he mentioned Ueno Juri as his ideal type, he told Hyun that  ideal type is just a preference. There has been a couple of times where  he said that he liked feminine girls/innocent girls/honest girls;  usually just one characteric. During that time, there are some fans said  that he is totally talking about Hyun. But I disagreed because really,  it's just one trait..you can never relate it to only Hyun. But wow, this  time really! He has never been this specific, as far as I know ^^ He is  totally talking about Hyun, because everything he mentioned just  screams out Hyun. I wonder if he really wanted to mention one trait and  leave it like that, but then he suddenly thought about Seohyun and kind  of rambled on? Haha.




















Hahaha! Yeah, I think he thought  himself safe just because it's a Thai interview. In Korean interviews  he's more reserved and very broad/indirect in his answer. I believe you  are right, he sees a list of good attributes in Seohyun, so when asked  about his ideal type, he kind of just set off after mentioning each one.  But he probably did do it intentionally, I think he felt comfortable  enough to say it because of the support he's gained from Thai fans,  especially during the performance of the Banmal song. One trait would  have been enough to suggest that he doesn't have anyone in particular  but a whole list suggests he definitely has someone in mind. I like that he  didn't just focus on his ideal's appearance. You often hear idols say someone "cute", "pretty" or "sexy" etc but hardly ever they talk about  personality. Of course, personality can only be spoken of when, again,  you're thinking of someone and you know them thoroughly. Now that Yonghwa's feelings have been  somewhat clarified, we need Seohyun's. I just hope she says something  along the lines of "How can you compare an actor you're a fan of (Johnny  Depp) to my Yonghwa someone who's helped you grow in so many ways".





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Guest kjtodd08










Just dropping by to post this....Fate~...(another one shot from me for our couple<3)




HOPE you enjoy it!!!PLS.pls Pls. TRY IT~<THANK U>wub.gifhappy reading^o^










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Guest lovekin
































































i, among the rest of you, exploded into fine pieces of glitter after reading/watching that interview.  i think that's about as forward as yong will get.  but just to even it out a little, spoiler!  and don't read the spoiler because, from most of your ends, you'll probably find it a bit bubble-bursting.  i honestly don't do this on purpose, though some of you may beg to differ, but i like to be practical about things.  <shrug>
































































































it just makes me LOL because i wonder if he said it because he knows that his audience will come to the obvious conclusion, and it's more of an effort to appease them without being too frank about it.  second, who's to say that these qualities aren't just aspects he looks for in an ideal now because of seo?  not necessarily because it's her.
































































before you rage at me!  i only brought the possibilities present in this spoiler because those are legitimate possibilities.  i think everyone is pretty quick to change their opinion on how yong handles things if it concerns seo.  for instance, let's say he's answering a question that sounds like he's talking about another girl, everyone then decides he's just being vague and it's not how he really feels because it's not in favor of seo; likewise, if it is in favor of seo, then everyone is quick to deduce that he must be talking about seo.
































































in other words, it's very biased thinking, and it personally makes me uncomfortable if there's no consistency.  basically, this is just my way of reminding myself that it could go either way.  it doesn't mean i think i'm right, however, and no one is obliged to agree with me.































































































but practicality aside, i think his answer was humorously obvious and most likely because he harbors an infatuation for seo.  it really isn't unlikely.  even if he hadn't meant to describe what we know applies to seo, he probably did it unconsciously anyway.  i'm kind of reluctant to use the following as further evidence because it's not hard-set, but his eyes start shifting quite a bit and he rarely looks at the interviewer, unlike jong who does make eye contact with the interviewer every other second.  now, as i said, it's not definitive because avoiding eye contact could mean so many different things, depending on context.  and even then, you can't rule out inaccuracy.  in certain cases, avoiding eye contact = lying, but i'm of the opinion that he was being a bit too forthcoming in his answer, and he may have been nervous because it's a real feeling.
































































(another example of this would be in that NAN episode where he clearly can't look at people in the eye.  tongue.gif)
































































and!  just for fun and maybe even further back-up, those who are specific about how their ideal should look like/detailed probably already have someone in mind.  case in point: jinwoon.  he did the height, the style of hair, etc. way back in an arirang interview.  honestly, i probably wouldn't have even blinked at his answer were it not for being specific.  slightly taller than your shoulder?  really?  for someone who tends to generalize when speaking about ideals, his answer was a bit wayward if you ask me.  laugh.gif

































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I don't have specific requests towards my ideal type: Firstly, I hope she is the pure kind, and has a feminine personality, and someone who is honest. Also for appearances I like (girls with) long hair, hopefully wavy long hair. For size...I hope she is slightly taller past my shoulder, and I like clear and clean eyes.. and a girl who knows how to take care of herself / self disciplined.

