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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest Kerube-Chan
















































































































I dont know but I have this feeling that after the weeding photoshoot, something really changed and they have become really real... I just have this feeling about it...
















































































By the way thank you to the people who provided the translation to the gag concert, poor YH... kekekek but it is true, you are very lucky because (as everyone has noticed, even the gag man) your wife have become more beautiful and glamorous since she is married to you, she is a lady, take the credit boy it is yours! (And hers, but his too)... kekekeke
















































































Ah whatever, I think they are really real right now... Taeyeon was right with her new year wish, the warning was given... And I totally love it! (If he really gifted her the coat, that is Woah!!!)
















































































Happy anniversary YS!!! You will never read this, but my best wishes for you two, I hope you keep growing together, supporting each other and in the future, when time is right, just get married for real! Your fans will support you!
















































































You belong to each other!
















































































Happy spazzing my fellow gogumas! I love my Go-Chun-Paem!!! :)

















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Guest mach8infinity


hi fellow go-chun villagers,


*pops out of lurking mode* just want to say my thanks to the translators, the video subbers, the cool people behind the yongseo project team, and the soompi posters... thank you for your efforts! the posts here really brighten my day whenever i check the thread. :wub:




by the way, I am from Singapore and here's my message to yongseo for their first anniversary and valentine's day.




first anniversary message:


Yonghwa-ssi and Joohyun-ssi, hope your sincere prayers for a long-lasting affinity (be it friendship or couple-hood) at the Kawagoe Temple come true!




valentine's day message:


Bless your souls, yongseo couple! hope you guys never stop loving each other as a couple or best friends! Happy valentine's day!


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this couple drives me crazy. instead of sleeping i think of them. and just ask myself all the questions to see they are real or reel.

from what we see there are a lot of things to say it not enough to be real, but also a lot of things to say that impossible to be reel. hmmm. i m really crazy now.

Thinnking about the period when they had middang. when Hyun sent Yong an sms to say that she held hand with Kyuhun, and just let him now. the more i think the more i wonder, why she had to send that messeage because that is outside WGM, and why Yong had to mention about Hyun sent this measage to him.

they made me confused with all their action, because they care for each other so much, because they are holding hands like a couple. and people around them make us more confused. they acted with YOngseo differently compared with Adam and Khuntoria couple. it seems like they are seeing them as two kids dating and need some helps. dont want to analyze too much. but they really made me lack of sleep.

this really Yongseo addciton. :wub:


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dropping by just to share this...
































































































































enjoy watching!..
































































































































Fan MV YongSeo Couple (Lovely Skinship 39-41)
































































































































cr: Ichigokawai2
































































































































i really like to watch yongseo fmv's.. because it is all precious memories to our couple...

















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Guest billieberlian

dropping by just to share this...

enjoy watching!..

Fan MV YongSeo Couple (Lovely Skinship 39-41)

cr: Ichigokawai2

i really like to watch yongseo fmv's.. because it is all precious memories to our couple...

im watching the video uve posted just now..just discovered it through utube ;-) so sweet..i love watching all the fmv's too!! i have been 'collecting' all their mv's n i can watch them again n again n again n again, while crying+smiling..oh, too much of goguma :-)

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Guest winbros
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Anyeong fellow-shippers
































































































































































































































































After reading through the 1700+ pages and watching the Yongseo cuts countless times (including all the fancams and such), I decided to delurk :ph34r: and post my thoughts.  This may be long, so please forgive me.
































































































































































































































































When I first saw Yong's Guerilla Interview on KBS, where he was asked if he was afraid of his 8 sister-in-laws, I was dumbfounded to think that he had married young.  A friend clarified that his marriage was for the reality show WGM and I forgot about it after that.  Months later, I chanced upon Season 1 of WGM and watched part of it, and out of curiosity switched to Yongseo to see if Yong would be like Shin Woo in YAB.  The rest is history...... hooked like the rest of you.  :P
































































































































































































































































This lovely couple IMO beats out all the other couples from BOTH seasons (I'm a proud YongSeo shipper, a father of 2 married to a wonderful wife).  Their story (scripted or otherwise) has caused much thought on my end, I wonder how they can do the things they do for each other without it being scripted, there are too many instances to list, e.g. the Goguma field as Hyun's birthday present, along with the couple necklace for Hyun and her mom; and her present back to Yong in the song and couple rings.  At the same time, the little things they do for each other, like Hyun's resolution letter to Yong on Ep2, Yong's letter to Hyun's mom on her birthday, the photobooks/guide book they made for each other, and Yong's songs for Hyun all scream to me that can't be scripted surely, they are too personal, especially Yong's letter resolution letter-reply back to Hyun written on screen. 
































































































































































































































































