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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest icegabrielle






Hi.. Just finished watching today's episode.. I love the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law relationship between Yong's Mom and Hyun.. And after reading Hyun's letter, you can see that Yong's Mom was touched by what she had read.. Almost misty-eyed.. Gaaahhhh..  I'm definitely loving the progress in the relationship of our YongSeo couple and their family..  And they held hands!!!  Seems like they're used to holding each others hands, eh?  blush.gif


Anyways, please add me to the list.. icegabrielle from Philippines..


YongSeo Fighting!!!


Edit:  Just want to say thank you to Dduk for the translations.  And to MountainMadMan, don't feel bad or sorry.. Things like that really happen.. And to our subber, synskiss (i hope i got your name right, i'm so sorry if i didn't.. sweatingbullets.gif), thank you in advance... blush.gif



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Good episode, full of warm feelings between Yong, Hyun and Yong’s MIL!

If I were in Yong’s shoes (and I have been in the past!),  I would be very nervous about this meeting!  MIL’s are the toughest critics of DIL’s.  They analyze every word, every expression to try to determine the DIL’s true character and intentions.  I would worry that my girlfriend would say something inappropriate that could be misconstrued in some way by the MIL.  I would worry that the MIL would tend to ‘grill’ the DIL, asking too direct and too personal questions for the first meeting between the two of them.

In my opinion, Hyun-ie was the perfect DIL!  She went way beyond what would have been expected in a real  DIL meets MIL situation, let alone a supposedly ‘fake’ marriage for a Korean drama.  She was, as always, awesome!  I get the feeling that she was really worried she would disappoint Yong in some manner, but it was entirely to the awesome side that she succeeded.  Her preparation again supported the feeling that Yong is important in her life.  What ‘actress’ would do such a thing in a Korean drama?  Come on, there are real feelings here, not made up for some show.   This was a display of affection for her special man and a statement of gratitude to the mother who made him that way!  I told my daughter when she meets her future MIL, this is how she should act, heh-heh!  She got all embarrassed……  blush.gif   

The thing that has always impressed me about Seohyun is that even though she is a member of the #1 girl group in Korea, an accomplished singer, dancer and musician, she is so down-to-earth and humble!  I find that quality about her something that is exemplary in someone her age.  No matter who she is with, she tries her hardest to please that person, without any sense of ego, vanity or privilege on her part.

Yong’s Mom is beautiful, elegant and funny!  You can see where Yong get his choding side from, but it seems to me his Dad is very joyful, too.   Yong’s Mom, I feel, was extremely impressed by Seohyun.  The gifts, the heartfelt and humble letter, I felt like she would have cried if there was no camera on her.  I’ll bet she tells Yong, ‘If you ever hurt this girl, or lose the opportunity to keep her by your side, I will be very disappointed in you!’   She watches WGM!  And she told Hyun ‘there is nothing you have to fix, you are doing fine,  it is Yong who has to work harder’.   Mom must know that Yong doesn’t share what he is feeling, what is in his heart easily.  She pretty much let Yong know he needs to ‘open up’ his heart to Hyun, and to her, too!   I thought the comment see said about how Yong’s letters to Hyun surprised her was interesting!   Something Yong does only for his Hyun!   

The jealous side of Mom came out, too!   I don’t know if she is ready to share Yong with Hyun, yet?  When Yong put the food on Hyun’s plate first, the jealous side came out, and Hyun quickly corrected Yong.   The comment about the Korean drama where the MIL fights and kills the DIL was a little too much, even if she was joking!  Hyun was shocked by it, she laughed, but I hope she doesn’t take it into her heart, later, like she usually does, after thinking about what MIL said about her jealousy.

Yong handled this situation well.  He knows his Mom, he knows Hyun, he let the conversation flow between them without interrupting, but is there to support both of them.  This isn’t about him, it’s about them.  After all, this is their meeting, he knows both of them, they are the ones who need to get to know each other.  His quietness also displays his confidence that his Mom and Hyun will do well.  He trusts Hyun will make a good impression, and he knows his Mom will be funny and kind.  He read the situation well, and you can see the pride burst upon his face for both of the important women in his life.   And he complimented Hyun at every chance.  Well done, Yong!

The parting comments by Yong’s Mom about wanting to meet Hyun’s parents made me go, ‘Whao!’ Again, how can this be for a show?  This is an expression of ‘I want to get to know you, Seohyun, better.  I want to meet your parents, so I can experience what kind of people raised such a lovely person!’   And she also says, ‘ See the nice places, meet Yong’s friends, then come back!’   So it is as expected, Yong and Hyun go to meet his Mom and maybe brother after the WGM filming?  I saw rumors that the WGM filming ended at 6 p.m., but Yong and Hyun stayed until midnight in Busan.  Is that confirmed anywhere?

