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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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as posted by aneng at gg thread












There are tweets regarding Seohyun from the concert.




















結構遠くて>< でもソヒョン超絶美しかった〜!
















두 사람은 센터 스테이지에서 바라보고있어 노래하고 마지막에는 손을 주고받았지만, 노래 끝나자 마자, 서현이 부끄러워 토해 내고 손을 떼어 버리고어요 (* ^ o ^ *)
















규현과 손을 잡고 서로 바라보는라고 유우, 좋아 ~ 느낌의 연출을 때, 서현 양이 참지 못하고 웃어 버려서 귀여웠다








credits: dc married













Heh..forgive my language limitation, but can somebody translate this please...Thanks !!





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Guest Kerube-Chan
















































































































If my brain serve me right, I think the recording were like this:
















































































Nov. 30 - Busan Trip
















































































Dec. 07 - Filming of 300th anniversary in their house (As Selene said, there was an interview with the PD in wich he said they just stayed at home and didnt do anything special to celebrate their 300 day)
















































































Dec. 14-15 - The Ski resort trip, was a day before the Melon Awards, I remember because Yonghwa filmed until midnight in the ski resort and then he has to rush to film an special stage for the melon awards, in the actual broadcast of the show, there is a pre-record performance from cnblue. This was reported by Saturn in CNBLUE thread
















































































Dec. 25-26 - Banmal Song MV making - Upload to YT - Already Broadcasted!
















































































Dec. 28 - Wedding Photoshoot. I just hope this is true!!!
















































































Jan. 19 - Shooping Filming
















































































@azuwaza, the translators will help when they are available, please dont put pressure to them, Is just my personal opinion that asking is a little to much, in some point or another if they want to, they will translate it for us. My personal opinion, I dont mean to offend anyone.

















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Guest SeLeNe_Alai07
















Yep you are right..












Timeline Should be (this is after Busan)



























































Thank You baby_bo I was going crazy lookin for a link to this article but I haven't been able to find. For a second there I was beginning to think I have lost my mind. :rolleyes:












BTW I have found something very intersting about white roses and butterflyes that I think would be a great event for uri yongseo for valentine's day.












I was brain serve me right, I think the recording were like this:












Nov. 30 - Busan Trip












Dec. 07 - Filming of 300th anniversary in their house (As Selene said, there was an interview with the PD in wich he said they just stayed at home and didnt do anything special to celebrate their 300 day)












Dec. 14-15 - The Ski resort trip, was a day before the Melon Awards, I remember because Yonghwa filmed until midnight in the ski resort and then he has to rush to film an special stage for the melon awards, in the actual broadcast of the show, there is a pre-record performance from cnblue.  This was reported by Saturn in CNBLUE thread












Dec. 28 - Wedding Photoshoot.  I just hope this is true!!!












@azuwaza, the translators will help when they are available, please dont put pressure to them, Is just my personal opinion that asking is a little to much, in some point or another if they want to, they will translate it for us.  My personal opinion, I dont mean to offend anyone.























Than you Kerube-Chan for confirming, now I know for sure I didn't lose my mind. What a relieve:sweatingbullets:












Then again who knows if PDmin is going to used this footage anyways.





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Guest yongseorockin


Hi there gogumas, just found something on twitter. Have a feeling it has something related to voting for YongHwa's banmal song. Scroll down to see his face http://sports.chosun...nking/main+.htm






Not sure if we are able to vote. I clicked on it. Some translation would help a lot. Thanks you so much translators! Then we gogumas can go help vote if we are able to!




EDIT: So sorry, didn't notice vmasterpiece posted it already. I tend not to read too much of previous posts..Treat it as reposting. ^^


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Guest mimayree



If my brain serve me right, I think the recording were like this:


Nov. 30 - Busan Trip


Dec. 07 - Filming of 300th anniversary in their house (As Selene said, there was an interview with the PD in wich he said they just stayed at home and didnt do anything special to celebrate their 300 day)


Dec. 14-15 - The Ski resort trip, was a day before the Melon Awards, I remember because Yonghwa filmed until midnight in the ski resort and then he has to rush to film an special stage for the melon awards, in the actual broadcast of the show, there is a pre-record performance from cnblue.  This was reported by Saturn in CNBLUE thread


Dec. 25-26 - Banmal Song MV making - Upload to YT - Already Broadcasted!


Dec. 28 - Wedding Photoshoot.  I just hope this is true!!!