My head (and cynicism) tells me that everything was planned, scripted and provided for as per the program to hook viewers like us.  My heart (and romanticism) tells me that not all of it could be planned/scripted surely?  The conversations they had when they first met, in the CNBlue practice room, during the uniform date, in Japan, etc.  They seemed honest and heartfelt to me.  How much freeplay do the couples have when shooting I wonder... (grateful if any of you can shed some light here).
































































































































































































































































I have spazzed with all of you watching the episodes, reading the forum, and watching all the other links (provided by the wonderful villagers here) where they appear to genuinely care for each other as well as subtly/overtly acknowledge each other (which other WGM couple wears their couple rings and uses stuff they bought for each other this often?  Since I don't follow the other 2 couple, I guess I'll never know :phew:).  And I still cannot distinguish between real and reel.  This is a terrible program, I feel for the 2 of them, any of the things they have done for each other is enough to break down walls many times over in the hearts of even the most cynical persons, let alone 2 young idols who appear made for each other, 1 of whom had never experienced relationships before. 
































































































































































































































































In the end, I have decided that I am not going to care if it was real or reel, I will ship them alongside all of you, and wish them all the very best in whatever they do during this time and after WGM.  I hope and pray that these 2 wonderful people (lovebirds :rolleyes:) will come out of the program stronger and if they end up as close friends, that would be a blessing for the both of them.  If they end up as a real couple, I'll stand alongside all of you in defending them.
































































































































































































































































I hope I did not break any forum rules with this post, it is my first  ever post in soompi (in honour of our favourite couple).
































































































































































































































































To Yong & Hyun, may your journey continue to be one filled with love, laughter, surprises, joy and eye+skinships :lol:.  We'll be walking it with you and enjoying the journey, daydreaming about how great it would be if you ended up together for real, supporting you even if you end up as friends after the journey.    Hwaiting!   
































































































































































































































































PS: a big thanks to all of you (too many to mention) who translated, provided links, gave comments/analysis/reports/etc.  You make this thread happening and the reason why we are at 1741 pages and counting..... B)
































































































































































































































































Lurk mode on....... :ph34r:

































































































































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dropping by just to share this...
































































































































































































































enjoy watching!..
































































































































































































































Fan MV YongSeo Couple (Lovely Skinship 39-41)
































































































































































































































cr: Ichigokawai2
































































































































































































































i really like to watch yongseo fmv's.. because it is all precious memories to our couple...































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Just happen to drop by and I saw FanMV sharing... Clicked and watched it.. Like it very very much, especially with the nice song- A perfect day to confess my love by Younha, such a match song with our YongSeo love story..:wub:.. Well done to the owner of this video.. Kamsamida~~
































































































































































































































I personally like this scene very much (cap from the FanMV). The feel of freedom, joy and happiness can be sense from this capture, I don't know why I have that feeling, the feeling just came to me when I first saw this. Both of them went on a long journey together and now finally, they are confident to show us how proud and happy they are to be together.
































































































































































































































I may not able to have a very great description by words, but let me attach this capture, hope you guys will feel what I wanted to mean~~
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































P/S: If this is night time with fireworks sparkling in the sky, how great and wonderful this picture will turned out to be..? :wub:

































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i am supposed to take some more rest as i am not feeling very well. but i just can't help to drop by to write down some of my thoughts. this series of busan eps has yet to be finished. but i noticed some heartwarming things i want to share with you.




for hyun....in hyun's letter to her mother-in-law, she humbly wrote about her inadequacy and said "yong oppa understands me well". to me, it means a lot to yong. when hyun writing to yong's mother and telling her that her son understands hyun well... wa..wa..wa.. it implies that hyun really has enough confidence in saying so in front of his mother who raises him up. she said the same thing once in goguma harvest ep. talking about her manager oppa, who i think has been working with her since her debut. hyun really means it when she says so. if hyun does not understand how yong treats her, she never knows how yong understands her. if it is the destiny drew them together, then it's yong's sincerity makes hyun open up her heart. some of you said they seldom have stares like previously. it may be so. but i think i may be also because they understand each other more and can act more carefree than before. do you notice... they now are no longer like a newly married couple. they talk more casually and respond to each other comfortably, without worrying the other's reaction as they understand each other better than ever.