The two of them walking comfortably, hand- in-hand, just lit up my face when I saw it.  They look so good together!   I can’t tell if their fingers are intertwined, but as someone else noticed in this thread, it seems their thumbs are moving, caressing each other’s fingers!  Ahhh….melts.  If someone can screencap that better, I couldn’t stop the video to see it clearly.  

All in all (even though it was too short) this episode left me warm and toasty inside.  I’m mostly so proud of Hyun-ie, she did so well, and for Yong being so supportive of his young buin in this difficult situation!

P.S.  Have you heard Seohyun in DBSK/TVXQ’s new OST ‘Journey’?  Seohyun’s bright, clear and sweet voice comes in at about the last third of the song, and turns a ‘good’ song into a ‘Wow’ song.  When her voice comes in, I get chills up my spine.  I can’t help thinking she has a ‘Journey’ with Yong in her mind when she is singing this!   The unnies have said since starting WGM, Seohyun has been putting more feelings in her vocals.   This song, especially Seohyun’s part would be perfect background music for the Busan trip!   Ha anyone seen an English translation of ‘Jouney’ anywhere?  I would like to know what words she is singing in the song.  If anyone knows, please post it here – Thanks so much!    ;)        


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Guest DJHinata

Here Something amazing !!! goguma fans are the best !!! 


The Busan Trip + Yongseo = REAL 

thanks for the raws and translations !! 

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Guest soshisoshisoshi






Here Something amazing !!! goguma fans are the best !!! 




*quoted image*




The Busan Trip + Yongseo = REAL 


thanks for the raws and translations !! 






Hi there!!! at first I didn't notice the difference in the picture (I'm quite slow :sweatingbullets:). Then I realized!!!! wow !!! Gogumas sure are talented......... By the way do you have the bigger version of the picture, coz I really like it..



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OMG!!! I replayed the part where they were holding hands and sure enough, I saw Yong move his thumb a bit, right after you see Hyun brush something away from her nose! I think I'm being delusional but I really think he caressed her hand XD OMEGEEEEEE, thanks for sharing that!!
































































































































Also, thanks DJHinata for that image. <3
































































































































I can't make a review for the episode right now since I am still in my crying mode because of the Adam Couple's farewell.
































































































































Regardless, this episode to me, tops the birthday episode. Every word they said were heartfelt and genuine. It's as if we (the audience) have become an eavesdropper on their moments. I feel as if I'm prying too much on their personal lives. I don't know how to put it in words, but all I can say is, whenever they are together, they become just regular citizens, people. They don't need to act cute nor entertain anymore. It baffles me a bit because they are still stars and yet they are so humble and there is no air of arrogance or ego in them.

































































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Guest DJHinata

Hi there!!! at first I didn't notice the difference in the picture (I'm quite slow :sweatingbullets:). Then I realized!!!! wow !!! Gogumas sure are talented......... By the way do you have the bigger version of the picture, coz I really like it..

owo !!! i don't have it T_T !! but it's really amazing right? this should be the image for his single >,< 

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I have nothing more to add. Everything's been said and I'm just enjoying watching these two people (and the mother-in-law haha).
























































Someone mentioned the thumps when they were holding hands and I honestly didn't pay attention to it earlier, but playing it in slow motion makes it a lot sweeter when you pay attention to it! I've made caps for everyone.
























































First it was Seohyun. They were just holding hands as seen here:
















































































































She then slightly moved up her thump, for a split second.
















































































































To get a better grip of his hand perhaps.
















































































































Then just a few moments later, Yonghwa moves his thump too.
















































































































And holds her hand even firmer.
















































































































Gah. Someone bring me back to reality.









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Guest soshisoshisoshi






owo !!! i don't have it T_T !! but it's really amazing right? this should be the image for his single >,< 






AGREE!!!! If only they promote the song together, the pic would have been the image for the single.......... but wow! I'm still really amazed at the picture. Hope I can find a bigger version somewhere...... If you happen to find it let all of us know ^^



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Guest hottest-generation

i just wanna share a compilation i made

for yong's cheesy lines in wgm :D

hope all of you like thisssssssssss~ (:

Compilation of Yong's cheesy lines!

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I was searching for the right word as to how I felt since last ep. and d3jk10 you nailed it. Eavesdropper, that is exactly how I felt. Like *blushing* is it alright for us to join them in their meeting/conversation with MIL?! But I know I wouldn't pass this chance for the sake of my life, lol.




Thanks Dduk for the translation and M3, you are really sweet, you're our angel, nuff said.




@Lovekin: I think it's time for another reality check!!




@DJHinata: awesome picture!! I love it <333





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This week eps have been really hard for me to process...mentally speaking...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































That's why i saw The second part of the busan trip first and normally i would comment about it...but i just end up watching the last ep of Adam Couple and i'm still crying like a baby...it was not only because of them but i felt really sad just to think that our couple may go though all that someday...