Jan. 19 - Shooping Filming



Thank You So much for the answers....so after the Busan trip would be their 300th anniversary in the house.


Oh come on no event? Its their 300th day, there must be something they did.hmmppfff


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Fan acc yesterday .. our yong soebang at salon , http://gall.dcinside...0097&page=1=
































And you know what his hair now black ^^
































Today pic at airport to tailand

































































































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Guest fabiistar07








Fan acc yesterday .. our yong soebang at salon , http://gall.dcinside.com/list.php?id=married&no=630097&page=1&bbs=




And you know what his hair now black ^^




Today pic at airport to tailand




*quoted image*







Oh! Yong~ seobang won't have matching hair colors with Hyunnie anymore :(




I'm so used to seeing it brown that it looks weird but I can't wait to see a better picture, he's seriously handsome in anything and any style




I wonder what Hyun will say about it too ^_^




I can't wait for translators to be available ... I'm more curiouss about MC Jake's tweet







Let's be patient guys ^_^





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Guest Seychan
































































































































































































Anink: Thank for your pic. But I feel a little confused when looking at this picture. Looks more like JongHuyn than Yong seobang. Because JongHuyn often have straight hair and black at this time. And his face is thinner and longer than Yong's. I'm not sure but really I think he's JongHuyn.
































































Kerube-Chan: Thank u for confirmation. YongSeo have many activities at December. I can't remember all. Thank u. I can remember clearly. :)

































































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Guest LennieYongseo




Anink : whuaaaaa,, i'm very SHOCK when saw YONGHWA with his black hairrr..


but,, after i see, maybe i'm wrong, is he jonghyun..??


i think he is jonghyun..


but correct me if i'm wrong.. rolleyes.gif


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Guest steffigrape


















i'm sorry if this was asked already, but do you know what type of backpack seohyun had at busan this latest episode? xP



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Guest ikekeyou
























Someone on SPD said MC Jake posted that he heard Yong's banmal song at the salon.
















I guess MC Jake didnt know about the released so when he heard it he was surprised (:
































Yong has black hair now?!? It looks like him so im guessing it's true
















awww our couple wont have the same hair color anymore! it's okay... im not complaining
















but i always wondered why they always had the same hair color ahahahah
















edit: just saw clearer photos of yonghwa at the airport. his hair is black and he even got a haircut!
















he looks so much younger!! :D
















will seohyun be able to recognize her hubby the next time they see each other? ahahaha (:





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Guest Hajin100
































Hi, so I've been following the thread for a long time and following the Yongseo couple from the start. Just wanted to throw my two cents to let you know that it seems Yonghwa has gone back to black per the DC post (am Korean-American, but have lived in NYC since I was 2 so my Korean is not great, but good enough to get the basics. Also, MC Kim tweeted that he heard the Banmal Song, but seemed surprised it was a solo although he thought it sounded good.
































In any case, no thoughts about whether they're real or not, but I love watching them whatever they are!

















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Fan acc yesterday .. our yong soebang at salon , http://gall.dcinside...0097&page=1=


And you know what his hair now black ^^


Today pic at airport to tailand


*quoted image*



Anink : whuaaaaa,, i'm very SHOCK when saw YONGHWA with his black hairrr..


but,, after i see, maybe i'm wrong, is he jonghyun..??


i think he is jonghyun..


but correct me if i'm wrong.. *quoted image*



As you can see in the image, He have the couple ring on his finger. its Yonghwa.


Gogumas fighting! Hoping Saturday will come soon.


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Guest puukpui
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Moochuko Mikami mentioned about Yongseo couple's We Got Married in Japan radio.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Korean translated
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































안녕하세요∼♪catalyst미카미 무츠코 입니다.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































☆ 「우리 결혼했습니다」CNBLUE의 용화와 소녀 시대의 서현편 ☆ 에 대해 이야기 했습니다(^O^)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































◎ 체험형 가상 결혼 버라이어티 프로그램.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































초 인기의 커플이 결혼하고 사랑 하는 모습을 코믹함도 넣어 보여 주는 매우 재미있는 기획입니다.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































이제(벌써) 너무나 사랑스러워 참을 수 없습니다♪「용화」팬인 저 입니다만, 「서현 」이라면 무심코 응원해 버립니다(^O^)/
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































프로그램 으로 부터 주어진 미션을 해 나갑니다만(유원지등에서 데이트 하거나 새 집을 장만 하거나)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