for yong... in the latest ep., yong said he thought a lot about hyun linking his arm in the japan trip ep.. i started to think about ... what yong will think about. many many ... i think he did not expect hyun linking him as they had not met for a month at that time. 'is she doing this because we are in the show?' yong may get confused and may not sure as to why hyun linked his arm. he always says hyun's thinking is sometimes too complicated. but this time, it is his turn to think of things too complicated. hyun is not a girl doing things because of the rating of the show. i surely believe she missed him much during that month. i can still remember how happy she was in the backroom interview when she was asked about the feeling of meeting yong again. that's a totally "i'm in love' look.




and i appreciate yong's efforts and ideas of organising the busan ep for hyun. of course, for the show, he could just simply introduce hyun to his family and then bring her to do some sightseeing. i think inviting his closest friends to meet hyun is one of the things he wants to do for hyun. why ? to widen hyun's world. unlike yong who is a down to the earth type person, hyun is living in her snsd world with her eight sisters, many manager oppas. in her private life, i don't think she has many personal friends. no offence at all. it is easy to understand. she started too early for her career and lived not normally as an ordinary girl. she had to practise and perform when her classmates were having their class. when her classmates were having their summer holiday, she would spend the time to study if there was no performance. she was living in a world which is totally different from yong. so she has her books with her. it is the most secured way to keep herself away from loneliness. yong was surrounded by his close friends and it's easily reflected in his easy going character and playful personality. yong is really a kind oppa. i am really touched by what he did for hyun. i wonder what is the next time hyun will meet such a good oppa in her life ? ... really... really... yong, you may not have a chance to read this post. but can any of you tell him that he has to make sure he will treat hyun well as what he did, otherwise, she surely will feel hurt. if she gets hurt, she never treat anyone again, that's exactly what she said at their first train trip, trust me. it's the only worry i have about hyun.




they are still young and have their own dreams. i always hope they will meet again some time later when they are more mature and develop into a new relationship. i will remember their names and hope to see their news together some years later.


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yong is a happily married man..

with the success of CN Blue Japan concerts,

his very own composed Banmal song doing the all kill at the charts and

meeting buin for a shopping spree, and knowing that after the gag concert,

they'll meet again for that skating date. :wub:

ahh...god bless them..

i am happy seeing them like this..

thank u soo much to scatterbrain & phoebe for translation..hugs!

oh..we have another oppa in the thread!

welcome winbros oppa!

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Just hopping by to share a one-shot about YongSeo that I immediately put down on paper after watching their latest episode.









Every Light And Note









It's a quick read, so please check it out and give some feedback. :)


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So, SMEnt Artists are allowed to date after all....















































































































































































































































































































































































































































On Hangeng's (SuJu guy who left) latest statements:
















































































































































































































There are reports that trainees endure strict training, are prohibited from dating, have their personal feelings ignored, are taught a sense of group consciousness, and sometimes are even charged by their companies to ‘entertain’ outside of their normal schedules with liquor.
















































































































































































































When [the reporter] mentioned the report, Hangeng denied the statement and explained, SM is never like that. I’m not sure how other companies work, but SM would never do that.”
















































































































































































































With that, I'm resting my case on yongSEO. :wub::wub::wub:
















































































































































































































**only SEO gets the big part for now coz I dunno about FNC yet! haha
















































































































































































































and just for the record, I LOVE @ichigo_kawai's latest FMV!!!!
















































































































































































































The song got into me been playing it the whole day! LOL

















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Guest Phoebechiu






Another new photo...




The Water boots!!




*quoted image*






Credits: soulmate@dcmarried








And REMEMBER: Tomorrow... SM town in Tokyo and WGM recorder.










According to the fanaccount from DC, this is the pair of boots that Yong got her not the one she wore during the shooting.  Seriously, I am confused now.  How many pairs of shoes did Yong get her?wacko.gif  



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So, SMEnt Artists are allowed to date after all....




On Hangeng's (SuJu guy who left) latest statements:




There are reports that trainees endure strict training, are prohibited from dating, have their personal feelings ignored, are taught a sense of group consciousness, and sometimes are even charged by their companies to ‘entertain’ outside of their normal schedules with liquor.




When [the reporter] mentioned the report, Hangeng denied the statement and explained, SM is never like that. I’m not sure how other companies work, but SM would never do that.”






With that, I'm resting my case on yongSEO.  :wub:  :wub:  :wub:




**only SEO gets the big part for now coz I dunno about FNC yet! haha






and just for the record, I LOVE @ichigo_kawai's latest FMV!!!!