Yoooong~ just say it out, confidently!  I love Seohyun!   Don't beat around the bush...........

Question - does anyone know the song playing in the background, EP42, SONEms PART 3, starts around 10:01 ends around 10:55, it plays for the entire time Hyun is talking about everything she does to stay healthy & both Hyun's & Yong's

 blackroom interviews about their health?......Thanks!

Also, I heard WGM picked 'Lizzy' for the wife for the next couple, but they haven't picked the husband.  Who is 'Lizzy'??

Who picks Hyun to initiate the 'pinky squeeze' in the next episode and who picks Yong?   I say Yong rubs his pinkie against Hyun's hand, and then Hyun grabs it with all 4 fingers.  So Yong initiates the 'pinky squeeze' but Hyun finishes it off with the full four finger grab!   What do you all think? 

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Guest MountainMadman

Also, I heard WGM picked 'Lizzy' for the wife for the next couple, but they haven't picked the husband.  Who is 'Lizzy'??

Lizzy is one of the members of After School, a 9-member girl group under PLEDIS Entertainment. She's also part of its 3-member subgroup, Orange Caramel, along with Raina and Nana.

Personally, I'm a huge fan. ^_^ If the casting rumor is true, then I'm going to be one happy camper. Where did you hear the news?






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Hi gogumas, out of my one day lurker mode cause I want to spazz about Yong´s answer :lol:. OMG! he is so cute!! nice Yong, I still don´t get why he did it hahaha, seems like a Joke since he said he wasn´t asking that much LOL, but then he started to describe Hyun and talked a lot :wub:. Come one, it was Hyun, he knows it was her LOL!!!!. It is the first time he is that obvious with his answer about this question. The big eyes, the innocence and honest girl has always been there, but the height, wavy hair, and to  know how to take care of herself is new and detailed LOL!!!. I can´t help but remember Japan trip when he said, she is going to find me! ... Why?, because she is Seohyun :wub:. He knows she can take care of herself!!
































































































































































Ok, stop of boring you with my spazz, I just want to say Happy New Year for all of you who were celebrating it :rolleyes:!
































































































































































And gogumas, thank you so much for all the goodies!!! (I won´t even going to talk about the hamburgers)






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































EDIT: Luvtokki, the song is called  blame it on the boogie and it belongs to the jacksons 5.































































































































































































































































































































About Lizzy, a goguma  told us yesterday in SWD chatbox... but I don´t remember where she said she read about it. Lizzy was the busan girl MC  in the Yong´s omoni episode ^^.































































































































































































































































































































About pinkies, I think it was Yong, but expect the unexpected always! :rolleyes:
































































































































































































































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More here: http://gall.dcinside.com/married/633544 http://gall.dcinside.com/married/633546









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Guest eric-original


Awesome, Lizzy is jjang!

On a related note, she chose YongHwa as her ideal type in a radio interview a while back kekeke.

Most of the After School members chose Jung Yong Hwa on the same radio interview.

I remember watching the video on youtube somewhere.


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I don't have specific requests towards my ideal type




long hair, hopefully wavy long hair

is slightly taller past my shoulder

clear and clean eyes

knows how to take care of herself / self disciplined.

yong ah..why don't u just go straight to the point? :rolleyes::sweatingbullets:

my ideal type is my 'virtual' wife...Seo Joo Hyun..


need to say thanks to

ammel, kubih & lenoveo for that parody.

watching the clip again, i actually memorise the parody line better than the actual one.

hug to guys for lifting up our mood again..

also to ouichan, genevieve and EVERYONE for translations, caps, links & gifs..

aneng, u are one resourceful goguma..hugs!