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest YongSeoForever
































































HI!! =)
































This week eps have been really hard for me to process...mentally speaking...
































That's why i saw The second part of the busan trip first and normally i would comment about it...but i just end up watching the last ep of Adam Couple and i'm still crying like a baby...it was not only because of them but i felt really sad just to think that our couple may go though all that someday...































































sorry to cut your post.......i dont watch adam couple but today i ended up watching their last ep too....I was tearing because I think of our couple...i can't imagine the last day of YongSeo ...but i guess we just have to enjoy the process...every little joy and love they bring to us.
































YONGSEO FOREVER although there will eventully an END to it...

































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seeing all the adam couple's fans being sad. my heart ache. yeah, we are fans and we love them the way we want to love. i feel pity for them ( all the couples) when they been in this program but also thank to them im addicted. if they found their love, it will be happy ending, but if not , it is really cruel show. it not like you play drama, but you play with your own feeling, if you control then fans say you fake but if you not control what will happen.

Gain and Adam, they are such a nice couple, i hope they can be a real couple but who knows. if they are not im sure there will be a lot of fans dispointed of them.

and with our couple, what will they gonna be, when they already involve even their parents in this show. we still spazzing and happy because of that. but what if they are not real couple in the end. will we be calm enough to not criticize them? it is even hard for their gf or bf. idols life are really cruel. i wish our couple will have happy ending. i still beleive they are real.

but sometimes i asking myself, if they are not real. will i still love them. i convince myself that i will love them anyway, but if one of them has bf/gf right after the show, will i still love them. honestly i cant take that yet. i think i am not a good fan then

for our couple, they are work so hard for the show, they all tried their best, and put too much effort, that why all yongseo fans so spazz everywhere, thats why it even hurt more for fans and themself after the show.

just wish our couple will end up together. that will peace :wub:


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the thing i love most about this episode was when omoni read hyun's letter























































































when she's reading the letter.. she was so seriousss.... it got me worried 























































































 but after she read hyun's letter.. her face... the shot was so brief... but the look on her face.... like she's about to cry... i don't know how to explain it..she was really touched by hyun's letter... its so so so priceless..it made me cry... 









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gogumas... here's the link of the latest episode... its clearer blush.gif enjoy blush.gif

















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Guest k.rivera19
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I just notice that throughout the restaurant conversation, the mom uses her eyes to talk to yonghwa somehow i dont know like her eyes are telling yonghwa that he should pursue seohyun...but i love this episode it shows a lot of emotions from all three and i love that they can just naturally hold hands now .. i would have wanted to know how they got to holding hands though ... cant wait for the next episode already .. i wanna know more spills about yonghwa from his friends this time :P
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































thanks to dduk for the translations :D
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































and to mountainmadman: dont stress out over it.. you dont need to say sorry .. we are greatful that you even take the time to translate for us ... fighting!!

































































































































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Guest ahn_annann










semi-fly Thank you so much for all raw files..






DDuk, MountainMadman.. Many thanks for translation ..












Ep.40 ..






share my caps :






























my favorite scene












402z.th.jpg 403b.th.jpg 404as.th.jpg






406z.th.jpg 407em.th.jpg 408h.th.jpg






4011y.th.jpg 4013.th.jpg 4015w.th.jpg



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Guest kasia3goguma
































































ahn_annann thank You for sharing so many good quality pics! :)
































































































Gogumas! I have a favour to ask!... Can someone tell me the titles of the books that Seohyun adviced Yong to read?































Thanks in advance!
































































Now I'm waiting for video with subs! Kekeke I will definitely show my sister this episode! :P

































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Guest haemin13
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Mountainmadman, sorry to hear about what happened to the computer, but no worries, we're all waiting patiently for translations,and we're always grateful to you. glad we also have Dduk w/ us ^_^
































































































































































































































































































































































































hopefully we would have something for our translators as well, or like a company who would invest for something like this. i mean, allkpop writers gets money for translating news articles, i hope there's one for translators/subbers to encourage them to coninue doing this. Kudos to all our hardworking translators, we really appreciate your hard work and dedication.
































































































































































































































































































































































































going back, i really missed a lot. i used to read this thread even if im at work but my supervisor now is scary :sweatingbullets: . this thread moves so fast, it's really hard to backtrack.
































































































































































































































































































































































































but one of those that i have missed was the release of the banmal song. i really like yong's voice, esp the MR removed. but maybe i'm being biased but i love the duet version. it's faster, and it's really sweet. but of course, we have to support Yong husband's version. :wub:
































































































































































































































































































































































































will wait patienly for the subbed version of our ep 40 :)
































































































































































































































































































































































































V wow, that's fast ^_^

































































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