회를 거듭할 때 마다 어색함이 없어져, 두 사람의 거리가 가깝게 되고 있는 것이 느껴집니다.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































그가 자신 있는 기타를 가르쳐 주거나 그녀의 추천인 책을 읽거나와 서로 존중하고 있어 가상 이라고는
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































생각되지 않는, 따뜻함이 있는 프로그램이 되어 있습니다.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































순수한 두 명을 보고 있어 무심코 미소지어 버리는 나.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































그들 팬은 복잡한 생각이 들지도 모릅니다만, 앞으로도 따뜻하게 지켜봐 주고 싶지요.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































정말로 너무나 바쁜 두 명이므로 큰 일이라고 생각합니다만, 건강하고 더욱 더 활약해 주었으면 하면 바랄 뿐입니다.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































향후 어떻게 되어 가는지 기다려지게 응원해 갈 것입니다.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































젊다고 정말로 좋겠다! 라고 절실히 느껴 부러울 따름입니다 o(^-^) o
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































일본에는 없는 듯한 한류 독특한 프로그램이 여러 가지 있어, 즐거움을 여러분에게 전달할 수 있도록(듯이)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































사랑해요 열심히 할테니 들어 주세요∼♪
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Cr: ステキ용서@dcmarried
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Netizen Popular Battle (Melon)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Period : 01/25/2011 ~ 01/30/2011
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Method : Streaming 30%, Download 50%, Voting 20%

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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I borrow this picture from CN Blue tread
















































I think the guy beside CN managers BLUE it's Yong, because almost the same height, and his hair was not black
























and also at the time of the event Inkigayo, yong hair is still colored, not black
























and I also can not see the ring on the first picture, because it is very vague section hand
























and I also do not see any earrings in him ear, while Yong wearing earrings
























(soory, my poor english)



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Guest pen(..^^..)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































hi gogumas :)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i try to translate this part because it's about the duet of seohyun & kyuhyun.. the rest is about praising how cute & pretty uri seohyun is :)































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































the 2 people singing while staring to each other, then they held hands but as soon as the song is finished, seohyun feel shy/awkward and stop holding hand (*^o^*)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































she holds hand and staring to each other with kyuhyun, when good feeling of the performance (sorry hard to translate this part :( ), seohyun endures not to burst into laughter, it's cute.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































PS: sorry if there's some mistake xDD i've tried my best :)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































aigooo cute uri seohyun, she just want to hold hand with one and only her husband cute ♥ :wob:

































































































































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I borrow this picture from CN Blue tread
































*quoted image*
































I think the guy beside CN managers BLUE it's Yong, because almost the same height, and his hair was not black
































and also at the time of the event Inkigayo, yong hair is still colored, not black
































and I also can not see the ring on the first picture, because it is very vague section hand
































and I also do not see any earrings in him ear, while Yong wearing earrings
































(soory, my poor english)































































Sorry i cut your post from left is cnblue manager  , minyuk , behind ( minyuk ) is junshin
































And from fan acc is true that yonghwa now his hair is Black....

































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Found this from MC Kim tweet, is this related to YongSeo.
















































































































우결마치고간만에추어탕집..ㄱㄱ 오늘은 용서.쿤돌 영상보고 너무 웃어서 주름이깊어졌네요..토욜닥본사!.....V587~! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 즐거운하루되세요!































































































































































































Cuz when I try using "Google uncle translation", make no senese.. hehehe

















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Guest Tofu_Cloud
















:( Anybody know ep 20 +












where i can watch it on besides Dailymotion? Dailymotion seems painfully slow/laggy (not my computer cuz my youtube plays fine, and others are complaining about it too.. site probably cant hold enough mem)












Do you guys watch this on Twitvid, Viikii, Veoh or anywhere im not aware of.....












Please message me and let me know plllzzzz



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Guest hannahgarrido




:(  Anybody know ep 20 +


where i can watch it on besides Dailymotion? Dailymotion seems painfully slow/laggy (not my computer cuz my youtube plays fine, and others are complaining about it too.. site probably cant hold enough mem)


Do you guys watch this on Twitvid, Viikii, Veoh or anywhere im not aware of.....


Please message me and let me know plllzzzz



try sweetpotatodays.blogspot.com or SNSD Seohyun Forever at facebook....


they have complete episodes from 1 to latest.. hope this helps!!



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