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I've made a few posts in this thread, and most of them concern body language because our couple seldomly express how they feel verbally, so I started reading their body language. I just read something very interesting about nose flaring and I wanted to share it. Obviously, Seohyun flare her nostrils a lot; even in the last episode, Yonghwa teased her about it.
































































































































































Nasal Win Dilation (Nose Flare)
































































































































































Lovers can often be seen hovering around each other, their nostrils subtly flaring in excitement and anticipation. Most likely, lovers engage in this subconscious behavior as they absorb each other's scents of sexual attraction known as pheromones. Nose flaring is also an intention cue, a potent indicator of the intent to do something physical, and not neccessarily sexual. (pg. 197, Navarro, What Every Body is Saying)
































































































































































There was a bit on lip pursing, too, and I want to point it out. Seohyun and Yonghwa both purse their lips often, especially Seohyun. This action is used when "we are in disagreement with something or someone, or we are thinking of a possible alternative." (pg. 191) And this makes sense, because if I remember correctly, when Yonghwa couldn't donate blood, he told Seohyun not to donate as well. But Seohyun pursed her lips, thought for a few seconds, and gave him an alternative solution (that they can donate together next time, and she will do it by herself this time). Also, when Seohyun confronts Yonghwa about 'ignoring' her, while thinking, Yonghwa pursed his lips (probably thinking of an alternative answer; or he felt her accusation is incorrect) and told her he did it so they could become closer. That also means that he was probably hiding something; maybe hiding his feeling of being rejected by her. I've said this before, but I'll say it again. When someone is interested in another person, but the other person does not respond, the person showing interest will feel rejected and they will withdraw/ignore. Only once a positive reply is given then they continue their courting. Yonghwa probably felt rejected by Seohyun, that could be a reason for his 'ignoring period'.
































































































































































But these are just assumptions and are in no way completely accurate, because we are not them, so we will not know. But from my observations, the way they lean towards each other is a tell tale of their interest towards each other. Yonghwa, however, shows more interest and comfort than Seohyun (Yonghwa hands and arms are more open and loose compared to Seohyun, which are sometimes clenched to her sides or folded across her chest). But it is okay, because eventually, we see Seohyun open up as well. To balance her lack of open arms, her eye gazing makes it up. "When we see someone we like, we tend to expand our eyes to make them as big as possible." (pg. 181) Her eyes are already big, but her 'twinkling eyes' look (the one Yonghwa is in love with) is a tell tale sign that she likes who she sees.
































































































































































Once again, these are just small bits I picked up from joy-reading, so they might not be 100 accurate, but I think they're fun to think about. And thank you everyone for the sweet translations, videos, thoughts, and pictures. Yongseo/Goguma couple fighting! ^^ <3

































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Guest fabiistar07



luvtokki Lizzy was an MC once on the Busan episode, she's a Busan girl, and seemed pretty funny and cool

She was also on the maknae perf Hyun was in hehe

Although it seems like it'll be a while (if it's true) until Lizzy gets a husband

Awh..but that'll mean less YS timee :(

Thanks for the interview translation!!

Seriously Yong seobang, just "say it out in one go confidently!" (quote from Yong~ @ fishing trip) :lol:

Topped the page ... I will share something once it's done uploading :sweatingbullets:

[seriously YT is the slowest thing ever it's killing me~! I've been trying to upload it all afternoon and night >__<]

It took like half of my life <_< , but it finally uploaded~!

YongHwa's Ideal Woman♥

Edit: Xanshi I also hope he's not teasing us, sometimes it's hard to say with Yong choding :P

But now that I think about it, I'm glad by just the fact he said it ^_^

It made me and many other gogumas happy


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Guest gogumaforever
































































hello gogumas, how was youre lunar new year's celebration?
































thanks aneng for the link,
































does anyone translate mc kim's tweet? i haven't seen what it was about.
































































anyway regarding yong's ideal girl description,  is he just teasing the audience as well as his brothers? of course everybody knows who he said describes a lot of seohyun.
































looking forward on saturday.

















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Guest hannahgarrido






I don't have very specific requests/expectations  towards my ideal type: Firstly, I hope she is the pure kind, and has a feminine personality, and someone who is honest. Also for appearances I like (girls with) long hair, hopefully wavy long hair. For size...I hope she is somewhat taller past my shoulders, and I like clear and clean eyes.. and a girl  who knows how to take care of herself / self disciplined.



oh, come on, yong~!! you don't have any specific requests/expectations towards your ideal type??












feminine personality??






long wavy hair and clear and clean eyes??















somewhat taller past my shoulders??






gosh... isn't it so obvious who she is yong~? ahhh!!! w00t.gif i'm in go chun right now!! wub.gif



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