The song got into me been playing it the whole day! LOL








if this true, yongseo can be real...... waahhhh.......daebak!!! i hope if WGM has ended, it's not the ending for them but a beginning for them....... AS A REAL COUPLE......cool.gif


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your post about SM dating rule is true































































































































and as long as i know SM never forbid their artist from dating BUT when their artist is dating they need to tell the company first and then the company will decide weather it can be reveal or not































































































































and most of them who are dating will not reveal their status at that time they're dating































































































































i have been cassiopeia (TVXQ fans) since years ago when they're still at SM. Ent































































































































and i heard a lot about their dating story certainly after the relationship is end































































































































yeah the truth is there are a lot of them who're dating but fans would never know about it






























































































































































































































































same goes with FNC,, i remember read yong interview in the past that his company will never intervene their private life like being in love































































































































i dunt remember where i read that,, but trust me its true^^






























































































































































































































































i wish if our couple dating in real life after WGM end,,































































































































they will reveal their relationship































































































































just dont bother the antis or the immature fans out there XD,,,
































































i still cant understand idol life at korea when they cant life like normal people
































































dating is normal for human being,, and they're YOUNG PEOPLE
































































aaahh seriously...

































































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Got a question for the Korean translators out there -

In the latest episode, after Hyun starts hinting about the necklace, she says 'My neck is missing something'. MC Kim jumps in and says 'Does she need a scarf?' Then Jung Hyun says something ' ...... ...... .... .... Seohyun!' Can anybody translate what he says, please?

Also, there is a section of their 'necklace' discussion that the MCs talk over. Yong is talking and is gesturing with his hands shaped like a butterfly, I can hear him talking and Hyun answering, but of course, the only part translated is the MCs comments! Which I don't care about......

Finally, when Hyunnie is talking in the blackroom interview about not wearing the necklace, she reaches under her dress top and pulls the butterfly necklace out and says something that doesn't get translated. What does she say?

Sometimes these little things that get missed because the MCs are jabbering over the conversation between Yong and Hyun really irritate me, because what they say to each other (or about each other) can give us another feeling or dimension to their relationship!

I'm hoping someone will respond to this with the translations - M3, J2DLEE? THANK YOU, VERY MUCH!

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Guest ichigo_kawai








Anyeong everyone...^_^ I really miss all of my family in here. Waves







Thanks for all about yongseo couple, Fanart, Fanfic, link, translation, thank for engsub videos.












I wanna thanks to d_????? for posting my FMV.
















@billieberlian @lenovo @Hapiangle Thanks for your comment in here ^_^.







And thanks to everyone for watching my FMV and All your lovely comments.  I really apreciate it. ^_____^ Sincha Kamsahamnida...












Here is just wanna share some pict ^_^

























































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I find Yong’s friends are funny and cute.  They all look like they come from well-to-do families.  They are well-mannered and friendly.   Jinsuk seems like the shy one, but he’s a loyal friend.  That Volvo XC90 station wagon he’s driving around in is an expensive, imported car, but it’s probably his parent’s car.  The fact that he has to drive around with the interior lights on and all rigged out with video cameras was pretty amazing, I wonder how his parents accepted that?!

Oookhun seems to be the funny one, the prankster, but he is too in awe of Hyun to loosen up yet.   You can see how Yong keeps expecting him to let loose with something funny – but he’s too uptight.

Donghyun could be a stunt double for Spock on Star Trek!   All he needs is the pointy ears and slanted eyebrows, but he’s still good-looking and doesn’t seem to be so awed by Hyun.   He’s always smiling!

Yejie is cute!  But I find her most interesting.  I wonder how she became so close to these guys but didn’t end up dating any of them?  I find it hard to believe she wasn’t attracted to one or more of them.  Maybe she was, but it didn’t work out, so they just remained friends.  Was one of them Yong?   We’ll never know, but that question I’m sure is sitting in Hyun’s mind right now.   You can see Hyun is struggling  with the logic of a girl friend who is not a girlfriend.  Must be a tomboy?   No.  She’s not very pretty?  No.  Then what?  That was a loaded question from Hyun.   Then what is she to you, Yong?  Yong says he doesn’t think of her as female, but you can see Seohyun doubts that is true?   How can you ignore someone’s sex who is close to you?  I’m sure this will come out in one of Hyun’s line of  questioning in the future!  Because she is not hard to look at - she is pretty – and has an outgoing personality.  She seems to be one who is not afraid to voice her opinions, and that’s maybe why these guys like her so much.  Because she is able to keep up with their banter and teasing and still prevail.

Credit to Hyun for being open-minded and friendly to Yejie and Yong’s friiends.  I think she goes out of her way to overcome the awkwardness towards all of them, and tries to act like a ‘normal’ girl, not a celebrity.  I think we’ve all realized that Seohyun of SNSD is not Seo Joo Hyun.   That fierce and sexy dancer and singer on the stage is just a shy, reserved girl off of it!

Kudos to Yong for doing this for his buin - but also for his friends.   They get to bask in the glow of a celebrity (I like how they totally ignore Yong’s celebrity status!) and Hyun gets to experience what it would be like to be dating with a bunch of friends as a normal, 19-year-old teenager without all the screaming and crowding of crazed fans.   I’m sure this is part of her life she hasn’t experienced and probably missed not being able to participating in.  I’m sure she will leave this meeting with Yong’s friends with a whole list of new experiences and feelings.   And Yong wants them to meet Seo Joo Hyun - the real sweet, considerate and humble girl that exists off the stage - that is not Seohyun of SNSD!       

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Guest teoki61
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Got a question for the Korean translators out there -






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































In the latest episode, after Hyun starts hinting about the necklace, she says 'My neck is missing something'.  MC Kim jumps in and says 'Does she need a scarf?'   Then Jung Hyun says something ' ...... ...... ....   .... Seohyun!'  Can anybody translate what he says, please?






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Also, there is a section of their 'necklace' discussion that the MCs talk over.  Yong is talking and is gesturing with his hands shaped like a butterfly, I can hear him talking and Hyun answering, but of course, the only part translated is the MCs comments!  Which I don't care about...... 






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Finally, when Hyunnie is talking in the blackroom interview about not wearing the necklace, she reaches under her dress top and pulls the butterfly necklace out and says something that doesn't get translated.  What does she say?






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Sometimes these little things that get missed because the MCs are jabbering over the conversation between Yong and Hyun really irritate me, because what they say to each other (or about each other) can give us another feeling or dimension to their relationship!






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I'm hoping someone will respond to this with the translations - M3, J2DLEE?   THANK YOU, VERY MUCH!    































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Well I'm not Korean but I think Junghyun didn't say Seohyun but "aah chinjja wae Hyung?!" (aah really why Hyung?)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































& I think in the second part you've mentioned Seohyun says "I thought you didn't know".
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Hmm that's what I understood but I'm not sure...Hope M3 or another korean goguma can help us^^

































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Guest Yangie12
















Got a question for the Korean translators out there -










































In the latest episode, after Hyun starts hinting about the necklace, she says 'My neck is missing something'. MC Kim jumps in and says 'Does she need a scarf?' Then Jung Hyun says something ' ...... ...... .... .... Seohyun!' Can anybody translate what he says, please?










































Also, there is a section of their 'necklace' discussion that the MCs talk over. Yong is talking and is gesturing with his hands shaped like a butterfly, I can hear him talking and Hyun answering, but of course, the only part translated is the MCs comments! Which I don't care about......










































Finally, when Hyunnie is talking in the blackroom interview about not wearing the necklace, she reaches under her dress top and pulls the butterfly necklace out and says something that doesn't get translated. What does she say?










































Sometimes these little things that get missed because the MCs are jabbering over the conversation between Yong and Hyun really irritate me, because what they say to each other (or about each other) can give us another feeling or dimension to their relationship!










































I'm hoping someone will respond to this with the translations - M3, J2DLEE? THANK YOU, VERY MUCH!



























I'm not Korean either, but I agree with teoki61.














I think that Jonghyun indeed said something like: "Ah, really..our hyung."














For the second part: "I thought you didn't know."














And in the blackroom interview: "This is the item/This is the item in question."














Of course, I can't say this with certainty..so if a Korean fan can varify it for us or correct us on this part..please do so ^^



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^ Ah! Didn't saw your post! Sorry about that ^^;









Got a question for the Korean translators out there -









In the latest episode, after Hyun starts hinting about the necklace, she says 'My neck is missing something'. MC Kim jumps in and says 'Does she need a scarf?' Then Jung Hyun says something ' ...... ...... .... .... Seohyun!' Can anybody translate what he says, please?

















Jonghyun: 'Ah, really. Our hyung.'

Also, there is a section of their 'necklace' discussion that the MCs talk over. Yong is talking and is gesturing with his hands shaped like a butterfly, I can hear him talking and Hyun answering, but of course, the only part translated is the MCs comments! Which I don't care about......









Seohyun thought Yonghwa forgot about the necklace which he denied so he had his hands shaped like a butterfly to describe the necklace (to show he does remember).









Seohyun: 'I thought you didn't know.'

Finally, when Hyunnie is talking in the blackroom interview about not wearing the necklace, she reaches under her dress top and pulls the butterfly necklace out and says something that doesn't get translated. What does she say?









Seohyun: 'It's this item.'


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